Following Good Lab Practices

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Following Good Lab Practices

It was Friday on the school campus, the sun just beginning to set as most of the students had left for the day. For Roger Mcgray Turner, however, his day was far from over as he set yet another of a seemingly endless array of test tubes behind the fume hood. As a graduate student he was expected to go above and beyond the other students for his work, particularly by his over-bearing professor and his own personal research projects. It was a small price to pay for a scholarship to one of the highest-graded pathogen research campuses in the nation, but at the moment all he could focus on was the clock as it steadily reminded him his Friday was quickly wasting away around him. All that was left was the labeling of the results of the day's experiments, but his professor was insistent on following lab protocol to the letter which meant he was constantly changing gloves, repeatedly sterilizing equipment, and always cleaning up after the last batch.

"Prof. Dulsen, these batches are all the same experiment." Roger offered as he placed the last set of test tubes into the hood. "Wouldn't it be easier and more efficient if we just labeled the entire set of tubes with one label instead of having to put one on each holder?"

"Oh?" Prof. Dulsen replied, seeing a rare glimpse of his teacher's eyes as he looked up at him from his microscope. "Have somewhere you need to be there, Mr. Turner? Going to do something important this weekend? Surely it has to be in order to want to rush the work I've been doing for the last ten years. In fact, why don't we just rush your grade for the Master's program as well, wouldn't want you to waste your precious time here when you could be off doing more important things!"

Roger sighed as he didn't bother to reply to his professor's scathing words, instead he once more focused on the task at hand to try and salvage some part of his day. But as his anxiousness to leave grew his hands rushed faster, and as he tried to quickly push one of the test tube holders out of the way to reach another one of them managed to slip out of their holders. He tried desperately to catch it, but his gloved hands were no match to gravity and the delicate glass led out a small crash as it broke into pieces on the hood floor. The next second he could feel the professor's eyes burn into his backside, the anger palpable in the air.

"Clean it up, Mr. Turner." Prof. Dulsen seethed. "Then kindly leave for the day."

The young student could feel his cheeks burn as he was kicked off the project, hopefully only for the day as he grabbed the glass disposal kit. As he reached into scoop up the glass he realized the palm of his glove had been sliced open by some unseen edge, though the skin beneath remained thankfully intact. Proper protocol would have been to immediately stop and grab another pair of gloves, but any delay could cause his angry professor to change his mind and make him stay even later to prepare one of the back-up samples. Instead he decided just to be careful and clean the spill, then quickly hide the perforated gloves in the trash before washing his hands. After one last dirty look from Prof. Dulsen he left, breathing a sigh of relief as he quickly vacated the science building.


The sun had already set as Roger swiped the key card to get into his room. Thankfully his roommate was not in; even though he had nothing against the other researcher he preferred to be alone. After he showered and got dressed once more he tried to call his friends to join in on any possible nightly revelry, only to find that most of them had either plans with others or were already unable to be gotten a hold of. After nearly twenty minutes of calling and texting he tossed the phone down onto the couch in frustration. "It figures that I can get out early enough to do something and no one is around." He muttered as he went into his room.

Even though it was scarcely bigger than a broom closet, his bedroom had been a safe haven for his studies for the last year and a half of his graduate school career. On his cheap desk sat a large pile of biochemistry and pathology books along with the one thing that he cherished most, his laptop computer. While it was an invaluable tool in both research and report writing, at the moment it served as his source of music as he cracked open his books to make more headway on his thesis and weekly homework. With his headphones on he set pen to paper, taking out his frustration on the complex amino acids on his paper.

After three hours and nearly a dozen pages later, Roger found his energy level on empty. Chemical symbols and atomic models had begun to blur together, and as he looked over at his clock he realized that it was past midnight. It was just another indication of his wasted night, though he had gotten a jump on his weekend homework. As he ripped off his headphones, however, a sudden pain shot through his skull that caused him to nearly fall off his chair.

