Erus pro Somnii - Chapter 1

Story by Liam on SoFurry

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#1 of Erus pro Somnii

Erus pro Somnii by Liam Aether * * *

Disclaimer: According to law, you need to be of legal age in order to read this story. Should you not be of legal age or be offended by material of male homosexual. This story may not be changed and redistributed without the author's prior consent.

  • * * Pleased he laid back in his chair. The plan had worked flawlessly, so far at least. He looked at the screens on the wall. Multiple sections of an island were shown and six unconscious digimon. "Soon, yes..." Licking over his lips, he traced the digimon's forms, mumbling. „You'll give me quite a show." Unfortunately, though, he would not have any kind of actual control over them. However, the there had been preparations to make sure they would do what he wanted to see, whether they wanted or not eventually. Moreover, the computer would make sure, that he would not miss a thing. Chapter 1: To become acquainted in an odd way The seal digimon blinked as sun shined right into his face. Yawning he turned around, trying to pull the blanket over himself. But there was no blanket. Pawing around he slowly realized there was not even a bed! Sleepily he opened his eyes. His mind was all blurry, but he was sure he had gone to bed, to sleep. Gomamon looked around, after rubbing his eyes with his flippers. White sand, palms, and there was turquoise water as far as he could see. How did he get on a beach? He was on a tropical island. How did he get here? He could not tell and his mind was blank. „Master..." Someone mumbled, followed by a little moaning. „Hello? Is anyone there?" No one answered. However, there was more mumbling. Gomamon could not understand it, but it was nearby. Listening closer, he turned his head. There! Next to one of the palm, he spotted a blue elbow. Veemon? He decided to move closer. It was not him. Nevertheless, it was definitively a 'he'. The raging hard on proved it. „Oh master!" The blue digimon moaned out loudly, spurting some pre. Without a second thought, Gomamon used a claw to lick up the pre. Only to back off in disbelieve the next second, about what he just did. He shook his head and moved a few steps back. The seal digimon could not believe he just licked some juice off some random digimon. Blushing deeply he eyed the unknown digimon. He could not help it. Staring at the pink piece of flesh a word formed in his head. Suck! Gomamon was overwhelmed with the strong urge. He moved closer... Closer... That pre was so delicious... Slowly he opened his muzzle, drooling at the sleeping digimon. And... „What? Where?" Suddenly the blue digimon awoke. Confused and disoriented, he attempted to get up and before he even realized what was going on, pleasure overwhelmed him. The other digimon suddenly inserted all eight-inch worth of cock all the way down his throat Gomamon's throat, without even being aware of it, as he had just tried to use something, which happened to be Gomamon's head, as leverage to get up. Gloved paws held his head in place, as he choked on the pink flesh. The thing he wanted so badly in his muzzle, just a second ago, brought distress to him now. Gaomon could not think, as the pleasure had taken his mind hostage. He grabbed whatever it was tightly and unconsciously raped poor Gomamon's throat brutally with his tongue lolling out. More pre shot down directly into Gomamon's throat, as he pumped away unable to hold back. Not even for a second. Despite the huge discomfort, Gomamon's own length reacted to the treatment. Pre dripped below him onto the sand and he had no choice but to submit to the forced deep throating. Second felt like an eternity to the poor male, that was about to suffocate. Gaomon screamed out loudly, as a most powerful orgasm hit him. An amazing amount of cum flew down the seal digimon's throat, whose head he held in his gloved paws. However, he still was not able to perceive it, when he eventually did fall back against the tree, exhausted with his eyes closed and breathing heavily. Gomamon was never more appreciative in his life, as the blue digimon's cock finally left his throat. He coughed up a lot of cum, before he gasped for breath, falling to the side. His throat seemed to burn as he laid there whimpering and rubbing his throat. A picture of misery presented itself to Gaomon as he opened his eyes. Seeing the cum, which was leaking of the digimon's muzzle, he could take a good guess at what just happened. "Did I...?" The question was superfluous. How could he have...? "Master...," he whispered, thinking of his human partner. Then he was silent. It took a while, but eventually the pain in his sore throat was down to a bearable level. He was in the very act of screaming at the blue digimon who had just abused him, as his eyes fell on the tears running down the blue cheeks. Now he felt guilty. Imagine that. The seal digimon lifted his paw and put it on a gloved one. "I..." Gaomon sniffed. "I didn't want to...." Gomamon sighed. It was obvious he was sorry. Thinking about it, maybe he really did not know what he was doing. After all, he was going to suck him off. That urge was not normal. Maybe he had the same urge. "Never mind... Who are you anyway?" "G-G-Gaomon." He blinked. That was the last he expected, after what he had done to the poor male. "My Name is Gomamon, nice to meet you. Well I never have met someone like that before..." They shook paws, both blushing. Gomamon titled his head. "Why are you crying? Are you really that sorry, about...?" "No... I mean... yes. I mean... well I am sorry, but..." "But?" Gaomon looked down. "Well you see I was a virgin a few minutes ago and... I was saving myself up, because I'm in love with my... human partner." "Oh..." Yeah, he could understand how he felt very well. He loved Joe, but he had accepted long ago, that he could never be together with him. "Well. Do not worry too much about it. Humans usually only mate with each other, so..." Nodding he took a closer look on Gomamon, after he had cleaned wiped off his tears and was surprised to see he was hard. "Umm... you are..." Gomamon looked back and noticed his hard on was showing. He blushed. "Sorry. I've been strangely very aroused since I've seen you." "Honestly I'm quite aroused myself, even after that..." He looked down at himself, he was not hard, but he felt very yiffy for some odd. "Look I think I owe you something... so just fuck me." The thought drove him wild, as he watched Gaomon spread his legs and move a little forward, exposing the pink hole under his balls. He had moved quickly and was licking that yummy tail hole. His new blue friend let out a murr. It went to quick, but he did not want to worry about it. "I won't say no." Gaomon took off his gloves and started scratching Gomamon behind his ears. He was a little surprised how quickly he had giving the virginity of his other end away, but it felt too good to keep worrying. He wanted to be fucked. He needed to be fucked. He could not wait for the proper lubing and pulled Gomamon in his arms. "Now, do it!" "Yes!" Gomamon exclaimed and forced his muzzle on Gaomon's, French kissing him deeply, as he poked around with his cock, quickly finding his target and thrusting in brutally, without thinking. Ignoring the muffled screams, he had to keep going, fucking. Yes, he had to fuck him, as hard as possible. He clung to the seal digimon, whimpering into his muzzle, as he went wild on his tail hole. And after only half a minute later, Gomamon released his muzzle and collapsed on onto him flooding his tailpipe with seed. * * *

Comments: A very old story series I started to write at some point, but I never finished it. Another story I decided to fix up and publish.