It all Burns

Story by Sludawg on SoFurry

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#24 of Pokè-Treat

K, after five rewrites, here it is. Still not happy with it. But I'll suffer. So Before you all freak out, no gory stuff just the old TV fashion kind of death. Along with more questions ;)

(c) to respective owners

(Winner of the named contest will find the name near the end ^^) Enjoy!


"Did it just rock?" Azu asked herself. "I believe he's starting to hatch!" She forced herself to keep a quiet tone.

Azu caressed the rock facing and sighed. She wanted him to see the new him. To see her new mate. The thrill of the moment just made her shiver with glee. She heard a noise behind her, she turned to see the entire family watching, a small section of the facing crumbled.

The sound echoed through the quiet building. The sound of several claws followed. The first to enter the room was the Victor. He let out a guttural roar as he eyed the obstruction that marred his castle.

"Samuel!" The Victor roared. "What the bloody hell is this thing!"

Sam was quick to step up as he entered the room quickly. "That, Sire, is the next Grand Guardian."

"Remove that blemish from my castle; I will not have it marking my floors!"

"Father, I cannot do that. Arceus bids the birth be here as the others were."

"Arceus be damned! I will not have it in my castle. Argue again and you will find yourself banished! Guards!"

The room stood still silently staring at the Victor.

"Remove that... that thing!"

The guards did not budge yet everyone turned to Sam who bluntly stared down his father.

"Boy! Stand down! I am Victor; I demand this thing to be removed!"

"No. By the Whim of the true Father, we shall not move!"

"Guards, do as I bid!"

"We obey Arceus! We obey his Word!" The guards slammed their fists against their armor as they recited their oaths simultaneously. "To disobey the Word is to disobey our duty. As Warriors of the Father, we obey Him solely! Disrespect the ways of Old is death!"

"Damn them." Victor muttered.

Another chunk of rock fell away leaving a hole that let out the angry eyes within that glowed blood red. Victor growled then stole a sword from the nearest guard and stormed up to the chrysalis.

"Fine. If no one else is going to obey my orders, I'll do it myself!"

Victor slammed the sword under the rock and tried to pry it up. Sam begged him to stop. Then came the Victress and Princess into the room. The Queen shook her head then slowly fell to her knees to pray. The Princess joined her brother in begging. The rock crumbled away again leaving a slightly bigger hole.

It cannot be time... this time was far too short to be proper for change... Is that yelling I hear? Who could be yelling?

Jason flinched at the pain that he felt. Someone had stabbed him. His arms would not move, but he could move his head. He slammed his brow into the side and opened a hole. He glared out just as the Suicune Victar stole a sword from the one behind him. The sight was fuzzy, but he focused on the one that rushed him screaming foul words. He heard metal against rock, but no pain.

This one forsook Me. A voice rumbled within his head, Jason listened. This one forsook you. He abandoned his duties as my Voice. The Tongue shall be removed and replaced. My Arm, rip out the Tongue and choose a new Voice for Me. This shall be your first task, and then the rest shall be given to you slowly.

Jason felt his throat rumble. I obey.

A deep, primal roar broke free from the rocky abyss that held the Grand Guardian. The rocky chrysalis imploded and slowly formed a twelve-foot tall turtle that extended a three-foot cannon out of its shell. The cannon mouth opened at a two-foot diameter that could very well shoot balls of solid Iron.

The beast grabbed the startled Victor by the throat and looked it over cautiously.

"The Body rids itself of the Tongue. The Tongue forsook the Mind and Body and therefore needs to be replaced." The voice was deep and the breath smelled of brimstone.

The turtle grabbed the Victor with the other clawed member and held him above all. The family watched in horror as they begged for their father's and mate's life.

"I am the Arm of Judgment. I judge you: Death!"

The Victor was suddenly engulfed in flames that spouted from the very claws that held him. Screams came from the creature that was forced to hold still. Balls of fire dropped away as the fur and clothing was melted away. The flames were soon replaced by a vortex of lightning that shocked the body evoking more screams. Soon that was replaced by a single gem in the chest. Victor was placed on his feet. His body pink and raw. His eyes glazed over with pain as he stared at his mate.

