Eudaemon II: Dragon and Colossus, Part 3

Story by Zerrex Narrius on SoFurry

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#3 of Eudaemon II: Dragon and Colossus

Zerrex panted roughly, blood dripping from his fists, his thick muscles bulging out firmly, the dark splotches of bruise over his body giving him a strange and warlike look as Cherry stared at him with quiet awe. They stood in an empty section of warehouse in the industrial section of town that they had commandeered for the week, and the female was sure the roars of the reptile and the sounds of breaking metal had scared away most of the employees who were supposed to be working on the other side of the closed steel shutters.

Broken barrels and unidentifiable piles of metal sat all around the perimeter of the high-roofed, concrete room: Tinny was half-laying against one wall, looking stupefied and half-clutching at one of Cherry's pants legs as he too watched Zerrex with a look that was both amazed and half-terrified. Again and again he had put together bits of steel with as much force as he could, repaired dents and gashes... and now he watched as Zerrex cocked one fist back, then he stepped forwards and slammed a fist into the barrel they'd suspended from the roof by a chain with a furious, enraged roar.

The barrel all but imploded, flying across the room as the chain snapped near the bottom, metal links flying in all direction before the metal container slammed into the concrete wall and fell into the pile of junk all around the edge of the room, cracks spiralling outwards from where it had impacted in the surface. Zerrex was left standing with one arm extended, body heaving with hard pants, face locked in a snarl before he slowly straightened, looking down at his hands silently. They were stained crimson with his own blood, and flecked with rust and bits of metal... and then he shook his head slowly as Cherry asked in a voice that was enthralled but somewhat dubious nonetheless: "Uh... what are we doing again, Boss? 'Cause I mean, it's damn sexy, and I mean, I love watching you break shit - especially like that - but uh... I don't exactly see how it's going to help you out."

"Hitting Requiem is like hitting a steel wall." Zerrex replied, closing his eyes and trying to still his pounding heart: he'd been doing this for hours now, and his muscles felt like they had all torn into pieces. "On top of that, I need to make sure that I can break right through his defenses with a single punch if it comes right down to it... or at least make sure I can get in a combo that lets me deliver a crushing blow."

"Hence the one-hit blow-the-shit-up punches?" Cherry rubbed the back of her head slowly as Tinny sat back against the wall, unable to do anything but stare. "Like, uh... you've broken everything in this room."

"Not that." Zerrex rose a hand tiredly, pointing at the last object, and Cherry winced. It was some kind of water heater unit, a giant, currently-empty container made of pressurized steel. She frowned at Tinny, then looked back at Zerrex as he rose his head to gaze at her quietly: "What?"

Cherry shrugged slowly, rubbing the back of her head as she looked over at the tank that sat amidst the metal debris, then she looked down at Tinny with a sigh: "You repair the chain and get that up there?"

The badger looked back up at her, seeing the concern in her eyes and smiling faintly: most of it, he knew, was reserved for her husband, but there was still plenty there for him... and it touched him deeply as he stood shakily and nodded. "Should have just enough energy, yeah... it's... good exercise for me and Zerrex, Miss Cherry."

He laughed a bit, then walked forwards, reaching out a hand and causing the broken chain to still, then he closed his eyes: the metal lengths shuddered for a moment, and then the shattered pieces of metal that had come off with the barrel rose from the floor. They shivered in midair, twinkling and looking eerily beautiful before slowly fitting together, smoothly fixing the damage as bits and pieces of metal came from the other piles around as well, repairing the chain and adding to the length until it hung nearly down to the floor.

Then Tinman relaxed, rubbing at his temple a bit as he opened his eyes, before nervously turning to water heater: he nodded appreciatively as Zerrex stepped back towards a wall, before putting out both hands towards the cooler and gritting his teeth - it was easily one of the largest, heaviest pieces of metal he'd ever had to deal with. But oddly enough, he had gotten more practice with his strange talent over the last three years than he ever had in all his time in the Goth Legion.

He made a slight pushing motion, tensing his muscles and staring intently at the tank, and it gave a slow wobble before levitating, Tinny unable to repress a grin even through his grit teeth. Slowly, he forced it to float over to the chain... and then he forced it to turn upright as the chain snaked quickly around the top half.

Instead of wrapping entirely around it, however, the chain instead lay flat against it and then seemed to mold and weld itself firmly to the metal, the links easily visible against the paint but sinking deep into the steel. Then Tinman fell backwards, and the water cooler dropped and jiggled a bit as it swung back and forth, hanging suspended less than a foot above the ground.

The badger winced, then he blinked as he found himself caught by Cherry, who smiled down at him and nodded firmly. Panting, Tinny smiled in thanks, then he let himself slump down to rest against the floor, bits of metal automatically shifting out of his way as he curled up on the floor and rose a trembling limb to give a thumbs up.

Zerrex looked at the badger with a faint smile, touched by how far he was willing to go for him... even though he had always picked on him as the zero of the Goth Legion so many years ago. But the Tinman and Cindy had always shared so much in common... and he shook his head a bit as he walked forwards, gritting his teeth as he faced the water heater.

It was about the same size as Requiem, looming over him... something he wouldn't be able to break in one hit like the smaller barrels, but would instead have to lay into like a punching bag. He readied himself, then paused as Cherry caught his eye, the female raising one hand a bit and seeming to falter. He tilted his head towards her... and then saw the look she was giving him, one of quiet compassion, affection and... almost sorrow as she said quietly: "Zerrex... you can take a break... you don't need to go through all this, put yourself in such pain. You're still a sadistic fuck, and this training might make you stronger but..." she stopped, fumbling with her words before finally managing to say: "Aren't there other ways, other things? You shouldn't push yourself so hard."

Zerrex looked at her for a few moments, then his emerald eyes travelled down to the concrete floor for a moment; memories he had worked so hard to repress that had been growing in him since Requiem's appearance began flowing back, and he clenched his eyes shut as a voice spoke up in his mind suddenly, a callous, cruel... and entertained voice... No, don't push yourself so hard... you can't do it, pathetic runt.

And in his world of memories, the Drakkaren is back in the basement of the home he did most of his harsher growing up in, of the massive Estate house: perhaps the fact that he himself was born richer than any of the inhabitants of Apple Villa is part of the reason he has always hated those with money, and who use money as power. He is shivering, and he's only ten, but already tall... although at this point in his life, his muscles are lithe instead of bulging, but still far more impressive than to be expected for someone his age. Never good enough, of course, never good in the eyes of the giants around him... and maybe that explains another part of the strange obsessions his personality holds.

