Pokemon Battle Kingdom Chapter 2

Story by supersonic250 on SoFurry

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#1 of Pokemon Battle Kingdom

Pokémon Battle Kingdom Chapter 2

Arc moaned as he slowly awoke from deep, erotic dreams. The young Pikachu's eyes slowly opened as his consciousness slowly returned. Yet somehow, he was still asleep. He could not move, could not think... All he could do was drift in warmth and drowsiness, staring up at the ceiling. He was lying in his nest, a large bowl-shaped piece of furniture Pokemon used instead of a bed. About ten feet across, the wooden bowl was filled with pillows and blankets, creating a warm and comfortable place to burrow into.

Arc moaned as he felt a gentle suckling sensation on his loins. The dazed Pikachu lifted his head slightly, looking down as he saw his morning erection twitching and jerking. Perched in the nest beside him was Princess Mew, her eyes glowing pink as she smiled and licked at the gigantic head of Arc's penis. The young boy wanted vaguely to ask a question, but it felt so good not to think, to just drift in pleasure. He slumped back and let his eyelids fall half-closed, moaning softly.

<G'morning, sleepy-head. I know you can't answer me through the trance I put you in, but I figured I'd give you a little wake-up call before your match in the finals of today's tournament,> Mew said, grinning, gently rubbing her body against the yellow-furred mouse's twitching, dribbling length. She smirked, pressing her cock against his. She smiled and nipped at the Pikachu's thick foreskin, watching the young boy shudder and arch his hips.

"...M... Mew..." Arc moaned, drifting in his deep, comfortable hypnosis. Mew smiled as she teased his twitching, jerking phallus. This was nothing even close to new for her and Arc. The Pikachu had grown up with Mew, living in the palace. He had been found as a child by her parents and they had taken him in. He was not royalty, and did not pretend to be, but Mew considered him closer than a brother. In fact, the Pikachu had taken her virginity... and vice versa.

Mew grinned at the memory as she began to rock her hips against the boy's gigantic cock, letting her clitoris slide against the pulsing flesh as well. She reached down to gently fondle his massive testicles, feeling the orbs churn and swell within his fuzzy sack. Mew smirked as she knew that they were straining to unleash literal gallons of semen into the air and over her.

The Princess let her body move on its own, having pleasured Arc so many times over the years she knew him that it had become muscle memory. As she worked, she let her mind drift back to her first time with Arc.

It was almost four years before and both Mew and Arc were four years old. Mew had just begun to get the hang of reading minds with her telepathy, as before then, she could only project her thoughts. She had come across a strange concept in the minds of the people around her, an idea about making the thing between a male's legs really hard, then sticking it into a female's hole. In almost every mind she read, these images tantalized her, and she found her body reacting to them in strange ways. The tiny cub's inner thighs would grow wet, and her "thingie" as she had dubbed it, would stick out of its little pouch.

Finally, the curiosity had become too much for her to handle, and Mew had decided to explore this strange game with Arc, her best friend. She had taken him to their secret spot, an empty attic in one of the spires of Kanto Castle that they had set up as a makeshift clubhouse, and tried to explain the game to him. The four-year-old Pichu had been mostly confused by the idea, and had not been interested in playing. Luckily, Mew had also discovered that she could make people do whatever she wanted using her telepathic abilities properly, and she had soon "convinced" him.

Not truly understanding what she was doing, she had reached deep within Arc's psyche, his "mindscape," and had activated a dormant, primal part of his mind. When awakened, Arc had turned from a sweet and innocent little baby mouse, into a primal rutting machine. He had pinned Mew to the ground and penetrated her before she could react. It was the greatest pleasure she had ever felt, as Arc jackhammered into her, his little body slapping wetly against hers as he squeaked and growled ferally. She could feel his cock jerking and twitching inside her, before it erupted, sending bursts of thick, hot goo deep into her tunnel. Her mind exploded into pleasure like she had never experienced, as her own penis spilled thick sprays of pink semen onto the floor beneath her, creating a large puddle.

It was then that Mew had felt something strange. Electricity crackled around Arc's entire body, sparking and flashing. His cock had expanded inside her, increasing almost twice its size in girth, and almost five inches in length. She howled, penetrated by this immense length, barely half of it able to fit inside her. Even as she cried out, the spurts of fluid intensified to a level she didn't think was possible, as if she had shoved a fire-hose inside her cleft. She looked down to see the Pichu's body was engulfed in light, his silhouette growing and changing size and shape. When the light faded, Arc had become a Pikachu... and he pulled free and began to soak her from head to toe in the thick golden liquid that jettisoned from the massive head of his penis.

What followed was quite literally hours upon hours of frantic sex. Every time she thought Arc would exhaust himself, she would see that his penis was just as hard as before he orgasmed... if not harder. She felt her body wearing out, and one climax blended into the next seamlessly as he pounded her small form relentlessly. It was only out of sheer desperation in the tenth hour of the mating marathon that Mew reached out with her fading, exhausted consciousness and reached deep into Arc's mind. She had flown through the landscape of his mind, finding the part she had unleashed, and managed to wrestle it into submission. In the real world, Arc had sagged unconscious as his final climax had enveloped him, filling Mew's already swollen stomach with even more of his sticky spunk.

It was only when Mew got older that she understood the events of that day. She had unleashed his dormant mating instincts and accidentally amplified them beyond control. The force and shock of his first orgasm had caused Arc to evolve. To the present day, Arc did not remember a thing that had occurred that day, and had never questioned how he evolved, much to Mew's relief. However, Mew's actions had left him with a supercharged libido, leaving him easily aroused and somewhat aggressive when it came to pursuing sex. He was never anything less than a gentleman, never forcing his partners, but he would certainly pester and annoy them until they gave in... and use some of the lamest pick-up lines known to Pokemon-kind...

Mew snapped out of her reverie as she heard Arc begin to grunt repeatedly. She felt his cock jerking violently against her own as she ground her diamond-hard flesh against his, her clit rubbing against his sheath. Thin, sticky clear fluid poured from the gigantic head of his penis, matting down both of their fur and lubricating her thrusts. Her own penis jerked and twitched as pleasure built deep inside her loins, waiting to explode. She blinked, surprised she had come so close to orgasm without noticing.

The Princess smiled warmly as she noticed the empty, blissful gaze on Arc's face. She had spent years psychically training him to fall into hypnotic trances with nothing more than a slight telepathic press on his psyche. In a world full of other Psychic-types, she knew that could be dangerous, so she had keyed his hypnotic trigger to herself. She was the only person who could instantly drop him into a state of obedient bliss. Arc himself was not entirely aware that she could do this to him, but he had never pressed the subject as he enjoyed it. All he knew was that somehow she was able to make him drift off helplessly without even a moment's notice and it felt good.

<Arc, can you hear me?> Mew asked, squeezing the base of Arc's penis, feeling a slight tingle of static electricity as she massaged his pulsing flesh. Arc's blue eyes blinked dazedly and he nodded slowly.

"...Y-Yesss... I hear you, Princess..." he mumbled in a daze. Mew smiled and pulled away from him, shuddering as her penis jerked, splashing Arc's with a sticky burst of pre.

