Ocean depths part 2

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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#2 of Ocean Depths

Second part

Ocean depths

Part 2

By Roofles

Lucas wasn't really sure what he expected to find when he finally came to. He had a few vague ideas of what could play out. He would be under the blankets with an otter, sore from the waste down, or waking from a rather vivid dream, in his own apartment. He wasn't sure and as he lay there, face first in the pillow, he was afraid to find out. To find out that it all turned out the wrong way and afraid that it actually happened to begin with. Things weren't suppose to have turned out this way. The morning before he had a game plan, so many things made sense. He thought he was happy. And in the end, as he pushed himself up from that haven with in the pillow, he ended up in his neighbors bed. Rather than his...

It defiantly wasn't his own bed and with in a few addled minutes for his mind to grasp the scope of where he was, he defiantly could say he wasn't in his own bed. For one thing, when he slept in his bed his alarm clock was always within arms reach away. For another thing he never woke up butt naked next to a likewise clothless person. Person was such an interesting word used for this scenario too...

Owen J. Carlson wasn't much of a person from where he came from. The court had long since ruled that they were indeed "people" and had every right as any born and raised human did. However no matter how many times you saw them on the boob tube. Or how many times you read about some incident or other in the newspaper. The fact of the matter was when one was laying next to you, alive and breathing, its hard to see them as such (let alone butt naked). That they were actually real, alive and living with us.

Lucas slumped down in the bed a bit stunned, and nauseated. He just stared at the man next to him. How that long body curled up so perfectly next to him. How the slightly smaller than normal arms were resting against him, one on his belly and one behind him firmly gripping his rump. He couldn't see it but could feel the slightly stubby legs entangled with his under the blankets. How he could see the very tip of that long rudder like tail poking out from the blankets edge. Or how that body was resting right next to him, holding him, entangled with him under those blankets. Flesh to fur, limb to limb, face to face.

A muzzle, whiskery, round beady ears in a mess of tangled curley hair kind of face. The way the muzzle curved and dipped into the crook of his neck as he rested back down. The way Carlson's body shifted at the movement, how it let out a soft groan as it scooted closer, whiskers tickling Lucas's bare flesh as it closed the gap between the two bodies.

Lucas just slid a bit deeper into the covers, pulling them up over the two. It took him a second, as if doubting the whole thing, but he himself scooted as close as he could to the warm furry body next to him. Wrapping an arm around the otter and slowly rubbing his furry back enjoying the feel of it once more.

The smell was strong, the warmth felt good, the way that with each exhale he could feel the warm morning breath against his bare flesh. Giving him goosebumps, making him shiver slightly. He wasn't used to it, that smell. A strong, muskiness hung in the air. Clung to the sheets. And came from the man next to him. Lucas wasn't appalled or disgusted, it was just new. This whole experience was new to him. This wasn't something you heard about or read about. One of the few tabboo subjects that the world never truly condemned or acknowledged. Something no one talked about or wanted to be a part of. Something that as far as the world cared, didn't exsist.

And here he was holding him in his arms, stroking his back, and before he even realized it was whispering sweet nothings to his sleeping form.

He caught himself, holding his breath as he pulled back. He could feel those webbed fingers reflexivly tighten their grip at the sound of his voice. The body next to him scooting an inch closer as well practically grinding against him now.

Lucas was torn. In pure bliss while at the same time...afraid. This whole scenario was so unheard of. This wasn't some star torn love, a fated encounter, a blessed union. This was just -

Sick. He heard it all the time back home.

He breathed heavily. It was like the walls themselves had eyes. Watching. Judging. Condemning. Hating. Whispering. He could feel his heartbeat in his throat. Beginning to sweat. He was never clastophobic but the walls themselves seemed to be closing in.

A paw brushed his cheek, a tongue licked his chest, and a muzzle nuzzled the nook of his neck again. A neck covered in love bites from an all too earger otter the previous night.

"Good mornin'," Carlson rumbled, a deep throaty noise that sounded more animal than not. Lucas nearly jumped.

Before settling down and sinking further into the bed until Carlson was above him, looking down with endearing eyes that whispered those three words.

"Up for another?" The muzzle parting just enough to nip at his neck again.

"N-no, I'm good," Lucas said beginning to relax. The voice was soothing, forbidden and he loved how his voice had softened after that very first kiss yet still held that husky tone. As if it was the first sign to how things changed from simple neighbors to something more.

Carlson bumped noses, making that sound again. It rumbled from his chest, a strong dominant sound. He bumped noses again. "You doin alright, I didn't play a little to rough did I?" He said sweetly, though there was a hint of pride in his words that he couldn't fully hide from his face. He licked his neck, making Lucas tense up for a second before melting like butter between his paws.

Carlson chuckled nuzzling against Lucas's chest now. "Your too damn cute!" He chirped, a noise he made only during rather excited moments Lucas had learned from last night. A single night that would connect the two together so strongly.

