Express Lane: Chapter 1 - Curing the Bunny Bag-Boy Blues

Story by Cyan Spirt on SoFurry

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Hi there everyone, I know it's been a while since I've posted anything...and in my defnce i don't really have anything other then mind numbing depression at being alone in the world after ahvign it turned upside down by the love of my life dieing. (See previous posting if this is news to you). Anyways, I finished this story and decided to post it on the nine month anniverasy of my mate's death as an homage to him...though at the one year interval I already have a story in the works as a true tribute to everything that he ment to me as a person and as a piller of support in my life. If this seems a bit conviluted and rushed, I apologize, i'm currently drinking a bit while listening to all of our favorite music before finally hitting our song in teh grand finalle at midnight. It's this....ritual i have every month on the 11th as a way of making sure I never forget him. was a guy...not sure if you noticed that in the previous story I kept teh gender vague....but I don't see the point anymore....besides, as i said, the vodka's getting to me. I realized that of all teh storys I read, I seem to be the only one to use this as a sort of blog as well. Expressing personal thoughts and stuff to my readers...maybe it's becuase i don't have an outlit where i live to express such things...or that i'm under the cover of Yiffstar that it doesn't feel like I'm really doing anythign....or that I know that in ways other people might not understand, people here can relate to what I'm rambling about. It's been such a downward spiral since my last story that there really isn;t much to say then it's a downward slide that doesn't look like it's coming to an end anytime soon. I've begun haveing fits of uncontrolable rage, punching pillows and TVs and anythign else that even gets me miffed. I have also started becoming jealous at other people's PDA (public displays of affection), like seeing two poeple hold hands or kiss, something in me just boils over and i swear, i go white knuckled gripping the table as i sit there in silence. I do however want to thank everyone whose given me comments of support on my last story, it's.....refreshing I guess to know that someone knows what it's like to loose a mate when you're in teh throws of love and passion. I'm sure there will be plenty of people who skip over my rambleings...and i don't blame them really.....but i guess me just writing all this out is sort of a cheap form of therapy that helps me get everything off my soul for a night (though that's what's the booze for aswell). I know i shouldn't mate was a straight edge, you know, no drinking, no drugs, no sex outside of true love, so i know he wouldn't like me....but it's hard....sometimes I do it just because maybe...if I do it enough he'll have to vist me to get me to stop...and I could see him one last time, confess my deepest emotions to his soul. [sighs] But i've always been one of those hopeless "bleeding heart" romantic know, the ones that;s choose a picnic over a five star resturant, a movie and snuggle by the fire rather then a matine or theater, a soft promice rather then a diamond ring....that's me in a nut shell. Anyways...if you got any questions about me or my former relationship or anythign else you feel like telling me, I can be reached at [email protected] or you can just comment on a story or two. But now on to the gits of it all. All these characters are copywrited to me...Cyan...though if someone feels like running with one of them, as long as you ask first, I don't see why I wouldn't agree to it. This story came to me one day as I was putting away groceries in my pantry, though i suspose I've had a secret desire to try something like this for a while, something that's out of the norm, but not overly creepy or horrifying. I hope you all like it as well, maybe even add it to your lives at home, though I'd love to hear about it, know that I'm in some small way making an impression on my readers and lopyal fans. And speaking of fans, The next chapter to my ongoing series will be out shortly, this just happened to be done first. Sorry if I rambled, as I said I just don't have an outlet for this type of stuff. But I due hope you like my story, and I'd love to hear what you have to say about it down below on the comments section. Till next I write, enjoy! * * * "Looks like there's gonna be a storm tonight Blake," a voice said from across the checkout counter where the small rabbit was currently stationed. The boy looked up into the face of a large brown bear, his face creased with wrinkles as he gave a wayward glance to the expansive bay windows situated behind them. "I bet it's gonna rain cats and dogs..." he mumbled in a heavy southern accent, his large paws resting on the metal counter that threatened to give way under his immense weight. "Aww fuck," the bunny said, turning around to stare across the vacant parking lot as he watched the black clouds begin to make their slow decent towards the small mom-and-pop grocery store where both furs were employed. "The one time I forget my umbrella...and we're gonna have a torrential downpour," he mumbled as he looked around, his eyes catching sight of himself in the metal counter next to him. Staring back at him was the face of a 19 year old rabbit, "Same ole Blake Monin..." he mumbled to himself as he wiped the sleep from under his emerald eyes. He was a scrawny little thing weighing just 105 pounds, and at 5'6", minus his ears which would tack on another foot, his body type was a one word description: stick. The bunny's soft fur was the color of polished steel and covered his entire body, from the tops of his ears to the tips of his toes. Reaching up, the lapine ran his fingers through his hair, pressing down the neon blue strands which he had dyed himself for Halloween one year, having decided on keeping it. "You look like a mess," he mumbled to himself while trying to straighten out his uniform, his paws fixing the wrinkled collar on his shirt before adjusting the lop-sided bow that held up the apron draped around his waist. He then brushed the dust from his khaki shorts, his gray legs peaking out of the bottom before his white socks took over and lead to his red converse. "Yep, any minute now the sky'll open up and it'll come down in buckets..." the bear said again, eyes still focused outward as he gently stroked the scruff of his neck. Reaching out with his other paw, he gently ruffled the rabbit's sapphire hair, "That's just how life is sometimes little buddy. But just remember...after the biggest storms always comes-" "The biggest flowers," Blake said, finishing the other male's sentence with a knowing smirk, "You're starting to repeat yourself there, Ritter." They both laughed for a brief second as the smaller male gave a quick once-over of his co-worker. The bear, who was roughly two times his weight and almost three heads taller then him, minus his ears of course, came in at around 237 pounds and 6'8", was a jolly character. Ritter, his full name never given, was currently wearing a pair of frayed blue jeans which had been cut into shorts, green t-shirt that was two sizes too small for his bulky frame, and a black apron tied around his waist with a large bow placed right above his small tail. "Shouldn't you be back behind the carving counter in case anyone wants a half-pound-a cow?" he asked with a gentle nudge. Ritter just gave him a quick stare down before cracking a warm southern grin, "I'm on break..." he said with a chuckle. His eyes looking over the interior of the grocery store, taking note of the sheer lack of life among the isles of fresh farm-grown produce, caned and boxed goods, and all the other convinces of a home-cooked meal prepared for those who didn't have the time or money to do it themselves. "So are you the only cashier on duty tonight? I figured Felix would be around on a night such as this, I'm sure this weather is threatening to spoil all of his club-hop'en." "You're always on break. I think the only reason you actually stick around here is because no one else is strong enough to lift those giant slabs of meat," Blake said with a grin before glancing over at the empty register kiosk to the left of him where one of his best friends since childhood was usually stationed. Felix Daily, an up-beat and positively adorable fox kit, who was the only other permanent employee here at Express Lane other then himself, Ritter, and the managers, Craig the rather large mountain lion, and his fiancée Amanda, a dainty husky gal. Everyone else who usually came to work here were either dead-beat teens looking to make a quick buck, drifters who'd simply be passing through for the harvest season, or ex-cons hoping to add something else besides armed-robbery to their resumes. "You know Felix, whether it's rain, shine, or the second ice-age, there's always a party somewhere that he has to find," the rabbit retorted. "I don't know..." the bear replied thoughtfully, "I've heard stories about you handling some pretty big slices of beef yourself." He gave a wink, watching the rabbit's whiskers twitch before receiving a solid punch in the arm for his blatant statement. "Aww come on...don't be sore," he pleaded playfully, "Everyone here knows about you and Felix's little 'ten items or less' game." Yes, the bunny was gay. Yes, the bunny was out of the closest. And yes, he was certainly enjoying himself; but he wasn't still used to everyone calling him out on his rather exorbitant sex-life. "Well, I've heard you like to dabble in the sausage section from time to time yourself there big boy," Blake retorted, scrunching up his muzzle as he went back to counting out his daily total. He started counting his smaller bills, his mind wandering to the last time he and the fox had used their ploy, aptly named the 'ten inches or less line'; the game was simple really, as each male furr walked into the store, the two friends would send IM's through the register system about how big a package they thought he was carrying. Most of the time they'd agree, and anyone they thought to hold more then ten inches was kept an eye on, so that when they came up to pay, one would distract him while the other was able to get a better look. And if they were unsure, or if they really thought the guy was really hot, the next step of the game called for one of them to seduce the customer to find out, and then report back to the other. They had quite an extensive list between them of the people in the small country community where they lived, some patrons returning just for the fact that they knew two easy sources of tail for those sudden urges. Blake was so distracted by his thoughts that he only snapped out of it once he realized that he had gone through all the small bills in his paws, and realized that he couldn't recall what amount he had gotten. "What can I say?" the bear offered with as shrug, "I like trying the best things life has to offer me," the large male's stubby tail wagging behind him while he reminisced on previous encounters. "I just play both sides of the field, nothing wrong with have a little change every now and then," he said, his large pink tongue licking along his lips as he looked his co-worker up and down, "Variety is the spice of life." Blake just looked up at Ritter, eyeing him rather oddly before he focused back on the cash in his paws. "Yeah, can go spice up your life back at the deli counter," he said with a grunt, annoyed that he'd have to recount his total once again. It wasn't the fact that repetitious task really got to him, or that he minded the ink from the cash rubbing off on his fur, but that without his pal Felix here, this place seemed even duller then usual. "I mean, don't you have anything there to clean or something? Maybe even place a new order or two if you can find the time..." the rabbit muttered, "Besides, isn't your break over by now?" "Can't ya cut me some slack?" Ritter suggested with a gentle squeeze to the bunny's left shoulder, "I mean we close up shop in ten minutes anyways." But the lapine's only response was to gently slide out from the imposing brown paw that all but encompassed his upper arm, and give a long sigh as he looked down at the bills in his fingers. "I get the feeling you're tired and want to go home," the large bear said as he glanced down, a chuckle rolling out of this throat as he ruffed up the bunny's hair. "Well, I suppose I should sanitize the lobster tanks so I don't have to do it in the morn'in," Ritter suggested with a thoughtful look skywards, "Guess I'll leave you to your thoughts then." And with that, bear gave the rabbit a small poke on his pink nose before turning tail and heading back to his station in the rear of the store, the entire building shaking at each massive step he took along the tile floor. Blake watched his friend walk off before glancing down to the cash in his paws, and once again got down to counting it out. After a minute or so, he had finished and recorded the amount in on his inventory sheet before stuffing this shift's haul in his moneybag and placing it on the counter for pick-up. The bunny then pulled a set of keys from his pocket and locked up his register; grabbing the moneybag, he set off for the main office and drop box where he'd drop off his cash, clock out, and finally be free for tonight. But before he even managed to take a single step out of his open-air cubicle, Craig, the on-shift manager, came on over the loud speaker. "Mr. Monin, your services are requested in the stock room. Seems due to the impending weather, our nightly stock boy decided to call in sick and we need someone to restock the shelves," the feline said through static. "Why don't you get off your lazy ass and do it yourself?" Blake shouted back as he stomped towards the back of the store and through those plastic strips that lead into the storage room. He knew that the mountain lion could hear his every word, the walls in the Express Lane weren't terribly thick; if one wanted to, you could have a conversation with someone on the complete other side of the building with no trouble. "Because," the cougar continued "Me and Amanda have plans for tonight that simply can't be moved." Just then, a loud hooting whistle came from over in Ritter's section, followed by a bit of suggestive moaning and grunting that made Blake giggle a bit. "Yes, well..." Craig said through the loud speaker, the rabbit could picture his tawny cheeks turning red, "Nonetheless, it's your job, so get to it...Just drop off your money as usual, the keys will be on the rack like always." The lapine was currently loading a random assortment of boxes from storage onto his cart and pushing it out onto the floor before looking up into the windows of the second floor office perched just over the cashier stations, which were currently hidden behind a set of blue vinyl blinds. "You mean I have to close up too?" the rabbit moaned loudly, not looking forewords to all the extra work that had just been piled up on him. "You do realize that I'm gonna be getting overtime for this, right?" Blake asked as he moved down isle five, the canned soups and sauces section. "Yes yes..." Craig repeated with a sigh, "The papers have already been drawn up and will be placed by the clock when I leave, just punch out as always." Suddenly, a bright flash of lightning streaked over the nearly empty parking lot, its bright light illuminating the surrounding trees and roads before vanishing. "You had better jump on it before the storm hits...pun intended," the feline said with a laugh as the sound of thunder made the entire building rattle. Blake grimaced at the thought of having to walk home in the rain. He could already feel the shivering cold creeping up the base of his spine as he made his way down the isle and started ripping open boxes. "At least Ritter will be here to keep me company," he announced as got to work stocking the selves with various flavors of salad dressings. "No can do little buddy," the bear announced, Blake could hear him slicing meat for tomorrow's customers, "I have a little get-together myself that I have to attend to." Soon the sound of locking cabinets echoed through the store before the building once again shook with the heavy movements of the bear. "You're leaving me too?" the rabbit asked in disbelief as he tossed his empty boxes on his cart and began pushing it back into the store room to get the next load of products. "Sorry Blake," came