<Good, Arc. You do whatever I say, don't you? When you're all sleepy like this, you can't do anything but obey...> Mew purred, using her tailtip to tease the base of his penis, watching his heavy grapefruit-sized testicles twitch.

"I do whatever you say... I obey..." Arc confirmed sleepily, his squeaky voice an empty, emotionless drone.

<Very good, Arc... Now... I have a VERY nice gift for you, IF you win today's match and become the rank champion. Unfortunately, I can't show you any favoritism out there, even though you ARE my favorite. So, I need you to kick your opponent's butt, you hear me?> Mew said with a wide smile. Arc nodded slowly.

"...Have a gift for me... Kick my opponent's butt..." Arc repeated mindlessly.

<Good boy... Now... SPURT, mousie!> Mew said with a grin. Arc's eyes went wide with the command, and he arched his back. His penis jerked and twitched violently as the flow of precum suddenly stopped. The head of his member expanded slightly, before a massive gout of hot, thick semen erupted from his tip. The rope of gold cum flew through the air, splashing the wall behind Arc's nest, trailing all the way down over the blankets and pillows, over his hair, face, chest and stomach. His second blast was even larger, making Mew splutter as she found herself on the receiving end. In the four years since she and Arc had their first time together, Arc's gigantic climaxes had only gotten larger, along with his cock. Mew moaned as the thick gold goo drenched her pink fur, splashing in her hair.

Wanting to join her best friend in his pleasure, Mew smiled. Reaching deep inside her own mind with her telepathy, she triggered the pleasure center of her brain. Instantly, her orgasm crashed over her. She moaned aloud, shivering as her cock jerked, sending sticky streamers of pink spunk over her chest and stomach. Without even realizing it, she found herself floating several feet above the nest as she climaxed, spraying herself down with her own cum, even as her best friend writhed below her in mutual pleasure. She pressed a paw to her spasming muff, feeling her honey seeping out and soaking her hand.

The two friends moaned and gasped as they sprayed, spurted, and trembled in pleasure, riding the crests and troughs of their incredible orgasms. Arc stared at the ceiling in mindless ecstasy as he trembled, his cock resting against his chest as it gushed hard. Mew watched him from above, splattering herself with her own cum as she mewled and whimpered, gifting Arc with her rarely-heard voice. Mew could not speak, but she could certainly moan and whimper in joy.

Slowly, Mew came down from her orgasm, shivering as she felt her own semen squish in her fur delightfully. She hovered above her Pikachu friend, watching him spray and gush for a couple of minutes longer before he gave a final shudder and slumped back in his nest. He could have been asleep if it weren't for the fact that his eyes were open and staring blankly at a spot on the ceiling. Princess Mew floated down and gently rested beside him, curling up against his side. She nursed on the head of his cock, letting the sticky, constant dribble of semen fill her mouth before gulping it down thirstily.

<Mmm... Just as delicious as usual. A good breakfast to start the day...> Mew purred, licking his cheek, <Now... Time to wake up, little Pikachu, and get ready for your match. You're due in the ring in an hour...>

With that, Mew disappeared in a flash of pink energy, teleporting out of the room. Arc gave a start and a shudder, looking around dazedly. He blinked, looking down at himself, and the glaze of thick fluid that drenched his fur.

"H-Huh? Oh, man, that was one heckuva wet dream! I dunno what I ate last night to make me spurt buckets like this, but I gotta find more of it..." Arc mused aloud, smirking as he ran a fingertip through a puddle on his stomach. He couldn't remember WHAT he was dreaming about, but he remembered it had something to do with Mew, and some sort of promise she made. The boy shook his head, shrugging as he clambered out of his nest and headed towards his shower room.


Arc smirked as he walked into the fighter's lounge, stretching lazily as he flopped into a comfortable seat. He looked out the window, down on the arena field below, watching the event going on. To warm up the crowd for the main event, several Pokemon were putting on an exhibition match. The fight was more for entertaining the audience than anything else, so the fighting was flashy and over-the-top compared to a real fight.

A month had passed since Arc had qualified to compete in the Kanto Arena. Today was the finals of a championship tournament, and Arc had been fought hard to make it here. After another qualification match to make it into the tournament in the first place, Arc had fought his way through five rounds, each harder than the last to make it this far.

Arc had quickly found upon entering the Arena that the fights were a strange combination of fake theatricality and real brutal combat. Before and after matches, competitors were expected to preen for the crowd, to walk around and talk about grudges they had against their opponent that did not truly exist, or brag about how great they were, or more. Each fighter had what they dubbed a "persona," a stage personality that was usually a more exaggerated version of their real selves. Arc was still learning the ropes of the arena, but usually personalities fell into one of three categories, heroes, villains, and in between. Arc had chosen a more heroic persona for himself, working to draw cheers from the crowd.

While the theatrics before and after matches were fake, the battles were all too real. The young boy had fought a Poliwag in the first round of the tournament, and it was a complete joke of a fight. With a single Thunderbolt, Arc had rendered the water-type unconscious and walked away without even waiting for the referee's announcement. However, his bravado was cut short in the second round as he faced a Machop, whom he recognized as the same one from the waiting room when he was first qualifying. The Machop was a better hand-to-hand fighter, and he drove Arc to his limits, but Arc had emerged victorious after using Flash to blind the Machop and struck a critical blow to the back of the fighting Pokemon's skull.

From there, things had only gotten harder. A Donphan had given Arc trouble. As a Ground Type, the elephant-like Pokemon was immune to all of Arc's best attacks, meaning that the boy had to rely entirely on hand-to-hand combat. This was made even harder as the Donphan kept using Roll-up and Spin, driving at him like a wheel out of control. Arc had only managed to win by pulling an insane stunt. Using his most potent attack, Thunder, he detonated a massive lightning bolt in the path of the Donphan, creating a large crater. With luck, the Donphan had rolled into it, like a pothole in the ground, and flipped onto its side. The elephant had uncurled and tried to climb back to its feet, but Arc charged in and used Headbutt, slamming his skull into the Donphan's unprotected stomach. The blow rendered the Donphan helpless, and the referee had called the fight. It was lucky too, because the headbutt had also rendered Arc senseless.

A fight against a Charmander was his fourth match, and the fight was difficult for no reason other than that the other boy knew how to fight, and fight well. The match had been a frantic back and forth of attack, defense, evasion, counter, parry, counter-parry, mixed up with bolts of lightning and blasts of flame firing sporadically. In the end, Arc had won by a Ring-out when he forced the Charmander to dodge a Thunder Wave... by falling off the platform.

The fifth match was simple, but only due to sheer, unadulterated luck. Arc faced a Kangaskan. When the match began, the Kangaskan had charged forward, bellowing loudly. Unable to help himself, Arc had leapt to the side in a panic, realizing a moment later that the Kangaskan had used Roar on him. Unfortunately for his opponent, the Kangaskan had tripped over Arc's tail and fell flat on his face, right out of the ring. It was a legitimate win and most certainly anticlimactic, if not a graceful one, and Arc had moved to the finals.