She looked away as a tear rolled down her muzzle. The Victor screamed again as the gem started to fossilize his body from the inside out. He screamed and writhed with pain. In the end, he stood as though he was howling at the moon. At his feet carved elegantly were the words: Victor Marcus Snowtail, Betrayer to his duties.

The Guardian sighed then stepped towards the family; they flinched but held their ground. It bent down and rubbed Sam's head gently then clasped the Victress' paws. When it came to Jude, the Guardian knelt and bowed its head.

"You are next Tongue. Speak well the Word of the Mind and guide the Body well."

Jude's jaw dropped, she turned to her family who shrugged. She righted herself, "Thank you, I will prove that I can guide the Body without fear of speaking wrongly."

The Guardian stood and towered over all in the room. It stepped away from everyone, and then the body began to crumble away leaving the squishy Jason interior. The boy fell from the air and landed on one knee. He growled then straightened. The blood red eyes slowly faded to his normal blue tint and his voice calmed to his normal tone.

"Zorua!" Jason shouted.

The pup ran up to Jason cowering slightly after witnessing the event.

"Sam, Jude. I properly greet you to your half brother." Jason said sternly.

Zorua flinched.


Jason rose a hand to stop the three from continuing their exclamation. "Marcus Snowtail left the kingdom seven years ago and had an affair with Zoroark. The joining gave the pup before you. He is Victar, he is blood. Sam, as his only male relative, you are to guide him and raise him until you two can save his mother. Jude, you are to find a proper mate and take the throne and title of Victor. Times have changed, and so must the guardians of the Old Ways. You are to guide the Body of Arceus to victory. Madame Snowtail, I am sorry for your loss, but what the Father bade, I had to follow. I left his body intact for you do garnish with flowers or however you like."

"Yes, sir." Sam shivered slightly as he kept from crying out as Jason spoke to his mother.

"Sam." Jason waited until the Suicune looked him in the eye. "Do not hold your grief, he brought this upon himself, you begged him to stop. As the king of the last kingdom of Old, he knew the consequences of disobeying the Word of Arceus. What I did was easy on him, and one day, he will have a second chance."

"I just hope I do not end up like him." Sam sniffed.

"You won't, I promise that. And I have to thank you."


"Taking charge. You will make a good king once this war is over."


"Your time is near its end here. Team, we will leave the day after tomorrow. Rest up." Jason's body all-but shut down on him.

Sam was quick enough before he fallen on his face he heard the Trainer thank him through his fur. He did not even get to take one step before Jason was snoring lightly. He smiled and just took him to his room as the rest of the family followed. Sam noticed a very pale Maylene still locked onto the fossilized Victor.

"Maylene," Sam paused as he spoke. "What is done is done, that male brought it upon himself. Though I shall morn the loss of a father, I will refuse to grieve what he has done. Come. Before I have to carry you as well."

"Yeah... sure..."

"I shall take her, Sammy." Said the elderly Espeon as she phased into sight. "There is something I alone must share with her.

He nodded and watched as her paw was sat on the human's shoulder. After they vanished, Sam continued on his way. Once he got to the guests room, he was relieved of Jason's weight thanks to Moon. He thanked her then climbed onto the hay bedding beside his Trainer. Azu was quick to follow and went to lay on top of him. Jason shifted slightly as he drew in her scent.

Azu whimpered quietly as she tried to shove her tiny arms around him. She wanted to hold and comfort him. There was not much else she could think of doing right now. She glanced at Sam, his head laid across her mate's feet like a common pet as he contemplated what Jason had told him and his sister.

All was quiet until that afternoon when Jason finally woke with a coughing fit. Azu smacked his back until he calmed then hugged him.

"This has been the worst three days I've seen." Jason stretched then pulled Azu closer to him. "I am not allowed to mate with my other forme though I fought to keep this one for you and Mickey."