He stands in the basement, in the private gym. The floor here is concrete, the walls are covered in plaques and awards, the ceiling is up fifteen feet: only a few over the head of the grinning Dragokkaren standing before him with his arms crossed. He's the same height as Requiem, maybe just an inch or two taller... and although his musculature is nowhere near as impressive - proportionally, perhaps only a bit better than his son's, who he taunts and ridicules so often for his 'scrawny frame,' - he radiates a far more potent aura of danger. His scales are a deeper crimson, barely changing over his entire body with only the slightest lightening on his chest... and his eyes, too, are a burning ruby. They are always filled with some dark fury... or as now, with a deep, blistering contempt.

"You can't even touch me. You're like your whore of a mother... weak and pathetic. A maggot." He says clearly, and Zerrex feels the shivers of anger roll through him as his father opens his arms and shrugs slowly, palms turned out, shark-like, too-big grin all fangs. "What? Are we touchy about her ever since she died?"

"You killed her..." Zerrex's response is hurt, infuriated, and his fists tighten. His father, Ifret Narrius, merely laughs and shrugs again, then, terribly, his grin turns into a smile that betrays the truth: he doesn't care.

"What's your point? She was only good for a fuck... and I can get that anywhere I want. The bitch should be honored I took the time to do it myself." Narrius replies in a voice that is horribly casual, and his son lunges at him: but in a single swift movement, the Dragokkaren easily smashes his child's face with a hard dropping hook, sending him crashing to the ground in a heap, his jaw broken and blood leaking from his nose and mouth. The male towering above him laughs, then, as Zerrex scrabbles at the floor to try and force himself up, Narrius raises a foot and drops it on his shoulder, pinning him to the ground as he looks down at him with contempt and distaste. "You're weak. You will always be weak. You will always be worthless scum."

Zerrex's eyes clench shut, and as a child, he feels tears leaking to the surface... but then he hears a familiar voice, and his eyes open, and he realizes that he is not in the past, but instead that he is here, at the warehouse, and both Tinny and Cherry are looking at him with concern: the reptile snarled, reaching up a bloody hand to wipe at his face, leaving streaks of crimson fluid over his cheeks and in his hair as he turned away and said in a harsh voice: "I can do it! I'm fine!"

Cherry halted, feeling a prick of pain... and was that self-loathing? She watched as Zerrex turned his attention entirely towards the heavy metal canister in front of him, lowering her eyes a bit as she crossed her arms quietly, then she nodded, speaking in a nearly silent voice a single word: "Okay."

Then the female backed up quietly, looking down and rubbing at her arms slowly, watching with concern but also humiliated by her own actions, for whatever memories or thoughts or doubts she had brought up in her husband, her dominant master, her lover and Captain... even though she knew he'd hate the fact she still thought of him as the last. So instead, she only watched as Zerrex rose his fists, looking at the water heater with his teeth grit and eyes burning.

For a few moments, he stood... then he heard his father's voice speaking in his mind again, and it was no longer Requiem that stood in front of him in his imaginings, but the male who'd always preferred to be referred to by that hated last name... and so instead of letting it continue, he drowned it out with a roar and slammed two fists forwards, knocking dents in the pressure-treated steel plating of the cooler.

He felt the metal jag, caught the back of his hand on one and cut cleanly into flesh below scale, felt himself bleeding... and didn't care as he followed up with pair after pair of hard punches, slamming again and again into the container in a rapid rhythm before finally shoving an open palm into the ravaged terrain of the canister with as much force as he could manage. The water heater swung upwards in a slow arc, twisting rapidly on the chain, metal creaking and squalling... then it swung back down towards the lizard, and Cherry felt her eyes widen as Zerrex looked up at it and seemed to freeze up for a moment, a ghost image of her lover being smashed by the penduluming metal canister forming for a moment-

Then, instead of falling to that fate, Zerrex stepped forwards again and brought a leg up in a hard, intercepting kick that sent the huge metal container flying off to the side now, swinging even higher as the chains creaked and groaned before it fell back towards the reptile, spinning now, the sound of metal links above giving out echoing through the room as the Drakkaren rose both his arms, snarling furiously, and then he swept his left arm out firmly as he leaned to the right, body bowing forwards and eyes bulging, other arm remaining raised defensively as his elbow and forearm mashed into the metal container with enough force to bend the huge pressurized canister almost in half and sending it skidding along the floor as the chain finally snapped up near the roof.

It fell like a raging snake, whipping back and forth, but the Drakkaren didn't move, and the chain missed him by a good few feet as it clattered to the ground: the sound of the water heater striking the wall overrode the comparably-tiny sound of the chain skittering against the floor, however. But despite the sounds, Cherry and Tinny could only stare at the back of the huge reptile as he stood, eyes closed, muscles tense and body covered in a thin sheen of sweat...

Then he straightened, bloody hands dropping to his sides, and he slowly turned with the faintest of smiles as he tossed a single glance at the water heater: he'd dealt enough damage that the final strike had caused the side bearing the most damage to rip apart like paper. As he watched, the top half slowly twisted and fell, the metal plating unable to support the damage any longer and leaving it in two pieces, and then the Drakkaren turned his gaze back towards the other two, saying quietly: "I told you I could do it."

"I'm sorry I doubted you." Cherry responded with the faintest of smiles, then she looked over at the metal container, shaking her head slowly. His movements... I couldn't read them at the end. I mean, he was far enough away that I could have just made a mistake - I'm not always right, after all - but... it seemed different. "You've... got something special there, Boss. To be able to break that thing in half..."

"Just the continued damage... my last strike bent it in half from the wrong side, that's all..." Zerrex shrugged a bit, glancing over at the metal unit again as he walked over to them, then he looked down at Tinman quietly. "You gonna be okay to help me train some more tomorrow? Nothing heavy, but you'll be throwing a lot of stuff. Same idea as what we practiced in the Legion."

The badger laughed a bit as he got up to his feet, wobbling a bit but then steadying and raising a hand as Zerrex rose his own to help him. "I'll be okay... just got to get some sleep." He paused, then glanced at the lizard's hands and over his damaged body before smiling faintly. "You should really do the same, Boss. You can't save Cindy if you break your body."

"I..." Zerrex looked down for a moment, raising his hands slowly and remembering a dream he'd once had, about a demon and an angel... and then he looked up and smiled a bit in return to the badger. "Yeah. You're right. You go on home, Tinny... Cherry and I are going to do a last bit of training, but... then I promise to... take it easy the rest of the night."

The badger nodded, then he patted Zerrex on the shoulder as he walked away, heading for the door leading into the main warehouse and tossing a last glance and wave back to the two: the reptiles waved back, then the Drakkaren turned his attention to his wife, looking at her softly for a moment before he looked down and shuffled a booted foot. Cherry frowned at this behavior, then blushed a bit as the reptile murmured: "I'm sorry for... earlier."

