Between Rogues Chapter 1: The Heist

Story by Sunrider on SoFurry

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#1 of Between Rogues

Ch. 1

The Heist

The soft strains of music wound down slowly, and across the crowded dance floor, couples came to a standstill. Polite applause rose through the humid night air, for a moment nearly masking the hum of cicadas from beyond the open verandas and balconies that the dance floor opened onto. Nanira's soft appreciative claps and those of her dance partner joined in with those of the people surrounding her. Allowing herself a tiny smile, Nanira stepped a half step further from her partner, a regally striped badger, and twitched her tail beneath the heavy skirts she wore. It was as much to alleviate some of the nerves that tended to accumulate this far through a job as to allow a bit of airflow beneath the garment. Expensive and layered, it held in heat and humidity, and the margay's fur was clinging to her legs uncomfortably, though thankfully not sticking as badly as it could have.

Other people were apparently having issues with the humid evening as well, for the smell of musk and sweat mingled with the sweeter scents of perfumes and the fruits that sat upon the tables. I should be happy. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be in a place like this, she thought to herself. Across the room, she caught sight of a heavyset sloth moving slowly through the now dispersing dancers and making the appropriate gestures. Catching her eye, he raised his brow fractionally. Things were going as they should.

It was only the shifting of air pressure that reminded her that the floor around her was clearing as well. Hastily, she moved to join the flow of dancers moving to the sidelines until the performer sets changed out. Normally, it was customary for a young man to wait and ask for a second dance if he had found his company charming enough. Nanira had done her best to seem attractive but dull, with the desired effect. The young badger had already disappeared into the crowd. Still, it was a bit of a blow to her vanity. It was, however, part of the plan. She had spent a good portion of the evening making herself seem available, if not overly interesting. Conversations with the various men she had spent time with had been superficial, and she had, with a variety of tricks learned through her lifetime, managed to learn more about any of them than they had of her artificial persona. If things were going as planned, she was being perceived as a rather attractive piece of fluff. Results should start appearing soon.

She stepped over to the tables, standing to one side until two graying canid males felt the presence of her gaze and stepped aside to allow her access to the dish of strawberries. She placed a few berries delicately in her handkerchief and sidled over to the wall, surreptitiously glancing about before pressing her shoulders to the cool pink marble. She nibbled on the overly sweet fruit, using the motion as cover to see how the rest of the team was doing.

Kalferth, the sloth, was engaged in discussion with three local heads of state with whom he had been ingratiating himself over the last several weeks, possibly longer. The base had been set up here only a few weeks before, but Kalferth had been making regular trips to this province for the last several months, masquerading as an unusually perceptive merchant with distant relations in northern politics. These old fashioned officials had been quite taken with some of the ideas that Kalferth had shared with them regarding trade tariffs (sharing these only once he was assured that his company would be allowed loopholes through the new taxes), and had invited Kal along to several important meetings and dinners. Perhaps one of the men speaking with Kal knew that he wasn't who he appeared to be, and that one, a gander with a high bridged bill, looked incredibly uncomfortable in his present company. Kalferth was rarely openly involved in any of his own scams; that he had decided to take a leading and visible role in this one lent credence to his boasts that the profits were potentially monumental.

Nanira's gaze moved to one of the other females of the group, the woman she had arrived with and had not spoken a word to since. The vixen's long red hair was done up in an intricate bun, and her sharp eyes darted to Nanira before returning to the group of gentleman and ladies she was conversing with. Tonight, Lashta was playing the role of the educated and intelligent socialite, and adopted niece of Kalferth, though this had barely been mentioned, and rumor of who she was had already swung wide to include a wealthy physician, a sorceress of the path of sparkling beauty, and a lesser duchess from the eastern continent. Unlike Nanira, Lashta seemed to be having no problems with the humidity or the overwhelming amount of clothing. Of course, as soon as her work began to show its rewards, Nanira would hardly have to contend with the layers of skirts, not to mention the tightly strung corset.

