Death Of The TITAN 2: Meeting The First Five

Story by EMUSS on SoFurry

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#4 of Death Of The TITAN

and heres the next installment of Death Of The TITAN. its been 3 hard months but i finaly finished this chapter.

and i hope you all like it as much as i do.

special thanks to [the golden malamute] for help with editing.

this chapter contains adult action thatsis intended for furs18 years an older i assume no responcibility for youngsters reading my story yadda yaddayadda.

on with the show :)

The alarm clocked beeped loudly, a finger reached out and clicked it off. A knocking at the door made his ears perk up and he shouted "Yah?"

From outside a yell thrummed through the door "Dude get up we're late! Cmon!"

''Ok Darren ill be out in a minute'' he gets out of bed while stretching then looks at the clock. 9:15 am, ''I got time'' he said, as he walked over to his dresser and opened a drawer, then rummaged around in it and got some new cloths and a towel. He then made his way to the bathroom while stripping off his old sleep clothes. The young Folf stood in front of the mirror and looked himself over. He stood at 5 foot 6 with black fur and pale gray down his muzzle to his stomach and inner thighs, he also had very prevalent fox and wolf traits from his parents, though he never knew them. His mother was an arctic fox, and his father a timber wolf. He has pale gray socks on his arms and legs like most foxes do. The color being pale gray due to the mix of white from his arctic fox mother and black from his timber wolf father. His tail on the other hand was snow white tipped with a warm gray and black. Although he is slim he has an impressive muscular build. After shaking off some sleep by looking himself over he got into the shower and turned that water on. Then he picked up some soap and started scrubbing himself over.

Meanwhile outside his friend Darren paces in the hall outside the apartment.

''Damn what's taking E so long, we are late enough as it is if we don't get going like now~! we aren't going to have any good parking spaces.'' Darren hears some footsteps approaching from down the hall. He looks and sees a couple of female furs walking his way, a female cheetah, and a female dog.

The female dog smiles and walks over to Darren. ''Hey human boy, what's a guy like you doing in a fur only apartments?'' she asked nicely as Darren composed himself

''Ohh I'm just waiting for a friend of mine.'' he replied.

''Your friend wouldn't happen to be E now would it?'' the cheetah asked.

''Uhh yah how'd you know?'' he said.

''Well, for one your outside his apartment, and other humans don't really come around here.'' she smiled

"Ohh, I guess that makes sense." He laughed.

"So what's your name, or would you rather we call you human boy till the end of time?" Both females giggled at him.

Darren realised he'd forgotten to introduce himself and blushed. "My names Darren, E and I went to high school together." The cheetah looked him up and down

"Nice to meet you Darren, my names Cathy and the bitch next to me is Susan" The dog growled softly as Cathy turned and grinned smugly at her.

"Nice to meet you girls. So how do you know E? If you don't mind me asking" The group made small talk outside, while Darren waited for E.

E rinses himself then applies shampoo to his head fur and lathers it up. After several minutes in the shower he rinses off, then turns off the water an steps out grabbing his towel and wrapping it around his waist, he sets out to dry himself. After another 5 minutes of drying he got dressed in some shorts and a tank top, walked into the other room grabbed his backpack and keys then walked to the door. He stopped as he heard voices outside. Darren was talking to a couple of females that lived right down the hall from him.

Both females simultaneously got quiet and looked at E as he opened the door and stepped out.

''Hello Cathy, Susan.'' he smiled at them. They both shivered as he looked into their eyes, they blushed then quickly said their goodbyes and hurried to the stairs. Most females submit under his strong gaze, his eyes were a deep shade of blue, very captivating and intimidating. His fox traits gave him a very attractive form while his wolf side gave him very noticeable dominant side. Lesser males' wouldn't think of challenging him while other more bold males would see one of the most noticeable aspects a folf has.

''HEY!'' a voice yelled from a door that had just opened. ''What you doing here human? This complex is for furs only, so get lost fool'' a male hyena barked while stepping out of his room.