The female merely stared for a moment, then she looked down as well, rubbing the back of her head before straightening and shoving the larger male lightly, making him wince and stumble a bit. "Oh, don't get all emo on me. Nothing major, no worries there..." Cherry coughed, looking up at him mildly, then she walked past and crossed her arms, quickly changing the subject as she looked around the room. "So what's this other training you want to do?" A pause, then she leered over her shoulder at the Drakkaren, making him roll his eyes. "Sex?"

"You can go find someone else to screw tonight. I don't exactly feel in the mood with my daughter kidnapped and all." Zerrex said drolly.

"We could make another?" Cherry responded, and then she grinned and laughed at the horrified look on the reptile's face before softening. "Aww, get off it. You know I'm kidding, Zerrex... I just... I'm not worried. Because I know you'll get her back for us... so... I figure the best way to wait until that time comes is to be myself."

The male merely looked at her flatly, then he sighed and nodded slowly, shaking his head a bit. "You're an ass." He paused, and she opened her muzzle to respond with some quip, but the muscular female quickly stopped as Zerrex tossed her a deadly look and said loudly: "Moving on.

"I'd like to do some basic training with you... see if I can land a blow on you while you dodge." The tall reptile glanced around the area, nodding to himself as Cherry made a bit of a face, and then he smiled slightly down at her, adding in a condescending voice: "Well, you know I'll be careful and I'll pull my punches, so it's not so hard on you-"

"Fuck you." Cherry said disgustedly, glaring up at him as she reached up to squeeze his shoulders painfully, then she forcefully shoved the reptile down a bit, making him wince as she looked eye-to-eye with her lover, her own glinting dangerously. "If you even joke about that before, during, or after we train, I'm going to sandpaper your entire cock. Then, I'm going to shove a spiked four-by-four up your ass. Then-"

"I get the picture." Zerrex responded flatly, looking remarkably unfettered by the threats. He straightened, shrugging her hands off and making her snort, then reached up and flicked her muzzle lightly, making her blink and narrow her eyes at him. "But I take it you'll help me out, then."

Cherry looked at the Drakkaren mildly for a few moments, then tilted her muzzle up thoughtfully... then she lowered it with a grin, her eyes sparkling. "Only if you fuck me afterwards."

The reptile muttered under his breath, then snorted and rolled his eyes. "You can suck my cock."

"Compromise. Sixty-nine?" The female tilted her head, and Zerrex reached up a hand to brush back his sweaty hair, not caring about the blood he smeared through it as he met her eyes, barely able to believe that she was serious... or that he had actually married this sex-crazed, violent, precognitive, sarcastic bitch. But then a faint smile came to his muzzle as he once more sized that up in his head. Actually, those are probably all the reasons I do love her so much...

She caught the expression on his face, then nodded firmly, reaching up to put a finger against his muzzle as she fidgeted a bit on the spot and licked her own lips lightly, grinning at him. "Good. I'll just take that as a yes. Now, as to the actual training..." And now Cherry became serious, losing the air of sometimes-awkward sluttiness she portrayed and her eyes looking at him with respect as a leader instead of playfulness. "Do you want me to fight back at all? And will you be going to try and corner me or actually land basic hits?"

Zerrex mused a bit, crossing his arms as he thought for a moment, then decided to stick with his original idea. "No... just dodge. And I'll be going for landing hits against you, not cornering or trying to force you into submission. I'll try not to aim for vital spots, though."

"Chivalry will kill you one day, Boss, really." Cherry said dryly, but she was touched nonetheless... and she figured that Zerrex would know as much, as she smiled slightly and stepped several feet back. She closed her eyes for a moment, concentrating and focusing her abilities to the surface, then she took up a ready stance. "Okay, Zerrex. Whenever you're ready."

The male lizard nodded, assuming his own stance, then he quickly stepped forwards, swinging out a palm firmly in a twisting strike aimed for Cherry's muzzle: she quickly leaned out of the way, however, then went up on one foot as the large Drakkaren swept a foot in immediately after from the other side. Moving quickly, he twisted his body, turning the low shinwards kicking into a graceful heel, his back to Cherry and bowing forwards a bit as he brought his leg up in reverse... but even from her awkward position on one foot, the female was able to evade his attack, throwing herself backwards and arching her back to land on her palms and push off in a smooth handspring that carried her back to her feet.

She blanched, however, as suddenly Zerrex was leaping towards her, his movements amazingly smooth as he shifted immediately from the reversed kick into a double butterfly, his entire body twisting smoothly as his legs hooked through the air, waist twisting like a dancer's and hands out for balance. She leapt backwards, but still felt one boot gently scrape along her muzzle, making her stumble and then wince, bringing up her arms to hopefully block a follow up attack... but none came, and instead she straightened and glared as Zerrex looked at her oddly: "Hey! I said, don't pull your punches! Keep coming or I'll crack your skull open later!"

"I'm not." The Drakkaren said slowly, then he reached up and rubbed the back of his head, looking hesitant for a moment before he cleared his throat a bit. "Are uh... you?"

"What?" Cherry blinked, then she faltered for a moment and glanced down, raising a hand as the reptile opened his mouth to speak, her own features softening. "I know. I know. You already managed to skin me... which is pretty damn impressive, since I'm not even tired yet and I'm sure your body's already hurting from the shit you were doing earlier.

"It's like... I dunno." She looked up and laughed a bit, rubbing the back of her head as she shook it slowly. "When I was fighting Requiem, he countered my counter... did it every time, in fact. And I... couldn't even see it. It was like he moved differently or something..." A pause, then a glance at the reptile as she frowned a bit.

"See, I know that my precog's not entirely based on bein' psychic or shit like that. After all, we were all researched while in the Goth Legion... something about me just having a knack for understanding how mechanics work and things move makes up a good part of my so-called power, yeah." She paused again, then coughed and looked lame as Zerrex continued to look at her oddly. "I guess it's like, you and he move differently. Even earlier, I thought... I saw you get mashed in by that big fucking piece of metal, but... you just slammed it away."

She fidgeted on the spot, then coughed, then finally threw her arms out as Zerrex continued to look at her mildly. "What? Stop staring at me like that, you... fucking fuck!"

The male Drakkaren snorted amusedly, then he walked forwards and reached up to gently squeeze Cherry's shoulders as she looked at him moodily... then she muttered but pacified somewhat as he kissed her forehead, the strange, tender gesture causing them both to blush a bit. Then he nudged her muzzle up so their eyes met, looking at her for a few moments before laughing softly. "The only way I ever beat you was through counterattacks. I think... I know that you've never, ever gotten something wrong when it comes to mechanical or nonliving objects... it's just with people and stuff you have a problem. Maybe you read their intent... and since a counter comes at the last moment, you can't see what they're planning to do until the last second."

