An Everlasting Friendship: Part 3

Story by Spiritmoon on SoFurry

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#3 of An Everlasting Friendship

An Everlasting Friendship: Part 3

Zander awoke to the smells and sounds of breakfast being made. He rolled over on to his back and just lay there, thinking. The events of last night came to him and he smiled to himself. He knew that there would probably be more to come this week. What really made him happy, however, was what they had said to each other the night before. They had told each other that they loved each other, and he knew that they had both been sincere.

He looked out the window to his right and saw a beautiful day, clear blue skies and a slight breeze rustling the trees. "Well, I guess its time to get up and enjoy that perfect day." he said to himself as he got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. After taking a quick shower and brushing out his long hair and tail, he pulled on some jeans and a black t-shirt and headed out into the kitchen.

As he entered the kitchen he could see Robin busy making waffles. She was wearing a pair of casual jeans and a red t-shirt that showed off her form. Zander smiled and walked up behind her. "Mmmm, Good morning." he said.

Robin gave a slight jump of surprise, but turned around with a smile on her face. "Good morning sleepy head." she giggled. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes I did, and you?" asked Zander.

Robin gave Zander another smile "very well thank you." she responded. She turned around and poured some more batter into the waffle iron and closed the lid, then turned back around to face Zander. She now looked at him with a new expression on her face.

Zander put his arms around her waist and pulled her in close. She looked up at him and gave Zander the happiest smile he had ever seen. He leaned forward and she met him halfway and they kissed. It wasn't a long kiss but it contained all the affection they felt for each other. They broke the kiss and looked into each others eyes. "I love you." said Zander in a gentle tone. Robin murred, "I love you too." she responded. Then they simply embraced for a minute before Robin went back to the breakfast she was making.

A few minutes later they were both sitting at the table eating the breakfast of Waffles, eggs and a bit of bacon. After a minute, Robin spoke. "You know Zander... I've felt different since last night. I've felt extremely at peace. This morning when I woke up, I was the happiest I think I've ever been."

Zander smiled "I felt the same way when I woke up this morning. Sort of... at peace with myself." "I really do think that we were meant for each other Robin. That's what I feel anyway." he finished speaking and took a few bites of his eggs.

Robin took a minute to organize her thoughts, and then spoke. "As long as I've known you Zander, I have always had a feeling that we would be more than just friends someday. Being with you has always made me happy. Whenever I was around you as a kid I was always happier. I love you more than I ever thought I could; I want you to know that."

All Zander could do was stare at her. A new understanding had come to him. "Well all I can say is, you took the words right out of my mouth... I have always felt the same way. I could never explain it until now."

With all their thoughts spoken, they both began to relax even more. They finished their breakfast and cleaned up. When they were finished, they headed outside onto the patio and sat down.

I was a perfect day, about 72 degrees with a slight breeze, and not a cloud in the sky. The view from the patio was splendid as well. It was north facing so it never got any direct sunlight, and it had a perfect view of the lake and the surrounding forest. The house was on a hill so one could see for a good distance. Off a bit to the right, they could make out Zander's house on top of another hill about a mile away.

Zander and Robin looked at each other and then out at the place where they had grown up together. They both smiled as they recalled various memories. After a few minutes Zander spoke. "So what are we gonna do today?" he asked.

"I don't know... you decide." said Robin as she looked out over the lake. "Hmmm... let's go fishing." proposed Zander.

"Sounds good to me, it's been a while since the lake has been fished, so there should be some pretty good sized fish in there." she said as they got up and headed to the Garage where the fishing gear was. A few minutes later they were geared up and headed to the lake.


Later that Afternoon...

Robin and Zander had spent most of the morning and afternoon out at the lake fishing and it was now a little after five o clock. They hadn't caught anything good at the lake, just a few small fish that they released. When they had gotten back to the house, Robin had told Zander to get washed up, he didn't argue. He was dirty and grimy from spending the day in the hot sun, so he figured a shower would feel good. He washed his short brown fur and shampooed his hair, all the while wondering what Robin had in store for him tonight.

Robin in the meantime, was preparing a picnic for the two of them. She had a special evening planned. The picnic consisted of some pasta salad, a few sandwiches and some other snacks that she knew they would both enjoy. The final touch was a nice cold bottle of Sparkling Cider. When she was done packing the food, she left the kitchen and went to take her own shower.

