For Love of Love 4: The New World

Story by Cel on SoFurry

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#4 of For Love of Love

The group of Digimon and humans made their way out of the city. Oliver silently thanked whatever forces may have helped him for going in there and coming out with his life. He hadn't pictured himself losing his virginity in there, of course, but nothing had really turned out the way he pictured today anyway, so why should that have been any different. Not that it had changed Jes much--if anything, she was even more detached and apathetic than beforeve.

Everyone was more or less following behind the seven-foot tall fox Digimon. For a few moments, Lex had positioned himself up to the front of the line next to Jes, but a quick verbal rebuttal punctuated by an only-barely dodged punch ended.

"It should be .... this way ..." Jes said, obviously navigating based on her memories of the area. Surprisingly for Oliver--or not so surprisingly, compared to some of the other things that had happened around him lately--it only took her about twenty minutes of walking around to find whatever it was she was looking for. Exactly what that was, he wasn't quite sure. It looked like a really complicated symbol characterized by sharp edges, and almost exclusively 90 degree and 45 degree angles. Oliver didn't like the way it looked. At all.

"I don't like the way that looks," he commented.

"This looks like it's at least a gigabit of shouldn't take us much more than a few seconds to get back," Jamie explained. He looked down at the symbol, and he got the distinct impression that it was staring back at him. That was completely impossible, of course, after all, it was just some mostly random markings on the ground, but didn't look very nice. It made him feel anxious.

"I don't like it...." he announced. He was quite aware that no one cared whether or not he liked it, but he voiced his opinion on the matter anyway.

"We need to stand on the edge of that symbol."

"I still don't like it..."

"Stop complaining." Jes snapped.

"Fine. You've done this before, right?" He asked, turning to Jamie. Of course he did--he was a tamer, he had been for three and a half years. So of course he had. He mus have come and gone from the Digital World like this all the time.

"Nope! This is a first for me." Oliver's stomach heaved in protest, jumping somewhere in between his heart and halfway up his throat. That wasn't the answer he had pictured. It would have perfectly alright if Jamie had lied to him, Oliver would have been willing to entertain the fantasy that Jamie did this regularly. everything hadn't turned out like he he had imagined they would.

"'s going to miss you if you stand there," Jes said. "Not that I would mind, it's perfectly alright if you get stuck here."

"Jes...don't be like that," Jamie said despairingly, taking a step back. Oliver was glad his Digimon wasn't anything like that. At the moment, Lex seemed occupied with concentrating on the symbol as he traced around it with his foot in an effort to cover the whole symbol without going over the same spot twice. Angie was watching him, giggling every time he failed.

"Lex ... what are you doing?" he asked.

"You can't tell?" The Magusmon giggled.

"Yes, but'd take forever."

"Longer than that, Oliver! It's impossible, actually," he kept giggling. "There's an odd number of contacts, so I can't do a complete circuit this way...But that doesn't make it any less fun!" He quickly returned to what he was doing. Oliver stared blankly. The Digimon had a better understanding of the usages of geometry than he did. Great. That was reassuring for his hope fur a future career in physics. His original mental model of Lex had him as being somewhat more simple, from an intelligence perspective. But, now that he thought about it, his subtype was spellcaster, it would only make sense that he'd be smart.

"The edge, Jamie, the edge. You have to stand on the edge. That is not the edge. That is the center."

"Excuse me, Jes! This isn't something I do every day."

"I noticed."

Oliver couldn't help but laugh a little bit at the dialog between the two of them, and he couldn't hep but wonder which one of them was really the tamer in that relationship.

"How do we activate it?" Oliver asked. He had posed the question partially out of sheer morbid curiosity and partially out of the fact that e was really, really hungry, and he was anxious to get back to the Real World, although not so anxious about demonstrating shower usage to the Digimon.

"You just--" Jes' ears quickly flattened in the middle of her sentence. Before he could ask the questions whose words hadn't even quite formulated themselves in his mind, the answer to that question was made clear: the...thing...had already been activated. At least, if a large pillar of blue energy coming up out of the ground was any indication of that.

Some force began to pull him upwards; it pulled him upwards with enough force to negate the action of gravity on him entirely; and that was saying something. He reached out for Lex and grabbed his arm. Angie did the same thing, almost simultaneously. Lex didn't do anything other than giggle at the two that were attached to him. The sensation of moving up along the datastream was akin to riding an elevator up to the top floor of a building from the bottom, only while constantly accelerating and reaching a much, much higher speed at the end.

When his stomach, having taken enough punishment lately, was about to leave his body through his mouth, he stopped suddenly, and he couldn't see anything other than total darkness. Everyone but Jes started to say something, but they were all interrupted by a bright flash of light, lasting only long enough to cause a searing pain to run through his eyes. Once he opened his eyes again, Oliver took in the scene around him. That scene consisted of a large, seemingly endless white mist.