Arc knew his final opponent by reputation only. He was a Scyther who had gone undefeated since he had qualified to compete. The boy had heard that out of all the matches the Scyther had fought, not one had lasted more than thirty seconds. He had heard that the Scyther was actually a Champion from the realm of Johto, the neighboring country, who had come to Kanto to try to become a World Champion. If the stories were true, then the Scyther was FAR more dangerous than his rank suggested, and Arc was in for an unbelievably difficult fight. The bookies running bets had very unfavorable odds on Arc's victory.

"And now... Ladies and Gentlemen... Your main event!!!" a voice echoed from the arena outside, jolting Arc out of his reverie. He blinked and stood up, heading down a flight of stairs, knowing that was his cue. At the bottom of the stairs was a large wooden door, carved with ornate pictures of epic battles from the history of Kanto. Arc loved the door, because depicted in one particular carving was a Pikachu that somewhat resembled him. The Pikachu was in the air, as if he had leapt up, and a lightning bolt streaked from his form, striking a Fearow soaring overhead. Outside of the door was the long ramp leading into the arena and down to the main ring.

"Here is the first challenger for the vacated D-Rank Championship..." The announcer called, shouting the name of the Scyther, which Arc couldn't even hope to pronounce properly. Arc reflected that Pokemon Fighters were ranked based on their skill level. When one first entered the arena, they started out in D-Rank. After winning ten fights, they earned a chance to compete in the monthly championships and earn their way to fight the current champion. The last D-Rank champion had ranked up and moved to the C-Class, leaving the championship empty. One could rank-up without being a champion, but having a championship was a guaranteed fast-track to moving up.

"And your second challenger... ARC PIKACHU!!!" called the announcer. Arc grinned and kicked the door open with a loud crash, making his way down the ramp. Being that the Arena's whole purpose was to put on a show, Arc did exactly that. He performed gymnastic and acrobatic maneuvers, flipping through the air, sending off sparklers of ball lightning into the air.

During one of his flips, he caught a glimpse of his opponent. The Scyther was large and had plates of chitin-like armor. His blades glittered malevolently in the sunlight. His red eyes glared at Arc, clearly unimpressed. Arc swallowed nervously and bounded down the rest of the ramp to stand in the ring.

The Arcanine referee came out, whom Arc had learned was named, funnily enough, Ref. Ref had turned out to have been a bit of a fan of Arc's, having wound up judging quite a few of Arc's matches. However, Arc had learned that Ref had a reputation for being just about the best referee that the Kanto Arena had ever seen... Completely impartial, completely fair, and willing to make tough calls.

"Arc. Are you ready?" he asked the little Pikachu, smirking a little.

"Yeah, bring it on!" Arc replied, his cheeks sparking eagerly.

"And you?" Ref turned to the Scyther. The mantis glared at Arc, remaining completely silent. Arc blinked, shrugging off the malevolent glare, meeting the Scyther's gaze.

"....Uh..." Ref cleared his throat, looking slightly nervous, "I can't start the match until you tell me you're ready."

"Ay is redee," the Scyther hissed finally, speaking with a thick accent, showing his Johto roots. Ref nodded, looking relieved that the Scyther finally responded.

"This is a standard match for the D-Rank Championship. Victory by knock-out, ring-out or tap-out. In the event of a tie, we will hold a tie-breaker. Fighters at your marks!" Ref called, his voice echoing through the stadium, thanks to a little magical pin clipped to the fur on his chest. Arc moved back to his starting position, crouching down in a classic stance. He clenched his fists, his bolt-shaped tail flicking back and forth. The Scyther slashed the air with his blades threateningly, and Arc could swear he could hear the air itself getting cut. Swallowing his intimidation, Arc's eyes narrowed and he got ready for Ref's signal to fight.

"Ready.... FIGHT!" called Ref loudly from the side of the ring.

With that, the match began. Arc began by peppering the Scyther from afar with Thundershock sparks, wanting to avoid getting in close contact with the mantis. His plan wound up falling apart almost instantly as three things happened... First, the Thundershocks merely struck the Scyther's exoskeleton harmlessly. Second, the Scyther whipped his blade at Arc, despite being thirty feet away. Arc yelped in shock as something slammed into him and knocked him sprawling to the floor. He groaned and climbed to his feet, yelping as he realized that in that mere instant, the mantis had closed the distance and was swinging his blade right at Arc's face. The boy bobbed and weaved desperately as the Scyther closed in and attacked with a lethal net of slashes and cuts.

"Whoa! This match is going too fast for me to comment on already!!! Scyther's armor is too thick for something so paltry as a Thundershock to do anything to him, and he counters with a wind cutter! By slashing with his blade, he can create a wave of air pressure that can cut things from afar. I've never seen one before! And before Pikachu can get back to his feet, Scyther is already there on him!" the announcer called excitedly. Arc glanced up in a break in Scyther's attack pattern to see that the announcer was a Chatot who was flapping his wings enthusiastically. For the most part, the Chatot was the Arena's main announcer, except for those times when Princess Mew decided to announce one herself.

Arc snapped out of his reverie and got back into the match, dropping down and sweeping his tail at the Scyther's feet. The mantis scoffed and leapt into the air, dodging the sweep, but Arc was ready. The boy launched up, fists outstretched. He slammed into the Scyther's chest, knocking the insect backward. Arc landed and sprang backward to gain some space, ready to fire a Thunderbolt at the Scyther as a followup... But instead, he dropped to the ground, groaning and blinking, stunned.

"Varee good... Ay'm surprised yoo managed to hit me. But Ay hit yoo with a nerve strike during that... Yoo won't be able to move for a while," the Scyther hissed, smirking. He tapped his claw foot idly, watching as Arc tried to climb to his feet, and did not succeed. It was as if none of his limbs would work properly. Whatever the Scyther had hit him with had left him stunned.

"However, yoo is still awake. Ay weel finish this..." the Scyther said, giving a hissing laugh. Arc groaned. He was still in the fight. There was no count-out. The fight would only end if he lost consciousness completely... but in the state he was in, there was nothing stopping the Scyther from simply beating him until unconsciousness, or merely tossing his limp form out of the ring.

Arc groaned weakly. There was nothing he could do. He was going to lose the fight, and lose horribly. It was then that something came back to him from deep in his subconscious. He could not remember from where, or to whom, but he had made a promise. He had promised he would win.

Arc watched as the Scyther raised his blade up, preparing to deliver the knock-out blow. As the glinting limb slashed down, cleaving the air, Arc strained with all his might and willpower. His numbed limbs obeyed him and he rolled out of the way just before he would have been struck. Panting with the effort, Arc climbed back to his feet unsteadily, raising his fists.

"...Eempressive... But yoo shoulda stayed down," the Scyther growled, "But yoo won't last another blow..."

"Bring it, and we'll see," Arc retorted, preparing himself for the Scyther's attack.

"Sword Dance!" cried the Scyther, leaping at Arc. He swept his blades at the little mouse in a complicated series of slashes and cuts, a lethal dance of blades. Arc could not even see the slashes, too fast for even his keen vision to keep up with.