Two other members of the group were circulating the dance, though they were out of sight at the moment, either out on the balconies or in the gardens. Three more of the group were also about, though they were masquerading not as guests, but as servers, and, in one case, a night gardener. That one, Netcheskif, had arrived in the town weeks before any of the others, and had taken a good deal of time to gain the trust of the owner of this manor so that he would be allowed the position of night gardener and trusted enough to be allowed to wander freely on the ground, not to mention work on this auspicious night, a night when most of the groundskeepers were being paid to stay away. The bat's uncanny gift for coaxing the evening blossoms to the height of beauty had only helped to secure him the position.

Nanira finished her strawberries just in time. The musicians were just tuning up. Couples began to form and step out onto the dance floor. All at once, it seemed that Nanira's efforts were about to pay off. A young man she had danced with earlier, a rather up and coming businessman, walked up to her and made the customary bow. "Strey, I believe you said it was?" he asked softly, holding out his arm for her. Smiling and laughing coquettishly, she nodded and took his arm, allowing herself to be led to the dance floor, though more off to the side than to the center. They were forming up with one of the outer groups.

"And yours was Edmor, correct?" She allowed herself to be guided into the dance, a somewhat delicate piece that had more to do with rhythmic swaying than fancy footwork. She truly hoped this would pan out before the band moved on to a more frenetic piece. He nodded and smiled, and for the moment, they danced and spoke politely to one another, Nanira giggling at appropriate intervals. It didn't take long. During a particular flourish of skirts and robes, he whisked her off of the dance floor and into the shadows.

"I thought perhaps," the lemur whispered to the cleverly disguised thief, "that we might take a stroll through the hallways. The ballroom is too loud for conversation, and the garden was a bit crowded when last I looked." She agreed, knowing that conversation was not what the young man had in mind, and reasonably certain he expected her to know this. It was just lucky that he had chosen the halls as opposed to an outside route. It put her that much closer to her goal. So it was that she led him, without seeming to, to a wing of the manor that was all but abandoned that night. A servant was seen hurrying past, looking wide-eyed in fear at being seen so openly moving through the halls when he should have been staying as unobtrusive as possible. Nanira thought she saw Talbot's wink as he scurried past, hunched submissively as though expecting to be hit.

"Oh, these official dances so wear on my poor feet," Nanira as Strey sighed. She leaned heavily against the arm of her escort, looking up with an apologetic smile.

"No problem at all. Let us see if we can find an unlocked room for you to rest in where you won't be disturbed." Edmor managed to nearly hide all signs of the feral grin dancing behind his eyes. Nanira knew that, if Talbot had done his job, only one door in this particular section would be unlocked, and it would put her in the suite that she wished to be in. It would have been easier for Talbot just to get what they had come for, but this was Nanira's area of expertise, and besides, while a lowly servant was easy to dismiss and to cast suspicion upon, anyone stumbling upon a pair of recent or current lovers who had darted off to find some seclusion would more than likely be mortified and not raise their voice in report even when a crime had been discovered.

Edmor left Nanira leaning against the walls as he checked the doors. She had a moment's panic when it seemed that one was about to come open, but it wedged as though something inside had been jammed against the door. She let out a breath of relief when the proper door was finally opened. She allowed herself to be guided inside, and sank gratefully onto a large cushiony seat, wishing the damn thing had a back to it, for her relief was not feigned. Her feet and back ached from the night's work. Her mark crouched next to her, looking her over under the soft rose lights of the room.

"How are your feet, Lady Strey?" His golden eyes held interest and mirth, and she knew that this part, at least, was going to be effortless as well as, at least mildly, entertaining.

"Oh, alright, I suppose." She drew her skirts up, somewhat further than was necessary to reveal the severely heeled dancing slipper she wore. Looking at her for permission and receiving her nod, Edmor reached out and pulled the shoe from her foot. She shivered slightly, partially at the feel off having the shoe off and partially from the slight caress he gave her ankle. He smiled at her, a smile that increased as his hand ran over her foot and up her calf. She allowed herself a soft moan at the touch, a moan that evolved into a purr as hid hand slid beneath her skirts and over her thigh.