"What the hell!?" He nearly screamed out as he clutched his head, feeling a hot liquid begin to run through his fingers and hair. His chair toppled to the floor as he ran to the bathroom, the pain thankfully lessening as he looked in the mirror of his shared bathroom. As he had feared his dirty blonde hair had been stained red as thin lines of red transected the skin of his fingers. Mentally he cursed himself, he had bought the cheap pair of headphones from the campus store and should have known they would be defective in some way. A careful examination of the wound revealed it to be nothing more than a long scratch, though deep enough to draw blood it had already seemed to start the healing process as he turned on the water to wash his hands.

As the blood rinsed off of him and into the sink, however, something very peculiar caught his eye. His normal, well-trimmed nailed on his right hand had turned completely black and pointed, with a slight curve to them. Had this been the cause of his wound, he wondered to himself as he examined the strange mutation. A quick tug revealed them to be firmly attached to his fingers, the thick nail offering no resistance as tried to bend it. They were indeed sharp enough, as he ran a finger gently along the edge he could feel a sharpness there that he didn't think any human nail could possess.

"Maybe... maybe an allergic reaction?" He tried to rationalize as he went back to his room, eyes still fixated on the strange, claw-like nails. One time he had saw one of his former colleges break out into a full-body rash from one of the sanitizers they used, though this was a symptom he had never heard of he hoped it was the same thing. After spending a few seconds rummaging through his desk he finally found the pair of clippers he had brought with him from home, hoping to at least dull the edge of his new nails so he wouldn't scratch himself again. It took a bit of maneuvering to get the clippers over the thickened nail, but as soon as he got it completely over he pushed down to rid himself of the first point.

Unfortunately when he pushed down the only thing that broke was the clippers, the metal bending around the nail until the two pieces of metal separated from one another. As Roger looked down at the destroyed clippers and his hand he began to wonder if he should go to the hospital. His master's scholarship didn't include health insurance though, and he didn't have that much money to throw at a doctor at the moment. Plus he didn't feel bad, aside from his tiredness from studying and his right hand nothing else seemed to be wrong with him.

"If it doesn't go away tomorrow I'll go." He assured himself as he prepared for bed, wrapping up his affected hand with some bandages from a first-aid kit his parents sent with him to prevent him from injuring himself once more before crawling into bed. As he got himself comfortable the worry of his condition caused him to be awake for far longer than he had intended, but finally as his eyes closed he drifted off into the blackness of sleep.


When Roger awoke once more he quickly found himself surrounded by wet, sticky sheets. His first thought was fear, that somehow the bandages had come loose and he had cut himself open during the night. That brought him to a full awakening state very quickly and he jumped out of bed to try and find the source of the injury. When he found none he looked back down on the bed to find that there was no bloodstains anywhere on the bed. As his breathing normalized he noticed just how drenched in sweat he was, the boxers he had gone to bed as well as the bandages around his hand soaked to the point of dripping.

There was also another odor in the air as he begun to strip his bed to be washed, a rather familiar one that caused him to pause in his tracks. "A wet dream?" He wondered to himself as he felt the sticky substance on both the sheets and his underwear. Any dream he may have had to cause such a reaction had long since left his mind, frightened away by the thought of being in a puddle of his own fluids. "What is going on with me..."

Instead of continuing with his cleaning he decided to wash himself off first, if only to try and rid the musky smell from his body and check to see if his fingernails had somehow reverted back to normal. After a quick look to make sure that his roommate was not in the main room or kitchen, he stripped off the soaked boxers and wrapped a towel around himself before he darted into the bathroom. He could feel his sweat-soaked feet make tracks in the cheap carpeting, but thankfully his room was the closest to the bathroom. Once he had the door securely locked behind him he started to unwrap his hand, only to stop when he turned to look in the mirror.

While he had never been 'muscular', hours spent in the lab prevented him from putting any true muscles on his thin form; he did play enough sports to keep himself relatively in shape. As he looked at himself in the mirror it looked as though he had been playing professional sports all his life. He flexed his arms experimentally, watching as his new, thicker pectorals perked up. It also looked like he had grown another few inches as well, a nearly impossible feat yet confirmed by the fact that he nearly knocked his head against the shower curtain when he stepped back to get a better view of himself.