"I've been worried that you wouldn't wake up or that you wouldn't be you."

"That's why I fought the beast within me. That was the reason Kyogre and Groudon fought each other to the death... the beast within is strong. I could not have beat it without the help of my family. Though now I need even more training to become even stronger. We find Fiera then we head home for a bit of training and a lot of rest."



"I love you."

"I love you, as well, my mate. Shall we find the others?"

"They can wait..."

Jason smiled as she drew in for a kiss. He quickly undid his tattered pants then removed his shirt as they parted.

Azu did not bother with much foreplay; she licked him until he was hard then laid back. Jason whimpered as he found himself void of pleasure. He opened his eyes when he realized they were closed and found his love laying and waiting for him. He grinned as he pulled himself between her legs and licked the length of her labia. She gasped and arched her back slightly.

He drew his tongue over her body only to stop at her mouth. He positioned his member and teased her lightly by rubbing the head across her slit. He purposefully missed his target a couple times making Azu growl. With a smile, he pushed in.

She gasped as she was stretched, not feeling him inside of her for nearly a month made this feel like heaven. She moaned blissfully as she became the glorious scabbard to the most blessed sword she had known. On top of her, the moaning grunts matched hers. Then he pulled his hips back, the very edge of his single ribbed shaft slid out of her. The sudden void of the warm flesh made her whimper involuntarily, she grabbed what she could of her mate and pulled him closer as he drove home her Water type body easily made her passage moist as he filled her. Juices audibly squirted out as he began to quicken his pace now that he could easily match any male Pokèmon in rut.

Her eyes shot open when she felt her ear nibbled upon. Her body could not respond otherwise as she was bred at such a godly speed. A primal grunt sounded from her mate's throat as he pushed his way into her inner breeding sanctum. Pain shot quickly through her, but it was brief. She could have swore that Jason howled just before he filled her womb with her seed. The pressure within her made her gasp as her body milked every bit it could stand from him. She fell from her high first. He was still seeding her even as he continued to pound her.

She began to feel warm fluids run down her skinny tail. She was not worried about it and would check after he was done using her. She smiled over her grunting and allowed her body to contract again as it demanded to collect even more of her mate's seed. She let out an undignified squeak as Jason sped up his pace. She began to feel his fluids becoming hotter until it bypassed that of that Salamence's seed.

She felt her womb stretch slightly then felt as Jason rolled them over so he could lay back. He had a satisfied smile on him as well as a cloak of sweat. Azu sprayed him lightly with a cool trickle to rinse off his face.


"You're welcome, love."

He took a deep breath then closed his eyes. "As much as I would love to continue on... I'm hungry."

"Well, I can see why. It's been nearly a full day since you last ate."

"I was only in that thing for a few hours?!"

"Yep. Long enough for me to have an entire emotional breakdown."

"Join the club; I watched our entire group... our family break down. Hell, I even expended myself to stop Loraline from attacking Sam; at least I think I did. Their fighting drove me crazy, I had to stop it. I just glad we are moving again soon. I think we all need some private time."

"That we do." Azu smiled as she pulled herself away from her mate. "You over filled me for a change. I haven't been this filled since that Salamence had his way with all of us."

"Really? That makes me feel really... odd. Being compared to a Dragon... excellent." Jason stared at his mate as she stood up over him dripping little beads of their mixed fluids.

"I'll get your clothes. Just lay there and be sexy."

"No argument from the peanut gallery."

Azu jumped down from the bed then dug through his backpack and quickly found a clean set of clothes and then tossed them at Jason who had posed himself in a suggestive manner. She laughed as the clothes landed haphazardly upon him. He grinned then quickly dressed then swung himself off the mattress and into his shoes. As he bent over to put them on the rest of the way and tie them up, a knock broke the silence.

Azu quickly checked herself and wiped off using a dirty sock then answered the door. Maylene stood there looking far better than she did early that afternoon. She bowed slightly then whispered that supper was to be served soon.

