The Isles: Intro in to Basic Survival and Weirdness

Story by Sen32 on SoFurry

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Okay, I've felt like I've been out of it for too long. I know this might not be the story some of you are waiting for, but please accept it as a good distraction till I finish it. Once again, you can thank the pevereted Blue for aiding me in crafting another bizzare tale of wolf on fox action and all the strangness of an island where everything seems to just want to put it in....other words, if you're under the legal age to view such adult orientated materials, or are offended easily by male on male relationships, then please turn your virgin eyes away, the rest of us have a show to watch. Again let me know what you think, and even if you have anything you'd like to see happen, I'll be more than happy to respond as best as I can. Oh one more note, if you're hungry, please get some food or eat before you read this, as some content may make you hungry again. Thank you all for the support and time.

The Isles

I knew better than to let work talk me into taking this last minute trip. All I wanted to do was just kick off these shoes and relax in the comfort of my own home. I peeked out the window, and the flashing clouds weren't quite what I would have preferred to see. Suddenly a heavy weight fell on my shoulder as I looked over to see a rather large wolf fall asleep on me. I blushed as he nuzzled my cheek, his massive body rippled with muscles beneath his taught shirt. I soon fell asleep as well as the rain beat against the wings of the craft.

The slight trembles of the carriage soon put me to sleep, traveling always made me tired. The gentle rocking soon turned to thundering quakes as my head popped up to attention. The pilot was saying some generic line about turbulence before cutting off from a desperate scream. The last thing I remembered was staring at my reflection in the window next to me, a black fox stared back with a depressed glance thinking the same thought, "Fuck my life..."

Something started prodding at my rear end. I pressed my paw back to push it away, "Cut it out, I'm still sore from last night," I groaned as I pushed what I thought was the horse from last night away. Something cold and wet washed over my legs waking me up from the daze. As I stood, I felt something slimy slide across my thigh.

Startled I looked around, my eyes adjusting to the bright light of day as I looked down and found a large clam with a enormously thick and long appendage hanging off the side. It was slick and covered in some sort of glossy film as it started to retreat back into its shell. I reached back, blushing as I felt under my tail. My pucker was smeared with slime. Was that thing seriously trying to fuck me?!

As I stood and dust sand off from my body, I felt a slight breeze. I realized I was completely naked on the shore of a vast beach. In the waters, small remnants of the plant drifted in the waves. There didn't seem to be any other signs of survivors or anything salvageable. Behind me, there was a thick jungle and a rise of a mountain behind it."Where the hell am I?" I looked around and found something sticking out of the sand a few yards towards inland. As I made my way towards the large lump, I found it to be the foot of a large creature buried beneath the sand.

I quickly dropped to the ground and began digging it out. Panting hard as I worked up a sweat, I uncovered the wolf that was sitting next to me on the plane. His dark fur was dusted in sand, but he was still breathing. I blushed deeply as I realized he was naked as well. My eyes drifted lower, following his impressive barrel chest, sloping into ridges of defined abs with a shaggy happy tail leading to a rather large and thick sheath. I eyed him carefully as my lustful nature drove me to cup a feel. My paw seemed small as it hefted up his large orbs, rolling them around before giving them a soft squeeze. I stopped and stood up as I heard the wolf groan.

Slowly he started to open his eyes and stared up at me, my head blocking the sun. "Is this heaven?" he asked and tilted his head.

I thought for a moment and smirked. Being trapped on an island with this hunk might as well been heaven for one of us, "I wish, sorry to say, we're both alive and seem to be on some island. Looks like you and me survived the crash."

"Crash? Oh yeah the plane! Wait where are we?" he said, slowly dusting himself and standing up. He looked completely uninjured as was I. He towered a good two feet taller than me and his paw blocked the sun form his eyes as he looked around.

"Your guess is as good as mine, I don't see any planes or smoke stacks. I think this island might be uninhabited. There's something strange about this place..." I trialed off as I looked around for any other signs of life. I then noticed that all life on this island other than me and the wolf seemed foreign. Almost alien in fact as I noticed some of the trees were unnatural colors. As the wolf looked around I wandered towards the waters to wash off the slime from my thighs.

As I entered the gentle blue waters, I felt my toes dig into the soggy sand and coolness soon traveled along my digits. I smiled and murred as I slowly wadded out into the waters and began to wash off the slimy film. The water seemed to make it a bit worse as the goo thickened and clung to my paws. I grumbled as I slowly worked it off bit by bit. As I dipped my waist below the waters to wash my pucker, I felt the slime thicken again as it clung to my fur. Suddenly something brushed against my rump, making me jump up as I looked down into the clear waters. A sighed as it was just a odd sea cucumber below me, moving with the tide.