"What the hell?" an unknown voice, belonging to a female, seemingly, said rather angrily. The energy around Lex's hands suddenly changed color from blue to red, and he stepped in front of Oliver between him and where the voice seemed to be coming from.

* * * * * * *

Lex prepared himself for the worst. Even though it was just a digital field...maybe some enterprising Digimon had made it their lot in life to harass anything that tried to bioemerge. But he had a tamer now. And a mate..he had to protect them.

"Not wilds," another voice answered the first one, speaking much more calmly than the first two. "Two tamers, their Digimon, and ... an Angewomon." Whoever was attached to the first voice stepped through the mist and revealed themselves. It was a female human! Another human! Lex grinned happily, although no one could see his face at the moment.

"Who are you?" Jamie asked.


"Okay...I'm Jamie...that's Jes."

Another Digimon--looking very much like Jes, only a little bit shorter, and yellow and white rather than green and black--stepped into view through the apparent edge of the digital field and into view next to this 'Rika'. She was looking very intently at Jes, much in the same way that Jes seemed to look at everybody else--the kind of look that demonstrated they were thinking about how many ways they could kill whoever they were looking at.

"You have a Renamon? Nice." Jamie said. Lex narrowed his eyes a little. That statement hurt him almost as much as what Jes had said earlier. But that had been different; that was another Digimon. This was a human--a human talking about Digimon like they were...just...things to be compared.

Lex cast a despairing look to his own tamer to see if he was going to point out the fact that, in their current forms, the Magusmon could easily reduce both of them down to nothingness if he wanted to--perhaps simultaneously if he was careful. But, to Lex's delight, he had a disgusted look of his own! Lex smiled inwardly at that. At least his own tamer saw him as a person...

"I'm Oliver," his human friend aid, interrupting their conversation. This is Lex...and Angie."

"...What have you got?" Rika said without so much as turning her head to view Lex or Angie.


"...they look like amateurs." the Renamon commented. Uh-oh. Jes isn't going to like--


"Was that a challenge?" Rika asked. Oh, no... Lex watched as Jes raised her sword. This wasn't what he wanted. Not that his life had ever really adhered to the dictates of his mind. The Renamon, who had kept her arms folded the entire time, unfolded them and stared down Jes, growling softly. Rika pulled out her digivice--different than Oliver's--and a deck of cards.

" you want to go somewhere safer?" Angie asked.

"It's so needless ..." Lex said, starting to become completely detached. Jes' sword found its way to the throat of the Renamon. Why were they fighting...? What were they trying to prove? "I thought that being around humans would stop this ... but it's almost worse ..."

"Oh, Lex..."

"This isn't what I want for you, Angie. I wanted--"

"_ Magi! _" Jes blasted the Renamon away from her with a blast of force. Lex twitched at the use of a special attack against someone else who had no better reason to hurt someone other than the word 'challenge'. Rika swiped some card or another, and Renamon jumped into the air.

"Lex? Can you take me somewhere safer?" Lex looked down. He wouldn't do that. He wouldn't let Angie live his old life, even on such a small scale as this. She hadn't done anything to deserve it. Lex looked at the innocently smiling Angewomon to the two fighting Digimon, then to the Digimon's tamers, who looked like they were enjoying this far too much.

He felt Angie's hand rest on the back of his shoulders as he hid behind her. He closed his eyes, suppressing a few tears...why were they doing this?

"_ Diamond St- _"

I can't take it anymore...

"STOP IT, STOP IT!" he yelled, opening his eyes _ Prohibition Papers! " His most oft-used attack simultaneously canceled the _Diamond Storm, caught and paralyzed Renamon in mid-air, and did the same to Jes.

"Arrrgh, you little--".

"WHY?!" Lex yelled at the tamers and the Digimon. "I don't understand! What's the point?!?! None of you have anything against each other!" He looked at everyone else, honestly and fully expecting them to answer him. None of them did. Renamon, Rika, Jes, or Jamie.

"LET GO!" Jes struggled futilely against the bonds of his spell. There was no way she was going to be moving trough it, though. Especially at the level she was right now--he had another half a minute or so to try to figure out why she was doing what she was doing.

"Tell me why!" he insisted.

"SHE INSULTED ME!" Jes said. She was straining now, and was capable of at least a little movement on her own. Still, he wasn't worried about her doing anything dangerous or profound. His eyes turned the insults he had borne thanks to her earlier, while they were still in the city.

"You insulted me earlier," he pointed out. "I don't want to kill you for it."