"We're coming, Maylene, and if you don't mind, can you ask the cook to add an extra helping for Jason?"

"Will do." Maylene smiled. "It's so nice to actually understand you. I just wish May would have let me choose..."


"I'll tell you later. I have to go before she gets impatient." Maylene bowed again then ran off.

"Okay..." Azu muttered as she watched the young woman run off. "At least she gets to hear us properly."

"May? Isn't that the old nanny?"

"Think so."

"Hmm." Jason stood up then went to the door. The two left the room to join the others.


A solid knock shook the Tree. Mitch and Ditch looked down from one of the lower branches to watch what seemed like an entire clan of Char gathering at the opening. The alpha male was the one pounding the bark. He was a shiny, a rather big shiny. He stood a good half meter above the other males. Ditch cleared his throat and made his Trainer look at him. A silent gesture passed between them, then they teleported down to the ground.

"Greetings, on behalf of the Father and his Blades, how can we help you?" Mitch spoke loudly and clear.

The black Charizard turned to stare at him. "Our seer told me that not only have my daughter joined up with your Alpha, but that we must join him."

Mitch could see that the male literally bit his tongue as he spoke. The Char did not like showing submission.

Ditch stepped forward. "We are glad to have you. Please be courteous to the rest of the family and train hard for the coming war. The seer is very welcome to join the rest of the Psychic's up top."

A deep growl came from the male. He flared his wings slightly and bent his neck downward. The rest of the clan followed his motions.

"If you want, the mothers and young can be shown to the nursery so that the unhatched and young can go undisturbed until they are able to join in the training. Though I will warn you, whatever your laws are with females, they do not apply to those outside of your direct clan. Rape is not accepted here and will result in harsh punishment. All matings must be of consent otherwise the free males are free to mingle and court free females of any race, including the humans should they wish it. Same goes for your females, but I have heard that is not likely for your clan."

The black seemed disgusted, but did not speak about. "Thank you."

"Go ahead on in. There is a Fire climate available and you shall be escorted by Hastil one of our Blazikens. Be respective with her, she will take heads."

The Chars did not say anything instead; they went in and vanished one by one. After the last one vanished into darkness, Mitch sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"They are humbling themselves far beyond they ever expected of themselves. Many never have seen past their own mountain. Though we may have a problem when Jason returns with Clair and Rex."

"Figured that much. Until then, let's try to avoid the subject on Rex."


After supper, the team gathered around the fossilized Victor with the new Queen and her mother. Prayers were muttered by the guards who had just came on duty. Sam was laying at his father's feet listening to the overall plan Jason had.

"We get Fiera's help; we can finally head home and relax for a bit." Jason finished up.

"I get the feeling that something won't let us relax." Clair shivered and drew her daughter closer to her.

"Agreed." Rex flexed his wings and flicked his life flame back and forth.

"Enough negativity." Champ growled. "We need to look on the positive side."

"Easy for you to say, I have a feeling, a bad feeling, that father found our home. Wonder if Ditch is trying to warn me."

"It's a possibility, Grainas." Rex chuckled over Clair's growl. "There is something telling me to proceed as though my prey is as strong as I, if not stronger."

"You three done over there?" Jason forced his way into the conversation.

The three Charizards looked at him with a neutral stance.

"Have Grace recall the kids then get some sleep. We leave as soon as we are all up and-

"Holy shit!" A sharp voice made the entire room turn to the main doors. "What is that thing?"

"Ah, Zapperiah, you have gathered your family then?" Jason tried to ignore the outburst.

"Uh, yeah, my mate is right behind me and the smithy. Is that a statue mocking the Victor or what?"

"Hmm? Oh, that is the Victor. Jude is the official Victor now."

"Shit..." He muttered as he approached the fossil, the Raichu rubbed his snout absentmindedly as he looked over the male that he once guarded. "What happened to his fur? Everything is gone."