the response as he heard Ritter clock his time card and begin heading towards the employee exit in the rear of the store. "I wish I could help you," the bear offered with a shrug, "But like Puss-in-Boots up there, I got me a lady friend to attend to myself." Static filled the store as the intercom came on again, "I heard that Poppa bear!" Craig said in a mock growl. Both employees looked up to see a shadow moving around in the office behind the blinds, "Better get hopping little hare..." the feline said, offering a small wave as the shape moved towards his private exit. The employees heard their manager open and leave through the door and descend the metal stairs outside towards his private covered garage. A cool summer's draft filled the store as Ritter opened the door to the rear of the building where he had parked his car. "The cat's right you know," the bear said, peering out at the gray clouds which were darkening by the second, "The sky's threatening to burst any second. And while normally I'd be more then willing to offer a helping paw, when it's between you getting wet, and me getting piece of tail, well..." "I know, I know," the rabbit said with a sigh as he rolled his cart down the frozen food isle and began restocking all manner of fish sticks, pot pies, and ice cream. "Just go already Ritter, you're letting in moist air while I'm freezing my balls off in front of a stack of frozen peas,' the boy muttered. "You're a good friend..." the ursine shouted back, "I owe you one for this." And with that, he was gone. The slam of the metal door signaling that Blake had been left alone in the Express Lane for the rest of the night till whenever he managed to finish restocking the shelves and leave the building himself. Closing the freezer door in front of him, the bunny pressed his forehead against the frosted plastic and sighed as he wiped the dust, grime, and condensation off of his face. "If only I had a steady boyfriend," the rabbit whined softly, "Then you can bet your bottom dollar I'd leave 'em with the after-hours cleanup." And with that, he piled the empty boxes back on, and headed towards the stock room to pick up his next load of cargo. He came out minutes later with a wide selection of fresh veggies and fruit that were to be up for sale the following day. As Blake rounded the corner towards the apple bins, he glanced up from his work as a large crimson red SUV pulled into one of the few illuminated spaces towards the back of the parking lot. While his paws unpacked the boxes, he watched from a distance as moments later, a figure stepped out of the driver's side door; the creature looked up at the sky, and then begin a steady jog towards the entrance of the store. Glancing up at the wall mounted clock hanging just over the cashiers' section, Blake saw that it was now a quarter after closing time, so by company regulations he didn't have to remain open. Finishing up with the apples, he scooted a few bins down and got to work unpackaging the bananas just as he heard the sliding doors open, announcing his final customer. Out of the corner of his eye, Blake could see his newest arrival, and not wanting to give any indication that he was watching, the bunny kept ready to run should this become a robbery. The figure was a canine, a male canine, that much he was sure of once he moved under the front lights. His fur was the color of bleached driftwood, a soft beige tone that melded perfectly with his sandy-blonde hair and piercing yellow eyes which sent shivers up the rabbit's spine. He looked young, maybe around his own age or a tad older; his ears constantly twisting in different directions as he scanned the store front before grabbing a small blue hand basket and heading inside to do his shopping. As the strange canine came down the center isle, his gaze falling on their wide selection of bargain products up for sale, Blake managed to get a better look as his mystery shopper moved along the isle right next to his. The male was a wolf, that now obvious by the long, thin, furry tail that wagged to and fro behind him, and perked triangle ears. He was clad in casual business attire, his long brown trench coat left open to reveal a white buttoned down shirt, red tie, brown leather belt, and black slacks which creased all the way to his black shoes. Overall, the rabbit couldn't help but marvel at the rather handsome customer before him, not to mention that the obvious bulge in the lupine's pants made Blake wonder if he'd fit the requirements for his little game. The rabbit switched to the other side of the lane and began unpacking the vegetables, starting with the large heads of red and white cabbage. That's when the mysterious wolf sauntered into his isle with his hand basket already partially filled. Their eyes met for the briefest of moments, then Blake gave a soft "EEP!" and looked down at the bins before him, his face as red as the tomatoes he was now unpacking. He began to hum to himself in the hopes of blocking thoughts about the nameless fur on the other end. Eventually they became back to back, each concentrating on his side of the isle; soon enough however, Blake felt a presence looking over his shoulder. Turning around, the lapine was staring right into the face of the wolf, his muzzle in a wide smirk at the trembling boy before him. "That's a mighty big carrot you have," he said with a chuckle, "Mind if a take a look at it?" The strange wolf cocked his head as he gave the cashier a once over with his yellow eyes, looking as though he were planning on purchasing him along with his groceries. "W-w-wha-aaa," the bunny stammered, the insides of his large ears turning a bright pink as he faced the hunky lupine. Blake wondered if he heard right; he knew that he was well hung for a rabbit his size, but the wolf couldn't possibly have known that unless his pants were bulging as much as he felt they were. He fidgeted a bit, "Ummm....excuse me, what did you say sir?" he managed to squeak out. "I was talking about that carrot you are holding in your paw," the beige male said, eyes motioning to the large orange pillar that Blake was hefting up at shoulder level. The rabbit hadn't even realized that he had been unpacking them, his paws working at the same mindlessly repetitive task while his mind had strayed deep into the gutter. "I'm having a little get together in a few days and I was hopping that carrot would be what I needed," he said, reaching out for the vegetable. The lapine just nodded, "Oh, absolutely sir," handing the carrot over while he tried to hide the redness on his cheeks. "Sorry about that...I was just a bit distracted is all," Blake said, watching the lupine look over the goods. Blake had to admit, that as he watched the carnivore scrutinize every aspect about the vegetable, it did certainly appear to very a rather delicious specimen. Looking up from his examination, the nameless furr shot the boy a warm smile that sent tingles down his spine, "Thanks, it's just what I'm looking for." And with that, the wolf tucked the carrot into his basket, turned tail, and continued down the isle, glancing over various prices. He was about to turn down the next lane when he gave a backwards glance over his right shoulder, "I'm in the mood for some fresh cream, you wouldn't happen to have any, would you?" he asked with a smile. Blake had just gotten back to his unpacking when he heard the question; his face instantly broke out in a deep blush as he glanced up just enough so that he could see the wolf's face. "Dairy's on the far wall that'a way," he said softly, motioning to his right. "Thanks little bunny," the lupine replied with a small nod. The mysterious stranger then set out in the direction indicated, and in a few seconds, was out of sight from the speechless worker who remained still, blankly looking off into space. Blake couldn't help but get a tingling feeling in the pit of his gut as he continued unpacking the boxes. It wasn't just the fact that everything this mysterious stranger said to him turned his face crimson, but that he was enjoying it as well. He was making a mental note to himself when his paw struck empty cardboard and he realized that he had once again finished this selection and had to go back for the next one. While he made his way back to the storage room, his mind just kept going over each sexual innuendo the strange wolf had said to him over the course of their conversations. By the time he reopened the swinging doors pulling his last load of boxes for the night, the rabbit was firmly convinced that such a magnificent creature as the wolf was merely toying with him. As it was, the final few boxes were of yogurt, cheese, and other such milk products; so off to the back row Blake went, praying the entire time that maybe the lupine had already gotten his cream and moved on. So the small gray furred creature held its breath as he slowly rounded the corner, letting out a deep sigh as he saw that the isle was vacant of other life. Pulling the cart into the center of the lane, Blake began running up and down the isle putting away the various groceries till all he had left were cartons of grade 'A' eggs. He was working on the final box when his acute hearing picked up the sound of someone moving closer to him. The next thing he knew, the warm touch of someone's pads touched his right shoulder, and the hairs on his neck stood straight like lightning rods. But before the unknown individual could say anything, the lapine let loose a high pitched scream, dropping his last container of eggs as he spun around to face his would-be attacker. The wolf let out a similar holler of surprise and backed away, clutching the plastic basket to his chest as both males took a second to catch their breaths and realize their situation. "Oh my, did I frighten you?" the wolf said apologetically, he gave a soft whimper as he offered a small bow of the head. "It's my fault sir," Blake said in response; that's the first thing they teach you in sales jobs, the customer is always right in reason and infallible in action. "I must have been zoning out..." he said as he rubbed his temples, "Guess that's what I get for staying up so late." "Sorry I made you drop your eggs..." the canine said, motioning with his eyes to the cracked Styrofoam container that by now was leaking yellow yolk over the floor. The bag boy's eyes followed the wolf's to the damaged goods lying before him. "Oh..." he whined, "That's going to be deducted from my pay for sure!" Peering inside the container, he saw that half of the eggs had been cracked beyond use, but that the other six remained in good condition. "Seems there's still half a dozen left, too bad I can't repackage and sell them before my boss gets in tomorrow." The rabbit said. "That's just enough," the wolf said with a thoughtful look in his eyes, "I think I can make do with only six, just means I'll have to cut down on the omelets this week is all." Still kneeling on the floor, Blake glanced up at the kind stranger standing before him; " realize that I'm not authorized to give you a discount...right?" the bunny asked, whiskers twitching as he used a free paw to push the neon blue hair out of his face. The canine just smiled, "And I wouldn't expect one either, so don't worry about it." And with that, the wolf leaned in, reaching down to meet the rabbit half-way; however, Blake failed to notice the lupine's actions as he rose from the floor, their heads colliding in a hard 'CRACK' that left both males a bit dazed. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" the rabbit said loudly as he quickly rose to his feet, bowing several times at the wolf before him who just looked on bewildered. "I-I didn't mean it, I'm so sorry. Are you alright? Please don't sue..." Blake pleaded, fearful that this mysterious well-dressed stranger might have connections to some powerful forces. A soft chuckle left the beige lips as the yellow eyes seemed to stare at the gray bunny before him; a gentle swipe of his paw pushed blonde locks from his face as he stooped over to pick up his basket, placing the damaged carton of eggs inside of it. "No harm done," he announced as he stood up, a smile emblazed on his muzzle, "That's quite a hard head you got there." The gray furred male felt rather embarrassed, unsure how to respond, he merely mumbled a soft, "Thank you," under his breath. They stood like that for a minute or so before the rabbit, with drooping ears and eyes staring at the floor, managed to speak; "There anything I can do know, make up for hitting you?" he asked hesitantly, his fingers crossed behind his back. The lupine gave a hefty nod, "Actually there is," he said with a chuckle. "I was hopping you could ring me up seeing as how you seem to be the only one around here tonight," as the male took several steps closer to the rabbit. "Uhh...yeah, I can," Blake said stammering, shivers passing up his spine as the large fur moved ever closer to him with each step. He figured that he'd leave the cart where it was, and quickly moved around the advancing wolf before moving briskly towards the cashier stations up at the front. "This way," he announced with a wave of his paw as he hurried around the corner, hoping to reach his station before the wolf arrived. Seconds after the register booted up, the lupine came around the bend, basket hanging on his arm, as he strolled up to the counter. "This is it...sorry if I made you stay late," he apologized as he started placing his purchases on the small conveyor belt. "It's alright," Blake replied as he absentmindedly started scanning whatever item came before him, paying more attention to the handsome wolf rather then the products. "I had to stay after anyways in order to restock all the shelves, so it's no big problem sir," his eyes watching the screen, seeing the purchases come up only as fragmented letters and numbers. He did see a couple that he knew due to their popularity, half-and-half, carrots, honey, whipped cream, pasta, chocolate sauce, various fresh fruit, the rest he had yet to learn. "That's all I got," the wolf announced as he finished unloading his basket and moved over to the bagging area to await his food. "So what's the damage?" he asked, fishing through his wallet for some cash. The cashier just finished scanning the last item and looked up, "Your total comes to thirty-five dollars and fifty cents sir." "Damn!" the wolf said, rifling through his pockets, "I've only got twenty bucks on me." He started rubbing his forehead, "Do you take plastic?" he asked as he flipped open his wallet once again. "We accept all major credit cards," Blake said as he reached over to turn on the card machine, "I'll just have to see some I.D. to prove you are who your card says you are." "Nothing out of the ordinary," he said, fishing out his Discover card along with his driver's license, handing them both to the bunny behind the register. "I just hope I have some money in that account, it's been a while since I used it," the wolf added on as an afterthought. Blake just nodded, "We'll find out in a moment sir," as he scanned the card and glanced at the screen, "Seems there's enough on the account." And with that he looked at the male's driver's license, noticing that the wolf was only 2 years older then him, before reading the name to himself as he began to bag all of the purchased groceries. "Thank you for shopping with us Mr. Riley Dolce," he said with a sweet smile as he handed back both cards along with the four plastic bags full of groceries. "My friends just call me Ry..." the canine said softly as he started to take his bags, "Or at least they did before my company reassigned me, and I got transferred here to open up the new branch." He gathered up all of his bags, looping his arms through the sets of plastic holes as he hefted them all up at once, obviously straining with the load, but asking for no help. Blake watched Ry take a few steps, his center of balance thrown off by the constant swinging of the heavy bags, his body swaying back and forth as he tried to remain standing. "Damn lupine pride..." he muttered under his breath as he packed up his cash register as fast as he could before rushing out of his booth, nearly tripping over his own two feet as he tried to catch up to the lupine. "If you want to wait a moment..." he said, skidding to a stop, "Just let me clock out, and I can help you carry your bags." Turning around, Riley gave a look of relief as he set his bags gently down on the floor, "I'd really appreciate that ummm..." his cheeks turning a slight shade