I’m Only Human Pt. 4

Story by SierraActual on SoFurry

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#4 of I'm Only Human

I'm Only Human Pt. 4

It was warm. Too warm. The world was still black but it felt like a fire was raging around him. John tried to shove aside the uncomfortable feeling of being too warm but finally he couldn't take it anymore. "What is making it so...WHAT THE HELL!?!?" John yelled as he opened his eyes to reveal fire. Everywhere he looked there was fire all around. John looked down and saw nothing but an endless void of flame. He started to walk and discovered he rested on some kind of invisible plane that was keeping him from falling. He also noticed that the fire seemed to part in front of him for a few yards. Out of instinct John reached behind him to grab his M4 but there was nothing there. John checked his waist and found none of his weapons were on his body. John felt vulnerable without the weapons but there wasn't much he could do about it. 'Well I guess it won't do me any good to just stand here and bitch.' he thought as he started walking towards the gap in the wall of flames. He turned to look behind him to see the wall of flames swallow up the start of the path. He only shrugged his shoulders as he continued walking as the flames swirled around him. He had been walking for a few minutes before he started to see a dark shape in the distance. As the shape got larger John realized that it was a building. 'Is that a house?' John thought as he started running towards the dark shape, still shrouded in fire. John could almost make out the building when he fell.

John let out scream as he fell into the flames below him. With the wall fire racing to meet him John closed his eyes and waited for the end, but instead of the end John hit ground, hard. John let out a groan as opened his eyes and was again startled by what he saw. He was inside what looked to be a Dojo. The floor that broke his fall was made of wood and on the wall in front of him had a little shrine with a scroll hanging from the wall. 'It even has those paper walls.' John thought with a small smile.

"So you have finally returned" A deep voice said. "I was wondering how long it would take you to find."

"I told you he would find his way Bure-Do. I have won that bet." A second voice said that was higher pitched but still male.

"Yes I believe you have Shashu." The first voice, Bure-Do, said slightly irritated.

John was looking around the room trying to pinpoint the sources of the voices, his mind in overdrive trying to figure where this threat might come from.

"He looks like a rabbit staring into the jaws of a bear. Let us ease his mind." Shashu said.

John was still trying to figure out where the voices were coming from when he heard a door close behind him. John instantly turned around ready for a fight, but there was nothing there. John took a deep breath to try to calm his mind.

"It seems like it has been a long time since we have seen you John." Bure-Do said.

John's back couldn't have been any straighter as he heard the voice from behind him. He slowly turned around and finally saw them. They were tall. At least 7 feet in height and wore red robes. The hoods of the robes extended over the faces of both individuals so he couldn't make out facial features, however, both had two different symbols place on the hoods right in the middle of what John assumed was their faces. They looked like Chinese or Japanese words. The huge figures didn't move as John studied him and even though John couldn't see their faces he could tell that they found this meeting amusing. "Who are you? And how do you know my name?" John asked, fighting to keep the fear out of his voice.

"You know who we are John, even if you don't know it right now." Shashu said in a knowing voice.

"What? That made absolutely no sense at all." John said to Shashu. 'These guys are freaking crazy' He thought.

"Crazy! No! What Shashu meant is that you have been here before. This Dojo has been a home to you for many years John. When you came to us you were just a young human who could barely hold a sword without cutting of his own leg." Bure-Do said.

"Yes but you have grown much in your training here and when you left you were among the best we have ever trained." Shashu said with a giddy voice.

"Wait training? What kind of-AHHHH!!!!" John screamed as his pounded. The pain in John's head was crippling and he collapsed in a lump on the floor as he tried to fight through the pain. 'It feels like my brain is trying to crawl out of my skull' John thought as his brain pulsed.

"You see John part of your mind has been severed from the rest and your head is trying to bring it all together again. You have encountered us which has triggered a memory to break free from the quarantine. Now your mind is trying to process that memory and it is trying to unlock more." Bure-Do said.

After a few minutes the pain finally began to subside and John remembered training with these people. "The Masters. Bure-Do, means blade for you are the master of blades, and Shashu means sniper, you are the master of projectile weapons from bow and arrows to Desert Eagles" John finally said.

"See! You knew us. "Shashu said triumphantly

"So you guys are the reason I can fight and why I'm so different then I used to be?" John asked still breathing heavily from his ordeal. He remembered training with them. How much he had learned. It was all starting to come together.

"Yes. Shashu and I, as well as the others, are responsible for your training" Bure-Do said with a small hint of pride in his voice.

