A New Home - Chapter 5

Story by Atlas86 on SoFurry

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#7 of A New Home

Hey look, I'm posting something! Also, does this box work like FA's description box, because it's nice to not be the first comment on my own story. Speaking of FA, it's down right now, so I don't have to make the thumbnail until it comes back up :>

Anyways, this one was fun to write. Like I said in my journal, it's more of an interlude. The next chapter won't be written more whimsically. I just wanted to try it out. It's nice to take a break from all the serious depressing stupid humans stuff and just write something fun. Even if you guys think the jokes are dumb, I don't care.

Anyways again, Enjoy!

P.S. This is my second try at posting this. Sofurry timed me out the first time :|

Jonas stared out the small porthole window in Viridan's cabin with a mixture of equal parts boredom and tedium. They maybe have been about four thousand miles away from the spot he'd seen in the window three seconds ago, but it still looked exactly the same. Stars...and more stars. Sometimes some space dust would cross the window, too, but usually it was just another star he'd mistaken for some dust. He'd never have guessed at any point in his life that moving at such remarkable speeds would be so unremarkably uninteresting.

It hadn't always been like this, he thought. It had been infinitely better in the first week of the journey to "The Edge of Space", as Captain Regent so enthusiastically referred to it as. During that first week, it had just been Regent, Viridan and him, flying through the galaxy to pick up new members of the crew Regent had built. Every day they'd stop at a new, completely unique planet for Jonas to gawk at...from the safety of the ship. He hadn't been into a city after the incident with the police, and as damaging to his psyche as that experience was, he was feeling far better after they had left the planet in their wake.

Along with a new planet, Jonas was also greeted with a new face at every stop. Every crewman seemed to be far more pleasant than the any of the people on the city streets, but maybe that was because they would be the only people to talk to for a long while. Regent had warned him, had warned everyone, in fact, that this voyage was going to be a particularly long one. He hadn't thought much about that at the time, but there had been something outside the window to look at back then.

He'd tried to help out on the ship, to make himself useful, but every time he was shuffled aside and always returned here. Viridan's cabin was the room he was most familiar with in the entire ship. He rarely got more than ten feet down the hallway outside before being turned around by someone, usually Regent, and ended up back inside. And even with a skeleton crew, they managed to fill up every table in the mess hall that Jonas would fit in. He'd usually bring his food back to the cabin, much to Viridan's chagrin, although even he recognized that there weren't many other places for him to go. And besides, he hadn't spill any starch-based protein paste on the bed yet.

The door suddenly whirred open behind him. It was the first time he'd had a visitor that day. "Hey Jonas, how's it going?" Viridan asked, stepping inside the cabin and instantly filling the tiny space. It took a half-step out of the doorway for Viridan's head to brush over his shoulder and nuzzle at his cheek.

"Oh, it's...going," Jonas replied, not taking his eyes off the space dust outside. With a sigh, he realized that the dust particle were stars...again.

"What have you been doing in here?" Viridan asked. "You haven't come out in well over two weeks, except to get some paste from the galley, look around the mess hall despondently, and then come back in here."

"The mess hall is always full," Jonas replied with a shrug. He wasn't mad or anything, that had worn out quite quickly. Everybody there was working at something, so obviously they deserved the chance to relax at the tables. Jonas understood that, and he was fine with it.

"Have you just been...staring? Out the window?" Viridan asked, turning his gaze outwards to the sliding stars.

"I've already stared at the walls, the ceiling, and the pillow on the bed," Jonas replied.

"I told you about the books saved on in my desk computer, right?" Viridan asked.

"I can't read dragon words," he said. "Regent came in and complained that the text-to-speech was too loud. Why is it that everything sounds like English, but nothing is written in English?"

"Oh, that's because of the translator in your head. I figured that it was put it in when you were put in 'The Cage', and I guess they never turned it off once you left." Viridan replied. "There's more on that computer, you know."

"I know. I've studied the ship's schematics, beat all of your high scores on every game, and looked through your porn collection," he stated. "I can only jerk off to the same two guys having sex with a tentacle gopher so many times."

"How did you find that!?" the dragon exclaimed, moving straight to his desk and mashing at the screen with distress.

"Viridan, please, I've explored every corner of that computer over the past two weeks," Jonas explained. "In fact, navigating your maze of folders was fairly simple."

