Evolution of the Xenomorphs Ch 10

Story by XenoElite on SoFurry

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#10 of Xenomorphs

Author(s) Note: Some fighting, slight plot twist and development, boring Info here and there, but mostly: sex sex and sex, Your Welcome. Let me know what you think.

Enjoy ^_^

Disclaimer: I do not own Alien(s) & Predator(s). I'm a simple guy writing a story for your pleasure and entertainment, don't like it? Don't read.

_Italic words;_will indicate thoughts/ideas/memories.

Story and Character are copyrighted by me.

Without further ado let's begin

Time: 10:00 a.m. Location EBR's Base.

(Same time frame as part 2 of the last chapter.... The yiff part if you're confused.)

"Helen, how many charges were planted successfully?" asked the Commander while staring at the large hologram in the center of the room.

"Only 3 where planted in the desired locations, 2 more are set but are off course, the last 2 have not been activated yet."

"Any response from those Teams as to why the charges haven't been set yet?"

"No response, just static. Teams Beta and Halo are unresponsive and Team Storm has reported strange activity around outside of the Hive."

"Strange as in what? Details details."

".... They are claiming something else is out there with them, watching their every move. They want conformation if there is indeed anything around them."

"Well, is there?"

"Our radar scan isn't showing anything besides them, if there is indeed something else out there with them it must be highly advanced--"

Helen was caught off from further explaining her theory when most of the Bases Eastern perimeter was blown to fucking oblivion. The few buildings that acted like a buffer to blast did little to shield the building; instead the debris from said buildings simply tore wholes into the Bases structure, further damaging it. Needless to say what few soldiers who remained to defend the Base in this sector were killed. When the smoke and dust had settled somewhat a faint light could be seen whose intensity grew as well as its size. It didn't take a genius to figure out it was another shot of some sort towards the Base. Although this shot was not as powerful as its previous sister, it still tore through the buildings outer walls creating a gaping hole into the complex.

Finally gaining the ability to speak from the 2 quick explosions the Commander shouted his orders in a rather perplexed manner. "WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPPENED!!?? Who the hell is firing on us!?"

"W-we don't know S-ir. Who it was isn't on our side."

"Obviously!" The Commander shouted, "Get the Teams into position to defend the breach and tell all the Teams you can reach in the Hive to high tail it back to Base. We are going to need everyone we can muster to repel another artillery fire like that one."

"Sir! Sentry guns 3, 4, and 6 have begun firing at unknown targets. Guns 1 and 5 are fried, gun 2 isn't responding to the network." Another member of Team Key shouted.

"Get a Team out there to protect and fix em, if we lose all those guns they will have a straight shot into the building!"

"Teams Beta and Delta have taken defensive positions at the attack site, Team Fire is attempting to rewire and fix the guns."

"Any luck contacting the other Teams?"

"Team Storms E.T.A. (Estimated Time of Arrival) is 15 minutes at best. Team Halo has suffered several casualties in the Hive and is down to less than half their original amount. Team Ice has yet to respond since entering the Hive.

Dammit I'm down to only 6 Teams now. That is assuming Team Ice and Echo are indeed gone along with Alpha and Charley. Team Storm is too far away and Team Halo is down to half strength, Team Key isn't really meant to be a fighting force...... We need more back up!

"Tell the boys up in the Carolina to give us some fucking air support; torpedo them to hell, aim just outside of our Eastern wall."

"But Sir, that's too close to--"

"That was an order Sergeant, not a suggestion. If you want live through this get us some fucking support!"

"....Yes Sir."

A 3rd explosion rocked the building as another plasma round went slicing through the building. The power flicked from the hit before becoming stable again, but a few lights would randomly dim and flicker here and there.

"Someone get me a damage report!" The Commander yelled over the entire racket in the room.

"That last hit sliced through floors 3 and 4; we got a new window to look out of now."

"Get a sentry gun set up there and shut all the doors around that area."

Another explosion went off this time in the Eastern yard where the main fight was taking place. It was more of a giant fireball than anything else; lighting up the area with vivid red orange colors. Those unfortunate enough to be too close to the blast where incarnated while others were sent flying back as fireballs themselves. Since the Predators were playing the offensive they suffered the most casualties while the humans fared a bit better since they had managed to bunker down amongst the ruble. Regardless most of the Eastern wall was up in flames providing a temporary breather for the humans but it would take more than some mere flames to hold off the Predators large assault.

Luckily for the humans that special "care package" they had ordered earlier finally came in. Bright white glowing streaks rained down from the sky and with the flames acting as giant ping maker, the torpedoes hit true to their mark. Multiple explosions streaked the landscape sending the attacking force scattering for cover. Cheers sounded throughout the complex at the sight, all of them enjoying the show and deafening roar.

However this wasn't meant to last.

Angered at leaving themselves wide open for such an attack, the Predators countered back with an artillery barrage of their own. Messaging the request to their mother ship hovering not far away, purple and blue plasma streaks erupted from the previous unknown ship.

