Year of Chaos Chapter Three

Story by Tyron Starmage on SoFurry

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James crawls up onto the bed and lies down on his belly. He looks over his shoulder with a soft grin. "So do you still want to give me that hard cock or you just going to stand there and stare at my ass?" James asks as he looks at Mark standing at the end of the bed.

Mark smiles as he looks at James's hot looking backside. "What can I say I was enjoying the view before me?" Mark asks as he slowly crawls up onto the bed. Lying on top of James, he rubs his hard dripping pre cum cock between his cheeks. James moans softly as he lifts his ass up a little more. Mark nibbles along his neck and he reaches between them. Taking his cock in his hand be begins to rub the head over his tight hole. Gently he begins to work the head into his hole. James moans as he feels it begin to slip into his tight hole. Slowly and gently, Mark keeps pushing forward until he gets all his cock into James's tight hole. Slowly he begins to thrust in and out of his warm hole. James moans softly as he feels that hot cock moving in and out of him. Mark moans softly as he begins to thrust a bit faster as he nibbles on James's neck gently. James moans softly as he lifts his ass up wanting more of Mark's hot cock deeper in his ass. Mark moans softly as he begins to thrust a bit faster as he feel James's hole loosen up a bit. James moans as he feel Mark begin to thrust his cock in and out of his ass even faster.

James looks over his shoulder at Mark as he moans softly. "Harder dear and faster please." He says with a bit of a louder moan, he tight his anal ring tighter around his hard thrusting cock.

Mark grunts a little as he begins to thrust faster and harder. James moans softly as he feels Mark seven inches of hard cock sliding in and out of his ass. Mark moans himself as he begins to thrust even faster wanting to shoot his load of hot cum deep into his lover's ass. James moans softly as he feels Mark thrusting even faster in and out of his ass. Mark moans softly as he begins to thrust even harder as he begins to feel his climax building. James moans softly as he tightens up his hole around Mark's cock. Mark grunts a bit as he keeps thrusting fast and hard as he gets even closer to shooting. Mark thrusts three or four more times before he begins to shoot his hot load into his ass. James moans softly as he feels Mark shooting his load into his hole. Mark thrust forward a couple more times before driving his cock deep into his hole. James moans softly as he feels Mark cock shooting his load into his hole. Mark lays on top of James gently as he works on catching his breath.

"I hope that was as good for you as it was for me." Mark says as he nibbles on James's neck gently, while trying to catch his breath again.

James does his best to look over his shoulder at Mark. "It was great dear, but now what you say we call it a night." James says as he wiggles his ass a little while he still got his cock deep in his ass.

Mark smiles softly as he slowly pulls his cock from his tight hole. "I agree I'm feeling a bit tired after the fun we just had." He says as he slides to the side lying on his back. Getting up he reaches down and pulls the covers over them both. James rolls over slowly as he lies against Mark. Readjusting he lay on his side while cuddling up against Mark's side. Mark leans over to give James a gently kiss on the lips as he feels James's hard cock pressed again his leg. Mark yawns softly as he cuddles up with James. James yawns softly also, as they begin to both fall asleep. Within a few minutes, they both sound asleep. The next morning comes to the small town that they were staying the night in. Mark yawns softly as he begins to wake up. He yawns as he slowly awakes from his sleep. With another soft yawn, he looks over to see James laying on his left side with his back to him. With another small yawn, Mark crawls out of bed. Making his way to the bathroom, he steps out to the toilet. Finishing up with his business, he walks over to look into the mirror. Mark yawns as he looks into the mirror he blinks a couple times as he stares at himself. He sees himself in the mirror but something seems to be off. He skin has turned a light blue in color. Reaching up he runs his hand over his chin. As he does, he notices his shabby looking beard is starting to come out. Looking down the run, his hand over his chest and notice that the hairs there seem to be falling out also.

Looking down at his groin, he runs his hand over it. Pulling his hand away, he notices that the hairs are falling out there to. Reaching up he runs his hands through his hair on his head and sighs softly as he notices it not coming out. Shaking his head, he walks over to the shower. Turning on the hot water, he waits for it to warm up. Getting the hot water where he wants it, he turns on the cold water. Getting the water just right he steps into the shower pulling the curtain closed behind him. Stepping into the flow of water, he begins to wipe off his face. Getting all the lose hair off his face he begins to works down his body. He notices that not only his chest and face hair is coming off but the hairs on his arms to. Getting the hair from his chest rinsed off he begins to works on removing the hairs on his arms. Working his way down his body, he reaches his groin. Slowly and carefully, he works on rubbing around those areas. Knocking free all the hairs there, finishing with that he reaches behind him. Rubbing between his ass cheeks, he works on rinsing away all the hair back there, finished with that he works on rubbing down both his legs. By the time, he is finished he looks over his body and notices that the only hair left on his body is that on the top of his head and that on his eyebrows. Reaching down he picks up the soap getting good and wet, he begins to work on clean up a bit.