"So why did you do it? Why was I taken from my home and flung into another world?" John growled at the red clad figures.

"That is something we do not know. We do not have the power to manipulate the portals. There is another force in the universe that brought you to us and took you to another world." Bure-Do explained. Suddenly he looked to the roof. John looked up as well and saw darkness starting to envelope the roof of the Dojo. "It seems our time together is cut short John. It was good to see you again."

"No wait! What is this other force?" John asked as the masters started to fade into the background. Soon everything would be covered.

"We must tell the others about this. I think they won't be happy about losing the wager either." Shashu said.


John shot up from the ground he was laying on. He looked around and saw the familiar surroundings of the cave. 'Was it all a dream?'

"John!" Cearra yelled next to him making him jump. He looked at her and focused on her eyes. The bright, blue eyes were flushed with fear and concern for him. "Are you ok? You were sleeping and then all of a sudden you just started screaming in pain. Is everything alright?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" He said taking deep breaths. "Just had a weird dream that's all." He said as he stood up. 'So at least now I know where I learned how to fight. But the bigger question is why am I here?' The was dark but there was a little bit of light coming from around the corner that lead to the entrance of the cave. He walked around a corner saw daylight pouring through the opening. 'Damn. It must be around noon. Getting a late start.' He walked back over to their camp and picked up his bag. "Alright let's move out. We gotta make up for lost ground." He said.

"I was wondering. Why not take the main road back to Saraph? It would a much shorter trip." Cearra asked. John had of thought of taking that route but in the end he decided against it. "One reason is that this way offers a better place to hide if they are flying around. Staying on the main road would mean they could easily see us from the air because of the break in the trees. Second if they are on the ground they have to fight through the brush which is slower than just walking down an open road." John explained. There was another reason John opted to take the long way. John had no intention of following Cearra into the city. After what happened at that little party he doubted they would let him in. It would be easier to get Cearra into visual distance of the city and then he could disappear into the foliage.

"Right." Cearra said. She could tell he wasn't telling the whole truth both for the dream and for the direction of travel, but she decided to leave it alone for now. There would be plenty of time to confront John about it later. Right now they had a long way to go.

They walked in silence for the next couple of hours. The jungle still stayed a pleasant temperature which confused the hell out of John but other than the chipping of birds and the occasion small animal scurrying across the ground the journey was quiet uneventful. John passed the time by trying to think of ways he could eventually get away from Cearra. John was deep in those thoughts when they happened upon small a trail cutting through the foliage.

John didn't like the looks of it. While it wasn't the main road that cut through the jungle it the canopy above parted enough that he could clearly see the sky. He looked over to Cearra "Wait here" he commanded as he walked out into the trail. He had his M4 in his hands, ready to snap it up at a moment's notice. The sweat started to form on his hands as he watched and listened for anything that would betray someone sneaking up on them. He waited for a about half a minute before he waved for Cearra to come up to him. As she stepped out onto the trail John had an uneasy feeling about the situation. 'Something gives me the feeling like we are being watched' he thought. Finally it hit him. 'UP!' his mind shouted and at once he scanned the skies, and saw it. It was diving out of the sky right at them. The world seemed to slow and John saw the weapons it held in its hands. They had seconds before the unknown attacker would be upon them so he had little time to react. John reached out and grabbed Cearra who gave a squeak of surprise as he wrapped his arms around her and joined his hand together behind her. He pressed her and his M4 towards his body, then he pushed off the ground sending the pair into the tree line on the opposite side of where they emerged from; Cearra screamed all the way down, she had no idea what he was doing. She didn't know that no sooner had John launched them into the trees the hostile creature crashed into the ground. John saw two swords sink deep into the earth right where he and Cearra had been standing. He couldn't make out its species because they John had propelled them into an unseen ditch hidden by the jungle and soon the trail itself blocked his view. As they hit the ground John felt the rocks and roots dig into his back.

"What was that for?" Cearra demanded finally finding her voice after the landing.