"LOOK OUT!" Someone yelled over the radio.

The first volley made quick work of the few remaining buildings between the ship and the Base. The second searing through what remained of the complex's East wall. The third tore hole after hole into the base hitting some of the buildings generators causing more explosions and power loss over the entire East half.

The remaining ground force used the barrage as camouflage and quickly pressed forward overwhelming what humans remained in the area within minutes.

"Shit! Fullback! Fullback into the tunnels!" The Commander ordered as he quickly made his way to nearest stairwell. "All remaining units retreat! I repeat, all units retreat!" He continued to yell into his earpiece.

All the remaining units didn't need to be told again as everyone sprinted to the tunnels that lay underneath the majority of Vargo. Most made it, however there were others too late. Under the barrage from the Predator ship, what remained of the Base was quickly demolished into a smoldering ruin. Roars of victory echoed in air as the Predators celebrated the win; however their job was not yet complete nor was this the battle they had been looking forward to. No, they all were eager to begin the next assault against the Hive.

Regrouping, the force made its way towards the Hive. The Real fight was about to begin.

Time: 2:00 p.m. Location: The Hive.

After several pleasurable and painful orgasms later, Aaron and Venotrix were making their way back towards the Queens chamber. Much to Aaron's dismay.

"Ugh, feels like I took a sledgehammer to the groin." Aaron murmured as he and Venotrix now made their way towards the Queens chamber. He didn't want to go but a certain someone threatened him that if he didn't she would ride him till cock broke off. Aaron not wanting to disprove or test this claim in the slightest complied in going.

Mrr-ing, Venotrix leaned against Aaron. "It feels like someone pumped me full of delicious cum. I only wish I had some more time to get more....." With that note, Venotrix flashed Aaron a sinister smile.

I still can't believe that really happened. I had sex with a Xenomorph and survived, a bit sore, but alive..... A lot of people are going to frown on that. Then again, no one HAS to know..... Yeah this is going to remain buried in the 'Don't Recall' section of my Brain. The key, lots of denial and some alcohol related beverages wouldn't hurt either.

"I hope the Queen doesn't work you too hard, I'd like to have another go around later."

Again the creepy smile and seductiveness in her voice do little to motivate me. "You know, you never did tell me why my cock didn't melt into a puddle back there." Maybe if I keep her busy with questions she won't be able to plot out our next 'session'.

"Hmm you're right, guess I got carried away back there."

Oh just a little.

"I'll put it in terms easy for you to follow. While yes our blood is highly corrosive it doesn't eat through everything, ourselves for example. Both are internal organs and skin are immune to it and so is about everything else."


"Let's see how well your eyes hold up when I poor acid in them."

"So you do have eyes, huh."

"Duh, what did you think we used to see?"

"We, our scientist anyway, limited it down to something along the lines of echolocation, electro-reception, or by using pheromones."

"Hate to break it to ya but those aren't it, granted we do use em from time to time but we do actually have eyes."

"Where? All I see when I look at you is sleek, shiny skin."

"Good, that's all you're supposed to see."


"Our "slick shiny skin" as you called it, acts as a one way visor. In other words, I can see your eyes perfectly yet as you said, you can't see my eyes at all."

So it's like a one way mirror.... Interesting. "If that's true your vision must be deprived of at least some light and color, I would think of that being a step backward in evolution when dealing with actual site."

"Not exactly. Just add a slightly darker shade to everything your seeing right now and you would have a basic replica of what we see, color wise. Our vision is very acute; we can actually zoom in on targets from faraway."

Just like eagles when they hunt for prey.... "So really what you have is a permanent one way shade of skin covering your entire head, how big exactly are your eyes?"

"Well for starters there not shaped like yours, rounded. They have more of a diamond shape to them you could say, and we can see in front of us and on either side of us with ease."

So something close to 180 degree view span with sockets similar to that of a snakes I'm guessing. No wonder there a pain in the ass to sneak up on.

"Anyways back to the acid, you must know there are ways to dilute acids. That's exactly what I did before we started our little mating session."


"I'll give you a hint; it has to do with my saliva and natural lubrication."

"....... So when you were...." Aaron trailed off in thought.

"That's right. When I was putting on a show for you earlier I was also coating my walls with both my saliva and producing more of my own cum to make sure that when you did push through my hymen you were well coated and protected from my blood."

"......I guess I should thank you for doing that, saving my manhood and all."

"You can thank me by letting me use it some more later."

"I'm still recovering from last time."

"You better build up some endurance otherwise this is going to be rough on you, physically and mentally. I'm not the only one who has an eye out for you; I can tell you there are at least 7 others who wouldn't mind getting you for themselves. As of today anyway."

"Wha? Why!" Aaron yelled, completely taken aback from the information.

"Because of what's inside you, there is more to being a host of an extremely rare and royal blood line than being pasted to a wall and waiting for your death."

"For 2 weeks? I'd die from starvation before the thing comes bursting out."

"True, call it a weird tradition, but usually those who become the host of such important breeds like yours get more than they can bargain for with the rest of the brood. Females and males."