"This is... unreal." Roger muttered as he tried to regain hold on the situation. The reflection in the mirror looked almost alien to him as his eyes trailed down lower. His new six-pack contracted slightly as his hand ran over them, the new muscles sensitive to his touch as he drifted lower. Until that time he hadn't noticed that he was fully aroused, cock twitching his hand gravitated towards it almost instinctively. Like the rest of his body the skin seemed to be very taut around it, and though he had never concerned himself with such things as girth and length he knew that he was at least several inches longer than before.

As he bandaged hand brushed over the sensitive flesh it anchored him once more to the reality of the situation he was in. No one just grew like he did overnight, and his thoughts almost immediately turned back to the accident in the lab. He knew that the professor was working with viral DNA to render a quick-delivery system for certain antibiotics, but all their samples were completely inactivated to prevent any sort of catastrophe from happening. Plus there was nothing in their work that would point to muscle or bone growth.

His attention turned once more to his bandaged hand that he had forgotten about until that point, and with some anxiety he quickly removed the linens from it. When the last of the bandage fell away he nearly passed out from the shock, his hand had not only swelled out quite a bit but the nails had grown into what he could only describe as claws. It still had some flexibility, he found when he tried to wiggle his fingers, but it was hard with all the new growth. Plus it appeared his skin had hardened substantially, and as he ran his other finger against it the skin felt stretched and thin.

This had gone way past a normal doctor's visit, he realized as he skipped the shower and ran back to his room. He grabbed his phone from where he had tossed it the night before, though his mutated hand made it hard to hold onto as his good hand put the digits he needed. While it would have been the most rational to call the professor himself, he knew his obsession with the project and didn't want to end up being studied himself. Instead he called another graduate study who occasionally TAed for the professor and also worked on the same project as he did.

After several rings a bleary voice picked up, asking what on Earth he wanted. "I need to meet with you immediately Sam." Roger replied, trying not to sound too stressed or anxious. "It's about Prof. Dulsen's project."

"Figures it's that old coot waking me up this early on a Saturday." The slightly irate voice replied with a sigh. "Alright, meet me at the coffee shop in thirty minutes."

Roger felt slightly more relieved as he hung up the phone, at least now he had started to make progress towards his goal of reversing his malady. With a plan in place he could feel himself begin to relax, and his scientific curiosity began to get the better of him. The bandage he had been using had long since been shredded by his new claws, and with his lack of sensation in his hand he found it hard to figure out how tight he had the new linens. Despite the minor discomfort in his limb, however, he actually felt better than he ever had in his entire life. His body also looked better than it ever had before; a small part of him hoped that he could keep the new growth when they cured whatever was wrong with him.

As he pondered his condition he quickly found he had another immediate problem to deal with, the matter of his clothing. Nothing fit him anymore, even when he left his pants unbuttoned they were so tight he could feel the circulation to his limbs get cut off. Finally after nearly busting the seams of one of his largest shirts he ditched the plans to use his own clothes and immediately hatched another one. Luckily his roommate was larger than him, at least before his unnatural growth spurt.

With the towel still around his waist he went over to his roommate's bedroom, knocking hard on the door. A sudden crack made him stop mid-knock, seeing a split form right down the middle of the cheap wood. He silently hoped now his roommate wasn't actually there, and as he opened the door he found with relief that the room was vacant. The room was fairly sparse and clean, the bed made and all his papers put into neat piles. Either his roommate was a neat-freak, he reasoned as he went up to the closet, or hopefully he had cleaned up before he left for one of his semi-frequent trips home.

About half an hour later Roger sat tucked away in one of the booths of the coffee shop wearing a sports jersey and black sweats, the only things he could find that actually fit him as his non-bandaged hand nursed a cup of coffee. As he looked at it he realized that it had begun to swell as well, following the fate of his other hand. He realized something was amiss when he used a finger to temperature test his coffee and didn't feel the heat, only to burn his tongue on the first sip of the hot liquid. Since then he began to wonder what other parts of his body had subtly changed aside from his newfound height and strength. As those thoughts became increasingly lustful he could feel the already stretched fabric begin to tent. His eyes wandered at the two other customers in the shop, and when he saw they were completely engrossed in their own conversations he took his still relatively good hand and began to rub the head of his shaft through the fabric.