"Agility!" Arc cried, channeling his inner electricity into his nerves and muscles. His very form sparked, and the world slowed to a crawl around him as his perceptions and reaction time accelerated. Even with his new speed, Scyther's Sword Dance was no easy feat to dodge. The slashes came fast and furious, and it took all of the Pikachu's acrobatic and gymnastic skill to bob, weave, and flip out of the way.

After slipping to the side, dodging a particularly vicious cut, Arc finally countered. He leapt up, slamming his knee into the Scyther's chest, knocking the mantis back. Not willing to give up the advantage, Arc charged forward and continued the combination on the staggering insect.

"THUNDER PUNCH!" he shouted, his fists sparking with lightning. He jabbed, punched, slammed his fists against the Scyther, pummeling the older fighter. Arc's biggest weakness was his lack of physical strength, but he made up for it with his intense speed. His fists created a shower of sparks every time they impacted against the Scyther's body, sending jolts through the insect's nervous system.

The Scyther, however, was too skilled and too strong to be taken down so easily. As Arc came in for a haymaker, intending to finish the fight, the Scyther blocked the attack with the flat of his blade. He slashed at Arc, who bobbed aside. The fighters traded blows at lightning speed, neither giving an inch. While the Scyther was stronger, Arc was faster... although only just barely. Despite being weak to lightning, the Scyther's armor and will were so strong that he shrugged off the Pikachu's attacks. The fight went on, minute after minute passing as the fighters furiously clashed again and again.

Arc ducked under a lethal slash, rolling between the Scyther's legs. He kicked out like an angry mule, his feet lashing out behind him, catching both of the Scyther's knees. The mantis collapsed backwards as the joints buckled involuntarily under the impact, unable to support his weight. Not willing to give up this opening, Arc leapt on top of the Scyther and began to pummel his opponent with punches, pounding the Bug-type's face and chest.

"Oh! An unconventional move has put Arc in a position for a little ground-and-pound! A little uncivilized, but whatever works, I guess!" Arc heard the Chatot say cheerfully. Arc gritted his teeth in annoyance at that particular comment, but kept his focus on keeping the Scyther down and too busy fending off his punches to escape from his pin. As Arc slammed his fists down again and again, sparks flying with the electrical charge he was sending into them, the Scyther managed to get through a sharp blow, a jab that caught Arc in the ribs. Arc rolled off the Scyther involuntarily, gasping for breath through a red haze of pain. The Scyther, pummeled, dazed, and looking much the worse for wear, managed to climb to his feet. Arc knew this was his only chance to end the fight... If he didn't, he would not survive a second engagement.

"THUNDER!!!" Arc shouted, discharging every single volt of electricity stored in his body at once. A blinding flash lit the stadium along with a crackling detonation, as a bright bolt of lightning discharged through the Scyther's body. The echoing thunderclap rolled through Kanto City, as Arc teetered back and forth, barely able to keep his feet under him with exhaustion.

Smoke rose from the Scyther's body, and his green skin was black with soot... and with a faint exhale, the man fell to the ground with a solid thump.

Ref leapt onto the ring and rushed out, kneeling down beside the Scyther. He quickly checked the fighter's vitals, then threw his hand up in the air with a closed fist. Arc could barely believe what he heard next.

"It's over!!! The fight is over!!! And WHAT a fight that was! With one final Thunder, Arc finishes off his opponent and walks away with the D-Rank title!" the Chatot called, his loud voice echoing through the arena and into the streets outside. Arc blinked as if unsure he had heard that correctly. Ref walked over and grinned, raising Arc's paw into the air.

"Nicely done, kid!" he said with a smirk, "I'm gonna win a fortune from those bookies out there..."

Arc grinned as he watched a pair of Chansey rush out with a stretcher and loaded the unconscious Scyther onto it, before carting him off to the infirmary in the Arena basement. The little Pikachu raised his other paw into the air in victory, smiling wide as Ref walked off, his job done.

The Chatot announcer called out, "And here is your victor... and new D-Rank Champion... ARC PIKACHU!!!"

Arc grinned as the audience screamed their approval. He did a backflip, ignoring the pain from his bruised rib, knowing the crowd would want to see a show of energy. He grinned, little sparklers coming off the red spots on his cheeks from his excitement. His bolt-shaped tail flicked back and forth as he looked around.

In the air, high above the ring, there was a pink flash of light. Hovering above, in plain view of the entire crowd was Princess Mew. She slowly floated down towards him, smiling proudly at her friend as she soon reached the ground.

<Arc, as victor of this championship tournament, it is my proud duty to bestow you with this Champion's Medallion, signifying that now you are the D-Rank Champion, with all privileges and responsibilities that go with it,> Mew said, projecting her thoughts to the entire crowd. Arc smiled and nodded happily, as Mew held an empty paw out. With another flash of pink light, she suddenly held a large gold medallion on a blue silk ribbon. She winked at him and he knew that she had teleported the medallion in from somewhere else, rather than out of thin air. She gently draped it around his neck and leaned in to kiss his cheek warmly.

<In addition, it is my responsibility to grant Arc an additional reward for his victory in today's tournament,> Mew continued, her tail flicking back and forth. Arc blinked and frowned. He recognized the look in Mew's eyes. Her blue eyes were glittering mischievously, like they did whenever she had a big prank planned. He raised an eyebrow at her questioningly, but she merely winked in response.

<As all of you know, the Arena was built with two principles in mind. The first was to provide an outlet for our natural aggressions and competitive instincts. The second was to help provide a structured environment to settle competitions for breeding rights. It is my duty today to fulfill this second purpose...> Mew announced to the crowd, clearly relishing the confused look on Arc's face. She pointed to the ground beside Arc, and a third bright flash signified something being teleported in.

To Arc's surprise, it was Vix. The Eevee looked equally as confused as she looked around, clearly somewhat disoriented.

"Mew, what in Arceus' name are you doing?! First you tell me to wait in a back room and won't tell me why, then you teleport me out here and..." Vix began, only to be cut off all of a sudden as her jaw clacked shut. Mew smirked playfully, clearly having silenced Vix herself.

<Champions in the Arena are allowed to be bonded to their loved ones, as they accrue a "harem,"> Mew explained, <And I am proud to continue this tradition, by bonding young Vix Eevee to Arc Pikachu.>

"Wait, WHAT?!" Arc yelped, accompanied by a similar muffled cry from Vix. They both knew of the tradition, but they had no idea that Mew was planning this.

<Oh, come on, Arc. I'm a telepath, and your mind is always just SCREAMING how much you like Vix. I figured I'd give you a little treat!> Mew giggled, narrowing her telepathy for private communication between Arc and Vix and herself.

"B-But..." Arc began, completely stunned.

<As Princess, it's my duty and my RIGHT to create harems for Arena Champions. You don't get a say in this,> Mew snickered mischievously, before expanding her telepathic broadcast back to the rest of the crowd, <In ancient times before my ancestors created the Arenas and brought peace to Kanto, Pokemon fought one another viciously for breeding rights. After the Arenas were built, tournaments were held to determine the best candidates for mating. It has been seven hundred years since those days, but the traditions remain.>

<And now, Vix Eevee, it is time,> the Princess said, warmth in her mental voice as she turned to face the vixen.