As I sat back down I pushed the creature away, it suddenly swelled and jetted off like a squid. I watched as it left strands of white silk in the waters as it moved away like a regular sea cucumber. I moved back down to finish washing before I felt it bump against my paw. I was about to grab it and toss it away before I felt it jet again...right against my slime covered tailhole.

"Ung, A..Ah!" I shouted and clenched, feeling the creature try to force its body into my slick entrance. "Nu-ah-no!"I gasped weakly as I tried to grab it, my paws slipping off its smooth body as it continued to wiggle vigorously. It felt incredibly thicker than it had looked in the water as it wormed in inch by inch. I grunted and pushed, but it seemed to be pulling itself in deeper. Suddenly I felt a paw pull me from the water back onto the beach.

"Whoa buddy, what's wrong?" the wolf asked as I rolled on the ground, paws grabbing at my ass. Eventually I rolled onto all fours and lifted my tail, showing him the creature trying to force itself into me. "What the hell is that?!" he shouted, kneeling behind me.

"I don't kno-oooh,", I moaned as I felt it start to suckle inside on my prostate, "G-Get it out!" I shouted with the last of my effort. The wolf gently pinched the slimy thing and began to tug. It put up a good fight before the wolf finally pulled enough out to grip and remove it completely. My hole felt opened and I blushed deeply as I felt something start to leak out. Rolling over and panting hard, I looked up at the wolf as he studied the strange sea cucumber. As I caught my breath, I picked myself up and looked at observed what was just stuffed in my backside.

The creature was about a foot ling and green. Veins popped out and throbbed along its body as tiny bumps littered its skin. Strands of milky white liquid dripped from each of the bumps as the bottom of it seemed to swell and throb, trying to escape the wolf's grip. At the top, a wide pucker opened and closed as it seemed to try to suck in water. The wolf tested a claw tip against the hole of the creature and was instantly met with a strong suckling. With some effort, he pulled his claw out of the pulsing mouth and tossed the thing into the waters. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah...I'll be fine," I said as I felt deeply embarrassed. Not even ten minutes of meeting the handsome wolf, he's already pulling things out of my ass. At this point, most people would have had at least a drink first. "What the hell was that?" I asked, too shy to go back into the waters and wash the residue leaking out my hole.

"Beats me, looked like a sea cucumber, but sure as hell didn't act like one," said the wolf as he slung off some slime from his paw. "I don't anyone else is here," he said suddenly.

"Yeah, not even much of a wreckage left. By the way, I'm Sen," I said, extending a paw to the wolf. His larger paw cupped mine and shook gently.

"Blue," he replied.

"Well looks like we're gonna be here for a bit, let's try to find something to eat, maybe get a fire going," I suggested, running down a list of generic survival techniques I've picked up from television and movies.

"Sounds good, let's check for fruit," he said as he lead the way into the jungle. I followed him quickly, not wanting to find any other surprises from the local wild life. The palm trees seemed a bit odd, like everything else on the island. They had what looked like coconuts growing on the tops of them, but each one seemed to come in a fused pair. I tried to scale the tree and reach for them, grabbing onto one, I realized the covering of the nut was pliable like cloth and began to tear at them, finally brining down a pair. I climbed back down as Blue set on figuring out if they were edible. Each casing held two oval nuts, each with a fleshy skin to them. The flesh peeled off unlike a regular coconut with a shell and inside was a rich and sweet smelling juice.

"Well definitely smells good, what about taste?" Blue said as he scooped a bit of liquid on to his finger and licked it. After a moment he repeated the action and soon devoured the nut in a few bites, leaving some syrup leaking from the sides of his muzzle.

"Well? How was it?" I asked. I waited till he finished devouring the fruit before he turned to speak, juice dripping from his muzzle.

"Mmm, it's really good!" he said as he started on his own to gather some. I found a stick to help poke down a few as Blue just ran into the tree and shoved his mighty shoulder into the trunk. A few fell which he caught before they hit the ground. I tore into one of them and as I bit into the smooth flesh of the fruit, I could feel tiny sacs of juice bursting onto my tongue. Every sense was ignited by the fruit. I saw the flavors and aromas float past my nose, some seeping in. Everything was amazing as I finally swallowed the bite, feeling it as it dropped down my throat and into my stomach. Instantly I knew why Blue could not help but finish his meal. I felt something hit my head before dropping my fruit to the ground.

