Cub Services | Chapter 4

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#4 of Cub Services

WARNING: The following story includes graphic sexual content involving a cub. If you are not into that kind of thing please click the back button now.

I apologies for any and all grammar/spelling mistakes (I'm sure there are tons.)

I love comments so please share your thoughts if you have any.

Cub Services

Chapter 4

The morning sun broke over the deep blue horizon, streaking the sky with red and orange hues that brilliantly proclaimed the arrival of a new day. Shafts of light emanated across the heavens, fighting back the autumn frost and slowly illuminating the bedroom of Liz Moreau's apartment.

A streak of bright yellow sunlight cut across the deep red blankets of the massive four poster bed that sat in the middle of the room. Mikey stirred and eventually awoke to the feelings of the suns warmth seeping into the blanket he lay under, warming his already cozy body.

For a moment he was surprised to realize he was not shivering and huddled under a ragged and dingy blanket, but the memories of the previous few days quickly returned to him, sending a new kind of warmth flooding through his little body.

The silver white wolf cub lay curled in a ball and cuddled tightly against Liz's warm body. The red furred vixen calmed him and even while sleeping she managed to comfort him as heat radiated from her body, washing over his naked form like water from a hot shower. He could feel the silky soft fur of her arms wrapped around his back and one of her legs hooked suggestively over his hip, pressing him gently against her sleek lithe form.

Morning sunlight didn't seem to penetrate the darkness that surrounded him and it took his mismatched blue and yellow eyes a moment to adjust to the blackness around him. He was completely covered by the thick squishy red comforter that covered Liz's bed.

Mikey shifted his legs with relief as he realized his thing wasn't hard for the first morning in nearly two months. He wormed a paw down between himself and Liz to find the fur between his legs was soft and clean. He wondered where the mess from the night before had gone as he remembered the amazing event of the previous night.

His memory sent a shudder through his little body and a tingle up his spine. He nuzzled closer to Liz as a feeling of completeness spread through his chest, comforting and soothing him.

Questions began to spread through his mind like wildfire, burning away the haze of sleep and replacing it with his curious nature.

"I didn't pee myself last night." He thought. He was almost sure of that. He vaguely remembered hearing the older cubs at school talk about sperm and cumming. He suspected that he'd cum and that the white stuff had been sperm. The events of the previous night certainly fit the descriptions he'd heard on the playground. If that was the case then that also meant she'd masturbated him. Something he'd tried unsuccessfully on a number of occasions.

From there his mind wandered to the magazine back in his old room as he tested to see if his thing would get hard. The Playboy created a number of questions that he'd been unable to give much thought to. Mainly he wanted to know what the difference was between girls and boys. Every time he tried to put his mind to the question his thing would grow, the accompanying itch created distractions that he had trouble ignoring.

He'd won the magazine in the bet that got him in trouble at school. Unfortunately the best pictures had been torn out and the questions they'd left behind burned through his mind. There were plenty of boobs in the picture, which was one reason it created such a strong distraction, but the older cubs had taken all the pictures that showed the bottom half of a girl's naked body, leaving a frustrating blank spot below the waist in his imagination.

Mikey shifted as he felt the swelling in his loins that meant he had to potty. He sighed; he didn't want to leave Liz's warm embrace but the longer he lay there the worse the swelling got, until he couldn't stand it any longer.

Worming his way out of Liz's protective arms, he slid on his tummy under the blankets, and soon found himself at the edge of the bed. His muzzle poked out from under the comforter as he inched his head out, taking a moment to let his eyes adjust to the bright morning sunlight.

Examining the drop, he determined that he could get down with out to much trouble, but getting back up would be a challenge. In fact he might not be able to get back onto the bed unaided.

His eyes flicked to the digital clock on Liz's bedside table. It said 6:52 A.M. he noted with surprise, usually he was awake by now. In the last two days he'd slept in later than normal and he didn't know why.

He sighed, resolving that it was time to get up anyway and stood up, before hopping off the edge of the bed with a small yip of excitement. A quick rush of adrenaline spread through his body and his heart fluttered in his chest. It wasn't a huge jump but the bed was very tall and he launched himself off the edge, using the squishy mattress as a springboard.

