Canimorphs: Icarus

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#4 of Canimorphs

Yay! Here we are again! Canimorphs!

Hope you enjoy this sticky piece of smut. We find ourselves with Bee once more and it looks like many of those already turned are really getting into the swing of being a Canimorph. Then again, what's not to like, am I right? ;)

Still more to come!





Key Normality Orgy Testosterone And Personality Test

Thank you for taking the KNOTA Personality Test. We here at the Canine Organisation for Conversion and Knowledge (COCK) appreciate your time. Rest assured that the results of this test will be kept confidential as will all data pertaining to your identity. Please answer the following brief questionnaire as honestly as possible with only one answer per question. Also remember that if you are underage (i.e. under the age of 18 or 21 in your respective country/state/city) you cannot participate in this personality test. Please close your browser now if this applies to you and cleanse your immortal soul in purifying fire... or wait until you're of legal age and let this sit somewhere in the dark recesses of your mind, forever taunting you with forbidden knowledge and slowly rotting your innocence away with curiosity and temptations. Whichever floats your boat.

Your reward will follow after the successful completion of the test.

1 - Does the idea of one male sexually advancing onto another male and engaging said other in sexual acts of pleasure excited you?

Yes - No - Maybe

2 - Do you wish to alter you physical appearance in any way, particularly into the full-bodied transformation from human to an anthropomorphic creature?

Yes - No - Maybe - but only if I can mix and match

2a - In relation to the previous question, do you approve of anthropomorphic creatures?

What the hell do you think I'm doing on this site? - Fuck no, furries are gross

3 - Are you opposed to the growth and development of male muscles and genitals to immense proportions?

Fuck yeah! I love buff guys! - *Drool* - That's not cum. It's white coloured sweat.

4 - What do you think of anthropomorphic creatures particularly of the canine/lupine variety?

*Howls* - *Woof* - Can I haz knot?

5 - Do male genitals of immense and perhaps impossible proportions excite you?

How big are we talking? - Cokz!

6 - Do you appreciate copious amounts of semen?

Fire away! - Pool party!

7 - Last question... Tentacles!

Stupid Japanese! - Yeah baby! Violate me! Penetrate me hard! - Oooh! Takoyaki!

If you answered in the negative to any of the above questions and if any of the questions disturbed you, thank you for your time and have a nice day. Please close this item and go look at some porn that turns you on.

Otherwise, congratulations! If you answered questions 1 to 2a with the first response and 3 - 7 with any response, you are a horny appreciator of the furry/anthropomorphic art with a mind for M/M scenes, transformation, muscle growth, cock growth and tentacles with a dash of semen added.

You reward is as follows:

Canimorphs: Icarus!

Sadly, we were out of cake.


---Journey ---

ISMMP Corona


He tasted salt... Molten, liquid salt that sloshed around his mouth like a thick briny slurry that left a bitter, almost burning aftertaste in his mouth. His lungs protested, demanding air and he dared a breath. That melted salt seeped down his windpipes, forcing him to cough and splutter.

Bee doubled over, coughing up the hot slurry and letting it splash against his lap. He could feel the hot slush against his thighs and he missed the heavy weight of his armour. Half-expecting to see blood splattered all over his legs, he opened his eyes and blinked a couple of times when he saw viscous puddles of white goo on his legs.

Puzzled, he reached for his lips and almost immediately pulled away when he felt the warm touch of the goo on his lips.

"You're awake."

He started when he saw an enormous werewolf standing beside him, powerful arms crossed and thick, golden fur broken by a white crest on his chest give him a critical stare with hard, yellow eyes.

It didn't take him long to put two and two together.

"Fuck!" he cried, scrambling away from the Canimorph. "You infected me!"

"Nope," the Canimorph answered, popping his jaw slightly. "The asshole who shoved his cock-tongue down your throat infected you. I pulled you from the wreckage."

Bee's first reaction was to ask 'What wreckage?' Then he remembered the tremendous crash as the Perdition smashed into the Corona's hanger. For an instant, there was a second of bliss when he realised that the Canimorph that had stuck its... 'cock-tongue' down his throat would have died with him. More, he would be spared the horrifying transformation from sentient, ace pilot to lusty, sex-crazed canine freak.

"Oh fuck..." he whispered, watching his hand quiver. He could almost imagine the fur growing all over his perfectly pink skin, the claws erupting out of his fingertips and then a howl rippling from his throat as he went from man to dog.

"You going to freak out on me?"

He stared daggers at the Canimorph in front of him. "What the fuck do you expect me to do? I'm going to turn into you!"

The beast huffed, almost a sarcastic sound. "Yep. You sure are. Turning into a Spitter. Just like me."

Bee inclined his head ever so slightly to the side. "A what?"

The Canimorph opened his long, lupine muzzle. Just above his tongue, another appendage emerged. It was long, thick and hard. Shaped like a large rocket, the second tongue extended about a hand-span past the Canimorph's nose, precum drooling out of the pointed tip.