Arc blinked as Mew smiled and walked up to Vix, placing a paw on her forehead. Mew's eyes and paw glowed bright and Vix gasped slightly. Arc blinked, wondering what Mew was doing to the Eevee.

<I've been planning this since you first told me you planned to join the Arena,> Mew "whispered" to Arc. The Pikachu frowned and stepped forward as Mew simply stood with her palm pressed to Vix's forehead. For her part, Vix was as still as a statue. Her blue-green eyes were wide and vacant, staring at some point beyond Mew. Her ears and tail were limp and her arms dangled at her sides.

"What are you doing to her?" Arc asked, knowing Mew would never hurt Vix.

<What I already said I was doing. I'm bonding her to you. You've seen me do it a few times already, silly. She's the first member of your harem... and hopefully not the last,> she replied, not bothering to look over at Arc. After a minute of silence, Mew stepped away from Vix. The fox stood, staring blankly ahead, completely unmoving as the Princess turned to face the crowd.

<The bond is forged!> she called, eliciting loud applause from the crowd, <And now, your new champion will spend some quality time with his new "slave!">

"Wait, what?! What the heck?!" Arc yelped, completely confused. Mew answered his question with a mischievous grin. There was a flash of pink light and a tingle of energy, and suddenly the mouse found himself elsewhere.

It took him a minute, but he recognized the hallways of Kanto Castle, where he lived. After being adopted by King and Queen Mew, they had given him his own room, where he stayed and lived quite happily. He blinked in confusion, jarred by the sudden teleportation from the Arena to his home.

"Mew, am I just going to repeat myself, or are you gonna explain anything?" Arc grumbled, staring at Vix, who was staring blankly at the wall.

<I DID explain it. You're just being unusually thick, Arc. Not that you're ever the sharpest knife in the drawer,> Mew's voice rang in his head, amusement shooting through her mental voice. She smiled at the Pikachu and opened his door with a flick of her mind. <Now, lead Vix inside, or else she'll stand there all day.

"Uh... is Vix okay?" Arc asked, once they entered his room. He gently led the seemingly catatonic fox over to a chair and gently sat her down.

<Don't worry. It's a slight side effect of the bonding process. She'll snap out it in a minute or two,> Mew said, unconcerned, <I've done this a few times since my parents put me in charge.>

Sure enough, even as they talked, Vix's eyes came back into focus. She blinked and shook her head dazedly.

"Ugh... Geez, Mew! Why did you do that?! I feel like you shoved a pillow in my brain. It's all fluffy and fuzzy, and hard to think!" Vix griped, shaking her head to try to clear it.

<Sorry, Vix. I had a reason for it, though,> Mew replied, a mischievous grin on her muzzle. Arc felt a strange sense of foreboding as Vix looked around dazedly, then her eyes fixed upon him. A strange expression overtook the Eevee's face, a combination of dreamy sleepiness and utter devotion and love.

"...Master!" Vix purred. The little girl suddenly scampered over to Arc and bowed down to the floor, pressing her forehead to the ground at his feet.

"H-Huh?! Wh-What?!" Arc yelped in surprise, "Vix, what are you doing?"

"I serve your every need, Master... I am yours, body, mind and soul... If you will it, I will do it..." Vix cooed softly, looking up at Arc with the same strange expression. Arc blinked and looked to Mew for an explanation.

<I told you. Vix is now yours. She's the first member of your harem. As such, I gave her a little... well, I suppose you could call it a "lesson" on how to serve your every need,> Mew explained, giggling.

"Yeah, 'cept for the fact that I kinda liked Vix as she was! I don't want a mindless slave!" Arc complained, even as Vix grabbed onto his leg with a noise that sounded a lot like "GLOMP," kissing his hip. He tried to pull free, but the girl was stuck fast.

<Oh, calm down. You already know that it's against my moral code to permanently alter anyone's personality with my powers. This is just temporary. In a day or two, Vix'll be back to normal... sorta...> Mew explained.

"...Sorta? Care to explain THAT particular word?" Arc asked incredulously, gasping as Vix's paws began to slide up and down his sheath. Again, he tried to pull away until he could figure out what was wrong with her, but she would not let go.

"From now on, she will be compelled to serve you in the bedroom. Anything you want, if she's capable of it, she'll give it to you. You can even put her into a completely obedient state by whispering a few keywords into her ear... I'll tell ya those later. You don't need to worry, Arc, I didn't take away her free will. If she's REALLY not in the mood for sex, she can refuse. She's your servant in here, but outside of the bedroom, she's still her own person,> Mew explained gently, <She is now bonded to you completely... as she should be.>

"...I'll... Nnn! I'll take your w-word for it..." moaned Arc, as Vix groped his sheath, beginning to place long, luscious licks up the fuzzy pouch, coaxing out his flesh. She cooed softly as her eyelids fell half-lidded with pleasure. Mew had linked her obedience to Arc with a sense of utter bliss and contentment, making her feel better the more she pleased him and obeyed him. The vixen drifted in a state of enchantment and entrancement, nuzzling against her master's emerging shaft, breathing in his scent.

"Order me around, master... Please... It makes me feel sooooo good to do what you wish..." Vix cooed to Arc. The little boy blinked and looked to Mew.

<Hey, she's all yours. Literally. Do what you want with her,> Mew said with a grin. She flew over beside Arc and placed a long, affectionate kiss on his cheek.

"...Uh... Thanks... I guess... It's gonna take me a bit to process this..." Arc said, unsure, even as Vix ran her small, delicate fingertips over his pulsing, growing shaft.

<It was literally my pleasure... Oh, before I go and give you some private time with your new "slave," I should tell ya something... You now have complete control over her arousal. You can make her wet... make her climax as hard and as long as you want, or make her unable to come no matter how hard she tries... I'm sure you'll find some use for this info!> Mew giggled, pulling Arc into a kiss, her tongue playing over his. Before Arc could say another word, the little pink kitten vanished in a flash of light, leaving him alone with Vix.

The little foxcub worked at his penis, her tongue rasping over his emerging flesh, quickly working him to an erection. Arc, for his part, did nothing to stop her, even though he found himself a little worried about having his best friend under his power. He groaned, even as her tongue slid all the way up his flesh, from his sheath all the way up to the head of his cock.

"Ahh... Nnn... V-Vix... Are you... okay?" he asked, frowning.

"I'm fine, Master... Why do you ask?" Vix asked as she smiled, her tail swishing back and forth.

"Uh... N-No reason..." Arc said, smirking. If Mew was right, Vix would return to normal in a day or two, and Arc saw no reason not to take advantage of her new mindset while it lasted.

"Okay, Master..." Vix murmured softly, returning her attention back to Arc's penis. She rubbed her face against his shaft, feeling it grow and harden under her gentle touch. Arc moaned and leaned back, letting the little foxgirl work. His shaft soon stood proud from his hips, all fifteen inches throbbing and pulsing.