Landing smoothly, he ran quickly to the bathroom as a cold shiver spread up his spine. The shock of the cold morning air made him half to go even worse but he made it to the bathroom without incident and relieved himself of his full bladder.

When he was done washing his paws he walked out of the bathroom. The click of nails on the white tile floor interrupted the still morning silence as Mikey walked around the kitchen side of the island that separated the living room from the rest of the apartment

White legged bar stools stood against the island he'd eaten dinner at the previous night. He examined the stool, it was a bit shorter than he was, but would prove a useful tool in getting back into Liz's warm arms. He looked over at the bedroom door but was unable to see Liz. He missed her and as a shiver spread up his spine he wondered if it was from the cold or because he wanted to be back with her.

Mikey grabbed the stool by the middle rung and tested it for stability before dragging it off the tile floor and into Liz's bedroom where she lay, fast asleep.

Liz was sprawled out on her back and the blankets were thrown back from the upper half of her body. The bar of sun light from the patio door gleamed off the soft pearly white fur of her stomach, while at the same time showing a hint of the deep brown hue that accentuated the red fur of her side, where her tank had rolled up in the night.

As his eyes traveled along the stark line of white and red fur that traced down her front and disappeared under the blankets. His mind drew back to the question he was suddenly able to assess with out distractions. He checked the time occasionally as his eyes idly traced the curves of her flat stomach and ample breasts.

The little red numbers on the alarm clock flicked to 6:55 as Mikey frowned.

"Liz has naughty bits." He said, speaking softly to himself as he stood next to the huge red bed. The blankets wrapped around her legs, blotting out everything from the waistband of her shorts down and exemplifying his lack of knowledge of the female body.

He licked his lips as he felt a very faint tingle between his legs. Her body was sleeker and smoother than any of the furs in that magazine and while he found he could think about that magazine with out getting distracted, it seemed to him to be getting more and more difficult to keep his mind focused on the task at paw when examining her.

From the first day he'd met her he'd been drawn to her alluring feminine beauty. Her soft curves seemed to poke out in all the right places, as they were only slightly dulled by the baggy professional office clothing he'd seen her in when she came to visit his mom. He remembered finding it extremely weird that he'd begin to miss her between visits. The special smiles she gave him lit up his day. He'd have been ecstatic to see her if he'd not been so upset with himself over his decision to let her see his mom smoking.

Mikey shook his head and forced his thoughts back to the question at paw. This was the first time he'd been able to put his full mind to the problem with out getting all stiff and uncomfortable and he wanted to take advantage of that fact.

The thought came to him again that Liz had the naughty bits he wanted so badly to know about. He frowned; he was missing something with that thought. It was like one of those stupid written math problems they made him do in school, he new there was a problem inside, but it took for ever to find it.

Liz's legs shifted in the bed, spreading slightly. The blanket settled and tightened around her thighs, accentuating the alluring curve of her sex. Mikey's heart began to beat faster as he yipped and gave another little hop of excitement.

"Maybe she could show me." He thought, feeling silly for not thinking of the idea sooner. After all, he'd shown her his and it was only fair!

With that he climbed onto the stool and leapt onto the bed as the itch in his loins began to subside. The soft squishy bed spread the shockwave of his landing out smoothly; barely disturbing Liz in her dreams. At almost at the same moment a very loud shrill buzz ripped through the air, startling Mikey as he turned to the source of the noise.

The face of the alarm clock was blinking 7:00 AM with large red numbers. He walked over to the irritating alarm clock. Standing at the edge of the bed he kneeled down and examined it. He saw the word snooze and the words off and pushed both buttons at the same time, stopping the buzz mid shriek. He sighed with relief and stood up.

Unbenounced to him, a furry red arm slowly snaked around his front, barely brushing his waist as Liz prepared herself for her attack. The haze of sleep was still thick in her mind, but it was clearing quickly as excitement swelled in her chest.

Mikey was whipped from his feet as Liz's arm hooked his middle, yanking him to the bed as she yelled in a playful tone. "What do ya think your doing?"