"We...we shouldn't," she whispered in token resistance, but her hand stopped before it would have grasped his to remove it.

"You're right," he said, smiling, "but at this point, does it really matter?" He stood abruptly, and she experienced another flare of absolute dread before she realized he was simply going to lock the door. Not that this would keep out anyone who really wanted access to this set of rooms, but it might slow them down. Nanira pushed her other shoe off with her bare foot. The lemur returned to her, offering her a hand up. She took it, rising and walking with him into the adjoining room: a lavishly appointed bedchamber. She noticed that the white parts of his fur looked amusingly pink in the lights of this suite. She sat, perched on the edge of the bed, attempting to convey a mixture of nervousness and anticipation.

Edmor sat next to her, taking her face gently in one hand and tipping it up to meet his. His muzzle move along hers, their whiskers intertwining and sending delightful shivers over Nanira's body. She felt the pressure of her nipples hardening and pressing against the dress and that blasted corset. His mouth met her, and she parted her lips, allowing the warmth of his tongue to intrude, tracing over her tongue, the roof of her mouth, trailing over her lips. A moan escaped her, and her body gave a slight tremor in anticipation. He was a wonderful kisser; she hoped he was as good at everything else.

His lips and mouth worked their way down her neck and finally to what part of her chest extended above her corset. Delightful warmth was spreading through her body, and for the moment, thoughts of her mission in seeming to be seduced by this man gave way to the feelings he was exciting in her. One of his hands slid down the outside of her skirts and then up beneath them, running over her thighs and tracing over the undergarments she wore. The other hand was working at expertly unfastening her corset. As his kisses grazed her throat, she tipped her head back, purring. Gods, she needed this.

The hand beneath her skirts began to tease through her underthings, stroking at the warmth between her legs. She longed to throw her clothed off, but knew that she shouldn't appear too eager. Abruptly, the pressure on her torso eased and there was a moment of intense pain as organs realigned to where they were suppose to be. His hand slipped from beneath her skirts and joined the other in unlacing and removing the richly embroidered dress. The heavy garment fell to the ground with a sound rather like a large amount of snow falling from the roof of a shop. For a moment, he sat back and looked at her, there in just a pair of silken underwear. She knew he would see the moistness he had caused, and his eyes lingered there and upon her breasts for a good amount of seconds. She took the time to look him over. He was still clothed, but she could see that their contact had had its effect upon him, his pants bulging with his desire to be within her.

Smiling, she moved slightly closer. Unconsciously, he mirrored her move, and drew her to him. Her hands busied themselves, making purposefully bumbling attempts to undo the fancy clasps and ties of his clothing. Smiling, he aided her. In moments, he sat next to her with a complete lack of clothing, his arousal plain to see. Smiling, she traced her fingers over his penis, letting her caress linger on the head before continuing to trace over the flushed skin. Moaning, the lemur lowered his head to her breasts, nipping at her nipples, his teeth and tongue dancing over them. Her purring grew louder, and she felt his hand once again delving into her most private areas. Wrapping an arm around her, he maneuvered them fully onto the bed. The soft mattress felt good against her sore back.

Edmor grinned down at her, putting his hands to either side of her shoulders and pressing her legs apart with his knees. He leaned down, giving her another of those rich, deep kisses, while pressing his hardness against her underwear clad region. "I have been waiting for this since I saw you, Strey," he whispered roughly as he lifted his head. He was, she noted, incredibly good looking, striking black and white with brilliant golden eyes and a very toned body. And decently sized, too. This was going to be a pleasure, indeed. Reaching down, he gave a practiced tug, ripping her underwear apart and moving it away. He smiled before sliding down the bed, trailing licks and kisses over her body. Her hands trailed over his back and up through his hair before sliding up to her chest and coming to rest on her full breasts, were her fingers began to tease her own nipples. His muzzle slipped down to the warmth between her thighs, his tongue flicking out and tasting her. She moaned, her body moving beneath the ministrations of his mouth. His tongue traced the contours of her labia, teased her swollen clitoris relentlessly. She had rarely had his equal. Her fingers continued to work at her nipples as he licked and kissed her. She felt a spiral of ecstasy swell through her. Valiantly, she held back. She needed to draw this out; other preparations, she vaguely recalled, were still being made, and she would only have a few moments once she and Edmor had had their fun.

