An Everlasting Friendship: Part 2

Story by Spiritmoon on SoFurry

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#2 of An Everlasting Friendship

An Everlasting Friendship: Part 2

Robin and Zander entered the house after what happened at the lake. As they had walked back, their thoughts had been drawn to what exactly had just happened. They were both a little shocked at what had happened so they mumbled to one another that they were going to get cleaned up, and went to their respective bathrooms.

As robin entered her bedroom on the way to the bathroom she closed the door and lay down on the bed to gather her thoughts. "Did I really do what I think I did?" She asked herself. A single glimpse of her semen covered hands and arms told her the answer. She got up and walked into her bathroom and turned the water on for a shower.

As she stepped into the shower and felt the warm water running over her body, and began cleaning her matted fur she began to think of her new feelings towards Zander. She had always thought of him as a good friend and almost a part of her family. Now, however, these feelings were being replaced by a deep attraction that she couldn't explain.

As she stood under the steamy shower, her thoughts began to clear as she relaxed. He is attractive, she thought to herself. I guess it doesn't matter that he is such a close friend. With a shrug, she accepted the fact that she was attracted to him and switched her thoughts to another subject, her. She was just as surprised at herself for what she had done at the lake. She was not normally the type to do something so drastic on the spur of the moment. "Well what's done is done." she said with a tone of finality in her voice.

She finished cleaning her fur and washing her hair, and got out of the shower. Once her fur had dried she went into her room, picked out her favorite robe, put it on and left the room.


Meanwhile, Zander had also taken a shower and was now laying on his bed sorting his own thoughts out. He knew he had been attracted to Robin for a while now, but he never thought that anything would actually come of it, quite the opposite in fact. He had always thought that their long friendship would keep her from becoming attracted to him, or at least keep her from acting upon it. But now it appeared that wasn't the case.

Well if she is attracted to me then I guess I should be happy. He thought to himself. After all, it's what I hoped would happen some day. I shouldn't worry about it. She wouldn't want it to bother me. He thought as he got up and walked over to his duffel bag. After rummaging around, he pulled out a pair of old blue gym shorts and a comfortable t-shirt, slipped them on and left the room.


Zander emerged from the hallway and was immediately struck by the smell of food cooking. As he entered the family room he could see that Robin was busy in the kitchen. He quietly turned and headed for the kitchen to see if he could help.

"That smells wonderful." remarked Zander as he entered the kitchen. Robin jumped slightly and turned around with a look of surprise on her face. "How many times have I told you not to sneak up on me?" she said with a giggle.

"Sorry." replied Zander. "What are you making?" he inquired while looking into the nearest pot.

"It's spinach and cheese ravioli in marinara sauce." Robin replied.

"Mmmm, one of my favorites." said Zander with a smile. "Need any help?"

Robin smiled, "Sure, the food is done, but you can get the table cleaned off." she replied.

"Alright." said Zander as he headed over to the table.

They were both soon enjoying their meals in silence. After a couple minutes Zander noticed that something appeared to be bothering Robin. "What's wrong Robin?" he asked, with a concerned expression on his face. Robin looked up from her meal with a nervous smile. She took a moment to organize what she was about to say.

"I think we need to talk about what happened earlier." she said after a moment. Zander paused for a second then looked her in the eyes. "Yah... I guess we should." he said with a sigh.

"Well, I guess I'll go first." Said Zander after a moment of silence. "And I'm just goanna say it straight out." "You see... I have been attracted to you for a while now. I never thought anything would come of it because we were such good friends. I thought if I tried anything it would just make our friendship awkward, and that was the last thing in the world that I wanted. Our friendship means a lot to me." Zander paused for a moment to let what he had said sink in, and then continued speaking. "When I saw you today in that swimsuit, I couldn't believe how beautiful you looked and I guess when I fell asleep I was fantasizing about you. When I woke up and you started rubbing my crotch, I couldn't stop you because it was what my body wanted and it wouldn't let me."... "I just hope this doesn't come between us and ruin our friendship." finished Zander with a sincerely concerned look on his face and a very slight quiver in his voice.

Robin didn't speak for what seemed like forever to Zander. Eventually she spoke. "Well Zander... I'm glad you told me all of that because it made things more clear to me, and it is going to make what I have to say a lot easier." She paused and Zander looked even more worried than before, expecting something terrible was coming.

