The test

Story by Pontanius on SoFurry

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June 4, 1999 The test by Pontanius Edited August 14, 2004 Before I continue, a warning: This story contains consensual, male, homosexual, oral acts between a werewolf and a feline furry, as well as what could be considered a mild form of Macro-Micro play as the smallest participant is only 1/11th or so of the mass of the larger participant. So I am hereby informing you that, if you are not of a legal age (18 for most countries) then you should not read this, as someone somewhere has decided that it is bad for your mental health. Should you, despite this warning, decide to continue reading this story, you might end up being offended. Or worse, end up with stains on your underwear. If that is the case: Tough Luck. You have been warned. You will not be able to sue anyone but yourself. You have been warned! On another note: Zeeke Wolfpaw as depicted in this story is copyright Pontanius. The original Silverclaw Starsnatcher, on which the Silverclaw of this story is based on, is copyright his player. (And he'd maim me if he read this little 'What If' scenario.) Silverclaw Starsnatcher, as portrayed in this tale, is copyright me. The story is copyright Pontanius, and is a spin-off of an RPG-session with the player of Silverclaw. Last but not least: The universe in which this story takes place is copyright T. A. Jones. A special thank you goes to Star Trek, without which this story had never been. Final Warning: This story is a bit corny! Author's note, August 14, 2004: "A bit corny" might be a mild understatement. How in hell I even considered writing up this what-if story with a RPG character that's closer to being a demigod, I do not know. Then again, he's thankfully not the main character of the story. Still, I should have my head examined. Heh! End note. * * *

> Finally, onwards to the story: His teeth were making that annoying noise again.. that annoying yet comforting noise that reminded him he was alive. It had all been soooo simple. Here he was, huddled against the wall of a small cave and soaked to his bones, his cadet-jumpsuit in shreds, and his only equipment was a personal communicator. You shouldn't, of course, downplay the value of a personal communicator as it was actually quite powerful, and able to signal any ship or station within a 10 AU distance... had it not broken his thirty or forty yard drop....... Not that a small communicator was any good at breaking a fall. Which brought his thoughts to his injuries. His head fell forward and he jerked it back up with a soft shriek: a reminder to himself not to fall asleep. Instead he looked over his injuries for the umpteenth time: Right leg clearly broken. After his fall he'd found it to be at a very odd and very discomforting angle, and he had found it necessary to tie it up with two nearby branches and some pieces of his jumpsuit, all the while clenching his teeth so he wouldn't scream. Right arm badly lacerated. He hadn't been able to bandage it satisfactory, but a piece of cloth tied tightly around his upper arm had kept the blood loss to a minimum. The downside of this was the faint tingling in his fingers. Numerous cuts and bruises on his legs, torso, arms, and head, none of which could compete with his more grievous injuries when it came to getting his attention. His eyes were itching and he closed them with a sigh. It was very pleasant. The darkness. The soft warmth slowly spreading through him. Again he jerked awake with a shriek that echoed back and forth against the walls of the cave. His injuries.. Yes.. He could visually inspect all of those injuries, but what bothered him was what he was incapable of inspecting. He couldn't tell if he had suffered any internal organ damage or bleedings, and gods only knew his fall had been long enough to turn his insides to jelly. He was also quite worried that he'd broken one or more of his ribs in the fall. The aching bruises made it impossible to tell for sure. And if he had, then one wrong motion could shift a shard of bone and puncture his lung. He knew it would kill him quickly. In a matter of minutes. He also knew drowning in his own blood would be a very agonizing death. 'Stop it! STOP IT!' It was horribly to have all those thoughts of doom inside his head. He needed something to focus on, but the only thing coming to mind was how he'd ended up at the foot of this cliff. He thought back to the beginning of this catastrophe. * * * Unprepared, Uncontrolled, Hostile Environment Survival Training Exercise. The UUHESTE. The Academy's answer to hell. They'd been taken directly from their class, placed in a shuttle and flown off to god knows where. A short trip in confined quarters onboard a scout-class vessel and then they'd been beamed down to this supposedly uninhabited planet. On this planet, the five cadets of his squadron had to survive for an undefined period of time, using nothing else than what they were carrying. It really hadn't been that bad. Their leader E'erianies, Eris to her love: a beautiful young squirrel whose mind had been created for the sole purpose of leading others, and whose body and soul belonged to him whenever they had time off-duty, had organized them professionally, and they had been living without problems in these quiet mountain forests for seven days. 