His tongue and lips concentrated now solely on her clit, and she felt a finger slide within her to probe the depths of her. Slowly at first, and then quicker and joined by a second finger. She felt her body tremble, the fires in her growing. She couldn't hold back anymore. The first orgasm hit her like a wave against a basalt wall, shattering over her and leaving her body shaking from release. Grinning, he lifted his moist muzzle and crawled back up til he was again perched over her. "Tight as you are, I guess you must be ready for me by now. AT least I hope you are." He laughed, and she nodded a bit. His fingers, wet with her juices, trailed over her lips, and she licked them, finding the taste of herself odd as usual.

He bent to her chest, nipping at her breasts. She arched her back, pressing against his body impatiently. Her hands slipped to his penis, caressing and guiding it to the point of entry. She had bought the words and instructions to two very costly spells earlier that week, and she was about to find out if and how well they had worked. Slowly, he pushed inside of her, rocking back and forth and slipping deeper with each thrust. She whimpered in pain and pleasure. The first spell seemed to have work, restoring her to the tightness and elasticity of a virgin. And his member was on the large side, large enough to illicit thrills of pain and pleasure through her. Once inside her fully, he began to increase the pace of thrusts, as well as the intensity of his mouth on her nipples. His hands gripped her wrists, pinning her in place. Her arousal overcame her, and she began arching her body repeatedly against him in tempo with his movements. Each thrust was deep within her, and they became harder, fiercer. She lost track of time as they writhed together, bodies throbbing and eager. Her next two orgasms came in rapid succession, but they were nothing to what she felt coming on. It was like trying to hold a blizzard back with a parasol. It was the telltale tensing of the muscles across his shoulder, evidence of his own orgasm and knowledge of his release within her that pushed her over the edge. Biting down on her lip to keep from screaming, she arched her body, shuddering and spasming with the force of orgasm.

Her muscles suddenly relaxed, and she fell back against the mattress, panting. Catching his own breath, he grinned down at her. "That was good. But I hope you don't honestly think I am done with you, Strey." He smiled, withdrawing from her and pulling her up into his arms. He was still rock hard and didn't seem to be lessening in length or girth. Somehow, she thought he may have had some magic of his own at his disposal, and trust a male to use such a thing to achieve the possibility of multiple orgasms. Sensing what he wanted, she shifted her position, sliding her mouth down over the erect penis, caressing it with lips and tongue. As she licked and sucked, her hands moved to his balls, cupping them and beginning to gently massage. She was skilled at this, and her tongue and hands worked in perfect concert. Time slipped away, and she felt her own arousal growing as he moaned and shuddered beneath her. The pulsing of his erection and the warm salt taste splashing against the inside of her mouth and over her muzzle were a reward for her efforts. She sat up, flicking out her tongue to clean the drops of cum from her muzzle before they stuck to her fur.

Nanira had barely concluded this activity when he was kissing her again. "More, he whispered roughly into her ear. She moved to lie back down, but the shake of his head forestalled this. "On your knees, Strey." His grin was possessive and he looked like he truly believed he had complete control of this situation. But hopefully it wouldn't be much longer now and that second spell of hers would begin to affect him. She moved obediently onto her hands and knees. His still moistened penis trailed first down her back, and then quickly, but for only a moment, into her warm vagina again. He slid it out and up, pausing and sliding carefully into her rear. She gasped a bit, hands clenching against the bed. Even if this activity caused her body to respond pleasurably, it was not one of her favorites. Still, she willed herself to give into the feelings sweeping her body as he thrust into her ass repeatedly, his hands gripping her hips with bruising force. The motions grew rougher, but a sweeping sense of pleasure and fuzziness, almost akin to the feelings caused by some of the powders that Kalferth sometimes put in her drinks, was consuming her. She felt herself orgasm, but it was as though at a distance. She also felt him pull out, and felt his hot seed shoot on her back and into her hair, which had come down from it's fastenings some time ago. She barely heard the thud as he collapsed next to her, half on and half off of the bed.