"I don't wanna listen to you ramble on my powers. They're mine." Cherry muttered irritably, but she closed her eyes and nodded against him nonetheless, before pausing a moment and glancing up at him. "I think the more we train together, the more I'll start to see even your unexpected movements, then. Or hell, maybe I'm just getting rusty." She laughed a bit, smiling faintly at her husband as she stepped back and crossed her arms. "We don't all have the same amazing longevity you do."

"Yeah. I'm sure that's it." Zerrex responded amusedly, holding back his urge to add something more vulgar; it would just make Cherry say something even worse. Then he paused before nudging her lightly, the ache in his body and a voice in his mind saying that enough had been gleaned for today... and a few new ideas coming to mind in terms of dealing with Requiem before he paused and leaned down to tease Cherry with a slow kiss, making her eyes widen for a moment before they closed.

Their muzzles met firmly, their tongues danced gently for a moment, and then Zerrex pulled back and nudged his female counterpart with a slight smile, tilting his head as he said softly: "And I think I promised to do something with you, if I remember correctly..."

"Ooh... right here? On this cold... hard... floor?" The smaller Drakkaren grinned back, obviously pleased by this prospect as she ground her body slowly against his, trailing over his musculature and the bruises and blood on his body: things she rather enjoyed, found arousing... and didn't mind making clear to the reptile she was currently pressed so tight against. "You know just how to get me off, Boss."

"Yeah, yeah." Zerrex couldn't help the faint stirring of entertainment and arousal he felt through his body, reaching up to draw his hands over her muscular arms as he gazed down at her with slight amusement. She was looking back up with half-lidded eyes and that look on her face that meant she wanted to play, and wanted it bad... and he couldn't deny that although it didn't exactly seem like the best time for sex for most couples, he thought it would help both of them out with the stress. After all... we aren't most couples.

He felt her hand drop and gently press against his crotch, through the fabric of pants and boxers below and into his still-flaccid but now twitching member: it elected a soft sound of pleasure and interest from the reptile, and he responded by grinding his body forwards as he slid his hands to gently settle over her breasts, squeezing them slowly as he gazed down at her with a growing hunger. She rocked her body towards him as his hands cupped her firm swells, her excited grin turning to a seductive smile as one hand moved slowly over his bare chest and bulging musculature.

Her other hand slipped up, stroking along the outline of his gargantuan member to his fly and easily undoing it, his pants falling open and sliding down his hips a bit: then Zerrex's hands slid gently up to Cherry's head as she worked herself gently down his body, grinding forwards against his muscular form before finally settling on her knees, both of her hands settling on the waistband of his boxers before tugging them slowly downwards with his pants. She leaned forwards as her husband's clothes slid down to puddle around his feet, inhaling the scent of his shaft and the sweat and blood that covered his body from his intense workout, then she slowly dragged her tongue up the warm black flesh of his immensity as Zerrex squeezed her head lightly, letting his head fall back.

His eyes slid closed as her tongue touched the naked scales of his waist, just above his now-hardening member, mouth opening a bit to release a sigh of what was almost satisfaction as Cherry dragged the end of her muzzle lightly down the length of his penis to finally kiss the bulging head. One of her hands rested on his knee: the other she had already brought back to undo her bra, and then move quickly to her front as she attempted to kick off her motorcycle boots: they refused to fall off so easily, however, and the female gave a growl of displeasure before leaning back and sitting on her rear, Zerrex dropping his head back forwards and grinning slightly at the look of impatience on Cherry's face as she quickly began to untie one of her spiked metal boots.

He took the time to step back and extract his feet from his own set of combat boots, before kicking his pants aside and idly stroking his thickening Drakkaren meat up to full erection, eyes settling on the female's breasts, enticed by the way they jiggled a bit with every movement of the muscular reptile. He admired her body even as she muttered obscenities under her breath and finally managed to toss her boots, pants, and the g-string she had donned this morning aside, then she turned to look up at him with a faint tinge of color in her cheeks; whatever embarrassment she felt was quickly lost in lust as her gaze fell upon the male's fully-erect shaft, however. "Ooh... well, Boss... I'm ready now to please..."

As she spoke, she spun herself slightly towards the larger male, keeping her knees up but legs open, arms resting lightly across them as she looked up at Zerrex with a grin and a burning desire in her eyes. The reptile smiled slightly at this, licking his muzzle slowly at the look on her face and the curves and shape of her body, before he nodded and stepped towards her, bringing up a foot to her shoulder and easily pushing her down.

Cherry landed on her back with a bit of a grunt, masculine, scaled body making a flat slapping sound as it struck the cement hard, her legs and arms going wide and open... and the look in her eye told the reptile she had definitely done that last bit on purpose, as much as it must have stung to land so hard on the concrete without saving herself. He couldn't stop himself from slowly licking his own muzzle at the open display she gave him, however, eyes roving over the gleaming moistness of her slit to perked nipples... and then he stepped slowly over her and turned around, looking down at her as she gazed back up invertedly, enjoying the excellent upwards view she gained of her lover's large testicles and gargantuan obsidian shaft. "How do you want to do this, Cherry? You on bottom, or me?"

"We better warm up that big cock of yours first, Boss..." Cherry responded from below him, and he could hear the anticipation in her voice as he rested one hand on his hip, the other lazily moving up and down his enormous length. "How about I start on the top... I know you love it when I use my tits on that big rod of yours, and that could help the... juices start flowin' for when you finish off rammin' me while I'm on the bottom..."

"Got this all planned out, huh?" Zerrex asked, his eyes glinting with slight entertainment and erotic interest before he nodded, then he slowly lowered himself to his knees as Cherry murred, a wide grin spreading over her muzzle as the male's massive member lowered towards her... and then he laid on his back and the female snorted in disappointment, rolling onto her stomach and resting her muzzle on one hand as Zerrex spread his legs a bit and put his hands behind his head, grinning in return as their eyes met and he jerked his head invitingly. "And you know I love it when you talk dirty. Mostly because you talk like a guy."

Cherry snorted, then she climbed up to all fours, licking her muzzle slowly as she crawled slowly forwards with a look of hunger in her eyes that would frighten away most males... but the Boss was one of the few who could keep up with her, if not outdo her every now and then. "But I bet it gets you and that big, thick cock of yours off, too, doesn't it? I know how much you love making me all hot and wet, making me scream your name like the bitch I am, making me suck and swallow that big, juicy monster of yours..."

As she spoke, she reached out, drawing a finger slowly up his length as she crawled up beside him on her other three limbs... then, in a strangely gentle movement, she lowered her head to kiss first his cheek, then his throat, before straightening and locking gazes with him for a moment, adding softly: "But that's for later... right now I'm going to choke your penis down and you can get me off with that big tongue of yours. Just roll me over when you're ready... because I'll be."