of red, "I don't believe I managed to catch your name." "It's Blake, Blake Monin!" the rabbit screamed out behind him as he turned and bolted around the corner and up the set of backless metal stairs to the administrative level of Express Lane. He made short work of punching out his time card and dropping his days profit into the door's money slot before rushing back down to meet the wolf. "I'm back Ry..." he panted, doubling over as he tried to catch his breath, "Sorry it took so long." The beige male looked up from his spot; he had been resting his back against the front windows, his head resting between his crossed arms as he smiled. "There was no rush," he added, slowly standing as he picked up two of his bags, "That is unless you are trying to beat the storm." Just then, a bolt of lightening broke the sky with a deafening crack, both males turning to watch the bright branches of light streak across the ebony horizon. A deep sigh escaped the rabbit's muzzle as he bent down and picked up the remaining two bags of groceries. "At this rate, we are going to have to sprint if we want to make it before the skies open up," he said, hefting up his load as he begun waddling towards the exit. Moments later Riley was right behind him, "You really don't have to help Blake," he said, nudging the rabbit's shoulder, "I mean if you have to get home, I understand." The gray boy just looked back and smiled, his small pink nose wiggling as his effortless grin put the canine at ease. "If I didn't want to help you, I wouldn't have asked..." the lapine said frankly, his eyes fixating forewords as they both passed through the electronic doors and into the damp night air. As they stepped outside, Blake turned to Ry, "I just gotta lock up...Can ya give me a moment?" "Sure," came the reply, the tan male watching him set down his bags, lean over, and begin fiddling with the lock as he tried to close up shop for the night. His yellow eyes peering at the wiggling gray tuft of a tail with a subdued hunger, his gaze snapping back into place as soon as the rabbit stood up. "All done?" he asked, taking the moment to get a better grip on his bags, "Because I can already smell the impending rain." Blake stuck his nose to the sky, and sure enough, he could easily pick up the scent of fresh rain, that calming moist sensation that tickled his nostrils and made his fur shiver with anticipation of getting drenched. "As can I..." he said, picking up his bags as both males started a brisk walk towards the red SUV parked at the back of the grocery store parking lot. Suddenly, in the distance, he could see the trunk of the car open as if by magic, the hydraulic lifts hoisting the rear door up till it was even with the roof; the rabbit turned to see a small black remote in the wolf's paw, which he tucked into his pocket, "Good thinking!" he exclaimed. "I thought so..." Ry said as they started moving again. Once they were about thirty feet from the overhang of the store, they felt the first drops of water splash against their heads. Turning upwards, both watched as the sky opened up and bucket upon bucket of water started drenching them from above. "Shit!" the wolf screamed above the clap of thunder as both guys made a bee-line for the shelter of the car. Their shoes splashing through the shallow puddles in the pavement that had already formed, for in seconds they were soaked to the bone with fresh, pure rain water. Moments later, they ducked under the shield of the trunk top, taking a seat on the edge of the trunk as they tried to calm their heaving chests; the four bags were shoved into the back of the empty trunk, the rear seats had been folded down prior to their arrival. Blake looked up at Riley, his wet paws pushing sopping strands of blue hair out of his face before setting it back on the bumper, accidentally placing it atop the wolf's paw already there. Upon realization of his action, he gave a silent apology and scooted down a foot or so till they were sitting on opposite sides of the bumper. "I don't think it's going to stop any time soon," he mumbled, staring up at the dark clouds floating miles above them. "If anything...I think it's starting to pick up steam," the lupine suggested, his wet coat clinging to his shoulders as he pulled the damp material tighter around him to try and keep warm. The rest of his clothes were no better off, the dress shirt's collar and tie were making his neck rather uncomfortable, and he could feel water sloshing around in his shoes and making his nice socks cling like damp rags to his feet. "You alright over there Blake?" Ry asked, turning to face the rabbit whose face was still dripping wet, their eyes meeting for a brief moment. Blake quickly broke eye contact, his cheeks taking on a rosy tint, "Yeah, I'm fine," he said as he began to feel the wind start to pick up. Soon, the storm's strong gales started to make howling noises as it blew through across the empty parking lot, rain soon being pushed and pulled along with it, shooting the small water droplets, like wet icicles, underneath the covering of the trunk and directly at the two furrs taking refuge there. "Gah!" the rabbit screamed, huddling towards the center of the bumper to avoid the rain, "It's really getting nasty out." Soon Ry joined him in the middle, neither male making physical contact, but each getting a sense of security that at least they weren't alone in this. Eventually the wind got worse, the gales getting stronger and pushing the rain to the point where there was no point under the cover that they'd stay dry. "Come on," the wolf said, taking the rabbit by the arm and gently nudging him inside the car. He was hesitant to follow the near-perfect stranger, but the weather outside was motivation enough to trust the canine. As both males clamored into the trunk of Riley's red SUV, the beige male reached into his pocket and tapped a button on his remote to make the trunk close. They breathed a sigh of relief as they heard the sound of the trunk locking, securing them in the dry, warm, and rubber lined bed of the lupine's vehicle. Blake leaned his back against the door of the trunk, stretching his legs out before him as Ry followed suit. "Thanks," he said under his breath, paws reaching up to fix his matted wet hair, "I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't showed up at the last minute." "Probably have gotten soaked is my guess," Ry replied, the sound of the bunny's giggles following; his own tan cheeks blushed slightly as he tired his best not to stare at the adorable rabbit boy next to him. He flexed his long runner legs, hearing the joints softly pop, as he marveled at just how much room the two of them had, even with four bags of various groceries taking up the perimeter. "Guess it wasn't such a bad idea after all to spring for the larger model," he said with a soft chuckle, taking the time to slip out of his wet overcoat and chucked it at the driver's seat before smoothing down his ruffled sandy-blond locks. "You won't hear me complaining that's for sure," the rabbit said followed by a hesitant chuckle. He was fiddling his fingers as though tapping out Morse code patterns on his thigh, both males waiting in silence broken only by the sounds of the storm outside. The next thing he felt was a soft nudge on his left shoulder; looking over, he saw the wolf appearing a little more nervous then before, his face showing signs of contemplation, "Something wrong?" he asked shakily. Riley slowly turned his face towards the bunny, "I...must apologize in advance for what I'm about to do..." he said slowly. He too was drumming his fingers against his legs, before he rose onto knees and paws, his face only inches away from Blake's, whose eyes were starting to swell with fear. The rabbit swallowed the scream that was lodged in his throat as he mentally berated himself for being so blind as to trust a complete stranger and get into his car. He could already visualize the lupine lunging at him with sharpened teeth and claws, the sensation of being gutted from neck to navel, the feeling of blood soaking his through his clothes. Perspiration mixed with the rain from outside as he stared into the gleaming yellow eyes, his own green ones dilating as the moments ticked by like hours. Suddenly the wolf moved, and he was sure that his short life was all over; a second later, everything stopped, but that was only due to the fact that Ry's soft furry lips were firmly pressed against his gray muzzle in a passionate but brief kiss. Struggling to make sense of what was happening, Blake waited till the other male gently removed his body from against his own before talking; "Why did you...kiss me?" he asked hesitantly, his fears of being mauled slowly diminishing. "So you're not mad?" the wolf asked, to which he got no response. Rather then pushing for an answer, he once again took his seat on the trunk floor, casting his gaze downwards, his arms crossed against his chest. "Remember when I said that I had just been transferred?" he asked, looking briefly at Blake to see the boy nod affirmatively, "Well...that's not the entire story." Riley waited a moment incase the bunny wanted to interject something, but nothing was said so he continued; "You see, I left my office computer on one night, and my boss, whose one of those bible-thumpers, went to shut it off, only instead accidentally opened some files on it and discovered that...well...I was gay. But since it's illegal to fire someone because of sexual orientation, and since my record was flawless, he created this sham to get me out of the office. In actuality..." the wolf said with a heavy heart, "I'm doing the exact same work I was doing in the office, only now I just do it from my new apartment on my laptop." Suddenly, Blake started feeling sorry for the poor guy, and with a hesitant move, he shifted a bit closer to the canine, resting his head against the wolf's right shoulder, his large ears stretching over the lupine's head. "You must be really lonely..." he said, his ears picking up the sorrowful whimper of the male next to him, "But how did you know I was...well..." "Gay?" Ry asked finishing the rabbit's sentence as he gently turned to see the gray pelt out of the corner of his eye. "Yeah...that," he replied with a delicate smile, his emerald eyes looking up at the withdrawn face of the former stranger. There was something about this quiet male that seemed to speak to him, some aspect that set him apart from everyone else around these parts, or maybe it was just that he never had anyone chasing after him since it was usually the other way around. Slowly Ry reached up to rub his nose, making sure to show that he was no longer a threat to Blake's well being. "I could smell the scent of your arousal and curiosity as soon as I entered the store, all thanks to my heightened canine senses..." he said with a smile, watching the bunny's cheeks turn a soft shade of red. "Not to mention," he continued, "Every time I'd look your way or even talk to you, you'd do this...cute little thing where you'd turn that exact shade of crimson." Blake giggled slightly; hiding his face behind his paws for a second till the wolf reached over and gently pulled them away, revealing his delicate complexion and twitching whiskers. "You are quite the spontaneous romantic...Or did you plan this entire bewitching scenario?" he asked coyly, batting his eyes as he tickled the wolf's forehead with the tips of his ears. "I admit, I had a few things thought out," Riley said, resting his head on top of the rabbit's with a content sigh. "But I don't think I can't take all the credit..." as he motioned to the storm outside, "I had a little unexpected help from mother nature." "I'll be sure to write her a 'thank-you' note when I get the chance..." Blake replied as he turned to face the canine, and moved onto his haunches. As Riley looked on, he reached out and placed his paws on the damp dress shirt, pulling himself up till their faces were level. Quickly he closed his eyes, pushing his lips against their warm beige counterparts as he held himself firmly against the wolf; he could feel the lupine stiffen from surprise under his grip, but seconds later, the passion was returned ten-fold. "Oh...and to answer your first question, I'm not mad at you..." he said softly as soon as their muzzles parted ways. It took a few seconds for Ry to come down from Cloud 9, his head still spinning as he gave a rather dazed mumble before snapping out of the trance. "Glad to know," he said in a slightly bewildered tone, leaning over to drape his right arm over Blake's shoulder, gently pulling him against his side as he leaned in to nuzzle the top of the rabbit's head. He took in a deep lungful of the lapine's scent, the sweet aroma intoxicating his heart and mind as they snuggled. "You're soaked through and through," Riley whispered into one of the large gray ears, his fingers gently slipping under the damp collar of the rabbit's uniform. A soft murr escaped the rabbit's sealed lips as he shifted closer to the wolf's larger form. This was an entirely new sensation to Blake, having never been simply held against someone; usually it was just mutual lust between two bodies to which he had come accustomed to. Tipping his head back, he gave Ry a warm smile as he reached up and gently massaged the tip of the wolf's collar. "You seem pretty wet yourself," he said with a giggle, his fingers moving over as he started to softly scratch along the underside of the canine's muzzle and along his neck before it disappeared under the fabric of his tie. Riley took in a deep breath, the neck being one of those comfort zones all canines had, as he gently nuzzled the back of Blake's head; all the while slipping his fingers farther under the bunny's shirt, gently rubbing the rabbit's right shoulder as he rested his back against the rear of the truck. Soon, the heavy thumping of the wolf's tail against the rubber trunk liner filled the enclosure as he got used to the attention; the more the gray male rubbed along his neck, the faster and harder the sound echoed through the car. "You certainly know what you're doing..." Ry complemented, his nose sniffling a tad before he gave a loud sneeze that mirrored the thunder outside. The loud noise startled Blake, nearly jumping right out of his pelt, his heart racing as he took a few deep breaths while he calmed down. "You're gonna catch yourself a cold remaining in those wet clothes," he warned the canine. And with that he slowly swiveled around till he was straddling the wolf, his legs on either side of Ry's hips, both males once again face to face. Hesitantly, he reached out and shakily started to undo the red silk tie around his neck, fingers gently tugging on the fabric till he was able to slide it out from under the collar, fold it, and place it behind him. "It's nice to be able to breathe again..." Riley said as he gently massaged his neck, pulling at knots in his pelt while he leaned against the trunk door. His yellow eyes looked on as he saw the gray fingers reaching for his shirt's collar, and the way that the bunny's arms were shaking, it was obvious that he was a bit nervous. "I can undress myself you know..." he said softly, reaching out to gently trace his claws along the side of Blake's paws. The rabbit shook his head, "I don't want you overworking yourself," was his excuse; the wolf simply nodded and placed his arms back at his side and beamed a radiant smile of flashy fangs. Slowly, his careful fingers popped each button along the seam of the dress shirt; as each one came undone, more and more of the wolf's lean chest came into view. His pelt shifted from beige to a light cream color that started just under his collar bones, flowed over his washboard abs, and directly into the waistband of his slacks. The pelt was wet with water, the hairs forming soft ringlets that he couldn't help but run his fingers through, playing off the touches as mere accidents. Blake finished with the last button, gently pushing it open as he looked the slim, but muscular, canine up and down; he could see every muscle distinctly outlined under the dense fur, "I'll go find you something to dry off with while you remove your shirt," he announced as he turned and started crawling on all fours away from the wolf. Riley stealthily slipped the shirt from his shoulders, letting the fabric pool behind him in a mound of white cloth, his body shivering as it was exposed to the moist air. "I think I got something warmer then any towel," he said loudly, laughing as he