James yawns softly as he rolls over in bed. Reaching out he find Mark not laying where he was the night before. Raising his head up he looks around the room trying to find him. Crawling out of bed he starts for the bathroom hearing water running, he grins softly to himself. Walking into the bathroom, he steps up to the shower. Stepping to the back of the shower, he slides the curtain back as he looks in at Mark. He starts to say something but then stops when he notices that Mark is a light blue in color. He blinks a couple times as he stares as Mark's light blue ass. "Dear either that water is really cold or we got a small problem on our hands." James says as he keeps staring at Mark's light blue ass, his mind wondering of what might be happening. He mind start to wonder if maybe he caught the virus that seems to be going around.

Mark turns around slowly to look at James. Who only stares more when he notices when Mark's cock and balls are a light blue. Then he gets this puzzled look when he notices all the hairs missing. "You're right we do seem to have a small problem. It would seem I do have the virus now, do not get worried I will be ok. But the fact that I am turning blue, I would have to guess I am going to be a dragon unless there is a weird blue dinosaur that I don't know about." Mark says as he smiles softly at James, while he reaches down to scratch an inch just blow his balls.

James keeps staring at Mark balls wonders about the missing hair. "Did you shave or something because all you groin hair is gone. It looks like even the hair that where on your balls is missing to." James says as just stand there staring at Mark unsure of what to say about this sudden change in Mark.

Mark looks down at his hairless groin and chuckles softly. "No I didn't shave the hair there and just about everywhere else just fell out this morning." Mark says as he turns around in the flow of water showing off his hairless body.

James blinks a couples times as he brain works on catch up with the rest of him. "So I'm guessing the hair loss and the color you seem to have turned to is cause by that virus? Do you think you picked it up from that wolf back at the diner?" James asks as he starts to look a bit worried. His thought going back to the wolf sitting at the dinner as he wonders if maybe he caught it to.

"No I don't believe he gave it to me I figure I already had it. If you remember, they said that they had an outbreak of this in Zanesville as well as a couple out breaks in McConnelsville. So my best guess is that we both already had it. It just takes some times for it to do whatever it is it does. I cannot say if this is all that going to happened or if there more to come. All we can do is keep on moving and be ready for the worse." Mark says, as he put on a smile will trying to hide the fact that he is just a little bit scared. His mind can't help but go over all that might happen to him yet.

"Well I guess that about all we can do unless we just sit here and wait to see what might happen next. Nevertheless, if I know you, you are not going to want to just wait and see what happens next. You are going to want to get back out on the road and keep going. So I guess the big question should we go get something to eat at the diner or just hit the road since we do have a cooler full of food with us." James says as he climbs into the shower with Mark. James looks over his body while he works on not thinking about what might happen.

"Even with me seeming to have caught the virus I would ever much so like to keep going. if thing get bad enough I'm sure we could find a motel or something down to road to stop at for the night or whatever we need. As for going to the diner do you really want to walk into the diner with a light blue colored human?" Mark says as he gives James a hug as he walks up to stand in front of him.

James hugs back as his right hand slides down to gently rub over Mark's hairless balls. He smiles softly as he notice how smooth the feel to his touch. Mark give a gently moan as he feel his hand roaming over his balls. "No I guess not but I'm still worried about you. I'm unsure what I would do if I lost you to this virus." James says as he pulls his hand away from his balls and he hugs him tightly.

Mark hugs him back as he rubs up and down his back slowly. "You're not going to lose me to this virus. You might lose the form that I am now but not the person inside. No one is going to take me from you not this virus not anyone. So don't worry we'll make it through this together." Mark says as he lifts his head up so he can look into his eyes. Leaning forward he gives James a gently kiss on the lips.

James breaks the kiss as he looks into Mark's eyes. "I don't care about what you look like. In fact, I would say that I find you every sexy the way you look now. However, that is not the point I am worried about what going to happen when you start to change. If you do at all well I be enough to help you through it. What if I'm not good enough to help you with whatever might happen?" James says with a softly sighs as he lays his head on Mark's chest gently.

