All good things come in threes, finale

Story by Lord Chaos on SoFurry

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All good things come in threes, finale.

Now it was just the two of us in the booth, Mordokai and I and he was clearly glad the younglings had both gone off. He quickly changes to the seat next to me. "So, how's the divorce going?"

"She is fighting for sole custody. As if she could win that from the Lord of the Shadowguard. I'm pining for joined custody as far as the legal work goes, we're no longer married though. Anything you wish to ask, Mordokai? I can feel your emotions, remember?"

"You know what I want, but what would the others say? What would the ancestors say? Not to mention the press..."

"I don't give a damn, but I'm gonna need that same attitude from you if this is to work. Otherwise it ends here. Considering our ages, it is not forbidden by our people, so I can live with it. Question is, can you?"

"Only if it means I can get you, sensei."

"Just what I wanted to hear. All the others are out, so I guess that means we have the mansion to ourselves." Then I tossed his wallet to the bartender. "Rest of the night everyone's on me, keep the change." and with that, I warped out to the Shadowguard Mansion's master bedroom, dragging Mordokai along, completely ignoring the barriers that should prevent anyone from entering the house through use of magic.

"Why me?" I ask him as soon as we're standing stable.

"Because you're the only one alive that I fully trust. The only person to who I can let my guard down completely." he answers, while slowly undressing himself. "I'd undress you too if you were actually wearing clothes, and not just using a solid illusion of them."

Then I stepped towards him, and stroked my hand over his cheek, making him shiver under my touch. "Damn you." he muttered, "we only just started and you've already cast something to make me more sensitive."

"Your creation, this is just your spell for making torture more painful, and I suggest you lay down, cause if you shudder this bad form stroking your cheek, your knees are gonna give if I venture lower."

He grabbed my hand, and let himself fall over backwards onto the bed, effectively pulling me on top of him. I let both my hands venture his body, making him shiver and moan under my touches. Maybe I overdid it a little with that sensitizing spell. I thought. Without him noticing much, I drifted one hand to his balls and cast a second little spell. I only sleep one night a century, so this should allow him to keep up a little. My left hand played with his right nipple, while my right traced hiss tights when his balls drew up, but all that came out were a few drops of precum.

I allowed him a few moments to recuperate, but the heat coming through out emotional bond was intoxicating, rapidly eating away at my restraints. "Damn you." he muttered again, "making me come dry so I keep needing more." then I quickly sealed his lips in a kiss to prevent him from rambling on, the pleasure swiping every coherent thought out of his mind. And when I then rubbed our erections together, he moaned into my mouth, coming dry for the second time already. "relax," I told him telepathically, "you've got all night to get used to the level of pleasure." I then broke the kiss while he was recuperating again, and traced my tongue over his hard-on, causing him to wither in pleasure, his limbs flailing about. Realizing I was in the danger-zone for his legs, I quickly cast a spell to bind them to the bed, before enveloping his entire length in my mouth, sucking him for I don't know how long, until there was more then five minutes between his balls drawing up twice.

When he grabbed the back of my head, I realized he was at least semi-coherent again, so I decided to change the game. I quickly undid his grip, pulled back, and without preparation or lubrication slided in slowly, earning me a blissful moan. "I've never been this glad I'm invulnerable to pain." he spoke telepathically, for he had lost control over his mouth again, before again losing all coherence when I hit his prostate, making his balls draw up once more. The combination of spells had an unexpected side effect though, I realizes as one of my hands started to play with his balls, that had swollen from his pent up cum, nearly twice the size they normally were, and swelling when I hit is prostate again. As I slowly sped up he was in a near permanent state of dry orgasm, his balls had passed the size of eggs and were approaching lemons as I felt myself getting close. I hilted my cock all the way as my white hot seed filled his insides. I quickly pulled out once I was done, sealing the cum inside him to prevent making a mess on the bed.

I then, heavily influenced by the need and lust I felt through our bond, did what I had allowed no partner before, I rose above him, and took his still stiff erection up my ass. He once again withered in uncontrollable pleasure as heat enveloped him and his balls swelled the size of apples. The mounted pressure forcing out a steady stream of pre by now, and as a response to that feeling, I put a second seal at the pit of his raging erection, blocking the exit. This time the swelling in the restricted organ was expected as I slowly started moving up and down, again increasing slowly, but fast enough to keep him in that permanent bliss. Then I formed a dildo out of solid air, and rammed it up against his prostate, while at the same time releasing the seal that kept him from orgasming. As a result, his melon sized balls forced out all of the accumulated liquid into his cock, making it swell so rapidly that I screamed is pleasure as my prostate was squashed and I could feel the tip where my liver should have been. That instant, I lost complete control of my magic, and he filled me for over ten minutes straight until I could taste it in my mouth.

Using magic, I checked his health as soon as I regained my mental capacity, and concluded that unless I would mess even more with the torture expert, his balls would retain a lemon size, with a foot-long hard on. Then again, the evening was still young, when I asked him, "Do you want another round?" to which he instantly nodded. Needless to say, at least until dawn, we had a very marry christmas.

The end (for now)