Sugar Rush part 4
Kody moaned ever so softly as she let her tongue slide and press against her new friends warm, wet mouth. Kody let her paw slowly slide from the curve under Maggy's arms, sliding down her perfect waist and down her silken smooth thigh, pulling her knee up against her own as she did the same, the tip of her throbbing, ebony head touched Maggy's hot pink phallus. Maggy simply pressed back into the kiss warmly, one of her paws gripping her daddy's fur as Kody started to suckled on her tongue itself, the little lioness's tail flicking back and forth madly as she arched her hips forward, pressing her groin into Kody's. The male lion simply smiled and watched as his two little girls made their affectionate little moans, his eyes following every movement of their paws as they roamed gently over each other's bodies.
Kody's cheeks turned a light red, mimicking Maggy's as she started to plant butterfly kisses on her neck; the bunny's paws rubbing over Maggy's shoulders and chest as she did. Maggy could only whine out affectionately as she spread her thighs open wider, her little, white sack swollen tight with cum as her chest rose and fell at a quickened pace. And all to suddenly, both of the beautiful, little girls let out a soft cry, hugging each other tightly as the male lion cupped both their succulent rumps with one large paw each, his middle finger on each paw slowly sliding into both of their taught, and pink puckered holes. Kody bit her lower lip as she buried her head into Maggy's shoulder, feeling her daddy's very long and thick middle finger slide in and out of her rear, her little cottontail flicking back and forth above it as she tried not to lose control.
Maggy simply held onto Kody as tightly as she could, her moans soon muffled as her lips were met with the larger male lions, he taking the opportunity as the little lioness arched her neck in ecstasy. The two femboys squirmed against each other, rubbing into their daddy's fur as they couldn't contain themselves, wanting to feel every single inch of his teasing. "Ah, my sweet young ladies; you two seem to be enjoying each other so much." He said as he leaned forward to plant a warm kiss on both of their lips. Before she knew it, Kody was slowly being pulled into the middle of his large frame; she was surprised as she also watched Maggy being pulled onto his chest in an upright, sitting position.
"Now my sweet little bunny and lioness, daddy hopes you've both been good girls, so that he may reward you properly." The large male lion exclaimed as he chuckled softly to himself. Kody felt a sudden, and warm prod between her cheeks. Looking back, the bunny saw that her daddy's thick, and lengthy cock was situated right under her rump, the white fur on her chest which leaked down between both her thighs, and behind her front, creating a white, heart shaped patter that covered her entire perfect rump. Kody could only blush deeply and bit her lip in anticipation as both her paws gripped the sheets tightly on either side of her body.
Maggy simply looked down, her throbbing length was neatly situated on the male lions chin. She would cry out softly from time to time as his tongue flicked out and lapped at her sensitive head. She soon covered her mouth completely with her paws to keep from letting out a loud moan. She was not ready as she felt the sensation of both her daddy's thickest and longest finger sliding into her taught and velvety soft hole, as well as his mouth completely sucking her pink cock in, suckling on it warmly, looking up as she crossed her arms over her chest, holding herself upright as she was unable to move under his touch.
Kody made every effort not to cry out, feeling every single inch of the male lions huge, throbbing cock as it started its painfully slow and teasing descent into her shapely rear. Kody could feel every single pulse of her daddy's shaft as it throbbed deep within her smaller and more feminine frame. Kody spread her thighs wide, arching her knees and allowing her very large, and soft white feet to gently rub against her daddy's prominent, black sack as it bulged out, growing larger with his seed as he slid his knees up, humping upwards into his little bunny girl. Maggy made to grab his shoulders tightly, not realizing she was humping into his maw as his finger continued its assault on her rear as she rubbed and hugged his head warmly, the entire lower half of her body was being bathed in ecstasy.