As quick as it emerged, it was gone and the Canimorph gave him a lazy stare. "Spitters. We're the long-ranged fighters of the species. We shoot cum at guys from our two guns."


A large, veined paw groped the huge, furry balls that hung between thick, muscular thighs.

"Oh..." Bee murmured. Shaking his head, Bee got to his feet and swallowed loudly. He gagged as the salty taste returned to his mouth. "Gross..."

"Yeah... It starts that way. Saliva starts being replaced with the cum. It's almost like your drool, really. Makes everything taste salty. You get used to it."

"What if I don't want to get used to it?" Bee growled. "I'd sooner die than be turned into one of you!"

"Good luck with that," the Canimorph scoffed. "I've seen tonnes of guys try to commit suicide." He gestured in some vague direction. "You see how half the Corona is blown off? That was some guys trying to kill themselves. Turns out though, once it boils down to basic instincts, every guy thinks with his cock first. All the mindless Canimorphs that are just out there to fuck? They're the guys that died first. No brains. All cock. Even nanobots can't replicate a consciousness... a soul..." The Canimorph paused, regarding his paws with a distant expression. His closed his paw into a fist, veins popping past his fur. "You want to turn into one of them?"

Screams erupted from somewhere and for the first time, Bee took stock of where he was. It was a bathroom. One that was perfectly pristine and clean. The corruptive influence of the Pack wasn't present in this place.

"This is my place," the Canimorph muttered. "Lots of Alphas get their own place like this. Most like the Pack crawling around them. I don't."

"Alphas...?" Bee asked, regarding the colossal Canimorph. The beast stood with a perfect upright posture. Enormous muscles covered his entire body and his fur shone like white and gold metal. Towering well over seven feet, the tips of his pointed ears brushed the ceiling.

"What do you think happens when people started getting infected? You think people just sat by and let it happen? No. Paranoia spread across the Corona. Anyone suspected of being infected was quarantined, killed or tried to commit suicide. Those that were quarantined were experimented on to the point that their minds broke and they just turned into another mindless Canimorph.

"Of the 30, 000 that were on the Corona, about only a hundred remained sane enough to undergo mutation to their fullest without dying. Those became Alphas."


The Canimorph nodded and extended a paw towards Bee. "Blake. Blake Summers."

Bee just stared at his paw and Blake pulled it back. "Yeah, Hamel documented all our transformations and he created the Mastermind Canimorph strain to ensure that he can control the crazy Canimorphs who are just out for sex. Some of the guys out there will tell you we're a society and that's just what we are. There's the poor, uneducated lower class at the bottom who just fuck and reproduce, the middle class guys like the Alphas who rule them and influence them and then the big boys, the Masterminds, who keep everyone in check."

"Why the fuck would you even allow that?" Bee muttered. "Why would you let them control you?"

Blake shook his head, pushing off the sink that he was leaning against. His yellow eyes regarded his reflection on the perfect, glassy surface. "The Masterminds don't control us. They just make suggestions. To the crazy guys, it's like commands. To the rest of us, it's suggestions. Fact is, the Masterminds are the only thing keeping the Canimorphs from spreading across the universe and infecting everything and everyone."

Bee slowly crept towards the door, keeping his eyes on Blake who seemed transfixed by his reflection. "So you're telling me you're just trying to keep an infection in?"

"Humanity sucks. Not humans. Humanity. The instant people see something different, they either dissect it, kill it or study it and then dissect it. We've seen that first hand with what's happened in this small, enclosed space. What do you think will happen if an uncontrolled Canimorph invasion spreads across the known universe? People will be killed and then they'll come back as Canimorphs. No consciousness beyond the need to fuck."

"So you're the good guys in this?"

Blake closed his eyes. "Hard to believe, right? But here's the thing..."


Bee froze.

Blake was suddenly behind him, one big meaty arm pressed against the door, barring his escape. "You think you're in a horror story? The true horror hasn't begun yet."

"What do you mean...?" Bee asked softly.

Blake lowered his arm. "Ask yourself... Who decided to put an experimental weapons laboratory here? Who organised a mobile mining platform to be a freighter to supply that lab? Who sent you grunts here without so much a warning?"

Bee's eyes widened. "No..."

"Let's face it, flyboy," Blake muttered. "The military sent you here for one purpose and one purpose only: To make sure that their assets are still salvageable. You aren't an asset. You're an expendable grunt. The instant your friend sent out that message, the military carrier that's sitting just about a couple of hours away kick-started its engines and is on its way here now. The one thing keeping it away is the pirates."

Bee started and flung around. "Pirates!?" He instantly gagged and some cum spluttered out between his lips.

"Yeah. Blackstar Pirates, they call themselves. Picked up your signal and started storming the place. Probably led here by the military. I'm willing to wager the higher ups want them to kill you guys so they can pin all the blame on the pirates. No secret lab. No outbreak. All the pirates. You get to be buried with full military honours and everyone will just blame the lowlifes of space."