Mark sighs softly also as he keep rubbing James back. "Don't worry we'll be just fine we always have been. Now stop worrying about what might or could be and worry about here and now." Mark says as his right hand roams down to get a hand full of James's ass.

"Ok I'll not worry so much about what might happen and just enjoy what I have right now." James says as he runs his hands down his back to his ass. Slowly he slides his right hand down between his cheeks and get a bit of a surprise. "Hey you even lost the hairs between your cheeks." James says with a hint of a chuckle at the end while his finger gently rubs over Mark's tight feeling ass hole.

Mark moans softly as he feels James rubbing a finger over his hole. He smiles softly as he rubs his own hands gently over his ass. "I would see that the only hair I have left is on the top of my head and my eye brows." He says as he grins softly at James while his hand roams over his ass.

James removes his hand from his backside as he brings it around to slide down his front. He watches as he hand slides down the smooth skin to his groin. Gently he brings to rub down to his cock then to rub over his balls again. "I must say I enjoy the feel of you smooth skin." He says as he gently massages his heavy feeling ball in his hand.

"So my dear the way I see it is we got two choose here. One is we finish getting out shower. Pack up our bags, return the key to the room, and hit the road. The second option is this. We get out of the shower go back into the bed room and you explore my semi new body." Mark says as he rubs both his hand over James firm feeling ass.

"As much as I'd like to go with the second choose I figure we better get on the road before thing with you start to happen. I'm not sure if or when you might start to change again, but I do know that you wanted to keep going no matter what so let go while you're still able to drive." James says with a bit of a sigh at not being able to give his lover a good exploring.

Mark smiles softly at James, "how about if I'm still up for it. When we stop this evening you and go about check me out all you want." He says as he gives his ass a gently pant before slowly turning them around so he standing in the warm water.

James smiles softly as he reaches down picking up the soap. "That sound like a plan to me. Now just don't go getting all worn out on me or sick before this evening." He says, as his cock is now full hard and standing out in front of him.

"If you well excuse me I'm going to go dry off get dressed and see about getting the few thing we unpacked packed." Mark says as he steps to the back of the shower. Pulling the curtain open he steps out of the shower. Grabbing a dry towel off the rack, he sets about drying himself off.

"Good idea you stay in here much longer and I might have been all over you. So we would have end up doing choose number two in the shower." James says with a bit of a laughs as he works on soaping up the front of his body.

"Oh that much I could tell by the way you were acting that's one of the main reasons I decide to get out of the shower. Since you said you wanted to hit the road soon." Mark says with a soft laugh of his own, finishing with dry off he hangs up the towel. Heading out into the main room Mark looks around for anything, they might have unpacked. Picking up his dirty clothing, he walks over to his bag and pulls out some clean stuff. Pulling out a small plastic bag, he put his dirty things inside. Putting the bag into the bigger bag, he stands up as he works on getting dressed. Getting dressed he turn to see James come walking out of the bathroom. "I let you clothing out since I wasn't sure if you want to change clothing. Or just keep what you had on another day." Mark says as he motions to James clothing lying on the floor.

James looks down at is clothing on the floor then looks over at Mark. "Well since I just put it on yesterday I'd say it good for another days use since I'm not sure when we will be able to do laundry with us being on the road." James says as he reaches down to pick up his pants. Sliding them on he sets about getting dressed. Mark picks up the two bags and opens the door to their room as he heads towards the car. Sitting the bags on the ground, he unlocks the trunk. Opening the trunk Mark puts the bags into the back of the car. Walking back into the room he smiles softly as he notices James is fully dressed. "You want to turn in the key and we can be under way?" Mark asks as he gives the room one last go over to make sure they did not miss anything.

"Sure I don't mind one other thing before I do that. Would you like me to go across the street to the diner and get us something to go?" James asks as he steps out onto the pouch.

Mark steps out onto the pouch with him locking the door behind him. "Well if you can try to get something that well not takes too long sure. That well gives me a chance to go over the car to make sure anything ok on it." Mark says as he hands James the key to the motel room.

