It's not all about the Knot [Final]

Story by Destroyed on SoFurry

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#3 of Sean & Taws

After a pleasant lead-up the Christmas holiday Sean and Taws spend the night in each others' arms... both exploring new horizons in more ways than one.

It's Not All About the Knot

"Taws," he began again, then heaved a deep sigh as he understood the truth of her words. He could spend the night here, with her, chaste or not, and not feel the weight of Ashley's absence not so keenly. Or he could go home, to his dark and empty house, and sit in the darkness mulling over his sorry fate. "Not alone." He said softly with a smile, returning the soft touch of the collie's furred lips with his own. Inhuman though she may be, she was more human in many ways. After a moment their kiss parted and he tightened his slack hands on her hips, drawing at her as he lowered his head and buried it in the deep, thick white fur of her throat.

Warmth and silken softness enfolded his face, the scent of shampoo filling his nose over the deep presence of her natural, true scent. He drank it in deeply as his fingers splayed into the fur of her hips. Her body yielded against him, softening as she leaned close over him and growled a soft croon, letting him explore the soft muskiness of her natural scent. Forgotten, their movie played on, uncaring that it was no longer of interest.

After a few moments Taws stepped back and dropped her hands to stroke his chest. The diffuse light gleamed in her eyes as she smiled and plucked at the button of his silk shirt. "It's Christmas Eve, and you've already unwrapped one present. Yet mine remains securely wrapped."

Sean let out a deep chuckle as he let his gaze wander along her form, backlit only by the television into a diffuse shadow surrounded by a halo of gossamer strands lit by the flickering light behind her. He was about to quip how that was more a present unwrapping itself when he felt one button, and then another, and a third give up its bonds under the deft touch of her solid claws. What the hell, he figured, his hands wandering to caress her hips and waist, combing furrows through her satin soft fur. If he was going to be her gift, let her unwrap it how she wants.

Claw tipped fingers stroked across his chest as she drew his shirt back and off with his help, leaving his furless torso naked. That nakedness seemed to fascinate her in its furless smoothness. Gentle fingers of white fur tipped by warm black pads explored his chest and nipples, eliciting a twitch as she circled them with her touch. His own hands explored the surprisingly firm planes of her stomach beneath her fur, finding vestigial nipples to either side of the line of longer fur down the center of her front. Each touch caused her to twitch and croon as his hands continued ever upward, fingers splaying when they finally found her breasts beneath that prodigious pelt.

They were small, as nonhumans still offered little to show except when nursing, but firm and under his exploring touch perfectly shaped. When his thumbs found her nipples she let out a yapping gasp and her claws pressed against his skin. Sean smiled and rubbed in gentle, slow circles against them, unable to actually see them beneath long tan and orange fur. Shifting further back she trailed her hands down to his belt and worried it loose.

After sitting on her bed that afternoon sharing breakfast, hiding himself from her when she had hid nothing from him he felt a rush of exhilaration that she would finally be able to take him in fully, his urgent erection strained against the silken restraint of his slacks. When she prized open his fly his cleanly shaven manhood leaped out eagerly, as free of undergarments as Taws herself had been. He watched as she looked down at that thick, needy length. He was, all told, perhaps a touch over eight inches in length and an easy two inches in thickness. Not stupendous by human standards, but quite beyond average. Pre already glistened on the taut, blunt tip of his cock and she traced a single fingertip across it. Sean let out a soft hiss and pinched the firm nipples under his touch, rolling them gently as he watched her raise her hand and first sniff at the glistening smear of pre on her fingerpad, then give it a slow lick.

Taws shuddered powerfully at the potent taste of his arousal, her ears going flat back and her fur bushing across her shoulders. "Ohhh, that is very nice." She said in a soft growl, pressing her chest against his hands as he pinched and rolled her sensitive nipples.

"There's more." Sean joked as he watched her sample his arousal. Somehow the sheer animalistic act of smelling his pre, and then tasting it to confirm what she had smelled, only aroused him further. Taws shifted off of the couch entirely and stood, bearing her warm breasts out of reach. Leaning forward she caught at his slacks and tugged, almost hauling him off the couch as they slid down to his knees. He kicked them off as she smiled and knelt before him. The credits were rolling on their movie but he paid no attention at all, enraptured as he watched her triangular, canine head bow toward his naked loins.

"I'm glad." She looked up at him as she bowed over his groin, holding his gaze as she brushed one side of her muzzle against his throbbing erection, her chin pushing it down against his stomach as it slid over him and the length of her muzzle stroked against the opposite side of his cock. She then dipped her head lower, without ever looking from his eyes, and buried her nose against his balls, nuzzling into the gap between his shaven sac and his thigh before inhaling loudly through her chill nose. "So much more." Golden eyes half closed as his scent exploded into her sensitive canine nose, suffusing her with his masculine, human musk.

