Ocean Avenue: The Barrier (Chapter 3)

Story by Zekay on SoFurry

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#6 of Ocean Avenue Series/ By Zekay

Disclaimer: This work of fiction is written by me, Zekay, all characters and events are therefore copyright of me. Any character similarities to anyone/any fur is purely coincidental unless otherwise posted. This chapter is clean so if you only read for the sex, you'll have to wait at least till next chapter.

Without further delay, I present chapter 3: the Barrier

So, there I was reeling in my afterglow. I'm starting to think about the whole event that just happened. My tail would still be wagging if I wasn't still on the ground. I figure I waited around long enough, so I get my clothes, try to lick myself clean the best I can, and leave the closet. It turned out I was in the closet next to the music room. I'm sorta glad and disappointed no fur caught us in the act. I would of got a good rep from that point on, but, I never really would have finished, and who the hell would want that?

I managed to get outside without anyone stopping to ask why I was still around after hours. My cell started ringing as soon as I got outside.

"Uh, hello?" I didn't have caller id....

"Jake! Oh, thank goodness, are you okay? Do you need help?" It was my mom on the other end panicking frantically.

"I'm okay mom," I said calmly tying to calm her down. "nothing happened this time. In fact my day was the best in life, I made friends too." I thought I should let her know so we didn't move again if she didn't believe I was fine.

"Oh, that's wonderful news! But... where have you been Jake?" I wasn't about to tell her I just spent the last hour and a half getting laid, she'd probably faint on the phone, not to mention you don't want to talk about that part of life with the parents, s'just weird. So, I did what anyone my age and experience would do... I lied.

"Nothing, I uh, was, I was just hanging out with my new friends, we're going over to one of their houses soon, I kind of just got caught up in the excitement. Sorry I didn't call you." Okay so it was only a little bit of a lie, but I suck at lying. I had to surround it with truth to get it to sound right.

There was a brief pause on the other line.

"Well, okay Jake, just be careful, and at the first sign of troub/" I cut her off. "yeah, turn tail and run home, I know mom."

"I worry about you Jake." she said flatly.

"I know, but I finally have furs I can hang with, I need to go mom, they're waiting for me."

"Okay... I love you."

"Love you too." I hung up and sighed heavily. Weather she could detect I was lying and held back cause I was happy, or knew I was lying the whole time, I never knew. But I just let out a big sigh of relief when she hung up. I took my eyes off my phone and looked across the front lawn of the school.

M'kay, new problem, where the hell are Shadow and Tennial? Tennial told us to meet up in front of the school so we could all walk to his house. I was gone a long time, maybe they left without me. I was about to leave and go, well, anywhere I guess, I'd have to at least wait a few hours before going back home. I'd just get a bunch of questions, maybe even including one about my lie. But, I started to hear something from behind me.

"______" sounds like a voice. I mulled over what I should do, go toward the new noise and let curiosity take over. Or search the town and see what there was to see, which by the way would have been a good idea. I still don't know where I moved, just the school name and street, and roughly where my new house was. I thought I'd never have to remember cause we'd just move again. "Damn my curiosity." I said to myself quietly.

" I - anything - you!" still too far to hear.

"___ fag, you -, ____________ you should ___!" I walked around to the side of the school, still following the voices I heard, sounds like there's two of them now.

"I told you I didn't do anything to you!" I'm close enough to hear now, I'm moving along the edge of the next corner of the building, trying to get close enough to hear more. I wasn't making out the other voice, it was too low, and he mumbled a bit. Now I was at the corner, I could hear them both clearly now.

"Leave me alone!"

"Didn't I tell you to shut up fag! You don't belong here, I don't care what you say, you're gonna be hurtin' for a long time." Wait a sec, I've heard that voice before! I looked around the corner and sure enough I seen Shadow on the other side. He was in trouble, real trouble, this bastard had a knife. He was a large doberman, maybe the same one from my first class, but like I give a shit. He's threatening my friend, my first friend, and I was way more than a little upset. I took a couple long breaths and leaned up against the corner. I took one last deep breath and got the courage to walk around the building into plain view. He hadn't seen me yet, so like an idiot I made myself known instead of keeping that element of surprise.