"I'm sure I can find something that well not takes too long to have fixed." James says as he walks into the office to the motel. Returning the key, he makes his way across the street. Mark reaches in pulling the hood release. Walking front to the front of the car he pops the hood as he works on keeping out of sight. Reaching down he pulls out the dipstick for the oil; finding that it full he slides it back into place. Opening the cap to the radiator, he finds that it is full. Putting the cap back on, he checks out the brake fluid and finds it to be just like the rest full. Closing the hood to the car, he climbs into the drives sit and waits for James to come back. He sits there for about three or four minutes when he hears something being sat on the roof of that car. Mark looks over to see James handing him a paper bag with their food in it. Sitting between the sits, he looks out at James. Who hand him a large cup, which he guesses to be his drink to go with breakfast. Opening the door to the car, he climbs into the car carrying his own drink.

"I got us each two egg sandwiches which should last us a few hours before we get hungry again." James says as he closes the door on his side of the car.

"That sounds good to me." Mark says as he pulls one of the sandwiches out of the bag. Removing the wrapper he takes a bite out of it, sitting in on his leg, he put the key in the ignition. Starting up the car, he backs out of the motel parking lot and they make their way down the road again. Mark eats his sandwich as he drives down the road. Finishing up with breakfast, he looks over at James as he watches out the window.

"What on your mind by the look of you looking out that window you're thinking about something?" Mark asks as he looks over at James then back to the road before him.

James looks over at Mark with this soft smile on his face. "Oh I was just thinking about where this all might end. And then what's going too happened once we get to the end of the line." He says as he reaches over to rub Mark's right leg as he looks out the windshield.

"I've wonder what awaits us at the end of the trip. Well other than that weird voice, I heard in my dream. You know I still wonder who or what they were. Since they would not show themselves to me for whatever reason I still really like to know what they looked like so I got an idea what who they are." Mark says as he shakes his head softly trying to get the thought of who they might be out of his head.

"He must have had his reason for hiding from you. Are you sure it was a guy and not a woman out there?" James asks as he turns back to look at Mark. With his confused, look on his face.

"Well his voice sound male to me. That and the fact the footsteps seem to be a bit too heavy for a female." Mark says, as he seem to be thinking about the dream a bit more while he driving. He nods a little as he looks over at James for a second. "Yes I'm sure it was a male who was talking to me." Mark says as he reaches up scratching the back of his head. He looks over at James very quick with a smile as he goes back to watching the road.

James rubs his chin as he looks over at Mark seemingly lost in thought. "Maybe he was deformed in some weird way by this virus. On the other hand, maybe it was he was in the middle of his change and did not want you to see him. I guess there a lot of reason why he didn't want you to see him." James says, as he seems to go back to thinking about why he might have been hiding. He sighs as he seem to come up with nothing else to explain it.

Mark looks over at James for a second then back at the road. "What still really puzzles me is how I ended up where I was at. I mean I know it was just a dream but how it get in the same dream as him." Mark says as he watches the road while seeming to be lost in thought at the same time.

"That seem to be one of the many questions we have yet to answer. With any luck we'll find out as we go." James says as he rubs Mark's leg gently. While smiling softly at him turning his head he looks back out the window.

"I can only hope at this point." Mark says as he goes back work focusing on driving again. They even up driving on down the road for about two more hours when Mark starts to feel a little warm. Reaching up he wipes the sweat forming on his forehead off. "Is it getting warm or is it just me?" Mark asks as he looks over at James quickly then back to the road,

James looks over at Mark unsure at first why he asks. "Well it kind of a warm day but with us moving down the road it comfortable. Why do you ask you feeling warm?" James asks as he reaches over putting his hand on Marks forehead. "You do feel a bit warm to me. Are you feeling ok?" James asks as he gives Mark a worried look.

"Well to tell you the truth in the last five or six minutes I started to feel warm. Now I am starting to feel a bit tired and worn out if you would not mind keeping an eye out for a town up a head that would be great. Cause I think it time we found a place to hold up until I'm feeling a bit better." Mark says as he yawns softly. Shakes his head softly he goes back to watching the road.

"I saw a road sigh a few miles back that said something about a town about fifty miles up the road. You think you can stay awake that long?" James asks, as he looks at Mark worrying that he might not be able to stay awake that long.

Mark looks over at James as he notices that worried look on his face. Reaching over with his right hand he places it on James left leg. "Yes I feel kind of sleepy but don't worry I'm not that tired yet. I feel like I got a while before I get that tired. I figure I'll be able to get us to town and walk by self into the motel or hotel room." Mark says as he works on keeping his eyes on the road.

James smiles softly as my places his hand on top of Marks as he smiles softly at him. "I can only hope what you say is true." James says as he watches the side of the road for any more road signs.