'Well', he reminded himself, 'without problems until this very morning.' A thunderstorm had been brewing over the nearest mountains and E'erianies has send Cromi and himself out to ensure that they had enough meat to go around, should the storm take more than a day. Cromi was the newest member of the team: A 6 feet tall, black leopard with a handsome face and a charming wit. Three things that he had hated till the day that Sheila, another cadet in the squad, had chosen him instead of Cromi. After that they respected each other, a respect that was slowly building into a strong friendship. It took them about an hour to pick up the trail of some prey animal, and another two hours to follow it to its origin. It was some kind of native mountain goat. It hadn't noticed them, and was chewing contently on some dry-looking vegetation. The hunters exchanged glances, then split up and prowled closer for the kill. It was then that it happened. A bird had been hiding in the vegetation. The noise made the goat-creature look up, and it made a bawling sound as it ran from the danger. He could see Cromi starting his sprint towards the animal from the other direction, and so began his own charge. But when the goat saw Cromi's advance, it changed directions and slammed directly into him. It was the mother of all black luck. Had it tried to slam into Cromi, he could have taken it down using his nearly two hundred pounds to his advantage. But now it slammed into him. He was a bobcat, and his ninety pounds had little chance of stopping the creature's hundred or so pounds. The next thing he knew he was sliding down a steep slope, grasping for something to hold onto. He loudly thanked the gods as his hand closed around a small bush-like plant, and as his feet reached the end of the slope, his shoulder was pulled taut, arresting his fall. He didn't even care to think how far he'd fallen had he not caught that bush. He looked around for something else to hold on to. Something to help him climb back up. And then he looked up to see the face of Cromi, looking down at him from twenty yards of sixty degrees slope. As he started to drag his sore, bruised body back up the slope, he was loudly thanking the marine lieutenant who'd been training them these last couple of weeks. His strength had been more than doubled, and it was this strength that'd kept him from falling over the edge of the slope into the unknown. It was also that strength that enabled him to pull himself up and grasp the next piece of plant life. He tugged on it, testing it. It seemed secure. It was not. As it gave way, he tightened his grip on the bush that'd stopped his fall before, only to find that this time, it snapped. The last thing he remembered was Cromi's desperate cries as he disappeared from view. Rain was falling when he regained consciousness, and it had taken him several hours to find this natural shelter in the cliff-side. It felt as if he'd crawled several miles in the wild storm, but in reality it was more like fifty yards. * * * His mind returned to the present only to find his body was shaking from the cold. A trembling paw moved to his left ear, toughing it, and it felt like touching burning wood. 'Great! Now I'm running a fewer.' He curled up tighter, and noticed a comforting coolness at his chest. It was the silver medallion he'd been given by that strange marine lieutenant. It was two inches in diameter and half an inch thick, and he had been surprised to find that it was made of real silver, all in all a very expensive gift. The back was smooth, but the front was all covered in strange writings, which the crazy human claimed was the language of his Apache half. How could any human claim to be half something considering how little their genome varied? He rubbed the cool metal against his forehead. 