Darren took a step back not wanting any trouble, or to cause any for his friend.

E growled and stood in front of Darren while staring down the hyena.

''What!'' the hyena male said. ''You gonna take your human fool out yet. cuz he stinks''

''How about I take you out and shove your face into the pavement, while grinding your muzzle into a bloody soup!'' E growled still staring down the other male as he took a step forward, the hyena took a step back then spoke

''Well I see your in a pissy mood, smell ya'll later then.'' he quickly retreated back inside his apartment.

''Let's go Darren.''

Darren agreed and they both set off down the stairs to the exit into the parking lot, both where talking and messing around on the way to Darren's car.

''You know E I don't wana cause problems for you at your apartments. Most of the furs there don't like humans commin around, ya know.'' Darren had concern in his voice as he unlocked the car doors and got inside.

"Man don't worry bout it they can't do shit, it's a free country they can't keep humans out of the building, like humans can't keep us furs out of public lots.'' He barked a laugh trying to put his friend at ease.

''I guess your right E, hey wana grab some burger king on the way to the beach?'' Darren asked.

''Naw I'm good you can stop for something if you'd like, it IS your car and you're the one driving'' E said jokingly.

Darren turned on the radio and a news station came up talking about how bad the economy had gotten the past 2 years, and how unemployment for both humans and furs are skyrocketing.

E spoke in a sarcastic tone. ''It's only a matter of time before people start using rocks for money since there are no jobs around.''

''E your brain is a rock'' Darren chuckled

''Like a brick'' E said while both started laughing. Darren put the car into drive and they started off down the road, passing some buildings that had gone out of business recently.

''So Darren what kind of car is this again? I keep forgetting since my brain is a rock''

Darren laughed. ''You mean besides the obvious Mustang printed on the back?''

''haha, you know I'm no good with cars like you are.'' E stated.

''Well let me tell you this Mustang is a 1967 Shelby GT 500 with factory upholstery" Darren preached proudly, while E shook his head up and down.

''Uhh huh, so what where you talking about with Susan and Cathy?'' E asked.

Darren thought about it a second. ''Well I was waiting for you when they came down the hall and asked if I was waiting for you, so we started talking. So how do you know them?''

''Why, you interested? hehe i could hook you up with Cathy she's interested in humans'' E joked

''E no offence, but you know I'm not into interspecies.'' Darren said in a flat tone as E chuckled.

''I know I know I'm just joking, but I'll tell you how we met later''.

With that said the two drove to burger king to pick up something to eat, turns out E was hungry and ordered 2 burgers and a large fries while Darren only had one burger and a shake. After they ate they made their way to the beach, the ride there was more or less uneventful except for the occasional bickering about who would take over the world first, immature stuff like that. The drive lasted an hour, Darren kept looking at the time they were so late. It was 10:45AM by the time they got to the beach.

''Ohh man the gang is gona kill us, we were supposed to be here by 9:30. I am NOT taking blame for this!'' Darren said clearly distressed.

''Don't worry about it I'll just say we got side tracked by some smokin hot babes they'll understand.'' E said as he tried to lighten the mood.

''Right, you do that.'' Darren said while he turned the engine off.

They both got out of the car, Darren popped the trunk and set about getting his things out. ''Hey E give me a hand will ya.''

E turned around. ''Dude, paws" he held his paws up.

''You know what I fuckin mean dipshit.''

E laughed and helped him with a couple heavy bags. They both heard some yelling coming from behind them and turned to see their friend Nathan trying to get their attention. ''You fags are late, what took you guys so long?'' Nathan is a 19 year old Hairless cat, slightly shorter then Darren but a little taller than E. Though Nathan would never pick a fight with E willingly and today he was showing more skin than usual. '

'Nathan what the hell are you wearing?'' E asked as Nathan stood proudly, arms at his sides.

''A new purple Speedo, the girls have been checking me out all morning. So how's it look, pretty hot huh.'' he flexed his pecks.

''Only reason they were looking, was because your creepy as fuck in that thing.''