"You see Zander... I've recently been experiencing new feelings for you. It took me a while to figure them all out, but after what you just told me I'm pretty sure of what it is. I think that I am attracted to you, as you are apparently attracted to me." Zander's ears instantly perked up and his face was lit up with a hopeful smile.

Robin watched Zander's reaction and felt a heavy weight lift from her chest. She smiled right back at him, then looked him straight in the eye and continued speaking in a very gentle yet serious tone. "However...I want to know something Zander."..."Do you think we could be happy together? Do you think that we could turn our long-lasting friendship into something more serious? I feel in my heart that the answer is yes, but what about you?" she finished.

She looked at Zander and expected him to speak, but instead, he stood up and walked around the table to where robin was sitting. As he turned to face Robin he gently placed his hands on her shoulders. He gently pulled Robin out of her seat until she was standing and they were face to face. Robin's heart was pounding in her chest as Zander leaned forward and their muzzles met in a passionate kiss. This kiss was much different from the one at the lake. This kiss was filled with the affection that they now knew they felt towards one another.

Robin was surprised as she felt Zander's tongue press on her lips. After a moments pause she opened her lips and let her tongue out to explore Zander's. As their tongues intertwined and began exploring each other's mouths they embraced in a passionate hug as they were caught up in the moment. As the kiss continued, they began to slowly move toward the couch.

After what seemed like eternity, they broke their kiss and looked each other in the eyes. "Well.. I guess that's a yes." giggled Robin, nuzzling Zander's neck with her muzzle. As they kept in their embrace, Robin began to rub Zander's back with her paws. She slowly massaged his back and shoulders, rubbing up and down his muscled torso.

Eventually she slipped her paws under his t-shirt and began to lightly run her claws through his short equine fur. Zander let out a soft whinny and began to reciprocate the attention he was getting, rubbing Robin's back in a similar way.

After a moment, Robin grabbed the hem of Zander's shirt and began to lift it up and off of him. He stopped rubbing her back and raised his arms so she could get the shirt off. When his shirt was off, Robin began to sensually rub all over Zander's bare chest and back. She murred at the feel of his short fur under her paws and began to rub harder. After several minutes of lovingly massaging each other's bodies, Robin stepped away and stood in front of Zander.

She eyed his body with an expression of deep desire. God I love that dark chocolate colored fur and that well- muscled chest and those bright Ice-blue eyes. She thought to herself.

Zander in turn was looking over Robin's body as she eyed him. Her beautiful red fur with the white streak that ran down from her chin, her crimson hair, tied up in a pony-tail, and her deep green eyes were enough to drive him crazy. The deep-red silk robe that she was wearing suited her too. It fit loosely over her body, revealing just enough to show off her shapely body. As he looked at her longer he couldn't help undressing her with his mind. He wanted to feel her warm fur against his, to have their bodies intertwined.

Almost as if she could detect what Zander was thinking, Robin began to untie the sash of her robe. As it slowly came undone, Zander came out of his trance and stared wide-eyed at her. The sash fell to the ground and Robin began to pull the robe off of her shoulders. It too fell to the ground around her feet, revealing her now nude body to Zander.

Zander gasped as the robe fell to the floor. "God you're beautiful!" exclaimed Zander. For, there was Robin, standing in front of him with a shy smile on her face, completely nude. Her lithe body was indeed beautiful. Her legs and arms were perfectly toned from the years of swimming that she did. Her breasts were moderately sized; probably a C-cup thought Zander. They were perfectly shaped with cute little pink nipples. His eyes were soon drawn to her groin, where he could see her pink pussy lips through the white fur that ran down her body. He could also tell that she was already a little wet from excitement.

He looked up and saw her moving toward him. As she approached she murred in a seductive manner and moved her body in an exaggerated way. She moved to within a foot of Zander and stopped, wanting him to come to her. Zander realized this and obliged by moving into yet another embrace. As they wrapped their arms around each other, her breasts pressed firmly against Zander's chest. This made Robin give a slight shiver of pleasure as she felt her nipples rub against Zander's short fur.

Eventually she stepped back a bit and moved her hands to her breasts and rubbed them suggestively. Zander soon got the message and began to softly rub her breasts. He cupped a breast in each hand and slowly and gently began to squeeze them and massage them. Robin let out a small gasp as his hands rubbed against her sensitive nipples. Zander noticed this and began to focus on playing with the little pink nipples. After several long minutes Zander felt something pushing his head forward. He realized what Robin wanted and was happy to oblige.

