Can't Keep My Eyes Off of Him (Part 3/8)

Story by DylanDragon on SoFurry

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#3 of Can't Keep My Eyes Off of Him

Can't Keep My Eyes Off of Him (Part 3/8)



Can't Keep My Eyes Off of Him (Part 3/8)

Note: Dylan has abandoned Xavier after his confession, making the otter extremely depressed and all sad panda.

Dylan shut the door behind him, feeling a familiar blast of cold air. He sniffled, letting tears run free down his face. Back inside, Xavier sat on the floor, softly sobbing. Dylan looked at the moon, shining through the tree branches. "It looks pretty tonight, but not nearly as beautiful as Xavier," he admitted to himself. Xavier unknowingly described every single feeling Dylan had been experiencing in the past few months, and that led him to only one conclusion: He was in love. He paused, leaning against the front door. "But I can't be gay," he thought.

"Why not?" asked a voice in his head.

"Because I know I'm straight"

"No, you don't. You love Xavier. You know it"

"Then why did I run?"

"Because you were afraid to admit it to yourself"

"But I don't want to be gay"

"Why not? You're fine with it if someone else is. Why not yourself?"

Dylan paused in his mental battle. Why not himself? He clearly had nothing against people who loved their own gender. He knew that his friends would be fine with it, or so he hoped. He knew his parents wouldn't mind. In fact, they had a family friend who was lesbian. So why did he reject his own crush on Xavier? "What if I told him I liked him? He probably hates me now for hurting him," he thought. He ran through possible scenarios in his head. Xavier could completely reject him, and despise him. Or maybe he would just insist on being friends. But the last outcome was the one he wanted the most: Xavier could accept his love and they could be together. Dylan imagined himself holding Xavier close to him, kissing him, waking up to him in the morning. These images ignited a passion inside of him he never felt before. He wanted to be with Xavier. He needed to be with him.

Dylan broke from his mental trance and confidently knocked on the door. "Xavier, open up. I need to talk to you," he said loudly. All of a sudden, he remembered something that almost made him cry again. He had hurt Xavier. He'd pushed him away, and left him sobbing on the floor. Dylan knocked again, more quietly, and said softly, but loud enough to hear through the door, "Xavier? Can I please talk to you? I know I hurt you, and I'm sorry. I just want to make it better. Please?"

The otter had been standing on the other side of the door, listening to his friend apologize. The door clicked open, and slowly swung inside the house. Dylan gazed at Xavier, and saw the most pitiful sight. Xavier stood with his side facing Dylan. His head was down, tears were still falling, and in a heartbreaking voice, said "What is it, Dylan?"

"L-Listen. I'm really sorry for pushing you away and hurting you. I really need to talk to you. Please, can we just do that?"

"O-Okay," Xavier said softly, closing the door after letting Dylan in.

Dylan headed up the stairs back to Xavier's room, while the otter just followed him. Once inside, Dylan sat down on the bed, motioning for Xavier to follow. The otter slowly situated himself on the sheets, still looking at the floor forlornly.

"Xavier..." started Dylan, "I'm really sorry for everything. It's just, it took me awhile to find myself"

"What do you mean?" asked Xavier, looking up at Dylan.

"I mean, I wasn't sure what I felt these past few months. You were distracting me. That's what I meant when I said 'You're the problem.' You were problematic to me. You were just too perfect for me to ignore"

"D-did you say... too perfect...? Do you mean that?"

"I do. At first, I didn't want to admit it, but now I'm ready to deal with this. The way you tell jokes and entertain me, how you care about me, and also how incredibly cute you are, they all confused me. I still remember when you saved me from a few kids who laughed at me for liking Pony Friendship. But then, you told me about how you figured out you were gay. And that's when I realized that I liked guys too"

Xavier had stopped crying, and looked at Dylan with hopeful eyes. "You're also gay?" he asked.

"More than that," Dylan replied, "I figured out something else too. I know you said you had a crush one someone, but I just wanted you to know that I really like you. Your kindness, loyalty, beauty, and your ability to make me happy as long as I'm with you, just give me enough courage to say: I love you, Xavier Haley"

At these last words, Xavier's smile returned, with a gleam in his eyes that shined brightly. "I love you too, Dylan Dyer," he exclaimed with tears in his eyes, "I've always loved you! You make me so happy to be with you, and you're the only one who's ever really cared about me. You were the one who I fell in love with in the first place!"

"Really, Xavier?" Dylan asked happily.