The feeling was unlike anything he had ever felt before, he wasn't sure whether it was because of the mutations or being out in public but it was hard for him to remain controlled. He could feel his claws push into the pleather seat cushions as his mouth opened slightly, exposing slightly pointed teeth as his hips began to buck forward. The burning lust in his body threatened to consume him, and had he not seen his contact walk through the door he would have easily brought himself to climax right there in the booth. Taking a deep breath, he tried to calm himself down enough so that it wasn't noticeable enough to the other grad student as he sat down on the other side of the booth.

No matter how composed he may have looked on the outside, inside Roger was still extremely hot and bothered as the other male sleepily added sugar to his coffee. "You alright?" Sam asked after he had taken a drink. "You look pale."

"Well, yes and no really." Roger replied as he eyed up the male. As he explained the events from the broken test tube until the phone call he couldn't help but watch Sam's every move as he talked. He felt the pent-up need in his body shift, and the more he looked at those green eyes and long, unkempt black hair the more the strange feeling began to build. It wasn't as though he had never felt attraction before, though he hadn't really focused on it since he didn't want to get distracted from his studies with a girlfriend. It never even occurred to him that he may be attracted to the same sex, but by the time he was finished with his story he had stumbled over several words as he tried to imagine what was underneath the loose clothing he wore.

By the end of his story Sam looked more grim-faced than surprised, even when Roger undid the bandage to show him his hand. "Have you told anyone else about this?" The older student asked, to which Roger shook his head. "I need to get you back to my house quickly. If we're lucky, we can stop what's happening before it is too late. This is not something to discuss here though, come with me."

While normally Roger would have at least asked what was going on, he found himself so lust-drunk that he merely got up and began to follow him as they rushed out the shop. As they passed by the barista he noticed her look down at him in shock, his cock still fully-erect and threatening to poke out of the top of the waistband. None of that mattered to him though; all he could do was stare at the blue-jean covered rear end of the male in front of him. He was only vaguely aware of being pushed into a small car, and it wasn't until he felt the stinging cold of the A/C blow on him that he was able to think straight once more.

"We're pretty far away from a cold shower." Sam said as he watched his passenger's erection begin to subside. "So I thought this would be an acceptable substitute for now."

"What's happening to me?" Roger asked once his mind was completely clear. "You weren't surprised at all when I explained to you my... condition."

"I can't explain much to you unfortunately." Sam replied. "All I can tell you is that you stumbled onto a branch of research that's far more advanced than anything you were working on. Everything else beyond that is classified information..."

Roger could feel a knot forming in his stomach as the car raced off of the campus. He knew that sometimes the school would take contracts, seeing how their labs were one of the most advanced in the country, but he never knew the depth of them. If he was lucky, he wouldn't figure it out by becoming their latest guinea pig. Part of him wished he could tell Sam to turn off the cold air; his horniness at least would prevent him from worrying too much about it. It still disconcerted him that he felt so sexually drawn to him; even chilled he couldn't help but take a glance down at his groin every so often and lick his lips subconsciously. Soon he realized that Sam was not oblivious to his 'admirations', and as he adjusted uncomfortably in his car seat it surprisingly pained him to know that he was making the other male uncomfortable.

"We're here." Sam announced suddenly. Roger looked up to see that they were in the driveway of a very nice brownstone in a neighborhood he had never seen before. He had lost all track of time and direction while lost in his thoughts, which meant that he could be miles away from the campus. Once the engine was shut down the A/C was also switched off, and as the heat returned to his limbs the arousal did as well. As he began to find his hands roaming down to his groin he was grabbed by his helper and dragged into the house.