Lucas wrapped his arms around that head, hugging it close. "And like your not!" He laughed his doubts seeping away. He had never known someone that could do something like this to him. To make him feel like this...

Carlson muzzle dipped a bit lower, licking his belly. Lucas laugh trying to push him away. The otter just stuck his muzzle a bit lower making him tense up a bit before again just falling back into that blissful state where there were no troubles in this world.

The way the muzzle curved around him, how the tongue was longer than any humans, or just the fact that a full muzzle tended to touch every one of those right places as it scooped, suckled andd devoured his manhood in it. He gasped his legs twitching. He rubbed the curley hair between those two round ears.

"Carl, eh...heh, that'- ah!" He gripped the bed as the body next to him shifted. Moving as elagantly as any cat. Its long body curved up wards so as Lucas's eyes opened once more he saw what it what the sly otter was trying to do.

A sack hung an inch away from his forhead, a blump sheath filled and the contents beginning to spill and drip out, dotting the stubble on his chin with a creamy white tinge of pre.

Carlson was sweet, humble and a charmer. The one thing he was not was subtle. Already lowering to his knees, letting his sack rest on his forhead as he humped needingly forward trying to, once more not very subtly, hint at something.

Lucas wasn't used to such bluntness. Tact had always been a key thing to surviving in his line of work, with his relations and with most of those he knew and loved. It was a nice change, a very nice change. His hands already guiding his hips down a bit, his mouth already opened and his tongue licking that leaking tip.

He wrapped his lips around that tip, not letting a single drop go to waste. Carlson was already resting as much of himself ontop as he could, still having to curve his spine to make sure the two were of even height. Once he knew he was in and the picture was clear what he wanted he gladly went to paying his full attention to the delight before him. Using one paw to keep him up, the other stroking Lucas's thigh and squeezing his ass. Dull blunt claws scrapping his flesh as the paw moved from the side to undeaneath as he cupped, fondling that sweet sack he had spent the past night practically sleeping in. Feeling that fleshy textured between his webbed fingers, his soft warm paw pads making it tighten as his first taste of the morning leaked into his hungry muzzle. Lapping at the tip a bit more to speed up that second batch.

Lucas groaned around the shaft halfway free from its hold. The slick otter easily glided into his eager mouth, half of it lubed with pre the other half lubed in saliva. It shook, quivering as another warm creamy broth spilling forth. That coated his tongue, made him forget all about his doubts with its bitter salty taste. His worries swallowing away with it. None of that mattered now. Because he had him, in this moment. A burning need was building in him again, his hand trailing up his thighs roughly pushing through that thick fur. One grabbing his ass, pulling him down more, the other grabbing at the base of his tail as much as possible and lifting it up high.

Carlson whined, closing his eyes at the sensation. The act itself tightened all the core muscles of his rump, making his knees weak and a very sensitive part of him even more so. The suction around his head had increased, more of him had slipped out and slipped in. An act alone that tightened his pucker, making him roll over to his side and allowing Lucas a turn on top. A quick switch before the two went back to work.

Carlson lapping the throbbing member in his muzzle, the underside coated in his drool. He pushed upwards taking the whole thing in, letting it pulse in the back of his throat by-passing his muzzle and just going right to his gullet. He felt each vein, each texture and muscle. The heat, the heartbeat and pulse. Able to feel the building finish, the quickening heart rate the quickening hip thrust and the loud groan muffled by his own cock. He was waiting with a hungry lust as Carlson felt his released before he tasted it on his lips. As more of him came with in his muzzle all he could do was close his eyes, enhale that scent and live in this moment. It was rich. It wasn't much but its worth was equal to his own full amount. His own that was already throbbing for sweet release.

He pulled back, tendrils of saliva still connecting the cock above him. His own drool dripping down onto him, mixed with that sweet release still dripping from the tip. He breathed heavily, making sure that with each exhaled it teased that sensitive tip and with each inhale smelling and tasting that scent again and again. All too happy to watch Lucas knees bend down, his muzzle pressing into the crook of his legs, which he, happily, began to lap at; beginning to buck his own hips in turn.

Lucas was only getting started. Fondling his sack with one hand as he licked and teased the thick slick head, the other hand jerking the thickened base slowly. Building up that sweet release. That slick member slipping from Lucas's lips as he rubbed his face against his groin. Sack, cock and inner thighs licking all he could as the warm flesh pressed against his cheek. His hand quicking each stroke every few seconds building it up slowly.

"Ooooooh, Lucas," Carlson groaned, his ankles rolling in their sockets as he pushed his muzzle into the crotch above him and fully taking a breath of his scent. Focusing on that smell, the warmth and feel of the man above him, the man he was bucking into still. Letting out another loud half muffled moan of pleasure and taking both paws Carlson pulling those hips down as far as they could go against his face.