leaned forward and wrapped his arms tightly around Blake's waist. The wolf interlocked his fingers just over the rabbit's belt, and with a big heave, pulled the bunny back into his lap as he pressed his bare torso against the back of the boy's shirt. "A nice fuzzy bunny is just the thing I need..." he cooed, his muzzle pressed against the gray boy's cheek, giving him a tender kiss as he started to gently lick his exposed neck. Blake let out a loud shriek of surprise as he was pulled back, "You sneaky devil," he cried in laughter as he felt the furry muzzle press against his neck, the wet tongue gliding along his short fur. Riley shifted behind him a bit, using one arm to hold the rabbit in place as the other started working on the bow that held his apron, moments later lifting the garment from around his neck and dumping onto the floor. "Oh Ry..." the bunny murred, pushing himself back against the wolf's bare chest as he felt the lupine's sharp teeth gently nip at the nape of his neck. "Yes Blake?" the wolf responded, resting his head on the rabbit's shoulder, the black fabric of his t-shirt ripe with his scent that it was making his tail wag even faster. His paws managed to find the hem of the shirt, slipping underneath the damp cloth to rub against the soft down fur along the bunny's belly. Slowly he started raising his arms, taking the shirt with him as he dragged it along the rabbit's form, revealing more of his lush gray pelt that covered his back from neck to where it vanished into the rear of his shorts. He let out soft gasping moans as the other's warm pads glided along his lithe frame, his toes curling in his shoes as the sensual touches excited his every nerve. As more of Blake's slender build was revealed, he begun having small flashbacks to previous spontaneous encounters with furrs who had also appeared to want more then just his body; he had been fooled by them time after time. But Riley seemed different, his actions appearing truthful, but he wasn't sure he could take another let-down. Hesitantly, Blake placed his paws atop the wolf's, "Ry, please stop..." he said timidly, half expecting the canine to ignore him and take his shirt off regardless, or worse, get angry. But much to the rabbit's surprise, the arms stayed right where they were, a silent whine came from the male behind him. "I didn't anger you, did I?" Riley asked softly, his paws gently dropping from the bunny's sides as he sighed and pressed his face into Blake's back. The rabbit spun around, the two males now facing each other as he reached up with his gray paw and used his thumb to gently rub the canine's right cheek. "No, you didn't upset me..." he said with a deep smile as he sat on top of the wolf's legs, his large legs folded behind him, using his other paw to steady himself. "Then why did you ask me to stop?" Ry retorted, reaching up and gently grasping the rabbit's paw upon his face, holding it before him and kissing it tenderly. He was relieved to know that he hadn't completely spoiled his first friendship in this new town, but the mystery as to why he was halted still bothered him. "To see if you would...stop, that is," Blake said, using his knees to edge closer towards the wolf. His cheeks turned a vibrant tomato red as he watched the lupine, a rabbit's most fearful predator, so gently kiss his paw. "And you passed with flying colors," he announced as he gave Ry's hips a soft squeeze with his legs. "Thanks Teach..." Riley responded, pulling the bunny closer to him by his arm; "I couldn't have done it without your lessons," he said, their eyes staring into the other's soul as they slowly shifted closer to each other. "Oh Riley..." the rabbit mouthed, his head resting against the canine's shoulder. "Oh Blake..." the wolf echoed softly before they pressed their lips together in a kiss; their tongues mingling between the gray and beige muzzles as they pressed their bodies together. Breaking the embrace for a moment, the canine hastily slipped the rabbit's shirt up and over his head, making sure not to pull on the large ears, before their kiss resumed. The air between their bodies grew hot with their passion as their bare torsos touched; the two pelts became a sea of tan and gray waves that washed over them. The fire of emotion consumed them as they caressed their bodies with warm pads, their muzzles hungrily fighting for a taste of the other's scent. Their kiss only broke so they could gasp for air before diving back into the flood of passion that drove them to push their bodies tighter together. Unbeknownst to Blake, Riley had managed to shifted his legs back, posing himself in a perfect pretense for a change in position; so that the next thing the rabbit felt was his body going over backwards as the wolf leaned in forwards, pushing him down to the ground till his ears came in contact with the rubber mat that lined the trunk. "Hey there wolfie..." he said, looking up at the canine who was poised on all fours above him, his paws on either side of his head while his knees straddled his thighs. A broad smile crossed over his lips as he lay prone against the floor, any part of his body complexly within the lupine's reach. His began breathing deeper, his bare chest rising with each breath to gently brush against the beige pelt. As he stared upwards at the grinning face before him, the male's head back lighted by the trunk's light, the glare from above creating this halo-esque aura around him; the only thing he could clearly make out in the darkened complexion were the two bright yellow eyes, like small lighthouses along the darkened shoreline of Ry's cheeks. Riley blushed a bit, the last one to ever call him their 'wolfie' was his mother, who had passed away from cancer when he was just a pup. "Hey yourself Bun-Bun..." he retorted, leaning down and gently kissing the rabbit as their torsos touched again, the soft contact flooding their systems with messages of mutual attraction. As the lupine slowly lowered himself upon the rabbit, he'd gently lick along the underside of the gray muzzle and suckle of small sections of fur within reach. Teasingly, he'd drag his tongue lower and lower along the bunny's chest; his slippery muscle making random trails and mazes trough the dense gray pelt as he descended towards the slim waistline. "Tell me if I ever make you uncomfortable, okay?" he asked, lifting his head up for a moment before jokingly blowing a big raspberry on the boy's bellybutton. Squealing under the teasing touch, the rabbit shifted back and forth as the ploy was pulled on him. Blake's body wriggled under the muzzle that licked and nibbled all across his body, though the last straw was when he felt the soft beige lips at the tip of his right ear. "You wouldn't..." he breathed, though as if in cue, he felt his long gray ear inhaled into the moist cavern, the wolf's sharp teeth gently pricking along the tender pink hairless strip of skin down the center. He let loose a deep moan as he rocked back and forth on the mat, his arms wrapped around Ry's waist. The more he swayed on the floor, the deeper the wolf suckled on his ear, and the more he squeaked and groaned. Eventually he gained enough momentum from his rocking that he was able to turn the tables on his friendly attacker. The wolf was not expecting being flipped 180 degrees, but that's exactly what happened as they rolled across the floor till Blake was not sitting atop his chest, the gray ear having fallen loose during the tumble. As soon as they settled down, he started laughing, "You really got me good," he said, looking upwards at the boy's smiling gray face. He then felt the rabbit's paws scratching his chest, the tender fingers and warm pads rubbing their ways around the nipples hidden in his dense fur and over the sculpted muscles along his torso. "Time for a taste of your own medicine..." Blake said with a sinister smile, leaning in to teasingly lick his way along the canine's beige muzzle, cheeks, and chin. His green eyes delighted in watching Riley squirm under him, as he dragged his tongue up the side of his face and began to trace the rim of the small pointy ears. The bunny could hear the muffled moans of the wolf, smirking as his small crimson muscle darted in and around the pink interior, murring to himself as he gently began to grind his tail against the obvious bulge in the lupine's slacks. Ry stifled a bark as he felt his rock hard sheath smothered by the bunny's rear. "And what a sweet, sweet medicine it is..." he mentioned, a goofy grin plastered on his face as he felt the rabbit's teeth gently nip at the side of his neck. The wolf's tail wagged inside the 'V' created by his spread legs, his black slacks pressing upwards against the soft behind of the male above him. "So...someone has a sweet tooth huh?" the rabbit retorted, grinding his hips even harder against the pulsating sheath beneath his gray teardrop tail. Another one of his smiles passed over his muzzle as he started vacantly looking around the interior of the trunk, his eyes searching for something, something that he'd know only once he saw it. "I think I can take care of that..." Blake said, one paw pressed against the wolf's bare chest, keeping him pinned to the car; the other reaching into one of the nearby grocery bags, moments later pulling out a small brown squeeze bottle of chocolate syrup. "You wouldn't..." Riley stated as his eyes followed the nozzle of Blake swung the bottle back and forth over his body, testing him as he pretended to drape the canine's bare chest in lines of sweet chocolate. The wolf gulped audibly, his body shivering as he anticipated the first squirt of think syrup coating his pelt. "I would too," the bunny responded, flipping off the plastic cap and paper seal as he hovered the container over Ry's face; "That is...unless you really don't want me too..." giving an honest smile to show that he truly meant it, "I know how some furrs are really particular about their pelt and all." The wolf's remained silent, his face a blank slate of emotion and desires as he weighed out each option. Ry's eyes remained however, glued to the container of chocolate as he watched Blake waiting for his answer. In the end he kept his muzzle closed, leaving the final choice up to the rabbit, and mentally agreeing to go along with whatever the gray male had planned for this night. Taking the lupine's silence as a term of acceptance, a huge grin flashed along the gray muzzle. "Open your mouth wide..." he commanded, watching the wolf do as he said while he carefully aimed the nozzle of the chocolate syrup to hover just over the gaping maw. When he had it placed just right, he couldn't help but giggle, squeezing the bottle as he did so; both sets of eyes followed the first spurt of chocolate fall just to the right of the wolf's lips, his pink tongue darting out to quickly lick it off before the next wave of syrup came. Several bulls-eyes later, the rabbit decided to have a bit more fun with his captive audience; "Hey!'" Riley said as the next squirt of chocolate hit in square on his shiny black nose. He had to tip his head forewords slightly in order to lick the tasty treat off, but to do so he had to leave the rest of his face open to attack. "ACK! Blake, what are you doing?" the lupine sputtered as he felt criss-crossing lines of the syrup fall along his neck, shoulders, and torso. He was beginning to feel like a bowl of coffee ice-cream as he watched the rabbit just smile, place the bottle down next to him, and begin licking his way over the chocolate covered fur. The gray boy's pink tongue dragged its way along the trails of syrup glistening against the beige fur, his teardrop tail wiggling ever faster as his pert nose was buried in the wolf's scent. He could hear moans escaping the panting muzzle below him, the pitch rising the closer he drifted towards the canine's navel and tented black slacks beyond. "I figured I might as well kill two birds with one stone..." the rabbit said, lifting his head off of the other's chest briefly before finishing up the last trail of chocolate, which led him to the front door to the wolf's pants. "Not so fast there Bun-Bun," Ry teased, hooking his fingers on the lapine's chin so he could drag him up till they were face to face, "I still haven't fulfilled my daily requirement of sweets yet." Now that all of the syrup was licked clean from his fur, he reached up to wrap his arms around the bunny boy's shoulders, pulling him into a deep kiss; and while their tongues mingled in Blake's muzzle, Riley managed to roll both of them to his right so that he was on top once again. "Clever ploy," Blake conceded once their kiss broke and he realized that he was once again looking up into the face of the mysterious shopper. The rabbit stretched out against the rubber floor, gigging as he felt the wolf's lips kiss their way over his chest and down to the snap of his shorts. "Thanks!" Ry yipped, dragging his tongue back along the center of his victim's chest, skipping over his muzzle, and planting a kiss in the center of his forehead. "But you know..." he started, his left paw reaching over for one of the nearby shopping bags, "Nothing goes better with chocolate then...WHIPPED CREAM!" With that, he used his right paw to restrain the rabbit from moving as he pulled out the aerosol can of whipped cream he had purchased minutes before, a wicked grin curling across his lips. Blake's green eyes shined like emeralds as he watched the wolf bite off the plastic cap with earnest before spraying some into his mouth. "Is it good?" he asked, licking his lips as he pressed his crotch up against the underside of the wolf's tail playfully. "Try some for yourself you naughty little thing..." Riley retorted before spraying a huge mound inside the rabbit's muzzle, watching the bunny greedily lap it up. Once he saw that the bunny's mouth was busy, he sprayed a line of whipped cream along the inner pink of his ears, smirking heavily as he could see Blake visibly shiver at the cold substance on his bare flesh. Not wanting his body heat to melt the cream, he instantly began to drag his tongue along where he had just sprayed, lapping up the sweet whipped cream as Blake moaned beneath him. "Evil....Wolf..." panted Blake between ragged breaths, his chest heaving as erotic ecstasy flooded his system from being licked all over; in truth, he had a sort of food fetish, it came from a love of eating and cooking, so naturally he tried to incorporate it in as many aspects of his life that he could. That leading him to his current job at the Express Lame, though one day, he wanted to work at one of the five-star restaurants in the nearby city. "Seductive Rabbit..." retaliated Riley, having finished up cleaning off the bunny's ears, he slowly kissed is way back down till he was suckling on the boy's shoulder, making his squirm under his lips' suction. With whipped cream still in paw, he made zig-zag lines down the bare torso, taking a moment once finished to notice the contrast between the pure white color of the cream and the delicate gray of Blake's pelt. Once he finished marveling his artistic creation, he leaned down and suckled on of the rabbit's cream covered nipples, rolling the tender flesh between the tips of his fangs. Soft squeaks escaped from the rabbit's muzzle, his head rocking back and forth as he felt the cold whipped cream lapped up thanks to a smooth, crimson muscle. "I don't hear you complaining..." he countered between heaving breaths, his gray sheath hardening inside his shorts as he felt the wolf's hips lustfully grinding against his own; all the while, the beige lips nursing on his nipples before diving lower on his stomach, the tip of Ry's tongue just peaking under the waist of his kaki shorts. "True...True..." the wolf mumbled, their eyes meeting again right before the wolf just giggled as he felt a soft nudge to his left side. Getting the message after the rabbit's knee brushed against him again, he made an Emmy-worthy acting performance in pretending to loose his balance; flopping over on his back, Blake quickly rolled atop him, his limbs moving to restrain the lupine. "Didn't your teachers tell you never to trust strangers?" Blake said, laughing as he reached for the bottle of chocolate; quickly adjusting his seat atop the wolf's ever growing bulge, he started pouring on the sweet sauce all over the bare tan chest. He created new patterns this time around, making small dark circles around the canine's nipples and belly button, watching as the syrup dripped over the soft pelt and under the his