Pray Pt. 3

Story by Rocelin on SoFurry

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#3 of Pray

            The next morning I woke up to a paw shaking my shoulder tenderly. ...Finally got around to finishing this part of the story. This is where the drama finally starts. Rated adult for nudity and sexual teasing. And I would like to thank Reserved Rodent for editing this part of the story.

The next morning I woke up to a paw shaking my shoulder tenderly. "What?" I whined reluctantly reaching for the non-existent covers. The next thing I knew I felt a tongue run along my cheek, the eccentric feel cause me to open one of my eyes out of curiosity. Raymond sat beside me with an oddly fretted smile. "Well, is everything alright Raymond?" I mumbled stretching out my limbs.

"We have guests up stairs," the aardwolf answered with that same weary smile, sending worries through my mind. The multi-colored mammal let out a soft sigh while rubbing one of my legs. "And they happen to be your parents."

A ghostly shiver ran through my spine upon hearing this. "What do they want?" I asked sitting defensively up on the couch.

"If I knew, I promise I would be more than happy to tell you. Yet, I don't and I don't believe my dad knows either. He is currently upstairs with them," Raymond wrapped his paws around me and pulled me close to his chest. "You listen to me and listen to me good. No matter why they are here or what they say, I will love you no matter what. That much I can promise you," I could feel Ray's grip tighten protectively and his nose rub up gently against the back of my head.

One of my paws slipped down to an unclothed leg and started to rub it gently. "Same here Ray. I don't see anything ever changing how I feel about you," being a bit curious, the next time my paw ascended up the aardwolf's leg I let my paw stray and cross over his waist. Oh god, looks like his legs aren't the only thing bare. I mentally cheered feeling up his robust body.

"Not right now Jeremy. Maybe if you have the same enthusiasm later tonight we can play around," Raymond growled seductively and grabbed a hold of my paw. "Come on, I need to finish getting dressed and you can borrow some of my clothes to change into," the large aardwolf lifted me off the couch and set me upon the floor. I grinned happily watched the naked and sexy hyena lead the way to his room.

I watched his tail swing back and forth, showing off his well-toned ass. I grinned lustfully as I started to feel myself peek out of my sheath. Carefully, I came up behind him and wrapped one of my paws around his waist before giving one of his cheeks a gentle squeeze with the other. "So why exactly are you naked anyways?" I questioned before letting out a soft yawn.

Raymond growled playfully before slipping out of my grasp. "I thought it would be an enjoyable way to wake you up," he replied continuing to lead me into his room. Once in, he gently pushed me onto his bed. "Though I hoped you would have acted more like an adult," the hyena added sarcastically before turning away from me.

I smiled happily as I watched him go over to his dresser. As he started to bend over and look from something to wear; my eyes followed his tail hypnotically as it swayed back and forth.

The aardwolf tossed a few things over his should, all of which landed right on my lap. "Try these on; toss your dirty clothes over on that pile over there," Raymond said pointing to the laundry basket without looking up from the dresser.

"Alright," I murmured as the seriousness of the situation finally started to dawn upon me. Not so eagerly, I got up and stripped myself of yesterday's attire. Raymond's clothes looked too large for me to wear, but as I slipped them over my body I was surprised to find they fit far better than I expected. A little baggy, but not that bad. I thought as I finished dressing and looked over my appearance.

"Someone is looking handsome," Raymond chuckled softly as he pulled a muscle shirt over his buff chest. "Come on Jeremy, let's go check what your parents want," he added locking paws with me.

As we headed up the stairs, I pressed my body closer to Ray's as my heart beat with anticipation and many fears. "Is it too wrong for me to think that my parents are going to cause problems?" I whimpered, wrapping my other paw around Raymond's waist. "'cause that's what I think they are going to do."

I could feel tears of uncertainty start to well up in my eyes. Raymond turned around and pulled me against his chest. "Jeremy, after the way they treated you, you have every right to feel that way," the aardwolf's large paws started to massage my back which soothed my uncertainties. He brought one paw back around and dried my eyes. "Calm down Jerry, things will be alright in the end."

I took a huge breath and nodded. The aardwolf pushed the door open and my scenes flooded with old, familiar memories. The mouth-watering smell of my dad's biscuits and gravy reached my nose first, followed shortly by the perfectly seasoned bacon. I could hear my stomach cry out to be filled with the food that I had grown to miss. As we walked into the kitchen my eyes focused upon my graying father. His once snowy white muzzle no longer existed and now was replaced with a dull ash gray.

"Morning dad, Morning Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle," Raymond said diplomatically as he walked past me and took a seat next to his father.

Upon hearing the greeting, my mother turned around and saw me. Her face was written all over with apathy. I turned to avoid her uncaring face. "Hi dad, hello mom," I mumbled, my voice infected with the pains of rejection all over again while trying to keep civil with them.