Mikey yelped playfully and let out a high-pitched squeal as he tumbled backwards into the large soft mattress, scattering deep red pillows in every direction. Liz tumbled over the top of him as he giggled playfully and let out a playful growl. She pinned him to the bed with her thighs and began to tickle his tummy and under his arms.

He squirmed and fought desperately to keep her paws at bay as he curled up into a ball under Liz's body but her paws seemed to dart everywhere at once and her soft fingers seemed to know every tickle spot he had, leaving him laughing hysterically and helpless to resist.

When Mikey began gasping for breath Liz let up slightly, allowing him to catch his breath before relentlessly going back on the offensive. A large smile lit Liz's face and her eyes twinkled with mischief as she laughed and growled playfully back at the little cub.

The wide smile and innocent sparkle in Mikey's eyes was infectious and despite having just woken up Liz felt very playful and cheerful as she began to have trouble holding his squirming body down.

She stopped suddenly and wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him up into her lap as she settled back into an Indian style sitting position.

Liz's long red hair stuck out everywhere from the rough housing and her tank top gaped open in the front, exposing her chest to the morning air as the last vestiges of sleep began to recede.

She'd woken up to the irritating sound of her alarm clock but had instead found Mikey squatting in front of it as his tail flicked and shifted in her face. The opportunity to tickle him had been too great to pass up. He cuddled into her and hooked his arm around her waist as he rested his head on her exposed chest.

The neckline of her tank top plunged so far down that she may as well have been shirtless, but Liz didn't try to fix it. She felt the familiar tingle of excitement she'd experienced over the previous few days as she noticed Mikey's mismatched eyes peeking down at her firm round breasts.

Her feelings for Mikey felt stronger than they had been the night before and she decided to continue with her plan of trying to acclimate herself to her negative feelings, despite having it backfire in her face like it had.

It seemed to be working, since the accompanying queasy stomach was absent as she let him ogle her chest. A slight pang of guilt pressed at her mind over the way she'd handled the situation last night, but she felt no guilt at having done it. She reminded herself again of the rule she'd come up with the previous night and pushed the problem from her mind.

Mikey's paw twitched as he felt a sudden impulse to touch Liz's breasts as he stared down at them. The impulse surprised him but he didn't have time to think about it as he remembered his idea and opened his mouth to ask. As he tried to form the question into words he suddenly felt his ears heat with embarrassment. His maw went dry and his stomach suddenly felt like it was full of butterflies.

He frowned as he wondered what about the question made him stop. Was it because she wasn't supposed to? But he'd shown her his bits and he'd not felt a hundredth the apprehension he was feeling now. A thought struck him as he examined and contemplated this new feeling of uncertainty that was spreading through his body.

"Was that why she'd acted so funny after suggesting he take his shorts off last night?" Had she felt the same tightening in her chest and dread that she would not approve of his request that he now felt? Mikey frowned down at the bed as he tried to think of a way out of the situation he faced.

Liz watched Mikey's face in fascination as he sat there. She tried to guess what he was thinking as he opened his mouth with the obvious intention of speaking, but then closed it again. His brow furrowed and pinched together as he sat in her lap, frowning at nothing in particular.

As the minutes dragged on her good mood began to deteriorate. She felt her stomach twist and her heart began beat faster as her mind began over reacting. The guilt she'd previously smothered returned and began to multiply into outright fear.

Her mind began concocting reasons for him to act the way he was. She swallowed as each new idea she had got worse and worse until a part of her panicked mind was sure he was trying to ask her to take him to a different foster family and never speak to him again.

Liz felt pain and heartache rip through her body. A tear welled up in her eye as she tried to figure out what she would say if that was the case. The thought that he was sitting brazenly naked in her lap never crossed her mind as her thoughts continued to irrationally invent new horrible ways for her to lose him.

"Is everything ok?" She asked in a shaky voice. She swallowed and took a few deep breaths. The room suddenly seemed dimmer, as if the light had been sucked from her life, or had a cloud just crossed the suns path? The thought never entered her mind.