Sean's back arched and he grasped at the arm of the couch with one hand, groaning deeply. Her whiskers tickled his thighs and his balls, sending delicate thrills burning through him as the warm caress of her breath surrounded his balls. The lick that followed her inquisitive snuffling was even warmer still, lifting his balls as she drew the astounding length of her tongue upward slowly. It was like liquid fire through his loins and the heat of it made Sean writhe upon the couch.

Abrupt darkness made him blink, throwing off his wildly spinning thoughts until he realized it was only the entertainment system shutting off at the end of the disc. Taws did not seem to notice, lost in the warm tongue bathing of his aching balls. Her form became a shadow between his pale legs, etched with a confusion of subtle colors offered by the lights of the city beyond her windows. Silence but for their labored breathing and the subtle, raspy stroke of her tongue, descended upon the condo. Somewhere a Christmas party was in full swing, the throb of base rumbling quietly through the floor. Police sirens were a distant, muffled wail.

All of it was lost in the darkness as Sean felt his balls lifted with another slow, hot stroke of the collie's tongue. It was so long. It was amazing; unlike anything he could bring to mind in comparison. That lick continued upward, shifting and rolling his balls before stroking along his cock and pressing it firmly down against his stomach. When it reached his tip Sean let out a choked cry, his entire body bucking and his cock twitching powerfully. Pre burbled from his tip only to be captured by Taws' hungry tongue.

When she took into her muzzle it was a slow, torturous affair that made Sean writhe like one caught in unimaginable agony. He gasped and cried out at the subtly coarse feel of her tongue lifting his cock to press it against the long curve of her palette. Inch by inch she drew him in, drawing chill breaths through her muzzle around him and letting out hot exhalations across him. The root of her tongue lifted against his tip and the length of it rippled downward along is length, pushing outward before rasping back and rippling forward again. The sensation was... Sean could not even begin to describe. Deep, powerful, profound, and intense in a way he had never imagine. He grasped her shoulder and the arm of the couch and lifted his hips, burying his length in that slender, long muzzle with a slow thrust. She let out a pleased, growling huff as the cool touch of her nose ground against his lower abs. His cock jerked and twitched, his balls roiling almost to the point of pain as she drew him rapidly toward his peak.

"Taws!" he cried out sharply, dragging at her shoulder desperately, grabbing a fistful of fur, "Stop, Taws, oh my god stop!" With an inquiring murmur she drew her head up, easing his cock back down against his stomach.

"S -" she started, then let out a quiet yip when he grabbed her shoulders and hauled her upward. Even as he pulled Sean shifted, rolling to the side and pushing her into the couch beside him. Quickly he rotated her down before him on the couch, pushing her back into it as he panted and gazed down at her, wild eyed with hunger.

It was now, he must, or he would find some humancentric excuse not to. At the height of his burning passion he would do more than he ever would have otherwise, and he wanted to. He wanted to know, to experience, and to understand. Even as he pushed her back into the couch he dropped to his knees before her and smiled. "Taws, my lovely, too much more of that and I'll be in a coma." He crooned as he leaned forward to bury his face in the warm, soft fur of her belly. Her hand slipped through his hair and the collie bitch growled a soft laugh.

"A coma I would wake you from." She sighed warmly as Sean nuzzled into her fur, his own nose drinking in the warm musk of her fur and flesh. Settling onto his knees, his hands stroking along her narrow, muscular thighs, Sean let his nose lead his lips. Her scent was deeper, more powerful; almost sharp in its profound potency the further south he snuffled, dog-like, through her fur. He felt the warm softness of - something - against his chin, the corner of his lips, as his nose slid downward along the hollow of her loins. Taws writhed much as he had, her hand pushing and pulling at his nuzzling head, panting loudly through her long muzzle. "Yes, Sean, there..." she whimpered when his lips drew across her heated femininity.

Oh, how strange and different she was, Sean found. Not a smooth, firm curve like Ashley or other women, but an outthrust diamond of hot flesh surrounded by deep fur. The scent of it was very different, as well; deep and musky, but not unpleasantly so. Her outer labia was so different Sean found himself exploring it with his lips; light kisses that traced where the short fur of her loins became hot, wet flesh. His tongue stroked across the heat of her aroused lips from the broad root of her alien labial shape and upward to its tapered, damp tip. There was the expected long, narrow cleft of the soft, out-thrust diamond of proud flesh, but deeper between her thighs it parted in a flattened 'Y' shape that, under the stroke of his tongue, turned outward under the warm pressure of his lick. When he drew his hungry tongue upward her soft lips parted before his tongue, suffusing his mouth with the deep potency of her musk.

It was earthy, warm and round like a smooth ale rather than the sharp, almost sour bite of red wine, of a human woman's musk. Taws' hips bucked upward firmly and she let out a strained yelp when her entire labial body was thrust into Sean's hungry mouth. He suckled upon it, not once finding it in his mind to compare it to giving a man head... considering he never had, but his mouth was filled with her aroused flesh and he did suck upon it. His tongue pressed into the soft confines where the flesh became satin smooth and hot. He found the clitoral hood not at the apex of her labial cleft but, instead, closer to the twitching depths of her vaginal entry. Using the tip of his tongue he rolled it against her taut hood, easing it back even as the collie's hips dipped and then slammed upward against his mouth again. Both hands grasped his shoulders and she growled in a rising, staccato explosion of breaths as her hips went into spastic fits.