"Ooh, Master... It's so biiiiig! And it tastes so good!" moaned Vix. Arc could not believe the way the girl was acting. Vix had always been one of the more sexual people that Arc knew, but she had never been quite this... slutty. She pressed her muzzle to the head of Arc's shaft, nibbling gently at his foreskin, tugging on it. Her paws roamed over Arc's massive sack, feeling it descend from its hiding place inside his body. The Pikachu shivered as the girl attacked his cock, lavishing it with her tongue. She licked and slurped loudly, making sure to lick each and every square inch of his skin until it glistened with her saliva.

Arc blinked, watching the little girl's bushy tail wag back and forth as she slipped her tongue deep into his foreskin, making him shiver and gasp. Vix had been Arc's friend almost as long as he had known Mew. But where Arc had always thought of the Princess as nothing more or less than his sister, he had been romantically attracted to Vix since he had first met her. While she had never been shy about having sex with Arc, she had never been so submissive about it. The adoring, dazed look on her face only made aroused the child further, making his cock jerk in her grip.

"Am I doing a good job, Master?" Vix asked, taking the time between words to lick gently at Arc's tip.

"Nnnn... Y-Yesss..." Arc groaned. He paused for a moment, watching Vix wiggle her rear back and forth as she leaned low to begin licking at his sheath gently. Remembering Mew's words to him, he decided to test something out.

"...Vix, I want you to come now," he said tentatively, watching Vix. As soon as the last word came out of his mouth, the Eevee let out a scream of delight. The little girl's hips bucked violently as Arc watched in awe. She moaned and gasped, rocking her hips back and forth as she shivered from head to toe, her eyes closed. She cried Arc's name, praising him as she climaxed, her inner walls spasming. Arc gently held the girl as she rocked against him, her wetness pressed against the base of his sheath, her warm, furry body sliding up and down against his large shaft, pleasuring him. He groaned as his flesh grew instantly hard, the first dribble of pre leaking from his head.

Unable to help himself, Arc aimed the thick head of his penis at Vix's small, wet muff, even as she bucked and spasmed, shuddering with each wave of orgasmic pleasure. Peeling his foreskin down to expose the dark-red head of his cock, he then gently pushed forward, feeling her soft, furry petals spread wide to let him slide in. She moaned even louder as she felt Arc's thickness penetrate her, her body rocking back against him. Arc wasted no time in working his flesh deeper and deeper into her, even as she cried, shouted, and gasped in ecstasy.

Vix's orgasm slowly came to an end, but the pleasure continued as Arc gently held her soft hips, sinking his fingers into her downy fur as he began to pump his hips. His thick, long shaft ground against her clitoris with every stroke, making her fur stand on end as she shivered in delight. She moaned, her blue-green eyes staring into his as she gyrated her hips back against him. Her bushy tail wagged eagerly as she kissed his neck, feeling the larger mouse pump his incredible length of flesh inside her.

The girl cried in ecstasy, driving her tiny hips back against Arc, squeezing his flesh, even as her hips pressed firm to his. Vix was one of the few people Arc had ever met who could take him all the way to the hilt, all fifteen inches of mousecock buried inside her. Even the Princess could not manage that feat, although she had tried on numerous occasions. She fit Arc like a glove, and he groaned in utter pleasure, feeling his cock throb and pump thin bursts of precum deep inside her.

As Vix stared at Arc with a vacant, glassy gaze, the boy suddenly realized that she would do anything he wanted her to do. He could do anything he wanted, and Vix would not complain or resist. He had absolute power to try anything he wanted. Grinning evilly, he realized he could do the one thing that Vix had never allowed him to do.

Because of the discrepancy in their sizes; Arc's cock being so massive, and Vix's body being so small, the Eevee had never allowed him to come inside her. She always forced him to pull out before he erupted, not just because she loved the feeling of his spunk in her fur, but because she did not want him to fill her up for fear of swelling up like a balloon. The thought of finally being able to drench Vix's depths drove Arc wild. He bucked like a bronco, slamming his hips home inside the girl over and over, each thrust accompanied by a powerful spray of pre as Arc's grapefruit-sized testicles swelled and clenched tight.

"Gonna... Gonna spurt inside ya, Vix! Gonna fill you up!" he moaned. Vix's eyes went wide with surprise and she reached up.

"...I... M-Master..." she panted hesitantly.

"You WANT this, Vix..." Arc purred in her ear, "I want it... and so you want it too."

"...Yes... I want it... Please, spray inside me! Drench me deep! I wanna feel your sticky milk inside me!!!" Vix murmured, then cried, her voice gaining strength and conviction. Arc grinned.

"Good... Because I'm... gonna... give... it... to... YOU!!!" grunted Arc in reply, punctuating each word with a sharp, powerful thrust of his hips. With the final word, he let out a strangled squeak of joy and buried himself until his pelvis touched hers. His cock began to convulse and ripple inside her, and with a loud moan and clench of his furry sack, Arc blasted the first incredible, sticky burst of semen inside her. Vix's eyes went wide and she arched her back against the boy, shuddering as she felt the gooey fluid drench her tunnel, coating her walls in a thick glaze. His entire body spasmed as he pumped first cups, then pints of sticky golden cum into her muff. Vix could do nothing but climax under him as she felt him quickly begin to fill her tightness with his spunk. The liquid sparked and tingled inside her, static electricity causing her walls to spasm uncontrollably.

The one time Arc had managed to convince Vix to let him spurt inside her, at this point, she had chickened out and forced him to pull out. Not this time. Arc remained buried to the hilt, his cries of pleasure echoing with hers. Vix gasped as she felt Arc's tingling spunk flood her in incredible amounts, most of it rushing back out in a sticky torrent that coated the Pikachu's pelvis. Vix writhed under him, orgasm after orgasm raging through her. The boy, for his part, barely moved at all, his muscles tensed to the point of complete rigidity. The only parts of him that moved were his immense, jerking, gushing phallus and his swollen sack which churned and twitched. He groaned and grunted with each pulse of his length, feeling his hot, thick spunk boil up his length and blast into the girl.

Vix's stomach swelled with the sheer amount, bulging out as if she had eaten an incredibly large meal. She could feel the sticky fluid slosh around inside her, and it only made the experience more pleasurable. Just when she thought that she was about to burst, Arc finally pulled free and gripped his pulsing length, slopping thick, sticky ropes of golden semen onto her stomach, chest, face, and hair. She moaned in delight, rubbing the sticky fluid into her fur.

Arc panted as his climax ran its course and he finally slumped forward as it released him from its steely grip. He gasped for breath as his cock jerked and pulsed, still spurting weakly, leaking his golden seed onto his own yellow chest-fur. Vix curled up beside him, lapping and nibbling at the head of Arc's cock, gulping down the last gushes of his orgasm eagerly. Arc gently rubbed her back as she did, smiling affectionately, even as he cooed in pleasure.

"Mmm... I don't know why I refused that, Master... It feels sooooo good to have you sloshin' around inside me..." Vix purred, nuzzling into Arc's chest. The Pikachu smiled and gently rubbed the Eevee's back.

"Trust me... You're gonna get a LOT more of it in the very near future..." Arc said with a grin, his shaft twitching eagerly. As Vix began to nurse on his length, already trying to coax him back to hardness, the boy made a mental note to give Mew a gift in return for this.... provided Vix didn't drain him dry first!