Nathan looked a bit hurt ''well I knew you'd be jealous of my good looks.

Darren cut in. ''Nathan I got an extra pair of trunks in my bag, if you'd like to change into something less homo.'' E stifled a chuckle. Nathan just shrugged and took the extra trunks.

The three of them talked for a while longer, till a couple of familiar voices called over to E and the others.

''Hey boys, room for two more in this party!'' Cathy said in a flirty voice, winking at the group followed close by her friend Susan.

Nathan quickly spoke up. ''Sure thing, couple of hotties like you shouldn't be at the beach alone. How's about I show ya'll a good time?'' he flirted while looking at Cathy.

Cathy: ''mmmm very tempting and I'm sure you could, But umm I prefer my males to have a little bit more pubic fur.'' the group started laughing as E made an ooing sound.

Nathans face turned beet red. ''IT'S A SKIN CONDITION!! OK!''

Susan spoke up with a giggle. ''Speaking of skin conditions, I hope you put sunscreen onto that BURN!''

The group burst out laughing as Nathan flattened his ears and wrinkled his face. ''I don't need this!'' he walked off, with his tail thrashing around behind him, clearly upset.

E told the group that he needed to talk with Nathan and he'd be back, the group continued talking as E went after Nathan.

''Nathan wait up!'' E shouted.

Nathan hissed at E '' I don't want to hear it man, just leave me alone.''

Nathan continued walking looking around, people both human and fur where looking at him. He started to have anxiety about them LOOKING at him with no fur. ''WHAT!'' he yelled at some of them.

E put a paw on his shoulder. ''Nathan its ok calm down''

Nathan turned around and nearly Clawed Es paw off his shoulder, ''CALM DOWN!? That's easy for you to say, you have fur. You don't have to live everyday with people staring AT you. BOTH human and other furs, I'm A freak!'' Nathan snapped.

''Nathan you're not a freak, you think people don't stare at me to? I'm half fox and half wolf. You think how I look makes people and other furs not stare at me when I walk by as well? And besides their not looking at your naked ass, their looking at that homo as hell Speedo you got on. I think I saw a Male Pitbull checking you out.''

Nathan looked behind him to actually see a male Pitbull wink at him while waving and grinning shyly.

''Ohh god, where the fuck are those trunks Darren gave me.'' Nathan forgot about every one looking at him and wanted to get the trunks on while E set on about leading Nathan back to the group. ''You know I could set you up with Cathy, if you want.'' E said, as Nathan looked at him. ''But I thought she likes more furry men''

''She was only teasing you, it was mean but she's not a bitch. Try just asking for a movie to start with she's more traditional. You know, get to know the guy before dragging him to the bed room.'' E chuckled to himself.

Nathan smiled a little. ''Ok ill try, you better be right. If she talks about my lack of fur again I may have to sock you''

E smirked. ''Try it, an ill kick your bald ass'' the group was laughing and messing around, apparently Darren had made a fool of himself while E was talking with Nathan. Susan walked over to E and whispered something in his ear. E spoke up shortly after. ''Hey guys Susan and I are gona bounce for a while, we will catch ya'll later when the fireworks start.''

Nathan raised an eye brow. ''Damn it E, Is it really that easy for you to score with chicks. I'm speechless''

E smiled then walked over to Cathy and whispered in her ear. She started smiling from ear to ear and then started giggling, she walked over to Nathan. ''So I hear you want to go to the firework show with me.''

Nathan didn't know what to say. ''Umm yahh uhh, only if you know, it's cool with you?'' he started to turn red again as she eyed him top to bottom, then leaned against his arm.

''I'll go with you on one condition.'' Nathan looked suspicious at her. ''Ok, what's the condition?'' he asked hesitantly. ''Ill go with you, only if you take me to the movies Sunday and watch whatever I pick out'' She smiled up at him eyes narrowed.

''OK DEAL'' He nearly jumped out of his skin. ''I mean, yah that's cool.''

E and Susan started to walk off, leaving the group to plot their day out. Susan led E by the hand to the water, they both swam out behind some large rocks where no one was around. It was totally private.

