The hunt

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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Death stalked the lizardman as he stomped through the marsh. The crimson scales of the tall warrior matching the sunrise on the jungle swamp as he stalks through the thick foliage, looking for the dreaded snake that had been picking off the tribe, one by one. His spear ever ready as he scans the area, but never hearing the faint rustle of his supposed prey following his haughty trail. The anaconda was massive, over 50 feet of muscle and scales, but it moved with a supple grace the arrogant lizard couldn't match, despite the bulge of a previous meal still within it's scaled belly. The silence of the river almost oppressive as prey flees the hunting snake.

The hunter would of course, finally notice this oppressive stillness, feeling his scales shiver with the thought of being stalked. The largest brave of the tribe, his muscular, toned body was covered with just a loincloth as he waded through the mud. He searched around him with his spear raised high, while thoughts of the massive trophy the dreaded anaconda would win him blinded his sight. Only a slight rustle from behind alerts him, turning to face the massive girth of the snake as it leaped from underbrush in an amazing display of strength and power. One that the hunter was dreading to see as the giant snake slams into his scaled body. His spear lost in the breathtaking hit as he's knocked underwater, thrashing his body to get his head above water for that hot, humid air to gasp in. He can feel the silken caress of scales around him as his head splashes above water, eyes opening to see the warm sun rising, and a pair of unblinking eyes gazing back. He sees jaws as big as he is open, a tongue flicking over his snout while the snake quickly begins to close his coiled body around his new prey. The lizard gasped out, paws reaching out to push the snake away, but it moves with the irresistible force of death.

The next moment finds him twisted about in the terrible embrace of his prey, the tables turned as the steel like clamp of muscles that is the constrictor close over his body. He finds himself staring at the river bottom, feeling his air bubble from lips with each clench of the anaconda's weight. His legs and hips out of the water, thrashing his tail and kicking furiously for release as he tries to worm free. But each moment just has that snake jerk him around, tightening, air bubbling preciously away past his face. He bites his lip, thrashing his head as he can't help but feel his arousal expose to the warm air above him, air he so desperately desires as that horrible snake grinds itself against his emerged penis. His legs finding an especially wide section of the snake to kick against as it is ground back against his smooth scales, a terrible realization that another warrior lies within, and that he will most definitely be joining him shortly.

Minutes felt like hours as that cool, scaled embrace never let up, his lungs burned for air as his sight danced and stars shimmered in his vision. His whole body began to cramp as he desperately kicked his bound body for release, but each jerk of his muscular form just used up more air in his lungs. The steady grinding of scales on his arousal, and the burning itch for air in his lungs was growing too much. He shuddered in pain as well as pleasure, the continual grinding of the snake's cool belly against his arousal feeling so good despite his situation. Thrashing his head around, he begins to jerk, feeling an orgasm welling up despite the pain of asphyxiation. His vision began to fade as he shuddered in humiliation, beginning to cum upon the belly that holds the snake's previous meal. Only glad to know none will know of his last climax once he's fully engulfed in the snake's embrace. His last sight the muddy bottom of the river as blackness engulfed both his pain and the pleasure of his fading climax.

Bonus: Snake POV

An annoyed hiss was his signal to prey attentive enough to hear it to flee as he was woken by the loud splashes of another of those lizard things. Despite their scales they were odd; two legged, wearing other's fur or scales at times, making all sorts of hisses and chirps and noises. But in the end they were prey, especially those that awoke him from his nest. Flicking his tongue, he followed the easy trail the so called hunter left along the river.

His bulk would nearly give himself away as he slithered along the underbrush, hissing softly in annoyance as the river grew quiet with his hunting. But the loud stomps and squelches of his prey would cover up his tracks. Working his way past the lizardman, he sought an especially thick set of underbrush, the weight of a previous lizard in his belly making travel tricky at times. Only the promise of another scaled, large meal encouraged him on as he stalked. Coiling up into the brush, he begins to wait for the hunter to close in, closer yet. He tenses up, waiting patiently, serenely, muscles quivering in readiness to strike. Once his meal notices death is upon him he is too late, much to close to flee. Those taut muscles release as he gracefully flies at the surprised lizard, knocking that spear aside as he drags him under water.

The anaconda hisses his pleasure at his new prey as his scaled bulk clamps around another tasty lizard. The male prey makes such a cute display, hissing and baring teeth, but the tremendous bulk will soon fix that. Water splashes as he clamps down, breath exhaling in bubbles as the lizard finds himself turned upside down in the warm river water, his legs kicking uselessly into the hot air above water. Patiently but surely he begins to clamp and compress, closing his coils steadily upon the struggling body in his grasp. He flicks his tongue in amusement as he feels the lizard's maleness grinding against the heavy bulge of a previous warrior who had hunted him; the smooth scales rubbing back to tease as his prey struggles for breath in his watery grave. Although he would make sure the warrior would never breathe in an ounce of that warm water, each exhale met with a rapid twist of scales and muscles, grinding against the dying lizard's arousal as more bubbles emerged from lips. Feeling the warrior's struggles grow as he realizes what the bulge that his legs kick against his, but certain that his prey knows he will soon follow to become a second bulge of meat under his scales and muscles.

Slowly but surely his prey began to weaken, feeling the cramping muscles of his meat as it twisted and tried to escape the vice of his coils. He hissed a delight as he felt a sudden cool gush on his belly, watching the exposed arousal of his prey jet and squirt in climax, a clench around his chest making a last exhale of bubbles for his meal. Lungs clenched shut, the anaconda began to wait in the river, watching those long toes curl and twist, the supple feel of muscles cramping and giving up. The delighted shudder of prey giving itself to him as he feels his head twist uselessly under the water, finally stilling as his body gives out. He holds tight, steady, waiting patiently for the lizard's heart to still, before those jaws open wide, dragging his meal to the shore to devour in peace. Another fat bulge in his body as he slithered away quite sated.