"I burned it off before I fossilized him." Jason frowned as he turned to Marcus. "I just wish I could have left him aware of everything. I think that would have suited him just fine. Father did not want it to be done, so I could not do it. However, I made sure he saw me anoint his daughter to rule. Now, we will be leaving in the morning. Do be up early and ready to leave."

"Yes, sir!"

The two turned as the door opened again to reveal a rather endowed female Raichu that just barely stayed in the small blouse she wore. Behind her stood a Mewtwo, or rather levitated, they stopped and gently sat their small bags on the floor out of the way. The Psychic raced across the floor and grabbed Jason's hand.

"It has been too long since I have seen a human. I have been told my services are needed again. Though I have all-but stopped using my gifts and chosen the physical path, I will protect my Prince if need be and his allies."

"Are you the same one that tried to take over the world?"

"No, I am a clone of that one. He released me and my tank brothers into the world once Team Rocket was disbanded."

"Ah, that's reassuring on my part. Though his power would be nice to have on the Father's side."

"Yes... unfortunately, I think Deoxys took him. Anyway, I should go meditate so I can be assured that I will be ready to leave when you are."

"As you wish, sir. Zaps, who is this lovely lady?" Jason smiled as he turned as Mewtwo left for a quiet corner.

"That is Elle, sir."

Elle curtsied then shrank away nervously.

"It's alright, ma'am, we are not going to bite. Please talk to my family, get to know everyone. As for myself, I'm going to see to the widow and assure her wellbeing."

Jason bowed lightly then went to Sam and whispered into his ear. The Suicune nodded then they walked off in silence leaving the family behind. Jason pondered to himself, in the back of his mind; he heard a soft, soothing voice calling to him. He knew the voice as Arceus; it was the only one that could stay that quiet to hide in the background of life. Though he did not struggle to listen, it was difficult for him to fully concentrate on the words. He knew meditation would strengthen the bond to his new Father.

He quickly found himself staring at the cloud-like tail of his friend as he stopped at what appeared to be a private bar. There sat the widow, drinking from a dark brown bottle. Jason heard her growl as he approached; he stopped in his tracks and tucked his arms into the small of his back. He did not move as he waited for her to allow him to come closer.

"Mom?" Sam asked with a worried tone.

"Bowl or bottle?" She asked back.

Sam sighed, "Bowl. Jason, if I may, I would like some alone time."

"I'll be in the hall if you need me."

As Jason left, Sam made his way to sit in the stool that was special made for him, though this was his first time actually using the wretched thing. It was ugly but it served its purpose. He pawed the restraining arm down in front of his chest so he would not fall out of the thing then he leaned forward to lap at the alcohol beverage his mother poured into a bowl. He grinned, no matter what kind he drank, whiskey was always whiskey.

"Mom, why don't you join us? It'll do you some good. Get out of here away from the memories. And you would actually see the things I have. Not to mention the food, there is so much out there. Yes, it is limited compared to the chef's private stock, but the people make wonderful things."

"Let me tell you something, my child, your father always had an ego larger than his head. And now that I saw him put into his place, it's humbling. I greave for him, yes, but I greave for myself more. I never realized how much I depended on his big head to cover my own. Now that I began to think about him, I see more and more of my own faults. I don't know what to think of myself anymore."

"I do," Sam said after a short period of silence. "You are a mother to two wonderful children and you are the only mother a young pup has. Even if he is a stepson, you should raise him just the same."

"Suppose I should. But he did shame our mateship..."

"He did, but you didn't, did you?"

"No... I stayed loyal. Even denied temptations from the young, handsome males when they caught me alone."

"I glad, but you really haven't answered me. Will you join us?"

The Suicune morph sighed as she tapped the bottle on the wooden bar top.


"Samuel Arthur Snowtail, do you expect me to abandon my daughter to duties she does not know?"

"Tauros shit! She grew up in your shadow, she knows everything you know."

"Watch your mouth."

"No, I will not. Admit it; you don't want to leave the safety of this cave, do you?"

The morph remained silent as she nursed her liquor.