Zander dipped his head down and gave robin a quick kiss before nuzzling and licking his way down her neck and chest and finally ending up just above her right nipple. Robin moaned with anticipation and attempted to push Zander down that last inch. After a moment Zander moved and took her nipple in his mouth, making Robin moan loudly with an expression joy on her face. He began to swirl his tongue around her nipple and sucked on it lightly, getting a loud moan in response.

Zander went to work on her breasts in this manner for a good half hour. Occasionally switching breasts to lick and suck on both nipples while rubbing the other with a spare hand, enjoying the murrs and occasional gasps that Robin gave.

Eventually Robin broke away from Zander's ministrations with a shiver of pleasure. She stepped back and left Zander there with a look of disappointment on his face, expecting them to be done for the time being.

She swished her tail to get his attention and began to walk over to the couch. She smiled to herself at Zander's reaction. Zander moved to follow her but remained standing as she sat down on the couch. "Well? Now I guess its time for you to return the favor from earlier." Said Robin suddenly in a playful tone. Zander was surprised by her sudden forwardness and paused a moment, a little confused. "W--what?" he managed to ask.

After seeing Zander's reaction to this she spoke again. "You didn't think we were done yet did you?" she asked with a giggle. Zander's ears perked up at that and he moved closer. Robin leaned back on the couch and spread her legs apart, giving Zander a perfect view of her pussy. She motioned with her index finger for him to come to her, which he quickly did.

Zander was speechless as he got on his knees and moved closer so that his muzzle was only inches from her crotch. She was rubbing her mound in anticipation as he slowly brought his mouth closer. Well... this is a side of Robin that I have never seen before. he thought as he stared at her moist pussy.

"What are you wait-" Robin began, but was cut off as Zander moved his tongue over her mound.

The new sensation was ecstasy to Robin. Zander's large tongue slowly running up and down her pussy was like nothing she had ever felt. As Zander grazed her clit she gave a loud yelp of pleasure and urged him on with moans and low growls. After several minutes of slowly licking the outside of her mound, Zander decided to go a bit further and pushed his tongue harder against her opening. His tongue slipped past her outer folds and into her moist depths. Robin nearly screamed as Zander's large tongue slowly entered her passage for the first time and began exploring its depths.

Zander was surprised at the flavor that was now coating his tongue, and he soon decided that he liked it and continued going. He began to swirl his tongue around inside Robin's virgin passage and was rewarded with several loud moans and a squirt of her juices that he eagerly licked up, savoring the taste.

After a few minutes of this Robin couldn't take it any more. She wanted to feel his tongue even deeper inside her. "Please.... deeper..." she moaned as she put her hands on Zander's head.

Zander was happy to oblige and quickly pushed his tongue in as far as it would go, getting a scream of pleasure from Robin in response. Zander began to furiously work his tongue inside Robin's passage. Every movement he made coaxed continually louder moans, growls and yelps from Robin.

Zander could tell that Robin was close to her climax and decided to try and finish her off. He began to swirl his tongue around the edges of her moist passage and gradually went deeper and deeper until he finally found what he was looking for.

As Zander's tongue pressed against her most sensitive spot, Robin screamed as her orgasm hit. Her body writhed as she rode the monstrous waves of pleasure that coursed through her body. She was barely able to stay conscious as the tempest wracked her body. When the orgasm had passed, Zander pulled his tongue out of Robin's passage and began to lick her pussy and inner thighs clean of her tasty juices.

As Robin recovered from the most powerful orgasm of her life, she looked down at Zander, who was patiently waiting on the floor next to her. He looked her in the eyes and smiled. "Enjoyed that did we?" he asked with a grin. She smiled back at him and, simply nodded, as she was too exhausted to speak.

Zander stood and looked at the clock which indicated it was well after midnight. When he turned back around, Robin was asleep. He smiled and carefully picked her up and carried her to her bed and laid her down.

As he was pulling the covers over her, she spoke in a low tired voice. "I love you Zander." she said, and was quickly asleep again. Zander paused for a moment upon hearing these words then smiled as he looked at her sleeping. He bent over and gave her a gentle kiss on her cheek. "I love you too." He whispered.

He turned around and turned off the light as he exited her room. As he returned to his room, Zander began to imagine what the rest of this week would be like.

To Be Continued...