Upset that it was now gritted with sand, I looked to see another pair of fruit shad fallen and struck me. I quickly came back to my senses and remembered I wasn't allow. I found Blue woofing down the fruits in quick session. As I stumbled over to him, I tripped on a root, as I inspected what I kicked, it was actually the rib cage of some long dead creature. Around it I noticed where some bulges of dried fruit. On further study, my eyes widened as I found more bodies laid out in similar manner. I turned in fear and began to remove the fruit from Blue. He paused as he couldn't quite stuff the next orb into his muzzle.

I tugged on his paw and begged him not to consume anymore. He simply turned to his other paw, which I lunged for. As I held both the much larger and stronger than me start to pull closer. As I all but fell into his lap, I yelled again, "Stop for a second!"

Blue shook his muzzle a bit as he looked down and started to put together something was delaying him from eating more of the addictive fruit. He slowly snarled and barked, I yelped as he nipped me on my muzzle and forced me to drop his paws. I scrambled up quickly to yank the fruit from his paws again as he tried eat. Another growl and I found myself under a very heavy wolf, his chest pressing down on him, the sheer weight of his body threatened to crush my lungs as he bared down on my frame. I whimpered as he pressed his muzzle closer. "S-Sen...w-what was I doin?" he asked as I looked back to see a dumbstruck wolf staring back at me.

Instantly I pushed him off as he sat up. "I tried to save your life, is what I was doing, and you were trying to kill me,"

"Wait, what?"

"Don't eat this fruit anymore, it seems like everything else that ate it couldn't stop," I said pointing to the graveyard of misfortunate creatures.

"Oh wow...thank you," he said realizing the dire circumstance that could have befallen him had not I intervened.

"Your welcome, now let's find something that won't kill us," I said turning around to hide the small blush of how cute the wolf looked just then.

"Right!" he shouted at my back, padding quickly along the jungle. It almost ended as quickly as it started. The sensations of the fruit faded shortly after you stop eating it. I made a mental note to not return to the grove. We made our way along the pathless floor of the jungle. As one would suspect, the growth became thicker and humid. I often found damp spots along my fur where droplets formed. We found our next attempt at food at what looked like bananas. Unlike the regular, curved, yellow fruit, these we're much larger. The longer and thicker fruits seemed to have a thick outer skin. But unlike ours, with a fibrous sealed tip, these have the inner flesh exposed and they dripped clear drops of sweet liquid at the tips of the exposed fruit. I couldn't help but think to myself how oddly close they looked to an thick uncut..."Hey let's try these!" Blue shouted, breaking my thought.

I watched the wolf try to peel the fruit, it's shape seemed to contour nicely in his paw. He bag to unpeel the fruit, but seemed to be unable to find any purchase in the fruit to make a tear. I blushed next as the wolf simply put the exposed tip to his muzzle and squeezed the fruit, mashing its contents before being slurped out the tip. The wolf licked his lips and waited for a moment. "I think these are good," he said after a while. He picked a few and tossed them at me. I watched as the wolf held one in each paw, alternating between fruits. I licked the tip of mine, catching a thick glob of sweet syrup leaking from the exposed end. I blushed as the fruit was much thicker in my smaller paws and I could feel how tough the rind was.

I squeezed like Blue did, but it did not give easily. I soon found both my paws working to squeeze the fruit so that I could eat it. I started to find that as I squeezed up and down, I could get the most outer layer and worked it into my muzzle. It tasted a creamy banana, sweet and sticky as the mush easily molded against my tongue. Small bulged formed around my palms as I swallowed the rest of the fruit. We made a short lunch of our safer meal and returned to the beach. I washed myself in a shallow pool as the dampness of the jungle made me feel uncomfortable. Blue did the same and we returned to the shore to shake ourselves dry. For a while I stared out in the sea around us. It all seemed to span endlessly with nothing but distant clouds on the horizon.

I felt a paw on my shoulder as I realized Blue eclipsed the sun for me again. "Hey, don't worry, we'll get off of here," he said reassuringly. He squeezed and patted me on the back, "I owe you one, don't forget that," he said as he rubbed my head and began to walk off.

"'re right," I said, quickly wanting to forget about the harsh reality of survival and just focused on actually surviving. Blue began to create a makeshift shelter as I ran to gather firewood. We both worked on our tasks, taking the quick occasional break and sip of water. The board leaves on the ground made excellent rainwater bowls. Also the humidity often collected on the cooler ground so water was plentiful. Soon I had gathered enough to start on a method to light the wood. I looked at the edge of the sand and found what I remembered to be flint. Finding a heavier stone, I ran back and grabbed a paw full of dried leaves, crushing them onto a pile of twigs. I ran the sharp edge of the flint, creating a streak of sparks into the tinder. It took many strikes before finally an ember formed and began to smolder and burn. I blew gently as the smoke increased and soon a baby flame formed. I fed it more and watched as my child grew.