After a brief struggle Sam pushed Roger into the house, and it immediately felt like he was in the middle of a freezer unit. The cold was such a shock to his system that sex became the last thing he thought about, and once his mind was clear once more he noticed his surroundings. The entire living room was one big room, with several overstuffed couches that surrounded an impressive entertainment system. Beyond that was a single entryway that led into what looked like a kitchen, the gleam of stainless steel seen from the next room. "I don't suppose you always keep it this cold." He said as he rubbed his shoulders.

"I changed it in the car." Sam replied as he put on a jacket. "I know what you're probably feeling; the sensations are overloading your senses. The cold seems to slake your... more heated desires. Anyway, my personal lab is down in the basement. I'm going to need to take some blood samples so I can get a better sense of what you were exposed too."

"Your own lab?" Roger said quizzically as they walked down the carpeted stairs. His mouth dropped as he walked into the basement itself, the entire area packed with equipment as sophisticated as the stuff in school. Sam led him to an examination chair and sat Roger down, though his spine and back muscles felt even stiffer than before. "This seems like an extremely sophisticated set-up for a grad student."

Sam chuckled as he drew several samples of blood, though the needle took some pressure to get into the vein. "It's part of that whole 'classified' thing that I was talking about before. This is also why I'm not letting Prof. Dulsen know about what we're doing."

"But this is his project, his life's work." Roger pointed out as they prepped his hand to do a skin biopsy. The hand had swollen to at least twice the size of his normal hand, and his new claws had completely integrated themselves into his fingers. The nail beds had also become discolored as well, a strange blue coloration surrounding the blackness. "Did you... hijack his work?"

"Classified." Was all Sam said as he took the scalpel and brought it down to slice a small skin sample. But as soon as the tip penetrated the skin it split apart like an overfilled sausage casing, revealing shiny blue scales underneath. With the skin gone the changes were far more apparent, his hand looking more like an oversized animal paw than anything human. As Sam quickly unbuckled his arm he saw the extent of the damage, his skin torn all the way up to his elbow though they could see the scales progressed further underneath. When they turned over his arm they found that his underarm was also covered with scales, except they were a solid gold rather than the blue on top.

"It's progressed further then I imagined." Sam sighed as he took a syringe filled with a misty green fluid and injected it into his arm. "This is a protein enzyme inhibitor combined with an anti-viral supplement. Hopefully it will keep the changes to a minimum until we can get a more permanent solution. Considering the scales are still soft enough for me to get a needle in there means we may still have a chance on this."

After several hours of testing Sam brought him back up to the living room, Roger sitting on one of the couches as Sam prepared dinner for them. As he sat there watching television the stiffness in his back intensified, to the point where he ended up having to lie down just to be comfortable. When his host came back with several steaks he noticed the uncomfortable position he was in and asked him what was wrong. "My back..." he groaned out, gesturing behind him.

"Here, let me see." Sam asked, grabbing the other male's shirt and lifting it up. At first Roger tried to protest, but he was insistent soon he found him shirtless as he felt warm hands against his back. "The skin is very tight, and I can see some extensions in your spine... I think they go further down but you're going to have to lose the pants too."

Roger could feel his body become flush with heat despite the chill in the room. "I'm not... I didn't borrow any underwear." He managed to stammer, embarrassed.

"Like I said, I know what the side-effects are, so you don't have to be embarrassed." Sam reassured as his hands slid into the waistband. Even though he probably didn't mean it to be sexual, his breath quickened as those hands continued to caress his flesh as he was disrobed. He could swear that he felt a finger brush up against his rock-hard arousal as the fabric was pulled down past his feet and discarded.

Once more fingers pressed against his backside, only this time far lower than before as it pressed against a nub of flesh he never had before. As those hands rubbed against it he could feel it move slightly, no more than a twitch but still enough to cause him to gasp. He knew it was the start of a tail, and as he focused his attention on it the new appendage seemed to grow several more inches in length. "I'm still changing." Roger said in dismay as he was helped into a sitting position.

"The serum is going to take some time." Sam explained as he gave Roger a blanket to hide his arousal. "Just enjoy my hospitality until we can fix you up."

