Why not to piss off a wizard

Story by Delnova on SoFurry

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Val smirked to himself as he stared at the six young men preset in the shower room with him. All were strong college athletes and the otter planned to take advantage of this. His coat was a brown silky shade, that reflected light perfectly regardless how wet the firm fur fibers really were. Val, short for Valiant, smirked to himself and started his plan to work.

The otter's amethyst eyes sparkled and his lips curled that smirk more twisted. Violet sparks danced around the rims of every door as he siphoned energy from the young men, five minutes of fatigue for an hour seal. Not a bad deal at all. The doors sealed off with a click only he could hear. To those inside and out the doors looked normal. Any who entered the shower room from outside would require great magic to burst his bubble of power. Otherwise, they would end up in an empty shower room. While those inside lost a desire to leave at all.

Val was beside himself with joy, and turned his head to check and see if he had not cloned himself by mistake. Last year he had made a clone once from joy and his friend's mind needed to be wiped, but not before he messed with her a tiny bit. She was so happy too to have such large tits for a day. Maybe one day I'll tell her without erasing her memory.

Val thought of the joy of magic, but also the cost and why he hid it. It always took energy, and the magic didn't care from who it took. If plants were used, some spells were strong enough to level an entire forest just to power the change done to a large landmass. Everything made has a cost. However when using sentient being, the energy was related to time. Grow a foot, ten minute headache, simple things like that.

The tall otter shook his head and returned to a smirk, the plot was ready now he just needed to lay the trap. The trap, of course, was him. Val took off the shower shorts he wore for modesty and smirked at himself as he looked up and down. At nearly six and a half feet, the otter was muscular and lean with barely an ounce of fat on him. His body was perfect in almost every way. A body to die for, and some almost had.

With all in place the otter moved into position. The shower nearest to the door was messed up and able to adjust further than the college had wanted. A werewolf morph last year had decided he wanted to put on a show and broke it so everyone in with him could watch him wash his junk. Although the otter was not there for it, he was told it was one hell of an orgy that followed that display.

The otter had a different show in mind as he placed himself in the way of the walkway that someone would trip. To make no one wonder he started to shower and bath himself while he waited for pray to come to him. The young men came and go past him, all but ignoring the fit otter as they washed, wanted to leave, and changed their minds and washed again.

Back and forth they went until one finally fell for it. A black bear walked right into Val with a loud growl. He must have expected Val to move the otter with ease because those near black eyes that bear sported filled with annoyance. When strength alone didn't cut it, the bear changed tactics and used his mouth instead.

"Hey asshole, get out of my way." The bear's voice was low and rough, filled with one too many experiences that such a tone worked. Val however would not be swayed easily and hid the smile as he turned to face his oppressor.

"If you want to get pass move around, but don't think you'll be getting past me now." Val said and once more his purple eyes glowed. One eye briefly glanced to the braided bracelet of flower on his wrist as it wilted and died. The energy spent the bear was now his.

"And what are you planning on doing?" The Bear got into Val's face, his over seven foot height and beefy frame made him impressive but nothing the otter feared. The otter glanced down long enough to measure and noted in his mind that beefy was true in every sense of the world.

"I plan on having fun with you." Val said and his eyes glowed brighter, a muscular hand grabbing the bear's arm. Contact completed the rules and energy began to drain from the bear into the otter. It wrapped around the dead flowers and stayed there as the otter held tight. "You see, assholes like you get me off so well." Val smirked and grabbed his own Impressive uncut cock to empathize his point, which twitched in his grip.

The bear was horrified, unaware of the magic, and just bloody disgusted by Val's display. It didn't matter however as the circle completed around Val's wrist and the bear belonged to him. Eyes still glowed as the otter spoke, his words enticing the spell.

"Can't take it? Not used to someone so Little biting back? No I wouldn't think someone so large would be used to any resistance from anyone Smaller than you." Val smirked and heard a deep growl from the bear as he raised a fist to strike him.