"I...AM......NOT......YOU!!" Jes grunted in between each word, exerting herself enough to take a few steps over towards Reamon, who couldn't move at all and didn't look any better for it. What would she do next? Would she continue on her ridiculous conquest of death by attacking him, or would she finish with Renamon? Judging from the direction of her steps, she was going against the now-helpless Renamon. He pursed his lips. Maybe there was one last thing he could do...

"I'm well aware of that, Jes," he said, pulling the hood on his head back and taking a few deliberate steps in between the two fighting Digimon. "...But I've seen enough unnecessary death," he continued sadly, looking up directly at Jes' red and black eyes. "I don't think I can handle any more."

"Who said I was going to kill her?" Jes asked, folding her arms--obviously, she had partially regained control of her body by now, but that wasn't foremost on his mind. Her words were. That wasn't the point, that wasn't what he meant. He sighed. Jes...just didn't understand what it meant to hurt somebody.

"Fighting...death...the line blurs, Jes, when you've seen as much as I have." he tried to explain, still looking directly at Jes' eyes.

"What?" Jes asked. It didn't look like he was getting anywhere...his luck, it seemed, had run out. Maybe there was one last thing he could do.

"If you two still insist on this pointless contest...then you must do what you must. But I'm not going anywhere." With a snap of his fingers, he canceled what was left of the spell. He put himself into a passive position by reconnecting the arms of her robe and looking down at the ground. Jes might have been able to attack the Renamon alone...but maybe she wouldn't be able to attack her with him there.

"I have lost interest." Renamon said from behind him.

"Whatever." Jes scowled, moving back over next to her tamer, who was looking at Lex with an incredible look. Having lost some of his respect for Jamie, Lex didn't meet the gaze of the DarkBladeRenamon's tamer, instead looking back to his mate, who was looking at him with something between thanks and beaming admiration.

Lex knew that he should be happy with himself. After all, he may have saved somebody's life...but it brought him little consolation. Everything he that was over for him had just turned out to, well, not be over.

"Oh, Lex...don't be unhappy!" Angie jumped towards him suddenly, and he caught her, her legs wrapping around his chest.

"Did I do the right thing, Angie?" he asked his mate, unsure whether or not what he had done was effective at all.

"Of course you did!" she pushed her face into his hood and kissed him. "You did everything you could, and it worked," she smiled at him, then kissed him again. The next time she said something, it was in a whisper. "I don't understand you,'re a natural Mega, but you can't even stand to watch others fight. I don't get it...but I still love you." She kissed him a third and final time, and was about to explain a little bit about himself when--e

"_ Ba-boom! _" The magician Digimon turned around and saw Jes block a small fireball by moving only her sword.

"...You..." Renamon said, her voice tainted heavily with disdain. She was looking at what looked like a very small, relatively young demon Digimon. "Do you have nothing better to do?"

"Notta thing, toots! Bored ta death, yer lucky I came down here to save your tail!"

"Hardly." Lex bit his lip and tightened his grip on Angie's back. Did that little thing realize that he, a child-level, was obviously no match for Jes as an Armor Champion? Jes certainly wasn't going to show this little creature any leniency. To confirm his thoughts, Jes moved with incredible speed and grabbed the little Digimon by the neck.

"How pathetic," she commented.

"That is not necessary. He is not a threat, merely a nuisance," Renamon said.

"Hey, don't listen to her! She's just scared'a me! Scared'a me and my power!"

"...she has a point. You wouldn't be able to defeat any of us. Your data is worth nothing to me." Jes dropped the small Digimon to the ground and took her place next to Jamie. Lex stared at Jes with surprise. Had she just done that? That was very out of character for her. Slightly confused at what he had just witnessed, he continued to watch her as she stood unmoving next to her tamer. Oliver began talking to the two of them, so Lex listened in.

"Has she always been like that?"

"Yup...that's why she's so strong. She annihilated almost a hundred Digimon since--"

"A hundred and six," Jes corrected. "Totalling eighty gigabytes of data." Lex twitched. He tried to imagine what those hundred and six Digimon were like, and what they had done to deserve Jes' wrath. Probably not much, it didn't take a great deal to get Jes' wrath. But...a hundred and six. Who could kill a hundred and six living things without feeling any regret? Lex had killed...he didn't like it, but he had. His tally wasn't anywhere near hers, though.

"Lex...? Please don't be sad... I hate when you're sad..." she wormed her head into his hood again, kissing the side of his face.

"... There are other kinds of strength," he said to no one in particular, ignoring what Angie ws doing.