Within what seems like hours when it was only a few minutes they come to the small town the road sign spoke of earlier. Pulling into town, they look around for the local motel or hotel whatever this time might have. Spotting it on the left side of the street Mark pulls into the parking lot. Pulling into one of the parking areas, Mark turns off the car as he looks over at James. "Why don't you go in and see about getting us a key." Mark says as he looks around the town and notice it does not seem anyone around. Looking off to the right he notices a few other cars parked in the parking lot and he wonders about this.

James looks over at the cars as he wonders about them also. "Sure I'll go in and get a room for a few nights." He says as he opens the door to the car and head up onto the porch. Opening the door to the office James steps inside. It is a small room like most motel offices. He steps up to the counter looking around he seems to see no one. Looking behind the counter he notices a board with pegs on it. Looking at the board, he sees there about fifteen rooms to the place. However, keys from four to ten are missing off the board. He wonders about this for a minute as he looks around the room again. "Hello, is anyone here?" He asks as he looks around again waiting a reply. Hearing no reply, James steps around to the back of the counter. He looks at the room keys that are left and decides to grab room number one. Just in case, someone might be in room number four. Walking back out of the office, he closes the door behind him. Walking back over to the car, he looks a Mark who seems to be studding the other rooms. "I got room number one for us. The keys for rooms four through ten are missing off the board." James says as he looks over at those rooms as he wonders if anyone is in them.

"I been sitting there yawning and watching the rooms. I have not seen anyone moving, but that does not mean there are not people in any of them. What you say we get our bag in and the car locked up." Mark says as he opens the door to his side of the car. James moves off to the side as he opens his door. With a bit of a yawn Mark walks around to the back of the car. Unlocking the trunk, he opens it then walks around rolling up both windows and locking the doors. Walking back to the back he reaches in grabbing one of the bags as James grabs the other. Closing the trunk he looks at James, "I'll let you unlock the door since you got the key." Mark says as he begins to make his way to the door.

"Sure, remember it room number one." James says as he follows Mark up to room number one. Reaching the door James unlocks it as they both step into the room. It is just like the last motel room they were in just without the hot tub. To the left of the door is a small table with two chairs around it. The bed is in the middle of the room against the left wall. Straight across from the foot of the bed is an entertainment cabinet. At the back of the room, there is the bathroom and a closet like space to put your clothing. Mark walks over to the closet like area and sits the bag down as he yawns again slowly.

"I think I'm going to lie down and see about getting some sleep. For some unknown reason I'm really tired." Mark says as he walks over to the left side of the bed. Sitting down he reaches down to begin to remove his shoes and socks.

"Sure go ahead I'll work on keeping an eye out for anyone who might be in the town." James says as he walks over putting the bag that he was carrying with the one Mark sit down.

"Well try to stay in the room while you're doing so. We have no idea what the people in this city might be like or what they might do if they see your roaming around." Mark says as he pulls his shoes and socks off. Setting his shoes and socks in front of the night stand, he stands up pulling the covers back.

"Don't worry I was planning just watching out the window over there since they got a table and chairs there. Make it easy to work on reading or whatever I might decide to do." James says as he points over at the table and chairs by the window.

Mark nods as he works on getting his t-shirt off his body. This is not as easy as he thought it would be since he was sweating so much that it now stuck to him. With a little work begins to slide it off his body. He looks at the back of his shirt and notices it total soaked with sweat. Shaking his head, he walks into the bathroom with his wet shirt. Hanging it up in the shower curtain rod, he pulls a towel off the rack. Working it behind him, he works on drying off his back. Once done he works on drying off his hair and wiping his forehead. Hanging the towel up with his shirt, he steps back out to see James bring in their cooler. Sitting it back the table he looks over at Mark who yawns softly. "I thought about bringing in the cooler in case we got hungry this evening." James says as he walks over to one of the chairs at the table. Pulling it out he sits down as he watches Mark in case he might need something.

"Sounds like a good idea, now if you well excuse me I think I'm going to work on a nap." Mark says as he slides his pants off. Laying them on the floor, he crawls into the bed and pulls the sheet over his still warm body. He closes his eyes as he yawns once again, with a few minutes Mark is sleeping softly.