"Really!" Xavier said, pulling the dragon toward him. Their muzzles collided. Dylan's eyes didn't fling open. Instead, he slowly closed them. He moaned softly into the kiss, gently licking the otter's teeth and tongue, thoroughly exploring his mouth. The need to breathe kicked in, and Dylan pulled away, panting. A string of their mixed saliva hung in the middle, and then broke. "Stay here tonight," whispered Xavier.

"Okay," said Dylan softly, smiling.

Xavier flipped open the covers to his bed, looking hopefully at Dylan. The dragon accepted the offer, sliding his body underneath the sheets. They shared one more kiss until Xavier turned off the lights. "I love you, Dylan," he said happily, wrapping his arms around Dylan's chest.

"I love you too, Xavier," Dylan whispered, putting one arm on to the otter's hips, and used the other to gently stroke his cheek.

They fell asleep, side by side, each dreaming about the other.

The alarm that started beeping came as a complete surprise to both of them. Dylan rolled over, groaning, "Why did you set the alarm on a Saturday?!"

"I thought I didn't," moaned Xavier, frantically slamming his paw around, trying to find the snooze button. He finally hit it, and then turned off the alarm. "Okay, keep sleeping," he said.

"I can't," replied Dylan, "I'm too happy"

"Why are you so happy?"

"Because I'm with you"

Xavier opened his eyes to find a beautiful pair of red irises staring back at him. He sighed dreamily and kissed him. Within three seconds, he pulled back, with a disgusted look on his face. Dylan had the same expression. "Yuck, morning breath," he said, smiling slightly.

Dylan giggled. "Then let's get up, darling"

"Darling...?" Xavier asked with a smile, "I kind of like that"

"Well, I figured I needed a temporary pet name for my boyfriend until I can find something derived from 'Xavier.' I mean seriously. It's hard finding something from that."

"Boyfriend? You want to be my boyfriend? Really?"

"Of course I do. What do you say? Do you want to be with me?"

"Yes yes yes! I want to be with you forever and ever!" Xavier yelled, wrapping his arms around the dragon again.

Dylan smiled, returning the hug. "We should get something to eat," he suggested. Xavier nodded, and led the dragon downstairs, still holding onto his claw. Before long, Xavier had busied himself with cooking eggs and pancakes. Dylan patiently sat at the table, dreamily looking at the otter flit around the kitchen. Soon, he was done, and slid Dylan a full plate of food. Dylan thanked him and started eating.

After they both finished and brushed their teeth, Dylan was eager to kiss Xavier again. Xavier was thinking of the same thing. They met each other's gaze, wrapped their arms around each other, and connected their muzzles again. They broke apart quickly, and Xavier led them both up to his room again. Dylan lied on his back, while Xavier crawled on top of him and kissed him deeply.

After what seemed like hours, they broke apart. Their kisses became less passionate and became shorter and gentler.

Two taxis pulled up to Xavier's house. A male otter stepped out of the first one, carrying a briefcase in one hand and a suitcase in the other. The second taxi yielded a female otter, with a purse and suitcase. Both stared at each other for a couple of seconds, and then laughed out loud.

"Linda!" exclaimed the male, "Ha, I guess our timing was perfect!"

"Wow, Kevin. I guess so!" said the female, chuckling, "We go on separate business trips and return at the exact same time? What are the odds?"

"I know, right? Well, let's not waste time outside. Xavier should be home right now"

They grabbed their luggage, opened the door, and entered the home. At once, they noticed soft music playing from their son's bedroom. "He must be sleeping," thought Linda.

Xavier and Dylan were still kissing, and stroking each other's sides. They didn't hear car doors slamming shut or doors opening and closing. They were too distracted by each other. The door to Xavier's room was closed to keep in heat, but Linda opened it to check up on her son.


Both boys froze, and their eyes snapped open. They slowly turned their heads to the left, dreading the worst. The worst stared back at them with an open mouth, and fury in its eyes. Kevin had heard his wife's yell and ran up the stairs to check out if everyone was okay. The sight that he saw appalled him.

"Get the f*ck out of my house, you fags," he said calmly, pointing to the door, cold rage in his eyes.

Hooray, Chapter 3 is done!

Just so you know: My earlier chapter has been a bit confusing because Dylan abandons his friend. I did not explain very well why exactly, but you can probably infer. Sorry for the confusion, guys! ^_^"

Anyways, I hope you all liked it! Rate and Review please!

Again, I update every day, if not every 2, so be on the lookout for more chapters!