"Hey! Don't tel me that you're scared too, foxy! I've got your data right here!" The little devil Digimon said, throwing another one of the small fireballs at Jes. She let that one hit her, but it obviously had no effect, hitting her armor harmlessly. Jes growled--she was quite clearly struggling with the fact that she was letting the little creature go unharmed.

"But Lex..." he looked up at his tamer, who had just spoken his name. "...he doesn't seem to like fighting, and he's a natural Mega..."

"You're right," Jamie replied. "I hadn't thought of that."

"Hey, c'mon! Fight me! C'mon!"

The Impmon jumped up onto Jes' shoulder, trying to strangle her with his little tiny arms that couldn't even reach around her neck. If Lex was in a better mood, and he wasn't expectig Jes to kill the poor thing any moment, it almost would have been amusing. He sighed...wherever he went. He couldn't get away from fighting. Even in the real world. He considered stopping the fight again, like he had before, but he didn't see any good that would come of it. That Impmon, although he just looked sad and pathetic now...what if he ever managed to get to Mega level and started acting like that? The destruction that he could bring to the Real World would be hard to check. Maybe it was best...maybe...he sighed. That was a horrible line of thought he didn't want to walk along it any longer. He hated fighting. Never noble, never good. Always destructive. He shook his head violently, then pressed it hard against Angie's shoulder.

"I guess it's just our lot in life," he said, mostly to Angie, but partly to himself. "Its taken me a long time to realize it, but I guess there's nothing I can do about it--"

"_ Crystalline Strike! _" He heard Jes' voice say. He closed his eyes even tighter than before, pushing his head into his mate almost violently. He didn't want to see it. Because if he could see it, he could see it, he could have stopped it. Should he have? Would that have been the right thing to do? What about Impmon...he could Digivolve later, if he kept attacking any Digimon in sight and was eventually successful...there had to have been something he could have done about that. He could have paralyzed the thing and explained to him why what he was doing was wrong. But did it really matter in the long run? Lex started berating himself on the small Digimon's behalf.

"Hmph. Consider yourself lucky." Lex turned his head around hopefully at what she said. Luck was still on his side; Jes hadn't killed the Impmon. She could have, but instead she had stabbed her sword quite violently into the ground, where it remained in a large crack that it had produced. "That is power. You do not have power." Impmon, looked scared out of his mind, ran over to Rika, who promptly rebuffed him. After that, he ran up a tree, making his way quickly out of the visual range of the group.

Jes had shown mercy! Lex smiled, teleported next to Jes, and hugged her thankfully for what she had done. He probably looked like a complete idiot doing that, but he didn't care. He was happy! After a few words with one another, Rika left, her Digimon accompanying her.

"Lex, get off me," Jes shrugged him off. He happily complied, but Jes added an extra shave anyway, because she was Jes. It didn't really bother him, though. "Ahh, my head..." Jes, leaving her sword in the ground where she had stabbed i into the ground, sat down on a bench situated at the far end of the street, taking her helmet off and rubbing her forehead.

"Jes? Are you--" Jamie started to ask, but stopped abruptly when Jes collapsed onto the ground rather ungracefully. "JES!" Lex was the first one next to her, thanks to teleportation.

"Jes?" he asked, cocking his head. "Are you alright?" She didn't answer.

"JES!" Jamie lifted Jes head up. "Oh my god..." he pulled his hand back and looked at it. It was dripping blood. Lex touched the back of her neck gingerly. There was a surprisingly long and deep slash covering just above where her back met her neck. Impmon must have gotten lucky. Very lucky. Behind him, Angie made an 'eep' noise at the sight of the blood and was immediately clinging to him from behind. He would have giggled and turned around if the circumstances had been different.

* * * * * *

"That rat!" Jamie yelled angrily. This was bad. This was very bad. He had never seen Jes get hurt this bad. Usually, she didn't get hurt at all. It was usually her who was dealing out the hurting, not the other way around. But ... now that was different. This wasn't something he had ever thought aout, losing Jes like this. He always just kind of assumed she would win any battle...she always had. To have her hurt like this by a child-level was really kind of insulting to him as a tamer.

"Here. Use this." Rika said from his side, her hand extended with a card in it.



Jamie read the text of the card. It completely healed the Digimon it was used in. In exchange, the Digimon lost a complete natural level. Which would bring her to Rookie, at least until she digivolved again.

She's going to hate me for this...but a least she'll be alright.

"She isn't going to be happy, Jamie..." Lex commented, tilting Jes' head up.

"Yeah, I know...." he slid the card through the slot, and Jes immediately began to change. Her armor and sword faded away, she shrunk in size, and began to look very much like a green and black version of Renamon. Once the transformation was complete, she opened her eyes and looked down at herself.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" she yelled, looking directly at him. He was sure that she was about to kill him, or at least main him for the rest of his life. But she didn't do anything of the sort. Instead...