In the month that had passed since the three thieves, Tsubasa, Nezumi, and Neko, had encountered the strange creature Mewtwo, they had not seen him since. However, the effects of that encounter had lingered over the trio. The post-hypnotic commands that Mewtwo and Sharp had placed in their minds compelled them to do their task. They had tried ignoring it, and found themselves literally unable to as their minds would inexorably turn back to the job. They had tried abandoning it, running away from Kanto City, but somehow had found themselves walking straight for their assigned target without realizing it. Every attempt to procrastinate or subvert their hypnotic orders led to complete failure.

To add injury to insult, the three Pokemon found themselves with an intense craving for the mindless, obedient bliss that Sharp's semen had given them. It was like an itch that could not be scratched, nagging at the back of their minds at every second of every day. They had LIKED being controlled, and it made each of the thieves angry to realize that.

Worse, while they had not seen even a glimpse of Mewtwo, they had seen plenty of Sharp in the intervening days. Whenever the group thought they could get a moment of peace and quiet to themselves, a black jet of smoke would erupt from the floor, and the Houndoom woman would saunter through with an evil smile on her face. Sharp seemed to take some sort of sadistic glee in taunting the trio, particularly with her deep red throbbing, dripping erection. Despite herself, Tsubasa found her mouth watering every time Sharp appeared, the long, pulsing rod of flesh bobbing and swaying before her eyes.

Sharp turned out to be a sorceress, and a powerful one at that. Magic was a mysterious force that most people did not understand, and many people held a slight apprehension for. It had its mundane uses, like the enchanted bulletin board in the Kanto Arena lobby where fighters saw their match assignments for the day. It had benevolent uses, like healing, warding, or protection. However, it also had a somewhat dark stigma because of some sorcerers and sorceresses who had used magic's power for somewhat less savory purposes. Clearly, Sharp was one of these magic-users.

From her, Tsubasa had gleaned little bits of information that she filed away in the back of her mind for later use. As a thief, the one thing more valuable than any stolen goods was information. Sharp had once referred to Mewtwo as a "chimera," but unfortunately, Tsubasa had not had the opportunity to find a definition for the term. Sharp implied that Mewtwo was searching for something in the Kingdom of Kanto, or several things, and needed the thieves' skills to get to them.

Sharp had also used her frequent visits to taunt the three about their subservience to her, and their desperate desire to have more of her powerful, enchanting semen. At one point, early on, what little restraint Neko had was broken, and he had attacked Sharp. Whether he had attacked her to try to kill her, or to get another dose of her spunk, Tsubasa had never been able to find out, but the results were the same. The woman proved herself not just a powerful sorceress, but a lethal fighter as she had pummeled Neko into submission with brutal efficiency. The boy was sore for days after that particular event. None of the three had the inclination to attempt to attack her after that.

On another occasion, just as the trio was preparing for the heist Mewtwo had assigned them, Sharp showed up with a glass flask of sticky grey liquid. Instantly, all three young ones had known what was in the vial, and their mouths watered at the sight. To their surprise, Sharp had tossed them the bottle, allowing them to open it and dribble the gooey cum within over their respective fur and feathers. Instantly, the warm sense of empty bliss rushed through Tsubasa's mind and she slumped onto her back, lacking the will to stay sitting upright. She drifted in her trance for a while, completely unaware of anything around her. She could have been told to do literally anything and she would have done it without hesitation. In fact, for all she was aware, Sharp might have been giving her orders and suggestions the entire time. Tsubasa's inner thighs were drenched with wetness and her inner walls trembled with arousal.

Then, suddenly, as if a switch was flicked, Tsubasa snapped back to awareness. She blinked in shock, opening her eyes and looking around dazedly. From the disconcerted grunts and dazed gasps of her companions, she could tell that they too had been jerked from their trances all too quickly. Sharp had smirked playfully and informed them that their trances had lasted all of three minutes. Her semen lost its effectiveness when it was not fresh, and in order to receive TRUE bliss, they had to get it from the source. Sharp did not intend to give them that until they completed their task.

With that disastrous encounter still fresh in their minds, the trio had gone on their mission to the castle. Most of the preparation and reconnoitering for the mission had been completed in a single week. The rest of the time was spent trying to escape from Sharp and Mewtwo's control. As far as thievery went, the mission was a cakewalk. The item Mewtwo wanted was barely guarded and in a low-security area of the castle. Between Nezumi's technical skills, Neko's more acrobatic and stealthy abilities, and Tsubasa's distractions and trickery, they had practically waltzed in and waltzed out in less than an hour.

This of course, only led to more questions. Why did Mewtwo need to enslave the three of them to get something so easily obtained? Why didn't he just do it himself, or send Sharp to do it? Why did he want this particular item... and come to think of it, what in Latias's name WAS the darned thing?!

The item they had stolen was little more than a crystal ball. It was completely clear, and seemed to be hollow rather than solid, although it was completely empty inside. It had been inside a small alcove on a little velvet pillow, but it was unguarded and had no security measures whatsoever. The hardest part of the mission had been GETTING to the sphere.

Neko tossed the ball up and down as they walked back towards their hideout and grumbled in annoyance, "...So why don't we just break this darn thing just outta spite?"

"Because 5 to 1 odds that we've got some sorta hypno-thingie that will prevent us from doing it. Then 1.5 to 1 odds that Sharp and Mewtwo would make us pay for it dearly if we did," replied Nezumi, snatching the ball out of the air and cradling it protectively. Calculating odds was his specialty, and he was almost never wrong.

"Best not to tempt fate, Neko. Being a slave is better than being dead..." Tsubasa said with a sigh, opening the trap door to their home. Hidden deep in the city, their home was underneath an abandoned warehouse in a series of sub-basements hidden with a trapdoor. If one did not know the place existed, it would be nigh-impossible to find. Sadly for the trio, Sharp seemed to know exactly where it was, since she had invaded their home a number of times.

Sure enough, as they expected, she was there when they climbed down the ladder. The Houndoom yawned lazily as she reclined in Neko's favorite chair. While she clearly enjoyed needling all of them to no end, she had more fun annoying the volatile and territorial Neko than any others. To his credit, the little kitten managed to keep silent as he saw her, although he clenched his fists angrily.

"Ah! You did it! Good..." Sharp murmured sleepily, "I was just taking a nap here while I waited. After all, I wanted to be well-rested when I gave you your reward..."

"Why do I have the feeling that 'reward' is more for you than for us?" Nezumi growled, using sarcastic finger-quotes to emphasize the word "reward."

"Because it IS. I just figured I'd be polite and at least pretend," Sharp giggled in amusement, standing up. The mouse held up the sphere for Sharp to take. The canine smirked and snatched it quickly from his grasp, slipping it into a pouch on her belt.

"Good. Now... Kneel down," she commanded. Tsubasa clicked her beak defiantly, clenching her wings.

"What if we don't wanna?" she asked, less a question and more a statement. Sharp's red eyes narrowed slightly, but the amused smirk never left her face.