John had not time to explain for a shadowy figure appeared at the top of the ditch. It had a white feather head with a nasty looking beak. Eagle wings rest of the body had short golden fur. 'A gryphon.' John thought as it stood over the pair with its swords held at its sides. It stood like it had already won the fight, and if John had been anything other than human, the gryphon would have. 'However, I have modern firepower' John thought as the gryphon started to strut his way down to them. John still had his M4 in his hands and, with his arms still around Cearra, pointed the M4 at the general direction of the gryphon. There would be no way to aim with Cearra on top of him but with the gryphon only a few yards away, so aiming wouldn't be an issue. John opened fire unleashing half a clip at the gryphon. John felt Cearra shift above him to cover her ears as the M4 roared to life. He watched as the bullets impacted the gryphon who gave a surprised squawk as the first few bullets hit his lower body. The bullets started to climb the gryphon's body and soon one pierced the heart, shredding it to pieces. The gryphon dropped instantly and slid in a heap next to the pair, its cold, lifeless eyes staring right at John. The whole exchange took only a few seconds but it felt like an eternity. John sighed and laid his head back staring up, but instead of seeing the tree canopy as he expected he saw the bright, blue, dazed, and scared eyes of the dragoness on top of him. John finally remembered that he was holding the dragoness on top of him. He might have enjoyed the position had it not been for the events that led up to her being on top of him.

"That." John said responding to the question that the dragon asked him moments before. John finally released his hold on Cearra who slowly started to get off of him. When she was up he laid down for a few more seconds before he got to his feet and walked up to the gryphon. He wore light leather armor, which was now riddled with bullet holes. The bullets had easily sliced through the leather armor. "Never stood a chance." John mumbled under his breath.

Cearra was also looking at the dead, bloodied body lying on the ground. She was still a little dazed about how fast the attack had happened and she could still hear the ringing in her ears from the M4. Finally she gathered her wits and looked away from the dead body to John's hand. "What kind of weapon is able to kill something so easily?" Cearra asked as she looked at the M4 in John's hands. She started reaching out to grab at it when John pulled his hand away.

John smirked as he heard the dragoness' comment. He took out the half empty clip in the gun and slapped in a fresh clip "If only you knew." He turned his gaze away from the corpse to the dragon. "We should get going. If there are more of them around they're sure to have heard what just happened."

They continued walking, keeping up a good pace, and soon John allowed himself to let his lower his guard a little. His mind started to plan However, some movement up in the trees grabbed his attention once more and his M4 was aimed at the movement. John was ready for anything to pop out and attack, but when the source of the noise did revel itself John just shook his head and with a small smile. It was a monkey. A little tree monkey jumping from branch to branch. 'I must be getting paranoid.' He thought to himself. As they stated walking again John thought about the encounter. 'Of all the various animals to evolve into creatures of intelligence, the monkey got left behind.'

Cearra saw John deep in thought as they moved on. "Something bothering you John?" she asked.

"Wha? Oh it's nothing. Just a thought." John answered almost missing the question.

"Well you seemed to be pretty scared by that monkey." Cearra said in a half teasing voice.

"I'm just a bit jumpy after that whole run in with the gryphon." John lied and kept walking.

Cearra knew he wasn't telling her the truth but she knew the human could be difficult. If he didn't want to tell her what he thought he wouldn't. 'Still. I wonder what he could possibly know? What could it be that makes him reluctant to talk?' Cearra wondered 'One way or another I'm sure I'll find out.'


John felt around in the dark until he felt the wire on the ground. Carefully he pulled the slack so the wire was about ankle height and cut the wire from the spool in his hand. Carefully he inspected the system he had just put in place. The wire wrapped around a tree trunk and lead to a small pile of leaves. Just under those leaves was the last of three claymore mines he had left. Satisfied with his work John slowly backed away towards the camp confident that if any unwelcome visitors would approach they wouldn't get very far. John turned on his night vision goggles as he headed back to the camp. The rest of the day had been uneventful, thankfully, and they had set up camp in an area that had a thick canopy overhead so no one could drop in on them. John saw the fire up ahead and took off his night vision goggles. He had initially protested to building a fire because it was easy to see in the dark jungle but the dragoness was very persistent, not to mention the fact that John hated not being able to see the person, or anthro, he was talking to.

"Well that ought to do it. If anyone sneaks up on us they'll get a nasty little surprise of their own." John said as he approached the campfire. The fire was nestled in front of a large tree trunk. Two large roots ran out of the ground parallel to each other served as walls that carved out a small space in front of the tree. The space was big enough for two people to lie down in with a decent amount of space in between them, or I would have been if one of those people had not been a dragoness with a tail. As John began to sit he noticed her tail lay right under him. Quickly catching himself before he sat on the tail he looked at the clueless dragoness. "Cearra"



"What?" She said with lazy, slightly confused voice before she realized what he meant and slid her tail closer to her body curling it off to her left. John sat down and let out a huge sigh as he thought about tomorrow.