Roger was just grateful for the opportunity to cover himself up as he took the blanket and wrapped it around his waist. As he was offered one of the steaks, however, there was a look in Sam's eyes... but the smell of the cooked meat wafted into his nostrils and he quickly found himself distracted by the food. His new sharper teeth and claws were far more efficient than the silverware provided, and before long his plate was clean of everything except a bit of juice. The worst part was that it only made him hungrier, and before long two more steaks had vanished. Sam reassured him that it was because of his current bodily changes, and that his body needed the protein to help restore all the new muscle.

By the time they had finished eating and watched several movies Sam informed him that he was going to bed, and that Roger would be on the couch and was free to use his entertainment system as much as he wanted. While he was grateful for the comfort of the overstuffed couch, he began to wonder about what was going to happen afterward. Granted it was only Saturday, what would happen if he didn't show up to class on Monday? Would Prof. Dulsen realize what happened to him, or worse, would Sam have to contact the government about his condition?

Despite his concerns he managed to drift off into a fitful sleep, curled up under the one blanket to try and keep warm despite the cold temperature. He didn't have long to sleep through, the next thing he knew he opened his eyes once more to find that only a few hours had passed since he managed to fall asleep. As he stripped the blanket off of his body he realized he was once more coated in the same sheen of sweat as he had this morning, though this time it was far less... sticky then before. He also realized that Sam stood there in the darkness, hovering over him.

"You turned off the air conditioning..." Roger said as he sat up, his erection strained as he felt several more patches of skin sloughed off of his body. Even in the darkness he could see that the blue and gold scales had dominated the upper half of his body, ending just below his neck and above his waist. His musculature structure had also changed as well, his shoulders and hips rotated in a way that gave him a more quadruped stance. He had also gained a few inches of length on his tail, which he was now able to sway with some flexibility.

"I'm so sorry Roger." He heard Sam say as he approached him, naked as he was. Roger's jaw nearly dropped when he saw the lithe figure of the other male come up and caress his scaly skin, his cock nearly as erect as his. This only caused his own lust to crest in his loins, which seemed to spur on his transformation even more. His body twitched and quivered slightly, his jaw cracking as his face began to push out into a muzzle.

"You didn't stop the transformation..." Roger managed to rebuke, though his thickening tongue made it hard to speak.

"I couldn't, the process is irreversible." Sam said as he ran a hand down the transforming male's chest. "I need to be honest with you, there is no government contract, everything you see here is from an inheritance that I had in trust until I was old enough to use it. I've wanted to become a dragon for so long... I tried to do it myself with my lab but didn't have the clearance for the samples I needed. Then, when I heard about Prof. Dulsen's research I immediately did everything in my power to join up. Once I had myself ingrained in his work I secretly started my own research, combining DNA sequences in order to make a dragon body using the professor's viruses as the perfect replication and delivery system. Unfortunately you exposed yourself before I could complete the finished product. The booster I gave you today completed the sequence; otherwise I fear what would have happened to your body had I not."

Roger wanted to protest, to tell him what he did to him was cruel, but Sam continued to tease his body and all he could do was groan. "I wanted to find a willing partner to share in this once I had changed... but you seemed to be attracted to me, right? Or have I been completely misreading all the leering gazes you've given me?"

As Sam's hand curled around his changing member Roger knew that his words were true, that there was a connection to him that he had not felt with anyone else. Unfortunately his new muzzle made it impossible to communicate, his neck stretching as his strained spine continued to extend from both sides. He could feel a tear form in the middle of his forehead, followed by two more as black horns extended from his skull as he shed his human skin like a snake's. There was surprisingly little pain, all he could feel is the pleasure that came from his groin as his cock grew to nearly a foot as the tip tapered into a more conical shape. Desperately he wished he could tell Sam how right it felt, and how he wanted much more than his hand on his length...

"Oh I plan on doing much more than that." Sam said with a smile as he swung up onto the surprised dragon's chest. "Don't look so surprised, I still wanted to communicate with people so I had the virus stimulate the part of the brain that is believed to house the ability for extra-sensory perception. I'm glad to see that it worked."