When Zander was finished cleaning up he picked out some nice clothes to wear. He put on a Light blue button-up shirt and some Kaki pants. He had a feeling that Robin had something planned, and that tonight was going to be special, so he wanted to look nice. He brushed out his long hair and tail and headed out into the living room and sat down on the couch.

It wasn't long before Robin entered the room and smiled at Zander. Zander was once again in awe at how beautiful Robin was. She had picked out a beautiful black silk shirt, which was embroidered with gold and pink thread in an oriental pattern; on the back was a large intricate design of a cherry blossom which was partly covered by her long crimson hair. She also had on a pair of black pants that had a similar pattern on them, but they weren't made of silk. She wore no shoes, as was her habit. Her fluffy tail swished as she stood for a moment, enjoying the attention.

All Zander could do was to stare and give a silly grin as she walked up to him. "So..." she said with a smile, "I guess you like my outfit."

Zander gave a small gulp, "It's beautiful!" he answered, "and it suits you perfectly."

"Well thank you." said robin with a large grin. "C'mon Zander, I need your help carrying our food. I have something special planned for us tonight."

Carrying our food? Thought Zander. Why would we be carrying our food? He wondered. He decided to just go with the flow and do what she told him.

A few minutes later they were leaving the house with Zander carrying the picnic basket and a blanket. Before leaving, Robin put on a matching black suede jacket and then locked the door behind them.

"Ok, now just follow me; the place we are going is a good twenty minutes from here." she said as she turned and headed for the forest. This surprised Zander, but he shrugged and hurried after her.

Zander soon found himself in a very unfamiliar part of the forest. He might have been worried except for the fact that there was a very small path they were following, and that Robin appeared to know exactly where they were going. He also noticed why she had put on the jacket, even though it was pretty warm out. The branches of the trees and bushes would have torn the silk shirt to pieces.

The trail was easy to follow. It was small, but it was clearly defined and the ground was smooth and clear of obstructions. After about twenty minutes Robin stopped in front of a large stand of trees which were so close together and thick with leaves and vines that Zander couldn't see past them. Zander stopped with a puzzled look on his face.

"This place..." began Robin as she turned to face Zander, "This place has been my secret for almost ten years. Through these trees lies my most cherished place. When I was five years old I was wandering in the woods when I got lost and found my way here. I could tell even then that this place was special. It was one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen." she paused for a moment before continuing. "I started coming back here whenever I needed to just be alone and think. Several years passed and I decided to make this place a permanent retreat." With that, she reached into the mass of leaves and vines and Zander heard something click. To Zander's surprise a section of the foliage arched out like a door. Robin motioned for him to step through the door of vines.

Zander nearly dropped the items he was carrying as he crossed the threshold. He found himself in a clearing approximately fifty feet wide and forty feet deep. Around the edges, the trees grew so close together that they created a natural wall that not even Robin could slip through. However, what really took Zander's breath away was what he saw as he faced the side that was bare of trees. He stood before a cliff that dropped down about two or three hundred feet into a long valley, with a small waterfall about a hundred feet to the right of the clearing.

Zander set down the picnic stuff and turned his attention to the rest of the area. There was a layer of soft grass that covered the area and several planter-like spots where various flowers had been planted. On the far side of the clearing there was a small green bench that faced out over the valley, with a bird bath a few feet to its left, and a small table to its right. The entire area gave off a strange feeling of peace and tranquility that Zander couldn't explain.

Zander turned around as he heard another "click" and saw Robin walking up to him. The "door", he saw, was indeed a door. He realized that the vines grew on the door and camouflaged it. Nobody would know it was there unless they knew where to look. Robin walked over to the bench and laid her jacket over the back, then turned to face Zander.

"Did you do all of this?" asked Zander with a look of awe on his face.

"Yes." replied Robin with a smile. "When I was about ten years old I began to make the changes you now see. The first things to come were the bench and bird bath; which were very hard to get here I might add." she said with a laugh. "It took me nearly a week to get the bench here by myself. I wanted it to be my secret so I never told anyone or asked anyone for help. After a few more years, I planted the grass and flowers. Every time I would come here I would trim, and weed, and maintain them. The door was the most recent. It was put in about a year ago. A couple of the trees had died, and fallen over. I dug them out and actually made the door out of them. I attached the door to another tree and the vines just came naturally over time." She stopped speaking and looked around with a proud and caring look.

