The Line (Roger and Julie Part 5)

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#5 of The Line (Roger and Julie)


A visit to the doctor's office.

If you're a new reader please read the earlier parts first or else face my wrath!

It's getting to be a fairly long read so get your popcorn and Jr Mints.

Let me be up upfront.

This is a story about an older male and a much younger female (cub) who happen to be related.

There are a great deal of sexual elements.

Consider yourself warned.



Sorry this part took so long guys.

EMUSS sent me a block for my b-day.

I'm considering regifting it back to him for Christmas.



"What do you mean you can't see her?" Roger asked the attractive cottontail receptionist behind the window, "Jenny, when I called earlier you said you could make room for her."

"I'm sorry, sir." Jenny explained, "It's just that by law, unless it's life or death, we can't see her without consent of a legal guardian. I assumed you had already gone through the process."

Roger ran his paw over the fur on the top of his head. The lousy sleep he had the night before was beginning to haunt him. He was getting groggy and irritable. There was a prickly, sandy feeling in his eyes, making them want to tear up, and he knew they were becoming noticeably bloodshot. He glanced back at the waiting room of the doctor's office. It was empty except for Julie, who was amusing herself by getting the inhabitants of the fish tank to follow her finger around on the glass. They must have seen that trick before, but for some reason still fell for it. They nipped at the glass futilely.

"I didn't even know I'd be taking care of her until yesterday." He told the rabbit, "I won't be able to get anything started until the courthouse opens on Monday morning."

And what a nightmare that is going to be. A single guy trying to adopt a preteen female cub with no paperwork from the parents stating their wishes? They're gonna drag me through broken glass and then make me eat it, especially after they ask me to prove my income.

"Besides," he said with a low voice, "She will die if she's not treated."

"But she's not in immediate danger, sir."

The inside door to the front office opened, "There isn't a problem is there?" A familiar voice from Roger's past asked.

"No, Doctor, well, yes, it's just he doesn't have the legal paperwork," Jenny told the voice, "We can't see Julie without it."

"We can't treat her without it," the voice corrected, "I will see her though."

Roger leaned into the window, "Doctor Ellis?"

The face of an elderly female gibbon peered around the door, he recognized her, even though her once black fur had gone mostly grey and white.

"Roger!" She said with a smile and then disappeared back behind the door. A few seconds later the door to the lobby opened, the lanky form of the primate stepped out. She approached the ferret. He knew what was coming, Doctor Ellis didn't do handshakes.

"My little sprout!" She put her long arms around him and gave him a mighty hug. "Don't make me do all the work here."

Roger embraced her back as best he could, but nobody was better then Doctor Ellis. Over the near forty years that she'd been in pediatric care her hugs had become a trademark. She had perfected it like an art form.

"That's better," she pulled back, "Look at you! You were so scrawny I was worried you'd never grow up! You're a strapping adult now!"

Roger smiled, it was impossible not to feel good around this lady, "And you look-"

"Older?" She offered.

"I was going to say "beautiful", as always."

"Doctor Huggies!" Julie cried out as she ran up. The gibbon's face lit up when she saw the young kit.

"Buttercup!" The doctor scooped up the young ferret with the strength of a female half her age. Julie threw her arms around the gibbon's neck, "Oh, thank you, thank you! I needed a big hug!" Ellis told her.

Doctor Ellis had a unique pet name for all of her patients. She had always called Roger "little sprout", his sister's had been "sunbeam", and apparently Julie's was "buttercup". In return the children all called her "Doctor Huggies". She was one of those rare physicians that cared for all of her patients as if they were her own children.

Julie settled in, apparently expecting to be held for a while. Doctor Ellis obliged her, carrying the kit on her hip. She put a paw under her for support and made the same discovery that Roger had made earlier.

"Why, buttercup! Where is your underwear?" She asked.

Julie looked embarrassed, "They kinda hurt me, they're too tight now."

"Oh, that's right." The gibbon said, "A little birdie told me that something very special is happening to you."

"Uncle Roger said I'm.." She looked at her uncle then back at the doctor nervously, "...that I'm in heat, and I need a shot."

"Well, I got good news for you, buttercup," Doctor Ellis told her, "I'm not going to give you a shot today."

Julie brightened, "Really?"