belt. "I'm sure they did..." he replied as he half giggled, half moaned, thanks to the bunny boy's soft tongue tickling the sensitive pink nubs on his chest, bathing them in saliva and cleaning them of chocolate. "But was never an attentive student, always too interested in...other things," Riley said, his cheeks blushing both from his memories about staring at the other boys in his classes, and from the feeling of having trails of chocolate licked off of his body. "I've always wanted a bad boy..." Blake teased, letting his tongue lead him on till it eventually started digging under the hem of the lupine's slacks. Not even asking, his paws made quick work of Ry's belt and the top snap of the black pants; flipping open the fly, he gazed at the heavily tented pair of red silk boxers, a wet spot already making itself apparent. Desire obvious in his shaky paw as; he rubbed the throbbing sheath through the thin material, feeling the heat radiated by the wolf's crotch. "I think for such a special treat as this, chocolate just won't do..." the rabbit said, reaching out for one of the shopping bags in order to find a new substance worthy of covering such a special area. Riley smiled, content to lay back and let his partner take his time, preferring just to make witty comments. "Well you're certainly no saint yourself," responded the wolf, propping up his head atop his crossed arms while smiling; the position served not only to expose his lean form for Blake's access, but to show off his taught and sculpted body. "So what do you have in mind?" Ry asked, his eyes glancing up and down the rabbit's glossy gray fur. "Not sure..." Blake responded, his eyes busy searching the two bags closest to him, "Just one of those things you'll know when you...." Seconds later, the wolf could see the tip of a smile curled over his gray muzzle, "Found it!" he announced, quickly pulling a jar from the bag and stashing it behind his back; "I just gotta prepare the area first..."the bunny said as his paws began gently nudging the canine's slacks and boxers down his thighs. A sudden 'meep' escaped the beige muzzle as he felt the cool air sweep down over his bare bottom as it was freed from the confines of his clothes. The rubber mat felt damp and clammy under his rear, his bushy tan tail getting swaying as he watched his hardened sheath come into view. "Like what you see?" Ry teased, wiggling his hips as the thick furry tube shifted back and forth over his crotch, the two low hanging orbs gently brushing against the rabbit's thighs as he finished undressing the lupine. Blake felt his eyes go wide after having seen what that bulge in the male's slacks had been hiding; he was currently down by the canine's feet, taking his time slipping off the loafers and thin black socks before pulling down the slacks and boxers, his position giving him a prime perspective of the wolf's equipment. Now with the wolf completely naked before him, the rabbit took the opportunity to drag his way along the taught form, his body worming across the curves of the beige pelt, "A regular 'Special of the Day'," he replied, thrusting his hips against Ry as he did so. "Good..." the lupine said, moaning softly as his hardened sheath was smothered by the soft gray torso, "Because I was thinking about giving an employee discount." Giggling, he leaned up to gently lick along the underside of the rabbit's muzzle, still tasting traces of the whipped cream. "So how much do I get off?" the bunny asked, murring softly at the tongue's tender touch. Slowly, he slithered his way back to sitting atop the wolf's legs, his shorts now resting on the bare limbs, the warmth felt through the thin fabric. His paws began their slow retreat as well, gently gliding over the mountains and valleys of the lupine's washboard abs till they brushed over the warm sheath. As fingers gently took told of their prize, he could feel the pulsating wolfhood inside just urging to be released from it's confines. "That depends..." Riley said, grunting between his words as he felt warm pads take hold of his sheath. He could already feel a tip of pink cock start to emerge from its furry confines, the slick crimson member a stark contrast to his tan pelt. Blake smirked, his talented paws gently coaxing more of the canine's bright red spire into the open air. "Depends on what?" he asked, his emerald eyes gleaming as he began to gently paw off the larger male under him. A deep moan escaped Ry's throat as he instinctively bucked his hips against the warm pads encompassing his canine cock. "That depends on how get me off," the wolf teased, his yellow eyes meeting the rabbit's green ones as he pushed his legs against the seated boy. Reaching out with his free paw, he gently slipped his fingers up the left leg of the bunny's shorts, his fingers seeking out the male's own lapin-pride. "Ooooh, is that a proposition I hear?" the rabbit said, giggling at the fingers worming their way up his pants, teasingly he scooted back so that the wolf's paw slipped free. His own paws were busy alternating pressure along the length of Ry's wolfhood; grinning, he watched the male cringe and hiss against the pleasure, "Geez...Just how big are you Wolfie?" he asked, watching the thick cock reach about eight inches, and still determined to grow larger. "Is there anything you can't hear with those huge ears of yours?" Ry teased, his paw reaching up to take hold of the left one as he gently rolled the satin-esque fur between the pads of his fingers. Both males were now in a similar state of moaning aloud, the rabbit's high pitched 'meeps' were in perfect harmony with the wolf's deep barks; the two sounds formed a music score of lust that filled the car, overcoming the sound of the storm outside. "You work in the food service industry," he said after a particularly loud moan, "You know that you get what you pay for." "I just didn't think you'd give out free samples is all," the rabbit replied, keeping with the line of quirky puns for the moment. As one paw continued to massage the ever growing shaft, he used the other to begin opening the bottle behind him, smiling once he felt the cold substance hidden inside the jar. Doing his best to control his breathing, the wolf glanced up as he released the bunny's ear; "Just what are you smiling about?" he asked, eyes narrowing at the fake innocent persona his companion tried to put on. "Well...what ever it is, you had better hurry up because my legs are starting to fall asleep," Riley said, flexing his lanky limbs under the lapine's rear, "You're sure a lot heavier then you look." The gray boy scrunched up his face, "It isn't very polite to talk about someone's weight like that you know..." he scolded the wolf. "And as for what I'm carrying behind me," he added on, slowly bringing the jar around, "It's a surprise." Getting the idea quick enough, Ry closed his eyes just as Blake stuck his fingers into the jar, revealing a sticky blue concoction that he greedily sucked from his paw, a satisfied groan escaping his clenched lips. After having his first taste, he eagerly set about covering the wolf's pre covered cock in the fluid, taking special care to swab the blue mixture heavily along the surface. "God that's cold!" Ry shouted at the first touch, his wolfhood jumping as the first glob was smoothed down the shaft and pushed deep into the fur of his sheath. But the bunny ignored him, resisting the temptation to lick it off strait away as he continued his labor of both gluttony and lust. Taking the lupine's sac in his pads, he rolled the warm orbs in the same blue jelly as the rest of Ry's crotch, using up more then half of the jar in the process. "All done," he finally announced once he made sure that it was evenly spread across the canine's cock and balls. Setting the jar to the side, he swiped a finger across the throbbing head of the member, eagerly suckling down the sweet treat with a grin that made the other's loins jump another inch at least. A heated bark left the lupine's muzzle, his shaft now sticking strait into the air and coated from tip to sheath in a thick blue gel that had a fruity aromatic smell to it. "Now that's what I call a twig and berries," Blake said gigglingly as he waited for Riley's reaction before descending on his nightly snack. "You covered me in jam!" Ry asked in disbelief, instantly recognizing the navy color from mental list of groceries he had bought before. Flexing his sheath, he watched his now blue member gently sway back and forth like a sapphire encrusted flagpole. Blake's moist breath made the jelly feel even colder against his bare flesh, a sensation marked by several more grunts and groans. "But not just any jam," he replied with a snicker as he held up the jar for the other to see, "It's favorite by the way." His muzzle then vanished inside the jar before reemerging with his entire maw covered with the cerulean colored syrup, his little pink tongue doing it's best to get him clean again. "Well if you don't stop teasing me like this, You are going to have two VERY blue berries on your paws...If you get my drift," the wolf stated, his eagerness to release his pent-up load already threatening to let loose without the rabbit even having to touch him again. "Then let the juicing commence,"Blake stated reaching between the wolf's legs, he grabbed a hold of the hefty beige sac, gently applying pressure while listening for a response. He didn't have to wait long, for at the first squeeze Riley let out a loud bark followed by a long moan as he orbs were expertly massaged, not to mention the cold jam served to enhance the movements. Once he felt that the 'berries' had been throughly tenderized, he released them and greedily licked along his sticky fingers covered in sweet fruit and the musky sweat of the wolf. "Time to go for the twig," the bunny announced, setting his sites of the throbbing tower of lust before him. Ry inhaled a deep breath, his body waiting on pins and needles as he nervously flexed his wolfhood in anticipation. "Think you can handle all that wood?" he asked, though his question was soon answered as he felt the bunny boys lips press against the head of his cock. The soft fur tickling his sensitive glands before he felt lips encase his tip in a moist heat, deep groans leaving his muzzle as he stretched out along the SUV's matted floor. "These incisors are going to cut you down to size..." Blake retorted, pulling off his prize for just a second, taking the moment to seductively lick his lips, giving the wolf a show of just how much he enjoyed the taste. Diving back on, he tried to cram as much of the canine's cock into his gullet, the sensation of the fruit covered member being a dish his taste buds simply couldn't resist; the mixture of the wolf's sweat and pre, combined with the sweet jam made it a taste to remember. But seeing that he couldn't even down half of the thick rod in this manner, he pulled back till just the head was trapped between his lips, gently suckling at it while he determined his next move. Riley was in the throws of passion as he moaned aloud, his cock dipping pre into the rabbit's eager mouth like a leaky faucet. "You are one hungry bunny..." the lupine teased, watching as the gray furr just smiled before he started to lower himself back on to the crimson shaft, deciding on going at a much slower rate this time. The reduced speed gave Ry the time to feel each ridge along the rabbit's soft palate as his cock bumped against it, the sensation of the thick lips ushering more and more of himself into the wet cavern was overwhelming. His breathing was already labored, but he couldn't believe it when he felt throat muscles begin to massage his glands, almost regretting that he was shooting pre right down the boy's throat rather then letting him savor it. Giggling, Blake slowly lifted off of the wolf's pulsating shaft, the sweet jam like blue lipstick along the edges of his muzzle before he lapped it off. "I save my appetite for just such an occasion," he teased, his paws making sure to keep the wolf nice and hard while he stretched his jaw before giving back in to his hunger. As his fingers felt along the furry sheath, he pressed against a growth already the size of a small tangerine, and to his astonishment, he realized that it was the canine's knot. At that moment, he redoubled his efforts as he sucked the canine's thick member all the way down his throat till his teeth could gently nibble at the edge of the furry covering. Hearing the howl that emanated from Riley's muzzle he figured he had to be doing something right; and so his feast on the sticky jam continued till he felt that he had throughly licked the shaft clean. "Full already?" the wolf asked, watching the Rabbit slowly pull off, letting his lips and tongue teasingly drag along his sensitive wolfhood, "Because my tanks as still pretty full of Grade A cream." reaching out, the tan male gave a loving caress of the gray cheeks, smiling as he felt the rabbit push against his gesture rather then flinch back. "Don't worry about me, I skipped lunch today...So I'm real hungry," Blake responded, murring loudly at the gentle touch of his face, the warm pads of another already causing quite the bulge in his shorts. Wrapping his fist around the throbbing slab of cock before him, the bunny started pumping while his face began licking at the furr between the sheath and sac, tasting runoff blueberry jam. "Seems these berries need a good juicing..." he said, his tongue lapping against the loose sac before wrapping around one of the concealed orbs and drawing it into his muzzle. Rolling it around in his muzzle, he felt the canine under him twitch, legs stiffen and toes curl as he used his lips to gently bite down on the fragile berry in his mouth. The rabbit could already feel the pre being coaxed out of the cock's tip, the slippery fluid dripping down his fingers and making it easer to paw off the wolf. "Just be sure not to make them burst just yet," Riley said in between his heavy panting, "I got special plans for that juicy seed." He didn't have to say anymore for Blake to get his meaning, but that didn't stop the other male from releasing one orb only to pull in the other, he was thorough, the wolf had to grant him that. "Don't worry about a thing," the bunny explained as one paw jacked-off the wolf, the other rolling his now wet sac against the warm pads, "I'll treat them as if they were my own." And with any hopes, one day they might be, Blake thought to himself as he lapped at the swollen furry sac. Cleaning each orb of the jam he had put on them earlier, his mind began to fantasizes about what if this random encounter might turn into something more then just a quickie in the lupine's back seat. The rabbit's thoughts were given a power boots as Riley, his paws hooked under the gray shoulders, pulled Blake along his body till their muzzles met in an earth-shattering kiss. Their mouths fought for dominance as their paws pulled and squeezed the other male closer against themselves, neither willing to concede to an easy kiss as they nipped at vulnerable lips. As they pressed together again and again, Ry made sure to weasel his lounge into Blake's muzzle, licking along the rabbit's upper pallet, he could feel the bunny shiver in response. Feeling that this was his chance, he rolled back to his right, and with some added momentum, rolled over so now he sat atop the bunny's gray chest. "Oh how the tables have turned, and the mighty have fallen," his paws making sure to pin the other's shoulders against the trunk as he leaned in and planted a rough kiss on those perfect lips. He could taste his own pre still clinging to the rabbit's furry muzzle, the musky flavor driving him to push harder against the tender lips. Blake saw stars after the second kiss, the fierce pressure of the wolf on top of him and taking control, if for this moment, was turning him on like nothing else. Not to mention, he was sure that the wolf could feel his bulge pressing up underneath him. "I'm all yours Riley..." he said as a lusty whimper left him, his sheath straining against the shorts, and the heated wolven fur separated only by a thin layer of cloth didn't help. Wasting no time at all as he reached into one of the bags next to him, Ry pulled out a small bear-shaped bottle of honey and tore off the rad cap before putting a dribble on his tongue and swallowing, savoring its sweetness. The wolf blushed a bit, hearing the rabbit's declaration, "Then I guess I'm all yours too Blake," he said softly, watching the other's cheeks mirror his. He