"Damn it, Marsha Snowtail! You are a shame to the Hackrais bloodline! Put down that damn bottle and look at your son!"

The bottle dropped from the female's paw, her jaw quivered as she slowly turned to the feral equivalent of herself.

"You shame your own father, you know that? He risked his life to see if the outside world would accept us. He brought back tales of lands that had no Pokèmon living among humans, he brought back hope that we could walk among humans. Yet here you are with the same damn opportunity and you ignore it. Stop this shit and actually think! Go with me and see the world!" If it was possible for the Water type to sweat, Sam was sure there would be a puddle of it forming under his stool.

The expression on Marsha's face was a portrait moment, she could not even move.

"Well! Speak!" Sam growled harshly.

"You're right..." The female whispered but very much heard by her son. "I have disgraced my father, always have."

She slammed the last of her whiskey back then tossed the bottle against the wall. The glass shattering made her flinch.

"I'll do it. I'll finally make Daddy proud. I think it would do me good to get back to my roots just like I was as a pup..." She stood abruptly, wavered then collapsed.

Sam sighed then worked his way free of the restraints then slid to the floor. "Jason?"

"I'm here."

"Can you help? I'd like to take her down to the hospital."

"Sure, crouch down and I'll lay her on you."

"Be gentle, she does have a bad knee."

"Right," Jason walked over to the former Victress and knelt to pick her up. "You didn't have to cuss at her, you know."

"But it got my point across, which was my goal. Mmphf, she's gained some weight."

"Got her?" Jason asked and received a nod. "She's all yours. And tell the staff that all of us will be stopping by before leaving tomorrow."

"Right. Anything else I should add to that?"

"Not yet."

Jason watched Sam leave with his mother hanging limp on his back. With a sigh, Jason walked away from the private bar and began his search for his mate. He smiled at himself, it seemed like a few weeks ago that he would never have thought to consider calling a lover a mate nor would he have thought he would have a Pokèmon as one. When he finally found Azu, he was on the verge of laughing at his own thoughts. She looked upon him worriedly but he waved her off before sweeping her off her feet and holding her tight.

He asked about his son, of course he was playing with the other three children. The voice in the back of his mind became louder as he asked about Mickey. It almost annoyed him that it wanted Mickey to begin training for battling. He submitted and told Azu his task to train their son. She did not protest, as he expected, but insisted that she join in.

He grinned. Two birds with one stone, as they say. Jason quickly agreed to her whim then set the first session for the night when they got back to the Tree. He felt the need to actually name the place, but he would have to ponder on that one later. As he set Azu back down on the floor, she had a question that stumped him.

"What is your other form's name?"

"I... I don't know. I heard the name Shingeno whispered on several accounts during my time with Kyogre and Groudon."

"It sounds different, I like it." Azu bounced her tail around. For the first time, Jason saw that it looked swelled, perhaps it was just him.

"So I should keep it?"

"Yeah, why not? I mean, it's not as if you have a true species' name. Not even the Weather Trio holds that."

"What do you mean?"

"Right, humans don't know that truth... well, Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza are actual given names that they called out at their rebirths. You are the first of four that did not shout out the name. But considering that someone was trying to get rid of you at the time, it is understandable."

"How do you know this?"

"I thought it was a story my mother made up, but coming here... I know it is a real thing. Speaking of which, I need to tell Mickey that story."

"Well, we'll save that for bedtime, because I want to hear it as well."

"Sure. I can do that. Just be prepared to transform for him."

"I don't have that type of control yet. The beast is strong, and I must become stronger before I call upon it."

Azu huffed but nodded. Jason felt the need to rub her head, but resisted it for fear of being sprayed. Instead, he settled for a smile before turning to walk on, Azu followed quietly. They made their way to the room that Jason was staying in and relaxed. The children were still playing across the hall, the laughter filled the air. Smiles grew across the parents' faces as they held each other.