Sean dropped his arms under her thighs and wrapped them around to grasp at her hips as she struggled against his face, hips rising and falling in short, rapid jerks. A smooth, oily musk exploded into his mouth, slick like his own pre and almost as copious as his own orgasm could be. That surprised him but he let her orgasm release itself under the warm, firm strokes of his blunt human tongue. And her body clenched, pulling and pushing the strangely shaped labia powerfully, in motions very strange to the human whose head was captured between her furry, muscular thighs.

After a minute or two her hips slowed their wild gyrations and, finally, she slumped upon the couch panting heavily. "Come here," she panted, her voice rough edged and deeper than any woman's should be. She shifted deeper back along the couch and Sean followed, without lifting his face from that hot, soft canine pussy. Now that he knew its feel and its taste he was not affronted. He was aroused; deeply and wholly aroused by the inhuman lust of her swift, powerful orgasm. Strong hands grasped at his shoulders, side, then found his thigh as she twisted dexterously. Moving carefully he drew up onto the couch with her and, under the urgently needy guidance of her hands, found himself being rolled and turned simultaneously.

Rather unexpectedly, being that he was not wholly aware of how he was being rearranged, he found himself on his back with the handsome golden rump of the collie rising above his gaze. The wan illumination of the city outside cast that pale fur into a handsome glow above his gaze. Her pussy was a black, diamond shaped island in a golden river of satin fur, glistening bright with his saliva. It twitched as he watched, rising and falling in short quivers.

His observations were dashed with a warm stroke upon his needy cock once more and he cried out in pleasured surprise. Grasping her hips he pulled back and down forcing her to all but sit upon his face, burying that canid pussy in his mouth once more. Even as his cock found its way into the depths of her narrow muzzle once more his tongue slipped into the depths of her black pussy. He lapped hungrily as her muzzle took him entire with a single hungry snarl. Taws' cold nose touched his balls and her hips ground back against his suckling lips with a rolling, shuddering jerk anew. But she did not orgasm so swiftly, rolling her hips forward and then pushing back as her head rose up along his length and plunged down again.

He felt her teeth, but not the sharp edges of them, sliding along either side of his thick erection. Long canine fangs pressed against his groin as her tongue rippled and suckled hungrily at his flesh. The room became nothing but that golden cloud over his face and the flavor of her pussy in his mouth. His tongue danced upon the noticeable tip of her exposed clit and he glimpsed, nested within the center of that golden cloud, the black ring of her asshole only an inch from his nose. Claws pressed against the back of his thighs as she grasped his legs, just as he grasped her hips and held her down to his face, the weight of her body shifting back onto him each time her head rose up.

Taws whined and growled, a vibration that trembled through her jaw and into Sean's twitching erection, as her body twitched with each flick of his tongue across her clit. The hot tightness of her muzzle coupled with the undulating length of her tongue, that entire canine tongue that captured him from root to tip, rippled and stroked his erection. His own hips soon matched the rolling grind of her own, hastening as he felt the twitching of her pussy against his tongue.

With a nasal huff and a sudden shuddering jerk Taws' hips began to buck and thrust against his lips afresh, flooding his mouth with a new rush of the slickness he had tasted only moments before. She clung to the back of his thighs and whuffled rapid gasps as she rode his face with abandon. Her jaws clenched, tightening the narrow depths of her muzzle around his cock, and Sean felt his peak rising close only crash like a breaking wave that washed over him with implacable force. With a muffled yell his hips rose upward, froze with almost painful muscular tension, and his loins shuddered. His cock jerked solidly within the confines of the collie's muzzle and his seed poured forth in thick, hot spurts. Each spastic release caused his body to tense and jerk while her hips continued to buck with the rapid-fire thrusts of her own orgasm.

Spent, Sean's hips dropped even as the bruising gyrations of Taws' hips slowed. He slumped bonelessly, gulping swift breaths through his nose pressed into the short nest of fur just beneath the black flesh of her anal ring. He didn't smell anything disgusting at that proximity, but her anal musk was unmistakable in its sharp, clinging potency. She slumped atop him, sprawling out and panting around his twitching length. They lay in that tight embrace for several minutes longer, loathe to let the hot intimacy slip away. Sean's tongue slowed its suckling strokes while her tongue nursed the last of his orgasm from the very root of his cock. As it began to flag she raised her head slightly and panted. Lifting one leg she rolled onto her side against the back of the couch while Sean pressed close to use up the remaining space.

"God bless." Taws moaned between rapid breaths, her tongue hanging from the end of her muzzle between long canine teeth, "No one's tongue has ever done that."