"Well...well..." Viridan stammered, grasping for any of the words that raddled around in his head. Jonas took a glance at the screen for a moment, and saw a large garbage can hungrily engulfing every sultry image unfortunate enough to be caught in that folder. The garbage can then emptied its sexual stimulus into a fiery pit that had just slid open on the bottom of the screen. As soon as the digital incinerator closed and winked out of this dimension, Viridan proceeded to delete his browser history, recent files list, and nearly went to format his hard drive before stopping himself.

"Tentacle rodents are very rare and exotic creatures," he stated matter-of-factly, as if he hadn't been blushing hotly under his black pigment a moment ago. "They are very gentle as well, and many people train them to partake in sexual acts. There is nothing wrong with training an animal. You humans do it all the time."

"I...wasn't judging you," Jonas replied. "I did find it a little arousing, after I got over how creepy it looked."

"It's not creepy! It's perfectly normal for someone to have a few sexual quirks!" Viridan exclaimed.

"Why did you come in here?" Jonas shouted over him, knowing that the dragon wasn't going to drop this on his own.

"I wanted to see if you were okay," he replied, perfectly normally despite everything else that had happened over the past five minutes. "Oh, and Ziggy and I need your help."

"Wait, really?" he asked. "Every other time I asked you if you needed help, you told me that there was nothing I was capable of doing. In fact, you told me to never, ever go into the engine room unless the ship was going to explode, or if someone called you."

"Well, every time you asked me that, I was in the middle of something incredibly important and I couldn't have any distractions," he replied. "You know I love you, Jonas, but I can't have you around all the time. You're a distraction, in the same way Ziggy is a distraction when he's asking me why he has to spray the heat sink with ice water instead of opening the heat exhaust port all the way."

"But opening the exhaust port sounds like the right thing to do," Jonas said.

"It would be, if I didn't have a remote controlled robot inside the engine trying to unjam a piece of scrap metal that got stuck into one of the cooling units," Viridan sighed in exasperation. "It would just pull the robot into the unit, dislodging it and sucking them both into space."

"So what do you need me for?" Jonas asked.

"I need you to crawl into the engine and unjam the robot," Viridan replied in all seriousness.

"Huh?" Jonas asked.

"I jammed one of the robot's arms in the cooling unit, so now you have to go free the robot, so the robot can free the scrap, so Ziggy can stop draining our emergency water." Viridan prattled.

"You're using the emergency water supply!?" he exclaimed. "Does the captain know about that?"

"Oh, it's fine," Viridan replied with a dismissive wave of his hand. "We have more than enough water in the main reservoir to reach the main station."

"But what if there's an emergency!?"

"Humans have a lot of water in them, right?" Viridan asked.

"Where's that robot?"


"Okay, here's the access port," Viridan said, pointing down to the small circular hole that sat open at floor level. Ziggy, a short, stocky bipedal alien stood about ten feet to their left, spraying the engine with a glorified garden house. It looked like the green, frog-like creature was having trouble controlling the hose with his stubby arms, but with his transparent eyelids clenched in concentration, he seemed to barely manage to keep the wriggling nozzle on target, a wall of metal roughly the size of a barn door.

The metal cavern Jonas now stared into was caked in grease and grime, but it clearly preserved the trail from the robot, which would lead him straight through the maze of passages. "The engine has been off for a few hours now, so hopefully, it's cool enough in there so you don't get baked alive."

"What if something goes wrong?" Jonas asked. "You should tie a line around my ankle, so you can pull me out."

"That's a stupid idea! Stop being so pessimistic and get in there!" Viridan shouted, giving Jonas a shove into the gaping opening. He was instantly assaulted with the crude scent of oil and grease, along with some other odors that he couldn't quite pinpoint.

"What are our water reserves at, Ziggy?" Viridan asked, his voice becoming distorted as it bounced around inside the tube Jonas now resided in.

"If we complete the mission, we should have enough to clean up the cargo bay floor if we have another sex party," Ziggy replied, his warbled voice also warping as if he were talking into a can that Jonas had sat inside.

"Turn the hose off, right now!" Viridan exclaimed.

"But we can always refill at the supply depot," Ziggy added. "So there's no need to worry about how much water we use. The engine is still a few degrees hotter than I'd like-"

"Turn. It. Off," he repeated.

