Chronicles of a Half-Dragon: Chapter 4: A Day of Many 'Firsts'

Story by Draco-Silverflame on SoFurry

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Chronicles of a Half-Dragon: Chapter 4: A day of Many 'Firsts'

Slowly, I opened my eyes. Taking a quick look to my side, I saw Viris was still sleeping. How much time had passed? I wondered as I quietly slipped my boxers and robe back on. Gazing out the window, I could still see the sun high up in the clouds. Apparently I had only taken a quick nap. Deciding to let Viris sleep on, I exited the room. Walking back to the gathering chamber, I was surprised to see Dracoora, sitting on a couch, reading one of my books. He looked up from my copy of Horus Rising and gave a light chuckle.

"When you said that this was graphic, you weren't joking." I laughed.

"Nope, what do you think of it?" Dracoora closed the book and set it aside.

"As you said, very...descriptive. I was impressed with the combat that went on. For humans, or Astarties as I should say, their tactics were clever, even if their weapons were crude."

"Yeah, that's pretty much what hooked me."

"But what I can't understand is why do humans hate aliens or other humans who believe differently than they?"

"Well, it never really explains, but from what I can understand, they were taught and trained to hate anything that was not of their own design." I shook my head. "It's one of the most destructive views I've ever seen." Dracoora tilted his head.

"Then why do you read it?"

"I pay attention to the battles, not so much to the beliefs. Don't get me wrong, I see the lies for what they are, but I don't focus on them."

"That's good. I thought you would not pay attention to garbage like that." He paused for a second, thinking. "What do you know of fighting?" The question seemed inevitable.

"Some hand to hand, and ranged, nothing much. I rarely fought as a human, but I did know enough to get me out of a rough spot." I recalled the fight with Phil.

"Hmm, maybe later we can spar." Dracoora suggested.

"Sure, I've wanted to see just what this new body can do." He smiled, and rose.

"Good, when would be a good time for you?" I thought for a moment.

"How about when I get back from flying with Aran?" He nodded.

"That should work fine; I had forgotten that you had already planned that."

"No problem, in fact with me flying, I probably won't need a warm up." Dracoora laughed and made his way towards the hall.

"I just hope that you're up for a real challenge, I can guarantee you that you'll be exhausted by the end of the day." Now it was my turn to laugh.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." I replied as he disappeared, leaving me to my own thoughts. I had always wondered what it would be like to fly. I knew what it was like flying in a jet, or even in a small plane, yet being able to fly like a bird, or in this case, a dragon, would be something completely different.

Even though I had flown in my dreams, there were no scenes to go with it; I felt nothing in my dreams. It always seemed to be that way; if I had never done something in the real world, it was impossible to feel it in a dream. Now I was about to try it. A quick thought came to me, 'test my wings again'.

I gave them a quick flap and rose slightly off the ground. Good, at least I can get off the ground easily, and they seem to be getting stronger. A second or two later, Kayla entered into the room, carrying a tray of assorted meat.

"Lunch is almost ready Arix, would you wake Viris please?"

"Sure." I said, and started back down the hallway. Reaching our room. I saw that she had already awoken.

"Good afternoon, my love." She said, slowly letting her naked form rise from the bed.

"Indeed it is." I replied, walking to her and giving her a quick kiss. "Lunch is almost ready." She nodded and began putting her clothes back on. Suddenly she tilted her head, and a smile grew on her face.

"Arix, how soon do you want to have children?" The question made me blink. I hadn't really thought about that yet.

"Uh, I wouldn't mind having any if that's what you're asking." Viris shook her head.

"I meant, how soon? Six months? A year?" Now I was starting to get worried. I remembered that dragons were supposedly the most fertile creatures in existence; and now I realized that I was more than likely going to become a father within the next year!

"I really haven't thought much about it to be honest." I replied, "But I guess that It wouldn't make a difference when." This brought another big smile to the dragoness's face.

"That's good to know." She said, kissing me on the cheek and leading both of us out of the room. When we walked back into the gathering chamber, I saw trays filled with heaping piles of barbecued meats were spread out across the table, many I had never seen before. Everyone was there, even my uncles, it seemed that we were the last to arrive, or so I thought. I heard a flutter of air and a high pitched laugh that made me spin. From seemingly of nowhere, a small dragon winked into existence right in front of my eyes.