Zerrex murred softly at this, then watched as his wife slowly climbed atop his masculine form, spreading her legs as the reptile shifted positions a bit and received a pleasant eyeful of Cherry's indeed-wet vagina, moving one hand up to rest gently on her firm buttocks as he felt her shifting to grip his inner thigh, then move a hand to grip and fondle one enormous testicle, her breasts pressing down into his thick shaft for a few moments. "It's amazing you can deepthroat this whole length of me, darling... probably one of the reasons why I married you..."

Cherry merely snorted at this, rearing her head back a bit as she sat up slightly on his chest, then sliding the hand that was toying with the large, navy-blue orbs of the reptile to rest on the base of his shaft, the other moving to grip the huge length of flesh as well, shifting it up so that the tip of his enormous cock met her lips. She lapped at it slowly, causing the large male to murr quietly in pleasure, leaning forwards a bit to nose under her tail and inhale the smell of her hot sex as he caressed a thigh with one hand and buttock with the other.

Then, slowly, she lowered her head a bit, letting her muzzle part around the gargantuan, hot head of the throbbing black member, the huge penis sliding smoothly up into her maw, stretching her jaws slightly. The female gave a soft sigh around the huge penis, her hands gripping into the black flesh tightly for a moment and feeling it pulsing lightly in her grip as her eyes slid closed, bobbing her head forwards a bit more and taking in more of the male's thick meat.

Zerrex rocked his head back a bit, murring softly as the female straddling his chest bowed forwards slightly, his shaft bending a bit and pushing deeper into her jaws as she began to move her hands gently up and down the long girth. Then he leaned his own head forwards again, once more nuzzling at the base of her tail before letting his tongue trail teasingly around Cherry's rosebud as both hands settled on her buttocks, making her twitch a bit and give another muffled sound of surprised pleasure around the giant member buried in her muzzle. Zerrex slowly kissed at the puckered hole again, then he drew his tongue gently down to the lips of her sex, his hands sliding down to the front of her thighs again, Cherry arching her back a bit and giving her lover easier access with his muzzle.

She murred softly as she paused for a moment, letting the head and a good portion of the huge shaft rest in her muzzle and the start of her throat, then she paused and shifted forwards a bit more in a stretched position that would be uncomfortable for a normal person: with Cherry's pain tolerance, constant stretching and the erotic pleasure that was currently flowing from every corner of her being, however, the slight discomfort was easily drowned out by the glory of what she was participating in and experiencing, as she pushed her impressive bust forwards to gently settle against either side of the huge shaft, feeling the steely flesh easily parting her breasts, the hot rod of Drakkaren meat sending a strange bliss through her at the feel of it. She began to move up and down slowly, teasing the first half of the reptile's cock as she bobbed her head low and squeezed and stroked with her bust.

Zerrex gave a quiet grunt of pleasure, feeling his wife manipulating his shaft with both mouth and bosom, and he couldn't resist a slight grin as he pushed his muzzle against her vagina and inhaled her scent deeply: she knew how much he loved a good titfuck, to use Cherry's vulgar but accurate terms. Slowly, he brought his tongue out, dragging it up between the female's lips as he slid one hand over her buttocks to gently tease her rosebud with one finger, slowly trailing his fingertip around the edge of her rim before pushing gently at it. He felt her reacting in the positive to his teasing, then she gave a faint spasm as he moved his other hand forwards around her thigh to lightly tease at her clitoris, gently playing two fingers over the nub of flesh before pinching it lightly.

Cherry let out a soft moan around the huge penis buried up into her muzzle, beginning to move with more firmness up and down the gargantuan shaft, lapping and rolling her tongue around as much of the hot flesh as she could manage as she continued to squeeze and massage her firm swells against the steely length. Her head moved slowly up and down as sweat began to roll down her body, her masculine musculature standing out impressively as she felt Zerrex beginning to thrust gently upwards, a bit more of his enormous member forcing its way up into her jaws and to the back of her throat, bumping it slowly.

By now, most would have at least gagged... or choked and died from the massive member sealing off most of their jaws. But Cherry was able to take quick but efficient breaths with every movement of her head, huge breasts continuing to roll up and down the Drakkaren meat before her as she pinched hard nipples between two fingers, increasing her own bliss. She'd long ago learned that the trick was not to panic... and that the only times Zerrex ever choked her was when he was doing it on purpose, and then there came the beautiful pleasure of submitting entirely to a dominating, powerful male...

Cherry let out another quiet sound of pleasure, bucking her hips gently down against the features of the Drakkaren below her as she rocked her head a bit harder up and down the enormous shaft, tongue dragging slowly along the huge length. She arched her back forwards a bit more, pushing her breasts with greater insistence along the reptile's hot shaft, admiring the strength and power she felt flowing through the hot, thick rod... loving the idea of being his property, knowing that even if Zerrex stopped his own teasing and lapping at her vagina that she would still go on, that in her deepest, most secret part of herself she would always think of herself not as his wife but as his toy, bitch, play-object... and that she would die if he asked, without hesitation, in the most painful of ways.

Zerrex, meanwhile, was murring quietly at the continued manipulations upon his shaft, leaning forwards with a bit more insistence now as one of his fingers slid gently through the tight rim of his wife and into her anus, slowly thrusting back and forth as he pushed his muzzle against her vagina. Gently, he moved the lips of her sex with the lips of his maw, kissing and working against her blossoming passage, tongue delving forwards to rub slowly against the walls of her vagina and to taste the sweet taste of his beloved as he rocked his head against her, grinding the end of his muzzle firmly to her sex as his other hand slowly continued to tease gently at her clit, one finger playing lightly around it before flicking the nub of flesh slowly.

Cherry rocked her hips against him a bit harder in response, and Zerrex felt the end of his muzzle push slightly past her lips, stretching the female's passage and widening her straddling legs as the tip of his thick muzzle ground forwards into her vagina. She moaned quietly again around his girthy cock, beginning to move her body with more passion up and down his member as her masculine musculature bulged slightly, sheening with sweat, and Zerrex couldn't resist a grunt of pleasure of his own, sending his hot breath spilling down the female's tight passage. He could feel her react to that as well, as he pinched her clitoris slowly and lapped his tongue slowly along the rough walls of her passage, palm of his other hand pushing for a moment against her buttocks as he buried the finger thrusting in and out of her anal passage completely in, then he pushed another finger in through her loosened rim, causing her to rock back against him once more.