Mikey looked down at the ground and sighed before speaking. "Never mind." He said in a dejected voice as he began chewing on one of his fingernails.

She felt the blood rush from her face as her stomach leapt into her throat. In her mind his words were as good as a confirmation that her worst fears were true. She felt like she'd been punched in the stomach as she sat with the naked little cub in her lap.

She took a shaky paw from around his small waist and gently touched his short muzzle. Cupping his jaw she gently lifted it up to look at her face. His mismatched eyes flicked to either side of her, as if searching for some place to look beyond her face. For the first time she noticed the red hue that colored his ears and the embarrassment that reflected in his eyes.

"I don't ever want you to be afraid to tell or ask me something." She said. Her light soprano voice came out barely above a whisper as she tried to come up with a reason for him to be embarrassed. One that fit into her fear that he wanted to leave her.

She swallowed and said. "Do you understand?"

Mikey nodded slowly, his eyes flicking away from her and focusing on an unknown point behind her. She let go of his jaw and wrapped her arm back around his waist. She grasped her paws together behind his back to help keep them from shaking. His eyes shifted so that they were staring at his paws as he began to fidget in his lap.

The seconds ticked by slowly, each one taking longer than the last and each one feeling like an eternity to Liz. Finally he spoke in a quiet stammer. "See I... I got this ma... magazine from thi... this cub at school an..." He stopped still not looking at her.

Liz stared at him as she felt relief washing through her body. Her stomach returned to its normal place in her abdomen as her heart began to beat normally and a fresh batch of tears flooded into her eyes in relief, threatening to trickle down into the deep red fur of her cheeks.

"An... an see it was mi.. missing some st... stuff an..." His voice finally failed him as the inside of Mikey's ears burned bright red and the silver white fur of his face took on a very visible red hue.

She looked at him as she gently rubbed his back with her paw. She gave him a gentle and reassuring smile. Outside a cloud finished its meandering pace across the sun, letting the yellow beam of light reappear in Liz's bedroom, illuminating the bedroom.

"What magazine was it?" She asked, knowing he was talking about the playboy she'd seen. His ears wilted as he peeked at her from the corner of his eye.

"Playboy" He mumbled.

She just smiled at him as her chest continued to swell with relief. She was unable to muster up any fake shock at his admittance but if he noticed he gave no indication that he did so.

"What was it missing?" She asked. She genuinely couldn't figure that part out. Her knowledge of the magazine was limited, but what could a Playboy be missing?

Mikey's paw made a vague gesture at nothing in particular as he spoke in a voice so soft her ears twitched and swiveled towards him in an attempt to catch his words. "I wana know."

Liz frowned, causing Mikey to flinch away from her and burry his head between her breasts. She realized he thought she was mad and immediately changed her expression to a smile and began stroking his cheek.

"I'm not mad, I just don't understand." She said as she moved her paw back down to his back and began rubbing it softly. He looked at her smiling face and shook his head. His ears were still bright red and he looked like he was struggling with something big as he removed his muzzle from her cleavage.

"Will you... Can I" He sighed in a huff and slumped against her, as if getting those four words out had taken every ounce of exertion he had.

"I showed you mine." He mumbled against her body. His words sent a very slight vibration through her arm as his words clicked into place like a piece in a jigsaw puzzle.

Liz felt butterflies in her stomach as she stared down at him. Was he asking her to show him her pussy? The thought sent that strange tingle of excitement into overdrive and left her breathless for a moment. She swallowed and stifled a moan as the thought of his little paws between her legs made her body tingle and go weak with excitement.

She pushed the feelings of excitement down as she realized Mikey was peeking up at her. She needed to be sure. The rule she'd made last night kept her from doing like she wanted to and simply putting his paw between her legs. She refused to make the same mistake she'd made last night and she would not risk crossing the line into abusive.

She thought about the situation for a second. What could she do that would make it clear she was willing if that's what he wanted? She looked down and realized the top of her tank top was still so low she could nearly see her nipples.

Would removing her shirt in an attempt to spur him on be wrong? The idea didn't seem too inappropriate and she noticed as she asked the question that his eyes kept flicking down to the furry white curve of her cleavage.