At this point, Jonas had crawled too far into the engine to hear the rest of their conversation. His whole world was replaced by whatever the black stuff on the floor of the pipe was. It looked like oil was simply leaking through the walls and pooling, but that wouldn't be the safest way to run an engine. And, as Jonas had observed during one of his days in solitude, the engine didn't even have an oil tank. In fact, it didn't have a lot of the parts Jonas would normally associate with an engine. Then again, he was fairly certain that any engine he'd ever seen before meeting Viridan wouldn't go very far in space.

As he rounded another corner, following the trail left in the black goop, his goal came within sight. Just down the pipe, not ten feet ahead, Viridan's robot sat, spinning its tracks uselessly in the slick muck. As Jonas neared the stranded machine, he had to cover his face as the unknown substance was rudely flung at him by the distressed robot. Jonas tried his best to keep his mouth shut as he fought back the waves of mush, but unfortunately, he lacked the musculature to keep his nose and ears closed as well. As he put his head down to try and protect his face, splattering the liquid all through his hair, he briefly wondered whether or not the stuff could ever be washed out. He'd never tried dunk his head into a bucket of engine grease before, and none of the shampoo bottles he'd read had ever mentioned automotive products. He was sure that there was some kind of space-age soap in the showers that would take care of this space-age grime, but until then, he was determined to save this stranded robot, and thus keep any thirsty aliens for possibly drinking his insides. He liked those where they were.

The robot was stuck in an intersection with another pipe, so as Jonas came to it, he managed to squeeze around it to the left and out of the spray. From this angle, he could easily see the problem. The part the robot had been working on looked very much like a common window bind, back on Earth where window blinds were common. He had never seen one out here. Regardless, he could see the piece of scrap metal Viridan had mentioned through the gap in the slats. The metal was firmly gripped in the robot's gripping mechanism, but when the robot had tried to pull its arm mechanism out from between the slats, it had gotten stuck. As the robot writhed and struggled, Jonas reached between the slats and grabbed onto the robot's gripper. As the robot continued to tug at the slats, which ran perpendicular to the robot, Jonas simply turned the mechanical appendage so it was parallel to the metal grate. With plenty of clearance, the robot easily freed its arm and turned to leave, spraying Jonas with pipe slop in thanks. Jonas turned and followed a good distance behind, letting the kicked-up goop splatter on the floor instead of over his face.

By the time he could see the opening in the tunnel from where he'd entered, he was thoroughly coated in the mysterious mechanical gunk. As he reached the edge of the pipe, suspended a single foot from the floor, he missed his footing on the edge and tumbled onto the metal deck in a heap. Viridan was a few feet away, smiling at a computer console he was currently manipulating. The screen seemed to show what the remote-controlled robot was looking at, and he was currently making it run in circles as fast as it could go.

"That didn't seem like such a big deal," Jonas said, coughing and sputtering as some of the gunk dripped into his mouth. "It was just a tiny piece of metal."

"The tiniest pieces can have the most important functions, Jonas," Viridan replied philosophically. He nodded thoughtfully towards the monitor on the screen as he made the robot do wide donuts in the center of the space.

"What did that piece do?" he asked.

"It stops other things from falling behind the grate," the dragon replied.

"But it fell behind the grate!" Jonas exclaimed.

"I said it stops other things," Viridan repeated, finally turning away from his console to look at him. "Now go get in the shower before the morning shift ends. You're dripping ooze all over the floor."

Jonas sighed, and then grunted as he hoisted himself to his feet and began the long climb around the catwalks to the second deck hatch. As he walked, drops of the engine grease would fall from body onto the metal catwalk, and then drip to the floor below with a low splash. By the time he reached the top, he had soaked the floor fairly well, and hoped that no one would slip on it and fall.

He skirted through the deserted mess hall and took a left into the communal bathroom across from the general crew quarters. It, too, was deserted. Due to the low number of crew that could be on the ship at one time, there was only a single, quite large bathroom. It had four groups of differently shaped toilets, a wall of disinfecting stations, and a third of the room contained a block of open showers. Picking one at random, he stepped under one of the center showerheads, and as soon as the sensor in the wall saw him, the water began to flow. As soon as he dipped his head under the water, and the loosest of the black goop began to swirl into the drain, Jonas could hear voices entering the room.