then held the bottle of honey high over the gray chest and squeezed it, watching lines of golden goodness appear of the soft fur, before deciding on pooling it in the bunny's bellybutton. As the small cavity rose and fell with the rabbit's heavy breathing, the cold honey was soon overflowing and heading on a one way trip towards the khaki material that still covered his crotch. Leaning down, the wolf's large tongue did its job to clean off the rabbit's upper chest, gently nibbling on the hidden nipples before descending towards the honey covered belly. Making as though he was drinking from a pool of water, Riley curled his tongue and began drilling into the sweet filled ditch till it was as clean as the rest of him. With paws on the buttons of the shorts, "Wouldn't want you to stain your clothes," the lupine commented before he set about undressing the bag-boy; seconds later, both were completely naked with the wolf still sitting atop the bunny, whose hard cock was in the warm furry grip of the lupine's beige paws. Watching his 'prey' writhe about on the floor, arching his back and moaning as the larger fingers caressed his dripping member, Riley couldn't help but get turned on. Deciding to put their mutual arousals to work, he pressed his larger, already slicked member against the smaller counterpart; two sets of groaning filled the space as the erotic grinding continued, both furrs sweating as their lust drove them to push harder and faster against the other's body. Clinging to the honey again, Ry descended a drizzle of the sweet stuff down over both crotches, watching as the criss-crossing lines of syrup lay intricate designs along the crimson flesh. About to use his fingers to smear the sweet honey down over his wolfhood, one of the gray paws quickly swatted it away, "Allow me," Blake said sweetly, reaching up to take firm hold of the cock before him, the cool honey making the task as easy as it was enjoyable. "About time you finally came fully out," the bunny cooed, giggling as he took grasp of the large red knot, making the wolf groan and gasp in response. Blushing, the wolf smiled softly as he removed the gray paws from his dripping shaft, "You continue touching me like that, and I won't make it to the finale, I assure you." Blake nodded and backed off, letting his paws drop to his sides as he waited for the lupine's next move. Scooting backwards till he was no longer sitting on top of the rabbit, Riley took gentle hold of his ankles and started walking his way back towards the bunny's head, slowly bending the furr in half. "This hurt?" he asked as he pressed down till the bunny's large feet were now on either side of his head, and his teardrop tail was directly below the wolf's nose. "No, not really...We rabbit's are pretty flexible," he replied, wiggling his small tail against the beige boy's chest. Watching with eager eyes, he could see Ry readying the bottle of honey again, and he was interested to see what other things the wolf had on his mind before proceeding to the main event. His curiosity was soon answered as he felt a cold line of honey being drawn along the underside of his right leg starting at top of his rump and ending just after his ankle followed by an exact copy being drawn along his left leg as well. A loud moan fled his lips as he felt Riley's lips slowly suckling its way along the line of honey like a train riding down its track. "Sweet as sugarcane..." the wolf said, taking his muzzle off of the rabbit's thigh for a brief second before nuzzling his way down. As soon as his cold nose hit behind Blake's knee, he could see him flinch, a soft giggle escaping, and knew that he had hit a spot. Pouring more honey on, he used his broad pink tongue to lap along the finely contoured muscles of the rabbit's legs, the firm limbs covered in soft down fur that made them an almost irresistible treat. The more time he spent licking Blake's kneecap, the louder the bunny's laughs and giggles became as he started fidgeting from having his ticklish spot assaulted. The wolf continued to work up and down the gray legs for several more minutes, every so often stopping to go back and suckle on the ticklish areas, before he finally pulled back. Having remembered from a female rabbit co-worker back when he was still in his previous office, that she always told everyone what her boyfriend did to her feet while they made love, he wondered if the same tricks would work on this bunny. With his right forearm pressed against both ankles to keep them locked behind his head, the wolf used his free hand to empty almost the entire bottle of honey, splitting it between both large paws, a horny smile plastering his face as he stole glances at Blake. The bunny whimpered as he felt the cool substance being applied to his sensitive pads, though his body was betraying him as he felt his cock jump at the first long lick the wolf gave to his feet. "Oh..oh.....oooooo!" he whined, his naked body trembling as Riley continued his tongue lashings on the delicate footpaws. He trued to playfully swat at the lupine's face, but his free arm pinned the bunny down at the shoulder, allowing him easy access to clean the honey off of the gray fur. "Oh Riley..." he moaned, "Don't stop...please...don't stop now!" he cried, dribbles of pre covering his chest as the slippery muscle begin licking between his toes. He finally calmed down once Ry had completed one paw, only to start back up again seconds later as the wolf went on to clean the other one. He thought he'd blow his load at every touch, especially when the wolf wrapped his tongue around the rabbit's big toe, using his muzzle to suction any remaining honey off. The foot play continued with the wolf nibbling at ever little crevice, making sure to get his tongue into each nook and cranny where honey might have hid. Ry started comparing himself to some feral bear, eager for his next taste of sweet nectar as he searched the rabbit's large feet. After spending a few extra minutes gently licking the pads, using his saliva and teeth to softly groom the bunny before him, he started to sit back. Blake tried to follow suit, but the wolf gently held him in place, "Oh...I'm not done with you yet little hare," he teased, licking his chops as he wagged the nearly empty bottle in front of the rabbit. Blake nodded, taking hold of his own ankles to free up Ry's other paw, which he used to gently take hold of the bunny's dripping cock, giving it a few firm jerks. "Let's see how big you are bunny boy," he teased, tailing a line done the center of the rabbit's cock before leaning over and licking it all up in one swoop, "Starting at the top of course." Blake was simply overwhelmed at everything the wolf was doing to him that didn't involve just plugging away at his backside. He murred softly as he felt the first line of honey drizzle horizontally over the backside of his red member, both males just watching it slowly drip down for about a minute till the rabbit slowly got the idea. "One..." he said softly, squealing as the wolf's tongue licked the honey off. The lupine then applying another line lower down on the shaft, "Two..." he said again, slowly getting into the rhythm of things as he felt Ry once again lick it off. With each swipe of his tongue, the wolf seemed to draw more and more pre out to leak along his gray chest. The pair continued like this till Blake announced, "Seven..." and he felt the canine's mouth muscle gently slip underneath the rim of his sheath before he leaned back and smiled. "Seven thick, hard, red inches of bunny meat to play with..." Riley said as he leaned over and planted a soft kiss on the dripping slit. "But I believe I've wet your appetite, so how about we get to the main course?" he asked, unscrewing the cap to the honey as he dumped the rest out just over the bunny's tailhole, watching Blake shiver with excitement as the cold syrup slowly wormed its way to his insides. With wide eyes filled with wanton pleasure, the bunny watched the canine position himself over his tailhole; his strong arms were on either side of his head, legs stretched back as though he were going to do pushups, and his already slicked cock ready to plunge deep into his tailhole. A thought streaked across the rabbit's mind like the lighting through the darkened skies above them, "What about protection?" he said quickly. As much as he did feel safe with Riley, he wasn't sure he was ready to catch something from him. "Oh that..." the wolf said, "Well, back at my old office, if you'd believe it, my boss the bible-basher would make everyone submit blood work at least twice a month to detect if anyone had something that might effect productivity. I just handed mine in last week, and it said I was perfectly clean and healthy." Lowering himself down, he gave the rabbit a tender kiss on the lips, "And I haven't slept with anyone since then...Is that sufficient?" the tip of his cock just rubbing against the bunny's puckered entrance. Nodding slowly, Blake smiled at the wolf above him, "Yeah, that's enough for me Ry," he cooed as his tail brushed against the beige thighs. He was about to say how large the lupine's cock looked from this angle, but all that came out was a loud "Ooohhhh...." as he felt the tip plunge through his anal ring and into his backside. The honey sickened member glided in smoothly by Riley's expert aiming felt like nothing the rabbit had ever experienced, not to mention that the additional honey which greased his tailhole eased the process to where he felt no discomfort. Gasping loudly as he flexed his anal walls around the intruder, "Gods Riley!" the bunny unable to help himself but yelp out the wolf's name as he felt his cock begin to sink into him. Yelping himself as he felt the rabbit apply constant pressure against his cock, Riley maneuvered a bit closer and started pressing in again. "My are a tight little Bun-Bun aren't you?" the wolf asked as just under half his thick red length had sunk under the gray tear-drop tail. He felt Blake shift back, probably to get a better angle, but he took the chance and pushed forward in a split second, stabbing the rabbit's silky rump with his dripping spear of flesh. The moved caused both males to moan aloud, their voices melding in lustful harmony as they bucked on the SUV's floor. Arching his back, Blake yipped and murred as he felt his insides pushing against the welcomed intruder, his anal walls slicked by not only the previously applied honey, but the copious amount of pre that leaked from the canine's member. "And you got one large slab of sausage there Wolfie..." he cooed, grunting as he could feel the start of the wolf's knot pressing at his entrance. He was about to tell Ry that he wasn't ready yet, but as if he could read his mind, the invading cock stopped and started retreating. "You'd be the one to know..." Riley coyly replied, as he leaned down and licked the rabbit's pink nose. His knees were now placed on either side of the bunny's upturned rear, paws still holding position between Blake's large ears, this new position granting him much more control over how much or little he was plunging into the hot confines of the offered tailhole. As his pace increased, he couldn't help but throw his head back and howl to the hidden moon outside, his dripping red meat now sliding in and out with relative ease as the friction was lessened thanks to the various lubrication. "It comes with the territory," Blake responded, his eyes shut tight as he reveled in the sensations that Riley's wolfhood was creating in his body. His own shaft, untouched by either set of paws, had started soaking his belly fur damp with his pre, the muck seeming to drive both males father into a state of frenzied lust. Doing his best to push back against the lupine and meeting his thrusts with equal pressure, he could feel the ridge of the swollen knot trying to force its way inside him, and from what he could recall, it was easily the size of a regulation baseball if not larger. Grunting heavily, the wolf grinned as he wiggled himself tighter against the gray furry bunny; the boy's scent was like no aphrodisiac he had ever tried before, even the sweetness of the honey and whipped cream palled in comparison to Blake's natural aroma. "I'm not going to lie to you, you're really getting me worked up," he said, tongue now lolling out of the side of his mouth, heavy panting commencing as he continued to drill away at the mountains that made up Blake's sculpted rump; "I...I think I'm going to blow soon..." he mumbled, feeling that his partner at least deserved some notice of things to come. "I'm pretty damn close myself," Blake said between groans, the feel of the wolf's large cock slipping in and out of his velvety depths causing his body to shudder in pleasure. The bunny could feel his rosebud start to stretch in order to accommodate the lupine's impressive knot, a soft squeak of pain catching the canine of guard as he stopped pushing forwards against his lover. "No..." the rabbit replied, pushing himself against the knot as he tried to fit it inside of him, "I...I want all of you inside of me." Riley nodded slowly, restraining the bunny's movement to stop him from hurting himself on his knot; "Then maybe a change of position is in order," he offered, leaning down to plant a gentle kiss of the gray muzzle. With a dissatisfied wanton moan from Blake, Ry pulled his red wolfhood from underneath the teardrop tail, the length slick with pre and dripped even more as he held it there in the open. "Miss it already?" he teased, his paws gently rubbing the gray thighs affectionately. "It just fit inside me so nicely, it's a shame to feel it go..." he retorted, giggling as a beige paw wrapped around his own dripping cock and squeezed it tightly. Moaning aloud, he bucked against the tight grip, eeping as he felt more pre drip down the length of his member and meld into his gray pelt. The rabbit watched his partner slide back on his knees, a smile of relief as he was finally able to stretch is long legs out again; the sound of his joints popping echoed through the confines of the car. "Do you have a position in mind?" he sighed happily, still laying on his back watching the ceiling, he smiled as he felt the wolf's presence shift from being in front of him to his right side. Riley was now even with the rabbit's body, his tan fur brushing against the bunny's back, causing Blake to murr happily at the subtle touches. "I got an idea or two..." he whispered into a large ear before he leaned over and kissed the gray cheek affectionately. His paws gently gliding up and down the lapine's toned abs and chest, "You trust me, right?" the wolf asked as began gently positioning their bodies for the grand finale. "Oh of course I do..." the rabbit replied, letting his partner position him as he needed. Turning on his left side, he felt the wolf's body come up right behind him, the long beige muzzle pressing gently against the back of his neck, and his red wolfcock was tucked perfectly at his tailhole, the tip just nudging his rosebud open for its entry. "Good..." Ry said as he scooted forwards, pressing his body tightly to the rabbit's, whose scent he inhaled with every breath was driving him simply bonkers. He wrapped his arms protectively around the gray torso, pulling the lapine back against him while he kissed the licked the gray cheek. "Now lift you right leg, and the fun can start..." his voice low and lustfully as he began gently nipping at the lapine's shoulder, working his way along the boy's body. "Wolfie..." he cooed as he felt his long tongue lick at the sensitive nape of his neck, those sharp canines gently pricking at the gray pelt as the wolf would gently bite down. Once again allowing the canine to dictate his moves, he did as he was told; extending his leg out and away from his body so that he looked like a pair of scissors, his new position harder to hold then he first thought. It took a lot of concentration to keep it straight, but his patience was soon rewarded as he felt the wolf's hot flesh pierce his rear once again and enter his warm depths. He moaned aloud as he felt the first few inches bury themselves into him, the former emptiness replaced by a feeling of warmth and affection. Constricting on the advancing cock, he could hear Riley moan right along with him as he pushed more of his dripping member into his tight love-tunnel. The wolf lustfully hissed, closing his eyes to the pleasure as he felt the warm walls of the rabbit's body gently pushing from all angles against his already dripping