"What the?" I yelled as I fell to the ground. It flashed a toothy grin. This dragon was unlike any of the ones that I had met. Its scales flashed a multi colored gleam, and it had butterfly like wings along with a stinger on the tip of it's' tail.

"Ha! Got ya!" It laughed, flicking its tail. Dracoora and Viris broke out laughing.

"I swear he never fails!" Viris said through laughing. I looked at them, and then back to this new dragon, confused.

"Who are you?" I asked the little dragon. He flew within a couple inches of my face.

"Call me Kassrik." He chirped and flew off again. This family seemed like it would never run out of surprises.

"So why did no one tell me about him?" I asked, rising off the ground.

"You never asked." Viris replied. I rolled my eyes and took my seat with the rest of my family. After a quick prayer, we passed the food around. I took a sample of everything. It was exquisite, not unlike some of the barbecue that I had as a human, but new flavors surrounded the meats, some that were completely new, others more familiar.

"I swear, I'll never get tired of this."

"Thank you. It's an old family recipe." Kayla said. I took another bite.

"You've got to teach me how to cook like this." This took her by surprise.

"I didn't know you liked to cook." She said, a bit of amusement in her voice.

"I love to cook. I took some classes as a human, but anything I made is pathetic compared to this."

"I'd be glad to teach you. Viris and I have been working with some new ideas, and I'm sure that you would find them interesting."

"I'm sure I will." This was not known by many, but I had always wanted to build my own restaurant. I had spent hours thinking of where to build it, and what all it would serve. I had always deemed it a worthy goal, and now it seemed that I had taken one more step to attaining it

"So Arix, are you ready?" Aran asked me after all of us had finished our meals.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I answered as I rose. We walked towards the aerial entrance. I had no idea of what exactly I was supposed to do.

"Alright, let's begin." Aran said. "First, to get airborne in this form, you'll need to get a good starting takeoff." I had an idea of what he meant. "Move your legs into a position to where you can get a good jumping start." As I moved, a thought came to mind.

"What do I do once I'm up?"

"Just let your wings do the rest" I gave him a confused look. "You'll find that they move reflexively once you're up. Here, watch me." Aran jumped up and instantly his wings started to flap. He hovered in the air for a few seconds before dropping back down.

"See, nothing much to it. Now go ahead and give it a try."

"Here goes nothing." I muttered and jumped. As I rose, I felt my wings start to flap. I dropped a bit, but then started to hover. The feeling of hovering was strange to me. It was similar to the feeling of dropping, yet I was not actually falling.

"Good, now try to hold that position as long as you can." Aran told me.

It wasn't as difficult as I had expected. My wings did naturally flap; all I had to do was will them to. However, hovering like this did drain me of energy, but thankfully not nearly as much as practicing psionics. I hovered for a minute or two before dropping back down to the floor.

"You were right; it's easier than I thought."

"Good. Now I want you to hover again, only this time, move around while in the air." I nodded, jumped up and once more started to hover. I was confused on how exactly I was supposed to maneuver, but I got an idea. I leaned forward slightly and found that this was what it took. I leaned to the sides and backwards, the same effects happened.

"Very good, you learn very quickly." Aran said as I touched back down, breathing heavily.


"Go ahead and catch your breath, then I'll show you what real flying is like." I raised an eyebrow. "Oh, don't worry; hovering actually takes the most energy. Flying itself relies mostly on you catching an updraft of air and then maneuvering around."

"That's a relief." Again, without warning, Kassrik popped up right in front of my face.

"Not bad for a first time." The little dragon piped before flying off.

"I swear I'll probably never get used to that." I said, shaking my head, partly in annoyance, but mostly from surprise.

"I'll admit it did take all of us awhile to get used to him." Dracoora said as he walked over to me. I laughed.

"He's spirited to say the least."

"The only time I've ever seen him relaxed is when he's asleep."

"Is he like this all the time?" I asked.

"No, normally he's a bit more calm, but still unpredictable." We both watched the little dragon flutter up high and snatch an insect out of the air. Watching him made me think. His behavior contrasted the orderly structure of the dragons that I had met the previous day.

"What kind of dragon is he?"

"His species is known as Faerie dragon." I had heard the term once before, in one of my books. Thinking about it now, it would make sense. His attitude reflected that of a wild and fey creature; thankfully for good.

"How long have you known Kassrik?" I asked. Dracoora sighed and put a hand on his chin.

"Ten years." I whistled.