"Shut the fuck up." He bear growled and swung. Val's check connected with the black furred fist. He stood perfectly still, his head turned away and eyes closed breathing deeply. By now the other young men had turned their attention to the two and Val couldn't help himself but feel joy bubble inside.

"Big mistake!" The otter said his expression switched into a twisted grin. Val kicked the bear, a dried anklet of sunflower stems breaking apart as the kick connected to the bear's side. The other men circled around the pair, watching and chanting for the two to keep fighting. The bear growled as the kick slammed him back, surprised at just how strong the otter was.

Val's demented smirk stayed on his features as he took a step back and waved his fingers saying bring it on with his hands. The bear once more growled his pride as a man challenged by the pesky otter. Fists flew with the lean body moving through em like he was dancing in the water he belonged in. "Fight! Fight! Fight!" The men who circled the pair chanted loudly. To both fighters this was a battle of pride.

Val got in close and kicked again, the knee raised high before the foot snapped at the bear's side, striking his elbow. The beefy brawler struck out with a punch but missed the otter. Before he could retreat to a common stance, Val grabbed the wrist and brought his foe closer; snapping a quick kick to the ursine's abs then one to his head knocking him back into the crowd.

The fight was nothing more than display, but hey Val wanted completely control. He got just that as his foe was caught by two men, a deer and a blue bird. The otter waved both hands, taunting the bear to fight more. Without realizing the trap the bear stood up and charged at him again. Val's eyes shone and he struck the bear in the gut with his knee.

Back and forth the two traded blows each connect causing purple sparks to dance on the bear's skin. Of course no one noticed them, but then again if one didn't know magic it was easy to trick their mind to think it was normal. More blows connected and the otter switched the flow of the fight. The bear struck out and Val snapped his knee up, slamming into his elbow, throwing the bear off balance. Once he did that he kicked with his other leg into the bear's gut. The bear leaned forward, and with a quick forward step, a knee was brought up to connect to the bear's face.

The massive ursine met the tile floor with oddly no blood drooling from his face. Of course Val would never let his prize bleed, unless he deserved it. The young men around the two cheered and shouted, their covered or uncovered crotches bulging from the musk in the air.

Val stepped on the bear's chest, pushing down to prove his point. "I win there fluffy." The otter said his smirk once more sadistic. The bear growled, but it was a defeated whimper, not a battle cry.

"So do I get a name?" The otter questioned, the sparks dancing from the bear around the otter as he prepared to make no one question his next spell. "After all I might as well know who I just beat up.

"Mac." The bear growled, his pride shattered in the fall. Val thought it over and pouted as he thought it over. With a slam of his other foot he declared a different name and let the spell he had been preparing free.

"Mac seems so unfitting now, after all big guy, you lost. No I think Bitch is much more fitting name for such a pipsqueak. Don't you think so?" Val grinned, his words cementing as fact. The bear growled once more but felt dizzy, his eyes grew round as everything grew. The young men gasped, some in surprise and some in fear. It wasn't normal for someone to lose height and as the otter kept his foot pressed on the bear he shrunk even lower.

Bitch growled but something in his mind told him he couldn't hope to disagree. Under five feet he still kept shrinking, as the otter's foot pushed deeper into his chest. Around Val, bodies moved in closer, the circle tightening as the interested men desires grew. With a flick of his thoughts, he sent a wave of arousal through all the men present, even though it would mean later tonight he wouldn't be able to get horny.

Four feet and lower, down and down bitch went till he was only three and a half feet. The otter smirked and moved his foot from the bear's chest to his privates. The webbed toes brought him to attention, stroking over the thick black meat slowly. The otter was in complete control and as far as he was concerned, it was just the way it was meant to be.

Enough strokes from his paw going up and down Bitch's rod turned the small teddy fully ready and huffing a bit horny. He took the desire for power from the bear and twisted it into a lack of control. Those amethyst eyes shining as magic threads tied off the black meat, making it impossible for that bear to get off.