She sank down to her stomach for a moment, letting the feelings wash over her and trying to catch her breath. Finally, knowing that her time was short and the others were more than likely wondering what was taking her, she climbed to her feet, pulling the unconscious lemur fully onto the bed and draping the coverlet over him. She straightened, wincing some at the pulling of hair that had stuck to fur on her back. She would definitely need a bath, but had no time for that luxury now. She moved to the window, opening it a crack. Strains of music could be heard, so it wasn't too late. The heady smell of flowers opening under the moonlight floated up through the thick air. Those flowers would have a similar effect of her last spell to those walking the gardens. She was glad that she had already been given the antidote to their effect.

Nanira moved away from the window, knowing that Netcheskif had seen her and was making the final arrangements. She left the bedroom in favor for the small office that was tucked away to one side. It took her only a few moments of searching to find what they were there for. Two items: the first, a small box with an intricate locking mechanism that took Nanira all of five minute to figure out how to bypass. The box opened with a click. Inside were several things: contracts, bonds, informative papers, several exceedingly rare jewels, a small stash of illegal and highly potent drugs, and a small vial of greenblue liquid on the end of a platinum chain. Smiling, she closed the box and held it to her while she looked at the second item. To one trained to look, it was obvious that the scroll was real, not one of the carefully constructed fakes the team had come across in the past several months. It took her a moment and the expenditure of a decent amount of energy to weave the magic that disarmed the protective measures of the scroll. Only when she knew it was safe did she pick it up without opening it and hasten back to the bedroom.

Hurriedly, the margay donned her dress, though she decided to forgo the shoes and corset, folding the latter around the former and the box and scroll and tucking these things under one arm. Seeing the underwear draped obscenely off the edge of the bed, she picked them up and tucked them under the lemur's head. Nanira plucked a carefully crafted button from the inside of her dress. Smiling, she dropped it on the ground and kicked it under an armoire before saying the few words that allowed her to step seemingly into thin air and out into a crowded broom closet. Everything was set, and the button would make certain that anyone who could detect traces of magic couldn't follow them and would have no clue who they came from. Unless they searched every room and found her egress in this closet, they would never have any clue it was her.

"Took you long enough," said a voice. Jumping, Nanira spun to see Talbot standing there in the faint light that crept in beneath the closet door. The hyena grinned, grabbing her and licking her in greeting. The group had never quite managed to curb Talbot's enthusiastic greetings, and some of them seemed to delight in encouraging him. Shoving him politely away, Nanira smiled.

"Yes, well, the job had to be done right."

"Don't tell me you didn't have fun. So, you got everything?" Eagerness was apparent in his face, even in the dim light. In answer, she held up her bundle. "Excellent!" he yipped, clapping his hands. Suddenly, he dropped his voice to a whisper. "Large crowd coming around the corner." Nanira nodded, for she had heard them too. It was time for the final act of the evening.

When the sound of footsteps and conversation had drawn close enough for them to distinguish that the group was of guests, not servants, Talbot pressed against Nanira and opened the door, so that the two of them went stumbling out in a very convincing recent lovers act right in front of a small group of relatively high stationed government officials and their wives. Staring wide eyed at them, Nanira ducked behind Talbot, who had changed into a sedate dress outfit and looked nothing of the servant anymore.

"Uh, pardon us, ladies and gents," he stammered convincingly, laughing and throwing an embarrassed grin to Nanira as he bowed to the officials. "We'll be on our way; it's getting late as it is." None could have faulted the two apparent nobles in making hasty farewells and vanishing from the party in all due haste. They took the long way back to the building they were living in, though Nanira heartily wished they could have gone the short way. She wanted a bath. Still, she had to wait for one once they arrived back "home". Netcheskif was there, though he said that he must return to see how things were going.