"How did you meet?"

"Now there's a story." Dracoora said. "Viris and I were taking a walk down in the woods at the base of the mountain. It was dusk and we were about to head back when we heard a screech in the distance. Naturally we went to investigate." He took in a slow deep breath. "When we got to where the noise came from, we found a female Faerie dragon outside of her cave, she had been shot." I winced.

"We heard someone laugh from the inside the cave. We crept inside and saw two human hunters inside; they had found her nest and from their talking, wanted to sell the eggs that they had found." I felt a pang of sympathy flow through me as I listened.

"Obviously, we could not let this stand. Viris and I ambushed them as the came out. We did not kill them, but we made sure that they could never harm another creature again."

"How did you do that?" I asked. Dracoora's visage turned very serious.

"You must understand that what we did should never be used unless someone else is in great danger." I nodded my head. "We severed nerves in their hands with psionic power, making sure that they could never hold a gun again; we then altered their memories so that they didn't remember any of this."

"What happened to the eggs?"

"There were only a few eggs in the clutch, and as fate would have it, two of them had already hatched, but the hatchlings were nowhere to be found. We took the last egg and after no more than an hour, it hatched." I stared at Kassrik, still flying up above us, looking for bugs to eat. By this time, I felt most of my physical strength return, but most of the mental fatigue from the psionic lesson still remained.

"Are you ready to continue, Arix?" Aran asked.

"Yeah, I'm ready." We both walked towards the very edge of the cave.

"Normally we'd do this differently, but because this is your first lesson, we'll take it a bit easy. Normally, to take off, from the ground, you need to have a good running start, but today, we'll hover out into the open air and then catch an updraft."

"Alright, let's do it." I said, still a bit nervous. Aran noticed, and put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, it only sounds hard, in reality it's easy." I didn't know about that, but it helped nonetheless.

"Now, let's begin." Aran said and jumped up, I did the same. He leaned forward and slowly made his way out into the open sky. I followed him. As soon as we left the cave, I could feel the mountain winds begin to push me upwards, and instantly I began to rise.

"Let the winds carry you for awhile, until we get higher." A voice that sounded like Aran's spoke in my head. Had he just sent me a telepathic message? I flashed him a thumbs up. After a minute or so his voice spoke again, "This should be good enough." He maneuvered close to me. "Around here is a good place to start, usually the updrafts only bring you up this high." I did feel the winds die down a bit, but they still had enough power to keep me up.

"Now, lean forward, until you are nearly parallel to the ground, once you're like that, you'll be in a good position to glide." I leaned forward and began to turn over. Two unanticipated things happened at that time. First I immediately began to glide forwards; second, I finally noticed just how high up I really was. The ground and scenery below seemed miniscule. I had always been a little nervous about heights, this was no exception.

"Don't be afraid." Aran's mental voice said, "You're doing great, just let yourself glide forward." He came up close to me, "Keep your legs strait, and your wings stretched out. This will help you glide easier." I nodded still a bit nervous and did as he said. Surprisingly, I felt calmer as I glided on the currents of air. It felt great, like in my dreams, only here I could feel everything. The sun's warmth, the air's chill and its shrill whistle in my ears.

As I continued on, I decided to try a small turn. I remembered some of the fundamental lessons of flying a plane, and thought that they might work. I tilted down and angled my wings to bank slightly. My idea worked. I turned slightly to the right. Aran followed me.

"So it seems that you know how to alter your course." He commented, sounding impressed."

"Yeah! I've played a few flying games and thought the same concept might work." I thought, focusing on him. The elder dragon's face showed surprise, then a grin. It seemed that telepathy was easier than I had thought it to be.

"Yes, you're right, now level off." I did so. Once I was level again, I noticed that I was not nearly as tired as I had been when I had been hovering.

"You were right, this is easier."

"Good, now I want you to dive down for about fifteen seconds, and then level out." I flashed another thumbs up and went into a shallow dive. Looking at the ground below made me recall videos of old warplanes dive bombing enemy troops in trenches or strafing battleships.

Leveling off proved to be harder than expected. I pulled up too fast and felt G forces assault me. I made a mental note to expect something like that for later flights.

"Not bad, Arix." Aran's mental voice said as he dropped beside me.

"Thanks.". I knew that I still had much to learn, but being able to do all of this on the first try made me feel very optimistic.