Susan swam up to some flat rocks and climbed up onto one, lying on her side. E swam up and climbed onto the rock as well. ''So what is it you wanted again.'' He smiled at her mischievously.

She smiled back. ''Well I was hoping to have an itch scratched, been there since this morning.'' E grinned, showing off his Fangs and teeth. This sent shivers down her spine. ''Plan on using those big boy?''

''Always.'' E smiled, as he leaned near her, Gazing into her eyes. She felt herself shrink under his gaze, as if she was losing herself in his eyes in a sea of blue. She didn't notice his paw moving across her cheek, it was as if she was under a spell only his eyes could see through her. She gasped feeling a claw running gently down her neck, leaving a trail down her wet fur. She squealed lightly as she was suddenly pushed into a laying position on the rock, and then he buried his muzzle between her legs. Before she could look to see what he was up to she let out a soft moan as she felt herself being licked threw her bathing suit.

E nibbled and licked at her through the thin fabric, enticing soft moans from her she laid back arching her back slightly every time he'd nibble at her slit. She was growing increasingly wet as he continued, with her breathing quickening. He chuckled to himself at her reaction, but he did feel like she was challenging him. As he moved a finger to prod at her entrance. they both shuddered as a wave hit the rocks splashing cool water droplets over their bodies. Susan moaned as his tongue pressed firmly through the fabric. Soon he was getting annoyed by her swim suit, so he growled and bit down to pull the bottoms of her swim suit off. She let out a yelp as she was nearly dragged with her bottoms being pulled off by his teeth.

Once out of the way he dove back in, pressing his tongue deep into her pussy while also inserting a finger for good measure. He couldn't believe how wet she was getting as he lapped up her juices. She must really enjoy what he's doing, but he had to think what he could do to make her cry out for more. She was already making whimpering sounds mixed in with moans. He added another finger inside and wiggled them around causing her to arch her back more and squeeze his head between her legs.

Nearby up the beach Darren and the others had decided to go to the snack shack to get some snack foods before the lunch rush happened, Nathan was running around the beach with Cathy, taking E's advice he found she loved to play tag even though she's a little to old to play kids games; but he didn't care it was fun, but damn Cathy could run. Nathan stopped around where E and Susan were fooling around to catch his breath, as he did he heard what sounded like moaning. He looked over to the rocks and smiled mischievously, and crept over to get a peek at people doing it. He grinned as he climbed up onto the rocks and peeked over towards the bottom, he gasped and ducked down when he saw it was E and Susan.

He watched as E ate her out, she was moaning and gasping for breath. This is so hot he thought as he started to grow hard. He licked and bit his lower lip as he continued to watch, his erection pushed uncomfortably in his swim trunks. He thought about jerking off while watching, but what if some one sees? Or what if Cathy catches him and thinks he's disgusting for peeping on them. He thinks for a moment but suddenly Susan cries out a loud moan as she orgasms, to hell with it, this is just so hot he thought as he reached inside his trunks. He sighed and started stroking himself, he watched as his friend below began thrusting a few fingers in and out, with his tongue making slick wet sounds. Nathan breathed hard as he started rubbing himself more.

E let out a growl as he suddenly stopped what he was doing and positioned himself on top of Susan with his mouth around the side of her neck. She whined and moved her head displaying her utter surrender to his will by giving him full access to her neck. A dominance display he sometimes uses to let the female know he could hurt her at any time, but does so in a loving and gentle way. In any case she felt completely protected and safe with him, he was different from other males she knew how abusive some males could be but he was different.

Nathan gasped a little to loudly as he watched, E heard the slight sound and not stopping what he was doing he looked with only his eyes not moving his head so he didn't hurt Susan with his teeth. He looked and sees some one watching them on top of the large rocks. As a breeze of wind blew down he got a whiff of an exited male, not just any male though it was Nathans scent he thought a moment and decided to give his friend a show, he'd talk to him later about spying on them.