"Nope, your uncle is going to wait here in the waiting room," she looked at Roger and he knew that part was actually for him, "And you and I are just going to have a little chat about what's happening to you."

"That's it?"

"That's it." The gibbon reassured as she opened the door to the back and carried Julie through it.

Roger sat down and began to thumb through the magazines. They were all either kids or "girly" rags, not a car or professional sports one to be found anywhere. There were a number of activity books with the puzzles and games in them already done by someone else. Mostly in crayon. There was an old, worn out, joke book. "1000 Funniest Jokes Ever" the threadbare cover promised, but the jokes were mostly infantile.

Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven eight (ate) nine!

I think I read this last time I was here.

There were a half dozen pages where some clever, and very persistent, crayon vandal had crossed out all the answers and replaced them with "Poop".

What do you get when you cross a hen with gunpowder? Poop!


Roger set the mangled book aside and sat back in the chair. He noticed a small, flat screen television on the wall. That was definitely new. It wasn't turned on though.

"Hey, Jenny?" He called to the window, "Does the TV work?"

The rabbit looked up from her paperwork, "Oh. Yeah, it does. I turned it off because you're our last patients for the day." She glanced around, found the remote and held it up, "Here, put whatever you want on. We don't have cable, only local channels."

"That's fine." he said crossing the waiting room to the window.

"You're looking for a football game, aren't you?"

"You know it." Roger told her with a smile. The early college games should have already started. Jenny leaned forward as he reached for the remote, unconsciously giving him a clear view of the cleavage between her respectably sized breasts. The ferret tried to avert his eyes out of politeness but failed. She didn't seem to notice. Roger snagged the remote and turned away quickly as his loins tried to perked up.

There were two games on. Neither had teams that Roger felt any particular affection for. He switched between the channels to keep tabs on both games, eventually giving up on one of them when it became obvious it was going to be a blow out. Twenty-one to nothing at the end of the first quarter was hard to come back from.

Roger started to get a bit concerned for Julie halfway through the second quarter. The two were having an awfully long chat, getting close to thirty minutes. Jenny looked like she had finished up her paperwork and was preparing to leave. She got up and walked into the back. Roger was drawn back to the game.

"First and ten. Harris takes the snap. Got plenty of time. Looking, looking. Whoa! Almost sacked for a loss! Scrambling. Big throw on the run. Aaaaaand, intercepted! Diving catch at the one yard line! He's up! Nobody's touched him down yet! Bringing it back to the ten...fifteen...twenty...breaks a tackle and is driven out at about the twenty-eight!"

"Jim, that was number forty-three, Nick Ferris, who made that catch."

"Big defensive play by the sophomore safety."

"Big play, great read on the throw. Very heads-up playing to get the extra yards."


"Got some yellow laundry on the field. There was a little bit of pushing and shoving at the end there."

"The referees are going to break that up while we wait for the review of the play."

"Got three different refs talking to the review official there."

"They're jawing about something, Bill. Not sure what. Looked like a clean catch to me."

"I think one of those flags was thrown for an illegal block at the end."

"Oh, no. That could spell disaster for the Hammerheads."

"They really needed that break to turn things around, Jim."

The lobby door opened and Jenny emerged. She was putting on a coat. "Doctor Ellis and Julie should be out in just a minute." Jenny informed him.

"Thank you." Roger said.

Jenny moved to the exit and paused. She decided to walk over to Roger. The ferret stood up politely. "I'm sorry for being such a hard ass." she told him.

"No, that's fine," he reassured the rabbit, "You're just doing your job."

"I know the last few weeks have been tough for you and your family, I don't want you to think I'm being unsympathetic. It's just that Doctor Ellis would gladly throw away her practice to help one of her patients, but she's too important to the community to allow that."

She takes her job really seriously.

"You were one of her patients too, weren't you?" Roger asked.

"Since before birth. She delivered me and my brothers. Nonuplets, all healthy and grown thanks to her." She said this with a degree of pride. Large litters are not unusual for rabbits, or even ferrets for that matter, but doctors usually recommend keeping them smaller since it greatly reduces mortality rates. Hormone treatments plus the removal of at risk embryos generally keep the litters from one to three. Though many couples still opt for natural birth for religious, moral, or personal reasons, which can result in litters up to twelve, but even with modern medicine the mortality rate can still be as high as fifty percent. Not to mention the additional danger for the mother to be.