'We should reach the city before noon so I should have plenty of time to get a plan together.' He thought as he looked up at the orange hued canopy.

Cearra's thoughts were a little more unsettling. When John had spoken to her earlier today he had told her the truth, but not the whole truth. He had left out details and it concerned Cearra that he would do that. 'What are his motives? Why did he really rescue me? What does he know that he doesn't want me to know?' Cearra new that if she wanted to find out she would have to put her safety on the line because he would want to know how she figured it out, and she was positive she knew how he would react. "John?"


"When I asked you why we didn't take the main road back to Saraph you told me it was because this way offered more cover and it would slow down the ones tracking us, that wasn't the complete truth, was it? Or after we saw the monkey and you said nothing was wrong. I could tell both times that you were hiding something." Cearra explained

John's heart started to race as she spoke. "What are you talking about? Why would I be lying?" John said trying to play dumb. 'Was it that obvious? How did she know?' John's mind raced.

"I never accused you of lying. I said that you weren't telling the whole truth. As to why you would I don't know why. You are a strange creature John. I know nothing about you so I have no reasons as to why you would be keeping anything from me. Maybe the reasons are, as you put it, beyond my understanding but I know you are keeping your true intentions from me. Why? What could be so bad that you have to keep it to yourself?" Cearra explained, her voice was slightly shaken.

John was debating about what he would tell her when he realized something. "What do you mean you can tell when I'm not being truthful?" John asked in a low voice. John's mind was trying to figure out what he would do if things went south.

Cearra let out a loud sigh as she knew what she had to say. "When we first met, at the party, I tried to use magic to keep you in place while we got to you." Cearra explained. "We almost had you and then you something happened where you were able to break free of my magic. I tried to keep you still but in the end I couldn't."

'Well that explains why I couldn't move.' John thought. "That still doesn't explain how you can tell my thoughts."

"Just before I cut off the magic I left a memory in your head. Something I could use to track you. It also allows me limited access into your emotions and feelings." She explained.

With that piece of information John acted. In a flash he pulled out his M1911 and aimed it right at the dragoness' head. However, instead of cowering in fear like he expected the dragoness looked right at him with those big blue eyes, showing no signs of fear or even that she cared that he was pointing death right at her. His finger loosened a bit around the trigger as he looked into her eyes. He could feel a sense of peace in his mind. 'Could that be her mind I'm feeling?' John thought.

John had acted exactly as Cearra thought he would and was also convinced that he would not kill her. "What does this memory do besides tracking? Can it be used in any way that could cause harm?" John said after a few seconds of silence.

"No it can't. It can only be used to locate and only I can locate it." Cearra explained.

As she spoke John relaxed a bit knowing his life wasn't in danger. He lowered his weapon as he thought over what she just said. "So why tell me this know? Why not keep it a secret?" John asked.

"Because there was not avoiding it if I was to know why you were holding your true thoughts from me." Cearra explained.

John finally holstered his weapon never breaking eye contact with the dragoness as the gun slid into place. 'She had this whole conversation planned out before it even happened. I think I might have underestimated her.' John thought. "I admit I haven't been entirely. I was only going to get you as far as visual distance of Saraph and then I would leave you." John admitted.

"Well if you weren't going into the city then why did you save me? You weren't trying to gain favor with my father?"

"Lady I don't think God himself could keep the city from attacking me if I came within a hundred yards of the walls. It's not like my first impression was a great one." John said with a little chuckle.

"So why?"

"I don't know. Because it was the right thing to do. I saw you get kidnapped and I knew no one else would be able to get to you before anything bad happened. I didn't do it for money or power or to get on someone's good side. Maybe I did it because it would have been unthinkable for me not to take action." John finally said. "I may not understand why I made my decision but I didn't do it with malicious intent."

The air around the two finally began to calm as both thought about what each other had said. John felt something brush up against his leg. When he looked he saw the dark outline of her tail as it rested against his leg. He didn't say anything though; he did not want to fight with her anymore.

Cearra finally broke the silence. "So what about the monkey?" she asked.

"That one is a little more complicated. You see-"Suddenly two consecutive explosions bellowed into the night interrupting John.

"AMBUSH!!!" a voice yelled into the night. John was up in an instant. He picked up his pack and whipped his M4 into his hands as he turned to help Cearra to her feet. Grabbing her hand he quickly hauled her up and kicked out the flame. He still had his night vision folded above his head and quickly snapped it down.

