The Campus Tales-Smart Study

Story by Bearzerker01 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Campus Tales

Another story in the Campus Tales series.  This is more of my traditional story. hope you...

Another story in the Campus Tales series. This is more of my traditional story. hope you all enjoy. As always comments and voting appreciated.

Carl sighed as he left the Lit building, heading to the food court. The Cheetah had enough of the BS his professor had been spouting for one day. He disagreed with his current English Lit professor with just about everything but he needed a good grade to continue his track to graduate with honors.

As he was a few feet away from the entrance he felt a paw on his shoulder. He turned to see Jamie, a female Squirrel in his class, with a big smile on her face. "Hey there smarty, where you heading?"

Carl tensed up as he saw Jamie. He'd been terrible with talking with females his whole life; though college had gotten him to be more social he still had issues with female interactions. "Hi mean the food court. Why?"

Jamie wasn't what he'd consider beautiful or hot but she certainly was cute. She was short, thin with a bit of a belly on her, had short brown head hair, a white and brown spotted fur coloring and usually dressed in bright colors. Jamie tended to wear knee high skirts or blue jeans and pink or white tops. While she wasn't endowed she did still have proportionally ample assets and helped round her off as a cute and somewhat innocent looking girl, especially for college aged.

Jamie chuckled and grabbed the Cheetah's paws and held them up as she chuckled childishly. "I can come with you right? I need some help with the topic today." She brought both sets of paws down as she leaned from her hips towards him like a coy child. The Squirrel checked out who she considered to be the smartest guy in the class as she flashed her innocent smile.

Jamie wasn't a stud, in fact he was your typical slightly overweight, glasses wearing nerdy male. He was short, had a pot belly, no head hair and the fashion sense of a geek. Typically he dressed in a nerdy shirt black hoodie, poorly fitting jeans and combat boots. His attire tended to avert most eyes rather than attract people to him, something that attracted the attention of the Squirrel.

Carl gulped as this cute Squirrel seemed to be interested in him. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes to collect his thoughts. He had made mistakes in the past by assuming female interest in him before and he had vowed to take his time in future when dealing with girls to determine if they are being nice or are actually interested. "Ok...but you're going to have to pay for your own food."

Jamie rolled her eyes and shook her head as she giggled, "Of course, you're helping me, not dating me...***." The last part she muttered under her breath and was unintellegable. Before the Cheetah could ask what she had said Jamie was dragging him along towards the food court.

As they arrived at the food court Jamie ran off to pick up her food as Carl set up at an empty table. The Cheetah couldn't help but watch as the Squirrel walked away, her skirt slightly lifting due to her tail and slightly showing off what he thought was a dark blue string thong. His eyes went wide in shock, nothing about Jamie led him to believe she would be wearing a thong. Maybe there was something more with her interest. Carl shook those thoughts from his mind, he had to try and keep it slow.

Jamie came back with her typical smile and took a seat across from Carl. She set down two trays, one for her and the other for the Cheetah. "I can't pay you for the help so I figured I'd use one of my free meals for you."

Carl shook his head once more with a polite smile. "Thanks for the food but I really can't accept it after all...who could refuse a damsel in distress." His awkward delivery made the flirting painfully obvious; the Cheetah averted his eyes and looked sheepish after realizing his blunder.

Jaime giggled and shook her head, keeping the food in front of him. "I'm glad chivalry isn't dead but this isn't a dragon you have to slay, its tutoring me on something I should have learned in high school. You can accept my generosity at least, it will make me feel better."

The Cheetah looked up, still smiling an awkward smile. He took the food and nodded, opening the bag to reveal a burger and fries to go along with the drink on the tray. "My favorite!" He explained a little louder than he should have, causing him to recoil at the surprise of his own voice.

The Squirrel laughed hardily and shook her head. "Glad to know you don't have to be so awkward around me Carl. I've been around my share of geeks, hell I'd consider myself a nerd. You don't have to feel weird around me, just think of me as a dude with boobs..."

"and a vagina..." Carl cut in as his words left his mouth before he could think.

Jamie let out another hardy laugh. "Yeah, a dude-chick." Carl felt a little relief from her casual attitude with him and loosed up a little as she added, "Now help me with this passage, I can't figure out what the hell he is saying here."

Jamie pulled out a book and opened it to the page before passing it to the Cheetah, who examined it with a mouth full of burger. He looked it over and then back to the Squirrel, "Oh I can help you there..."

After a month of their lunches together Carl felt very relaxed around the Squirrel. They also grew very close, Carl opened up to the Squirrel more than he'd opened up to any female ever. He helped her out a lot as well, Jamie's grades increased from a C to an A- with a good possibility of it turning into a solid A at the midterms. As the midterms loomed the study friends began to meet at night in the library to help each other prepare for the showdown. Then one night Jamie called up Carl asking to reloSquirrele that night's session to her place. Seeing as their relationship had been friendly and study related Carl didn't think anything of it...till it was too late.

Carl looked down at the paper with the address she gave him and back up at the door. "Yep this is it..." the Cheetah said as he knocked on the door, "...Jamie, its Carl."

Within a few moments the door opened and there was the Squirrel, dressed in just a bathrobe. "Hey Carl, sorry I just got out of the shower." She gestured for him to get into the apartment, "Take a seat on the couch, I'll throw something on and be with you shortly." As Jamie finished she walked back into the apartment and into another room.

Carl was flabbergasted at how well furnished the apartment was, to his right was a bar/kitchen and to his left was a full living room, complete with extra comfy chairs and couch. As he entered and closed the door behind him he was a little afraid of scuffing the carpet but was equally frightened of taking his boots off and frightening Jamie with his foul smelling foot paws.