"... thanks." She said after a few moments of silence. Jamie, like everyone else who seemed to have mnade their way behind him, stared at his Digimon.

"WHAT?" Jes growled after no one responded. By the time he was able to speak, Lex had taken the words directly out of his mouth before he could say anything else.

"I've never heard you thank anyone for anything!" The little magician piped up, seemingly unafraid of Jes. Of course, she was a full two levels beneath him now, but that seemed to be the way he generally acted with Jes anyway: unconcerned happiness.

"Yeah," he whispered to Lex. "That's the first time she's said that since, well...ever."

"I bet!"

"Lex, shut up!" Oliver gave the Magusmon a little nudge.

"I was worried, Jes!" the little creature said unconcernedly.

"You know what I ought to do to you, you little..." Lex just grinned through the threats like he wasn't even acknowledging them. Which, Jamie suddenly realized, was exactly what he was doing, now that he was a whole two levels above Jes. "Oh, okay..." she looked quite nervous now. Jamie didn't really know why, there was no way that Lex would ever even want to harm Jes, much less actually do it. Lex cocked his head at Jes' response, obviously confused.

"What's wrong, Jes? You're not your usual self."

"I did just de-digivolve two levels..."

"Yes, but why does .......... oh. That doesn't change anything!" The little robed thing ran over to Jes and hugged her, almost lifting her from the ground in the process.

* * * * * *

Jes' eyes widened when Lex touched her. Aw, damn...why do I have to be so weak? She fidgeted nervously and made a loud meeping noise to voice her anxiety at the contact. She didn't like that at all, not in the least; especially considering the fact that she couldn't even begin to do anything to get him off of him if she wanted.

"Lex? I think you're really scaring her."

"Aw, Jes, I wouldn't hurt you." He teleported from in front of her to her side and began tickling her, making her even more nervous. She hunched her back over in a rather futile and fruitless effort to get away from his hands, meeping even louder. He didn't seem to see anything wrong with what he was doing, though, because he didn't stop or even hesitate.

"Seriously, Lex, quit it..." Jamie said. At least he was smart enough to figure out that she wanted him to get the hell away from him.

"Okay..." he finally complied, teleporting over to his mate and playing around with her instead of Jes. She breathed a small sigh of relief, and moved back near the one person she had left in the world, even if he was a spineless, stupid, and possibly the most useless idiot in both worlds. Still, he would be something in between her and Lex. Something that Lex would listen to if it told her to stop and leave her alone. The two humans started to talk about where exactly they were in the Real World, and she decided that that information would be of more use to her than watching Lex and Angie go at it--something they seemed to be doing almost constantly now. It was almost sickening, really.

"Where are we, anyway?"



"Were you hoping for something else?"

"England would be good. I hope my credit card will work here."

"I don't know what to do in the middle of suburban tokyo..."

"I don't know, either...I guess we could get something to eat first."

"Why the hell do our problems always end up involving food? You, your digimon, and food. Stop thinking about eating."

"But I haven't eaten in ages."

"Maybe we can find a hotel. With food, of course." Oliver suggested. Jes couldn't help but grin at Oliver. He was just so ... unlike Jamie, even though they were both humans. He didn't whine all the time, he didn't pretend to know everything under the sun about his Digimon, and was even not entirely unattractive. For a human, anyway. She found herself moving closer and closer to him as she thought about him, eventually finding herself completely behind him. Once she realizedthat, she bit her lip and began to question herself. She was still in heat, even though she was at a lower level, and even she didn't understand herself when she was in heat. Normally, she understood everything she did quite well. But not when she was like this.

"Alright, then, lets go...Lex? Angie? We're leaving." An obnoxious pair of giggles signaled their acknowledgement. Lex alone was enough, but now there were two of them. It was too much for her. When they started moving, Jes tried to remain as far from them as possible. When Lex got closer to her than she had any interest in him being, her hand instinctively reached out to her tamer, for all the good that it did. But, when something touched her, it wasn't Jamie, and it wasn't on her right, like Jamie was. It was on her left, and it was Oliver. Had she just done that?...that was odd. Seeing Lex getting closer to her, his Angewomon in tow behind him, she meeped and sunk her claws into Oliver's hand. She heard him wince, but that wasn't enough to make her pull her claws out of his hand. She wasn't even sure if Jamie would have let him do that. She bit her lip a little as she fell into thought. Jamie was all she had left, really. He was her tamer, even if she hated calling him that. He tamed nothing. He did nothing. All he really did was stumble around like the incompotent fool that he was. Even so...he had saved her life, and he did have the occasional moment where he comforted here, like when she found out that Nedremon wasn't interested in her any longer. So, she supposed he had his moments. Maybe not a great deal of them, but he did have them from time to time.