Shaking his head, Bee said, "That's bullshit."

Blake shrugged. "Fine." He turned around and pushed open the door. Bee was surprised to see the Pack crawling just at the borders of the doorframe but not daring to enter like the toilet was some sort of holy ground. "I'm going to go out and see if I can fuck somebody. You want to find out the truth? Step outside and learn for yourself. Better yet, accept your transformation and touch the Pack, let it in. You'll see the truth."

"Mind games," Bee snarled. "Trying to convert me, huh?"

The Spitter Alpha gave him a humourless smile. "You're already converted. It's just a matter of time."

Blake passed through the door and left him.

Bee counted up to ten and then pushed open the door. He was about to pass through and his foot even came within an inch of the Pack when he froze. He realised for the first time that he was barefoot and the last thing he wanted was to touch the Pack when Blake had effectively dared him to.

"Okay Bee," he told himself, taking a few steps back. "Not a good idea to go charging into enemy territory unarmed."

Bee took several steps back and watched the door swing back and forth until it became still. He took stock of his current possessions. Only his flight suit clung to his frame. No gloves, boots or helmet. A quick pat down revealed that he had no form of weaponry on him at all. Cursing, he glanced around the toilets, looking for something - anything - to use as a weapon.

For a second, he wondered how effective a roll of toilet paper would against Canimorph and pirate alike. Then he shook his head and dismissed the thought. His eyes fell on the mirrors that arrayed one of the toilet's walls. An idea struck him and he quickly entered one of the cubicles. He was glad for the toilet paper as most toilets these days offered cleaning services. That made the Corona pretty damn old.

He unspooled the entire roll, wrapping it around his right fist to make a heavy, padded glove. Satisfied, he headed back to the mirrors.

And froze.

His reflection was not his own.

The creature that stood on the other side of that glass looked close to a Rottweiler crossed with a human but its body was brimming with muscles and stood as tall as Blake. Hell, Bee had to crane his head up a little to see the creature's yellow eyes.

Bee took several steps back, wondering if this was another type of Canimorph. When the creature did not move, his fears were confirmed... or so he thought. Slowly, the Canimorph tilted his head to the side and opened his muzzle. A long, bright red cock slipped out from deep inside the creature's throat, dripping precum. A similarly long, flat tongue slid and slipped over the member, coaxing the two, bulbous knots that sat at its base. At the same time, the creature's two, gargantuan paws slipped over its nipples, standing bright, pink and erect against a sea of dark brown. A quick squeeze and thick ropes of cum began seeping out.

Bee felt a deep disgust boiling inside his stomach. At the same time, the saltiness in his throat built.

"Fuck!" he gurgled.

He stormed towards the sinks and spewed the cum down the drain, coughing and spluttering. He was disgusted at himself and at the scene. He couldn't believe he was getting turned on by the sight. Between the rolls of semen that spilled over his tongue, he screamed. Tears joined the waterfall of cum from his lips as he felt a strong sense of pleasure build at the back of his throat.

He tried to resist it, trying to think 'non-sexy thoughts'. Something pointed pressed up against the roof of his mouth. That 'thing' sent waves of orgasmic pleasure from its tip, down the back of his throat, rolling over his spin and finally back to his groin where his own cock stirred.

"Aaaaargh!" he roared, throwing his head back in frustration.

That thick shaft slipped out between his lips, stifling any further screams. The thick, red canine cock spewed streams of cum all over the toilet mirrors. His entire body shuddered from the release. The cock sitting between his legs jerked, cum soaking into his flight suit.

That same suit groaned softly as he felt his body suddenly seemed to tighten like a rubber band being stretched to its limit. His biceps seized up and his legs felt like they hadn't been stretched in ages. The muscles on his back bunched up, tightening especially around his spine while the cords of muscle around his neck tensed, bulging past the skin.

Left gasping, Bee collapsed over the sink, his cock tongue dripping the last remnants of his seed down the drain. His whole flight suit felt so much tighter. Still bunched over, he glanced over at his wrists, fear striking his heart when he saw the hem of the shirt had rolled all the way back up to his forearms. Without even looking, he could already feel that his pants were significantly shorter as well.

Slowly, he managed to push himself upright, his suit groaning before -


A significant 'V' shaped rip ripped down from his collar like a bolt of lightning. His pecs were clearly visible. His dogtags dangled between the two, perfectly square valleys.

Anger took the place of the disgust in his stomach, boiling the acid and streaming through his eyes. His cock-tongue rolled back between his lips, sliding into some unseen pocket at the back of his throat. A cockey smirk caught his attention. That Canimorph in the mirror chuckled, cum just pouring out of his nipples and cock tongue. Strangely, his lower cock remained perfectly sheathed.

"Fuck you!" Bee roared at the beast.

Then the Canimorph did the strangest thing...

He picked up something that hugged his huge neck like a silver choker.


With his other paw, the Canimorph beckoned him closer.

Bee dared... and his eyes widened.

