The Line (Roger and Julie part 6)

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#6 of The Line (Roger and Julie)


Not entirely happy with this part.

I can't put my finger on it but something isn't right. After looking at it for quite a while

and re-writing parts it just seemed to keep getting worse.

So I'm giving up and posting it so I can move on.

This is a story about an older male and a much younger female (cub) who happen to be related.

There are a great deal of sexual elements.

Consider yourself warned.


Roger set the box with the "medical device" and the bag with his prescription on the kitchen counter. Glaring at the box with contempt.

I'm really not ready for this.

He opened the cupboard and removed a tumbler. Crossed back to the refrigerator and opened up the freezer. Two ice cubes clanked into the crystal cup. Roger may not have kept a lot of food in the house, but there was one thing he always had on hand. It's not that he was an alcoholic, but there are times when you simply need a drink. This happened to be one of them. He retrieved a bottle of scotch from his pantry, filled the tumbler halfway and knocked it back in a single slug. Not even giving the ice time to do their job.

If one is good, two is better.

He refilled the glass. This time he swirled it noisily before taking a drink. It was much better cold, but he still wasn't feeling any braver. He set the tumbler and bottle of scotch aside for the moment. Roger opened the bag and dumped out the pill bottle.

"Do not drink alcoholic beverages when taking this medication." The label said.

Whatever, they always say that.

Roger opened the container and shook out a pill onto the palm of his paw. They were tiny little white nothings. About the size of the nitro pills furs with bad hearts carried around just in case. He popped it into his maw and washed it down with the scotch.

Bye, bye, boners.

Roger looked at the pamphlet that was stapled to the drugstore bag. It warned of drug interactions and gave a laundry list of possible side effects. Among them being infertility, excessive intestinal gas, diarrhea, constipation, loss of bladder control, difficulty urinating, gynecomastia, reduced body fur, loss of muscle mass, mood swings, mild burning sensation in the genitals and prolonged receding testes.

And sperm... and dignity... and everything that makes me a male.

It also cautioned to discontinue use and see a doctor immediately if any of the following rare side affects occurred: Blood in urine, blood in semen, blood in stool, dizziness, severe chest or abdominal pain, severe pain in testes, migraines, blurred vision or blindness, hives, excessive loss of body fur, difficulty breathing, or a cough accompanied with bloody mucus.


Roger picked up the glass again and sipped from it. The alcohol probably wasn't such a good idea. Not only because the instructions advised against it, but he was already tired and it would relax him even more. He looked at the clock on the microwave, it was barely two-thirty. He had hoped to swing by his mother's house and check on her before returning home, but it would be impossible to leave without getting invited for dinner. "Swinging by" would have taken four hours at least. He just didn't feel up to it.

Besides, Julie was mad at him for some reason.

He's not sure what he had done, but ever since leaving the doctor's office she wouldn't talk to him beyond a shrug or short, muttered responses. She didn't even say if she was hungry when he asked. When they got home she went right back to his bathroom again. She wasn't taking another shower, she was just in there doing God knows what. It's obvious that she's upset about something. He was reluctant to go knock on the door and see if she was alright since it getting to be the better part of their relationship to converse through a latrine door.

Then it occurred to him maybe that's what she was expecting.

Jeez, girls can be a pain. She's probably sitting in there just waiting for me, and getting madder as she sits. As if I'm supposed to be able to read her mind.

Roger set the glass down hard. Some of the amber liquid splashed onto the counter top. Now he was starting to get a little miffed.

Roger was startled by a ringing phone. His paw instinctively reached into his pocket for the cellular. No surprise to him it wasn't there. It was the land line that was ringing anyway. He reached for the cradle to find the cordless headset was missing.

I just used that fucking thing this morning, where the hell did I put it?

The caller ID on the cradle/charger showed that it was work calling. In a spot, the cradle could be used as a speakerphone. Roger pressed the button.

"Hey, Steve." Roger said into it.