"Awesome, I'm just finishing up," he said as he pulled what seemed to be a thick and sturdy vine. The shelter picked up as branches woven with thick leaves raised up forming a slant roof above another bed of wide, fluffy looking leaves. We continued to gather stones and more and more firewood, keeping the pit small enough to burn long into the night with the wood we gathered. It was near sunset when we finished all our tasks of making the area comfortable. As it grew dark, we could already hear the sounds of the night becoming active. Our ears perked instinctively towards every step of another creature, every call from the darkness. We wondered if we'd ever go hunting, like our ancestors. Go out into the night and slay our meals with no more than our paws and teeth.

"Hmm, I don't think I can live on just fruit," I said a bit absent mindedly.

"Well, I think I might be able to take care of that," blue said, slowly dropping to all fours. For a moment I saw the image of a great predator, like our feral ancestors before me. As soon as I got a good look at him, he dashed off into the forest, disappearing with the night. I waited, listening for any sign of life. I started to shiver as I felt alone before something burst forth from the bushes. I yelped as I saw a blood stained muzzle of Blue holding what looked to be a rather round boar with short legs in his muzzle.

"You almost scared me to death!" I shouted as I felt my heart almost pound its way out of my chest. "Wha, what the hell is that?" I said, poking the rather spherical pig with a curious claw tip. The creature was lifeless as Blue dropped it on the ground unceremoniously.

"It's called dinner!" he said as he found the shard of stone I picked up earlier. Gently he scored into the body of the pig and began to clean it. I watched as he quickly cleaned and skinned the creature, leaving an almost perfect ball of meat. He found a sharp stick and impaled it through the tender flesh and held it over the fire. Soon the sweet flavors of fat sizzling over an open fire filed the night air. I found myself drooling slightly as I heard pockets of air crackle as the flesh became cooked and pleasantly charred. After feeling like waiting for hours, the meat was finally cooked to perfection. Blue took a sniff before biting into the chunk of meat. He murred as he chewed and offered me the ball. I held lift to bite into it.

The flavors of sweet meat filled my muzzle. Chewing into the meat, the tender flesh all but melted, leaving juicy fat behind as I licked my lips from the bite. We both reveled in finishing the meal and disposing of the bones before we turned in for the night. Blue ushered me into the shelter while he threw a few more larger logs onto the fire. It smoldered softly as he took the first watch for any other wild beast that may roam the island. I feel asleep a bit uneasy being far away from civilization, but the fatty meal helped slip my mind into rest.

I woke up to find Blue passed out, his back against the large tree that held up one end of the shelter. I crawled over and motioned for him to get into the shelter. He was a bit damp from the forming dew of the morning and I pulled at the wolf, gently leaning him till he started to roll on his own accord. Dragging his sleeping body was no easy feat, but I managed to get him into the shelter. As I took care of moving the wolf, I watched the fire burn softly, almost threatening to go out before tossing a few logs on top. Kindling it back to life, I sat back against the tree Blue had fallen asleep on, and almost dozed off myself till something cold fell on my face.

I looked up and found an interesting sight above me. What looked like some sort of insect cocoon was dripping a slime like substance from above. Tiny drops fell like rain drops as I wiped off the mess. I grumbled and moved a bit to avoid anymore from dripping on to me. Soon another drip hit me, annoyed I stood up and stepped away from the tree. My eyes tracking the objects as the morning light slowly reached the tree tops, saw there were only three, and they looked to be blue slimes, holding themselves up with a single tether.

I wondered if they were some sort of tropical slug or perhaps the egg sac of some exotic creature. I didn't bother to inspect them any closer with the events of everything else I've encountered so far on this forsaken island. I sat back down eyeing them cautiously. They seemed to be swaying a bit, as if some gentle breeze was pushing them along. The trees felt no sign of wind against their leaves. I squinted a bit to see that they were moving on their own. I pondered what they might be doing, were they about to hatch? My answer quickly fell onto my head like Newton's apple as they fell onto my body. I cried out a bit as the cold substance splashed onto my arms and shoulders, one landing on the back of my neck. I felt them squirming and the feeling disturbed me as I quickly reached for them and yanked the things off, throwing them as far away as I could.