The dogtags...

They were his.

A feral roar ripped from his throat.


_ _

---Onslaught ---

ISMMP Corona



The Canimorph howled in agony as Solder swung the pipe he had ripped off the walls. Ammo was useless against a horde of regenerating dog beasts so Solder hadn't even tried. He just took a pipe off a nearby wall and charged, Bivouac right beside him.

Their goal was simple.

Get the fuck out of the drill room.

Solder swung his twin pipes left and right, aiming for legs and ducking under enormous, muscular arms. These Canimorphs were all big and sluggish, making it easy for him to duck under their paws... and cocks.

He struck one particular Canimorph's enormous member and it howled in pain, staggering back with a ball-shrivelling expression on his face.

"That's it..." He jumped over another Canimorph that lunged for his legs. The instant he landed, he smashed his boot hard against the beast's groin. The creature curled up in a ball, whimpering.

"Can't believe I'm saying this..." he muttered. "Biv! Aim for their cocks!"

Bivouac, who was still encased in that biohazard suit and clutching that high-tech rifle, gave him a 'are you crazy!?' look. "What!?"

"They're guys aren't they?"

Shrugging, Bivouac spun and slashed his rifle hard against a Canimorph's cock, sending it reeling against the other beasts.

Satisfied he found a weakness, Solder bolted through the horde of Canimorphs. The cockoons kept spewing more and more of them onto them, filling the drill room with the slimy, musky, Canimorphs of all shapes and sizes.

A four-legged Canimorph let out a bellowing roar and charged at him, throwing aside all the other Canimorphs in its path. Solder found himself in a strange, serene sense of focus and bolted straight at the charging beast. He threw both his pipes over the creature and flicked out his twin kinetic pistols.

The huge Canimorph lunged.

Solder fired twice.

Smack! Smack!

Both of the creature's eyes exploded like bloody stars. It lost its balance and stumbled forward. Solder threw himself at the creature, scrambling up its titanic form and firing left and right. He shot five times straight into the creature's heart - or at least where he thought the heart was - and leapt onto the creature's head. He pressed the barrels of his guns against the Canimorph's skull and emptied his magazines into the grey matter beyond the skull.

Once emptied, he slid down the collapsing Canimorph's back. More beasts threw themselves at him. He hurled one gun at the creature to his left then spun and ducked under the reach of the one to his right. The beast's neck snapped when he smashed the butt of his pistol against the base of its neck.

Solder rolled forward and tossed his gun at another Canimorph. He swiped up the two pipes that he had abandoned and jumped to his feet...

... suddenly finding himself surrounded by the creatures.

"Fuck... Didn't think this one through..."

The Canimorphs closed in.


A huge blast of energy streamed past right in front of him. The air sizzled with power. Bloody stumps were all that were left of the Canimorphs in front of him. Puzzled, he glanced to the source of the blast.

A gloved hand suddenly yanked his wrist away.

"Come on!' Bivouac shouted, holding his rifle in one hand. "I don't have many shots of this thing left!"

They charged down the opening Bivouac had made, charging for the blast doors that separated the drill room from the rest of the ship. The doors remained opened but Solder was determined not to let that stay that way for very much long.

Suddenly, Bivouac stumbled.


Solder glanced at his teammate.

A dismembered paw connected to the sickly Pack had seized Bivouac's ankle.

"Go!" Bivouac shouted. "Get the fuck off this hellhole!"

Solder shook his head. "I can't get off this ship without out, Biv!" He tossed aside his pipes and yanked out several grenades. He pulled the pins and threw them randomly into the midst of the Canimorphs. Once they were away, he pulled out his combat knife and -


The Canimorph's paw writhed in pain and immediately released Bivouac's ankle.

Solder yanked his teammate to his feet. "Now we're even," he said, patting the taller marine on the back.

They bolted past the blast door but Solder pulled away from Bivouac and stormed towards the controls. He swore when he saw that the Pack had all but consumed it.

"What are you doing!?" Bivouac shouted.

"Escaping," he yelled back. With all his might, he yanked the front panel off the controls. A wave of relief passed him when only wires greeted him.

"Red wire," he muttered. "It's always the red wire..."

"Hurry up!" Bivouac warned in a rising tone. "They're coming...!"

"Just shoot!"

There was a pause...



Bivouac was panting. "Solder... Come on man..."

He couldn't fathom why Bivouac would be exhausted but he kept working, searching for the red wires. "I know... I know!"

He found them.


Six red wires presented themselves to him.

"What!? Did they run out of blue ones!?" he shouted. Knife in hand, he eyed each of the six. One in six chance of getting this right. If he got it wrong, the controls were shot and they would have wasted precious seconds in a fruitless escape attempt.

"Solder man..."

"I'm thinking!"


He heard Bivouac hit the ground and he spun towards his teammate. Bivouac was on the ground, levelling that rifle at the approaching Canimorphs and one hand on his chest. He wasn't sure... but Bivouac's right arm looked like it was... pulsating...