"Yo, Roger!" The voice on the phone, "Haven't been able to get ahold of you for days! You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. I dropped my cell on the driveway the other day and broke it. Haven't had a chance to get it replaced." Roger was curious. "I didn't know you had this number?"

"Oh, uh, I called your emergency contact and got the number from your mom." Steve admitted.

"You didn't tell her where you were calling from, did you?"

"No, no, man, I kept it vague. Just told her I was from your "work" and had to get in contact with you."

"Good, thank you." Roger said with relief. "Hey, I saw you sent flowers to the funeral yesterday."

"Oh, yeah. I can't take all the credit. A bunch of us here got together to get something. We put it in my name and figured you'd put two and two together."

"Well, I appreciated it." Roger told him. "You guys didn't need to do that, thank you."

"Bro, you're like family." Steve said, "It's not a problem. Besides, Jordan insisted. Said it might score points with you."

Roger chuckled, "That dog won't stop barking up this tree."

"You know how he is."

"Yeah, yeah."

"So, uh... you know when you can come back?" Steve got down to business. "I don't wanna sound unsympathetic, but I got customers asking for you and I've been feeding them shit, ya know? That crap your family had to go through has been in all the papers. I tell them anything and they might figure it out. I know you don't need that, but, bro, I got four fucking parties scheduled tonight and you know another one is just gonna waltz in unannounced."

Roger grimaced. "Bachelorette or bachelor?"

"Both, man. Big money if you can get here."

"Yeah, um, the thing is that I got a new situation. It make take a few days to get sorted out. Plus I'm tired as hell. Didn't sleep very well last night and I got up at eight."

Steve pressed the issue. "Look, things won't get really geared up here until nine at the earliest. I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll save a few slots for Ramiro el Ladrillo for ten-thirty on. Take a nap, see how you feel in a couple hours. If you decide you want them, give me a call at nine or so and I'll slide you right in. I got to tell you, a night like this you could make a grand in just a few hours easy. I'd hate to see you miss out."

Roger sighed. That was a load of shit. Nobody makes that kind of cash anymore, not in this economy. Steve must be having staff issues. Roger liked him, but the guy had a manipulative streak in him a mile wide. "All right. I'll think about it. Either way I'll call you at nine."

"Thanks, man. I'll talk to you later."

"No problem. Goodbye." Roger pressed the "talk" button again and hung up. The promise of money didn't really have much impact on him. He had a fair sized nest egg that he had been saving for a number of years, he could get by comfortably for quite a while without working. Still, he hadn't been to work since the accident, it would be a nice distraction to go in for a few hours. He just didn't know what he would do with Julie while he was gone.

Ah, fuck. She's still waiting for me in the bathroom isn't she?

Roger left the kitchen and made his way to his bedroom. He found the door to the master bath open. When he looked inside Julie wasn't there. He went back into the hall and noticed one of the other bedroom doors was closed. It was the one he had converted into an office. Without considering whether or not the kit was decent he opened the door. The night prior Roger had hastily pulled out an inflatable bed and set it up in the office with the intention that it would be for her. She was clothed, and sitting on the edge of the mattress and quietly sorting through the garments in her suitcases.

"Hey, baby." He said, still standing in the doorway.

Julie didn't look at him. "Hey." She said back glumly.

"Are you okay?"

Julie shrugged.

"We can make this room your bedroom." Roger entered. "Would you like that?"

"That's fine." She said with a sniffle, she had been crying again.

Roger set himself down on the edge of the mattress, careful not to sit too hard and bounce the girl. She turned away slightly, a none too subtle cold-shoulder. He gave a sigh and looked around. "We could paint this room purple if you want. Drag out the desk and put it in my room. Replace those old closet doors with mirrored sliding doors. Maybe some new carpet and a ceiling fan. Get you a real bed with tall posts on the corners."

She didn't reply. Only busied herself meticulously rolling up a pair of knee-high socks into a ball.