"I want to see it from up there..." Lex said. She didn't want to look back, but she assumed the little freak was talking about going on top of one of the buildings. Momentarily, she didn't blame him. This was nothing like London at night. London was much more quiet than this. Here, there were lights flashing from ever direction, incredibly loud noises of various types happened at least every few seconds, if not more so. By the time she discreetly turned around to try to see where he was lookinog, the two of them were already gone. A sigh of relief managed to escape her body. Being relatively weak compared to him was one thing. But now she was a whole two levels beneath him, and she probably couldn't hurt him in battle unless she got really, really lucky. She shuttered at the thought of not having any control over that, and gripped Oliver's hand even tighter. He winced again, but still didn't pull away.

"...where'd they go?" he asked after turning around to say something to Lex and Angie.

"Up there." Jes pointed at the top of one of the nearby buildings.

"Oh," Oliver said. "I guess we can leave them alone for a while..."

"How about there?" Jamie pointed towards what looked like a small hotel. "That place looks alright."

"Sure," Oliver responded. Jes, not having much of an opinion on the matter, remained silent. Jamie led them into the small building, which Jes knew was a hotel. Jamie's family had run a glorified one for longer than she had known them. This one wasn't anywhere as nice, though. She lowed her head and flattened her ears, looking around nervously at the empty lobby. There was no one at the desk...

"Um, hello?" Jamie asked, ringing the bell on the counter and looking around. Jes let go of Oliver's hand, put both of her paws on the counter, and looked over the edge.

"If Jes takes any keys, I'm leaving," Oliver said, referring to the earlier incident that ended up with her fighting a trio of BlackWarGreymon. He was obviously joking, but Jes didn't find it funny, and urned around to give him a scathing look.

"Good evening!" a voice from somewhere behind the counter said before she could scold oliver too much. An old woman emerged from an office behind the counter, looking at no one in particular.

"Good evening. Do you have any rooms?"

"Yes, we have 2 free."

"Do you take visa?"

"We do. Which room would you like?" Jes looked up at Oliver, who had paled. What was wrong with him? They were just talking about--she followed his line of thought, quickly blushed, and looked away. She had slept ... near ... Jamie before, but the thought of sleeping with him had never really crossed her mind. Apparently, it hadn't crossed Jamie's mind before, either. If it had, then he was just too spineless to act on it. Reflecting on the possibility, she wouldn't have given him a very warm reception even if he had.

"We'll take both!" Jamie gave the woman his credit card, the concept of which he had tried to explain to Jes on a number of occasions as a way to make conversation, but she had never been paying attention to him. As far as she was concerned, it was just another 'human thing' that she didn't really need to worry about.

The old woman did something with Jamie's card involving a machine in front of her, then took the last two keys from the rack behind her and handed them over, along with the card. Jamie kept one of the keys for himself and gave the other one to Oliver.

"Enjoy your stay!" The woman said to the two humans as thy started walking away. Jes quickly ran up behind Jamie, assuming that's where they were going to stay.

"Great," Oliver said, opening the door to his room. "Some time alone. I'm going to sleep," he announced, locating the door to his room, unlocking it, and going on. Jes thought about following him in for a few seconds, to try and talk to him about what she was feeling, but her sense of duty to her tamer, however useless and stupid he was, compelled her to follow him into his own room. He flopped down on the bed and turned on the TV with the remote. Having not closed the door behind him to let Jes in, it remained open, and she bit her lip nervously, looking from Jamie to the closed door of Oliver's room, which was two doors down on the opposite end of the hall.

"Jamie?" she eventually asked. "Can I ... ?" she gestured with her head back at the direction of Oliver's room.

"Jes, you can do whatever you want. You know that." She bared her a teeth a little at the remark. He probably hadn't meant that to be taken as an insult, but that's how it flt to her. Holding back a snarl, she angrily teleported herself over to Oliver's room so he wouldn't notice her. With her dark green fur, Oliver probably couldn't have seen her even if he was looking. Like Jamie, he was laying on the bed--this room had two--but he was giving his digivice a very thorough analysis, pressing buttons, looking at the screen, turning it over in his hands, and looking at the screen again Eventually, with a defeated expression, he laid back against the pillows and sighed.

"Would a manual have been too much to ask?" He complained to no one in particular. Jes remembered Jamie trying to figure out how to use his. Jamie, however, had been quite vocal about it with her, asking her every little thing about the device as if she knew everything about it.

"... ... ... I know how it works," Jes offered in a soft, quiet voice, stepping out from the shadows. Oliver's head turned, his eyes widened, and he promptly was on his feet. His digivice was not. It was on the floor.