Leaning away from him a bit, her arms uncurled from around his waist and grabbed the hem of her tank top, pulling it over her head in one fluid motion.

Mikey's eyes bulged and his muzzle dropped open in surprise. The cool morning air caressed her firm breasts and her nipples began to harden as Mikey's cheek brushed the one he was still partially leaning against. The accidental attention sent a tingle of pleasure through her chest.

The morning sun glinted off the alabaster white fur of Liz's chest, gleaming and shining in the morning air. Liz's breast jiggled and bounced as her shirt lifted them up and dropped them back down. They were like small melons and Mikey felt a sudden urge to nuzzle against them and lick one of her nipples. The alluring curves drew him in like nothing he'd ever seen and for a moment he completely forgot what he'd originally been trying to ask.

Without thinking his paw gently reached up to brush the side of the firm round mound. Mikey's paw stopped just as he was about to make contact as he peeked up at Liz. She gave him a reassuring smile and puffed her chest out slightly, as if she was offering herself up to him. There was something else in her eyes, but he was too inexperienced to recognize the smoky smoldering look that lingered in the background of her gaze.

His paw gently brushed the silky white fur and his nails combed through it, brushing delicately against her skin. Mikey's eyes were as big as saucers as his fingers gently slid over to the wrinkly pink skin of her nipple and paused. He felt his thing beginning to grow and that itch was back and as irritating as ever.

He poked at her nipple, tweaking it and causing Liz to gasp as she puffed her chest out further and twisted her body slightly in an attempt to make herself easier to access to the young wolf cub. The gentle stimulation spurred her heart to beat faster and faster as she struggled for control with the haze of arousal that had taken hold of her the previous night.

Mikey slowly cupped the large mound and gently lifted it against Liz's body. He was surprised by how heavy it was and his paw was dwarfed by the large breast as he jiggled it gently. He let it go and watched as it bounced slightly and settled back to its original perky state.

He gently massaged the nipple, tentatively treating it as gently as he would his own thing. She smiled as another burst of pleasure passed through her chest, moistening her slit and causing her heart rate to spike. Her body was beginning to tingle all over.

He swallowed as he remembered his original question.

"But see I've seen.... I wana know... what's down there." He said as his mismatched eyes flicked lower. It was the closest he'd gotten to asking and the anticipation was killing her. Liz was slowly beginning to lose control of the situation as her breathing began to get become labored. She shifted her legs, allowing his small bottom to slip between her knees.

She smiled at him as she leaned back a bit and arched her back, presenting the white fur of her tummy to him. "Down where sweet heart?' She asked softly.

Mikey's thing was at full alert and the itch had turned to a burning need that spread through his loins as his heart began to pound in his ears. The feeling of uncertainty was long gone and was now replaced by a feeling of intense excitement and arousal. His paw slowly slid down her tummy, trailing his nails against the skin underneath.

His paw inched further down until it was at her waistband. She gave him a coy smile as she said. "Oh, is that what you're after? " She was enjoying this game more and more as her inhibitions began to slip away. Mikey had a look of absolute fascination on his face as his fingers very gently pushed past her waist band.

The downy white fur seemed to go on for ever as Mikey gently pulled the waistband towards himself and tried to peek down the front of her shorts. The white fur disappeared down into darkness and he frowned, unable to see anything. He felt a warmth trickle down onto his thigh and when he looked down he noticed that the bright red tip of his cubhood glistened with that same clear liquid that came out the night before.

His heart beat faster as he hoped he was going to cum again. The burning in his loins was beginning to strengthen, leaving him slightly uncomfortable.

"If that doesn't fulfill my requirements than nothing will." Liz thought as she suddenly lay back on the bed. She raised her legs into the air and watched as Mikey's eyes tracked her movements.

Liz smiled and let out a small breath of exhilaration before very slowly hooking her thumbs under her shorts, pulling them up and off. Her tail curled up between her legs, provocatively hiding her body from Mikey for a moment while at the same time making it easier for her to remove the garment.