"I think that this should be good for one day." Aran thought, "Let's head back, and follow me." He veered to the left and angled himself downwards. I followed him; the both of us staying like this for a while. I finally saw Aran start to level out, and I did the same. I leveled out to a horizontal position, and although I had been much smoother, I still felt G forces.

"Alright, now I'll teach you how to land. First, make sure that you have a clear landing area, and a good approach. Second, slow yourself down by turning back upright and slowly flap your wings. This will let you slow down and make the landing easier." I nodded.

The aerial entrance soon came into view. Aran looked back, "I'll go in first. Follow me in." We approached the entrance and started to turn upright. I started flapping my wings and noticed that I was dropping at a small rate. Aran made his way inside and touched down lightly.

I came in a bit faster than I would have liked, but other than that, my landing was smooth. I touched down on the stone floor and folded my wings behind me. Everyone gathered around us.

"Well done, Arix. You learn fast." Aran said clapping me on the shoulder. "That's good, because I still have much to teach you." I chuckled

"Somehow, I knew you were going to say that." We all laughed at that. I then looked at Dracoora, "So when did you want to spar?"

"Whenever you want to, brother."

"Great, just give me a bit, then I'll be ready." He flashed a toothy grin.

"Just remember, although we'll only be training, I won't go easy." I returned the grin.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Amused looks were clearly visible on the rest of my family. It looks like this might be a show for them. I thought.

"If you'll excuse me." They parted and let me by. Slowly, I made my way back to my room, and collapsed on the bed. I was tired, more than I had let show. I guessed that this was only because this was the first time I had used my wings. At least it'll be easier now that I know what to expect. I told myself. There was a knock on my door.

"Enter." I called out. I expected the door to open, but instead, there was a loud pop of air and once more, Kassrik was hovering above my head, laughing.

"Too easy." He hissed.

"How do you do that?" I asked, still surprised.

"I could tell you, but what fun would that be?" he said. I rolled my eyes. Why am I not surprised?

"Alright then what did you want?" Kassrik landed on my bed right beside me.

"You were once human?" he asked me.

"Yes, and to a degree I still am." He tilted his head.

"Oh? Well, what were you like." I sighed.

"Humans vary greatly. Some are good, some are bad. Many can view themselves as good, yet be evil to the core." Kassrik hissed.

"I already knew that, I mean what were you like and your friends?" I wasted no time. By now, I was used to telling this story.

"I was misunderstood. Only one or two of my friends ever truly knew what I was. My parents never could understand my views and opinions, and a rift formed between us." I sighed again as I recalled the memories.

"I always tried to help other people out whenever I could, yet I was always mocked, and tormented."

"Humans are a bunch of idiots." Kassrik said flatly. I shook my head.

"No, although I did tack a lot of crap, there were just as many people who did treat me with respect."

"So humans treated you good and bad. What do you think of them, all in all?" I had to pause and really think.

"I never really thought about this...I suppose that humans are good natured for the most part. The main reason I think I was treated so badly was because they were afraid of me." That seemed to surprise Kassrik.

"Afraid? You were a scary human?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"No, no. I looked different and acted differently than most at my school. They feared me because they couldn't understand me."

"They're still idiots for doing that." Kassrik huffed. I just shrugged.

"Well, that part of my life is over, and I've never been happier here." I involuntarily started to tear up. Kassrik put his head on my shoulder.

"Why do you cry?" He asked as I wiped the tear away.

"I'm not, I just do that sometimes."

"Oh? That's interesting." Suddenly there was another knock on the door.

"Enter." I called. Viris stepped into the room, a wide grin on her face.

"Kassrik, can we have some time alone?" She asked the psudodragon. In response, he laughed, and popped out of sight, to where, only he knew. With Kassrik gone, Viris sat down on the bed, and gave me a quick kiss.

"I've been thinking about what you said, about us having children." She told me. Not exactly the first thing I expected to hear, but I went with it.

"And?" I asked. She grinned even wider.

"And I think I need some practice." I tilted my head.

"Practice? What do you mean by that?" I asked

"If I'm going to be a mother, I need to know how to best care for my hatchlings." She answered. "And I want to practice on you." Instantly my mind was almost overloaded with questions.

"What all would this involve?" I asked nervously. She kissed me again.

"Well, I'd use psionic energy to turn you into the size of a newborn hatchling." She started. "I'd treat you just like you were one. Feed, clothe, bathe and...change you," She giggled at the last part. I could only wonder why she wanted to do this.

