Seduction of Mabel

Story by 3Timer on SoFurry

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I did an interview with my latest model:

Here's the transcript.


3Timer - I'm here with my latest model, Mabel, and I thought my readers might be interested in knowing a little more about the females that I use in my art. You don't mind if I record this conversation, do you?

Mabel - (Giggles) No, not at all. I'm tickled that your readers would be interested.

3 - I'm sure they want to know as much about you as possible, I know that I do.

M - Let's keep this professional, I have a boyfriend you know. (Giggles)

3 - I'm always professional. (Cough) First off, you're an anteater. Now what made you decide to pursue a career in a field that is largely dominated by felines, canines and dragons?

M - I'm actually a _giant anteate_r, the largest species of anteater. I can't say I decided, it sort of chose me, you know? In high school I was doing some stage acting. The teacher took an interest in me and suggested I do some modeling. Turns out he was an amateur photographer, he even had his own set in his basement. I used to go over there after school and model for him. He made the best iced tea, but for some reason it always made me fall asleep. I think that's why he had the bed in his basement, cuz I fell asleep so much. It wasn't a very comfortable bed though. I'd toss and turn so much that when I woke up most of my clothes would be off, and sometimes my butt would hurt. I think some of the springs were poking through or something.

3 - Um, you didn't find that a little...odd?

M - In what way?

3 - (Clears throat) So, giant anteater you say? You don't seem like a giant, you're no taller then I am.

M - Yeah, I'm 5' 10", my measurements are 42-32-42. I'm huge compared to other anteaters. So I'm, like, perfect for plus size modeling, although the plus size market is mostly dragons. (Sigh) I did get to do some modeling for a department store catalog recently.

3 - Mmhmm, and if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?

M - 24.

3 - What's your favorite food?

M - Oh, I just love chocolate covered ants.

3 - Of course.

M - But they go right to my hips. (Giggles)

3 - Ah. What was your first sexual encounter... that you... remember?

M - Well, um. I shouldn't tell you this, but I'm still a virgin.

3 - (Coughs uncontrollably for a moment)

M - Are you okay?

3 - I'm... (Cough) ...I'm fine, you said you're a virgin?

M - Yeah. I mean, I give my boyfriend blow jobs all the time, and he'll lick me sometimes, but I told him that I'm saving myself for marriage. So, yeah, I'm still a virgin down there.

3 - (Inaudible)

M - What?

3 - Nothing, nothing. So I couldn't help noticing that you have some piercings?

M - Oh yeah, I have sit ov then on ny tong, shee?

3 - Wow, there's six of em all right. That is a really long tongue, did you ever measure it?

M - Ya, iths thunty-eighth inth--

3 - You can put that away now, I can barely understand you.

M - (Slurps) Sorry. (Giggles) It's twenty-eight inches.

3 - Your boyfriend must really like that.

M - Oh yeah! Sometimes when I go down on him I'll give him a rim job too. (Giggles) It makes his leg kick like crazy. He's a canine you see.

3 - You must make Gene Simmons jealous.

M - Who?

3 - The bassist from Kiss.

M - What's Kiss?


3 - Moving on. So you're in an interracial relationship?

M - Yeah, it makes my dad crazy, but you know anteater guys aren't very social and I like attention. Richard, you know, he's like always there. Whatever I want to do he wants to do too. He's got this fat tongue, and if I put a little peanut butter on my coochi he'll go at it for hours. (Giggles)

3 - Uh, huh. What do you like to do for fun?

M - I like to go shopping, of course. I love movies. I also like to play video games.

3 - What is your favorite game right now?

M - World of Warcraft.

3 - Figures.

M - What's wrong with Warcraft?

3 - Nothing. What's your favorite movie.

M - Twilight. Edward is soooo hawt!

3 - (Sigh) I gotta stop asking questions I don't want to know the answers to.

M - And Bella is just like me, like this one time...

3 - (Groans)

(ringtone chimes)

3 - Is that your phone?

M - Yeah, let me just check it.

3 - I thought I asked you to turn it off before we started.

M - Richard was supposed to call. I didn't want to miss it. Yeah, it's him.

3 - Can we just--

(Phone beeps)

M - Hi, baby!

3 - I was hopin--

M - I'm just here with 3Timer. He's giving me an interview for his readers. (Pause) Yeah! The picture turned out great! I'm thinking that maybe-- (Pause) What are you talking about, Richard? (Pause) What are you saying? Are you... are you really doing this over the phone? (Pause) Can we talk about this later? (Pause) You know what? FUCK YOU! I don't need this shit from you! Don't ever call me again!!!

(Phone beeps)

M - (Sobbing)

3 - Um, are you okay?

M - NO, I'm not okay! That asshole! I fucking HATE him! (Wailing sobs)

3 - I think, uh, I think this... (pause) There, there, it's going to be alright.


3 - Oh! Um, okay. We can hug if you want.

(Several minutes of loud crying)

M - (Sobbing) Why did he leave me? Is there something wrong with me?

3 - No, no, there's nothing wrong with you. You're a very attractive and, uh, intelligent young female.

M - (Sniffling) Really?

3 - Sure, any guy would be crazy not to want you.

M - (Happy sigh)


M - (Seductively) You're not crazy, are you?

3 - Well, um, I didn't really mean...

M - You're so warm. You know, you've seen me naked, but I've never seen you.

(Clothing rustling)

3 - Mabel, what happened to "keeping this professional"?

M - Shut up and kiss me.

(Tape ends)


Sorry guys, I didn't really think to turn over the tape. The rest would have been just moaning anyway. On a side note she's no longer "saving herself for marrage".

The Line (Roger and Julie Part 3)

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Took a while to finish this. Just too much on my plate at the moment. I didn't really proofread it so if there are any big errors let me know. If you're new make sure you read part 1 and 2 before reading this. Plus...

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Roundabout Story Project Part 3

This is a Roundabout project that somehow I got into. I'm sure Crownedclown13 will be kicking himself after reading this, unless he's already too sore from doing so. This is the third part, so you have to...

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The Line (Roger and Julie part 2)

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* I highly recommend that you read Part 1 if you haven't already done so. I changed the paragraph format from what I used in the first one, I think it is easier to read on a computer this way. I'm also going to have to apologize...

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