"Those guests were asleep just long enough to wake up and be rather confused about who they woke up next to partially naked. Several wives and daughters of key officials were, ahem, maneuvered. It will be weeks before the missing items are even noticed, more than likely, let alone before there is anything widespread done about them. It'll take that long to make sure no one's honor was impugned. In the meantime, I have to get rid of those flowers before anyone guesses about them." With that, the bat slipped out one of his secret entrances, leaving the two alone.

They sat in silence, both going over the night, Nanira's bundle sitting on the cluttered decorative table before them. Over the next couple of hours, the rest of the team filtered in. First was Travien, a brilliantly dyed mink whose robes, though some of the brightest at the dance, were more sedate than his fur. Soon after him, Lashta entered, followed by Dallette, a tall and rather imposing looking hare. Lashta, seeing Nanira, immediately dropped into place next to her. "God, ignoring you when you looked that good was hard," the vixen whispered. Nanira laughed, and the two started softly discussing their roles that night. Lashta was convinced that she would be readily accepted by the portion of society she had been working so hard to infiltrate, though she was a bit disappointed that this would mean continuing to play annoyed rival to "Strey."

It was longer before Kalferth arrived, and he simply nodded at the group before taking his seat and informing them that Netcheskif would not be home that evening and that the meeting would start as soon as the others finished cleaning up from the party and arrived back via another secret entrance. The group settled back into various discussions.

How one can miss a large white tiger entering a room is a mystery, but no one noticed Strandoss until he was nearly in the middle of them. There was some good natured ribbing as he took a seat one the arm of a couch. Only seconds later, Imp, a smallish fox whose huge ears constantly swiveled about as though he were permanently on the lookout for harm, arrived still in his uniform and took a seat. Nanira marveled again at all of the outfits, odd fur colorings (or, in the cases of Strandoss and herself, normal fur colorings), and accessories in the room.

Rising, Kalferth called the meeting to order. "I take it that the night was a success. When I left, it was only due to the fact that Lord Epperd's daughter had been found, ahem, in a compromising position with one of the kitchen hands. The thought that his only daughter might be a lesbian had thrown the old man into a bit of a state. Needless to say, I was politely asked if we could continue our negotiations another time and shown the door, along with the majority of the remaining guests. So, report!"

The reports were concise, as everyone was tired and knew that morning was soon enough for more detailed information. When Nanira revealed the box and scroll, cheers erupted around the room. Kalferth nodded and patted Nanira on the shoulder before picking up the items and starting for his rooms. "Tomorrow, I expect full reports from each of you. Also, those of you who have been working as temporary servants are not to forget that tonight was not your last shift, and that you should be in early in the morning to see to any cleaning or minor repairs that the steward was too drunk to assign you to tonight. Though one of you may wish to arrive a bit, er, late and under the weather, to give a touch of authenticity." Strandoss, Talbot, and Imp grinned at one another, though Stran rolled his eyes and muttered something about no rest for the insane under his breath. Kalferth, still walking, continued issuing instructions. "Nanira, I will need to see you sometime in the early afternoon, no, don't wake me before then, to discuss the items found and any further work on disarming anything you may have missed. All of you who appeared as guests who are staying in town may wish to circulate at the marketplace or some of the boutiques. Lashta, you may want to casually mention that your uncle has asked you to stay at his home for the remainder of the season. Dallette, do not go out until you have cleaned that atrocious brown die from your lovely fur, and use the eastern park exit only. That is all." With that, he pulled open his door and vanished into his room.

"He sure gets around for a sloth," Strandoss muttered, standing and stretching. Nanira agreed, but this was a nonconcern for the moment. Smiling, she headed upstairs to her rooms. Steaming water already filled her tub, and she slipped out of her clothes and into the silky, lightly scented liquid. She submerged herself fully in the enchanted bath, the golden tan dyes coming easily out of her fur, leaving it it's natural white and peach. Other things were a bit tougher to get shed of. As she was trying to scrub clean, the door to the outer room creaked. Nanira's heart caught. For a moment, she thought they had been caught and it was all over. Then the red muzzle poked around the door. It was only Lashta.