E slid his shorts off and positions the tip of his cock at her entrance, he began teasing her by poking the tip just barley inside not thrusting in any deeper. she whined and moaned in frustration ''Ohh god please''

He kept teasing her, as she moved her hips closer to his trying to slide his dick in deeper, and moved his away from her keeping the tip barley inside. He growled playfully and let go of her neck and looked down at her.

''I'm sorry I think I forgot what u wanted, could you remind me?'' he grinned at her as she tried to push him in deeper but failed again.

''I want you.'' she whimpered out as he prodded her little by little. '

'I'm sorry what was that?''

''I want you in me.'' she repeated desperately.

E thrust in a little bit more but keeping it barley in. ''one more time.''

She cried out loudly ''I want your dick inside me! I want you to fuck me, mate with me. I want your seed inside me. I need you now! Please stop making me wait I cant take it anymore!''

He leaned his head down to hers and gave her a soft kiss, then spoke to her. ''As you wish.''

He then slammed his dick inside her hilting her in an instant, she arched her back and cried out in pleasure as she felt him push inside. As he watched them Nathan was nearing his finish, he couldn't control himself, couldn't stop watching. He just kept jerking himself off until he suddenly snapped back to where he was when he heard a voice call over to him. Cathy ran up to the rocks where Nathan was Masturbating, Nathan was horrified, but he was to far gone to stop. As Cathy started to climb up to him he started spraying his seed all over the rock in front of him. From the angle she was in, she could see everything.

She put a hand over her muzzle as she watched him ejaculating all over the rock, her fur did little to hide the redness her face was turning. Then came a loud moan she wondered what he was looking at, and masturbating to. She climbed up next to him as he tried to say something to her, but he was to horrified to speak, she looked past him and looked down the rocks and saw E having sex with Susan.

''Enjoying the show?'' she gestured to the mess he had made. He pulled his trunks up and tried to say something but couldn't find the words. ''You don't have to explain anything, I know exactly what you were thinking.'' Nathan got ready to get a scolding, but she said nothing and just nudged him down to follow her away from the rocks and leave E and Susan to their business.

E thrust vigorously in and out of Susan, making her cry out his name in sheer bliss as the waves crash against the rocks sprinkling the couple in a spay of cool water. His knot pushing and pulling in and out of her extremely wet pussy, with a loud moan she rakes her claws across his back enticing pleasured growls from him as he thrust harder. Hearing his reaction she kept digging her claws along his back to stimulate him further. Their crotches where soaked and matted with sex juices as a lubricant allowing his growing knot to force itself inside her. After a few more firm thrusts his large knot was forced into her tight pussy, she let out a yelp as her vagina was stretched out and they were tied his wild thrusts came down to more quick humping bringing her to another orgasm

Susan pulled E closer locking their muzzles in a passionate kiss muffling her moans. He began to massage her breasts, one in each paw as Susan moaned into his muzzle and grinded her lower half against his. E started to get out of sync with her and began to growl lustfully. He pulled away from the kiss as his dick began to pulse, Susan cried out wrapping her legs around his waist and bit down onto his shoulder.

E growled loudly and howled as his penis erupted, splashing thick globs of cum deep inside her love tunnel and into her womb. Her orgasm milking his shaft for more and more. As she started to come down off her high she let go of his shoulder and back. E brought a paw over to cradle her head as she lay back limp on the rock loving the feeling of his warm cum spreading across the inside of her belly.

She closed her eyes, and enjoyed the closeness of her lover being with her, in her, tied with her. She smiled and wondered if shed get pregnant from being with him. She wanted to bare his pups, and the more she thought about how much she loved him, the more she hoped.

E sighed contently as his balls continued to empty themselves into Susan's Womb. He suddenly felts Susan gently lick his neck, he kindly leaned down and licked her back. They cuddled close to one another since they would be stuck like that for a while, and E rolled over so Susan was laying on top of him so she would be more comfortable.

Susan lay on his chest and rested, she fell asleep to the sound of his strong heart beating, while he held her in a loving embrace.