Sean dragged a forearm across his wet lips and nuzzled into the fur of her thigh, "Mmmh, done what? Mine isn't anywhere near as long as a dog's." he joked softly, "And no one has ever done what you just did so well. Not even close." Ashley took the idea of giving head as an affront, but would on rare occasion do it, but he realized that he had not enjoyed a blowjob from her in over eight months.

"Hit me there, like that." She reached down with one hand to rub the strangely bestial rise of her lips with a fingertip, "Amazing." Her fingers touched his face, stroked his cheek, "I want you to do that again!" Sean grinned and lipped at her fingers before turning his head and caressing her wet pussy with his lips, caressing his tongue across them. "No, not now, silly man. It's afire down there, too sensitive. But later, soon, I will crawl on hands and knees for you to kiss me like that again."

"Taws, I have never before in my life kissed a bitch. Not on the lips, and never there..." He shook his head slowly and gave her lips another brush with his own, "I loved it."

Taws levered herself up slowly and sprawled into the corner of the couch, stroking his hair with her fingertips, "Likewise..." she breathed deeply with a white gleaming smile in the dark. "Come on, let's get some sleep." Rising together they ambled to the bedroom, her tail brushing lightly against Sean's flaccid maleness as she walked ahead of him. The building was silent but for the dim, muffled susurrus of city traffic far below. The distant thumping of a party on some other floor had ended at some point.

It was a comfortable silence and Sean found that the crushing emptiness in the center of his being was less. He sighed softly as he slipped into Taws' bed and nestled up close against her warm, furry back. Was this breakup sex? Was it nothing more than assuaging his grief at having lost the woman he had begun planning to make his wife? Was Taws just a rebound fuck, a fallback lay?

Hell, was he, Sean thought. Taws relaxed and stretched slowly, pressing back against him. He stroked his fingers through the fur of her stomach, enjoying the satin softness. Whatever it was, he decided that he would enjoy it for the comfort she had offered, and be thankful. Slumber crept up on him swiftly and, his face buried into the fur of her neck, Sean drifted off.

It was daylight when Sean awakened, but a glance at the clock revealed that it was only just past seven. The sun was somewhere off toward the east facing side of the room, and he was alone in bed once more. He yawned hugely and stretched, rolling onto his back and looking at the ceiling.

He felt good.

He felt damned good.

"Merry Christmas, hon." Taws' soft, growling voice came from the doorway. Propping himself up on his elbows Sean smiled at the comely form coming out of the bathroom. She was wearing a black terry cloth robe and, he hoped, nothing else. Raising a hand he beckoned to her.

"Merry Christmas, dear. Come over here so I can finally get my turning at unwrapping such a fine present."

Stretching with feline grace Taws padded over to the bed and crawled up onto it, nuzzling his crotch through the blankets as she climbed up over him. Settling on her knees she righted herself to smile down at him, "You're the gift I wanted." The collie bitch rumbled with a toothy smile. Sean reached up to stroke his hands along the front of her robe, upward across her stomach and the subtle curves of her breasts. Bringing them back down he caught at the knotted sash and drew it free allowing the robe to fall open.

Indeed, she was as naked with him on Christmas morning as she had been the dawn of Christmas Eve, and he relished in that casual comfort. While she rolled her shoulders to shrug out of the heavy robe he let his hands trace the boundary of her stomach fur where tan and orange became pale gold. That pale fur tapered downward bordered by her darker pelt to end at a point between her thighs. The fur there was long and dense, giving him but a slight glimpse of the tasty diamond shaped labia hidden within. Slipping his hands upward across her hips he drew her closer. "And you are the gift I did not know I wanted, but now desire beyond any other." He replied as she shifted forward on her knees until the soft fur of her loins brushed his lips. "Honey and nectar, you are." With the lush fur of her loins brushing his chin and tickling his nose he smiled up at the spectacular view of her body looming over him, white fur a suspended avalanche crested by that animalistic head gazing down at him in beatific expectation.

And he sought to know more of her honey and nectar, nuzzling into the lush fur of her crotch until his lips caressed her hidden flesh. He kissed her lips softly, watching as her body arched back and the muscular rump under his fingers flexed. Giving a few delicate kisses to tease her labia he gave it a slow stroke with his tongue, causing her to groan. "If you want some honey, dear, kiss me."

And so he did, lifting his head and kissing her more firmly, flattening her soft labial delta with his lips and parting its folds with his tongue to caress the smooth flesh of her hood. That thin membrane of flesh folded back under the gentle touch of his tongue-tip and he circled his tongue about the firm bud it had hidden. Taws gasped and twitched, shuddering powerfully against his firm kiss.

