Can't Keep My Eyes Off of Him (Part 5/8)

Story by DylanDragon on SoFurry

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#5 of Can't Keep My Eyes Off of Him

Can't Keep My Eyes Off of Him (Part 5/8)



Can't Keep My Eyes Off of Him (Part 5/8)

Dylan pulled Xavier along with him by the paw, almost running down the pathway. Xavier had driven a nearby restaurant using Dylan's directions, and they had arrived. Wearing simple street clothes, they walked into the building. To Dylan's surprise, they didn't look too much out of place. Most furs there weren't wearing anything too fancy either. Dylan walked up to the hostess. "I made a reservation for two under 'Dylan,'" he told the cougar.

"Alright," she said airily, "Right this way!"

Dylan and Xavier followed her to a table against a wall. They took their seats, noticing a particularly unsettling glance from a boar at a nearby table. They ignored it, and started flipping through the menus. "What's good here?" asked Xavier.

"Um... I've only been here once before with my family...but I had the fish dinner and that was really good"

"Hello? I'm an otter. I'm kind of sick of fish now..." said Xavier, chuckling.

"Well, you can try the lasagna. My sister liked it," giggled Dylan.

Soon, the waitress arrived, asking for orders. They both gave them to her; Xavier with the lasagna, and Dylan with a steak. They're conversation was vivid. Xavier always brought up current standings in the swimming competition, with Dylan sneaking in a biology reference here and there. Soon, they lost track of the time and their food came quicker than expected.

Xavier neatly cut up his meal before slowly eating it, while Dylan haphazardly tore away at his own. The otter laughed as his mate shredded his dinner to pieces using a knife and his draconic teeth. After eating nothing but trail mix bar in almost a day, they both enjoyed the feeling of being full again.

After only twenty minutes, they had already devoured everything. Xavier gingerly sipped his water through a straw and listened to Dylan talk about his trip to visit his cousins. Soon, the bill came. Xavier pulled out his debit card, but Dylan had already put his own on the tray. "I asked you out, so I pay" he insisted.

"But I feel bad not paying. I should at least pay half, then," said Xavier.

"Tell you what. You can pay for the movie later"

"A movie? Oh my gosh, which one?" the otter asked excitedly.

"I was thinking we could go see the Pony Friendship movie. How does that sound?"

"Oh I've always wanted to see that one! Thanks so much, Dylan! This is the best date ever!"

Suddenly, a rude coughing noise was emitted from the boar at the nearby table. This earned him many glances and puzzled looks. The two ignored him. Dylan gave the check to the waitress. He felt Xavier put his paw onto his own claw, and looked up.

"Thanks for taking me on this date, Dylan," said Xavier, almost crying from happiness.

"It was my pleasure...But tonight's not over yet!"

A loud groan escaped from the boar. "Oh come on!" he shouted. The sounds of utensils and clinking glass stopped in the restaurant as diners paused to witness the scene. "It's like you two are proud of it!" he yelled.

Dylan looked around to find the ones the boar was talking about, but could only find himself and Xavier. "Proud of what?" he said.

"Proud to be a freaking faggot!" he yelled.

Gasps permeated the air, as other furs dropped their jaws open, appalled at the rudeness of the boar. Xavier looked like he was about to cry again. At the sight of Xavier's frailty, Dylan stared at the boar with an undying gaze of sternness. "No one," he said in a harsh tone, "No one gets to talk about my mate that way"

"Do everyone a favor, and just leave here. And take your diseases elsewhere"

"Why don't you leave and take your intolerance back to your mother's basement?" Dylan shot back.

At this point, the manager emerged. "Is there a problem?" he asked.

"Yes there is," said the boar, "I am enjoying a simple meal with my mate, here these two are, spreading their gayness everywhere! Fags..."

Said mate was still sitting down, groaning, rubbing between her eyes. "Ari... j-just sit down," she said.

"I'm afraid I'll need to ask you two to leave," the manager said.

"What?!" yelled Dylan, "But we didn't do anything!"

"Not you two," the manager kindly explained, "You two," he firmly stated, gesturing toward the boar and his mate.

"Sorry everyone, sorry!" yelled the boar's mate, embarrassed, as she dragged him out.

"I'm sorry about that, you two," the manager apologized. "Alyssa, will you please give these boys a full refund?" he asked, directing it to their waitress.