James smiles softly as he turns to look out the windows at the street outside, after about an hour or so of just waiting out the window. James gets up, fixes himself a sandwich, and pulls one of the sodas out of the cooler. Sitting his sandwich and drink on the table he get up and goes over to one of the bags. Pulling out a book, he goes back over to the table. Opening the book, he does a little reading while he had his snack. Looking out of the window from time to time, he checks to see if anyone is moving around outside. The day slowly turns from day into evening as he suns as nightfall begin to set in James see something move outside. He looks out the window as he wonders if he saw something or not. Looking over at Mark he watches at he reaches up and gently scratches his left ear. He looks at him a second and notices that he ear seem to be changing shape. The upper part of the ear seems to be becoming a bit pointer something like he seen on anthro dragon pictures. The shape the ear is taking so far kind of put him to mind of an elf ear. It also seem to be much like that of the shape many artist draw anthro dragon ears Shaking his head a little, he remembers that he thought he saw movement outside. Getting up, he walks over to the door. As he reaches for the handle, he remembers he told Mark that he would watch from the window. However, if I just watch from the window I will never figure out what that was that moved outside. He thinks to himself as he opens the door to the room. Stepping out on to the porch he looks around for whatever it might have been he saw.

Looking around he sighs softly as he does not see anything or anyone moving. Turning around he starts to go back into the room when. He stops when he hears the sound of a door opening. Looking to his right he hears the sound of the porch creaking as someone steps out onto it. Out of room, four steps a white male in his late twenties to early thirties. He stands around five foot ten inches with short black hair. His face looks as if it has not seen a razor in days since he got a shabby looking beard going on. He is wearing a button up shirt with a pair of blues jeans. On his feet he wearing a pair of what look like work boots. He green eyes scan around the areas his eyes fall a pawn on James. He looks at James with nervous eyes. He looks from him to the door to his room back to him. James looks at him and notices he looks like he might be ready to flee. James smiles softly as he watches the males trying to make up his mind. James decides to put his mind to rest by making the first move. "Hello I'm name is James I'm not alone I got a friend with me. But he seems to have caught the virus for his body is going through a transformation." James says as he points into the room he is sharing with Mark. He watches the male standing before him as he wonders what he wants.

The male stands there for a moment as if studying James trying to figure out if he is friend or someone, he should watch out for. With a hint of a sigh, he nods softly to James as he, steps forward walking closer to him. "I'm sorry if I seem a little nervous, my names is Sam. I got a good reason to be nervous but it a long story." Sam says as he looks around trying to see if anyone is coming. His mind seems to keep going over what happened to them before they get here.

James smiles softly as he looks Sam over and he wonder why he so nervous. "Well it seems we all are at this time in the world. So why don't you tell me what going on." James says as he motion to two patio chairs sitting beside them. He looks over at the chairs then back to Sam as he wonders if he'll take the sit

Sam looks around again then sighs softly as he can tell he either has to tell them what going on or be rude and walk away from him and go hide in his room again. He stands there for a few second trying to decide. Then he sits down figure it time to stop hiding. Beside this young male, seem nice enough to him. Sitting down he look up at James as he wait for him to take a sit also. James sits down as he looks at Sam as he wait to find out why he seem like he ready to run. "Well to answer your question I guess you'd have to understand what me and those with me have gone through. Yes that right I also do not travel along now days it not safe to. We all live in Cincinnati together, we are all friends. There was eight of his when we left Ohio but we lost one the other day." Sam says as he sighs softly, as he tries not to tear up again at the thought of his lost friend. He sits there a minutes as he works on clearing his head of the thoughts of his friend. "I'll get to that a little late but right now you wanted to know why I seem so nervous right?" Sam asks as he looks over James as if still trying to figure him out.

"Well I would like to have an idea at what going on. It seems that you want to flee the first second you get." James says as he notices him still looking over at him as he notices he is still watching him. He notices that Sam has noticed that he is watching him; he turns to look out across the street.

"Sorry my friend was kind of close to me. Anyways I was talking about why I look like I am about to run off. As I said, we all lived in Cincinnati all eight of us for years before we left. When the virus started to break out in the city the hospitals began to fill up as people became sick. As more people got sick things got worse and then it started. The loonier people started coming out of the woodwork. People are shouting that the end of the world is near while other people are shouting it already here. While someone else starting saying that, the government did this to us. In addition, before you knew it people where going nuts causing riots, looting and a lot of other stuff. When all hell started to break loose, we all decide to get out of town. None of us had any family in the city so we just packed out and got out. We got here three maybe four days again I've lost track of the days with all that going on." Sam says as he sits back his thoughts going over last few days.