Opening his mouth and pulling at her rump he drew her down, the warm weight of her pussy filling his mouth. He tasted the freshness of clear water under the sweet muskiness of her pussy, suckling eagerly as his tongue slipped across her clit and delved shallowly into the tight, twitching heat of her entry. "Yes, kiss me there, oh, right there." She growled with each swath of his tongue across her clit. The earthy musk of her arousal built slowly, not immediately as potent as it had been the night before, but strikingly arousing even in its subtle hints. As he kissed and caressed with his tongue the bitch arched and writhed above him. Her hips rolled and shoved, bucking back and then grinding forward as she bent over him to look down and stare at his half-hidden face under the lush nest of her groin fur. "You're good at - ohh!" she yelped when his tongue found her clit and flicked, firmly and rapidly, across it. Golden eyes rolled up and Sean seized the fur of her hips as she began to buck.

Slowly at first, following the stroke and of his tongue, then twitching when it flicked, and when he tightened his lips to suckle upon the entirety of her labia she howled and shoved the weight of her pelvis down onto his face. Sean's head was buried against the pillows and he loved it as she bucked and gyrated over him.

Ashley had loved this; oh yes, she had indeed. She never said no when he shoved his face into her cunt, but she had never tasted this delightful; this warm and smooth. Taws' pussy tasted as satin smooth as her fur felt in a way that Sean had never before known, or even imagined. He lost himself in the throes of her orgasm, letting the expected slick flood of her wetness infuse his mouth, and held her close until her hips slowed to a twitching stillness.

With a huff she hauled her hips back, shifting herself back over him and leaning down to give him a shaky kiss. It was a true kiss, not the canine style of muzzle brushing cheek but lip to lips, smiling as she tasted herself. Her satin softness of her fur tickled his chest and stomach and his flaccid nakedness. "Thank you," she breathed as she hugged his sides with strong arms, "But, what's this?" Shifting her body and rolling her hips she brushed the dampness of the labial lips he had warmed with his kiss moments before across his flaccid length. "No 'morning wood'?" she grinned as the slow stroke of her hips moved his cock about with her lips.

Sean chuckled and stroked her cheek, "Dear Taws, after having my mind blown like it was last night I won't have any worry about morning wood for weeks!" His chuckle was commuted to a low sigh of pleasure as she held his gaze and continued to slowly shift her hips back and forth against him, teasing his still slumbering cock into wakefulness. "Going to have to try harder than that, beautiful."

Taws' ears pricked up as the weight of her hips dropped down heavily, her saliva damp lips wrapping against the firming flesh of Sean's shaft, "Beautiful, hmm?" the collie growled down at him softly, sliding herself up and down his length as he hissed a breath, "No one's called me that before." Leaning her body downward until her fur swathed breasts brushed Sean's naked chest she touched her nose to his, "No one." Long, deep fur brushed against his chest, warm and satin soft like a feather's caress between his naked flesh and her concealed breasts. The fur of her luxurious white mane brushed against his chin as her tongue swept slowly across his lips. That was a sensation he had never before experienced and it was strikingly alien, but warm and erotic. Parting his lips he let that long stroke dip into his mouth and meet his own, shorter, more blunt tongue.

"And you dress like you do to hide - what then?" Sean stroked his hands downward through the fur of her back until he felt his fingers drift against the muscular root of her long, draping tail. "If not that beauty?" He grunted and dropped his head back, eyes going wide when he felt the slick heat of her pussy slip upward and fold about the blunt tip of his cock. His hands grasped her rump and his hips bucked reflexively, but he found that he was only pressing against unyielding, slick heat.

"Office politics." Taws closed her eyes and slowed the teasing roll of her hips, shifting herself against the blunt pressure of his cock against her needy nether lips, "No office politics if no one... upward, love... oh, just there, just so." Sean felt his cock lifting as she shifted herself, the upward angle steep against her lips, until he felt a slick, hot embrace at his tip. Slowly she dropped her hips and, as he settled himself a couple of inches into that tight, intense heat, she arched her back and shoved downward. Sean let out a roaring gasp as she plunged downward onto him in a single smooth shove. She was intensely tight, even with the slickness of his pre mixing with her own copious wetness the fiery embrace was almost painful. He hugged her down tightly against his chest and gasped for breath under the caressing, twitching tightness of her depths.

"Tight," he managed to groan through clenched teeth.

"Mmhhmm, hon. You're huge!" She seemed to be equally as strained and did not move once her stretched lips came to rest about the base of his shaft. He could feel the powerful rippling grasp of her pussy clenching and spasming against his punishing thickness. "I - I haven't enjoyed anyone since my ex... and you're bigger than he was." Taws' muscles fluttered and twitched against the strain of his own twitching thickness. Slowy she relaxed upon him until her body came to grips with his girth straining the limits of her vaginal depths. After several minutes she lifted upward slightly, a mere couple of inches, and settled again, her eyes closed and muzzle hanging open. Her expressive ears were laid flat back and her tail raised high as she began to move her body upon him. "And so nice, so perfect." She crooned.