"The hell? Your saying that on top of dealing with you I might have to deal with other sex craved Xeno's? Male and female?"

"Just females in your case, you're lucky it's not both or else you'd be lying in a chamber already being taken by a whole group from both sexes. If you don't want to fend them off yourself you had better do a damn good job of pleasing me and the Queen. The two of us can keep the others off you as long as you stick near us."

"Wait; don't tell me, we're going to see her now because it's her turn with me. Isn't it?"

"Well there goes the supersize sex, I shouldn't of told you this much. I was looking forward to the look on your face when we got there and you having to go through with it.... Oh well, you still have to do regardless now."

"Dammit All To Hell!" Aaron shouted as he covered his face with both his hands, groaning to himself. "How the hell is this going to work? She like 3x's my size!"

"I didn't say it was going to be easy for you. You're going to have to figure out something quick before we get there for she isn't going to waste any time with you once we step in."

"Ughh. I can think of a few positions that this could work, ensuring my survival at least. But this is going to be tough to pull off."

"Hehe, hope you don't mind if I watch and take notes."

"You've seen me naked once, I don't have a problem with it. Just try not to make this more difficult than it already is."

"We'll see."


The Queen was waiting patiently in her chamber for her 2 special guests to arrive. Her anxiety showed, her tail constantly fidgeting and the constant shivers of pleasure from thinking what was to come. It didn't help that Venotrix had informed her of her encounter with him earlier today after she was done. Gods how it sounded fun.

In the mean time however, she still had a war going on to oversee. Luckily her scouts had informed her that all was quiet and that nothing new was happening. Intending to make the most of the brief peace and tranquility, the Queen didn't plan on wasting this chance to get what she wanted from Aaron.

If Venotrix doesn't get him her soon I'm going to fucking go out looking for him myself. Regardless of who's around we're doing it then and there once I find him.

Not too much longer, Venotrix came bounding in obviously showing that she was in a good mood. And why wouldn't she be? After all everyone is in good spirits after a fuck.

Aaron wasn't too far behind her but he had more of a slump in his poster and kept his eyes downcast to the ground. From what the Queen could see he looked deep in thought about something, no doubt about his time with Venotrix perhaps.

"Well my Queen her he is as promised and ready to go."

"So I see, I trust you didn't ware him out too much for me." The Queen asked while casting her gaze towards Aaron.

"He had a nice hour break before we headed out so he should be good to go. Right Aaron?"

Under the piercing gaze of both females, Aaron felt like they were slowly undressing him and imaging things to do to him he didn't want to know or be part of. But again there was nothing he could really do about it. Both were faster and stronger than him plus they had the rest of the Hive on their side. What did he have? Mark and Nathan who were who knows where being chased by other Xeno's among other things.

"...... I'm still working out the details on how to do this without me getting killed in the process." Grumbled Aaron, "The best thing I can come up with is anything close to the missionary or doggy style."

"I'm not sure what it was you just said but it sounded fun." Venotrix purred.

"You strike me as the dominate position type, you wouldn't like either of the 2 I mentioned."

"Then why am I getting stuck with them?" asked the Queen.

"Because of your sheer size and high probability of you crushing me if you're on top of me." Sighed Aaron.

"Hmm, we wouldn't want that. Guess I'll let you take the lead on this round but next time we're doing it my way."

"If I'm still alive for our next encounter..." Aaron half heartedly sighed.

"I'll leave you to do your thing." Said Venotrix giving Aaron a smile and if he could see her eyes or even possible, a wink too. Making her way towards the nearest wall and getting comfortable, eagerly looking at the 2 to begin.

My nerve about doing this is starting waver.... Turning back towards the Queen, Aaron was met with a site his body found appealing and his mind..... Disturbing.

"Like what you see?" Smiled the Queen.


The Queen had reclined in her cot spreading her legs wide open for all to see what lay in between. With two clawed fingers she had her neither lips spread open, showing the moist passage that lay beyond that housed evil. (In Aarons perspective anyway) Her tail gracefully swishing back and forth on the ground with the bladed tip flicking at him in some way to beckon him over to her.

Aaron knew that due to their size difference her passage would be quite big yet as he continued to stare he couldn't help but get the feeling that it looked tighter than what it let on. Stop Staring! Aaron yelled to himself in some vain attempt to break his gaze.

"I think you've entranced him with sight alone." Chuckled Venotrix.

"Come now my pet" the Queen beckoned Aaron with a clawed finger, "Why spend your time looking at it when you can come do so much more "with" it?"

Can't....Stop....Staring......Paints getting..... Tighter! Agh!

With no sign of Aaron moving the Queen gave an annoyed growl before lashing her tail out and wrapping it around the human's chest and yanking him forward roughly.