Solder gave that away to the stress and he shoved his head back into the controls...

"Fuck it..."

He muttered.

He picked one wire...

... and sliced it.


The blast doors came crashing down, sealing off the drill room... at least temporarily.

Solder let out a sigh of relief and staggered back. He collapsed to the floor right beside Bivouac. He exchanged glances with his teammate... and then began laughing.

"Fuck, that was close..." he laughed. "You alright man?"

Bivouac wasn't laughing.

"Urgh... Oh fuck!"

Bivouac's entire body shook and his back suddenly arched.


A huge, bright red, pointed cock complete with knot erupted from his groin, tearing right through the biohazard suit. The suit's right arm was ripped to shreds with fur and muscle exploded out from underneath it, showing where the rifle fused with Bivouac's mutated arm. There was more tearing and shredding. A huge set of pecs erupted from Bivouac's chest, covered in thick, black fur. His feet tore through his boots, showing black claws, leathery pads and their huge, veined mass.

Solder's eyes widened... and he immediately scrambled away.

"Fuck! You're - You're -!"

"Solder..." Bivouac begged softly, reaching out with his left hand. "Please -"


Each of his fingers tore through the suit's gloves, black claws ripping them to shreds. Veins criss-crossed the back of his paw, visible through the thick, black fur.

Solder shook his head and immediately bolted down the hallway...

... leaving Bivouac to his fate.

_ _

---Incision ---



The Blackstar became a screaming mass of pain, pleasure, lust and cum.

Mauler carried Patrick in his arms, the conscious cabin boy slumbering peacefully and blissfully uninfected. He was hesitant to even touch this innocent boy. An angel in his arms and with so much as a simple nick from his wrist blades, he could make this angel a demon.

Buck wasn't helping.

A Canimorph made completely out of cum slipped and all over his body, a large portion of his body lay coiled inside Mauler's cock, ensuring that it was permanently erect. His constantly roiling made Mauler groan softly and growl in pleasure. Oddly enough, the pirate had an odd sense of honour. He seemed to respect Mauler's wishes and did not touch Patrick... yet.

Many times, they encountered pirates being attacked by Canimorphs. The Canimorphs always won. None of the beasts dared to attack them however. They gave the small party respectful gazes, a few nods and some sly invitations but none of them ever advanced.

"Dude... He's been out for too long," Buck said softly. His liquid head hovering beside Mauler's and his tongue leaving trails of cum on Mauler's cheek. "He's breathing but..."

"I know," Mauler muttered, regarding at the blonde-haired angel in his arms. "Do you have a medical facility on this place?"

"If you'd call it that. Go left here."

Following Buck's instructions, he weaved his way through the Blackstar. While still mostly metallic, they came across patches of the Pack that was rapidly expanding. Cockoons had started appearing and some Canimorphs were even dragging screaming pirates into them. Mauler had to admit, that seeing the bastards get treated like scum... it turned him on.

They passed two massive Hulks shoving a group of pirates into some cockoons. There were only four cockoons however and five pirates. When the last taken, the Hulks regarded one another with vicious grins. Mauler found his pace slowing as he watched the Hulks spit roast the pirate between then, practically tearing the man wide open on both ends.

When both beasts came, the pirate dropped to the ground, filled with cum and barely alive. Then his whole body convulsed. Muscles exploded all over his body. Limbs lengthened and expanded. His cock grew to immense proportions, rising to the same length and girth as the other two Hulks. A back filled with mountainous muscles gave way to two sets of new arms and his face twisted into the shape of a canine.

Within moments, he was spraying cum over his two new brothers and the trio of gargantuan hulks were rolling all over one another, kissing, humping and fucking. All three of the titanic, muscular Canimorphs were fighting for dominance, spraying their cum into one another's muzzles or asses.

"You like seeing guys transform, huh big boy?"

Mauler shot a venomous glare at Buck. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

Buck shrugged and rolled his liquid paws all over Mauler's nipples, making the latter squirm. "You came in me when that guy got fucked like he was a two-way condom." The Liquidator wiggled in his cock lightly. "You hate pirates that much, chief?"

"They're everything I fight against," Mauler grunted, passing another orgy. "Or... used to..." He shook his head. "Why the fuck are you even here? You want to fuck someone? Get out of my fucking cock and find someone to fuck!"

Buck shrugged and pressed his liquid lips against Mauler's. His tongue coaxed the massive Blade's lips open but Mauler refused to give. Buck pulled away, regarding him with a disappointed expression. "Hey, like I said, I owe you one, chief. And what happened to that whole 'making your own pirate crew' thing? I figured I'd be your first mate!"

"Shut up," Mauler snarled, bounding down the hallway. "That... that was just my cock talking."

"So... you want to patch up Pat... fuck up Blackstar... then what?"

Mauler paused then shook his head. "I don't know. Where do I go from here?"