When she was done she grabbed two of the deep red pillows that lay scattered across the bed and plumped them up behind her. Half sitting and half lying down she spread her legs and bent her knees, as she let her tail slowly draw away from her body. Her paws were shaking as her body ached and throbbed with anticipation.

She gave him an alluring smile and said. "Look and touch all you want sweet heart." shuddering internally at the words, Liz held her breath to try keep from panting.

Mikey stared in utter fascination at the furry white mound that started at her pelvis and curved elegantly between her legs. The velvety white fur thinned gradually as it grew closer and closer to a pair of puffy pink lips. Tiny droplets of moister glistened in the morning light, creating a thin sheen that made the delicate folds of her body seem to sparkle. A small slit ran between the two fleshy pink lips, enclosing what looked to him like a much thinner set of inner lips that protruded outwards slightly and ended just before her tail hole.

He leaned in closer drinking in the sights and smells of her body and basking in the sensual graceful curve of her sex as the warmth of her body radiated over his muzzle.

A faint musky aroma wafted up to his nose as he took a deep breath, tasting the sweet and musky flavor that came with the scent. His head shifted forward, moving his wet nose closer to the delicious perfume. He sighed as he felt a stirring in his chest and a surging in his loins.

"But would she really let him touch?" His paw reached slowly, almost tentatively towards her body as he tested to see if she would really let him touch her.

His fingers brushed gently against one of the plush outer lips as he stroked it where fur met skin. His memory jumped to how gentle she'd been with his thing the previous night, reminding him to be careful as he began his examination.

He began to move his fingers up and down, caressing the soft curve of her body as he slowly moved in towards the folds of skin that separated the two puffy outer lips. As his fingers brushed the slit Liz's hips twitched, pushing her abdomen towards his paw.

Her movement pushed the tips of his fingers smoothly into the folds as Mikey realized with excitement that they were not just creases in her skin. He gently pushed his fingers in deeper, feeling the folds of skin give way to his fingers.

Her heart pounded in her loins as Liz stifled another moan. His gentle caress and the tension of the situation were driving her mad with desire. She curled her fingers into the deep red sheet on her bed as she took another shuddering breath.

She felt his finger slowly slide up her slit, moving at an agonizingly slow pace towards her sensitive clit. The walls of her vagina pulsed in time with her heart beat as she gently pushed her body against his fingers.

Mikey's paw froze as his fingers brushed a hard smooth bump at near the top of the slit. Liz's hips pushed up towards his paw as her head rolled back, letting a loud groan escape her lips.

The loud moan jarred Mikey out of the trance like state he'd fallen into. He looked up at Liz as his fingers rested against the strange pearl he'd found. He felt his thing twitching and ooze against his tummy and he looked down to see he was sitting in a small puddle of clear liquid.

An idea struck him as he watched her hips twitch. He pressed gently against the hard pear and gently rubbed his fingers in a circle around it.

Liz gasped and arched her back as she said. "Oh god Mikey lower. Please!"

Her breath was coming in ragged gasps now and he noticed her paw was pinching and tweaking her nipples as she lay sprawled out in front of him on the bed.

He slid his fingers slowly down her slit, trailing her body and causing groan after groan to escape from Liz's muzzle. The slit was getting warmer and wetter as his fingers slid between the inner set of deep red lips that split her sex.

Suddenly the wall the tip of his fingers had been following fell away and as Mikey pushed two fingers further in Liz moaned loudly. His two fingers sunk in slowly as he searched for the bottom of the slit.

"God yes!" she gasped as his fingers found and pushed past a tight round opening that expanded to accommodate his fingers.

His heart quickened in his chest as he let out a small moan of his own. The silky tight walls squeezed and massaged his fingers as they sunk deeper and deeper in side her. When his knuckles brushed the gentle folds of skin around her entrance he looked curiously at his paw.

The entrance of her body formed a tight seal around his fingers and the sight of her outer lips puckering and enveloping his paw felt so naughty and arousing. His thing began to ache as the familiar itch began to burn and become more and more persistent.