"Sure thing, boss," she said, punching in some numbers and then handing the card back to Dylan with a smile.

"Wow, thanks!" exclaimed Dylan.

"It's no problem. You two have a nice night!" he called out as they left.

"That was pretty lucky," said Dylan, as he breathed a sigh of relief. Xavier was still walking slowly with him. He hadn't said a word yet. They had decided to walk to the movie theater, since it was only a few blocks away.

"Dylan..." he started, "Did you really mean what you said back at the restaurant?"

"Mean what?"

"That I was your mate? Because I really would like to be," Xavier said, stopping them both and looking into Dylan's eyes.

"I meant every word," Dylan whispered softly, "I want to be your mate too"

Xavier gasped softly in joy and quickly clasped his paw onto Dylan's claw. They walked to the theater in silence. No talk was necessary.

Dylan was purchasing tickets at the booth, while Xavier watched the fountain out front. The dragon had generously insisted that he would pay for the tickets, since dinner was essentially free. Xavier demanded that he buy the concessions for the movie, and Dylan reluctantly agreed.

In a few minutes, they were in their seats, waiting for the movie to start. Dylan was already munching away at his popcorn, whereas Xavier preferred to save it for the actual movie. Then, the lights dimmed, and the show started.

Dylan and Xavier walked out the theater. During the movie, Xavier had sneaked his paw onto Dylan's claw, who didn't mind it at all. When they left, they were still holding each other. They walked back to the car by the restaurant, and drove home. "Um..." said Xavier when they arrived, "Do you want to take a shower now?"

"That's a good idea. Do you want to go first or should I?"

"You can go first. It is your house after all"

Dylan nodded, and left for the bathroom. Xavier stayed in his room, and played around on the internet. Soon, the sound of splashing water stopped and Dylan appeared shortly afterwards. "I still need to get my boxers on, so you might want to look away" said Dylan with a giggle. Xavier did so but couldn't help but sneak a glance at his mate. Despite not being on a sports team, Dylan was pretty fit. Because he biked very often, his legs were incredibly strong and muscular, but his top half wasn't bad either. Xavier didn't notice a little bit of drool dripping down his muzzle. The dragon saw him looking, and giggled again when he saw Xavier in a trance. "Did you like what you saw?" he asked a bit seductively.

"Um... yeah...well, you're really hot, Dylan," the otter said with a small embarrassed smile.

"Well not as good as you, darling. Now get showering!" he said, giving Xavier a slight push.

Xavier ambled into the bathroom, still steamy from Dylan's shower. He turned on the shower head, hoping his mate hadn't used all the hot water. As the heat cascaded around him, he sighed with relaxation. His fur became matted down under the liquid, and also turned into a darker brown. After a couple of minutes of scrubbing, lathering, and rinsing, he stepped out of the shower, and reached for Dylan's towel. He rubbed it across his face, breathing in the scent of the dragon. He let out a small murr. "Mm...Dylan..." he moaned. He put the towel back on the rack, and suddenly stopped. He realized a problem. He hadn't brought any clothes with him from his own house.

Xavier slowly opened the door, tip-pawing across the carpeted floor into Dylan's room. Dylan was on the computer. "Um... Dylan...?" he asked in a quiet tone.

"Yes, Xavier?" answered the dragon, turning toward him. Dylan's jaw dropped. He knew that the otter was good looking, but he'd never actually seen him fully naked before. "He really is a cute thing," he thought to himself.

"Dylan...c-could I borrow some clothes...?" Xavier asked shyly, still slightly damp from the shower.

"Um... are you sure...? Because I have another idea," Dylan said with a smile.

Hehheh! Cliffhanger! (Well, not really. I'm just making you wait for the good parts... Hee hee!)

Anyways, rate/review please!

I really tried to infuse a lot of "D'AWW"s in this... ^_^

Oh, and a couple of final notes:

  1. The scene with the boar who was all "spreading gayness" is based on a true story. Saw it in a news story online, so I decided to kind of incorporate it. Sorry if it seemed confusing.

  2. The Pony Friendship Movie...Hopefully, some of you recognized the allusion to the actual TV show. There isn't really a movie, but hey... a guy can dream, right? <sigh>

Thank y'all for readin'!