Aaron managed to catch himself but was now in an awkward position. He was now facing directly in front of the Queens moist vent with her aroused pheromones assaulting his senses. Aaron had to admit, against his better will and judgment, that both the scent and site were quite appealing. Just like Venotrix's slit, except of course larger, with the dark black skin surrounding the green vertical slit in the center of her legs. Why was it green? Aaron guessed that since their blood was a greenish color their flesh would be green as well and having seen a few Xeno's explode on landmines before also help prove his theory that they were black on outside and completely green on the inside. (I'm not sure exactly what color of green they are..... But hopefully most of you reading this have seen the movies or something to know.)

"Oh since your there why don't we get started them hmm?" Chuckled the Queen.

Dammit all.... Giving a sigh, Aaron knew it would far easier just to go along with this treatment opposed to fighting it every step of the way. For if his hunch was right, this would probably be the 2nd worst thing he may be forced to do..... The 1st being forced to comply with a male.

"Let's get this over with." He mumbled.

The Queen was about to ridicule him but he beat her to the punch. With skill and experience kicking in Aaron lightly stroked either side of the Queens folds making her suck in a huge breath of air. Not wanting to give her a chance to recover from the unexpected stimulus he continued to lightly stroke her lips while slowly increasing the speed and pressure to them.

By this time the Queen couldn't control the hiss and screeches of pleasures emitting from her and with Aarons pace increasing so did her growls of pleasure. "Grrr slow down my pet, we have plenty of time to--"Giving a gasp, A shiver ran down the Queens spine as she felt something penetrate her.

Aaron had moved on to step 2, inserting a finger, he began to rotate and wiggle his finger against the spazing walls of flesh around it desperately trying to pull his finger in further. Aaron was actually astonished at how strong her walls where, only after a few seconds of fingering her he was having trouble removing them from her. I should have figured as much, there's like absolutely no fat on them at all, just pure muscle and bone.

Removing his drenched figure he added a second one to the assault making the Queen squeal out even more. Her tail, in which Aaron was using a seat for his work, would randomly flick and wiggle in a direction before locking up when Aaron hit a sweet spot within her when she was off guard.

Deciding to continue, on Aaron removed his drenched fingers and begin with stage 3, oral treatment, but first he wanted to have some fun of his own. With a seductive smile on his face he ran his tongue over his juice coated fingers while looking at the Queen and just as mischievously inserted them into his mouth. The taste: sweet and strong. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as he had originally thought.

Now having a chance to recover from the human's assault the Queen spoke. *Pant Pant* "Like the taste?" She teased.

"Yes" Aaron smiled, "I wonder how much more I can get out of you." A little dirty nothingness talk never hurts during an intercourse session thought Aaron.

Returning his smile the Queen giggled at the human's statement. She understood he was teasing her and honestly.... She liked it. It sent shivers down her spine that a male that was not only less than half her size but also status would be brave enough to do such a thing to her. All of her children treated her with the upmost respect which prevented her from finding someone fun to "play" with when she was feeling needy. But this human obviously didn't care how big she was or how much authority and power she held over his head. She could kill him so easily at any time she may desire yet he didn't flinch at her movements or bat more than eye at her threats.

"Tell you what my pet, whatever you can get out of me you can have all to yourself." She purred back at him.

Still smiling, Aaron replied in an equally teasing voice. "Then I better get what I can quick before the "factory" runs out of free samples." Returning his attention back to her women hood, Aaron lowered his head to her lips and gave a gentle lick across her slit. The result was what he had expected, a gasp escaping the Queen at the foreign feel reaching her senses. Aaron had figured due to their biological similarity (As far as reproductive system went) that she would enjoy this treatment and with her kind not possessing a tongue of their own the sensation would be doubled at first experiencing it.

Not wanting to waste too much time on her outer groin Aaron slowly, yet surely, pushed his tongue into her depths that awaited him. Her taste and scent getting stronger the further he pushed in. Once his lips met with her sex, Aaron began to run his tongue in slow lazy circles along her walls while giving kisses and small sucks to her sex's lips. Again he got the reaction he was looking for, walls contracting, legs/thighs locking up, a gasp and moan, and lastly a shiver emitting from her. Increasing the pace of his tongue and changing its rhythm, Aaron quickly had the Queen gushing fluids. He had expected quite a lot but this was just insane, his face was already covered in the stuff and now making its way down his chin and neck. Not wanting to get the stuff on his only pair of clothing Aaron stopped his treatment much to someone's disappointment and approval.

Giving off an angered growl, the Queen was about to yell at him but stopped as the human removed his shirt.

"O! Take it off." Purred Venotrix.

"That's all your getting for now." Replied Aaron folding up his shirt tossing it and his vest off to the side.

"Ahh but I want more..." pouted the Queen playfully.

"Thou asked for and thou shall receive" Aaron quoted, more or less correctly.

Running his tongue across her slit again Aaron was able to find a women's upmost weakness when it came to oral treatment, her clitoris. Thanks to his previous treatments the rounded ball of flesh was already swollen from arousal. Its size being about that of a golf ball more or less. Carefully Aaron traced his tongue across and around the flesh getting yips and growls of approval from the Queen as he did so. Feeling slightly evil, Aaron blew a current of cool air across the Queens entire slit before focusing the air stream on her clit. The result: A loud scream of pleasure from the Queen followed by a clawed hand finding his head and pushing his face back into the gushing tunnel of heat.