The Cheetah took a seat on the couch and plopped his bag carefully down next to him. He waited for a few minutes patiently, looking around the room at the art on the walls and the other decor, all of which seemed much nicer than the typical college room, well at least nicer than his apartment was.

After a while the Cheetah began to get worried. He stood up and was about to head to the door the Squirrel had entered when out walked Jamie, decked out in a red lacy corset, black fishnet stockings and gloves and a visible red lacy thong. The cheeky expression on the Squirrel's face and her coy draping over the side of the door frame finished off an image that seemed to be more dream for the Cheetah than reality.

Carl stood rigid for a moment blinking a few times to try and make sure he was actually seeing what he was seeing. Jamie smiled and giggled as he seemed to be in shock, "Oh come on smarty, you didn't see this coming?" The Squirrel approached the stunned Cheetah and wrapped her arms around his body, bringing her enhanced chest to push against his. "This is where we kiss and participate in the age old practice of fucking each other silly."

The Cheetah was beyond shocked; this was a side of the Squirrel that he had never dreamed existed. Sure he had passing thoughts of pursuing a relationship with her but he figured she'd act like a shy school girl. He hadn't a clue that beneath the shy yet bubbly Squirrel was a corset wearing sexual creature. "Ja...Jamie?" He stuttered as she brought a paw up to the back of his head.

Jamie shushed Carl's confusion as she pulled him down into a kiss. At first the Cheetah didn't know what to do but as the kiss continued he simply let his instincts take over. Soon they embraced each other in a passionate kiss, their paws exploring each other's bodies. As they became rapt in each other Jamie slowly moved Carl back till she could break the kiss and push the Cheetah down on the couch.

As the kiss was broken and he fell back down on the couch the poor Cheetah was confused, first she was lusty and insistent and then she was pushing him away, females made no sense to him until Jamie finished her plan. The Squirrel leaned down and kissed him slowly as she opened his belt, button and fly, going after his trapped meat. "Relax Carl; I know it's your first time. Let me take the lead and show you how awesome this can be, with me."

As she brought him into another passionate, lusty kiss her paw pulled out the Cheetah's malehood and began stroking. It took a few seconds before Jamie gasped, realizing that this awkward, nerdy Cheetah was packing a cannon. A thought crossed her mind as she broke the kiss and looked down at the enlarging rod, 'It's always the ones that don't know how to use them that pack cannons.'

The nerdy Cheetah closed his eyes and purred in ecstasy as the experienced Squirrel paws worked his shaft in a way he'd never felt before. It was strangely exciting for him to feel how another tugged on his pole. As the Cheetah was distracted by the feel of her paws, Jamie lowered her head and gave his malehood's head a lick before lowering her lips over it, using her tongue to tickle and tease his underside.

As Jamie began her Blow Job, Carl's eyes shot open and he began gasping for breath. A hand job was one thing but a blow job was something he dreamed he wouldn't get until he was married and had begged his mate for years for it. Now, within a minute he's had a beautiful female dress up for him, make out, whack him off, and go down on him. He couldn't help but think 'I'm gonna marry this female...'

Jamie looked up at the Cheetah that was making so many interesting noises, moans, gasps, growls and other sounds she hadn't heard from other males she had been with. As she looked up at Carl something crossed her mind, something she had said during their first 'date.'

"Of course, you're helping me, not dating me..." As she talked she looked over the shy Cheetah and quietly mumbled "...yet." As she thought back she smiled, how well her plans had come out.

After a few minutes it became clear that the inexperienced Cheetah was about to blow his load, something that Jamie couldn't let happen. Without missing a beat she slipped her thong while still licking and suckling on the cheetah meat. Then, in the blink of an eye, she stopped and straddled Carl's lap, placing his tip just inside her entrance. "Hold on to something, it's time I taught you something." With that she lowered herself on to the thick, long rod.

As she took the entire Cheetah her eyes rolled back and a soft moan left her lips. Though he was inexperienced his size hit her in all the right places, and caused a little pain. The tightness of the Squirrel was something that not even his dreams could prepare Carl for, the feeling was intense and more than a little confusing. He had thought it would feel amazing and have a hard time not cumming quickly, instead the tightness restricted his dick, making it difficult for him to even think about cumming. However Carl was soon taught why sex was something to lust after.

As she got over the initial shock the Squirrel began again to work the large Cheetah cock, sliding up and down while gyrating her hips, first slowly then faster and faster. The feeling of the friction mixed with her saliva, his pre and her natural lubrication began to get to the virgin feline. He tried speaking but found himself unable and his vocal cords unwilling. His own reaction, a way to get back at the skillful Squirrel was to reach up and grab hold of her breasts. He massaged the globes of flesh through her corset and, by accident, managed to squeeze and tease the Squirrels nipples.

The accidental and desperate acts of Carl caused Jamie's eyes to fly open and a loud moan to erupt as her body was rocked with an unexpected orgasm. Her body trembled and shook for a few minutes and as her vagina spasmed over his dick Carl was unable to hold back his own flood and released into the Squirrel.

They basked in the glow of their near simultaneous release for a few moments before Jamie slipped the cannon of a member out of her and cuddled up with the feline, causing their combined fluids to spill out onto each of their laps, the couch, and the nicely carpeted floor. "That...was..." came out of Carl's mouth as he breathed hard with a weak arm brought Jamie closer.

The Squirrel brought a digit to silence her lover, "Don't talk, rest. We can talk tomorrow when we catch up on studying."

A smirk crossed the Cheetahs lips as he talked, muffled by Jamie's digit. "Can we practice this more after?"