As Viridan had warned, the morning shift had just ended. Dozens of crewmen and women flooded into the bathroom, stripping their work jumpsuits off and throwing them into a large hamper to wash. Now naked and sweaty, the majority of them filled up the remaining showerheads in the room. Surrounded by mostly larger males, Jonas did his best to keep his eyes straight and unwavering. Unlike the shower in Viridan's house, these showers were manual. There was a bar of soap sitting on a shelf below each showerhead, and while he was sure that the fancy, futuristic space soap was powerful, he didn't seem to have the strength to clean the engine goop from his legs and hands, where he'd been putting his weight. As he scrubbed as hard as he could with the slippery bar, it suddenly popped from his hands, and landed on the floor with a loud plop. The room went dead silent.

Jonas took a glance over to his right first, and then his left. On both sides, everyone had stopped, and was staring right at him. He then turned back to the soap, still sitting on the floor. It was unavoidable; he'd have to bend down to pick it up. Taking a deep breath, he ever so slowly bent at the waste, leaning forward to grab the white bar on the floor. He was getting closer, his hand was within inches of the bar, and then something changed. He heard a heavy step directly behind him, and then a weight sunk over his back. He froze immediately.

One hand came forward and grabbed his arm, stopping his reach. He could see from the corner of his eye its fat, green fingers wrapped firmly around his bicep. He felt a similar hand grip onto the right side of his hip, wrapping down dangerously close to his cock. And he could swear that he felt a large, heated rod drop over his crack. He could hear loud, ragged breathing, and feel the hot gusts against the back of his neck. And then, it happened.

The hand holding his arm released him, and began to reach down past him. More weight was dropped onto him as the arm continued downwards until it took hold of the soap bar lying undisturbed on the smooth floor. It then pulled back towards him, and held the bar in an open palm for him to take. Jonas' right hand quaked as it reached over and tentatively took hold of the bar, and as soon as it left the hand, the weight was gone. Everything suddenly returned to normal, and Jonas gave a relieved sigh as he stood back up and looked to his right, the direction that the mysterious figure had gone off in. The alien in question was about seven feet tall, hairless, green skinned from head to toe, and bipedal. He was built massively, with thick muscles bulging from every part of his body. And Jonas hadn't imagined the rod on his ass, either. The alien was hung like a horse, with large, sagging balls and a cock as thick and long as his forearm. Even Viridan would be a little envious. With a shiver, Jonas returned to his shower, as everyone else had done, as if nothing had ever happened.


"Did you get yourself cooped up in here again?" Viridan asked, poking his head through the door before Jonas had a chance to be startled by the door opening suddenly behind him. He had sat himself down in front of Viridan's computer desk, and was trying to draw a picture that looked exactly like his desktop, so he could replace that picture of Vyra spread eagle that was his current background, and then delete all his icons so he couldn't click on anything. In an attempt to hide his boredom-induced attempt at trickery, he quickly minimized the drawing program and was greeted by the sight of Vyra's dripping pubic region quite close to where he rested his head on his hand. With a sigh, he slid his head along the desk until he was instead focusing on the bed beneath the exposed dragoness.

"You ran out of things for me to do, so I came back here," Jonas replied, shrugging. "Plus, I almost got raped by this giant green guy in the shower."

"Oh, did Terrance help you?" Viridan asked. "He helped me when I dropped my soap, too. Although, I never did understand how he managed to get his dick under my tail. Oh well. Anyways, I came to ask if you wanted to come get some food in the mess hall with me."

"There aren't any seats at my table size," Jonas replied. "And whenever I do get one, the Captain always kicks me out to make room for the crewmen."

"You can come eat at my table," Viridan said brightly.

"Umm, the tabletop is over my head, even if I stood on the bench," Jonas replied.

"You could stand in my lap," Viridan replied. "Then you could see over the table."

"I don't know, Vir," Jonas replied, using a fair bit of strength to spin the large pivoting chair around. He rubbed his arm nervously as he spoke. "Don't you eat with Regent? She probably doesn't want me there."

"Since when were you so afraid of the captain?" he asked.