member. "You feel even better then before..." he said softly as he began the slow track of burying his entire length in the male's more then willing tailhole. After every couple of inches or so, he'd pull back slightly just to see the furr next to him squirm before plunging back in like an engine piston. A minute later, he had himself completely submerged in the heat that came from under Blake's lifted tail, and a minute after that he was bucking in and out like a wolf in heat as he drove himself against the bunny's prostate. "My knot is...almost in..." he breathed heavily, doing his best to not blow his load just yet as he felt the beginnings of his bulbous knot press into the rabbit's rear. "You don't need to tell me that!" Blake joked, grunting as he felt the round, tennis ball sized growth try to work its way into his bowls. The more the wolf tried to tie with him, the harder he trembled at the idea of such a massive thing fitting into him, and as the next round of tries came he was nearly letting go of his raised leg. Taking a deep breath and deciding to waist anymore time fretting it, as soon as he felt the knot start to push in again, he jumped back into the wolf's lap, gritting his teeth as the full length of the wolf's cock sank into him at last. He could feel the lupine's fuzzy sac tickling the back of his legs along with the intense heat as his rump came in full contact with the wolf's crotch. Both males moaned in unison as they finally merged completely, Riley instantly stopping his movements as he waited for his partner to adjust to the rather massive intrusion. "I-I can't believe you took the entire thing in one push!" Riley exclaimed after his initial loud barks and moans. The wolf, no longer restrained in the degree of his movements, remained still as he felt the rabbit's plump cheeks nestle against his hips like two puzzle pieces fitting together, as Blake got comfortable with the new arrangement. Seeing the bunny struggle to keep his leg aloft, and not wanting that powerful thigh muscle to come crashing down atop his member, Riley used his own right leg to prop up the rabbit's. "You looked like you could use a helping paw there," he said into the bunny's ear, his right arm reaching over and taking a hold of the other's cock. "I can barely believe it myself..." his moans nearly overshadowing his words, "But I can sure as hell feel it." His entire body was quivering with waves of pleasure as the wolf began slowly rocking back and forth behind him like a soft ocean current, as he was being pulled under by the constant undertow of lust. Blake felt like he was being pulled in two directions at once, on one side he was being pushed forwards by the lupine's constant thrusting, and on the other he was being pulled back by the tan paw that had gripped his leaking member. His own paws were pressing against the floor in order to keep himself balanced against Ry's powerful hips. "I got you, you know..." Riley said softly, lips pressed against his inner ear. He stopped humping long enough to let his partner adjust himself, taking those seconds to look down at the scene before him. From his vantage point, he could make out a stripe of red that was his engorged member now trapped in the bunny's bottom; the pert little tail which tickled his crotch at each thrust; and the sight of the rabbit's thick gray sheath and red tube of flesh from just over the mountain that was his thigh. "I won't let you fall...ever...I promise you Bun-Bun," he said softly, nuzzling the boy's shoulder affectionately. "You really mean th-AHHH!" Blake said, interrupted by his own loud moan as he felt the wolf's tip brush against his prostate, letting loose a torrent of white fire that washed over his body. Like an electrical current had surged through him, his form writhed in pleasure against the beige body that held him tightly; he was sure he had shot his load then and there, but a quick examination reveled that he had kept his juices inside of him. "Oh god...Riley...Just how large are you?" he asked, breathless gasping permeating his sentence as he reached behind him, gently taking hold of the lupine's long beige tail and gently running it through his fingers. Riley giggled a bit as he watched his fellow furr react so violently to his cock pushing his buttons, arms holding him tightly against his chest as he gently nipped at his ears periodically. "I'm about nine inches...a total of eleven and a half if you include my knot..." he added, blushing at bit as he pushed his cold nose against the gray pelt before him, "And we already know how big you are, don't we?" Blake was stunned, he had nearly an entire foot of wolfmeat inside of him right now, and sensations made it feel like Ry was at least twice that. "Seven, hard, honey covered inches..." the bunny answered loudly. He still moaned each time the lupine bucked against him, but while his paw was playing with the canine's tail, it had accidentally brushed against something familiar, something he had forgotten about earlier. "So Ry...Are you always the top?" he asked, pretending to be distracted by the cock that was breaking new ground in his tailhole. "No..." he said with flushed cheeks, "I've had my share being the bottom on several occasions with several different furs." His mind flashing back to his previous mates at the different points in his life where he needed someone's strong arms holding him close. "And even when I am the now...I always make sure not to force myself on top of an unwilling participant," as he flexed his knot inside of the rabbit, drawing out another moan, "What made you think of that?" "Oh nothing..." Blake lied as he felt along the object in the grocery bag, doing his best to free it without the lupine noticing his actions. His own mind was preoccupied with fantasies of the wolf moaning and writhing much as he was, with a well hung fur buried to the base in his tailhole, the thoughts provoking his own member to leak excessive pre down over the beige paw that held it. "I'm just glad to know another switch hitter..." he said happily, murring as tender kisses were placed along his shoulder and the thrusting in and out of his backside that pushed the pair closer to the edge. Nodding slowly, Riley licked the gray cheek, "Well, variety is the spice of life..." he said softly, plunging his heated wolfhood farther into the offered constricting anal walls. Brushing once again over Blake's prostate, he watched him arch his back in pleasure, moaning to the night sky outside; his green eyes closed tightly as he pumped his bunnycock into the lupine's paw. "Someone else told me that earlier..." Blake responded once that surge had worn off, as he visualized the Ry and Ritter both in bed with him at once, the thought one he'd catalog for later. Having freed what he had felt in the plastic shopping bag, he slid his fingers gently along the vegetable's length, feeling the carrot's ridges against his paw till he determined which side was pointed and gripped it tightly. He could only snicker at the thought of what was going to happen as he used his thumb to gently massage the wolf's tailhole playfully; "I can certainly tell this won't be your first time..." he mumbled, his other paw intertwining his fingers with the lupine's free one, making sure to keep it restrained. "What's with all this sudden interest in my rump?" the lupine asked, his perked ears overhearing the rabbit's mumble as he leaned in close, licking the underside of the gray muzzle. When Blake didn't say anything, he decided to try another way of getting the information out of him; grinding his furry orbs against the other's, he pushed the tip of his cock into direct contact with the boy's prostate. With a snicker of his own, he watched him convulse in pleasure as he whimpered and whined, the wolf's paw clamping down on his member, refusing to let him cum. "No reason..." he managed to squeak out, his voice getting horse from all the moaning he was doing. The bunny made sure to line up the carrot with the underside of the wolf's tail, knowing he'd have only one shot at this to make it a complete surprise like he had planned. Slathering the length with some honey he had located on the floor nearby, he was sure that the lupine could handle the length...and hopeful that Riley wouldn't be mad at him. "That's a confession if I ever heard one," he remarked, grinning as he took the bunny's neck into his mouth, sharp teeth gently rubbing the vulnerable flesh as he gently bit down. His tongue rasped over the gray pelt while he gave a few quick thrusts under Blake's tail, hearing the boy's soft whines of pleasure. "Now tell me..." he said softly, licking along the furr's jaw line and chin, "What do you have planned?" It was then that he felt something nudge his tail up and a cold rounded point dock against his revealed rosebud; looking down, he could see an orange cone positioned for entry, his mind instantly identifying the foreign body. "Bla-AAAAAA-ke!" he warned, the word permeated as the carrot forced its way inside of him at the same moment, he in turn was then pushed deeper into the rabbit's body. Both males gasped in unison as their respective tailholes were pushed open, each arching their backs and groaning to the heavens outside. The bunny could feel the wolf's tail straiten stiff as he pushed the first inch of vegetable into the surprised lupine; his body forced against it's beige counterpart as their voices melded in lustful harmony. "Y-yes..." he asked hesitantly once he felt Ry get used to the intrusion, not that the canine could do much about free himself with having one paw supporting them, the other pawing him off as he spoke, his free leg keep his own aloft, and his knot tieing the pair together. Taking the rabbit's throat in his mouth, he gently bit down and growled as he gave a single hard push into his prey, making the male below him whimper and moan out. "You're a sneaky little bastard Blake Monin..." he said, pushing his knot into the rabbit's body as he himself groaned from the carrot's intrusion into his own tailhole. "You're no angel yourself, Wolfie..." he teased, twisting the carrot as he pushed another inch or two, he wasn't sure, into the male's rosebud. He could feel Riley stiffen, only to retaliate by swiveling his hips, the movement pushing his cock into new places inside of him, and like a raw electrical wire cast into a puddle, each new touch sent ripples of ecstasy coursing through his body. At this moment, the bunny wished he could take a picture to commemorate such an unusual event; here he was, naked as the day he was born, laying on his side in the trunk of a red SUV, his gray fur covered in sweat and pre, not to mention whipped cream, chocolate syrup, and honey; while behind him, a hunky stud wolf had his nearly foot long cock buried under his tail, knot tieing them together, one arm supporting both of them, the other fiercely pawing his bunnyhood firmly, and one leg aloft and intertwined with his; and on top of that, the lupine's tail was currently being stretched open by a pretty impressive sized carrot. "Picture perfect..." Blake mumbled under his breath before a moan interrupted him. "What was that prey?" the wolf asked, arching his back as another inch sank into him. Riley had to admit, that while the idea of being fucked with a vegetable didn't appeal to him at first, the bunny certainly knew how to poke all of his buttons. He could feel the carrot getting wider the more that was pushed into him, the increased girth stretching his hole to diameters he hadn't experienced in ages and making him whimper form the slight pain at being retaken. "Blake?" he asked again, having not heard anything; gently he flexed his member inside the velvety walls of the rabbit to garner a response. "Sorry Ry..." the rabbit said in a soft voice once he rode out the wave of whimpers and groans at having his prostate rubbed again. "My voice is just getting a bit horse from all the yelling..." he explained, pushing and turning the carrot inside the wolf's rear as he did so and hearing the resulting barks of pleasure from the furr, "Yells like that." "So...I see," as he felt the strain on his own voice, "Guess we'd better finish up." And with that he gave a firm shove into the bunny's sore bottom, the two crying out as their pleasure sensors were reaching maximum capacity. The lupine then felt the final inch of carrot enter him, his anal walls pushing against the ribbed surface of the otherwise smooth orange cone. The two males then began moaning in unison again as they matched each other push for push, thrust for thrust, whimper for whine, till puddles of pre were developing both on the rubber mat and inside the bunny's tailhole. "Oh god..." the rabbit exclaimed, formally believing that it was impossible for the wolf to still posses stamina, "Oh god...I'm going to blow my load!" His back arching as the beige paw pumped away along his sickened length; his own paw began twisting the carrot in all different directions inside the wolf while he bucked furiously against those tan hips. "I'm pretty close myself!" Riley hollered as began working the bunny over as fast as he could, his hips just a furry blurr as his wet fingers slid up and down the male's seven inch rod. At that moment the blunt orange tip of the vegetable, which had been rapidly rotating, came in contact with the lupine's prostate; Riley felt like he was being drowned in an ocean of pleasure from which there was no dry shore to escape to. His hips bucked uncontrollably, orbs churning in his sac, his shaft driving fiercely into the bunny under him, as he howled to the moon outside and released his pent up reservoir of seed into Blake's rear. "Oh...Oh god...I'm cumming!" he cried at the top of his lungs, his warning coming seconds too late as ropes of his seed were already filling the rabbit's anal cavity. Those hot velvet walls milking every drop of wolfcream from his orbs, collapsing and squeezing his knot tightly as he continued to thrust into him. "You gotta calm down Ry," warned Blake, his ass getting pounded harder then he could ever remember, "Or you're gonna make'm shooting!" he screamed, arching his back against the wolf as he let his first few ropes of white liquid fly from his cocktip. The lupine's paw continued to stroke his convulsing member, pumping more and more hot cum from his body as he moaned and whimpered, not even able to remember the last time he had an orgasm this explosive. His rosebud tightening around the canine's cock still embedded in it, making Riley scream again in lustful release as he unloaded more of his virile seed into the rabbit under him. His gray toes and fingers curled, gripping paws of beige fur as he continued to send blast after blast of bunnyseed onto his chest and the rubber mat below him. The lupine couldn't take it, the wiggling bunny with whom he was tied to was constantly, whether knowingly or not, tightening his tailhole and forcing him to pump out more of his precious wolven seed. Riley's entire body felt full of raw sexual power, his fur standing on edge as he could feel his senses sharpen; the boy's musk became like a wet blanket over them, his ears picking up the rabbit's squealing whimpers, his paws feeling each pulse of the bunny's cock as a new stream of white cum arced out onto his car's floor. He stopped humping Blake's rear once he felt he was shooting blanks, the orgasm still causing moans every time his glands would brush against his silky walls, but his sudden mad burst of energy was slowly leaving him. "That was..." he panted, his deep breaths interrupted by his tongue lolling out of the side of his muzzle, "Amazing, simply...amazing." "You said it..." Blake echoed, his body seemed worn out from all of tonight's activities, and his final release of his pent up juices had effectively empted him of the rest of his energy. He felt the last few dribbles of seed seep from his cockhead, dripping down the red length before being swiped up by the beige paw and brought up to his muzzle; taking a hesitant taste of his own cum, he found it a rather salty treat with just of hint of leftover honey. "Desert?" he asked, softly chuckling as the pair laid there in otherwise silence. His own body felt like a rag doll, arms limply hanging where they stood, his leg slowly being let down, making sure not to crush the knot that was still stuck in his backside. Giggling a bit, Riley brought his paw to his own muzzle, licking the rest of the rabbit's seed from his pads with a satisfied grin. "That's about as sweet as it