"She delivered my sister and I as well." Roger said.

Jenny grimaced at herself, "I'm sorry, that must have sounded insensitive. I didn't really mean--" Roger put up a paw and waved her apologies off.

"Believe me, I wouldn't do anything to hurt Doctor Ellis. I'm just completely out of my element here, I have no idea how to deal with this situation. I needed a female's touch to handle this and Mom isn't quite herself nowadays. I had no place else to turn."

"You must have had some experience with it," Jenny reasoned, "You knew how to recognize the symptoms. How did you handle it when your sister got her first heat?"

"I didn't really "handle it" per se. Mom and Dad sent me to stay with Grandma and Grandpa for two weeks. It wasn't until much later that I found out why." Roger explained. The ferret noted with a measure of self-disgust that he had taken to telling a great deal of lies as of late, that recollection of events wasn't entirely true. There were several rather -- interesting -- days before their parents had caught on and isolated the brother and sister. Father had been working two jobs at the time, and Mother had been caught up in other affairs. "Affairs" being the operative word. Roger didn't feel the need to elaborate on why their parents had finally decided that it was time the siblings got separate rooms.

Roger continued. "As to how I knew what was happening to Julie, nature kind of spelled it out for me in bold letters. They say the first heat's the most intense and they aren't kidding."

Jenny sat down with her purse in her lap. A big pink purse with flashy rhinestones that didn't really go with the professional medical uniform she was wearing. "That's similar to when it happened to me," she started to reminisce, "It's not really the same for us as it is for ferrets like Julie. Instead of heat we go into an almost constant state of breeding impulse. When it first begins it's the most difficult, so Mother took me to a hotel leaving my father home with all the boys."

Roger happened a glance at the television as he sat down next to her. They were still trying to figure out the results of the last play and decided to go on a commercial break. Roger was intimately aware of the "constant state of breeding impulse". He had dated a lop eared a number of years back on a wild fling. It seemed dangerous and taboo at the time, just what he wanted at that stage of his life. At one point in the relationship the bunny had decided to stop taking her birth control pills for some crazy reason that only made sense to her. She became insatiable and ravenous. The fact that they were too genetically dissimilar for him to get her pregnant had been one of the attractions he had to the relationship, that fact brought their relationship to a close when she actually became pregnant. In the end he decided it had been terribly unfair of him to demand a lepus waste any of her child rearing years on him.It was a hell of a time while it lasted though.

The rabbit continued with her trip down memory lane, not seeming to have the same misgivings about elaboration that Roger had, "I spent the entire time being an absolute bitch to her. My mom was the last person in the world that I wanted to be around. We argued so loudly that the other guests complained to the manager. I remember being disappointed when the manager came to threaten to kick us out and turned out to be a female. I wanted there to be a male around. Had no idea why, I just wanted one nearby. I kept trying to sneak out and go to the pool, the game room, or the exercise room just to try and be around a male. Once the pills kicked in I evened out and we went back home. It wasn't the same after that though. There was so much testosterone there that even with the pills I would sometimes masturbate three or four times a d--."

Wait, what?

Jenny went wide eyed, "Oh, god! Why did I tell you that?"

"I have no idea!" Roger said with a laugh, "But I'm really glad you did!"

Jenny put her face in her paw, "I can't believe I-- I just-- ugh! Stop laughing at me!"

"I'm sorry, I can't help it!" Roger rocked in his chair, "That's the funniest thing I've heard all day! If it makes you feel any better I've already done it twice today."

"NO!" Jenny let out an exclamation somewhere between amused and horrified, ", no! You did not just say that! That is so wrong!"

Roger giggled uncontrollably at her reaction. She turned and smacked him in annoyance with an open paw. Not hard, but unfortunately in the same shoulder that he had earlier fallen on and later got kicked. His mirth ceased abruptly.

"I didn't hit you that hard, did I?." She asked after seeing him wince in pain.

"No, it's just that I injured this shoulder earlier," he told her, "and apparently it's going to be a magnet until it heals."

"Oh, I'm sorry," she apologized, rubbing Roger's shoulder gently, "Do you need to have it looked at?"

"No, it's already been looked at." he lied. The rubbing wasn't exactly helping, but Roger didn't see the need to complain.