"Let me ask this, If I let you turn me into your, 'baby', can I try this on you as well?" She kissed me again, and moved her hand to my crotch.

"Of course you can. You'll need some practice as well."

"Well...why not. " With that, I felt something odd...nothing.

It was as if my entire physical sense of touch had completely turned itself off. Panicking, I looked to Viris, to my shock she was getting bigger. No, that's not it, I'm getting smaller! After some time, I appeared to be no larger than a hatchling, and I finally could feel things again. My clothes were way too big for me now and I sat there, naked.

"What did you do!?" I yelled in a high voice. Viris just patted me on the head.

"You said 'why not', so I decided to start now." I crossed my arms, pretending to pout.

"Well, you could've warned me." She laughed, and reached below the bed. She came back up holding a towel, some baby powder, a tube of cream and a disposable diaper that was designed for a creature with a tail. My jaw dropped. She had planned all of this from the start!

Laying the towel down, she picked me up, and set me down. Needless to say this was more than a little awkward and embarrassing, but I went along with it, for her sake. In a quick motion, she opened the tube of cream and applied it around my tail hole. Next, the powdered, and then propped me up, setting the diaper under my rear. After threading my tail through the hole, she brought up the front and taped it shut, leaving me a diapered dragon.

"There, all done." Viris said, in a motherly tone. "How do you feel?" Surprisingly the diaper was quite comfy.

"It's weird, but I think I like it." I said. She picked me up, and held me close to her chest.

"Are you hungry, baby?" She asked, letting the top of her robe fall away. I nodded.

"Yes, mommy." I said as babyish as I could. She giggled, clearly amused, and brought me in close. Soon I found myself nursing from her, letting her rich milk flow into me. Viris hummed a little tune as I drank. I was really enjoying this, being her baby. It was different, but not so much in a bad way. Before long I was full, and pulled away from her.

"All done?" Viris asked. I nodded.

"I guess you don't need so much, now that you're smaller." She then held me over her shoulder and began to pat my back. Before I could ask anything, I let out a long belch. Viris giggled, setting me back on the bed.

"You really are enjoying this, aren't you?" I asked her. She shrugged.

"You're making it fun for me." Viris replied, and then tilted her head, thinking. "Later, I'll teach you the technique to do this." Then she got an evil look in her eye. "But right now, it's playtime!" She said and started to tickle me. I laughed, and she kept on, until I was on my back, laughing.

"Ticklish little guy." I heard her comment as she continued. Playfully, I squirmed, really getting into this little game...until I felt something weird. It seemed as if the milk had gone through my little system much faster than I had thought. Trying to say something throughout Viris's tickling proved to be impossible, and within a minute, I felt a warmth begin to grow around my padded crotch. Viris noticed almost immediately, and stopped her tickling.

"Now what do we have here?" She asked, a bit surprised. I couldn't believe what had just happened. Sure I had let her diaper me, but I had no intention whatsoever to actually USE the thing!

"That wasn't part of my plan." I said. Viris nodded.

"But now I can try changing you." She replied. I hadn't thought of that. Viris reached back under the bed, and pulled the changing materials out again. Just as she was about to lift me onto the blanket, I remembered about my sparring session with Dracoora.

"Wait." She paused. "Can you just get me out of this thing? Remember I promised Dracoora a sparring match tonight." She nodded.

"Oh, right...Alright, I'll get you cleaned up and back to normal. But I still have some things I want to try before the night is over." I could only wonder what she meant by that. She untapped the diaper, and after using a couple of wipes to clean me up, Viris placed her hand on me.

Once again, I felt my sense of touch vanish. Looking at her, I saw that I was getting larger. Soon I was back to my original size. Standing up, I saw Viris eye my dragonhood, and knew that she wanted it. I smiled letting her stare at it while I redressed.

"There'll be plenty of time for 'fun' later tonight, my love." I told her as I slipped a pair of boxers on and my tripp pants, but I did take the chains off of them. Viris gave me a questioning look.

"I can move easier in these." I said as and headed out the door. Dracoora and the others were waiting for me.

"I was beginning to wonder what was keeping you." Dracoora said as came back into the main chamber.

"Let's just say I got a little sidetracked." Dracoora laughed.

"It's alright, now follow me." We walked down another hallway, passed Nym's meditation chamber and reached a door at the end of the hallway. Dracoora opened it.