After a minute of silence, Zander spoke. "You really worked hard didn't you? Well it paid off. This has to be one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen." he said simply, for that was all he could think to say as it was the truth.

"Thank you Zander." She replied. "Now that we are together I wanted to share this with you. It can be our secret retreat, where we can always be alone." She stepped over to Zander and embraced him in a hug.

"I'm happy to be the one to share this with you." said Zander.

They looked each other in the eyes and kissed. It was a long passionate kiss that seemed to last forever. After a minute, Robin broke the kiss, and let out a slight moan. "Well... why don't we eat now before it gets dark." she said as she unrolled the blanket and laid it on the soft grass.

After about twenty minutes they had eaten their fill and were sitting on the small bench. Robin was leaning against Zander with her head on his shoulder as they watched the sun begin to set. The view of the sunset from the cliff was amazing. The sun lit up the valley below with a deep orange light that made the river seem to light on fire. Zander looked at Robin and saw her deep red fur lit up in a similar fashion. Robin looked up at Zander and gave a happy smile.

Eventually Robin got up and headed to the basket where she retrieved the unopened bottle of sparkling cider and two glasses. She popped the top off and poured them both a glass of their favorite drink. She sat back down next to Zander and looked at him. Zander looked back at her and spoke.

"This was the nicest surprise I could have asked for Robin. I promise never to tell anyone about this place so long as I live. It will be our secret. You put so much of yourself in this place. The fact that you wanted to share it with me is something that I will cherish forever." He finished speaking and gave robin a quick kiss on the cheek.

Robin smiled and returned the kiss. She then raised her glass up and spoke. "Here's to a long and happy future for us. May this place always be a safe haven for us to return to." She finished her toast and Zander touched his glass against hers in approval. They sat there for several minutes finishing their drinks before they set them on the table. After a minute, robin nuzzled Zander's neck and whispered in his ear.

"Now... its time... tonight is all about us. Just sit back and relax." she whispered sensually. As she finished speaking, she slid off the bench and moved in front of Zander. Zander just watched and waited in anticipation of what he knew was coming.

Robin began to rub Zander's crotch with her paws and smiled as she felt him begin to harden under her touch. She began to lightly squeeze the bulge that was forming, making Zander moan. Soon the pants were straining to hold in the hard horse meat that was filling them. Out of sympathy, Robin undid the pants and let the long black and pink member slip out into the cool evening air. The semi-hard cock began to harden faster now that it had been freed from its prison.

Then Robin decided to try something different. She nosed her way to the base of his cock and gave a long hard lick from the base to the tip. With this, the cock sprang to its full length of fourteen inches, with a loud moan by Zander. Robin continued giving long slow licks along Zander's shaft, occasionally stopping and licking the sensitive tip, getting a few moans and grunts from Zander in response. After a couple minutes Robin pulled Zander's pants all the way off, freeing his large balls. She gave them a sniff and then popped one into her mouth and gently started to suck and lick them both in turn.

"Oh my god!" exclaimed Zander as he felt the moist heat of Robin's mouth on his sensitive sack. "That... feels... amazing." he managed to say through moans of pleasure.

Robin stopped what she was doing and looked up at him. "This is nothing baby... just wait a bit longer, I'm just having some fun right now." she said with a sly grin. She gave his balls a few more licks then moved her attention back to his still rock-hard member.

She moved her muzzle so the cock tip was right in front of her. She slowly parted her lips and slipped the first two inches into her mouth. She began to suckle Zander's cock tip and occasionally swirled her tongue around the flat head. Zander in the meantime was lost in the waves of pleasure. Suddenly Robin pushed her muzzle even lower, taking about five and a half inches into her mouth. The thick member was filling her mouth to its limit. She paused and readied herself for what she was about to attempt.

First she unbuttoned her shirt and threw it on the table revealing her nice round breasts. It was silk and she didn't want it ruined by any cum that might leak out. Zander didn't notice what was going on. He was entirely consumed by the heat around his member. Then robin began to focus on relaxing her throat muscles for what was about to happen. After taking a deep breath, she plunged her head forward and swallowed about five more inches of horse meat down her throat, nearly gagging and ruining the whole thing. However she managed to keep control, and now had about ten inches of cock in her mouth and throat. This made Zander buck, shoving almost his whole cock down her throat. After she recovered from the surprise, she began to bob her head up and down as she sucked twelve inches of Zander's fourteen inch cock.