"Stay low and follow me" John whispered to Cearra as he crouched and began to run to the tree line. Behind he could hear the voices of their pursuers as they tried to make sense of the situation. Then he heard the last claymore go off and more screams. They had caught up faster than he had thought. They would have to travel through the night now or risk capture which means they would see the city by morning. 'Let's hope we make it in one piece.' He thought as they started to distance themselves from the pursuers.


"Ahh Pyrros. What brings you to the courtyard on this morning?" The elder wolf asked. In front of him on a bench sat the red dragon, who looked like he had a rough night.

"I spent the night out here. I needed some time to think and ask for guidance." The dragon answered.

The old wolf looked at Pyrros with a puzzled look. "For as long as I have known you Pyrros you have never been one to turn to gods for answers."

"What else can I do? My daughter was taken from me and now I can't do anything to find her because we know nothing about the attack. What is one to do when they have no more options?"

The wolf sat down by Pyrros and looked up at sky. "You have lost hope that she will be found alive?"

"No. I believe that no harm will come to her, but I have lost faith that we will find her. If we could only do that then I could take action and bring her home."

"Do not lose faith my friend. Brumas is working everyone he can to find Cearra and we both know how capable he is. Why remember when that o-"the wolf stopped as he heard an explosion in the distance. "Was that an explosion? Where did it come from?" The wolf wondered out loud.

The explosion was followed by other sounds they found familiar but they could not place them. Pyrros was the one to realize what it was. "That sounds like the weapon that one creature used. I'm going to the wall to see if I can see anything." And with that Pyrros took off from the courtyard. He was fueled by the thought of that creature being so close. Somehow Pyrros knew that the creature was caught up in this despite what Brumas had said. 'If we can catch it maybe we can see what it knows.' He thought as he came up to the wall. A soldier ran up to meet him.

"Sir!" The fox said. He recognized the fox as Keith who had been injured by the creature at the party

"Do you know where those sounds are coming from?" He asked the fox.

"They seem to be coming from down the main road. Do you think it is the creature?"

"I have no doubt that is what it is. Can you get a party together to go? We have to capture this thing. I believe it knows where Cearra is." Keith grinned as Pyrros spoke. He had wanted to get a little revenge for what that creature did to him. "Give me a minute sir and I'll have a party gathered for you." The fox then turned and ran into the guard tower.

Pyrros turned to survey the main road. He could see a small amount of smoke rising in the distance. 'I have a feeling one way or another you are tangled in all of this creature.' He thought as he watched the smoke rise and disappear.


"Saraph" Cearra said as they looked over the city in the light of the rising sun.

"Come on we'll take the main road now." John said as he walked up behind her.

"But I thought you said it was too dangerous."

"That was before we spent a whole night running from a small army." John said. The night had been spent both running and hiding from the pursuers. He had probably killed at least 10 of them along the course of the night just to keep their whereabouts hidden. "Besides, I have a plan. And for that plan to work they have to catch up with us."

And so they kept running down the main road. John pulled out two blocks of C4 and got them ready to detonate. As he shoved the blocks back into his side pockets he saw a shadow pass overhead. John looked up and saw three figures descending but instead of heading straight at them the dropped down in front of them, weapons drawn. The middle one was a dragon flanked on either side by gryphons. John and Cearra stopped and John snapped up his M4 to line up the shots, but just before he fired he heard noises behind him. He whipped around and saw a lot of anthros running out of the trees blocking their escape. They all packed onto the road about 20 yards away and there were 30 to 40 of them by John's guess. 'Perfect. Just keep crowding together.' John thought as the pursuers parted for one figure. It was a Cheetah. When he was in the front of the pack he pulled back his lips in a snarl and showed his deadly teeth.

"I must congratulate you for eluding us this long, but you must have known that you didn't stand a chance of escape." The Cheetah said.

'He's a cocky bastard' John thought. "Yeah I guess it was a slim chance. So you caught us. Now what?"

"You killed our commander and we must make sure he is avenged. Maybe we will feast on you while you are still alive. No matter, once you are gone we will take the girl and complete our mission." The Cheetah replied.

John had to play his cards right. "Well I have no intention of dying or being eaten alive, so I'll tell you what I let you take the girl and I give you a weapon of significant power and I get to live."

Cearra shot a worried glare at John "What are you saying!? Are you crazy!?" She screamed at John.

John then took out the C4 from his pockets and tossed them to the Cheetah. "That is called Composition C4 or C4 for short." John explained. Cearra watched as he threw the C4 at the Cheetah and knew something was up.