Quickly checking to see if any remained, I winced as I realized I had thrown them right into opening of the shelter, landing on the sleeping Blue. I shouted and ran to the opening. I watched in morbid curiosity as I could see the light flood into the other opening of the makeshift roof. The turquoise slimes began to roam the large wolf's body. Slithering over his massive chest like curious mice. They were quick and fluid as they darted to and fro. I tried to remove them off the sleeping fur. The damn things reacted much quicker than when they had fallen on me. The seemed to slip from my grasp as I fell between the wolf's meaty thighs. I blushed deeply as my muzzle was inches from his sheath and orbs. My attention quickly turned back as I watched the slimes do something new.

The first slithered across my paw, on reaction I shot up and tried to fling it away. It slipped over and began to move right over the wolf's thick sheath. Another ran a few circles around Blue's defined abs, slipping lower and following the shaggy trail towards the other slime. They bumped into each other at the wolf's sheath before swirling past it's brethren and continued to explore. The one moving south curled under the wolf's plump orbs before dripping across his exposed tailhole. I reached out with my paw trying to remove it once more, but I seemed push itself away till it found a brilliant hiding spot. ", no!" I whimpered as I tried to snatch the creature, it had already fed half its slimy body up the wolf's rear end. The whole thing quickly slipping inside him. Soon I watched Blue arch his back and moan, to my erotic horror, another slime had pressed itself into the wolf's muzzle before disappearing as a lump down his throat.

The third and final slime acted a bit different than the other two, instead of seeking shelter, it continued to explore and violate the wolf. The deep blue blob became flat and started to flutter along the wolf's silky sheath fur. Slowly the tip of his wolf hood emerged and ripples traveled along the surface of the slime. Soon all of his length spilled out, covered by the wiggling goo. It started to change again as it wrapped itself around the wolf's proportional tool and began to swirl around it. Soon it formed a tendril at the tip of his leaking tip and started to poke it. The pre that would have formed at the wolf's tapered end was quickly sucked up by the hungry slime. Wanting more, the thing decided to go for the source. I watched helplessly as the bottom of his veined shaft swelled a bit outwards as the tendril fed its whole body into the wolf's member. I watched as he continued to moan and hump in his sleep, no aware of the invading forms that began to change his body.

The first was obvious as my eyes never left his member. His already full orbs began to expand more as the creature made them its new home. Swelling larger and distending outwards, I could see a writhing mass beneath the taught fur. Veins that covered his jewels were pressed against the stretched skin as they fed more nutrients for the enlarged body parts. Soon the changes spread from there. Every part of the wolf's body thickening even more. His muscles swelled, even his chest seemed to get roughly a foot wider in each direction. I watched as his thighs began to swell even larger, his defined calves become even thicker. Even his member swelled out, spilling across his shaggy tummy fur, almost making an equilateral triangle with his nipples. The tiny buds of flesh swelled as well with his chest, easily now the diameter of a quarter. The wolf continued to moan and hump the air as his rump swelled as well, clear dips formed as he thrust his hips upwards.

"Blue?" I asked a bit, hoping to just wake the wolf enough. The bastard was quite a heavy sleeper. I realized this as I shook at his thighs, which were now clinging to my body as he'd wrapped them around me in a death like vice. I watched helplessly as he humped upwards, his 'improved' member bouncing back and forth, slamming me against my tummy and chin left strands of slick pre. I blushed deeply at the musky scent as he just held me and humped away.

I started to notice his member still swelled a bit as he started to hit my bottom lip, I called out to him again as his thrusting became erratic. As I opened my lips, my words were cut off with a thick wolf cock pressed into my muzzle. I tasted the flavor of sweet musky sweat off the tip of the dark member before it throbbed again, depositing a thick glob of pre into my mouth. I couldn't help but swallow as it hit the back of my throat. Groaning, I tried to push off once more, but only was forced to gulp down a few more inches. Whimpering as felt Blue start to crush my sides with his mighty legs before in one last desperate thrust, he came. A torrent of hot seed started to pump into my belly, I groaned at the volume, somehow able to swallow every bit of it. Something felt off as I watched his cock throb below my nose.

I felt it before I could see it. Something moving on the back of my tongue before falling into the my swelling gullet. It was like hundreds of gummy worms slithering down my esophagus. I felt a bit disgusted at the thought, but completely helpless as I saw the writhing mass in his orbs migrate into my belly. After swallowing what felt like a gallon of wolf cream, Blue eventually pulled off, just a few drips leaking off his tip before returning to its now slightly cramp home. I groaned as his grip finally released and I slumped over the now even more enormous wolf. Panting deeply, I soon felt tired as my eyes shut themselves, the last thing I felt was something was wiggling in my belly.