"Down the hallway. The infirmary is up the stairs, two floors up." Buck curled around in front of Mauler, pressing his surprisingly warm, liquid body against the Blade and wrapping his arms around Mauler. His chin rested on Mauler's collarbone. "Listen... I know we're pirates but we got our code. We steal, pillage and kill but come on, man, what choice do we have? It's either that or beg on the streets!"

"Begging is better than what you've been doing."

"So either we die slowly because no one will give us a cent or we're shunned by you marines? Yeah, I prefer to be a pirate. At least then you get some action."

"Is that all this is to you?" Mauler growled, reaching the mentioned steps. "Sex?"

Buck rolled his eyes, as they were. "Let me tell you something, chief. See your little angel there? I was just like him. Hell, I was even younger when I joined Blackstar."

"Why would you want to join him!?"

Mauler shuddered as Buck pulled himself out of his cock. Buck's entire form became a large, puddle of white cum on the steps. It slithered up a few steps before reforming into his shape just ahead of Mauler. Now that he was a few steps ahead, his eyes came level with the Blade.

"Because my family got screwed over," Buck said, strangely without any sign of malice. "by the marines."

Mauler frowned. "What?"

Buck shrugged and continued heading up the stairs. "The marines came to our planet because we were 'housing terrorists' or some such bullshit. They came. They pillaged. Raped a few guys and girls. Then left. Sure there were aid packages and all that shit but really, no one can live like that. I hated how we were constantly being oppressed so I ran off. Met Blackstar. Best decision of my life."

"That doesn't explain why everything is just sex with you," Mauler growled. "Gay sex no less!"

Again, Buck shrugged as they reached the floor where the infirmary was supposed to be. "Hey, on a ship full of guys, what do you think happens? Plus, I joined when I was eight. When you live in a world like that most of your life, that's all you know."

A shudder ran down Mauler's spine. "Did... Did they...?"

"Pirates have honour, chief. They didn't touch me until I was all grown up. Sure I wanted it but they never once laid a finger on me that way. Sure they teased and taunted but fuck, that just made the first time all the sweeter." Buck gave Mauler a wink. "Or saltier as the case may be." He grinned broadly. "Come on, chief, tell me that time I fucked you wasn't the best sex you've ever had."

Mauler growled and pushed past Buck, his shoulder sinking slightly into the Liquidator's form. "It wasn't." He stopped at the door marked with the big, red cross. "... It was the time after that."

Even without looking, Mauler could tell Buck was grinning at him. His cheeks burned with embarrassment and his heart weighed heavily with shame. Looking down at Patrick, he didn't feel like he deserved to hold this pure, innocent angel anymore. Right after he had transformed, he and Buck had fucked like crazy. Having Buck slip and slid inside of him, stimulating his entire body... and those wet, sloppy kisses...

He felt his boner poke Patrick's back.

Shaking the shameful thoughts from his mind, he straightened and pushed open the infirmary door.

What he saw, horrified him.

About five Canimorphs worked around the Pack-infected infirmary. Two of them were titanic Hulks and the other was a huge, four-legged Canimorph that practically took most of the infirmary. The other two were smaller, about human-sized. They were lean and athletic but perhaps what made them unique was the fact that they had three sets of cocks hanging between their legs.

One of the lean Canimorphs worked his way towards one of the Hulks and wrapped his muzzle around the titanic creature's cock. The Hulk was already on the edge and immediately came into the smaller Canimorph's muzzle.

Fascinated, Mauler could only watch as the small Canimorph worked drank until his balls were big enough to drag across the floor. Once done, he moved away and the other continued to drink the Hulk's copious seed. Once both were full, they dragged themselves to a corner unoccupied by the other Canimorphs and seized their cocks.

Mauler's jaw dropped when the Canimorph's cocks extended like long fire hoses in their paws. Cum quickly streamed out of those prehensile, rope-like cocks, pouring onto the Pack. With their free paws, they seemed to... mould the cum into a shape. For what seemed like an eternity, Mauler just watched beside a fascinated Buck as the cum they shaped quickly took on the form of... of...

"A Hulk...?" Buck whispered.

"Fuck..." Mauler growled.

It seemed that the Canimorphs found a way to reproduce without the need to convert others.

Once the cum was fully shaped like a Hulk, the Pack around it began to seethe and coil. Fur soon grew all over the solid semen and its chest slowly began to rise and fall as the breath of life filled its lungs. Its eyes sprang wide open and like an automaton jumping off the construction line, he got up and joined its fellow Hulks.

The two production Canimorphs nodded to one another and then headed towards the four-legged Canimorph who merely grinned and stroked its two, gargantuan cocks.

Mauler took a step back, letting the infirmary door's close.

"Not this way."

Buck peered over his shoulder, regarding Patrick. "Chief... He doesn't have much time."

Pursing his lips, Mauler could only say, "I know... I know..."


ISMMP Corona


So many times before, Colin had been told that when you're about to die, your life flashed past before your eyes.

His life was coming to an end.

And a new one was about to be born.