John saw caught some motion in the tree line. 'Damn they have guys in the trees...I hope that doesn't complicates things.' He thought.

"And what exactly does this C4 do?" The Cheetah said as he held one of the blocks, the other he passed behind him so others could look at it.

"It is an explosive. You can stomp on it, cut it, light it on fire even and it won't explode. I could show you how to use it." John smiled as he brought up the trigger. Cearra saw it in his hand and immediately realized what he was going to do. She prepared herself to shield them from the explosion for she did not know how big it would be.

"You drive an interesting bargain creature. We might consider your offer if you tell us how to explode it." The Cheetah said molding the in C4 in his hands.

"It's really simple actually. You just insert the blasting cap into it. Place it where you want it to explode," John explained as he raised the trigger. "Then press this button." John said pressing the trigger.

Two explosions ripped through the ranks of the pursuers; the lucky ones closest to the explosions where turned to red mist instantly while the unlucky ones had body parts torn off. John and Cearra both threw themselves to the ground as the explosions went off. She had place a small barrier around just them protecting them from the explosion but not the various objects flying through the air. The three pursuers behind them were caught completely off-guard by the explosion. The gryphon on the right was hit in the face by some poor anthor's arm while a piece of a sword flew into the gryphon on the left flying right into its eye. As the dust cleared most of the anthro's in the group who weren't either dead or dying where shell-shocked. John knew they wouldn't stay that way for long. He looked at the spot where the cheetah was and saw nothing but pools of blood and the bodies of other anthro's John quickly whipped his M4 up and took out the three anthro's behind them. Quickly he got to his feet and pulled Cearra up. "Listen! They won't stay dazed for long. We need to get you to the safety of the city. Go through the trees and don't look back." John yelled.

"What about you? Are you going to abandon me like you planned!?" She yelled back. "No I won't run away. I'll make sure you get to the city. I'll be right behind you for as long as I can. No matter what you happens to me you need to keep going. NOW COME ON! RUN!!! "

Both John and Cearra ran through the trees as they closed in on the city. John could hear the anthro's behind and fired his gun blindly behind them as they ran. As John slapped a new clip into his weapon he turned around and waited. Cearra didn't even notice he had stopped and kept running which is what John wanted. 'I can't risk her getting injured' He thought as he pointed his weapon at the noises of the approaching anthro's. John only had to wait a few moments before he brush started to rustle in front of him and he opened fire. Again and again he shot at movement and was rewarded with the screams of his enemy as the rounds tore through their bodies. He never saw most of the anthro's he shot at but a couple broke through the brush so John could see them. A flash of fire and a strange creature kneeling where all they saw before the bullets ripped through their brains killing them instantly. Finally he heard the dreaded click of a rifle gone empty. He figured got a good 10-15 seconds of cushion for Cearra when his gun hit empty. John turned around and sprinted as fast as he could towards the city reloading his weapon. He had hoped that Cearra had made it to the outskirts of the city, but he had to make sure. He needed to know she was safe though he wasn't quite sure why he needed that reassurance. He was still in that thought when a great burning pain emanated from his right calf. John took a few more steps trying to tough it out but he only succeeded in making the wound worse as the arrow cut more of the moving muscle. Fnally the pain forced him to fall. His forward momentum carried him out of the tree line. John tumbled for a second before he stopped looking right at the city of Saraph. 'Never thought I would be this happy to see a place that hates me.' He thought. Then he saw them. 20 anthor's wearing white armor marching running towards him, and leading them was a red dragon, curiously in no armor, who looked like he could take on a tank. 'Pyrros' he thought and his adrenalin spiked as he realized he was effectively trapped in between two hostile factions. He grabbed the arrow in his calf and, with a suppressed scream, pulled it out. The pain caused his vision to flash but he forced himself to his feet. He looked at the incoming soldiers and listened behind him to the unknown soldiers. John heard the pursuers break through the tree line as they rushed right for him. No matter which way he fired he was pretty much a dead man for if one side didn't get him the other would. 'Might as well take as many of them as I can with me.' He thought so he picked a direction and fired.


Alright so I finally got this part hammered out. I only worked on it for a short time so I hope that isn't reflected in the quality but like I said I spent a lot less time on this part then I did on the other parts. Most of that was me wanting to get it done before Christmas which I guess I accomplished. It's only 11:23 Christmas eve. Alright so like before if there is anything you think I can improve on go ahead and say something in the comments. Oh and I hope you guys have a merry Christmas, and a happy New Year. If you don't celebrate Christmas Happy Holidays!