The sparring chamber was huge. A big circular ring dominated the chamber. Weapons racks and benches lined the sides, and I was a small bed in a corner. I suspected it was in case someone got knocked out, or it could be that this was Dracoora's room. Four unlit torches were positioned at the corners, and a central skylight filled the chamber with the reddish orange light of the evening. I whistled.

"Impressed?" Dracoora asked.

"Yeah, this is incredible." I replied still taking everything in.

"Thanks. Now let's begin." We both walked into the center of the ring and began warming up. Stretches, a light jog, and some of our own methods got us ready.

"Where do you keep your gear?" I asked.

"I don't use any." That made me pause.

"Wait, what?" I asked, more than a little surprised

"When fighting unarmed, I have no need for any sort of padding." He then laughed. "Oh, right. I forgot how frail humans are. You see, our bodies are much stronger and our scales are much denser that skin. Trust me, you won't be hurt. When I said I wouldn't go easy, I meant that I'd hit you, but not to hurt you."

"Ok that's reassuring." I said, dropping into a low guard. Dracoora came on guard as well.

"Let's begin, shall we?"

"Your move, brother." I replied. He advanced on me, slowly. I held my ground until I thought I was within striking distance. As fast as I could, I launched a roundhouse kick at his mid section. He blocked the kick, and countered with a roundhouse of his own. The kick nearly got me, but I managed to get an arm up in time.

"Not bad, at least have had some training." Dracoora said as he distanced himself, and dropped back to a guard.

"It was enough to get me through one or two fights." I said as I moved in for another strike. I feigned an axe kick, but instead shot a front side kick at the last moment. Dracoora caught the kick, and held my ankle. I jumped and twisted, using my other leg to kick him in the shoulder. Not too hard, but enough to make him drop my leg.

"Good, brother." Dracoora said as I dropped back. He wasted no time and moved in again, only this time with impossible speed. I only had enough time to get my arms up, before his full weight slammed into me, knocking me backwards. We hit the floor and before I could react, Dracoora had both of my arms pinned against my back. I tried to get loose, but no matter what I tried, I couldn't get free.

"Hmm, it seems that grappling is a weak area." He said as he helped me up.

"How did you do that?" I asked.

"What, me moving so quickly?" He laughed. "Your wings aren't just for flying; you can use them to rush an opponent."

"Why didn't I think of that?"

"Don't belittle yourself, that side kick combination actually surprised me." I felt a small bit of pride, hearing this.

"Well then, I guess I'm not completely hopeless." I said dropping back into fighting stance.

"On the contrary, I can see that you have much talent. I can honestly say that you have the potential to become great."

We sparred for another fifteen minutes. Over that time I took several hard hits and dished out a few of my own, but like Dracoora had said, I was not hurt, just a bit sore. I even tried the rush tactic once, only changing that I added in a kick as I connected. It threw Dracoora back, and knocked the wind out of him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hit ya that hard." I said as I helped him up.

"Don't be sorry, that was a good kick." I managed a weak grin.

"Yeah, and I think it took the last bit of strength I had." I was nearly spent.

"Okay, that should be enough for one day." He said. Both of us walked over to the benches by the ring and sat down. Viris and Aran brought us some water, I gulped it down.

"Whew, now that was a good workout." I said. Dracoora nodded.

"You fight well for someone with little training."

"Thanks, I'm actually surprised I did as well as did." I rose to my feet again. "We should do this again, say tomorrow?" I asked.

"Sure, if you think you'll be up for it."

"It'll take more than a few good hits to keep me down." I said

"Yeah, it'll take me on your back." All of us laughed at that. I made a mental note to focus more on grappling during our next session.

"Well, I think I'll get cleaned up and head to bed, I'm beat."

"Are you sure you don't want any dinner, Arix?" Kayla asked. I nodded.

"I don't have much of an appetite, but thanks anyway." I replied and slowly made my way out of the sparring chamber. As I made my way to the bath, I started to feel the full effects of Dracoora's hits. They ached whenever I moved and I knew that I'd be sore in the morning.

Stripping off my now sweat soaked Tripp pants, I waded into the water. The heat started working its way into me, and made me relax. I floated on top of it for awhile, just letting the heat take away some of the sting. Suddenly, I heard the door open. Looking up, I saw that Viris had entered, and was also stripping her robe off.