'What had he said: "As long as you carry this medallion with you, my spirit will be there to help you and guide you." Well, now is as good a time as ever!' He didn't really believe in such nonsense, his world was made up of science. There were telepathy of course, but that too was a kind of science. He closed his eyes for a moment. He was still holding the cool medallion to his forehead when he opened his eyes again and found the cave shadowed in near darkness. It was dusk outside. The realization made him cry out in anger, and he flung the offending medallion towards the entrance of the cave. "Bastard! Fuck! You can't fall asleep like that... You'll end up in a coma and die from loss of blood, you MORON!" The pure anger in his mind and in his voice pushed the wails of sleep from his head and he glared into the dim light of the cave for something to keep him occupied and awake. That's when he noticed it. A shadow was slowly forming outside the small cavern. 'It's humanoid. I'm saved!' In truth it could have been anything, but he was desperate. "Help! I'm in here!" The yelling instantly made him dizzy, but he was sure that his rescuers had heard him. He could now hear light footsteps above the drumming of the rain. The light filtering into the cave dimmed as a six and a half foot familiar form stopped outside the entrance. "You?" He couldn't believe what he saw, but the image stayed there despite his frantic blinking. "Hello Silver. I thought you might like some help." The human stepped into the cave, allowing Silverclaw a better look. The human was dressed in a tight, black, short-sleeved shirt and equally tight gym-pants. His feet were covered by standard issue combat-boots. Silverclaw swallowed hard at the sight of this proud figure standing in front of him. The lieutenant wasn't exactly larger than what you would expect: Silver guessed him to carry around two hundred and twenty pounds of body-weight. It was more the fact that you could see every little movement through the tight black fabric, his muscles working like a sea of snakes. "What are you doing here.....? Are you gonna help me? ......... Sir." The human crouched down and carefully picked up the discarded medallion and brushed it clean before looking at him, "Are you ready to be helped?" He couldn't believe his ears. "What is this? More of that Indian mumbo-jumbo?" The human moved closer, kneeled in front of him, and proceeded to push his entire hand through Silver's leg. He was like a hologram without mass, a spirit among the living. "No, it's only a question. I can't help you if you're not ready." The human sighed a little, "And please, it's Native American, not Indian." Silverclaw looked back with his muzzle wide open. It was like a dream. It had to be a dream. Or more like a nightmare. "I'm ready! I'M READY!" He didn't understand what he had to be ready for and he didn't care. He just wanted to be rescued. Besides, the thought of dying over some spiritual technicality was ridiculous. The ghost sat down next to him and began to examine his injuries with all too real fingers. "You're in a bad shape. What did you do, skydive without a contra-gravity descent unit?" "That's not funn..." Silverclaw screamed as the bones in his leg was forcefully realigned. When the pain subsided and left him able to think again, he found himself sitting in the large human's lap, warmed by the heat from the smooth, shirtless chest. "How's this?" "Better, but I'm still freezing." "That I can do something about." Silverclaw could fell the muscles of the human stiffen, then move, rearrange... and grow. Bones lengthened and joints shifted with sickening popping noises. He looked at the arms wrapped around him only to find they had doubled in size, each forearm being larger than both his legs together. And then there were the hands. They were large, clawed paw-hands, each of them large enough to cover his torso. He slowly turned his head until he could see the head of the human. What he saw wasn't at all human, and he whimpered as his eyes looked into the calm blue eyes of a giant wolf. A wolf with a mouth so huge it could easily accommodate his chest. He was sitting in the lap of half a metric ton of predator. After several long minutes of silence, Silver decided to raise his voice over the noise of the rain outside. "L----lie---lieutenant?" "That me!" The voice was deep and powerful, and sent vibrations through his entire body. "Sittin' comf'tably?" Silver swallowed in fear of this.. thing.. "You sound strange." "Mi larynks is not vey good for tlkin. Now ar u in any pain?" "M-My leg hurts like hell!" The monster behind him moved a hand to his thigh and began probing his skin. He winced at the pain it was causing, but all of a sudden the hand stabbed him with a single claw and his leg went numb. Not a painful numbness, but rather a soothing painless numbness. It still frightened him. "W-What did you do!" His voice held an edge of panic. "I blokk'd the nervs from yor leg. It shud keep the pain awai for'r day or so." Silence descended upon them until, once again, the drumming of the rain was the only sound in the cave. Silverclaw wasn't sure how much time had passed when he suddenly noticed that this wolf-creature was licking his neck