Grey on White: The two wolves pt 1

Story by Franksawuff on SoFurry

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#1 of Grey on White: the two wolves

This was written in three separate sessions, each about an hour long, although they were classes, so I was doing work outside of the story. I began in English 208 yesterday and then got back to it in Psychology 200 and I finished it in French this morning. It will eventually include yiff and more cuddling as well as some fetishes, but this is just the first chapter, and you don't fuck on the first date... do you?

I look forward to your comments and opinions, and I hope you enjoy my story as much as I do.

The wolf's soft, white, lustrous coat shines in the bluish-white fluorescent glare that seeps through the air from a single bar above a mirror on the wall. His foot paws are spread a tiny bit, his well groomed claws click on the tile each time a toe moves. He is staring, but not into the mirror, no, he stares at a towel on its rack, absorbing its every warm fold through his eyes as though it were the flesh of his lover. His eyes close slowly before he turns away from the limp cloth and shivers, his tail shaking side to side as the shudders fade away. A quiet sigh escapes his lips and he pads out of the bathroom silently, tip-toeing into the bedroom after turning off the light.

Soft snores saunter sweetly from under the covers of the queen-sized bed that sits against the far wall of the bedroom, and as the white wolf's paw slowly pulls the comforter down, the snoring gets a bit louder as a smaller but better-built grey wolf is revealed, already lying curled in the bed. The white wolf crawls into the bed, eliciting a few creaks from the mattress as he moves to wrap his arms tightly around the other, pulling him into a close, tight hug. The white wolf smiles a tiny bit before giving the other a gentle kiss on the neck, then yawning wide and slowly falling asleep beside the one he loves.

Sunlight, streaking through the blinds and piercing the curtain, leaves a green hue on everything as morning finds the two still wrapped around each other. The grey wolf is the first to wake, his eyes opening gradually as he yawns and squirms a bit, now returning the hug, chest to chest with the white as his left paw begins to wander slowly down the white wolf's back, running through the fur until he arrives at the curved posterior. The grey wolf grins and squeezes his love's left buttock, jolting the younger one awake suddenly.

"Good morning" he says, bearing his teeth playfully before licking at the white wolf's neck a few times.

"mmm... mornin'" is the reply as a sleepy yawn works its way out of the white muzzle. "That, was a bit rude, Toz" he states as he smiles and gives his own lick back.

"You know you liked it." Tozi says in response, beginning to tickle at the white one's belly with his right paw, his left continuing to grope at the soft flesh as Frank, the white wolf, nods and blushes enough for it to show through his fur, pulling himself close once again.

"Are you trying to start something love?" Frank asks, licking his lips before turning around, his long, poofy tail wagging over the grey wolf's belly, brushing at its soft surface with its own. He lets out a quiet groan as he feels Tozi's sheath begin to thicken, pressing against his furred cheeks.

"mmmf... No... But it seems that you are" Tozi says, moving his paw down Frank's back, caressing the soft musculature before his paws slide off, moving down, underneath Frank, wrapping his arms around and pulling the white wolf against him, his sheath now set rather firmly in between the white cheeks. His pointed pink tip begins to slide out and the white wolf shudders, arching his back, eagerly seeking the questing member. The grey wolf shakes his head a little, whining softly and pulling away. The white wolf answers with whimpers of his own.

"W... What's wrong love?" Frank asks quietly.

"You know I have work... we can't do this right now"

"B... but love... You don't have work for another hour..."

"mmm... but what I want to do with you is going to take longer than three..."

The white wolf meeps, turns around and gives the grey wolf a hugs hug, kissing him gently on the nose. "When you get home... woof..." he states with a bit of a grin.

"Yeah... Woof" Tozi says before rolling out of bed to begin his morning ritual of clothing himself and then proceeding to the kitchen where he eats the breakfast that Frank made for him during his dressing period. He gives Frank one last kiss before leaving for work, and Frank goes back to bed, curling up beneath the sheets and drifting slowly into a rather provocative dream of what might happen later in the day. He stays asleep for the next seven hours, waking up just in time to catch the sound of his lover's car pulling into the drive way. He crawls out of bed and stretches a bit, grinning wide as he slides into the living room couch.

The door creaks open slowly, the line of light that escapes it gets longer and wider as the portal opens further, spilling warm air into the house. The humanoid shadow lengthens as well, but soon, Frank is not looking at the shadow, instead, his eyes have traveled to the dark shape that blocks out the sunlight. The silhouette moves into the room and shuts the door. Tozias materializes from the darkness as Frank's eyes adjust to the new lighting condition.

The provocative pose that the white wolf had adopted on the couch brings a feral growl of lust to Tozias' throat and the grey moves closer, eyes and teeth shining in the dark as a predatory smile growls on his lips.

"Mmm... pup... dressing like that... you are just looking for trouble."

"B... but sir, I... I just got out of bed!" He replies, playing the part well, his eyes growing large and his lower lip trembling.

"Perhaps we should get you back in bed..." Tozi says with a grin, shifting into character as he unbuttons his shirt and tosses it onto Frank's face. "Then again, perhaps I should teach you a lesson... 'never leave the bedroom without clothing' maybe?" He grins wide. "I quite like the sound of that."

"P...please sir, no, I... I know that it was wrong... I'm sorry, please forgive me..." says through the shirt, fumbling at it idly, flipping it onto the floor after a few seconds.

"Hmm... You know it was wrong? I guess I don't need to teach, I need to punish..." Tozi says with a broad grin and a tent in his pants as he reaches the couch and pushes the white wolf to be lying on his back. He moves to straddle the wolf's chest, leaning forward to lick at the top of his head, even as he reaches into his back pocket to pull out a black leather collar with a silver fastener.