"Den I'll make ye," she replied sweetly, as if merely offering them a drink. Before the trio could react, she drew a small pinch of powder from one of the many pouches on her belt. She tossed it casually onto the ground in front of the thieves. Each of them suddenly felt an impact at the back of their knees, and like in Arc's match earlier in the day, they each fell down, unable to remain standing. Sharp stretched lazily, causing her ample breasts to bounce and jiggle.

"Much bedder," she said with a grin, wrapping her hand around her long, thick erection, "I've been savin' up a nice, large load for all o' ye... and now I finally get to release it!"

As it was when they first met Sharp, it only seemed to take one or two strokes before she unleashed blast after blast of thick, hot grey semen into the air. Despite herself, Tsubasa again found her mouth watering eagerly as she watched the liquid seem to arc through the air in slow motion. The thick splatter caught her in the face, right between the eyes.

Bliss. Deep, mindless bliss filled her. She could not think. She could not feel any emotion. She could do nothing but bask in the warm, hazy contentment that seemed to instantly wash through her mind, leaving her blank and empty. The young bird flopped back limply, unable to remain kneeling under her own power. She had no will to do anything other than feel endless vacant pleasure and stare at the ceiling. Again, she felt a rush of arousal as the feathers between her inner thighs grew damp with her dew. Her hips bucked a few times into the air, but other than that, she lay completely still as a smile curled her beak. Somewhere deep, deep in the back of her mind, she was aware of more of Sharp's wonderful spunk splattering her body, her friends calling her name... but then their voices were silenced as Sharp turned the proverbial hose upon them, bringing them under her spell too. With a soft gasp, they slumped down beside her, falling deep into trances.

Sharp smirked and rode the waves of pleasure for a few minutes more before stroking her foreskin over her tip to squeeze the last dribble of spunk onto Tsubasa's face. She stretched again lazily, before flopping back into Neko's seat once more, basking in the afterglow of her orgasm.

"Mmmm..." she moaned softly, "I can't wait until Milord lets me play with ye more often... Speakin' o' which..."

Sharp reached into yet another pouch on her belt and pulled out a tiny sliver of purple-colored crystal. She lifted it and pressed it to her forehead, and the crystal began to glow. Almost instantly, there was a crackle of energy and a rush of air. Sharp smiled and looked up to see Mewtwo himself had teleported in.

"Ah, dere ye are," Sharp purred lustily. She gestured at the three hypnotized children and smiled as she said, "Dey did de job. I have de Wind Crystal."

<Good. And after giving them a month to try to escape from our hold, I'm sure they have begun to realize by now that it is futile...> Mewtwo replied telepathically, leaning down to stare into Neko's glassy eyes with a faint smirk.

"Mind explainin' why we needed 'em in de first place? You or I coulda gotten it faster than dem..." Sharp questioned, frowning.

<For several reasons. First, I did not wish to enter the castle and reveal my existence. If a Psychic-type as powerful as myself goes within a certain radius of the Castle, the King and Queen would be able to detect it... to say nothing of that little fuzzball of a Princess,> Mewtwo said idly, <I'm very good at hiding my psychic presence, but there's only so much I can do.>

"But dat don't explain why I could'na gotten it," Sharp replied. Mewtwo smiled and reached out, gently scratching the fur under Sharp's chin affectionately.

<You know as well as I do that the most powerful magical wards in the Kingdom are around the Castle. If they would have detected my psychic presence, they would have easily detected your magical presence. We needed someone without any psychic or magical abilities to take it... and we will need their skills in the future to get the other Crystals, so this was a good test,> Mewtwo answered. He looked around and sniffed in disdain. <...This is where they live? I caught a glimpse of it in their minds, but I didn't think it was... so ugly.>

"Meh, it's got a certain rustic charm," said Sharp sarcastically, eyeing the broken mirror in the corner of the room.

<This will not do, not for my first three slaves... We will have to take them home with us,> Mewtwo said, picking up a pile of broken jewelry on a table near Tsubasa's bed and examining it curiously. Sharp looked stricken, her smile fading from her face.

"Wait, WHAT?! I do not tink dat is a good idea, milord..." Sharp said, shaking her head, "We don't need dem hanging around, listenin' to all our plans!"

<It is not as if they will be able to do anything to stop us. Who knows? In time, they may even participate willingly,> Mewtwo replied carelessly, looking back at the Houndoom. Sharp bared her teeth and shook her head.

"I hafta insist, milord!" she said. Before she could continue, she felt a crushing force grip her entire body, squashing the breath from her lungs. She was lifted from the chair and flung against the ceiling with enough force to crack the concrete slightly. She yelped in pain as a purple glow surrounded her body. Mewtwo's eyes glowed with blue fire as he stood underneath her, staring up at her with a malevolent glare.

<You insist NOTHING, Sharp. You forget your place. You may have helped bring me here, but it is I who will rule in the end. Whether or not you live to see the day of my conquest is merely a question of if you follow me... or stand against me. But I decide what we do and what will happen,> Mewtwo growled telepathically, each word pounding into her mind with enough force to give her an intense migraine. With that, the glow faded from his eyes and Sharp fell unceremoniously to the floor with another yelp of pain.

<Now. Return to our home and put the Crystal where it will be safe. Tell the other slaves to prepare three new rooms. I shall return shortly,> Mewtwo commanded, glaring at the dog-woman. Sharp groaned and slowly picked herself up off the ground. The feline-creature slowly moved in and pressed his body to hers, reaching down and gripping her semi-hard shaft, stroking slowly.

<...If you continue to serve me faithfully, my dear, you will be rewarded in ways you will never be able to imagine... But if you still have objections, just remember that my ability to control minds is FAR more powerful than yours, and I'm immune to your gift...> he purred softly. Sharp stammered an affirmative, before throwing a handful of powder on the floor and vanishing in a puff of smoke. Mewtwo shook his head and turned to face the three entranced Pokemon behind him.

<The same goes for the three of you. You can all serve me willingly, and experience pleasures and riches like no other Pokemon has ever had... Or I can ensure that the three of you never experience another thought of your own until the day you die. I will leave you literally mindless, and you will do my bidding without question, nothing but an empty shell,> Mewtwo addressed the three children as they lay there, <Answer me honestly... You do not wish that, do you?>

"...No..." Tsubasa murmured, hearing Neko and Nezumi echo her word.

<Of course not. I am not a cruel Pokemon. Serve me well, and I will be a kind master, and you will live lives of utter decadence and pleasure... But cross me and you will never have another thought again. You will be nothing more than puppets to move around at my will,> Mewtwo said, his mental voice a sibilant purr that sent shivers down the two boys' and the girl's spines, and made their collective loins spasm and twitch.

"We serve you..." Nezumi said without prompting. Mewtwo smirked to see how deeply entranced he was, and his long tail flicked in approval.

<Good... Now stand up and come closer to me... This hovel is no place for the first servants of the new god of Kanto. I will provide a new home for you,> Mewtwo said, smirking. The entranced trio of thieves picked themselves off the ground and slowly shuffled towards their master. Mewtwo wrapped each of them in the overpowering embrace of his mind... and with a bright purple flash, they vanished, leaving the den empty...