"Let me join you." She said, casting her robe aside. "A hot bath will help your muscle." She said, wading into the water and swimming out to me. I flipped back up to where my feet touched the bottom of the pool. "But when a massage is added, it brings out the full effect." With that, she grasped my shoulders and began to rub.

"Oh, that's the spot." I moaned. Her hands began to move around, working over my scaled back, massaging my muscle, the hot water adding to the intensity. Viris worked for a long time, making sure that any cramped muscle got the attention it needed. She moved lower, down to my lower back. I gave off a throaty rumble.

"I know you're tired, but I still have plans for you." Viris whispered into my ear. I felt a tingling sensation right where her hands were.

"What are you doing?" I asked, curiously.

"Giving you some of my energy. Just enough for a little bit of 'fun' you mentioned earlier." She whispered, slipping one hand onto my crotch. I could now feel the energy transfer into me. It felt like nothing I had ever experienced before. It was similar to the effect of an energy drink, but it also made any pain that still remained vanish.

"Then let's not waste any time." I said. Viris took me by my hand and together we exited the streaming water. Toweling off, we walked back into our room, shutting the door behind us. Dropping our towels, both of us embraced each other in a passionate kiss.

I felt Viris reach down and lightly stroke my cock, causing me to get hard fast.

"So what all did you have in mind?" I asked her. Viris grinned and motioned me over to the bed.

"I thought I'd try something a little different tonight." She said, as I laid back. She reached under the bed and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. I laughed.

"Dang! I wasn't expecting that...So do you want to be the Dominate or the Submissive?" Viris thought for a moment.

"Because you were the baby earlier, I'm going to make you the sub tonight." She said, her voice now in a commanding tone. I nodded. "On your stomach." She ordered. I did so, and felt her cuff my hands behind me. I heard her reach under the bed again. I felt her strap a collar onto my neck and close it tightly, she then connected a chain link leash to it.

"Alright, now on your back." It took a little extra effort but I managed. Viris growled happily as she climbed on top of the bed. She took a claw and began to tease my rock hard cock. She let her claws run from the base, all the way up to the very tip of the shaft. Slipping a claw underneath the foreskin, she pulled it back, revealing the thick head, and causing me to gasp in pleasure.

"You like that don't you?"

"Yes ma'am." I answered. Flashing a toothy grin, Viris lowered her muzzle to my now throbbing dragonhood and gave it a quick lick. Then she dug her claws into my thighs, adding a mixture of pain into the pleasure. I hissed a bit, caught off guard.

"Oh? Does that sting?" She asked.

"Yes, ma'am." I replied. Her face turned into a wicked grin.

"Then let me make it better." She placed herself right above my dragonhood, and yanked on the leash, forcing me into her. We both cried out in pleasure and pain. Both of us loved every moment of it. She relaxed her grip on the leash, letting me fall back, and nearly out of her, but then Viris would yank on it again.

"Say my name."

"Viris." I moaned. She dug her hand into my chest, pinching one of my nipples, fresh pain flared through me.

"What was that? I didn't hear you!" She yelled.

"VIRIS!" I roared, and she eased her grip on my chest, me drop back against the bed.

"That's thrust into me with everything you've got." Taking in a deep breath, I rammed into her womb as hard as I could. She yelled as my thick shaft forced it's way into her depths. Dropping back to where I was almost out, I thrusted again, my cock acting like a piston. Now her moans turned to a near scream.

"Yes!" She cried in utter ecstasy. "Faster!" I obeyed as best I could. Dropping out again, I tried to use any extra momentum I had to ram back up. Viris was breathing fast and hard, and I was beginning to feel climax approach.

"Viris?" I asked between groans of pleasure.

"Yes?" She managed to finally get out.

"May I please cum?" I felt it approaching fast and there was no way to hold back the tides of seed that were begging to flow.

"Granted!" She shouted. With that, I rammed into Viris as hard and fast as I possibly could. She in turn sat down, taking in every last inch of dragon meat as she could. My seed blasted into her, and her juices mix with mine. Both of us roared in absolute bliss.

Viris got off me after a minute of afterglow, taking off the collar, she kissed me on the forehead, and then had me flip onto my stomach again so she could uncuff me. She took her time, playing around with the release mechanism, before finally letting me free.

"That was beyond awesome." She said, dropping onto the mattress. I gave a light chuckle.

"Yes....And it will be even more fun when it's my turn to dom." With that both of us fell into the realm of dreams once again.