Dogs to Wolves, part 1:Cloe's heat

Story by Shiranui on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This is my first story and I just finished it so I hope you like it. This story contains explicit sex scenes so if you are under age I recommend that you don't continue, but if this story doesn't offend you then continue. Comments appreciated, enjoy.


Dogs to wolves, part 1

Axel is a white, malamute and wolf mix. Looking more like a wolf than a malamute he is respected greatly, well that and being leader of all the town's dogs. The town is small so most of the dogs are free to roam around as they please, so they have a leader help solve the bigger problems. Axel helps all the other dog's problems unless it is better not to get involved, making him a great leader. That's not the only reason he was picked though, he is also the strongest, and some of the humans fear him for his wolfish looks.

Axel lived with a boy named Thomas who didn't particularly like wolves but he did like their wildness. Thomas's parents are gone most of the day and his father likes to go hunting with Thomas occasionally.

Axel was walking through the snow covered town to find any interesting news or to help were he was needed when he caught the scent of something that made his neck-fur bristle. It was Dag, a tall red Irish setter that gave Axel an uneasy feeling and always seemed to be freshly groomed. Dag spoke as he rounded the corner and walked up to Axel.

"Why bother with those other dog's problems when you could be laying back just being leader of all the towns dogs." Dag said smugly

"Because helping others comes with being a great leader it's not all about being strong." Axel retorted

Dag snorted and trotted off through the snow toward his home. Axel Then went to see McKinley, his right hand dog that would take his place if anything happened to him. It took a while to get there but when he arrived he called McKinley then waited for the golden retriever to come out of the house. "Hello Axel, what brings you here this late in the day?"

"Sorry, did I interrupt anything. Do you want me to come back later?"

"Not at all, I have plenty of time to spare. My mate is kind of mad at me because I don't want pups yet."

"So why don't you want pups? Not ready to be a father?"

"No it's not that it, it's that if we do decide to have pups the humans will take them away and I don't think I can handle that."

"I understand. Anyway I came here to ask if you have seen or heard anything about a wolf."

"I did hear that Trixy saw one but other than that, nothing."

"I already talked to her and she only got a glimpse so it could have been anything. Well I have to get going so I'll see you later, and I hope you can solve that pup problem."

"Thanks, I'll keep you posted about the wolf thing."

After talking with McKinley he wanted to ask Cloe if she would like to go walk with him under the moon tonight. Cloe is probably the only reason that Axel hasn't run off yet. Her black and white fur, ice blue eyes, and soft voice could seduce any male no matter the species.

Axel arrived at Cloe's house, right next to his, only to find that she wasn't there and he smelled her heat so he suspected that she made herself scarce because of all the attention it would bring. The smell of Cloe's heat was arousing him so he went through the dog door at his own home to at least take a nap before Thomas's parents arrived and woke him up. It was still dark when he woke up and it wasn't to footsteps or talking but to a soft smell that wafted over his nose. It wasn't a bad smell it smelled slightly of pine and vanilla. Axel soon found that he couldn't get enough of the smell and got up to find the source.

Axel got outside to the porch covered in snow and followed the scent into Cloe's back yard. As the smell got stronger Axel got aroused, his sheath thickening and his member starting to poke out. He then saw Cloe lying in her large dog house with a clear liquid at the part of her hind legs and she was moaning quite loudly. Axel gently nudged Cloe with his nose and clogging his senses with the soft smell. Cloe groaned softly and opened her eyes halfway.

"Axel? Why did you wake me up?"

"You were making sounds like you were in pain. Are you alright?"

"I'm just going through my heat cycle." Cloe whined softly as she yawned

"Sorry, I was just a little worried."

"Well I'm o.k. so..."

Cloe groaned and rolled onto her side as her hormone level spiked making the heat of her sex increase until it was slightly painful and some of her juices escaped her pussy. Axel lay down beside her and noticed his large erection caused by her smell so he tried to hide it but Cloe had already noticed.

"Axel, I need you to do me a favor." She said as the insides of her ears tuned bright red.

"Sure, what is it?"

"I want you to be the one to get rid of my heat." She said blushing even harder

"A...Are you sure? I mean we..."

Axel was cut off as Cloe pressed her lips to his into a kiss. Axel was surprised but he returned the kiss, wrestling her tongue to gain entrance to her mouth. Cloe broke the kiss and answered Axel's question.

"Yes. I have never been more sure. Besides, I have always had a crush on you."

"Really, me too, but I was going to ask you if we could at least start courting."

"Really, well maybe we could hold off for a little while longer before we become mates."

"Yeah maybe we should, but wouldn't that be kind of hard on you with your heat."

"Well, yeah but I'm sure it will be worth it." Cloe smiled and blushed

"Okay then, mind if I stay here for the night with you."