Again, he felt a bit more of his large muzzle pushing into her: only a few inches or so, but it was wide enough to stretch her to extremes; perhaps more than his large cock normally did, in fact. He could feel a distinct heat rising in his shaft, through, as Cherry continued to move herself firmly up and down his giant member, even as he continued to thrust his fingers in and out of her rosebud and lapped hungrily at the inside of her sex as he bobbed his head slowly back and forth, other hand rubbing lightly against her inner thigh for a few moments before returning to nudge and gently squeeze at her clit, playing along the nub of flesh slowly. He breathed her scent in and sent half-pants of breath back out, rushing down her passage before finally drawing his maw back, leaving her lips gaping for a moment before they began to close, the powerful male nosing and teasing her sex with slow kisses as they did so, feeling the female rocking her hips harder back against him as he felt his own slow thrusts up into her maw picking up in speed and power... then suddenly he rolled, twisting his hips hard to drive his cock as far into her maw as he could at this angle, causing Cherry to choke for a moment as her eyes snapped open.

Then she felt a moment of vertigo roll through her body before she hit the ground hard, her firm breasts jouncing on her body, one hand half-heartedly attempting to dull the collision with the ground as her arm shot out, the other reaching up to squeeze into the reptile's thigh as she felt him take the top, trying to cough around the mammoth meat in her mouth but unable to do little more than manage a wheeze as she felt him draw back a bit. She could feel him repositioning himself - and her, as his powerful hands seized her thighs and dragged her legs open, felt him shifting down and her head being forced back as he thrusted deeper into her maw at the same time, lining up his body so he could slam his gargantuan member straight into her maw and deep into her body.

Zerrex grunted quietly, closing his eyes in pleasure as he felt the muscles of the female's throat contracting and squeezing against his bulging cock, his hands pushing flat against the concrete as he lowered his head to lap hungrily at her vagina, as if he'd travelled days through the desert and she was the oasis he'd just come to. His tongue dragged over her clit and the lips of her sex as he dropped forwards a bit onto his elbows, his own musculature standing out, sweat rolling down his body and causing the blood that had stained into his arms and chest to run like paint, his hands gripping into her thighs and leaving reddish marks as he pulled her legs wider.

Cherry began to buck back against him almost immediately, apparently excited and gratified by their change in position, as she squirmed for a moment beneath him, then reached up to press her hands against his thick waist, just above his gargantuan penis as he began to thrust deep: the first tested the depth he could send the massive shaft into, and once more Cherry found herself choking on a rod of gigantic flesh that filled up her throat and slammed deep into her body, probably crushing its way into her stomach as she felt a burst of strange pain and almost nausea... but it quickly passed, the sensations becoming part of the pleasure as the enormous member drew back, then shoved forwards again, and this time she found the end of her muzzle struck hard by the Drakkaren's pair of enormous testicles, his musk filling her nostrils for a moment.

The male began to thrust powerfully, digging his member to depths that seemed impossible, burying the entire length of his gargantuan cock into the body of his wife: a feat that would kill most people in the position they were doing it in. But both Drakkaren had been partners for a long time in all things... and from the way the female was bucking firmly against the male's firm tongue, whatever discomfort or pain there was had been easily overridden by some insatiable, crazy pleasure.

Zerrex grunted hungrily as he rocked his hips powerfully, holding nothing back as he felt the heat in his huge shaft growing, his testicles slapping firmly against Cherry's nose and face as he panted hard and moved his hands to tease at both of the lower regions of the female, two fingers sliding smoothly into her anus as the finger of his other hand began to thrust quickly in and out of her vagina. His tongue worked and teased at her clitoris, as her hips bucked up against him and she let out breathy, muffled moans around the gargantuan penis buried down her maw, almost drowned out by the thick, fleshy slap of the reptile's navy-blue orbs striking her features again and again. A thick heat emanated from her vagina as he nuzzled the lips of her sex, breathing her in and murring hungrily as he felt her rising orgasm, watching her hips buck firmly against his moving fingers as he thrusted the strong digits in and out of both passages, then he leaned down and bit firmly into her muscular inner thigh, teeth digging deep enough to draw blood and causing Cherry to spasm, jerking upwards and swallowing against his thick cock.

The reptile groaned and arched his back, remaining hilted in the fellow reptile's mouth for a moment as Cherry released her own muffled groan around the huge member, and then Zerrex looked down with a grin, watching as she bucked hard against his hands again and again, feeling her vagina contracting with incredible tightness for what had recently been stretched so wide before a burst of her juices flowed down her contracting passage, the sweet female nectar bursting from her lips and coating her inner thighs and the hand of the reptile as she bucked firmly again and again against his hands, Zerrex leaning down immediately to lap at the released fluids and her hot, wet sex.

He felt his own thrusts picking up speed as Cherry moaned and worked herself back against him with even greater ferocity, swallowing against his thrusts and sucking back firmly as he drew his giant shaft back from her muzzle, her hands reaching up to clench tightly into his hips, jerking him down a bit at every thrust, anxious for the power of the reptile's orgasm and his seed. Her own was subsiding even as the strong male continued to play with her, drawing his hands free to lap slowly and teasing at her still-rocking hips, the sensation of pleasure a deep pulse that swallowed up her entire body and made it hard to think or move, the Drakkaren's tongue a torture so blissful it could drive her insane. She moaned hotly as she finally felt him beginning to pick up speed again, as she heard a loud grunt over the sound of reptile's testicles striking her features, and she began to move herself more firmly with his thrusts, her breasts rocking with the power of the male's thrusts down her maw.

Zerrex began to thrust deep into her muzzle with even greater strength, feeling his shaft stiffening up beyond the consistency of steel, becoming so hard that it was almost painful as he shoved harder in and out of the female's jaws, feeling his girthy obsidian tower of flesh scraping along the walls of her throat and tearing into Gods-knew-where, feeling a burning sensation on the end of his shaft as he lowered himself a bit more towards her body. His tongue tasted blood and sweet juices, flesh and the faintest hint of soap from the shower Cherry had taken this morning, and the tastes only added to his excitement as he felt his claws digging into her thighs slightly, clenching into her legs as he breathed in her scent again and again, reveling in it.

Moments later, he could no longer hold back, his muscles bulging out powerfully as his hands slid from her legs to press palm-down against the ground, back arching as his thrusts shortened but increased in speed and power, pummelling the female's jaws with his giant shaft as he tilted his head back and let out a loud roar of ecstasy, the erotic bliss overpowering him as his hard shaft spasmed in her throat, then began to release blast after blast of his thick load likely straight into Cherry's stomach. The female gargled and choked, eyes bulging and hands clawing into his waist as what felt like shotgun blasts slammed into her gut again and again, and then she shoved herself down as Zerrex pulled back and the thick white load filled her throat even as Cherry tried to take a breath.