That night, the story had been told. Jason had many questions in his mind that the voice refused to answer with a straight answer. Giving up for now, he allowed himself to rest. Azu, sleeping with the rest of the females and children, hummed in her sleep as one of the younglings whimpered quietly. Otherwise, all was silent except for one Suicune that walked the streets of his puppy years.

Sam stopped at a seemingly ordinary dead-end alleyway and dug at one corner. His efforts revealed a small metal box. He drug it out, filled in the hole, and then sprayed the box off with a weak Water Gun. Afterwards, he pawed the latch and opened it. Inside held various trinkets, mostly junk according to most people. But the one thing he was interested in the most was a chunk of raw crystal, he grinned and closed the box.

With a little effort, he picked the box up then went back to the castle and secreted his way to his own room where his mate slept soundly. He pressed upon his door; it slowly opened and spilled brazier firelight into the room, which alit Flame's back. Sam smiled as he quietly shut the door then carefully set the box down beside the bed before crawling in next to her.

Her body heat had increased, not that Sam truly cared, but it was noticeable. He figured it to be due to her pregnancy and would continue to increase until she birthed. He would have to remember to ask her about it. But for now, he just watched her sleep until slumber over took him.


Morning. By definition anyway. Outside the cave, the sun had not even broken the darkness. Jason was up and moving, waking everyone up. Protests were made, along with threats. But all in all, the family was packed, fed, and ready to head out before the city below was even out of bed.

Sam led the pack to the hospital where another hour went by with the staff running at full force checking out the twenty-eight bodies that filed in. Though Maylene's group, for the most part was still a mystery to the family, they were still checked in private.

After clean bills of health were giving out, the group went to the service where the Rite of Silence was to be held. They all swore their lives, feral or otherwise, and then flyers were set up. To their surprise, three of the feral Dragonite's came up to the group and offered themselves up as mounts. Marsha quickly accepted along with Zaps and his mate. Mewtwo argued for a bit before he submitted.

"Well, this is one large group..." Jason muttered as he climbed upon Champ.

"It might be wise to split up, just so we don't draw too much attention to us." Champ said quietly as he looked over the crowd.

Jason chewed his lip as he thought it over. Finally, he nodded agreeing with his partner. "Lisa, a word."

Salamance, with Lisa atop him, came over and waited patiently.

"Will you take the others home? I'll take Maylene and Grace."

"Is Moon capable of teleporting such a large group?"

"Only one way to find out."

Jason had Grace release Moon from her ball; she looked upon the group with a strange calm as though judging the thoughts of each individual. After relaying their request, Moon suggested taking an individual at a time to prevent harm. It would take longer, but it was safer. The group gathered waiting for Moon to make her move. She Teleported Lisa and Salamance first.

She returned after five long minutes and huffed. She told those remaining that they were being placed in a meadow closer to the town then from there Lisa was to guide everyone to their new home. Marsha and her Dragon mount went next, then went Zaps, and finally Mewtwo. When Moon came back after that, she looked as though she was ready to collapse. Grace recalled her and let her rest.

The remaining trio silently took to the air and headed to the Fire Isle, which, on a clear day such as this, was seen as a sooty black spot on the horizon. That is what the flyers aimed for. With a silent agreement, they did not try to yell across wind. The long flight drew on, even as midday came, they still could not see land. Below them, the ocean seemed eerily calm, the few clouds above them looked like candied treats. Jason took the time to open his PokèNav and pull up the travel journal and typed in his experience excluding some major details in case someone found/hacked the files.

When the sun was coming close to the horizon, land came into sight. The flyers gladly began dropping altitude aiming for the shoreline where they hoped no lava resided.

Just after sundown, they landed and immediately set up camp. The Fire types reveled in the heat from a magma flow they found nearby. Jason had to agree with them, it could be considered better than the frozen island that Articuno controlled. Even if he had not been anywhere near the free flowing lava. Maylene donned her armor then laid on the ground. The others growled as she began to rub in the fact that she was actually starting to shiver. A familiar face forced her way out of a ball on Maylene's hips. The group froze as they were greeted with a gentle curtsy.