Zander nearly screamed with pleasure as his cock slid down Robin's tight throat. The heat was driving him crazy. He could feel his orgasm approaching and each movement Robin made brought it closer. He began shooting out pre which trickled down Robin's throat.

Robin felt the pre-cum start to run down her throat and moaned, then gave a severely muffled yelp of surprise as she felt Zander's hands on her head. He held her head in place and began to lightly hump her mouth and throat. This surprised Robin at first but she soon calmed down and began to enjoy it, giving Zander a couple deep moans in response. Then after a couple more minutes Zander spoke for the first time.

"Ugh... I'm gonna cum...uuuhh...what do you want me to do?" he asked through several grunts.

In response, robin thrust her head down as far as it would go, taking his cock to the base. This sent Zander over the edge and he came in Robin's throat. Wave after wave of hot cum gushed down her throat into her stomach. Eventually Robin couldn't take any more and pulled the hot cock out of her throat and took the tip in her mouth to taste the sweet liquid. She liked the flavor and swallowed a little more before letting the rest squirt onto her chest.

Robin sat on the ground panting heavily and let the last of the warm cum drip on her chest. She then took the tip back in her mouth and sucked the last few drops out. Once Zander had recovered from his powerful orgasm, he looked at Robin and gave her a funny smile.

"That... was... amazing..." he panted, Sitting up more on the bench. He went to reach for his pants but was stopped by Robin.

"What do you think you're doing? There still some light left, we're not done yet!" She exclaimed with a grin. She was wet, and ready for the final step. Her pussy was quivering with anticipation. She stood up in front of Zander and looked him in the eyes.

Zander tried to speak, but was at a loss for words. So he sat back and looked at Robin. He noticed that her mound and inner thighs were quite wet and then looked up at her face. She was looking at him with a loving and lustful expression. He knew what was next, but couldn't believe it. Within moments his cock was hard again and sticking straight up.

"Well it looks like we're both ready now." she said in a soft tone. With that she stepped forward and put her arms on the back of the bench on either side of Zander, and stood on her knees on the bench with her pussy quivering just above Zander's tip. Now Robin was looking down at Zander and his face was level with her breasts. They looked each other in the eyes and Robin spoke.

"I love you Zander." she said in a quiet voice.

"I love you too Robin." replied Zander in a similar tone.

With that said, robin lowered herself so her pussy was just touching Zander's tip, then slowly began to lower herself down onto his cock. Zander's cock slipped in without much resistance because her pussy was so wet, but it was still a tight fit. After about two inches were inside her, she gave a sharp thrust down and gave a yelp of pain as her virginity was taken.

"Are you ok?" asked Zander. "Do you wan to continue?"

Robin nodded and gave a little whimper as Zander pushed a little more of his cock into her tight passage. The pain was soon replaced by pleasure however and Robin began to get into it. She moaned as she felt Zander's thick member stretch her ex-virgin walls and reveled at the new sensations she was experiencing. The feeling of his cock sliding in and out was wonderful, and she gave several long moans of pleasure.

By this point Zander had about six inches inside of Robin. This was his first time as well and he too was lost in the new sensations. Robin's tight passage squeezed and massaged his cock so tightly. It was so warm and wet that he had little trouble sliding in and out. He could see a little blood mixed with the juices around his cock and he shuddered. But he was soon lost again in their lovemaking.

Robin began to move her hips and thrust down harder taking four more inches inside her. She began to bounce up and down on Zander's long shaft and wrapped her arms around his head, inadvertently pulling his face closer to her breasts. He took this as a sign and began to rub and lick her breasts and nipples. This added stimulation coaxed several deep growls of pleasure from Robin.

Soon Robin decided she wanted more. She got Zander's attention and spoke. "Ready big guy? Here we go for real now."

With that said she pulled out till only Zander's tip was inside her then thrust down as hard as she could, taking Zander's cock all the way to the base, just barely tapping her cervix. She screamed with a mix of pain and pleasure as the hard cock touched her cervix. She began to repeatedly pull out then thrust down as she rode Zander's cock.

After a few minutes Robin got a surprise as she felt Zander pick her up with her still on his cock and stand up. He walked over to the blanket on the ground and knelt down and laid Robin on her back. All the while keeping his cock buried deep inside her. He looked her in the eyes and spoke. "Now... are you ready baby, because I'm gonna make you scream."