At that point Roger couldn't care less about explinations anymore, as his new tongue licked past his growing fangs the only thing he was focused on now was the sexy, naked human in front of him. His partner's smile conveyed the same sentiment, as he promptly stopped talking and positioned himself right over the massive piece of flesh. As the tip prodded against his opening he could sense the presence of lubrication, a smile crossing the dragon's face as he realized that he had been planning for this conclusion all along. With amazing patience the human slowly lowered himself down, holding onto Roger's massive hind legs for leverage as he impaled himself on the hot piece of dragonflesh. The only thing the dragon could do was hiss and moan as he felt the warm heat suffuse into his new length, letting out small gasp when the last remaining flesh on his legs gave way and caused Sam to slip down a few inches.

In the matter of a minute the eager human had completely buried the draconic cock inside of him, a look of blissful pleasure on his face as Roger wiggled his hips. Surprisingly his mind was clearer than ever now, though he still felt the waves of ecstasy flood his new body, which was now almost as big as the huge couch he laid on. He instinctively knew that there was still one part of his body that had not emerged though, and as Sam waited to get used to the huge length inside of him he twisted his longer neck forward and licked at his rock-hard erection. As he did so he felt the muscles in his back contract, a pair of wings snaking out of his back and unfurling behind him.

"So beautiful." Sam managed to gasp as he grabbed onto his lover's horns as his tongue slipped around his cock. As Roger's mental abilities continued to blossom he could see into Sam's mind, able to see that while the other male didn't believe in fate it almost seemed to him that the two were destined to be together as well. When he had seen him in the coffee shop, thinking that he wasn't being obvious as he rubbed himself under the table, he had also felt the instinctual connection between them. It had taken every fiber of his being not to jump him at any point during the day, content to wait and see what happened. Sam was also thrilled to see that Roger seemed to enjoy his new form, which was true in every aspect as his hips began to grind upward to get even deeper into his new mate.

Roger made sure that Sam felt every single bit of pleasure that he experienced, transferring it through their new mental link as they developed a rhythm. As the dragon rolled his hips up it pushed the human's cock even deeper into his muzzle, his tongue dancing around the sensitive flesh. With every second it seemed that Sam grew even bigger, his sucking bringing the head further and further back until it almost reached the back of his throat. The human had a death grip on his horns as his body was assaulted by both his own pleasure and the pleasure of his draconic counterpart, his black hair matted with sweat as his body was pushed to the limit.

Finally Sam couldn't hold back anymore, with a loud, lustful cry he climaxed, his muscles contracting as he shot jet after jet of salty fluid into the dragon's muzzle. The human's squirming on his own member, still agonizingly sensitive after his transformation, caused him to buck only a few more times before his own orgasm washed over his body. His forepaws clenched onto the human's hips as he filled him with his draconic spunk, pressing him down hard to imbed his spurting member as deeply as he could. After what seemed like an eternity they managed to calm down enough to unclench themselves from each other, the fires of their shared orgasm subsiding into a warm afterglow.

As Roger pulled his scaly lips away from Sam's member they could clearly see that it was now the same bright red as his own, over a foot long and tapered. It looked disproportionate to the rest of the male's body, though by the lusty grin he had he could tell that he didn't mind. "I guess you're still quite infectious." He said as he pulled himself off, both of them moaning slightly as the slick flesh slid out of him. "Saves me the trouble of breaking into the lab and stealing the rest of Dulsen's samples for myself."

"Good." Roger replied telepathically as his scaly blue body slinked down onto the plush carpet with serpentine grace. "It'll give us time to test out that new piece of equipment of yours. After all, I know what the side effects of the transformation are and how you must be feeling right about now. I think this will be a far more effective way to slake your needs rather than a cold shower."

They both laughed as the dragon got on all fours, then took his long tail and wrapped it around Sam's waist, beckoning him forward. His mate was more than happy to oblige, his new cock already rock-hard again and ready to go. As Roger felt his tailhole stretched by the thick length he knew it wouldn't be long before they could mate properly as two dragons, and though it meant a completely different future for him he wouldn't have it any other way. Besides, he thought to himself as the new claws of his mate began to scratch against his scales, they would have a lot of scientific testing to do...