As the tentacles of the cockoon pumped glorious Canimorph seed into him, he looked first at the idea of 'monsters'. As a kid, he had always been a horror movie lover. He loved being scared and even when he was before seven years old and he watched scenes of horror from his bedroom while his parents lay curled against another, he loved it. His racing heart was something that he lived for. The nightmares were scary and there were a few sleepless nights but all in all, he loved the idea of being scared.

It was almost... a contradictory existence.

He loved being scared but at the same time, as he was scared witless, he wished he was braver.

But this time... This time...


His hips bucked into the thick, veined tentacle that had wrapped its slimy lips over his member. Even in the bubbling fluids of the cockoon, he could still hear his muscles and bones growing rapidly. His heartbeat pumped loudly in his ears but overriding even that was the sound of his flesh stretching, muscles expanding and veins crawling.

"Ah-Urh!" he groaned, arching his back. His cock slipped deeper into the tentacle lovingly suckling it, willingly spewing the last bits of what made him truly 'human' out of his body. The tentacle greedily devoured it with its companions pumped more and more Canimorph seed into him.

"Oh fuck!" he screamed in his mind. "Feels... so... fucking... goooooood!"

He thrust wildly into the tentacle three times. Each thrust brought a fresh new row of abs pressing up against his taut flesh. His hands and legs were free and he ran his hand over the tight muscles, licking at the tentacle stuffed in his mouth that both provided him with air and succulent Canimorph cum.

The tentacle in his ass squirmed, making him twisting in pleasure and emit a soft, girlish squeal. His thighs convulsed, thick veins bulging against his skin as the muscles grew. Valleys of muscle appeared all over his legs, making him perfectly built for carrying an enormous weight. His calves exploded, growing to fit his gargantuan thighs. His legs alone dwarfed him and could barely fit in the expanse of the cockoon. He could feel his sheer size pushing the liquid in the cockoon out and he loved the very feeling of it.

"Fuck... Fuck yeah! Fuck Sandman... This is fucking awesome!"

He could feel Sandman's consciousness somewhere close by but the Hulk chose to remain silent.

"Sandman... come on man... Oh fuck... Talk to me... Ooooh yes!"

All the pleasure suddenly focused on his feet. Bones cracked and reshaped. His nails sharpened, turning black and gaining more solidity. They became like steel as his feet grew longer with his heel rising. All the weight of his body rested at the balls of his feet. Thick, bluish-grey fur formed all over his legs, covering them in a smooth, silky film that remained strong even suspended in the fluids of the cockoon.

"Awww yeah!"

He bucked rapidly, thrusting wildly into the air as his body began expanding further and further. His spine grew a couple more vertebrae. Pressure built in his chest, his pecs pushing out and brushing against the walls of the cockoon. He willingly pressed himself against the wall, arms pushing the skin taut and reaching out for where he knew Sandman was sitting.

"Sandman... Fuck man... I fucking need you..."

His body shuddered, back becoming a mountain range of muscles. His shoulders became round and the size of bowling balls. A hunch formed against his back, forcing him to bend over and press against the cockoon's frame more and more. There was a sickening rip and he felt the cold, hard floor of the Corona slam against his cheek.

The cockoon had fallen over but that wasn't stopping him.


Colin sat up, unable to truly stand as his new stance and posture prevented him from standing on his hind legs for long. Deep growls bubbled from his lips as he thrust wildly into the tentacle that strained against his gargantuan cock.

Tension built about halfway down his spine. He threw his head back, letting out a pleasure-filled howl when a surge of pleasure like an orgasm exploded out from the bulbs of pressure on his back. He felt fresh blood pump into them and could feel like growing into long, muscular sausages just like his cock. Half-dazed in lust, he glanced over his shoulder, watching as massive tubes of flesh with rocket-like cockheads unspooled beside him. Each one was letting out a steady stream of cum, the thick white fluid joining the clear brine that surrounded him.

"God... Fuck... Sandman..." He reached out with his right paw, his entire body shuddering violently as the transformation rippled down his arm. Muscles bulged, his biceps and triceps growing large enough to truly support his enormous weight. His fingers grew their claws and in a fit of desperation, he pushed them against the cockoon's shape.

His paw tore through the thick film, the precum pouring out of the little prison. Gasping, Colin collapsed to the ground, tearing out the tentacle from his muzzle. Still, he kept his other paw lifted into the air, hoping... wishing...

A larger paw closed around his and Colin felt his heart skip a beat.

The folds of the broken cockoon were ripped from his body.

Sandman stood above him, a light from above him crowning the Hulk like a huge, muscular, four-armed angel. The former marine's eyes were willed with awe and surprise. Slowly, he knelt down and with one of his many paws, he gently cupped Colin's still human cheek.

"You were fighting that whole time...?" the Hulk asked. "Crossfire...?"

Colin shook his head. With his paw he slowly grasped the back of Sandman's nape and pulled him closer. "Nah... Just waiting for you..."