very carefully. He could fell the dirt being removed from his fur by the expert tongue. It was very comfortable and very pleasurable. The tongue was actually large enough to cover his entire neck, and it wasn't long before it slowly moved down his back. He was confused. Confused and bewildered. He felt he should return the favour in some way. It didn't take the passing of many minutes before he began running the claws of his good hand through the fur on the giant wolf's forearm. Neither did he have to wait long for a reaction as the wolf began to emanate a strange deep sound that vibrated him to the bones. He didn't quite want to believe it, but being a cat he had to finally admit that the wolf was purring. "You're... you're purring!?!" "...rrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMmmmmmmm. rrRRRRRRMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..." "But... how?" "...rrrrrrrrrrr*- A cat tout me long ago. prrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrr..." "But..." He broke of as he realized how the vibrations were generating a surprising and VERY embarrassing reaction from his body. He looked down and tried to will the growing bulge in his jumpsuit to return to its sheath. It didn't work.... "Err... Would you... I mean.. could you stop your purring?" The purring stopped, and he turned his head and looked straight into the large blue eyes of the wolf. "Wha's wrong?" "It's... it's kinda embarrassing, but your purring is... well, it's..." He could fell his face getting warmer. "Why's it embarrsing? Looks fine b' me." "Well, you're a male!" He stuttered, "I mean.. I'm not a homosexual." "Nither am I." The wolf moved a large paw down and slid it through one of the numerous holes in his jumpsuit and trailed his claw slowly down through the wet fur. A simple motion that yet made Silver tremble in the strong embrace and made his shaft jump against his will. Next, the sharp claws brushed over the tip of his shaft and raked down the side, pulling his sheath all the way back, and leaving two long, white lines on his hardening flesh. He gasped from the touch. "Careful! Please, I've lost too much blood already." The wolf's hand closed around his cock, completely enveloping it. "I don' think dat will work." The wolf picked him up very carefully and placed him, equally carefully, on the floor of the cavern. After checking that the bobcat's injured leg was resting comfortably on the floor, he began running his tongue down through the fur on the smaller male's chest and stomach, opening and removing the jumpsuit as he ventured further. Silverclaw didn't say or do anything. He didn't even try. It was like he was in some sort of shock. He didn't want this to happen. Why should he? He was in love with Eris and she in him. He should ask him to stop right now, but some kind of morbid curiosity prevented him from doing that, and he suddenly found his own hand scratching behind the giant wolf's tall, triangular ears. The wolf's warm and wet tongue wrapped around his cock and then the purring resumed. The sensation was so strong that it made him trash about, but he quickly regained control as the pain from his broken and bruised body shot through him. The wolf stopped his licking and looked at him, but what it saw apparently made him return to his task, licking and carefully stroking the feline shaft with his tongue and two fingers. "I don't... -AHHHHH-... don't want you to do any anal stuff." He was trying to sound confident, to sound strong, because right now he knew that this creature could do whatever it wanted to him, and he didn't even have the strength to delay it. Even without the injuries he wouldn't stand a chance. "I don' wan to do anyting like dat to you. I don' think any of us woud injoy it.............. And I'm not talkin diffence in size herr." It closed its muzzle around the stiff, hot cock. "Ahhhhooohh! That's.... That's soooo! Please be careaaaaAAHHHHHH!!!" He involuntarily bucked his hips, thrusting into the black furred muzzle of the wolf. A crazy idea popped into his mind. He was so deep into this that he might as well participate actively, and while some part of him yelled that he shouldn't. That part was overheard as he reached out and grabbed the fur on the wolf's firm belly, pulling with all the strength that he could muster, and in response the wolf stopped his sucking while he repositioned himself to give the bobcat better access. The first thing he noticed was that the fur on the sack was the same length as the fur on his legs. The second thing he noticed was that the sack was almost the size of his head. He gave them a careful lick, and they immediately pulled up tighter to the groin of the wolf, the skin tightening to hold the balls in place. It was.. a different experience and while not unpleasant, he