My gaze wondered back towards my mom, who kept quiet and just stared at me for a few more moments before turning back towards Father Bishop as if I wasn't worthy for a dignified response. The moment my so-called mother turned away from me; my ears drooped and the pain that was in my voice spread through me. I looked over at Raymond to see him motioning for me to sit in-between him and his father. As I made my way over to the seat, I kept my face from straying back towards my mother.

After taking my seat, my paw became entwined with the young aardwolf's nearest paw. Gently, he rubbed the top of my paw with one of his digits. Darius and my mom went back to talking while we all waited on my dad to finish making food.

Finally, my father finished cooking and started to deal out the food to everyone. "It's good to see you are doing well son," my dad whispered softly into my ear as he fixed my plate. I felt my heart tear at itself as my plate was placed in front of me. I knew my father cared about me, but he had been, and still seemed to be too spineless to do anything about the way my mom treated me.

"Thank you for making us breakfast Mr. Hoyle. It's nice not having to make food every day," Raymond chuckled softly before starting to eat.

"Well if this isn't a sight. A man of god allowing so much sin to fester inside his own house," my mother spat angrily causing me to look up over to Raymond. I didn't have to look at her to know why she was so enraged.

Father Bishop turned his sightless eyes towards her and sighed softly. "What are you getting at Perry?" the blind pastor questioned the irate guest.

"You know every well what I'm getting at. You are a pastor and you let your son start filling his mouth without even considering paying thanks to god for allowing him to eat today," my mom snarled with disgust. Raymond's grip on my paw tightened in rage, yet the aardwolf kept his mouth sealed. I could also see my dad out of the corner of my eye focus on setting out the rest of the food, trying his damnedest to avoid the problem at hand, much like he had done the day I had been kicked out.

Next to me, Mr. Bishop took a sip of orange juice apparently unfazed by the female's outburst. "And this is coming from the lady who hardly comes to church anymore," I heard the old hyena counter, muttering under his breath.

I don't think my mother heard what he said, as she started to say thanks to god. Thank god that she stopped there. I silently prayed as the drama came to an end.

"This is very delicious food Mr. Hoyle. And again thank you for cooking for us," Raymond again offered thankfully before shoving more food into his mouth.

My father looked up with a pleased smile; he swallowed what remained in his mouth and cleared his throat. "Thank you Raymond," he looked over at me and Father Bishop before continuing. "Are you two also enjoying it?"

The old pastor nodded his head softly. "The seasoning you put into the gravy is amazing. It even goes well with the bacon,"

I took a quick peek at Raymond whose paw I still had a hold of, before looking back at my father. "It tastes just as great as it always had been. I'm glad that you still have the magical touch with food."

I watched a smile form across my father's face. That smile quickly faded away as my mother spat out a mouthful of biscuits into a napkin. "You fucking disgust me," The enraged coati snarled to nobody in particular.

"Mrs. Hoyle, would you please watch what you say?" Darius said trying to calm my mother. I finally lowered my head back down and away from anyone's gaze after seeing the originally friendly get-together start to head south. Raymond let go of my paw and wrapped his nearest arm around my shoulder pulling me close to his chest. As much as I wished the aardwolf's embrace would banish all my worries, I still could hear my mother yell at Ray's dad.

"I can't stand being in a house full of sinners. I hoped that you would have performed your duties to god, but I can see you still refuse to act," The lone female said smugly as she stood from the table. Her ice cold eyes glared at me and Raymond before returning to Darius. As she continued her voice carried a comber tone. "What happened to the pastor who would keep his family pure at all cost? The one who came to us when he found out his son was in love with another male? It seems like he doesn't care anymore that his son might be sleeping with that faggot," My mom finished pointing an accusing paw at me.

I could feel Ray's paw tense up though my mother's attacks and it squeezed mine tightly as the young aardwolf turned towards his father. "Dad, what is she talking about?"

I could tell that this was turning into a drama fest and glared into my mother's eyes, hoping that she would realize that she needed to stop. Unfortunately, my mother didn't care and ignored me as he as she looked over at Raymond. "What? Did you daddy never tell you that he couldn't stand seeing his son turn into a sinner?" Raymond just silently looked past me at his father. It hurt so much to see his pain-filled eyes. "I take that as a no. That's a shame; I would have sworn the two of you were closer."

I could barely place a paw over his as I saw the pain course through Raymond's face before pushing away from the table and running out of the room. "Ray!" Darius called out after his son. He was about to get out of his seat, but I placed a paw onto the pastor's shoulder.

"I think I should go after him. I probably have the best chance of calming him down."

By the time I got outside Raymond was off and gone. Seeing his car still in the driveway, I let out a sign in relief before thinking of where he could have gone. After crossing off some of the possibilities in my mind, one place finally stuck in my mind I knew Raymond might have gone to. The forest nearby the house quickly filled my vision as I made my way to where our old, childhood tree house used to be.