gets, bunny cream fresh from the farm with just a hint of honey," he teased, gently kissing the gray cheek. Now that all the sexual tension had been released, the wolf managed to settle down; reaching behind him as he gently nudged the rabbit's paw from the carrot so he could begin the slow, and possibly erotic, removal of the vegetable out from under his tail. "Aww..." Blake jokingly said as he felt the wolf start to slip his toy out of him, his paw gently rubbing the soft beige pelt. "Do you not like being dominated by a vegetable?" he asked coyly, smiling as he could see the wolf's cheeks redden out of the corner of his eye. He got a small thrust, the lupine stabbing his cock once again into his tender bottom, the action making him whine aloud as he felt his sore body stiffen slightly. "It's not that really..." he answered, not fully ready to admit to himself that he liked what had been done to him, or that it was probably the most sexually enthralling and liberating act he had ever experienced. Shifting to a more comfortable stance, with one paw he slowly began to work the large carrot from his rectum, offering soft whimpers and moans as each ridge passed through his rosebud. "It's just that if this thing's constantly jabbing at my prostate, my knot's never gonna shrink to where we can untie without me hurting you," his fingers gently caressing the boy's face. "But what if...I don't want it to leave just yet," the rabbit admitted, blushing underneath his gray pelt as he felt the gentle touches of the wolf's pads along his muzzle, neck, and shoulders. Closing his eyes, he whined to himself as he clutched to the warm body behind him, pulling himself back against this lupine, the warmth of the his fur becoming a fuzzy blanket that he could wrap himself up in. "Well even when I do get this thing out..." he grunted, slipping a few more inches free of his constricting anal walls, "It's still going to take a while for my knot to shrink." With his free paw, he began comforting the rabbit, rubbing his shoulder with small circular motions while he'd gently kiss the bunny's exposed neck and back. "Why are you suddenly so worried?" he asked, concerned something awful was bothering his newest friend. Suddenly embarrassed by his previous comment, Blake shrunk back at the question, ears lowering to hide his face as he remained silent. He gasped as he felt Ry's fingertips gently press against his trembling lower lip, offering safe haven to his words that otherwise might be swallowed into extinction. "Because...once you're out...I'm afraid you'll leave me," he said softly, holding back the dry sobs he knew were coming. Groaning aloud, Riley finally managed to remove the large carrot from inside him, a content sigh leaving his muzzle as he set it aside, taking a brief second to marvel at how large it was. "Now why would I go and leave you?" the wolf asked, his now free arm draped over the rabbit's side as he gently nuzzled his shoulder, tail wagging softly against the rubber mating. "Because..." he started, voice quivering as he latched on to the arm cupping his waist, paws firmly holding the beige furr tightly to him, "Because everyone else has," Blake admitted. Feeling small trickles of silent tears start their journey down his face as he continued, "After someone's done yiffing me, they play all nice, but once their barbs, or knot, or flare shrink down...they either cut and run, leaving me to pick up my clothes in lonely silence, or the shuffle me out of the door still naked and smelling of sex. But I still don't want to stop because, for those minutes or hours where we'd be in bed together, I feel...needed." The wolf instantly felt an overwhelming sense of guilt for not, perhaps, taking his time to get to know the male before jumping into bed with him, or rather the trunk of his car as it were. Wanting to start apologizing profusely, adding on heaps of sympathy and pity for the poor fur, he halted his intentions, instead deciding to make up now for what he failed to do before him. "Hey Blake..." he said softly, watching the gray head turn to try and glimpse at his smiling face, "Tell me about yourself." To say he was shocked, would be like saying the ocean is damp; his sniffles cleared up, tears stopped flowing, and slowly he could feel a small smile begin to worm its way across his gray muzzle. "Well, my name is Blake Monin, though you already knew that," he said with a giggle, the wolf smiling as he heard the joyous sound, "I'm nineteen years old and have lived in the town of Durkon all my life. I work here at the Express Lane full time, but I take college classes online and am working towards a degree in the culinary arts." He was absolutely thrilled that someone actually wanted to know anything at all about him other then what credit cards does the cash register accepted, and the fact that it was a stud of a wolf, well, that was just icing on the cake. Ruffling the bunny's electric blue hair, the wolf chuckled as he held the rabbit snuggly against him. "You take cooking classes online?" he asked in disbelief, not believing someone had developed a way to taste things via the internet, "That must be interesting to say the least." "It's not," Blake replied dully, "The only classes I can take are lectures and theory dependent ones...and after this semester, there will be none left that I qualify for without kitchen experience." Sighing softly, he didn't mean to be burdening his new friend with his problems, but not having an outlet for such discussions made it hard to resist. "I don't have anyway of getting into a culinary college, which means that I got no hope of getting my dream, to one day work at a five star restaurant somewhere." "What about your parents?" the lupine questioned, pressing his cold nose against the rabbit's face, "Shouldn't they help support sending you off to college, maybe get a loan or qualify for financial aid or something," he suggested. He gently began to rub the gray chest, fingers making curvy designs in the dense pelt as he tried to instill within the boy a sense of confidence in his decisions, "I'm sure if you told them, they'd help you out." "What about my parents?" the lapine responded coldly, the lack of emotion obvious as he cast his eyes down at the floor, getting ready to explain. "They left me here when I was just a wee' bunny, and moved across the country to continue their lives like they had before I was born. To them I'm just a mistake, a temporary setback in the lives of two jetsetters and their 'holyer-then-thou' crowd of followers." Blake scowled, drudging up memories of his parents, who were only considered that because he had been created from their genes. "They haven't talked to me in close to a year, not visited and more then four, and send me checks every other month or so if they feel like it so I won't show up at their estate asking for money and embarrass them in front of their friends." Feeling like he just brought the mood down several degrees, he sighed softly, wanting to curl up in a ball and hide away, there was no way this wolf would want to spend time with a rabbit with such emotional baggage. "I'm sorry..." Riley said, "I didn't know." He shuffled a bit closer to his partner in crime this evening, arms holding him close as he tried his best to comfort the boy. "Well then, if not your parents, who do you live with in town?" he asked, hoping to get onto a livelier topic. "My grandmother on my father's side," he said, voice lacking any and all enthusiasm, "She was the only one they could find whose doorstep was empty to drop me off at. I mean, it's not that I don't love her or anything..." he said defensively; "She's an amazing women who without, I wouldn't be here today...But she's getting up there in years, and I know she wants to move into this old folks home at the edge of town with all of her friends. The problem is..." he explained, "Is that if she goes, I can't support both rent and utilities all on my meager paycheck, not to mention food and clothes." Instantly the wolf wanted to rush in, to be the boy's knight in shinning armor come to solve all his problems and take all his worries away, but he admitted that even still he barely knew the furr he was suddenly wanting to protect. Having to put his idealistic and chivalrous dreams on hold for the moment, he decided to play it cool, calm, and collected. "I think we should call her to tell her that you are alright...I'm sure she must be worried sick about you with this storm out tonight," he said, gently licking the rabbit's neck. "Don't bother rushing to the phone," the rabbit mumbled, looking out of the tinted windows at the black, cloudy sky, "She probably fell asleep watching her soaps again. Heck...I bet she doesn't even realize there's a storm out tonight, or that I'm not even home yet." His body trembled at the tongue that tickled the nape of his neck with its broad strokes as he lay still next to the wolf, his moist breath cascading over his shoulders to wrap him in warmth The pair fell into silence for a few minutes, neither sure what should be said as they clutched tightly to each other in the SUV's trunk. "I think my knot has reduced its swelling..." Riley said hesitantly, arms still protectively wrapped around the rabbit's torso as he kissed the gray shoulder. "I'm gonna try and squeeze out before something gets us aroused, and locks me back inside you...Ok?" he asked, nuzzling the back of Blake's head with his cold nose, hearing the soft murrs of appreciation. "O...Ok..." the bunny said hesitantly, swallowing loudly as he gripped the wolf's arm tightly against his chest as insurance that he wouldn't kick him away, or at the least, couldn't pretend it was an accident as many others did. Looking down, he could see that his own hard cock had sunk back in to his gray sheath, the furry tube lying loosely against his chest, rising and falling with each breath. He could feel the lupine readying himself for his withdrawal by shifting back a few centimeters, and the rabbit had to admit that the size of the knot had certainly shrunk since he had forced the bulb of flesh inside of him earlier. "There...umm...might be a bit of discomfort," Ry warned, one paw bracing the rabbit's shoulders as the other reached down to grip himself right behind his knot. Taking several deep breaths and counting to ten in his head, he squeezed the bulb firmly and shifted backwards as fast he could. Blake squealed with momentary discomfort as the knot popped out from under his tail, the veiny ball of flesh then quickly followed by the rest of the wolf's cock in one quick motion. The damp air wrapped around his still warm wolfhood as a slight rumbling moan escaping his lips. "Seems like you sprung a leak there..." the wolf teased, watching a small dribble of his seed run out of the rabbit's rosebud. He took the moment to fluff his cock, murring as he managed to get himself sheathed away so as to not drip on anything. The instant that the lupine was no longer inside of him, Blake suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of emptiness come over him as the cool air brushed against his puckered tailhole. His gray teardrop tail stiffened as he tried to ease it down so as to cover his entrance, his muscles slowly relaxing now that there was nothing stretching him open the size of a beer can. Sitting up, the rabbit looked over at the wolf still laying down on his right, the glazed-over look of contentment in his eyes, the bunny taking it as a signal that he was done with him for the moment. "Guess I had better go..." he woed, turning to leave so as to not impose on the wolf to have to kick him out himself. "What?...Why?" Riley shouted, turning to see the rabbit start to crawl away on all fours. Scrambling to his own knees, "Blake...Blake, wait!" he cried after him, reaching out to catch the fleeing furr by his wrist. Not wanting to seem violent or possessive, instead of pulling him back, he just held him there for a moment. Ears laying flat against his head, he Figured he must have done something to offend his new friend, "If you are gonna go, at least let me drive you to your car...The storm's still raging outside." Looking back at the male, the rabbit sighed softly, "I don't have a car..." he admitted, much to his own shame as he remained there on his knees and paws, "I can't afford one." " mean if I hadn't come in, you were going to walk home in this weather?" Ry retorted, paw still firmly holding on to the boy as though he was afraid the wind would come in and blow him out to see like a balloon. "Yeah, I was...So?" his voice stinging the canine like a shot through the heart, he could see it in the wolf's eyes that he had hit a nerve. Tugging gently on the gray arm, the lupine whined hesitantly, "If I did something to hurt you, I'm sorry...If you want to talk about, I'll try to correct it." He didn't want to come to the town, and in less then a week already create a strained friendship. "Did you really mean what you said before Riley, about never letting me fall?" Blake asked slowly, tears starting to culminate in the corners of his eyes as he stared down the larger predator. He had never felt like this after a night with someone, and his mind was all over the place with thoughts, fears, and fantasies that he couldn't even think straight any longer. Blushing slightly, Riley offered a small smile, "So you heard that huh?" he said, coughing a bit as he slid across the floor till he was seated right behind the rabbit. "It's hard not to with ears this big..." the bunny teased, sniffling as he wiped his pert pink nose with his free paw before brushing blue strands of hair from across his face. Nodding slowly, "Yeah, I meant it Blake..." he said under his breath. Eyes downcast at the black mat below him, his breathes heavier as he revealed his inner feelings to someone he met only an hour or so prior. "I've never felt an attraction so strong to someone I barely know. Being in this town for less then a week, I didn't leave my apartment at all till I was severely running low on food and the neighborhood drive-through food was starting to agitate my stomach. When I saw you I just...I don't know...wanted to get to know you...wanted to become friends...maybe...even more then that..." His ears were flat against his head again, free paw flicking the tears from his eyes to the trunk below as his bright yellow eyes closed. "More? mean like boyfriends?..." Blake squeaked out, his heart fluttering around in his chest so fast he was afraid it might just burst from his torso and fly away on wings of love. "Yeah...and eventually mates...maybe...if you'd have a schmuck like me by your side..." he said hesitantly, not bothering to look up at the rabbit kneeling over him. Suddenly he felt a heavy weight atop his legs, arms wrapping around his chest, and furry lips pressed tightly against his own; the wolf could barely let out a whimper of surprise before the bunny's tongue was wiggling its way into his beige muzzle, his own muscle eagerly accepting the invitation as the two did battle inside his maw. His own paws took firm hold of the lapine's shoulders, holding him there as he returned the embrace, the two naked furrs holding each other in the darkness of his SUV. "That's all I've ever wanted..." Blake said softly once their muzzles parted, leaning in to kiss the lupine's wet nose before he spread out in his lap, resting his head against the male's shoulder with a warm smile. The pair rested there in silence, the only sounds were the rhythmic breathing, the rain against the car's roof, and the content sighs of two people madly in love. Suddenly, the rabbit's life didn't seem so heard to bare, his dream now fulfilled by the handsome beige wolf named Riley Dolce; and even though the sky outside was still black and foreboding, his Bag-Boy Blues had cleared up to reveal a sunny paradise just waiting for him. Fin' * * *

Well, that's it folks....if you read this far, congrates! And for those of you who read the begining, as well as this little blurb, I'll let you i on a little something. As I said above, I'm currently listening to all of out romantic songs till we got to "our" song..well, that song is "Black Roses Red", I'm not sure who sings it, but just type it into youtube to find it, also it was on the "sisters of the taveling pants" soundtrack I recently found out. Well, that's all I got to say. I'll leave you all with this: An opertunity only comes around once in a life time, so don't miss your chance to reach out and grab for it, you won't get another shot.