"Well, there was this one time. When you were down in the engine room, she locked me in the airlock for an hour, until some passerby let me out. That's kind of why I've been hiding out in here for the whole time. And why I don't open the door for anyone. And why I listen very closely for footsteps before running over to the bathroom. And why I don't close my eyes while showering, so I can keep an eye on the entrance. And why-"

"Okay, I get it," Viridan interrupted. "The captain's not going to do anything crazy to you while I'm right there. Well...unless she locks us both in the airlock. But, I mean, she throws every new crewman in the initiation airlock for a little while on their first cruise, although I don't remember hearing of anybody being in there for an hour."

"Maybe I should just stay in here..." Jonas sighed.

"No!" Viridan exclaimed. "Every day you eat in here is another chance you'll spill food on the bed. It takes days to get paste out of the bed sheets! Come on."

The dragon's head lunged forward, and clamped gently around his shoulder. It wasn't hard enough to hurt him, but it was certainly strong enough to pull him from the chair and towards the door. He also couldn't help but take a few licks of his captor's skin, grateful for at least a small taste of fresh meat before they went to eat relatively tasteless paste.

"Stop licking me!" Jonas shouted, his hands wrapped around the dragon's lips to try and dislodge him. He shuddered as the hot appendage slipped itself beneath his arm, licking around the crevices of his shoulder.

"Viridan, if you're going to eat him, then you have to share with all of us," A voice called over the generally loud group of voices in the mess hall. "Or, you at least have to share with me."

Viridan looked up for a brief moment, and saw Captain Regent lounging nonchalantly at the officer's table. It was a pretty homogenous group at the moment, but considering that there were only three officers on the ship, it was difficult to diversify. Apart from the Captain and Viridan, there was a quite large, quite stone-faced slate gray dragon named Slate. He was quite blocky in appearance, with large muscles that were well-suited for lifting and fighting. It suited his position as Research officer quite well.

When Viridan flashed Regent a friendly smile, giving Jonas a respite from his tongue, Slate didn't give much a response. It looked as if he'd given a slight nod of recognition, but on the other hand, his head may have just bobbed from the incredible weight resting on his neck. Viridan had assumed that it would happen to people with heavyset jaws like Slate.

"Anything exciting happen today, Slate?" Viridan asked, making his way over to the large table. Jonas followed some distance behind him, wiping saliva from his shoulder and groaning as it only managed to spread onto his hands, and then wherever else he touched.

"No," he replied stoically. "Scanners were clean."

"That's..." Viridan began. Slate rarely expressed emotion when he spoke, so it was difficult for him to respond empathetically. He was pretty sure his voice had sounded exactly like this when they finally completed the English dictionary during the Earth surveys. It had taken them three months to find that last word, and while everyone else was cheering or sighing with relief, Slate has been indifferent as ever. "That sucks?"

"Captian said I could dissect the human later," Slate continued. "Don't let it eat anything."

"I'm...sorry? Nobody gets to dissect Jonas unless Jonas says it's okay," he replied.

"I see," Slate replied.

"Sorry to..." Viridan thought about it for a moment. "Disappoint you?"

"Stop trying to draw an emotional response from him, Vir," Regent replied with a dismissive wave. "Just sit down...and tell me what happened to the reserve water."

"Oh, that?" Viridan deflected, buying him some time to scheme. "We...uh...well I suppose we dumped it into the main system."

"Oh really?" Regent asked, cocking her brow as him as he took the seat opposite her. With a bit of a grunt from below, Jonas' head suddenly peeked over the table as he stood on Viridan's leg. "And how did you manage that?"

"Well, we gave the engine a cold shower, and I suppose that the water went through the drains and into the main filtration system." Viridan replied.

"How much of the reserve did you use?" she asked.

"About seventy-five percent of it," he said, scratching the side of his head while briefly glancing to away.

"And has the water gone through all the filters yet?"

"I would suppose...not yet," he replied. "It would take a couple of hours before it was completely filtered and then directed into the main storage tank."

"So, what I am to understand, is that if we don't jettison the excess water from the tank, it will overfill, maybe even rupture, and flood out my ship."

"That...is a possibility," Viridan replied, his tone growing more sheepish with each accusation leveled against him.

"Why were you giving the engine a 'cold shower', anyway?" she asked, a sly grin or her face as she watched the dragon opposite her writhe uncomfortably.

"Well, it was getting pretty hot in there," Viridan replied. "One of the cooling units had broken, and I had to cool it off so Jonas could help me fix it."