She gagged, choking now on the thick semen of the reptile as Zerrex managed to push himself to his knees, a hand settling on base of his thick, sweaty shaft as he pulled back and Cherry jerked herself away, trying to get to her knees but instead falling on her stomach and coughing hard, but moaning nonetheless, unable to deny the wetness leaking from her vagina and the pleasure she was basking in despite the pain and shrouds of grey over her vision at the feeling of the reptile's hot load pouring over her, streamers of it landing on her face and back as spasmed a bit on the ground. Seed leaked from her muzzle before she finally managed to cough and send a spray of the reptile's semen out of her jaws to splatter on the ground, the female blinking groggily and groaning quietly to herself before she slowly tilted her head up at Zerrex, who was on his knees and looking down at her with quiet pants and a slight grin, his body heaving and muscles bulging, and enormous, semen-streaked and saliva-slick cock held in one hand. His hand too was coated with a generous helping of his own load, and Cherry blinked slowly at him before giving her own slight grin in return and managing in a rusty voice: "Okay. So I don't have the brightest of ideas for my own health. But fuck does it feel good."

"Gods, Cherry." Zerrex laughed softly, slowly climbing to his feet as Cherry shook her head - it sent droplets of Drakkaren seed flying like water from her face to splatter on the ground as she shakily managed a crouch. Then she glanced up as she saw a hand extended towards her, obviously not to help but simply held out... and she looked at it slowly for a moment and the seed coating it before looking up at Zerrex, unable to deny the weird pleasure it gave her as he merely gave her a look of command.

She leaned forwards, then slowly lapped along the back of his hand, tasting his hot seed again in her mouth and gladly swallowing it, cleaning his hand for him like a feral animal offered a treat, using her tongue and careful to get as much as she could before the larger reptile drew his hand away: she looked up at him with the faintest of smiles, then she managed her own feet and wiped a hand over her face before giving a disgusted look as she found it coated in white stuff instead of clear sweat. "Goddammit! What the fuck are you eating to make so much of this shit?"

Zerrex snorted and crossed his arms as he felt his shaft slowly becoming flaccid once more... although the sight of his wife as she was - muscles bulging, sweat shining on her scales, a look of exasperated fury on features that were coated with a good helping of his seed - made him rather want to take her again in some other vicious way, just so he could see her staring at him with submission and hunger again. "Ask Cindy, I don't cook."

"Yeah, I will..." Cherry snapped... then both reptiles paused and shifted uncomfortably, once more remembering what had happened to their daughter. It drove most of the thoughts of sex from Zerrex's mind, but then he rolled his eyes as the masculine female glanced up at him and coughed. "So uh. Can I use your boxers?"

"Use your own underwear to clean yourself off." Zerrex responded dryly, walking over to his discarded clothing and pulling it on. Cherry merely glared at him, then stomped over to her clothes and picked them up before raising her petite bikini top and g-string in either hand.

"There isn't enough material on these things. And I am not making my fucking jeans all crusty and shit with your shit." she muttered irritably, then looked down at the clothes in question for a moment before tossing the two dainty pieces of clothing down, snorting and walking over to her motorcycle boots.

Zerrex paused in the act of doing up his own, glancing over at the female and tilting his head before he coughed and asked: "Cherry? Uh. What are you doing?"

"Well, I figure I'm soaked down under, my back feels like there's a cooling river of lava on it or some shit like that, and my face is covered in enough white stuff to make me look like a half-rate sex-clown, so I might as well just go out to the car naked." The female responded in a distasteful tone, tossing her husband another glare. "Hopefully I have some newspapers I can lay down or something so I don't get the seats too soaked, but hey, what the fuck, right? Won't show up too bad against the seats anyway, I guess, and it's not like we never fuck in the car."

The male, however, responded by merely looking at the female flatly. "Cherry. This is a storage warehouse for steel products. There's constantly workers out there assessing the goods and running tests on the more-complicated products, and buyers walking around... uh... buying stuff." The lizard finished a bit lamely, but then he coughed and quickly managed to get back to the point. "They really won't appreciate you just going out there and walking through them like that..." A pause, then he couldn't resist a grin and adding: "Sexy as you look right now."

Cherry snorted, but she seemed somewhat pacified with the last comment as she finished putting her heavy motorcycle boots on, glancing at her lover and leering over his muscular but damaged body. "I ain't the only one who looks good... and I know. But... I don't really care." She paused, then gave a stupidly-wide grin, and Zerrex merely sighed before nodding and heading for the door.

The female quickly gathered up her clothes and followed, strutting behind him and tilting her head upwards cockily, keeping just far enough away from the powerfully-built Drakkaren male so that his body wouldn't be able to screen a view of her from anyone except those directly in front of the bulky lizard... which meant no one would miss getting an eyeful of her. Her grin toned down to a sly, seductive smile and she half-lidded her eyes as Zerrex glanced over his shoulder at her, and he couldn't help but rolling his emerald irises and giving her a morbid look. She's such a slut. I admit it's one of the reasons I love her so much, but still. There's such a thing as humility.

On the bright side, it was only a ten minute walk through the warehouse and parking lot to the car. On the downside, Cherry insisted on calling out to every male that gaped at her and winking at the few she deemed interesting: interesting to her being attractive, muscular, and likely not the brightest. The female, of course, was both one of the most feared and most favorite down at a strange, quasi-sex-club that Zerrex had helped into existence three years ago: whenever the large reptile wasn't in the mood, she was known to frequent the place looking for fun prey. After all, Cherry had two mottos: the more the merrier, and prove thyself.

The reason she was a favorite: she had no issue with taking place in gangbangs or group sex or any sort of one-on-one action, even in public, at both the sex club and anywhere else. The reason she was feared: no matter what the situation, or who the male, or how many there were... she would prove she was the dominant through the most vicious means needed if so in the mood. And she did love preying on the big males who liked to sit in bars and pick up chicks for a quick, rough fuck... mostly because they ended up broken and crying by the end of the session, Cherry usually giving idle commands and enjoying her dominance.

No, only Zerrex could sometimes control the succubus that so gladly strutted and showed her figure and body, attractive despite the impressive - and scary - musculature. Part of the reason he had no problem with how openly she flaunted herself, and yet part of the reason he did... she could be as nasty as he had been at the height of his viciousness, after all. But fortunately, the slightest things could often knock Cherry out of this mode and return her to reality... like getting back to the car and finding she had locked the keys inside and left them dangling in the ignition.

She stared through the window as Zerrex calmly walked around to the passenger side, knowing what was coming next: the female paused, glanced up at the sky, then down through the tinted window again before throwing her clothes down with a loud, enraged: "Fuck!"