"That would be fine with me, just don't listen to what I say in my sleep."


Axel and Cloe both fell asleep next to each other with their pelts brushing and their heads inside the dog house.


Axel was the first to wake up so he stood up and stretched. He looked down at Cloe who was still sleeping and moaning softly. Axel bent down to lick Cloe's muzzle to wake her but then stopped and decided to just wait for her to wake up. Axel didn't have to wait long before Cloe opened her eyes slowly then stood up and shook the snow out of her fur.

"Good morning sleepy head" Axel said

"Good morning Axel" Cloe said then yawned

"Umm...You still look tired do you want to go back to sleep"

"No, my heat giving me some 'exiting' dreams. Besides we have things planned for today."

" Alright then, I have to stop by McKinley's house and see if he will cover for me today while we go have some fun. You want to come?"


"Alright c'mon and after that, I'll show you one of my favorite places to go to."

Axel started to leave Cloe's house with Cloe trailing close behind. Axel howled outside of McKinley's house and waited for him to come out. When McKinley came out he rushed over to Axel.

"Is there a problem? What is it?" McKinley said hurriedly

"Calm down, I just came to ask if you could cover for me today."

Axel looked to Axel then to Cloe then he grinned at Axel "I see. Well, well, well, it seems you two have finally got together. It's about time too, Cloe do you know how long Axel has mrrrph..."

"Do you have to blab about everything? Are you going to help or not?" Axel said with his paw over McKinley's mouth. Cloe was giggling behind them quietly.

"Fine, just don't come back with pups." McKinley chuckled


Axel blushed red and McKinley just laughed. "Don't worry I'll take care of everything, have fun." He added a little emphasis on the last part and Axel said good-bye and left.

Axel and Cloe found a lot of things to with each other which included chasing cats, birds, mice, and other small animals through the snow. But soon enough they were tired and laughing together under the shade. "Cloe, lets go to a quieter place were we can rest, o.k.?" "Fine with me, just don't get any ideas" Cloe said with a grin. "I wouldn't dream of it." Axel replied, they both stood and Axel led the way.

Axel quickly found the place he was looking for, it was a small clearing in the woods and in the middle of the clearing were four huge trees that were close together and they spread out on the way up. The whole place smelled of flowers even though it is so far into winter. When they got in the middle of the trees Cloe felt her cunt get wet and her hormone level spiked, Cloe leaned onto Axel, murring at the contact. At this point though Axel couldn't take much more of her smell without his instincts taking over, Cloe couldn't take it any longer either. "Axel, please I...I c, can't take it any more Axel, I need you now." Axel tried to reply but a loud moan cut him off so he just nodded.

Axel then pushed Cloe onto her back, standing over her and kissing her passionately. Axel broke the kiss and moved down to her neck-fur and nibbled there as he slowly moved to her chest, then her stomach making her shiver in anticipation, when he finally came to her first nipple where he licked and sucked on it making Cloe moan and arch her back slightly. Axel repeated this process until Cloe was squirming deliciously and moaning out loudly. Finally, Cloe couldn't take anymore teasing so she stood up and turned her rump to Axel and moved her tail out of the way. Axel needed no further invitation and he mounted Cloe, wrapping his for-paws around her waist, positioning his member at her glistening entrance. Axel then slowly started to push his way inside of Cloe, stretching her pussy thin and made her call out his name in a low moan. He soon reached her hymen and reached down to lick the back of her neck-fur and broke through her virgin barrier with a short thrust that made her whimper in pain. After she calmed down, she nodded and Axel continued pushing slowly inside of the tight confines of her pussy. When he was fully hilted inside her he slowly pulled out then pushed back in making Cloe moan out again. Cloe had never felt so full; every time Axel pushed back in she could feel him pressing against her cervix. Axel quickly picked up speed until he was pistoning in and out of Cloe, rocking her back and forth with every thrust. Axel could feel his orgasm approaching quickly, so he reached forward and bit down on the scruff of Cloe's neck, only adding to her pleasure and making her feel more dominated . Then he felt his balls pulling up under his tail and with one last strong thrust he forced his knot into Cloe and causing the head of his cock to push through her cervix into her womb as he emptied his fluids into her making her yelp slightly in surprise, which was quickly replaced by another moan as she came to her own orgasm and felt Axel's warm cum cover her inner walls. They both moaned in unison as Axel emptied himself into Cloe. When Axel finally stopped cumming he released her neck scruff giving it a lick and waited for his knot to unswell. When his knot finally unswelled, he pulled out of Cloe letting some of their mixed juices and a little bit of blood fall to the snow, melting it. Cloe fell forward onto her stomach, Axel followed lying next to her.

"I love you" Cloe said contentedly

"I love you too" Axel said drifting off to sleep

To Be Continued...