welcome to paradise

Story by Nahualmorph on SoFurry

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#1 of welcome to paradise



Note: This is just the beginning of a large story, if something like that ever happens to me... well, it would definitely be a dream cum true I guess.

Warning: M/M crocodile and bear, adults only and all that.

"You do are aware of what this Project implies?" asked a tiger dressed in a suit sitting behind his desk.

"Yes sir, I am" answered a Grizzly bear clad in light brown pants and shirt "We've been preparing ourselves for this during months and I really want to thank you for this chance"

"That's a new one" said the tiger laughing "normally, my employees would have tell me to shove it up my ass for sending them that far away"

"they don't know what they're missing"

"Anyway" said the tiger getting up "all the arrangements have been made and the money is already moving, a year from now you'll return to the world a couple of millions richer. You leave in four days"

"Thank you sir" said the bear shaking the tiger's paw, we'll see you in one year then"

A bulky crocodile was sitting outside the office reading a National Geographic magazine, he saw the bear coming out of the office and walked towards him.

"How did it go?" asked the reptile.

"We leave in four days baby"

"Great!" said the crocodile and hugged the bear "We should go and celebrate"

They started walking through the large hallway of the building.

"And by celebrate you mean..."

"Doing all the things we're not going to be able to do in a year, see a couple of friends, go to the movies, eat lots of fast food"

"Arthur, you're just to good for me" chuckled the bear.

They spent the next four days doing exactly what the croc had suggested, enjoying all the commodities civilization had to offer. Arthur, the crocodile and David the bear were best friends since they were very young, around 15 they had become much more than that after realizing the feelings they had for eachother, they went through high school and college together. Now, at the age of 25, they were about to take their most important job as biologists. A big island had recently been discovered on the pacific, a couple of thousand miles from Costa Rica. It was a big virgin tropical paradise. The island had been discovered by a member of a huge multinational company and the president of that company had agreed to give Arthur and Dave's university the money to conduct a research there, basically, to make a list of all the species of plants and animals on the island. A first expedition was formed to locate a place where a base camp could be built and to make sure the place was uninhabited of anthro life.

The last night before leaving, Arthur and Dave decided to have dinner with some friends in one of the fanciest restaurants in the city.

"You guys really are out of your minds" said a male black panther taking a zip from his wine "one year... no matter how much the pay is, I wouldn't stand a week there"

"That's why you're a molecular biologist Seth" said Arthur "Me and David are really eager for this, it's not just the money"

"Yeah" said David sitting next to the crocodile "this is the chance of a lifetime, just think of all the species we're going to see there, if we get lucky, we may even discover a few new species"

There's no doubt you guys are meant for eachother" said a female bear.

A couple of hours later, the door to Arthur's house opened, the bear and the crocodile entered and Dave flipped the lights on, Arthur flopped on the couch and turned the tv on.

"How much time do we have left?" asked Dave opening the fridge and taking two cans of cold cappuccino.

"Plane leaves in six hours, after that, it's a 10 hour flight to the island"

"Six hours" muttered the bear. "It's going to take us two hours to take all the baggage to the airport, "What do you say if we make a good use of the four remaining hours?"

The croc immediately hugged the bear and the kissed passionately, David's claws travelled through Arthur's muscled scaled arms, the croc gave the bear's face a tongue bath and one of David's claws started massaging Arthur's firm rump, they both felt their erections through their clothing and separated for a moment to strip, once they were naked, they resumed their making out, they felt intoxicated because of the other's smell, it was like a drug that made their blood flow to their erected members, Arthur held both cocks with his right claw making both furs moan in pleasure. The heat of their bodies had filled the living room and the musk of aroused male made the air felt heavy, Arthur sat at the edge of the couch and spread his legs, his huge reddish cock contrasted nicely to the green of his scales, David kneeled in front of him and started caressing hs balls with his right claw and at the same time, used his left one to insert two thick fingers on Arthur's passage, Dave opened his muzzle and soaked Arthur's rod on his breath before licking it. Arthur moved his tail until it was between David's cheeks and started rubbing it. David rotated the fingers inside the crocodile and was rewarded with a small spurt of precum hitting his tongue, Arthur grunted when he felt David stopped his ministrations.

"Don't worry love" said the bear smiling "You're going to like this better"

Slowly, the bear got on the couch next to the crocodile, the reptile's throbbing hard on was just a few inches from the bear's ass, but David was only moving enticingly over it and the soft fur only brushed every now and then against the swollen head, the crocodile allowed his instinct to take over and he took David by his shoulders, pushing him down and burying his erection in a single thrust in him, the bear roared and their bodies shook, Arthur held David strongly and started ravaging his anus, David grunted and his claws scratched Arthur's broad back, their mouths were salivating and they seemed like wild animals, completely overtook by the unrelenting lust, David lowered himself over his lover's cock as Arthur pushed up, trying to bury as much as possible of his hard flesh inside the bear, the couch was creaking and seemed about to break apart. The crocodile trapped David's left shoulder between his powerful jaws, David's cock rubbed against Arthur's belly scales, totally smearing them in precum, their muscles were tensed and the thick veins feeding them were obscenely bloated. With a final push, Arthur flooded Dave's insides with his rich cream, the bear stood and started to jerk off furiously just inches away from the crocodile's snout, Arthur opened his mouth and a few seconds later, the first burst of ursine semen landed on his tongue, the rest covered the scales surrounding his muzzle, as soon as hic climax faded, Dave cuddled next to Arthur on the couch, they were both covered in sweat and cum.

"I think we should take a bath" suggested Arthur "We have to hurry if we want to be there early"

It was a rather cold morning, David and Arthur were on the hangar watching as the last crates were being loaded to the airplane. It was a huge plane, like the ones used by the military to drop supplies on the camps, all the crates had a parachute tied to them, the enormous doors slowly begun to close.

"I'm glad I managed to be on time" said a voice and they turned to see a tiger stepping out of a van.

"Mr. Dallas, what a pleasant surprise" said Arthur shaking the tiger's claw.

"I wanted to say farewell to you, besides I must be present for the clearance from the control tower, this is no ordinary plane after all, you know?"

"It's huge" said David "How are we going to land that on the island?"

"That's a surprise" said the tiger "The plane is not the only thing going there tough, a few days ago, a boat left Costa Rica to deliver a few more items on the island, if everything goes well, they should be arriving about 12 hours after you have settled on the island"

"Everything is ready sir" said a wolf clad in a pilot outfit "We must leave now"

The tiger whished them a good trip and started walking towards his van, Arthur and David got into the huge plane and the door closed behind them, almost immediately, the machine started to move towards the track. Ten minutes later, Daniel and Arthur were leaving civilization behind knowing they wouldn't be back until after one year.

To be continued...

I guess living on a desert island is not going to be so hard for them after all...