He continued, "On that wall we could chain a skeleton or two. Then we could paint the window black so the sunshine can't get in. Over there we could put an iron maiden, or perhaps a guillotine. You know what? I think an executioner's ax would look great over the door. I hear that brings good luck. Oh! And lava lamps! Lava lamps everywhere!"

"I saw you." She said to him, ignoring his attempt at humor. "I saw you with her."

Ah, there it is.

"You mean Jenny? At the doctors?" Roger asked.

"You like her, don't you?" Julie accused.

"She seems nice."

Julie pulled her knees in close and hugged them. "She's all grown up, she has big breasts, and she's pretty. I don't blame you if you like her more than me."

"Is that what you think?"

"I know you would rather be with her then a little kid like me." She reached into a suit case and pulled out one of her training bras. "This thing is a joke." She said tossing it onto the floor.

Roger picked up the bra. It was made from a white, smooth satin. It had a pleasing texture between the pads of his paw. Maybe it was an unnecessary garment for the young ferret.

"You're right." He told her. "I do like Jenny, I would be lying if I said I didn't."

Julie finally looked at him, she wore a glare of anger. Roger met it with a, cold, even expression which evaporated her anger into something closer to dismay. Before she could throw some form of emotional tantrum, or attempt to claw his face off, Roger continued.

"But I love you." He said to her with emphasis. "Baby, I told you "for the rest of my life". I promised you that. I won't let a rabbit with big knockers, a couple of dumb basketball players, or even a busted bathroom door break that promise."

He took her paws in his own. "I'm sorry, but you're stuck with me. Remember? We pinkie swore."

Julie had tears brimming in her eyes. She smiled and said, "We did, didn't we?"

"And you're not a little kid anymore. That's the reason we had to go to the doctor today."

"I still look like a little kid." She said looking down at herself.

Roger grinned. "I know the secret to getting your boobs to grow," he said in a low voice, "but you can't tell anyone. It's an ancient technique handed down in our family for generations."

"Really?" Julie said with naive interest, "What is it?"

Roger motioned her to get closer and she leaned in. He whispered into her ear.


"What? NO!" She squealed as Roger grabbed her and tossed her into the center of the air mattress. Roger pounced on top and started to grope and poke her ticklish spots with wriggling fingers. Julie laughed, squirmed and tried to cover them but she had to many and her uncle kept finding them. Roger was careful not to be too aggressive, but Julie wasn't making any serious attempts to get away.

"Oh, look!" Roger said as he carried on, "They're getting bigger already! Let's see if we can make them double Ds, that should only take an hour or so!"

She writhed and bucked, "No, no! Uncle Roger!" She gasped and laughed. "They're big enough!"

Roger stopped before it crossed the line from simple playfulness to borderline torture. He was on his forepaws and knees over her, still loosely keeping her trapped. She looked at him breathlessly and giggling, her arms tucked in tightly with her paws under her muzzle. Protecting herself in case he decided to apply more "ancient technique".

"You're mean!" She said teasingly.

"And you're still not wearing panties." Roger said with a smile.

Julie looked down at herself. During her struggles her skirt had hiked itself up to her belly. She was lying under him spread eagle and completely exposed. She snapped her knees together and yanked the skirt back down. As she did she winced and let out a little moan.

Roger stroked her head comfortingly. "It hurt when you closed your legs, didn't it?" He asked her.

She nodded.

"Doctor Ellis gave me something that will help." Roger told her. "Wait here and I'll go get it."

The Line (Roger and Julie part 7)

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* This is a story about an older male and a much younger female (cub) who happen to be related. There are a great deal of sexual elements. Consider yourself warned. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* ...

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The Line (Roger and Julie Part 5)

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* A visit to the doctor's office. If you're a new reader please read the earlier parts first or else face my wrath! It's getting to be a fairly long read so get your popcorn and Jr Mints. Let me be up upfront. This is a...

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The Line (Roger and Julie Part 4)

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Day two of Roger's new life with Julie continues. There are three parts prior to this one. I recommend you read them first. There's some rather racy elements to them, so if that bothers you then I'm gonna assume you know what to...

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