This was quickly followed up by the female bringing her arm up and smashing the window in with a firm strike of her elbow, snarling. The window exploded into fragments, sparkling pieces of glass covering the seats before she brought her elbow back and reached in through the hole, ignoring the shards that fell from the sides and top of the window as she hit the button to unlock the doors, and Zerrex calmly opened his side, gently brushing his seat off and getting in with a slight smile as Cherry opened her door, then slammed it, yelling another obscenity. The door crinkled a bit with the sheer force of impact, and the glass that had still been lodged in the window tinkered down, knocked free from sheer force before Cherry glared at the window and then opened the back door, throwing her clothes on the seat.

She mumbled various obscenities under her breath as she closed the door and reopened the front, Zerrex sitting placidly in the seat with his arms crossed, scrunched a bit in the too-tight interior but otherwise looking mild and peaceful. Cherry, on the other hand, continued to fume as she jerked the lever to pop the trunk open, then she quickly walked around to the back and threw it upwards hard enough to cause one of the hinges to creak in protest. The still-naked female ignored this, however, bending over to dig through the various junk kept in the trunk and not caring about the free view she exposed of her own rear to the few people that were standing in front of the warehouse and staring.

A few moments later, she produced a torn piece of tarp and slammed the trunk, denting this as well. She cursed again, then headed back to the open driver's door, reaching in to sweep away the glass from the seat carelessly before she threw the tattered blue piece of tarpaulin down and sat herself on it, then she slammed the door again. It gave another loud creak, and Cherry grabbed the steering wheel hard enough to cause it to bend slightly, keys jittering in the ignition and she snarled and glared ahead for a moment before turning her eyes on Zerrex.

The powerfully-built Drakkaren was looking ahead as well, still seeming almost serene, then he glanced towards her and tilted his head, asking in a mild voice: "Are you done?"

And, just like that, Cherry felt humiliation heat her cheeks: not the same kind of embarrassment that she had vented with the rage she had just done, but one that made her feel ashamed instead of stupid. The female gave the faintest of smiles, bowing her head a bit to him and nodding, before coughing and looking out ahead again as she started up the car and mumbled: "Probably time for a new car anyway..."

"It's time for a new car every six months to you." Zerrex responded, turning his attention to her and snorting a bit, causing Cherry to look back at him with a defensive expression. "I like to conserve money. And I like this car."

"The hell are you talking about? Every six months it's a new frigging model, you jackass." The female answered irritably, not bothering to look as she drove forwards and turned, heading for the exit: her lack of concentration made Zerrex wince visibly. "Or at least some new toy or deal... and shit, we never even get any new cars, anyway! I mean, I still haven't played with a fucking GPS, and I really wanna try that whole custom building crap." A pause, a frown, and then an idle glance at the road to confirm it was clear before she turned into traffic, barely missing a semi and causing Zerrex to grit his teeth and shrink back into his seat a bit. "And I don't understand this conserving money bullshit. Ever since we combined our accounts, we got like... more money than you have sperm in your balls. Which makes me think of a lot more stuff I can argue with you about, like-"

"Can't you please watch the road?" Zerrex asked in a strangled voice, pointing ahead and interrupting the female, and Cherry paused to glance up meditatively at the road before her before shrugging and turning her eyes from her husband to the street, still not really concentrating on driving but at least playing the part as she felt a bit of a blush tinge her cheeks again, and a strange softness at the discomfort of the other reptile.

"I'll never get you, Boss." she said quietly, deciding to voice her thoughts and making the other reptile tilt his head towards her curiously - probably at her gentle tone. "Even if we got hit by a fuckin' tank, you'd probably be unharmed... and you can ride a motorcycle like a monkey on crack... but the moment we sit in a car, even when you know I could drive us through a hundred-car pileup in a blizzard with a blindfold on, hands tied in front of me and back to the steering wheel... you freak right the hell out." A pause, and Cherry attempted to fumble for her words for a moment before glancing to the side as she heard Zerrex give a bit of a quiet chuckle.

He glanced back at her, meeting her eyes for a moment before looking ahead again as he slid down the seat a bit, knees pressing against the dashboard. "As I remember... your back wasn't to the steering wheel when you did that." He said softly, reminding her of an old mission past... and Cherry smiled a bit in return before nodding, looking somewhat amused despite the pang it gave her.

"Yeah, well, close." A pause, a glance down... up... out the side window... back to the front... and then finally over to Zerrex, coughing a bit as she finally mumbled: "You um. You want. You know... to... like... um. Talk about it?"

Zerrex blinked in surprise as Cherry drummed her fingers on the steering wheel, the naked female quickly looking away and out the window, keeping her eyes firmly on the road as she came to a halt at a red light, and then the male smiled a bit. Despite the length of time they'd been together... the last few years, they had spent most of it in the same old thing, not talking much about themselves and more enjoying sex and each other's company. A weird relationship that went deep... but meant they really had never bothered confronting a lot of the ghosts of the past, meaning it often had them using each other more as sex toys than actual equal partners. But with Cindy added to the mix, she had more and more been forcing them to confront their emotions, the past, and deal with their feelings... and it had led to a lot of strange confrontations. Not yelling, screaming, or talking... but awkward looks at each other, both feeling embarrassed, and stupid, misplaced words until one of them finally left or they managed to come to some resolution.

Cherry had always admired the fact that Zerrex had found the emotional strength to change himself from ruthless, vicious rapist-murderer to someone with a bit more integrity and humility... without exactly losing any of his badass image. She, on the other hand, didn't want to end up being a crying pansy like all the other females she saw so often these days... a sensitive, whiny pile of 'complex' emotions that played with other people's feelings and didn't bother saying things straight up. But now, here she was, making that effort to reach out... and Zerrex opened his mouth to say no, to make it easier on them both... before he slowly closed his muzzle and instead nodded, managing a quiet: "Sure. We can... talk about it tonight, if you want. After we... have another workout. Weights could get us both a bit looser."

"I'm loose enough, thanks to you." Cherry quipped, then grinned at the large male, and they shared a laugh and smile before she nodded, inwardly relieved at the response and at the same time feeling a deep anxiety worming into her body... both wanting to know what the reptile had to say and at the same time, wanting things to be as they once were... just all death and killing and sadism, where emotions were weak and battle was life and love didn't exist.

Things were simple then... brutal, cold, cruel, but simple. And fun, once you learned to enjoy the proper things... but then she paused and glanced over at Zerrex, who had his arms crossed and was pressed back into the seat of the car, looking uncomfortable as he glanced out the side window... and she decided that she wouldn't trade the way things were for anything in the world.

After all... back in the Goth Legion, she never got to see that somewhat-cute look on the giant's features as he scrunched against the seat... and then she made a face and stuck out her tongue, giving a disgusted noise as she passed the semi truck that had almost slammed into them earlier. Cute? What the fuck am I thinking? I hate cute! I never use stupid words like cute... ugh. Zerrex, the things I do for you... sadistic, wonderful, loving and violent son of a bitch that you are...