The tightness of her pussy was so powerful that, even with her body slowly rising and falling, caressing his entire length with the silken fist of her desire, his orgasm was not fast in its approach. That was just fine with him, he wanted to enjoy her fully. Strong legs cupped his hips and arms clutched against his chest as the collie's body bowed over him, the entire focus of the both of them upon that slick, hot union. Without urgency she rose and fell until she was slipping along the entirety of his shaft and the fire of their first joining had faded to a dull, thrilling heat. Sean nuzzled between her flattened ears and stroked the fur of her ass, letting the sides of his index fingers stroke the underside of her tail's root, as he waited for her body to relax its intense grasp.

Then, settling down fully upon him, she stopped and lifted her head slightly. Her whiskers tickled his cheek as she met his gaze, "Like a woman?" she asked timorously.


"Love me, as you might a woman of your kind?" she asked again, almost timidly. Sean blinked a couple of times. What manner of mating did she endure in the past to ask such a question? Dropping his hands from her rump he pulled gently at the back of her thighs, urging her to lift upward. He could not find any words to reply to that which did not sound terribly cliché in his mind, so he merely used his hands to draw her upward until his length slipped out with a wet, meaty slap against his stomach.

Gently he drew her over onto her side and rolled upward to face her. Caressing her hip he leaned close to kiss the end of her long, regal muzzle while he continued to move closer, pushing her back and rising up until he knelt between her lushly furred thighs. He let his gaze slide down her lithe, winsome body and smiled with a flush of heat. She was a bitch, okay, a nonhuman, but she was a heart achingly beautiful bitch of fiery orange and gold. Moving slowly he bent and nuzzled between her wide spread legs, kissing the slick wetness of her pussy softly, giving the hot flesh a flick with his tongue before moving his head up and nuzzling into the lush fur of her stomach. She was a bitch laid out for him, wanting him as much as he wanted her. A bitch who wanted him in ways that Ashley never had; truly, in ways that no girls ever had in. Not all in one person; not like Taws, and none so beautiful to accompany those desires.

It was almost too much, he thought as he drew his face across the fur of her stomach. He found the nakedness of a vestigial nipple and kissed it, circling lightly with his tongue and feeling her writhe with an animalistic, growling moan. He continued upward slowly, his hands following along either side from her hips to her waist to her ribcage as he buried his face in her fur and drank in the unique musk of her, that presence that lingered in his nose. His nuzzling circled a fur swathed breast, coming upward to the firm nipple at its tip and he captured it between his lips, flicking it with the tip of his tongue. Taws grasped at his head, claw tips pressing through his hair and arching her body upward into his kiss. Letting his hands drift downward he captured her hips and pulled them upward until he felt the heat of her lips touch his shaft. Even as he worried her nipple with the teeth behind his lips, pinching it lightly or firmly as the shuddering of her body lead him, he stroked his length against her nether lips, letting their slick heat caress his flesh.

Recalling her earlier whisper about angle he lifted himself upward, pinning his blunt cock head into the folds of her labial diamond and grinding against the solid bud of her clit. Turning his head he drew his cheek across the fur of her chest and lipped at her fur until he found the twin nipple to the first and opened his mouth to enwrap it with his lips, pressing the short breadth of his tongue against it and suckling noisily. She yelped a sharp cry and bucked, her grasp digging at his scalp as his hips rose slowly higher, increasing the angle of his cock until it was almost pointing directly downward. With a slow forward shift he let it slip into the cleavage of her lips until his tip settled against the powerful heat of her entry.

The approach was, to say the least, awkward in the extreme, with his body bowed almost double over her, but he paid it little heed. All such things in their time, and with practice less a problem, but for the moment he used what little skill he had to get himself aligned to the passage before him. "Yes," she cried out sharply, "Now, oh gods, now, there!" her voice trailed off in a demanding growl while her hips shuddered, held still against his blunt girth. He wasted no time acceding to her demands, letting his hips arch up and forward even as they dropped, briefly increasing the angle of his cock. He plunged into her much more easily, coming to an abrupt halt when she let out a howling shriek and slammed upward so savagely he feared she might bend his length back on itself.

Her passage slammed down upon his cock with a savage, wet heat as she threw back her head and howled. Claws pricked at his scalp then were suddenly thrown away, reaching down to grasp his upper back and pull desperately, digging furrows in his flesh he knew just from the sudden flare of pain would last days. Her legs wrapped around his hips and clenched, grinding him into her even as her hips went into that orgasmic gyration that his face had become accustomed to. All he could do was hold on for the ride. Each spastic, rolling buck drove him just a little deeper while the wetness of her release coursed down the naked flesh of his balls. Again and again she clutched at his back as if trying to find some handhold in fur that he did not have and her strong legs drew him down. Deeper and deeper she plunged his girth and the intensity of it was blinding. The brief pain of her claws at his back winked out against the growing flame of his swift approaching limits and all he could do was hang on. She was a beast lost in her passion, her desires were awakened by his kiss, his touch, his thick length plunging ever deeper into her hot, tight pussy.