found the musky scent overpowering and decided to move his attention to the heavy sheath. Looking at it he found that it was larger than his forearm, both in length and diameter. He grasped it with his good hand and began rubbing it back and forth. The large knotted shaft quickly began to swell out of the sheath. "By Keranth! You're huge." The purring stopped for a moment and something resembling a low chuckle or laugh escaped the wolf. "Tanks. Yu arr not so bad urself, considreng yor size." The wolf continued licking and sucking on his shaft, while its handpaw started to run along his chest and belly, rubbing and caressing as it moved along. Silverclaw carefully stuck out his tongue and gave an uncertain lick to the large erection. 'Well, it doesn't taste bad. It's different from E'erianies' taste, but not bad.' His own thoughts betrayed him and confused him, and driven more by instincts than reason, he began to lick the warm, hard flesh while rubbing it against his chest with his hand. Within minutes he was licking it frantically with a hunger that he never would have believed to experience without a female partner. He pondered this strange thought but was cut short as he climaxed and threw back his head, slamming it against the hard floor, yelling through the pleasure and pain, "ERIS!" His body continued to twitch in orgasmic pleasure as he shot his cum into the waiting maw of the wolf. When the glow faded he found that the wolf was licking and grooming his chest fur, and he resumed his treatment of the hot stiff, canine shaft, only to find the metallic taste of blood in his mouth. He stopped to look and saw two painfully looking gashes on the stiff shaft that could only have come from his sharp teeth. But as he was looking with wide, frightening eyes and fearing the retaliation, the two gashes slowly closed as if they were never there. He wasn't quite sure if it was an attempt to distract the wolf from what he'd done, or if it was a genuine attempt to give pleasure to the wolf that made him continue licking the tip and shaft of the huge erection, soon forgetting the question all together. He licked and rubbed for all he was worth, he even tried to fit the end of the shaft into his mouth, but had to abandon the idea. He just couldn't open his jaws wide enough. While this was happening, the wolf had returned to licking and sucking on his cock, stimulating it to become rigid once more. He himself continued pleasuring the large furry until he discovered that a knot was forming at the base of the wolf-shaft. Curious, he moved his hand to rub and caressed it, and as he did this, the wolf retaliated by sucking painfully hard on his cock, vacuuming his entire and soon driving him to another, milder climax. As he came he buried his claws in the knot and the wolf stiffened, its muscles locking in place. And then, with a slight shudder it came, shooting its semen over Silver's face, neck, and chest. It wasn't an abnormal amount of cum if you considered the size of the wolf, but seeing as 'the size' was around one thousand pounds, it drenched him thoroughly despite his futile effort to lick it all up. He was quite exhausted after that. He rested his head back on the floor and felt the comforting touch of the wolf's tongue cleaning his fur. He felt warm and sated and a pleasant tiredness was descending upon him, and as the wolf finished cleaning him, he was picked up and placed comfortably on the large chest. He managed a feebly mumbling, "Can't sleep! Shock.", but the last thing he remembered before drifting off to sleep was a deep voice: "Rest nov. I will watch over you. You will be okay." He drifted to sleep with a faint smile on his muzzle. * * * He woke alone to the sound of people entering the cave. He looked around and was utterly alone, no trace of his nightly visitor. Had it been a dream? More like a nightmare. An older deerian kneeled down beside him and began examining him with a medical tricorder. "Don't worry Cadet, I'm a doctor. We're here to get you out." He finished his examination and said. "You're going to be fine. We'll just beam you up and I'll fix you up in no time. Can we get a transport locator over here?" He said the last to the uniformed figures at the entrance to the cave, and one of them brought one over. "It's a good thing you managed to light that fire out there or we'd have taken much longer time finding you." "But I... I never..." He tried, but his voice failed him. "Take it easy, we can talk later." The doctor tapped his communicator. "Two to beam directly to sickbay." The deerian smiled down at him as the cave shimmered out of view. (1)(Added August 14, 2004) As the sickbay shimmered into view, he faintly heard the doctor's voice, "I'm going to sedate you now, Cadet." He just nodded. He didn't much care. He was, for some reason, trying to figure out how to get Eris and Cromi into his bed at the same time. The best of two worlds he thought as darkness took him. * * *