"Heya, Nani." She smiled, sinking onto a stool that she had pulled in from another room. Seeing the mess that was Nanira's back, she laughed and picked up a washcloth, setting to work at it. "Looks like you had fun." Nanira made a face, splashing water at her friend.

"Yeah, you could say that."

"Oh?" Was that a look of jealousy? For the moment, Nanira couldn't resist teasing the vixen.

"Yeah. I mean, don't get me wrong. I love being with you, but there are some needs only a man can satisfy, why--" her next words were lost in a fit of coughing from the splash Lashta had sent her way. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding," Nanira managed finally. "Besides," she added with a teasing grin, "I am sure any excess pleasure was just due to that spell." This time she expected the splash and managed to avoid the worst of it.

"That's not terribly funny, Nanira. And how fair is it that you get to go have sex with sexy men while I have to entertain the bluefurs all night long?"

"That depends on your methods of entertainment. Oh, honestly, Lashta, nothing he did could compare with all your tricks and gizmos. Calm down, you are still the best lay I have ever had. Satisfied?" She smiled.

Lashta dropped the cloth into the water. "Not yet, but I will be." Grinning, the vixen grabbed the Margay by the wrists, pulling her out of the tub and into the bedroom. Before long, Nanira found herself on her back again. There was no tentative testing of limits to this encounter. She and Lashta had been on again off again lovers for the past two years, and each knew the other's wants and desires. With Nanira's spells and Lashta's enchanted toys, the two had found ways to ignite ecstasy that few had dreamed of. As talented as that Lemur's tongue had been, it was nothing compared with the tricks that Lashta's mouth knew. The vixen's tongue delved into Nanira. And slid over her clit, teasing and taunting, darting away just as Nanira was about to cum. Again and again, Lashta brought her to the edge of ecstasy and backed away.

"You're cruel," Nanira moaned as her lover did so a seventh time.

"Well, your teasing in the bath chamber was cruel. And having to smell sex on you and not getting any myself was cruel." Lashta bent back to her work, again trailing tongue and lips over Nanira, black hands reaching up to squeeze Nanira's breasts and play with pert nipples. She didn't back down this time, and the orgasm rocked Nanira, leaving her gasping and disoriented.

"Let any male even attempt that," Lashta said, sliding up next to Nanira. The two women kissed, a soft, intimate kiss with something almost akin to love behind it. Lashta's muzzle brushed the side of Nanira's face and ear. "Your turn."

Nanira grinned and kissed her lover, before taking her place at the foot of the bed. It had been a few days since she had tasted Lashta. Smell and taste and the feeling of the other's delicate skin beneath her tongue and lips became her whole world. Soon, this was joined by the soft moans and whimpers that were all the noise Lashta ever made. Nanira knew what the other woman wanted, and soon three fingers were slipping in and out of the other woman's moist depths as Nanira's tongue teased her clitoris. The first orgasm brought with it a delightful wash of scent and renewed taste. Giving Lashta no time to recover, she kept on, using each trick she knew to get the vixen to respond. Somehow, they shifted position without falling from the bed. Nanira kept licking and playing, her tongue dancing on the other woman's clitoris. She thrilled at the feel of Lashta's mouth closing on her own clit and teasing her. Let's see her try to concentrate on that teasing game... It became a race at that point, each trying to spur the other to greater ecstasy. Lashta's soft whimpers were complimented by Nanira's moans and purring, until both women gasped, shuddering with simultaneous release and collapsing to the bed.

Nanira was unsure of how long it took, but sometime later, they were both pressed to one another under the covers, kissing the taste of themselves from one another's muzzles.

"Nanira, you were gone a long time tonight," whispered Lashta.

"Yeah," she replied, tucking her head up under the other's chin. "Things ran long. The spell took a while to kick in."

"Ah. Nani? If you ever scare me like that again, I swear I will tie you up and leave you to Talbot and Strandoss."

"Oh no!" Nanira laughed, purring softly. The two drifted to sleep in one another's arms.