Sean's breaths came in short, hissing gasps through the fur against which his face pressed, nipple neglected in the throes of her orgasm. Within a few short moments his awakened erection was brought swiftly close to his own limits. Seconds, he lamented to himself somewhere in the back of his rational mind lost under the flood of lust; he would only last seconds under such wonderful passion. And seconds he did last, as her orgasm peaked and her body went rigid against him, inner walls clenching and rippling powerfully along his length with intense pressure. In that moment of stillness his own tightly sprung muscles released their pent strength in a stomach tightening spasm that sent cum racing down his length in a torrent. When it blasted into the deeply plumbed depths of her passage she was so tight that he could feel it rush upward from his tightly embraced root until it coursed from his tip with each powerful, spastic twitch. He grunted into her fur, hips bucking forward heavily to bury what little he had left into her.

The moment passed all too swiftly but their euphoric highs kept them entwined, his body upon hers, for long moments afterward until the shuddering muscles of his thighs began to beg for surcease. Slowly he stretched out upon her, bearing her hips down as her legs fell away. She gasped loudly and seemed to start breathing again. "Wow." She panted with breathless awe.

"Very wow." Sean agreed as he propped himself upon his elbows and letting the weight of his hips keep his still erect length buried deep in that hot embrace. They said nothing further as they lay there breathing heavily, bodies tangled together man and bitch and gray blankets. For a few minutes they merely lay there in panting, entwined silence until Sean felt himself flagging. Slowly he withdrew and Taws gave a soft, pleased whine. Tongue lolling she slowly levered herself upright and off the bed, swaying in place for a moment.

"You're wonderful, hon, absolutely wonderful." She growled that soft canine purr as she padded toward the doorway to the main room. "That ... creature that abandoned you did not know how good she had it. But now, though," she continued, her swaying tail sliding, cat-like, against the door frame on the way through, "the caffeine gods call and I have to answer."

Sean chuckled as he admired the long lush sweep of her tail and the golden halo of rump beneath it, framed by the orange and tan of her hips. Beautiful, he thought. Why had he never seen the beauty in fur before, he thought. Why? He sighed and shook his head with a smile. His leg muscles were still twitching with a pleasant, aching burn that he did not trust to support him if he stood. Either he was getting out of shape, or Taws was just that good. He suspected the latter.

Where had he gone wrong with Ashley, he wondered? Not in just one aspect of their relationship, he realized, but the whole last year of it was slow, inexorable distancing. Her timing could not have been worse, but considering what had come of it, turned out rather splendidly all around. Cautiously he drew out of Taws' comfortable bed and stood, testing his legs to see how they'd hold up before wandering out to join her at coffee.

"You know, flattery will get you laid." He commented, leaning against the kitchen counter watching her prepare their much needed caffeine infusion. The collie's teeth flashed when she grinned over her shoulder at him, tall ears twitching and handsome tail swaying slowly.

"Promises, promises. Expect me to flatter you an awful lot, then." She winked. Somewhere in the building someone had ramped up the thumping music again, the bass undercurrent of a rock version of Carol of the Bells rumbling quietly through the floor.

With their coffee they retired to the couch and stretched out on it, with Sean against the back and Taws reclining back against him. There was plenty of room if they snuggled close and that was just what they did. For a long time they watched the Christmas day parades in companionable silence, sipping coffee. When that was finished they settled on simple snuggling, Sean's hands slowly stroking the fur of Taws' belly, just quietly together, until the festivities were drawing to a close.

Sean loved it. Ashley used to cuddle, but it was a cold sort of closeness and he could, in retrospective view, sense that her thoughts had often been elsewhere. Taws' was, at the moment, on the parades in the various cities, her company gentle and, in its way, amazingly alluring. He could feel the softness of her fur against his chest, stomach, thighs, and delicately teasing his satiated manhood.

Satiated, but not immune to the warm caress of satin fur. When she shifted he felt that warm stirring in his loins and smiled. "Taws, the other night -"

She turned her head to look at him with one lambent golden eye, rotating her ears back inquiringly, "Which?" Her shift in position caused her rump to push back and Sean huffed a soft mumble as his awakening length settled into the satin nest of her cleft.

"The first night you had me over, when I was drunk. We slept together -" he trailed off lamely. Had he ears as expressive as hers he knew they'd be backed in acute self-consciousness. Taws sensed the warm pressure resting in the cleft of her furry rump and smiled toothily as she ground her hips back even more firmly. Sean groaned softly at the delightful, satin caress of her fur enveloping his quickening erection.

"What about it? You don't snore." She rumbled and teased him mercilessly with slow, rolling shifts of her hips. He grasped her hip, clutching a fistful of fur, and drew her back to still those thought-scattering strokes.

"Well... at one point we were pretty close and -" he sighed softly at the hot touch of muscular, furless flesh teasing his tip. "Well, like this... just like this." He gave a slight nudge against that heat and Taws shuddered with an even broader smile, her tongue lolling in a pant.