Liz's hips began to shift back and forth in a rhythm and when he looked up she was looking at him pleadingly. She stopped and then did it again, rolling her hips and causing his finger to move around inside her.

Mikey got the idea and pulled his fingers out and then slowly pushed them back in a few times. With each insertion Liz let out another loud moan, and each time he pulled his fingers back out she gasped and pushed her hips towards his paw.

After one particularly loud moan Mikey curled his fingers inside her, feeling the soft smooth walls of her body. One particularly squishy spot caught his interest as Liz moaned and shuddered from his explorations. He curled his fingers up and pushed against a particularly spongy patch that seemed to appear and disappear as the walls shuddered and waved against his fingers.

The intense wave of pleasure that centered on Liz's loins rocked her to her very core as her body exploded like a sonic boom, her vision went black as she let out an ear splitting shriek. Her clawed paws and footpads dug roughly into the bed, shredding the expensive red sheets as her body convulsed and heaved.

The scream that came from Liz was like nothing Mikey had ever heard and for a brief instant he was afraid he'd hurt her, but the wide eyed look of sheer joy and ecstasy that covered her face left no doubt that whatever he'd just done, made her feel real good. He tried to push his fingers back against the spongy spot but found that her body had clamped down on his fingers, squeezing them in a very pleasant but very strong grip.

A geyser of liquid poured out from her body, coating his paw and most of his fury white forearm. The sweet musky smell that had originally been a very faint background sent came to the forefront of his mind and reminded Mikey that his groin ached so badly that it was beginning to hurt. He whimpered as the scent sent set the itch in his loins on fire.

When Liz's body finally began to relax he pulled his paw from her body to better examine the liquid that was now whipping his little body into frenzy of need and casting a haze of arousal through his mind.

Mikey held his paw up to the morning sun light and spread his fingers apart, examining the gooey strings of liquid that stretched between his fingers like a spider web.

He stuck his tongue out and touched it to his finger as his mind warred between curiosity and a need he didn't completely understand.

The liquid had a texture similar to maple syrup and tasted slightly sweat and tangy. It tasted fantastic and Mikey began sucking on his fingers, greedily devouring the tasty treat. The more he ate the more his abdomen began to ache and he let out a small whimper, unable to stop licking his fingers.

Time began to have meaning again as Liz blinked away the blackness that had overtaken her. Her body buzzed and hummed with intense pleasure and the muscles between her legs ached slightly from the intense convulsions.

She looked over at Mikey and saw that his ears were folded back and he was whimpering as he sucked on his fingers. His pink tongue traced and cleaned the fur on his forearm and paw as she realized he was licking up the juices she'd squirted on him.

A wave of excitement spread through her chest but as it reached her abdomen she felt the dull throbbing in her vagina that meant she was spent. Any further attempt at sexual stimulation would only hurt now and she felt her body being overtaken by exhaustion.

Liz reached out and gently stroked Mikey's cheek. He nuzzled his head into her paw but then took her paw away and pushed it down towards his penis. She looked down to see that his bright red thing was sticking straight up against his tummy, dribbling precum in an almost constant stream. The knot at the base was nearly as big as his fist and when she looked up into his mismatched eyes she recognized the burning pleading desire in them.

She very much whished she wasn't so over stimulated as her paw traced down his front, combing her fingers through the silver white fur on his chest and stomach. Her rules and inhibitions went out the window as she suddenly ached to feel him inside her.

But she just couldn't do it; she felt a wave of regret and guilt at her own selfishness swell inside her. She desperately wanted to feel him inside of her but feared she'd start to cry if he knotted her.

An idea sprang to mind and she changed the direction of her movement, reaching out and gently grasping his shoulder. She pushed the pillows she was propped up against out from behind her and lay down on her back.

She flattened one of her legs against the bed and as Mikey leaned forward and began to climb on paws and knees up towards her she shifted and caught her thigh between his knees. She opened her mouth to speak but found that the haze of arousal kept her from describing what she wanted him to do.