"You let the rodent work on the engine?" she asked, in not so much a bitter tone, but it still felt insulting to Jonas.

"He was the only one who could fit into the duct system," Viridan replied with a shrug.

"Oh, you let the rodent into the ductwork. How fitting," she quipped. "What happened to that expensive repair robot we got?"

"It got stuck inside the ducts, so Jonas had to free it," he said.

"You know what Vir? Sometimes I don't even know why you're in charge down there," she said with a shake of her head. "Now go get me some paste, the one that's supposed to taste like red meat but doesn't."

"Yes, Captain," Viridan replied quite formally, and moved Jonas onto the seat beside him before awkwardly leaving the table. In order for a dragon to remove itself from a standard bench seat, it is required for it to stand up straight. Being the quadruped animals that they are, a dragon's spine is not made to bend in such a way, so it actually hunches quite far forward, leaning back against its tail, which was propped against the ground for balance before an attempt at standing had been made. Standing on only two legs and a tail was quite a difficult thing to do, and something as delicate as say, a tap on the shoulder, could have sent Viridan toppling to the floor. Thankfully, no such thing happened, and he was able to less-than-gracefully drop onto all fours with a reverberating thud. He then wove between the other tables until he reached the back of a ten man line, leading up to three plastic bins filled with simple cylinders. Thankfully, lines tended to move quickly when there were so few choices, and Viridan had returned to the table with three tubes of fake red meat paste. He repeated the careful process of sitting back down at the table, and then distributed the tubes, with one going to the captain and the other going to Jonas.

"What's this stuff made of, anyway?" Jonas asked, tearing at the thin packaging with his inadequate teeth.

"Oh, glucose, psyllium, something ending in carbonate," Viridan replied, opting to chomp the entire foot-long tube in one gulp and have the ship's water filtration system deal with the packaging later. "All they tell you is that they're compact, don't perish, and can last you a day."

"Maybe I shouldn't be eating so many of these, then," Jonas replied. "I probably don't expend all the energy in these things."

"Oh no, keep eating," Regent replied with a sly grin. "There aren't a lot of fatty snacks on the frontier. We could trade you for supplies, or maybe even some loot from the surface."

Jonas had barely gotten the packaging off his log, and he had already lost his appetite. With a despondent glance down at his meal for the day, he handed the log up to Viridan, who thankfully gulped it down as he'd done with the first one. "Maybe I'll...wait until tomorrow," he said.

It looked as if Regent was about to taunt him again, but a loud chime suddenly rang through the room, ending all conversation and causing the vast majority of the room to stand suddenly like trained dogs. Viridan lagged behind the group now filing out of the room as he moved Jonas off his lap and shakily stood. With Jonas standing on the floor and Viridan now standing nearly vertically, it took quite a bit of effort for Jonas to strain his neck that far back. It gave him vertigo to look up at Viridan at such an angle, and so decided that any replies would be directed at the dragon's shins, or possibly his thighs.

"I have to go back down to the engine room for a couple more hours until my shift is over. Why don't you wait for me in the cabin and then we can get some sleep?"

"Sure," Jonas replied.

The pair of shins offered nothing to the conversation.

Jonas waited as Viridan dropped to the floor and slowly inched his way out. Only when most of the large crewmen were gone did Jonas join the crowd. It was a mere forty second walk from his table to the cabin, but with all the different body shapes crowding around him, it felt like at least a whole minute. Once he was inside, though, he locked the door and hauled himself up on the bed. It was always so plush, he wondered what sort of fabulous inventor designed such a bed. Then he remembered that he was flying at some ridiculous speed in a stretch of space an unfathomable distance from his home, and the bed suddenly seemed quite menial, despite its comfort value. And while Viridan had asked him to wait for him, a blanket of sleep was suddenly dropped over his face and wrapped around his neck, violently dragging him backwards into a peaceful closet of slumber.


Jonas awoke some time later, dazed, confused, and sweaty. His eyes focused slowly, barely registering the sheen of the black mosaic above him. He knew that he was on his back, and that he was rubbing himself quite forcefully up the center of his torso with his arms. Wait, that wasn't right, his arms were at his sides. He must be using his legs, then. But that wasn't right either. With a groggy groan, he reached up and gave a firm squeeze to the object that was fervently grinding itself against him. It was quite firm, but somewhat yielding to his grasp. It was quite warm, and tubular in shape. Perhaps a worm was trying to burrow into his chest.