Aaron, taking the obvious hint, began to furiously swirl his tongue with her spazing tunnel to finish his treatment. Going by her tunnels contractions and trembling thighs it didn't take him long to have her screaming in bliss above him. Her hand and thighs locking him in place preventing any escape attempt from him as she gave one last earsplitting roar of pleasure, having finally reached her building orgasm.

Sealing his lips as best he could to her tunnel Aaron prepared himself for the wave of juices that were to come. A furious stream of liquid came flying out and down Aaron's throat catching him guard from the sheer amount. Doing his best, Aaron managed to get most of the stuff down but there was just too much for him and soon his face, hair, neck, and chest where coated in the stuff.

After the roaring torrent hand finally subsided to a trickle, did the appendages surrounding Aaron loosen their hold on him allowing him to move freely again. Lapping up the last of the delicious nectar Aaron gave a sigh of relief that he hadn't drowned from the experience.

That would be the worst K.I.A. file ever......

Glancing up at the Queen he couldn't help but chuckle at the stunned, satisfied look across her face and her deep breaths of air. Looking down at himself he saw all her juices splattered across his body as well as her scent filling his nostrils, marking him as her own.

Great. Every Xenomorph here is going to pick this up and that's going to greatly hinder my ability to hide. Gods I need to wash off.

"You are going to do that to me once she's down with you." Growled Venotrix from behind Aaron.

Turning around Aaron found himself almost face to face with her, who strangely enough was also breathing heavily. "Why are you out of breath?"

"What do you think, I didn't just sit here and watch all of that without doing something too." She growled.

"Ahh, did someone feel left out during the show and decide to get a little naughty with themselves?" Joked Aaron.

"I'm going to make you scream."

"In fear or pleasure?"


"That's not enjoyable nor does it fit with the current atmosphere here."

While Aaron and Venotrix were busy arguing the Queen, having finally returned to the present, slowly and skillfully hooked a clawed finger on either side of Aarons paints and just as stealth fully began to loosen them.

"You-Hey Wait!" Aaron yelled finally releasing the danger his paints were facing. Unfortunately was much too late for with a quick tug they went flying over to join the rest of his clothing leaving him bare under the predator glare of either female beside him. Without skipping a beat the Queen flipped Aaron around and pinned him to her chest/lower groin facing toward Venotrix who took his semi-flaccid cock into her mouth.

Aaron was helpless as Venotrix quickly made him hard and began bobbing her head and jaw upon him making him squirm and groan in pleasure. A warm breath on his neck broke his trance as the feeling of sharp teeth lightly, but firmly, clamped down on the left side of his neck and shoulder.

A deep instinct among all animals of both the hunter and hunted arouse within him. The feeling of the sharp teeth and powerful jaws on him making his body instantly tense up and soon the feeling of another jaw lightly biting and clamping down along his nick sent shivers through Aaron.

With both the feeling of helpless meant and pleasure assaulting his mind and body Aaron couldn't hold himself together for long as a orgasm he had never felt before rocked his body. His loins locking up briefly before his hips went to autopilot, bucking into the wet warm mouth engulfing his now pulsing cock. Wave of wave of sticky cum flew from him down Venotrix's throat who was more than willing to swallow every delicious bit of it, sucking him dry. After his body had more or less recovered from the orgasm Aaron fell completely limp, expect for one certain area that still resided within a warm place.

Murring in pleasure Venotrix removed her jaw from the spent organ, looking up at Aaron and the Queen she spoke. "Mind if I join you for the final stage?" The question directed more at the Queen than Aaron.

Having removed her hold on Aaron the Queen gave a mischievous smile. "I think that would be great."

Oh dear god no. Panicked Aaron.

"Hang in there just a little longer Aaron, we're almost down." spoke both females as they repositioned themselves and him into a much more elaborative position.

The Queen was still on her back with Aaron sitting on her tail up against her hips facing her while Venotrix was lounged out on the Queens chest also laying on her back with her legs spread apart towards Aaron.

Aaron knew where this was heading real quick, while he fucked the Queen he would also have to eat out Venotrix at the same time. This position was only one done by those with experience and concentration as well as stamina for it to pull off correctly.

This is going to be tough if the two of them start going off at different paces. I need to try and keep them both close to achieving their orgasms around the same time or else I won't have the strength afterward to finish the other if they don't.

"You two are trying to kill me aren't you? I'm going to have a fucking heart attack if this keeps up."

"Quit stalling and start fucking!" Threatened the Queen, making a load whip cracking noise with the end of her tail.

"Hurry the hell up before you kill the mood more." Growled Venotrix.

Lining himself up with the Queen, Aaron slowly pushed the head of his cock into the still very wet and warm passage. Almost immediately after he had only gone in about 3 inches he felt her walls shiver and clamp down around him and begin to suck him further in. Deciding to tease the Queen so more he pulled back against her passages contractions making the both of them groin in pleasure.