I stopped dead in my tracks as I found the tree holding the wooden get away. "Wow," I muttered scratching the top of my head. "Not only is it still here, but it look almost as good as it used to," I chuckled softly tracing my other paw gently over the rope ladder dangling below the entrance.

"There was no way I was going to let nature take this back," Raymond's voice called out from beside me. I glanced over to see the aardwolf standing there, downcast with a half-hearted smile. "It reminded me to much of you and with you gone I had no intentions of letting that go either."

I immediately reached out and pulled the hyena into a tight embrace. "Ray, I really regret leaving without saying goodbye, especially to you."

Raymond just gave me a gentle kiss on the lips before shrugging me off. "It's not your fault Jeremy," his voice started to regain its caring tone that it once had earlier that day. We stood in silence for a couple minutes before the hyena grabbed a hold of one of my paws. "So, wanna go inside again?"

"Of course!" I chuckled happily grabbing a hold of the ladder while Ray pushed me up. After getting my paws caught in the loosening ropes, I finally pulled myself inside. I whined softly as I cracked my head against the top of the tree house while trying to stand up.

"What, did you forget my dad made it to match our height when we were twelve?" Raymond chuckled pulling himself up inside. I snorted playfully and looked away from the aardwolf. "Aww, does the poor coati want me to take care of his wounded head?" Raymond added playfully and before I knew it I found his big arms wrapped around me and his muzzle pressing down on my head. The two of us remained in that position for a few more minutes, neither of us saying a word to each other, before the hyena laid back pulling me down with him.

"What's up in your mind Ray?" I asked rolling over to face him. My paws rested gently on top of his shoulders and held me just right above his muzzle. I could feel the tension within his strong shoulder muscles and I twitched my ears softly.

The hyena sighed and wrapped his paws around my lithe waist. "When your mom mentioned my dad's past, you didn't seem that surprised. Why was that?"

I instantly felt even guiltier for not telling him. "Your father mentioned it last night after the play when we were waiting for you outside," I sighed regrettably avoiding looking directly at Raymond. "He said he didn't want you to ever find about his darker times. Please don't hate me for not saying anything about it," I whined softly tracing a flower pattern in Ray's multi-colored chest fur.

The aardwolf stared at me for a few moments before planting another kiss on my lips. "How could I hate you my sweet Zephyr?" Raymond chuckled softly putting his paws inside of my shirt. "You did what you did to protect me."

I laughed and blushed at the mention of the old nickname that he had given me in school. "Why did you first start calling me that?" I asked curiously laying my muzzle down next to his neck.

"Back when we did the Greek gods project in Mythology, you made such big deal about him having a male lover," the hyena chuckled, "And I had my suspicions back then so it just kinda stuck," Raymond added before suddenly pulling me up to him and pressed his lips passionately against mine. I held my lips against his while placing my paws upon his broad chest. My heart raced excitedly as we laid together, our paws gently rubbing over each other. After a while longer we broke the kiss and I rested my head against his right shoulder and gazed down at his body.

"Ray, are you and I..." I began to ask before the aardwolf pressed a paw against my mouth.

"The answer is yes, no matter how you were struggling to end that question. We can be both lovers and best friends," Raymond said reassuringly, taking his paws away from my mouth, "And I love you so much Jeremy Hoyle."

I did my best to keep from crying as I listened to those words come out of his mouth. Never would I have guessed that my best friend would also call me his lover, not even in my dreams. "I love you too, I wish I could have told you a lot sooner!" I whimpered softly, gently gripping a hold of his rusty-tan neck fur.

"Don't worry Jeremy. I'm alright with hearing it now," Raymond whispered softly into my ear as I felt one of his paws reach into his pocket followed by a soft sigh. "We should probably head back. It's been nearly an hour and a half. I need to go apologize to my dad as well," The aardwolf added, pulling me up into a crouched position.

His big, brown arms felt so nice as he pulled me back against him. Once we were outside of the tree house I pressed myself back into his arms. "Let's hope that by the time we get back my parents are long gone."

Holding On

The bringer of death take away your pain In this everlasting dark hour. Never again will you feel the rain That brings the earth its natural power. Please help me find a way to turn back time To free you from his frigid grip. Stay with me...

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Zion Journal 4

_Dear Mom and Dad,_ _ I don't think it should come off as much of a surprise that things still aren't going that well for us. Every day since the ambush I've seen the pain and lingering shock in everyone's eyes. Many of us are too stubborn to say it...

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Lost In My Mind

Conner stared blankly at the laptop before him. It's wasn't uncommon for him to check his e-mails while he did his work from home, he let the students to e-mail him their homework anytime the day it was due, but today was drastically different....

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