Mikey tried to climb out from between her legs and move up Liz's side but every time he moved away from her body she pulled him back until he finally gave up and just straddled her stomach as he walked on paws and knees up closer to her. His thing slid gently through the fur of her stomach, slightly soothing his discomfort. He felt frustration that she wasn't helping him begin to fight for purchase in his chest as he continued to ache painfully.

Liz guided him up until he was straddling her breasts with his head above hers and his shoulders and paws even with her own head. His thighs brushed against her still hard nipples, causing a small amount of discomfort as he squirmed and whimpered.

She grasped the shaft of his penis with her paw and leaned forward. The pointy tip of his red penis slid smoothly into her muzzle as she began to gently suckle and massage his aching member with her tongue and maw. The lightly salty flavor of his cubseed spread throughout her mouth as her heart began to beat faster and the constant drizzle of liquid that came from his penis began to fill her muzzle.

Mikey's eyes rolled back into his head as his muzzle split into a silent scream of pleasure. Her silky smooth paws soothed every ache and pain he'd felt as her warm wet mouth engulfed his cubhood in a haven of comfort and pleasure. She began sucking and slurping as the top of his knot bumped against her nose and the tip of his thing slid down her throat.

One of her paws worked hard at massaging the spot between his sheath and tail hole while her other began gently cupping and squeezing the knot at the base of his penis.

He groaned loudly as she began to suck harder and slurp louder. An intense spasm ripped through his little body as his arms collapsed, unable to hold his weight through the waves of pleasure that spread from his groin.

He felt the tightening tingle that he'd felt the night before as he pushed his hips forward and again bumped his knot against Liz's nose. His legs began to twitch uncontrollably and his heart beat fire through his veins. A tightening in his loins announced that he was about to cum. He gasped and shuddered as his thing began to twitch in her mouth. Her tongue was wrapped around his shaft and he could feel her throat squeezing the end of his thing.

The pressure in his loins exploded outwards like a dam braking loose as he let out a loud groan. Time began to slow down as his body was washed away by the waves of ecstasy that spread through his entire body. A sharp bolt of pleasure split through the tip of his penis and down into his loins, as squirt after squirt shot from his cubhood.

Liz's eyes bulged in surprise as the first squirt from his penis filled her muzzle to the brim with sticky salty cubseed. His convulsing hips twitched and shook as his body raised and fell against her. She gulped and swallowed greedily as she tried to keep up with the gushing torrent of liquid that poured from his body.

She sucked harder and Mikey let out a gasp as his hips twitched backwards, dislodging his penis from her muzzle. She felt a moment of relief as the onslaught of cubseed ceased but flinched in surprise as squirt after squirt of the warm wet globs of semen splattered against her muzzle.

When the strongest of Mikey's orgasm was over he lifted himself off of Liz and slumped sideways. His body still burned with pleasure but the aches and pains from earlier were all gone. He scooted down so that his muzzle was almost even with hers as he realized that most of Liz's face was covered with the long white globs of semen he'd just finished putting out.

He giggled at how silly she looked as love and adoration blossomed in his chest, quickly mixing with the buzzing sensations left over from a moment ago. He felt sleepy but was not in danger of falling asleep immediately like he had the previous night. Liz had a languid listless smile on her face as her tongue began snaking out of her muzzle to clean herself off. Mikey leaned forward and tentatively licked her muzzle, giving her a shy but affectionate kiss as he wormed and worked his body as close to hers as possible.

With his curiosity sated and the irritating ache in his loins gone he felt content and a feeling of completeness warmed his heart. He snaked his arms around her and hugged his body close to her as the tip of his receding penis brushed the fur of her hip, sending tingles of pleasure through his body.

The kiss put a smile on Liz's face and sent a tear of joy to her eyes as she tenderly stroked his cheek. She licked his muzzle back and then kissed his nose before going back to removing the last of his sticky cubseed from her face.

"I love you." Mikey whispered as he hugged Liz closely to his body and closed his eyes. Liz felt warmth spread through her chest as she tenderly stroked his cheek while he nuzzled against her neck.

"I love you to." She whispered in his ear. She closed her own eyes, ignoring the last few drops of cum that coated the fur on her cheek as the two of them fell into a blissful sleep in each other's arms.