"You're not going anywhere." Spoke the Queen in a slurred voice.

If Aaron thought her previous grip on him was tight then this was a fucking industrial vice grip, it was almost painful. The silky walls of muscle around him all contracted on him and pulled on him hard, pleasure and slight pain assaulting him. As hard as Aaron tried to pull back it might as well of looked like he was just simply pushing in on his own. Finally coming to a hilt, both participants gave a sigh of pleasure at each others feel on the other. Aaron feeling the Queens walls massaging him as he slowly pulled out then slammed back into her making her yip in pleasure.

Having been laying patiently for Aaron to get started Venotrix seized Aarons head with both her hands and pulled him down towards her dripping wet sex. "It's high time you return me an oral favor." She growled at him draping her legs over his shoulders and curling her tail around his lower chest possessively.

And so the hard part begins.......

Since all participants in the given scenario were way past four-play Aaron didn't bother sugar coating his task any longer for he didn't have the strength to nor would the receivers be pleased by it. The time of teasing was over, only the grand finally was on everyone's minds. While Aaron continued to pull out and slammed back into the Queen, who in return would squeeze and massage him in kind and give vocal encouragements, he delved into Venotrix's wet treasure trove electing hisses from her.

With the task of performing 2 different services at the same time was greatly diminishing what little was left of Aarons strength and stamina. He could feel his lower back and thighs begin to tighten and cramp and his tongue and jaw weren't faring any better for not ever been used this much for this long of a time. Luckily his efforts of keeping up his agonizing pace was paying off for himself, Venotrix, and the Queen were approaching their final orgasms at relatively the same pace.

Venotrix's passage was gushing juices out, soaking Aaron's face and upper chest despite Aaron's best efforts to lap it all up. It was becoming apparent to him that it just wasn't possible to do so. Venotrix had lost all composure and was hissing and grunting from the feel of his tongue dancing along her walls and teasing her clit. She held his head firmly to her crotch with her a clawed hand, with one leg still draping over his shoulder while the other had slid down to rest at his side providing him greater access to her.

At the same time Aaron's cock was in complete bliss, the strong smooth walls of the Queen working wonders on it. Every time he would thrust in her walls would clamp down around him and try to suck him in deeper, the feeling was unlike anything he had ever felt. Upon attempts of removal, the Queens walls would desperately try to hold him within her, not wanting his removal providing even more pleasure for the two. The Queen had also lost her composure, like Venotrix, she was painting and moaning quite loudly and her aroused state was evident by the amount of juices leaking from around Aaron's cock and soaking both his groin, thighs and lower chest as well as soaking her own crotch, thighs and tail base.

Venotrix was the first to reach her pending orgasm due to her still lingering heat and the strange alien feel of Aaron's tongue within her. Clenching his head between both her hands and pushed his face firmly over her slit, she came, hard. Roaring out in pleasure as her walls spasmed and contracted around Aaron's tongue, trying to pull it further. Aaron in return continued to flick his tongue as best he could with the tight confounds of her walls as a gushing stream of her juices splashed within and down his throat and face.

Not a second later did he find his orgasm hitting him, giving a yell of pleasure himself within Venotrix's snatch, muffling it a bit, his cock delved in one final time before erupting and releasing what was left of his stored seed within the warm tunnel.

The Queen having been close to her own orgasm for awhile now, could no longer hold herself back at the feel of the warm cum pasting her insides and making its way towards her inner egg chamber. Giving a loud roar of her own she hit her orgasm, her whole body rocking from it, her tunnel clenched down on the hard flesh inside her milking it for all the seed it could produce for her needy tunnel. A torrent of the Queens own cum came splashing out around her tight hold on Aaron and drenching her crotch and Aaron even more.

After calming down from their orgasms, each participant were both spent and extremely satisfied... for now. Aaron more than content to just lie against the other two and let his body relax for a while. He didn't bother trying to pull himself out from the Queen for she still held a tight grip on him and he didn't mind the feeling of her walls still massaging him nor did he really have to strength to move anyway. The Queen was also content to just lie and enjoy the blissful afterglow of her orgasm and the feeling of Aaron still inside her. Venotrix absent mindedly began to stroke through Aaron's hair with a huge smug smile on her face.

"I must admit, you performed way past my expectations today." She purred towards him.

"Indeed," moaned the Queen, "It's a shame you're not one of us, O what I would give to find a compatible mate with your skills."

"Hehe. What can I say? I'm awesome at what I do. Besides if I was one of you I would cease to have this tongue of mine the 2 of you seem to enjoy so much." Said Aaron between breaths.

"True" answered both females.

As sore as I'm feeling right now I won't be able to move much tomorrow morning. Was it worth it? As of right now, I'm thinking so. Even if it may be frowned upon by others but then again they didn't experience what I just did so they can shove it and piss off. This is still going into the "Don't open or read file" thou, we are burying this. Thought Aaron.