Val moved his foot and commanded the bear to raise and face his fate. Bitch's eyes were wide as the young men circled closer, a wall of muscle, musk, and meat. The otter grabbed Bitch's head and pulled the black bear to his crotch, which Bitch's eyes were just slightly higher. The perfect size to force himself on the bear. "Lick it slut!" The otter commanded, his eyes shining once more to refine the command.

Bitch moved against his control, arms pulled up on the elbows as if on strings. The bear's meaty small hand groped the Otter's tool and squeezed. Val let out a huff of air, the heat twitching between his legs. The uncut cock thickened as the bear squeezed it and rubbed up and down the length. The fat head's fleshy cover pulled back and the bear latched onto the exposed head. He licked dried the slicked moisture from the head. Bitch's tongue swiped the inside of the foreskin, lips locked and sucking on the cockhead.

Like a balloon, Val's shaft stood at attention, and demanded just that from the bear he took as his. Grabbing the small bear's face he pulled him down further on his dick through a moan. Bitch pulled away, getting a few inches out before Val pulled right back. The black bear's throat was impaled in the see-saw motion. While his mouth was used, his rear was not and the horny men crept closer.

Two jumped forward, hard and ready with fleshy throbbing red rods. The same pair that had caught the bear during the fight decided to fight to claim the bear. The silver deer's shaft bounced with the beat of his heart and he grinned as he took one butt cheek and the silver wolf took the other. Neither knew that they would both fit with ease but Val fixed that error by making them think they would.

The silver wolf's red rod was burning crimson and thick as could be, the knot much larger than most pups Val had seen. In comparison, the silver deer's member was slimmer ye longer than the wolf could hope for. Their rubbed their heads at that slut's hole and shoved in.

"Oh God!" Bitch shouted loudly as the two heads fit into the tiny bear. The wolf alone at Bitch's size would fill him up, but Val wanted the black bear to be dominated and made sure there was room for both. Other land animals stepped forward and all stroked their engorged rods, the magic in the air had accidently increased all the males some in size, and a lot in sex drive.

Bitch the entire time felt no tears stream down his face as he was used as a toy. His shaft was hard, drooling and dripping on the tile floor, though none of the young men cared. Behind him, his balls were slapped hard by the wolf's big swinging nuts, the deer's own set slapping his leg lewdly. The bear could not explain it but his mind was at ease by this, and relaxed even more as he felt warmth hit the back of his throat.

Val's first gate had passed and the otter began leaking pre into his Bitch's throat. Each thrust pooled more in the back of the bear's throat. Clear white splashes dripped onto the black fur as the men who surrounded the bear. Bitch felt his shaft get even harder as the heat of the men's pre splattered onto him.

The rest of it was blur as the two men behind him kept bucking and humping into his ass, somehow each thrust felt like they got even deeper in. Bitch couldn't tell how. Though he could hear their sloppy kisses and taste the salty sea of white that filled his throat. The otter that caused all of this bucked into him deeper down his throat as the otter's nut popped.

Someone in the crowd howled, no it was the wolf. A chain reaction had started, and Bitch felt his ass pounded faster as the knot far too big to fit inside slammed his entrance with gusto. The black bear swallowed up all of the otter's seed that he could, the left over torrent coughed out right back onto the otter's softening shaft.

The chain clicked and warmth washed over and inside him. The wolf's knot was squeezed tightly by the deer as their lips stayed locked and both silver furred guys shot their loads into the bear. All the young men who had watched joined in the chain and shot off almost at once. To the reduced bear it felt like a sea of whiteness had washed over him, and by the end he too shot off his load.

Val smiled as time returned and everything almost went back to normal. The wolf and deer who had taken Mac's ass both were still hard and unaware that they had cum, the pair started making out and grinding against each other in the shower, putting on a show that would make any size queen cum on sight.

Val's lips parted into a smile as he put on a pair of tight shorts and left to go on with the rest of his day, maybe it would be just as magical. Valiant couldn't help but smirk at that thought and felt his cock twitch in agreement as he left.