The door leading out of the lobby opened up again. Doctor Ellis and Julie emerged holding hands. The doctor was still talking to her in a low voice and Roger couldn't quite make it out. Julie looked like maybe she had been crying. Roger noticed that the gibbon was carrying a white box tucked under her arm.

"Looks like they're done." Jenny said and opened her purse. She appeared satisfied that what she was looking for was present. "It was nice talking to you, if not altogether mortifying."

Jenny stood up and once again Roger stood up politely. It was an outdated chivalrous act to not remain seated when a female stands, but his mother had drilled it into his head when he was young. Along with opening doors for females, chewing with his mouth closed and keeping his elbows off the table. Some things just stick with you.

Roger was somewhat surprised when she gave him a hug, but considering her employer, he shouldn't have been. It wasn't much of a hug anyway. A lean-in hug where the boobs don't press too hard and there's no danger of accidental genital interaction.

Ah, well. She ain't into me. She probably hugs her brothers with more contact then that. Thought I had a chance here too.

"I hope things start to turn around for you and Julie." She said.

What? Did you really think she'd offer to give you a "female's touch" with something else? Suck your dick and make the pain go away? Who wouldn't want to be your emotional sperm dumpster?

"I think we'll be okay." Roger told the rabbit, sounding more assured then he felt. "We'll figure it out."

"Doctor Ellis probably wants to talk to you now. Good luck!" Jenny turned away to leave with a wave back to him.

"Thanks. I'll need it."

Damn. Her ass is nice too.

Jenny waved to Doctor Ellis, mouthing "see you Monday" since she didn't want to disturb the doctor or Julie any more then she had to. The gibbon gestured an affirmation that she understood. The rabbit offered a silent goodbye to Julie as well. The kit only eyed her suspiciously. Jenny didn't seem to notice and swept out the door and into her weekend.

Doctor Ellis led Julie to Roger.

"So... how'd everything go?" Roger asked.

"Well, we had a little talk," Doctor Ellis said, she stroked Julie on the back of the head, "and we had ourselves a little cry, didn't we, Buttercup?"

The young ferret nodded.

"Could you sit down here for a minute, Buttercup?" The doctor requested, "I need to talk to your uncle. We'll only be a second."

Julie obliged and the gibbon took Roger aside.

"She's been in heat for about a month." She told Roger gravely, "Something has to be done soon, within the next couple days, or there could be complications."

I was wrong about the time frame.

"Since it's an emergency, isn't there something you can do? Can't you legally give her the hormone shot if that's the case?" Roger reasoned.

"Yes, I could," Ellis told him, "but that treatment only has about a thirty percent chance of taking at this point. Even at the onset it only has an eighty percent, but you have time to attempt further treatments. We don't have that luxury right now. Normally the only course of action for heat that has lasted a month is to manually stimulate the ovulation."

The medical terminology didn't confuse Roger. He nervously glanced at the box she was holding. The plain white container suddenly looked foreboding.

Doctor Ellis opened the box and displayed the contents. "This is the device that we use in these cases." She removed a piece from the box. It fit easily in her paw and had a white plastic housing. "This is the motor. It runs on four double-a batteries." She clicked a switch and it started to hum. "It has an intensity setting on the side." She turned a dial up and down and the hum increased and decreased in response. She clicked it off. "There are disposable covers for the motor in the box."

She removed another piece. It was sealed in a clear plastic wrapper. It was a similar color to the motor, around five inches, the width of a pen, one end was flat and the other had a round nob that was about the thickness of Roger's pinky finger. The nob was ribbed. "This is the wand. It's especially designed for ferrets her age, soft and flexible so it won't injure her." She bent the wand as she spoke as evidence to that fact. It snapped back to its original shape. "It's sealed, sterilized, and non latex. Julie has an allergy, you know."

Roger didn't know that.

She turned the motor over and showed roger the corresponding hole in it. "Remove the wrapper and press the flat end in here until it's snug. You don't have to bring the wand back, just throw it away."

Roger spoke up. "Wait, um, you're sending this thing home with me? Can't you just take care of this here?"

"Yes, I could," she told him, "but patients are usually more comfortable doing this themselves at home. Plus it has to be done twice a day until visible signs of heat start to subside."