Aftermath. In another part of the ship, a doorbell was activated. "Enter!" The voice was strong and commanding. A large equine in a full-combat marine uniform bearing sergeant insignia stepped through the doorway. "Sir?" The sergeant looked around the.. unsettling quarters. He didn't know how or why command allowed his lieutenant to decorate his quarters like this. He wasn't sure he wanted to know either. There was an ever-present scent of wolf hanging in the air amongst all the pelts and skulls of, to him, unknown species. He knew the lieutenant loathed poachers and those hunting for sport. So why? Another confusing part was the absence of any hunting weapons of any kind. Safety measures dictated every weapon carried onboard by the marines were accounted for, and the only thing the lieutenant ever carried onboard were a pair ancient chemical gunpowder firearms. A matched pair of .45 calibre pistols that he'd never seen fired. Yet they had the stench of gunpowder around them. "YES, sergeant?" The voice was on the edge of a shout and held a note that instantly made the equine snap to attention, "Sir.. Erhh.. We've gotten new orders. We're to stand down from SAR alert. The missing cadet was found by the initial scans." The human grinned back at him. The whole squad was on alert, ready to perform the SAR operation for the missing cadet, and yet their lieutenant was sitting there in a pair of gym pants and naked from the waist up, reclining in a comfortable chair. "I expected that, Geoff." "I gathered from your attire, Sir." Geoff relaxed now as the tone shifted, ".. But how did you know?" "That's my secret." The human got up and walked over to the equine. They were nearly eye-level, the equine being the taller. And yet his instincts always told him the human was taller. "I wish you'd let me in on some of your secrets, Sir. Would save me and the men from a lot of the hassle of preparing for all these missions we never go on." Strong hands padded his shoulders and the human looked into his eyes, "Maybe someday I will. But not until you're ready." "Sir? What do you mean, ready? Is that more of that native American mumbo-jumbo from earth?" His commanding officer laughed, "You'd be surprised. Now, run along and tell the men they can relax. We're heading back to HQ soon." Geoff stared at those teeth for a moment while the human laughed. Blunt, human teeth, and they still sent shivers down his spine. "Will do, Sir." He turned and walked out, leaning against a wall after the door closed behind him. He wasn't afraid of anything. Not until he got this commander. He felt safe and vulnerable at the same time. He shuddered and then went off to tell the men. He watched his sergeant leave with a troubled smile. He hated keeping it secret. But he'd lost too much from flaunting what he was. He knew his men both admired him and feared him. There was little he could do about that. He licked his lips, thinking about the cadet. It'd been fun while it lasted. He sat back down, contemplating when he'd have the time to experience something like that again. The end. * * * * * * * * Author's note, August 14, 2004 I did some heavy editing of this story, but left the general story as it was. I concentrated on proper grammar and spelling as well as correcting some of the worst constructed sentences. I also found a few words and phrases that were typical of me at the time, but was utterly incorrect. What I did change in this story was lengthening it a bit. So if you want the original story, stop reading at the (1) marker. What's beyond that marker was added today, August 14, 2004. Not that I wasn't satisfied with the ending. It just happened that, when I was editing the story, I felt it needed.. a.. I don't know.. Conclusion? The original ending left the reader guessing at what would happen next. This new ending leaves a little less to the imagination, but answers some of the questions I bet some readers will have. It also poses new ones. End note. First of all I'd like to point out that this was (one more) idea that kept circling in my mind, demanding to be written down. Second: This is the first story I have EVER written, and adding to this the fact that I wrote it in my non-native language and used a subject that I am not familiar with, it may not be of such a good standard. I'd also like to thank Lycan for inspiring me into writing. (By the time I post this, he has changed his name numerous times, but stories by him can be found on the web under the name of T.A. Jones.) Thank you my friend. If you want to contact me regarding...well anything then mail me at: [email protected] Thank you for reading this.