"What the fuck are you doing!" I was too angry at this ass hole to even reason clearly. This guy was tough looking, muscles rippled in his arms, I didn't care, he was gonna hurt my friend or worse, I'd rather die than let that happen! So, I moved, faster than I knew I could, I got in between them and was growling loudly. I spread my arms out defensively, then I turned my head and looked over my shoulder.


"Jake I-" damn it, I have to focus for this to work in my favour.

"Don't talk damn it, run!" so he gets up and backs away to a safe distance. I think I seen him hiding on the corner I was at earlier watching us. Now the angry doberman was glaring at me and growling back.

"You got some nerve freshman, I had the fag right where I wanted him."

"I don't care what you think he is! He's the first person who ever treated me kindly and with respect and dignity. I know he did nothing to you, and you, being the shortsighted bastard you are, want to beat on him for it?"

"Gays don't deserve to live, they're the scum of society."

"Why don't you spell society you ugly bitch!" So, that has probably a bad thing to say, cause he swiped at me with the knife. He cut across the side of my cheek, grazing it just enough to make it bleed a little. Now, reasonably, you're probably wondering what on earth I have planned, going up against a muscle head with a weapon, as a weakling without one. The plan... was speed, No not the drug! Moving fast.

The first couple times we moved I searched for alternative ways to get stronger, but when I didn't really gain muscle and just lost fat, I took a new approach. I watched martial arts matches, not so much the fighting, but how to perfect the speed, so right now, I can predict this guys moves and maybe gain myself an edge. Well, it's either that or I'm on the front page tomorrow.

He took another swipe, this time I was ready. I dodged it, and as soon as his arm went past my head, I grabbed hold. I knew I wouldn't be able to hold on for long, so I found a pressure point and dug my claws into it. His arm went limp and I grabbed the knife from him returning to the position I had before.

Look on his face was priceless. He was screaming in anger now. He lunged toward me, I dodged again, and this time I ran round back of him. I found another pressure point and stuck him with my claws again.

"arh," was the faint yelp I heard. He crumbled to the ground, not able to move anything but his head. Once I realized this, I let my guard down and stood before him with my arms crossed. He was just seething and shouting as many curses as he could think of. I took the knife and held it to his throat.

"If I ever hear you so much as get near one of my friends again, I'll gut you. Have I made myself perfectly clear?" When I didn't get a response I pressed the knife in.

"Alright, okay!" he yelled. I let him go stood up and started to go to Shadow, who had his mouth agape at what I'd just done on my own.

"Hey!" I heard the jock say behind me. "You can't just leave me here!"

"Watch me!" I yelled back, laughed and ran the rest of the way to Shadow. I could still hear strings of curses coming from the defeated doberman.

"Were'd you learn to do that?" Shadow asked, still dumbfounded.

"Internet." I said simply and started walking beside him. "So what happened?" He looked like he got hurt by the question.

"Well, we were gonna meet up at the front like we said right? We were waiting for you outside. But, I let my emotions get the better of me, so I came out to Tennial. So he said uhhh bye and walked away and never looked back. That guy overheard I guess and dragged me to the back of the school."

"So, you are gay, he wasn't just making it up?" I asked.

"No." he said quietly. "You don't care that I am do you?"

"You think I'd do all that if I was a homophobe? Whatever you're into is okay by me, because you are my friend, and friends stick close and bail each other out. Now are you okay?" He hugged me as tightly as he could after I finished my mini speech. He just kept sobbing and saying "thank you". I just hugged him back. I didn't really get an answer, he just kept thanking me, so I must have gotten there just in time.

"Common, let's go to my place. I'll find out what Tennial was thinking tomorrow and get this all straightened out." He still kept sobbing and hugging me, but we eventually started to make our way to my home. Guess the charm wasn't the key to my luck, It was just endurance. It was having faith in the hope that sometime, the karma would rebalance and I'd finally live a happy life. Not that all the shit that happened today was good luck, but I was still happier, because the barrier that was up and stopping good things from happening was slowly crumbling down.

So, yeah chapter 3, let me know what you think. I like comments, so do that more :p