"Jonas, are you awake?" a voice from above asked, somewhat nervously.

"mmm...yeah," he replied, rubbing his eyes with the hand he'd just squeezed the space worm with. His hand smelled oddly musky as it neared his nose. Maybe it was worm mating season?

"Oh, this is so awkward," the voice moaned.

The black pattern above him slid to the side, and the enter bed bounced as a massive object dropped to his right side. He could see the space worm flop about, slapping against his arm from where it protruded from the object, which was probably some type of asteroid that had crashed into the cabin.

"Sorry, space worm," Jonas replied sleepily. "I'm not a good place to lay your eggs."

"What are you talking about?" the asteroid asked.

"Weren't you trying to dig into my chest?" he asked.

"No, Jonas, it's me," the asteroid replied mildly. "It's Viridan."

"Oh," Jonas said. He put his hand up against the black object beside him, and recognized the feeling of belly scales against his fingertips. "That makes more sense. So what were you doing?"

"Oh, Jonas, I'm so sorry," Viridan said. "When I got back from my shift, I was so horny. I haven't had sex since before we left, and I haven't had the time to do it myself. But you were already asleep when I got here. I didn't want to wake you, but I didn't want to masturbate either. I thought it might be too forceful to go in you while you were asleep, but maybe if I just rubbed myself all over you, I could get off without you waking up."

"That was a terrible idea," Jonas replied.

"Yeah," Viridan agreed. "It was,"

"Well, we can't just leave you hanging against my arm," Jonas replied. With a groan of exertion, he hoisted himself onto his hands and knees. "Come on, let's get your libido in check."

"Oh, you're the best, Jonas," Viridan said with glee, placing a kiss on the top of his head before crawling above Jonas. The much smaller human hadn't had sex for at least as long as Viridan had, although he'd had plenty of opportunities to enjoy the small collection of imagery available to him. That being said, nothing reminded him of true sex more than having Viridan drape his erect cock over the small of his back. They usually began like this, allowing the large dragon to gain a vague idea of where his target was, as he was effectively blind. Once he was resting over his spine, the long rod would draw itself down along his crack, and then force its way back up and in. Jonas had grown used to being empty, and so the first penetration did wonders to reacclimatize him. There were tweaks of pain as old muscles reawaken, but Viridan didn't give him any time to rest as his pelvis was suddenly mashed quite forcefully. There was a one second respite before the same spot was mashed again, and the cycle continued and the long, thick pole cycled in and out of him. His anal muscles tensed in familiar patterns every time the smooth surface dragged over his insides.

Jonas was just beginning to truly enjoy himself when he heard a series of beeps echoing from the door. He felt quite terrified, as a moment later, the door slid open, and captain Regent walked inside. She stood quite close to them, as the room size required, and simply stared at the cock and where it was burying itself. Jonas stared back at her with a look of horror, but Viridan gave no indication that he had noticed her at all.

"Hot," she said, her pupils sliding back and forth as she traced the line that Viridan's tip followed. "I'm impressed, Jonas. You must be quite the female."

Viridan's breath began to grow more ragged at that point, and Jonas could feel the twitches his shaft made inside of him. Regent also seemed to pick up on the impending climax, as a hungry shine suddenly appeared in her eyes. Jonas watched her warily, feeling Viridan's thrusts increase in force as the end loomed closer. Just as he was about to deliver the final blow, Jonas felt a claw on his ass, and he was violently thrown forward, onto his stomach. It took him a moment to recover from the sudden push and turn himself around, but what he saw left him speechless. Regent's head now occupied the space that he had been in a moment later, her mouth firmly wrapped around Viridan's cock as it pumped and sputtered into her. Jonas could hear her greedily sucking at his length, drawing all she could from it. Almost a minute later, she popped off his shaft with a wet slurp, and Viridan collapsed to his right. Jonas was still staring at Regent, who caught his eye for a moment before clamping her lips firmly against his. Her tongue, still slick with semen, plowed through his defenses and proceeded to eagerly layer its cargo around his mouth, filling him with Viridan's copious juices, along with her own. Another minute after that, and she was gone, the door once again locked and the room quiet.

"Jonas, I didn't know you had a tongue in your ass," Viridan said drearily, before falling asleep.