Lucas arched his back, getting one final good look at the otter between his legs before going back to the task at hand. The pink member throbbing with every third stroke, a volcano building and rising inside as Carlson's sack tightened againt his body, his muscles tensed and tightened and he took a long gasping breath. Until finally oozing white magma it sent shivers up his arm, down his back and along his now rigged tail as it mixed with his quickening strokes. Lucas noticed just like last night. How the tail curved and toes fan out spreading and showing off the webbing in between. How his stomach sank in and his breath stopped. He gave it a few more jerks before opening up wide a few inches away.

Streams of the white ribbons pulsed forth. Only several strands actually making the target. Others landing on his cheek and chin, some on the their chests and the last few just spilling forth from the tip; drooling out, oozing onto the otters groin and soaking his fur with that thick bitter musky release. Lucas continued the strokes, milking him for all the otter was worth (which was apparently a lot). When their was nothing but a weak moan from the otter Lucas finally let go of his limp member. Licking each finger one by one before bending over and cleaning the slick, softening shaft the best the man could before it retreated once more into the plump sheath.

"I think we're going to need a shower," Carlson chuckled watching him finish the job licking and teasing at his sheaths opening. "Glad someone cleans up around here," he grinned toothfully rolling his hips so his saggy cock sheath slapped him the face.

Lucas slumped over to his side licking his lips and breathing heavily, he wiped the splatter from his cheek where the cock had hit and rubbed it into his belly fur. "I think this belongs to you."

"Ooooh," he whined sitting up a bit. "It looked so good where it was too." He cooed nuzzling up against him, his arms wrapping around him and before they knew it the two tumbled off the bed in a messed heap of blankets, fur and flesh all tangled up together.

Carlson laughed nuzzling the fleshy body in front him. "Wasn't that a trip," Carlson chirped.

"Oh, it was fantastic. Can't wait til next fall," Lucas groaned a bit uncomfortable in the position he ended up end. The 235 pound otter practically ontop of him and it looked like Carlson didn't have any plans to move any time soon. "Now get off me you big klutz!"

"I don't know, I'm rather comfy where I ended up," he said looking down with a smug smile. Unfortunetly for him a pillow happened to have fallen with in arms reach and he soon got a muzzle full of it.

"Now, off off!" Lucas hit him a few more times for good measure.

"I'm gettin' off, I'm gettin' off!" He said trying to protect himself from the feathery death.

"Good," Lucas sat up only to get a face full of pillow himself.

"Ha! Let your guard down," Carlson flex before dropping back a bit as he caught the look on his face.

"You know this means war!" Lucas said chucking the pillow at him, the otter ducked to the side as Lucas jumped up onto the bed going for the third and last pillow.

"No you don't!" Carlson shouted grabbing his foot. "Tickle death!" He shouted taking a finely plucked feather from one of the pillows and mercilessly trying to tickle him.

Lucas looked back, "my feet aren't tickleish ya weasel."

"Weasel! I'll show you a weasel!" He said mid jump pouncing on top of him, tickling his sides and legs, under his arms and neck. Anywhere he could possible considered to be a weak spot. Finally breaking his defenses as his paw grazed past his side.

"N-NO! Stop, haha, I give, I give!" Lucas laughed rolling back and forth trying to get the otter off him. He flailed about a bit before grabbing the last pillow by the edge and with all his might chucking it at him.

Carlson ducked and watched as it crashed into one of the side lamps knocking it over and breaking it.

"Oh shit, sorry." Lucas said sitting up tears slightly in his eyes from laughing.

"...it was an ugly lamp anyways, sneak attack!" Carlson said pouncing back onto him. His muzzle locking around his lips and kissing him deeply.

Lucas blinked a few times stunned before returning it with gusto.

Carlson stroke the back of his head, giving him a big squeeze before letting him go. "Surprised you didn't I?"

"But of course," Lucas nodded a faint blush in his cheeks.

"'Cause, NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!" Carlson shouted pouncing back on him, tumbling over and falling off the bed.

Lucas looked over and down at the pitiful thing. "Your hopeless, I just want you to know that."

"Yeah, but I got the three of you, didn't I?" He said point to his left of him.

Lucas rolled his eyes and got up. He rubbed his chest a bit, the caked release still stuck to his happy trail. "I really think I need a shower," he mumbled picking a piece off.

"Well we've already had breakfast," Carlson grinned.

"Ah yes, the infamous protein shake breakfast." Lucas rolled his eyes heading for the bathroom.

"H-hey wait up!" Carlos rolled over crawling on all fours after him. Lucas didn't want to say it but he did that a little too well.

"Do you want to go first then?" Lucas asked opening the door.

"First? You won't be joining me?" Carlson' ears fell and whiskers drooped.

"Y-you want me to?" Lucas asked stunned. He'd been in several relationships but none had even had the gull to ask if he wanted to take a shower with them. He must have the worst dating record, he reflected.

"Well, I'd love to actually." He finally said. Carlson practically hitting his head on the ceiling as he jumped with joy. He slipped behind him pushing him forwards into the bathroom. Not even bothering shutting the door behind them.