"J-Jes! You scared me!"

"I noticed." She smiled a little, picking up the digivice that the human had dropped, gingerly offering it back to him. He extended his hand out toward hers and closed it around the device. In the process, his five fingers touched her three, and he looked up at her, directly at her eyes. She felt her face flush quickly, but she didn't turn away.

"Why are you here?"

"I don't know," she said, being honest with both herself and Oliver. "No real reason, I guess." She kept looking at his eyes, silently grateful that her green fur hid the blush beneath it. She didn't really know what she ws thinking anymore. But she did know how she felt, even if she couldn't put it to words.

"Oliver, I ..." she started, then stopped, demonstrating her inability to put those feelings to words. "Ah, damn it!" Giving up, she dropped Oliver's digivice to the floor and jumped onto him, effortlessly knocking him down onto the bed. Her paw quickly found its way into the human's pants and began hurriedly rubbing his crotch. He immediately issued a surprised moan, and she could feel him grow harder and harder as she rubbed

"J-Jes," when it was hard enough for her to slide her hand up and down its full length, he grabbed her wrist and stopped her only moments into the act. "What's your hurry?"

"I don't really know," she admitted. Probably a function of her being in heat, she had this insatiable desire to make him cum. She started up again, offering only a sheepish half-smile to the human as an explanation for her actions. Again, Oliver checked the movement of her paw.

"Have you ever ... tried anything else?" he asked, himself blushing almost as much as she was.

"What do you mean?"

"I know..." he looked pointedly down at what her hands were busy doing. Jes' blush immediately intensified as she remembered what she had done on impulse when she had been back with Angie and Lex in that city in the Digital World. Pulling Oliver's clothing the rest of the way off, she licked his dick once from its bottom to its tip, smiling to herself at the gasp he made when she did. She continued to do that a few more times before taking the full length of it into her mouth and sucking, just as she had done before. Falling into a euphoric state, she started nibbling with her teeth.

"H-Hey, no biting..." Oliver said in between gasps. She ignored his request and stopped sucking, instead teasing him with her teeth and tongue alone. Some part of her in the back of her mind protested at this course of action, repeatedly pointing out that Oliver was a human. At this point, she didn't care. She was too busy to care, so she quickly repressed that part of her mind back into submission and continued what she was doing. Her eyes turned briefly up to see what Oliver's reaction was, and she found that he was enjoying this quite a bit. Grinning, she suddenly changed techniques on him, going from teasing him with the sharper teeth in her mouth to a near-constant suck.

"Ahh...Jes..." her hands, placed on his thighs, detected an obvious shudder, quickly followed by an explosion into her mouth. She chocked slightly, not expecting the human to produce so much, and quickly drew her head back to cough once before collecting herself and swallowing. When she was done, she licked what was left off of her and and shuffled up next to him on the bed.

"...Oliver?" she asked tentatively, looking at him with guilt at what he was doing. She had spent a lot of time in the Real World, or at least she liked to think she had, and she also liked to think that she knew humans relatively well. Oliver seemed like he enjoyed himself whenever they were around each other like this, but was that only because she was giving him sex? She was using him..she was in heat, and she was just using him. That realization prompted a frown from the BlRenamon just before Oliver responded.


"I'm sorry..."


"I've just been using you..." she struggled to explain herself. This wasn't like anything she had ever tried to explain to anyone before, she had never needed to explain herself like this to anyone before...not even to Nedremon. She liked the sex with him...he was quite good for a human, and didn't seem to mind when she had lost herself in her heat and hurt him. But there was a part of her that she wasn't very familiar with, a part of her that wanted Oliver to like her as more than someone to have sex with.

"Using me?"

"I'm just ... so alone ... " she answered. I must sound so weak and pitiful, she thought to herself. Normally, that would have bothered her, but somehow, here and now, it didn't.



"What about Jamie?" she instantly growled at the thought of the name..

"What about him?" her tone quickly grew harsh, much more so than she wanted to use around Oliver. Instantly, she regretted it. Her harsh words didn't seem to phase him, however.

"You have him, don't you? He cares about you ... I think ..."

"Maybe ... if he does, it's because he feels like he has to. But he doesn't trust me. I've done too much for him to trust me."

"Like what?"

"I can't talk about it," she answered quickly. She didn't want to tell him about that stuff. It she did, he might have changed his mind about her, and that was the last thing she needed right now with everything the way that it was.

"Jes," Oliver said her name then turned her shoulder. She leaned against his hand a little, getting comfort from the touch of the human. "I know you want someone to talk to ... but I'm really no good at this kind of thing," he said. A small frown developed on his face.