The ferret bit his lower lip and furrowed his brow. "Twice a day?" he repeated uneasily.

"At least twice a day, and it's best if she achieves full stimulation."

Why can't doctors talk like real people? They don't teach the word "orgasm" in med-school?

Roger looked at Julie across the waiting room. She had found the remote and was surfing the channels on the television. The chair she was sitting on was high enough that her hind paws didn't reach the floor. She swung her legs back and fourth with pent up nervous energy. Despite Doctor Ellis' good nature, Julie was probably getting eager to leave.

At this point, so was Roger.

"I know this is tough," the gibbon said with empathy, "but it has to be done."

"Well, at least you already talked to her about this, so that's a good --" Roger caught a hint of guilt in the doctor's face. "You did talk about this, right?"

Doctor Ellis smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry, but I can't take all your responsibilities from you."

Roger put his paws on his face, mussing up the fur on his muzzle. "You're killing me here!"

"You'll get through it," she told him, "I have confidence in my little sprout."

"That makes one of us."

Doctor Ellis returned the items to the box and closed the lid. She looked back at Roger with a new seriousness. "And how are you doing?"

I'm doing fucking great! I get to teach my niece how to masturbate with a wand! Presto!

"The last few weeks have just been a nightmare. I don't even think it really set in yet... for either of us. It's like I'm waking up from a dream, but I'm still dreaming."

The doctor nodded her head. "I can imagine, and I'm terribly sorry, but that not really what I was asking. Julie told me that you got into a fight?"

Oh, shit! Did she tell her about the kiss? About my "full stimulation" in the bathroom?

"Yeah, I'm feeling a bit more... um... masculine then normal." He admitted.

"That's perfectly natural." She told him. "Usually I would suggest that you keep your contact with her to a minimum, but things being what they are that's not an option." The doctor pulled out a pen and prescription pad from her jacket and began to write. "This should take the edge off and keep you within normal range. Take it once a day, two times if you really need it, but no more then that." She ripped off the sheet and handed it to him.

Doctor Ellis put the pad and pen away and pulled out a business card. "This has my cell phone number on the back, I'll have it with me all day tomorrow. If after twenty four hours you still feel too "masculine", call me right away and we'll try and figure something else out. At any rate I expect to hear from you first thing Monday morning with an update."

Roger took the card and flipped it over to confirm that the number was there. Then he looked at the prescription. Unlike most doctors, Ellis had neat, flowing paw-writing that was easy to read. He was alarmed by what she had prescribed to him.

"Won't this stuff chemically castrate me?" He asked.

"In larger doses, yes," she admitted, "but these are only five milligrams. Trust me, it will help."

"Alright." He relented, feeling horribly unsure. He let out a deep sigh.

"Not what you saw yourself doing this weekend, is it?" Doctor Ellis asked.

Roger chortled, "No, not in my wildest dreams."

The doctor handed him the white box. He took it tentatively, as if she was handing him a box full of vipers.

"One other thing," Ellis said, "Julie was talking about getting back to school, poor thing has been away for weeks. She seems to expect to be going back on Monday, but I'm sure you know the policy on cubs in heat."

"Yeah, they aren't allowed on the grounds. For their own safety and they're too much of a distraction."

"Right," The doctor said, "Even if she takes well to the manual treatment, we're talking at least six to ten days for the cycle to complete."

"She's going to have homework out her ears." He mused out loud. Roger had carried in several suitcases and a backpack that felt like it was full of bricks the night before, so he knew she already had a pile of homework with her. Somebody must have been picking it up for her.

Add contacting her school to the list of things to do Monday morning: Check.

"Now then," Doctor Huggies said clasping her paws together, "do you have any questions before you leave?"

"Just one: Did she happen to mention what she wanted for her birthday?"

The Line (Roger and Julie part 6)

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Not entirely happy with this part. I can't put my finger on it but something isn't right. After looking at it for quite a while and re-writing parts it just seemed to keep getting worse. So I'm giving up and...

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The Line (Roger and Julie Part 4)

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Day two of Roger's new life with Julie continues. There are three parts prior to this one. I recommend you read them first. There's some rather racy elements to them, so if that bothers you then I'm gonna assume you know what to...

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Seduction of Mabel

I did an interview with my latest model: []( Here's the transcript. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* 3Timer - I'm here with my latest...

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