Kody didn't argue at all as the male lion turned over, he nimbly used one paw to hold her against him as he did, her legs now arched in the air on either side of him as he continued to thrust into her pert rump, Maggy now lying on her back, unable to move as he pinned her arms above her head, eyes shut tightly as he kissed her deeply, claiming her mouth as his own as Kody arched her neck upwards, taking the lioness's swollen cock in her mouth, sucking on it intently as she held her daddy's fur in her paws tightly. The large lion grunted deeply as he felt his thick cock tensed, he roared loudly as his claws dug into the headboard of his bed as thick jets of cum erupted out the head of his already swollen cock head, pouring into the bunny's little belly, causing it to swell out as he filled her. Maggy gripped her daddy tightly the best she could as she came in Kody's maw, adding to the already large load as her velvety soft sack emptied.
Kody nearly fainted as all the fluids flowed into her, feeling her stomach swell out tightly as she felt her ebony shaft perk up, causing her to spurt strings of cum on the underside of her now swollen belly, looking as if she was seven months pregnant as she panted softly, trying to catch her breath. The male lion smiled down at the two as his large chest heaved up and down, a small trickle of sweat falling off the tip of his pink nose. He made sure to be careful as he arched his knees backwards, slipping out the bunny, and quickly placing his paw against her rump, not wanting anything to come rushing out and overexcite her. With his large arms, he pulled both of his girls up the bed, until both were lying side by side, their arms soon intertwined as they hugged against each other, Kody blushing as she pressed her swollen belly into Maggy's relatively flat one. The bunny gave a blushed moan of delight as her daddy rubbed his paw gently over her taught and sensitive skin which was now her stomach.
The large lion simply smiled down at the two of them as they clung lovingly to each other. He pulled the covers over both of them as they soon fell asleep in each other's arms. He both rubbed their ears warmly, making sure Kody's were securely snug behind her head as he made sure to kiss both of them on their cheeks. Soft music filled the air as he turned his stereo on, a light melody playing that seemed to fill the entire room. With a few clicks of his claws, a small fire was going in the fireplace, seeming to fill the room with a warm glow, which bathed over his naked body. A look of pure affection grew on his muzzle as he looked back at his bed, eyes scanning over the two perfect and innocent bodies of his new, little girls. They slept silently, their arms wrapped around each other as they snoozed on.
It seemed like it had been forever since Kody had woken up so warmly; looking over she saw that her best friend Maggy was curled up in her arms, the lioness's back pressed against Kody's front, which was now flat, the large quilt keeping the both of them snug as she looked around lazily, a little flicker of her eyes as she noticed that both of their bodies had been washed and dressed, Maggy wearing an oversized, light, blue t shirt with little clouds sewn into the patterns on it, a pair of soft, white panties underneath with a strange new collar around her neck, black in color and silk in feel. Kody looked down at her own body; she was dressed in the same oversized shirt, this one being pink with a large strawberry on the chest, a pair of matching panties underneath with a collar around her neck as well. She slid her slender fingers around the loop fondly as she looked down at it, the tag being the shape of a heart with her name on it.
Trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes, she saw that a large figure was sitting in a large armchair in front of the source of warmth in the room, a large fireplace which was alive with flames as a snow storm raged outside the windows, blanketing them white. There came a blush on her face as she slipped out of bed, noticing she had thigh high leggings on, not unlike the ones from before, but matching her shirt in design, she tip toes on her socked, large and pillowy soft feet over towards the chair, seeing that he had not yet noticed her, she continued on until she was but a foot away from the arm rest.
Kody's paws slid over the male lions softly, gripping it with an affectionate warmth that she had never shown before. Looking down the lion saw her, and with a smile slid both his large paws under her arms, picking her up with ease and setting her in his lap, holding the bunny's curved and feminine body against his own; one of his paws holding her bottom warmly as his other stroked at her long ears which ran the length of her back, his deep voice cooing gently over her ears. "My sweet little girl, I love you so much." This made Kody blush as she closed her eyes, gripping his fur in her paws softly, nuzzling her head into his chest as she nestled into his affectionate pettings.
A moment later, there was a small pat on the arm of the couch as Maggy looked up expectedly, and was soon hoisted up into his lap as well, both of their heads resting warmly on either side of his shoulders, while he wrapped his arms around their sides, keeping them safe and protected in his warm embrace as he purred deeply for their sakes, rocking them back and forth. "Both of you make me so happy, I hope you are ready for what tomorrow holds." He cooed as he kissed the both of them on their lips as they dozed off softly to a warm slumber.