"Neither am I," she smiled a little bit, turning her head farther to the side, getting his face in full view. "But..." she was bothered by something, and she felt the need to tell it to someone, even if the person she was telling it to wasn't going to talk to her about it. "Can I tel you something?"

"Of course you can, Jes. Anything."

"... you can't tell this to anyone else."

"Very well." She laid back, staring up at the ceiling and started pouring her guts out to Oliver.

"Years ago, when I was still young, I finally digivolved to this level from my child form. I was happy enough...I had a little bit of power that I could use to get my way, which was something new for me. I got more and more powerful, but I still wasn't very powerful--at least nowhere near what I wanted to be. I..I...wherever I went, I ..." she struggled with the words to this part of the story. It probably wasn't a good idea to give him this information....she hadn't told Jamie about this. She hadn't told anyone about this.

"Jes ... you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No, I want to," she decided before continuing. "There were ... males .... wherever I want. They wanted to corner me, get me alone, or ... not alone." she frowned at some of the more gruesome of those memories.

"Oh, Jes, I'm--"

"Some of them I killed, and enjoyed doing so. But there were always a few that I could never get away from, some higher level Digimon with a ... taste ... for Rookies," she frowned again, more, as some disturbing images came to mind. "I could never get away from those ones. they weren't a group or anything like that, the type was just always around. Nothing I could do would stop them, and ... I wasn't always able to get away." She couldn't look at Oliver while she was thinking about what had happened to her then, so she looked away quickly.

"Those males are long dead now," she continued. "I killed, and killed a ot, and eventually digivolved up to my champion form. I killed them all." There was a long silence between the two of them, and neither are moved for its entire duration. Eventually, Oliver broke the silence for her.

"Why are you telling me all of this?"

"Oh, I don't know." she sighed, exasperated." "I've never let anyone touch me ... there ... since then, at least not consciously. I've lost myself in heat once or twice like I did with you before, but I regret doing so. I guess ... now that I'm back in this form, I'm kind of scared, but when I'm with you, I'm not. I guess I just feel safer--" she abruptly stopped herself in mid-sentence. Had she really just said that? She wasn't really thinking about what she had been saying, but it was all true. She did feel safer around him. Now that Lex was a full two levels above her, there wasn't really anything she could do, if he decided that he wanted to have his way with her, the way the others had back when she was originally in this leave. It had been different when he was asleep. He was ... well, cute ... then, and he wasn't conscious, and she needed someone to cry on that wasn't her own gender.

Suddenly, Oliver laughed. She turned her head to see a grin spanning his countenance.

"What?!?!" she growled, a little more hostile than she had meant to. Oliver, however, didn't seem to be very bothered by that.

"I just...that's funny."

"FUNNY?!?!" she growled more fully, meaning it that time. That wasn't funny. None of this was funny! She was stuck in her rookie form again, and the only comfort she could was derived from being close to a human. There was nothing funny about that.

"Not funny like that," Oliver said, "Just ... odd."

"Well, fine." She growled a little softer, folded her arms, and looked up at the ceiling. This wasn't what she wanted to happen by telling him this. What part of her wanted was for him to feel sorry for her. Another part, the same part that wanted Oliver o like her as more than just someone to have sex with, wanted him to embrace and support her like Nedremon had...Her thoughts turned back to him for a few moments. That fucking son of a bitch had abandoned her, why couldn't she keep him out of her mind? She just couldn't. Looking back, though, she wouldn't have minded having sex with him, although she never had.

"Um, do you need some help?" She looked at Oliver to see what he was talking about, and he redirected her gaze downward towards her stomach, where one of her hands was moving around in a small circle. She immediately blushed and was again glad that he wasn't able to witness her embarrassment. It only took a few moments for her to realize precisely what he was offering, and she quickly blushed even harder. Considering the offer, she looked at the human. He wasn't entirely unattractive. In fact, he was kinda sexy, in a weird way. At any rate, she had already given her mouth to him...why not this?

"... yeah ..." she said weakly, biting her lip.

One of Oliver' hands moved onto her stomach, sliding under her paw. The other one moved onto her side, where it stayed unmoving. His head, on the other hand, moved closer to hers until it was only a few inches away.

"Um, can I ... ?" nervousness twinged the question that Oliver proposed. He licked his lips to show her what she meant if she didn't already understand--which she did. Blushing furiously, she nodded, closed her eyes, and prepared herself for her first kiss with a human.

Rather than the full, deep, impassioned kiss she was expecting, she felt two dry, quivering lips press hesitantly below her nose; not quite what she was hoping for. She waited a few moments to see if it would get any better. It didn't.

"You could at least do that right," she said, grabbing the human's head and giving him something more along the lines of what she was thinking.