No sooner had Aaron finished that thought did a cry of shock and furry answer behind him. Slowly, O so slowly, did he turn around to see who or what caused the noise. What he saw, no, who he saw surprised him. It was Rocxis, who didn't look at all too pleased at what he was seeing.

Time: A few minutes earlier. Location: The Hive, near the Queens chamber.

Rocxis gave a load primal roar of dominance as he held the female drone underneath him tightly. His rigged cock pulsing in time with his heart beat before erupting and shooting his seed into the withering drone's wet tunnel which in turn made her reach her own orgasm at the feel of being filled up by the large male above her. Rocxis continued to give a few thrusts before settling down from his climax and simply enjoy the feeling of his captive.

It was always more satisfied to take and dominate someone rather them willing accepting your authority. The thrill of the fight and the powerful feeling of having bested someone in skill and power were just so thrilling to Rocxis. "Nothing like a daily fuck to get the day going right" Rocxis mussed. "And I hope you enjoyed yourself as well" he teased at the female drone.


Just what Rocxis was hoping for, the drone taking the bait and lashing out at him in furry. Without any effort from him he knocked her arms to the side and tackled her back to the ground, pinning her yet again. "Does someone want another round?" He continued to tease, grinding his still erect cock against her entrance making her hiss in both pleasure and anger. "Stop acting like you don't like it, when was the last time a male satisfied you?"

This got him another angry hiss from the drone and an attempt to seize his throat in her jaws, which Rocxis dodged easily by simply leaning back a little. "Hehe. As much as I want to play with you some more I have some other business to attend to."

With that Rocxis slowly withdrew from the drone but he didn't dare turn his back to her. If there was one thing he knew better than most, it was that an angered female Xeno was a force to be reckoned with. Before departing their separate ways the drone gave him one last angered hiss and disappeared down the corroder.

"Well that's one thing off the "To do List" today, now it's time to spend some quality time with Venotrix and the Queen." A dark smile spreading across his face at the thought, "Perhaps I'll mess with our human friends as well."

It was around that moment that he heard a loud screeching/yelling sound echoing from down one of halls, in the direction of the Queens Chamber. He recognized who that shriek belonged to instantly, the Queen. Thinking the worst, he took off the down the hall as fast as he could while his mind franticly tried to contact her but after multiple attempts with no response he was starting to panic. Where they under attack again? Had the Predators snuck in somehow and attacked the Queen? These thoughts and others swirled in his mind as he at last reached the entrance..... What he saw...... was not what he had expected at all.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" he yelled in his native tongue which needless to say got everyone's attention.

"Ahh, I know this looks bad." Spoke Aaron in an uneasy voice, "But trust me when I say this wasn't my idea."

"Yet you had no problem going through with it." Replied Venotirx. Turning her attention to Rocxis and giving him an evil grin, "Oh thank goodness you showed up Rocxis, he, he tricked us. He was doing such awful things to us!" This got a chorus of laughter from her and the Queen.

"Such awful wonderful things." The Queen purred.

"My Queen, how could you do this!? You let this, this piece of shit mate with you! Same goes for you Venotrix!"

"After the performance he just gave he is far from being a piece of shit." Scolded the Queen, "In fact I've grown rather attached to him now."

"Should I be touched or disturbed by that?" (Aaron)

"I think we're passed both of those points now." smiled the Queen.

I don't believe this! He's only here for 2 days and already he's got Venotrix and the Queen fawning over him! That sneaky piece of filth, I'm going to fucking kill him! I'm the Alpha male here! Giving a roaring yell, Rocxis bolted towards Aaron dead set on ripping his throat out and tearing his body to bits. Launching off into the air with a clawed hand stretched back, he swiped it forward, aiming for Aaron's throat. However as his hand was within inches of the soft flesh he felt something curl around his legs and all his momentum was being thrown back, as was his body. Next was the feeling of his body crashing into the wall, pain flaring up from his left hip from the hard impact.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING!" yelled the Queen. "If you kill him you'll kill the embryo as well, or are you too blinded by rage and jealously to see that?

Having recovered from the impact and standing to face the enraged females looking at him Rocxis spoke. "Have you forgotten that we're in the middle of a fucking war and that the 2 of you are completely different species!?" He yelled back, "Whatever the 2 of you are planning with him won't last anyway; others, like me, are not going to just sit back and watch you do this!"

"And have you forgotten your place! I am aware of the dangers facing us right now and the race difference here, however what you have failed to realize is that we still have a wild card to play here."

"We're running out of time to play thou! One of our scouts has reported that the Predators have demolished the human's strong-hold and are making their way here. We aren't dealing with a small hunting party this is a whole army of them knocking on our door step!" Rocxis yelled back.

"As I am aware! But we have the home field advantage and I have already taken processions for their assault. If and when they attack we will be ready and we will be able to drive them off. And let us not forget what the humans left for us...."

"Those bombs? That won't do much against them if they shell shock this place and create their own path into here."