Robin gave a loud moan in response and pulled him on top of her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and readied herself for the ride.

Zander pulled out of her pussy and toyed with her, rubbing his tip against her opening. He would occasionally slip the tip in, only to quickly pull it out again. He laughed as he felt Robin's tail push against his butt, trying to push him inside her. "You want it?" he asked with an evil grin.

"Please... stop teasing me... I need it inside Me." she moaned.

"Very well then, your wish is my command." he said. He pulled out one last time then slammed his cock all the way inside tapping her cervix again. Robin screamed. "OH! Fuck! Fu-fuck me Zander!" She yelled in pleasure.

Zander was happy to oblige and he began to relentlessly pound her pussy, making her scream with pleasure. Each thrust stretched her passage to its limits, his three and a half inch thick cock forcing its way into her depths. Each thrust made Robin's breasts bounce up and down and Zander couldn't help touching them. He grabbed one in each hand and gently massaged them and rubbed her nipples.? "Oh...oh...uuunh...YESSSS! OH MY GOD!" Robin screamed as Zander mated her in their new retreat. The clearing was full of the sounds of their lovemaking, grunts and screams and moans filled the air.

After several minutes, of this they could both feel their orgasms approaching. "I'm getting close baby." whinnied Zander.

"Me too!" growled Robin. She could feel her walls already beginning to spasm.

Zander gave a couple more thrusts before speaking frantically. "I'm about to cum. Where do you want it?" he asked in a panic.

"Inside me! I want it inside me!" Robin yelled.

Zander was surprised but couldn't argue because just then his orgasm hit. It was like a tidal wave of pleasure. The most powerful feeling he had ever felt crashed down on him with so much force that he felt his entire body spasm. He came inside Robin's tight passage and filled her with wave after wave of hot sticky cum. It was a torrent that seemed never ending.

As Robin felt Zander cum inside her it that set off her own orgasm. The pleasure was so intense that she almost blacked out. She could feel the hot sticky cum filling her passage and womb. She reveled in the sensation. It was like nothing she had ever felt. After a minute Zander pulled out and Robin motioned for him to move up to her chest. She stuck his cock between her breasts and massaged out the last of the sticky fluid with her soft orbs, lapping up what came out.

Zander collapsed on the blanket next to Robin. They both just laid there until they had recovered enough to move. Robin rolled over and put her arm over Zander's chest and snuggled close to him, murring her affection. Zander looked over at her and smiled a big smile and stroked the side of her face and hair. Then they both turned to watch the last sliver of the sun disappear behind the horizon.

After a few minutes, they got up and stretched. "We should go get cleaned up." stated Robin. "There is a stream not far from here where we can wash up."

"Ok, lead the way." Replied Zander.

It was harder for Zander to move around in the dark, but Robin had excellent night vision so she guided him to the stream. When they got to the stream they washed their fur and genitals. The water was cold but it felt good because they were both really hot and sweaty. They headed back to the clearing and packed up the rest of their stuff and got dressed, then headed out on the twenty minute walk back to the house.

When they got back to the house they set the stuff down in the kitchen and headed for their respected bathrooms with a bit of reluctance. They both wanted to get fully clean so they each took a shower.

Robin washed the matted fur on her chest and face and shampooed her body and tail with her lavender body shampoo. She also washed her crotch and cleaned the opening of her passage. She then washed her hair and exited the shower.

Zander did much of the same. Washing his fur and hair, as well as his member and balls. He got out of the shower and tied his hair back and put on a pair of boxers and climbed in bed. He was about to turn the light off when he heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." he said

Robin entered the room wearing only her pink underwear and a matching night-shirt. She walked over to the bed and climbed in next to Zander. "Hey there." she said in a loving tone.

"Hey there." replied Zander. He reached over and turned off the light and rolled over to face Robin.

"Good night baby." Zander said in a soft tone. "I love you."

"Mmm... Good night big guy. I love you too." murred Robin.

Robin snuggled up against Zander and laid her arm across his chest. She gave him a light kiss on his cheek and closed her eyes. Zander returned the kiss and closed his eyes too. They were soon both fast asleep in each others arms. They had sealed their relationship that night and now they would sleep together for the first time, knowing that they lay with the one that they loved.

That night they both dreamt of the future, and of what it might have in store for them.

To be continued...