"And?" she prompted as he felt her tail wagging against his hip, the muscular root pressing and lifting, then pressing again.

"You kept pushing back, and I -" he drew his hips back slightly from that teasing caress at his tip. "You were asleep, but -"

"Was I?" she crooned softly.

Sean blinked, his brows arching in surprise, "You weren't?"

Slowly she shook her head, "Oh, no, not in the slightest. I wanted to see what you would do."

"Christ, Taws, you could've let me know."

"You were perfect, Sean dear. You could've gotten up, you could've pushed me away, awakened me with pure lust, but you did not. You were what I've longed for... gentle." Taws said reassuringly with a shift of her hips that brought the hot caress of her smooth anal ring against Sean's tip again. "I know I took advantage of you, and it was a bit dry, but you were the gentleman and gave me what I really, really wanted."

"You wanted that?" Sean's body trembled with growing arousal as he held her close back against him, not moving, just enjoying the warm nest of fur enfolding his now very erect length and the muscular kiss each twitch of her ass gave his tip. "I didn't - hurt?"

Taws mumbled appreciatively at his presence in the valley of her backside, "A little... you are large, hon. You told me that you'd never been outside your species, and I must confess, I've never been outside mine. I wasn't sure what would come of it." Her tail stroked slowly against his hip as she smiled up and back over her shoulder to him. "And I do like it there, right where you are now."

Sean felt pre slick and warm against her tight anal ring, the heat sizzling from his tip to tighten his loins. "I'm the first human you've been with?"

Slowly Taws nodded, "First, Sean. I'd always been fearful, before. It's a taboo, humans and nonhumans as lovers, but seeing you always made me hunger to know why."

Sean lowered his head, burying his face in the thick fur of her neck ruff, and shuddered with a deep sigh, "You're too good, Taws, to a putz like me."

"And you're so kind, and gentle. If that makes you a putz, then I love putzes." She reached back to stroke his hip with one hand. "Bruce was rough. Never abusive, but he just liked it the way most canine's seem to... fast and rough. I like the way you are." She leaned her upper body forward slightly and reached down to the floor. "Gentle." Bringing her hand back up she reached back and slipped something against the hand clutching her hip. Sean could not help but laugh when he saw that it was a small bottle of lube. Raising his hand he accepted the hint and awkwardly drew his hips back to apply the slick, chill slickness with one hand. Tossing the bottle onto the coffee table he settled once more into the cleft of her comely, furry backside.

"Yes, love, just there." She cooed as her tail lifted further up against his waist, allowing his throbbing arousal unfettered access to the heat of her ring. With a slow roll of his hips Sean bared his tip against that warmth and she pressed back against him. "Be gentle with me again." She breathed. They both let out soft grunts when the easy pressure of Sean's tip forced its way into the tight embrace of her ass. He did not plunge in at that first kiss, but paused there with only a couple of inches within her, to let the reflexive spasms fade. Bit by bit, working in and then back, Sean gave himself to her, inch by inch. It took several minutes for him to bottom out in that delightful, silken embrace and, once he had buried himself fully she grasped his hip and grinding down against him to settle the last of him inside. "There, now, be still."

He did as she bid, but only after one more thing. Wrapping one arm around her chest just below her breasts and another over her belly, Sean buried his head into the dense, heady fur of her snow white ruff and pulled her up and back against the couch. She lay against his chest, propped up by his thighs, and his hard, twitching length buried deep in her clenching bottom. The sensation was more than he had ever remembered from those years ago with the one girlfriend he'd had who liked the same. She had wanted power and speed, not this slow nesting. "Almost perfect." He sighed into the ruff of her neck, inhaling the soft muskiness of her fur.

Her ass clenched as she turned her head slightly, "Almost?"

"I'm human, love, not a dog. I can't... how is it said, 'tie'? No knot." Sean admitted in a strained hiss as the rippling heat of her ass pulled and caressed his entire length. Taws only chuckled softly, a motion that raced through her entire body and caused her muscles to twitch against him in a manner that left his mind reeling.

"Sean, love, it's not all about the knot."


Previous <- Beginning -> White Knights

It's Not All About the Knot [2]

## It's Not All About the Knot Sean awoke to awareness some hours later, opening his eyes to darkness and trying to take stock of his situation. He was in a bed that was not his own; a softer bed with a thinner blanket than he was used to. One arm was...

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It's Not All About the Knot [1]

## _It's Not All About The Knot_ _Text Message from: Ashley_ _"That's it, Sean, we're done. I've moved my things out."_ Sean blinked and stared at his cell phone, his heart doing an abrupt flip-flop in his breast before plunging somewhere into the...

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The Run [Final]

Part 4 - Lift that tail, Boy --- When I again awoke it was daylight, or some semblance of it. The room, at least, was not nearly so dark. Blinding cracks of white glared mercilessly through cracks in dirty, poorly masked windows along one side of...

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