"They won't do that." Said Venotrix, "They are still unaware of the eggs exact location and there for won't risk bombarding this place in fear of destroying it." Casting her gaze at Aaron, who during the commotion had retrieved his clothing and was now dressed and standing away from the group, looking on in confusion. "Nor are they aware that it has already chosen a host and is now mobile."

"How did they find out it was here to start with." Rocxis growled.

"We still aren't sure, but regardless we can't let him," the Queen gestured at Aaron, "die or get caught by them or his own kind."

"Then why not instead of mating with him move him to a more inconspicuous and secure location then?"

Shrugging her shoulders the Queen replied, "I just felt like it, something new and exciting." Looking towards Aaron she continued, "Also after what Venotrix had told me I was more than a little curious."

All eyes were now on Aaron, something he particularly didn't like since an early age. Aaron didn't like being the center of attention for that just came with unwanted responsibility and pressure; he much rather preferred to be the strong silent type and it has more than once saved his hide in tight situations. But he was too deep in thought to notice the glares of hate, jealousy, and lust coming from the three Xeno's. No, he was much more focused on what Venotrix had said.

The Predators demolished our Base?..... Well, that's complete shit. Where the fuck are we supposed to regroup at? Actually a better question would be, HOW THE FUCK ARE WE SUPPOSED TO GET THE HELL OF THIS PLANET KNOW!!! Picking up a fallen piece of concrete from floor, Aaron threw at far wall in anger at his given situation. Here I am trapped and being held prisoner to 2 sex craved Xeno's and hundreds more who want to kill me with another large group of not so friendly alien race coming over here to obtain that fucking egg I found but will now be after me instead once they find out the.... Thing is inside me. Plus my side is now running for the hills god knows where. Give me a fucking break!

"He seems to be taken this well." Murrmed the Queen.

"Pfff, yeh. I know just thing to take his mind off of his troubles." (Venotrix)

"A sever beat down." Growled Rocxis.

"There you go again being all but sore because he's gotten more pussy today than you did." Answered Venotrix.


"Watch and continue to be jealous some more." Said Venotrix giving Rocxis an eerie smile before strutting her way towards Aaron who was still deep in throught over everything.

This seriously throws a kink into my escape plans, *Sigh*, back to the drawing board. Just as he was about to delve into deeper thoughts he felt something tap his shoulder. Now what? Turning around to see who ever it was behind him he was met with the site of someone's chest. Aaron had barely enough time to realize this when a set of silver teeth and a dark muzzle pressed against his mouth. Wow What The Hell!? Immediately he tried to pull back but a clawed hand on the back of his head was preventing that, then the feeling of something pressing against his lips really got his mind turning he could pick up the evident feel of sharp teeth. Am I, kissing a Xenomorph!?

Just when Aaron thought things couldn't get worse he felt another set of teeth pushing against his, trying to gain entrance inside his mouth. Aaron's eyes went wide for he knew what it was and there was no way in hell he was going to comply with it. Keeping his teeth clamped down he didn't budge an inch to the increasing pressure from the second jaw.

Chuckling at Aarons attempt to prevent their "intimate moment" from going further Venotrix slowly traced here other hand down his chest and towards his groin and stroking what she found there.


Venotrix applied a tighter grip to her new "leverage" while leaning more of her weight against him, forcing him to lean back against the wall. Then she felt it, his teeth parting slightly from the extra stimuli he was now forced to endure. Not wasting her chance Venotrix quickly pushed her second jaw into the gap and forced it through. Bingo, she was in.

God Dammit! Aaron screamed to himself. Here he was being fondled and kissed by a Xeno and once again was powerless to stop it. It only got worse as he felt her take a hold of his tongue and pull it into her second jaw, gently sucking and nipping on it.

The two held the kiss for a few minutes (when I say 2 I mean mostly Venotrix) exchanging each other's breath and salvia into the others mouth before withdrawing inhaling some much needed breath.

*Cough Cough* "What the fuck was that about!?" Aaron managed to wheeze after catching his breath and whipping the Xeno drool that had settled on his chin.

"You looked troubled, so I went out of my way to cheer you up." Replied Venotrix with one of her evil smiles.

"Now I'm just creeped out and confused as to what I just experienced."

"I'd say that's an improvement from earlier." Pushing herself off Aaron, she continued, "Don't act like you didn't like it."

"I didn't, I going to have nightmares now."

"Then you can cuddle up with me then tonight."

"Yeahhh, that sounds great."

"I'm looking forward to it and don't worry, I'll make worth your while."

"To hell you won't." Growled Rocxis, "We got shit do before the Predators attack."

"You mean "you" have shit to do, remember my new role is to protect him." Purred Venotrix, pulling Aaron to her chest and stroking his head. The act got her an angry hiss from Rocxis and an annoyed look from Aaron.

"She's right Rocxis, now if your down here you better go get what you need to done." Spoke the Queen.

"....... Yes my Queen." Bowing his head he made way out of the chamber but not without giving the human one last angry glare. "I will fucking kill you one way or another." He hissed underneath his breath.

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