Their lips met. Unlike the rest of his transformation, Colin felt the shifting of his face proceed smoothly like someone was gently massaging his cheeks and pushing them outwards into the shape of a canine muzzle. There was a slight tugging on his ears but within moments, he had a pair of triangular ears folded back, lost in the moment of a kiss with his... his...

Slowly, he pulled away from Sandman, Canimorph looking at Canimorph.

"You're one of us now," Sandman murmured, a slight pang of disappointment in his voice. He let go of Colin's paw. "Find someone to fuck. There're plenty of pirates around."

Colin grasped Sandman's paw again.

"I found someone to fuck."

Sandman frowned at him. "I'm already a Hulk, asshole. You get a buzz from turning humans." His eyes turned away. "Fucking humans is awesome." He said the last with in dull, emotionless tone.

Colin pulled Sandman back down, causing the Hulk to stumble onto the ground. He immediately pounced on the Hulk, pinning the gargantuan Canimorph with his own weight. His own titanic cock was pressed up the opening of Sandman's ass. The Hulk panicked and tried to get out but Colin pinned him down, closed his fangs around Sandman's shoulder.

The Hulk froze at the touch of those fangs.

Slowly, Colin pulled his fang away and licked Sandman's neck. "I bet fucking Canimorphs would be even better."

"You -?"

Colin silenced him by pressing his cock deep into Sandman's ass. The Hulk arched his back, letting loose an ear-splitting howl of pleasure. Grinning, Colin the Devourer bent down and gently kissed Sandman's neck.

"Have I ever told you that your accent gives me a fucking boner?"

Sandman was huffing and puffing but there was a stupid grin of pleasure on his face. "Fuck... I..."

All the lights in the room suddenly went out, replaced by red emergency lights.

"Warning! Warning!" the PA system screamed. "Self-Destruct sequence initiated. 30 minute countdown has begun. All personnel evacuate. Repeat: All personnel evacuate."

"What the fuck!?" Sandman exclaimed.

"Someone has initiated the self-destruct sequence," Hamel announced from their deep, telepathic link. "I'm in the control room right now. No one should have been able to override these controls. I'm also locked out! I'm trying to get the Pack to restrain any potential explosive sectors but it'll take more than 30 minutes!"

Colin exchanged glances with Sandman.

There was only one person they knew who had enough mechanical and programming expertise to be able to initiate a self-destruct sequence from anywhere.

"Solder," they said in unison.


ISMMP Corona


"Repeat: All personnel evacuate."

"Fuck!" Mauler growled, pulling his wrist blade out of a pirate. "Who the hell initiated the self-destruct sequence!?"

"Blackstar is a greedy bastard," Buck's said, half-inside another pirate's cock. The pirate was convulsing insanely as his cum was drained out of his balls and straight into Buck's body. Fur was already growing all over his body as his eyes were rolled deep into the back of his head. "He'd never blow this place up unless it's absolutely necessary."

"Your friends seem to think that it is your companion, Captain, Solder."

"My 'friends'?" Mauler repeated.

"Shane and Colin."

Sandman and Crossfire.


"Both have joined us, Captain. A Hulk and a Devourer, respectively."

"What's a Devourer?"

"Ever heard of 'cock vore' Captain?"




Mauler shook his head and swore mentally.

"I know you hate us, Captain, but see it from our perspective. We were here, hoping to live peacefully. Then you and your team -"

"Shut the fuck up, Hamel!" he growled. "I don't care about who is right or wrong. Don't bother telling me who the fucking monster is!"

A pirate groaned. Mauler instantly shoved both his wrist blades into the man's legs, bringing an ear-splitting scream. That scream quickly turned into groans of pleasure and rapid hip thrusting. Mauler turned away from him.

"There's only one thing I care about."

"That boy, Patrick?"

Mauler glanced over at Patrick. In the periphery of his vision, he could see Buck trying desperately to seem like he didn't look concerned.

"No. Fuck no." He turned towards Patrick and knelt down, slowly scooping up the boy in his arms. He carried the boy over to a nearby cockoon and lifted him up to the lip. "No such thing as innocence in this fucked up world. Everyone's a fucking monster."

Slowly, Mauler let the cockoon devour his innocent angel. When Patrick's head vanished into the pulsating cock, he turned away and started when he found Buck standing in front of him.

"What do you want?" he growled.

"You going to start helping the Canimorphs now?"

Mauler narrowed his eyes. "Depends. Are you?"

Buck shrugged. "I'll go wherever you go, chief."

"Good." Mauler stepped past Buck. "If we're going to be monsters..."

He suddenly spun around and crashed into Buck, letting himself hit the Pack-covered ground, covered in the Liquidator's form. A big grin was on his face as Buck reformed on his chest, giving him a puzzled look. He gingerly reached out, cupping the back of Buck's head and pulled the Liquidator towards himself. Their lips met, his tongue rolling over Buck's and tasting the constantly salty 'flesh'.

Buck suddenly threw himself entirely into the act, his paws sliding all over Mauler's form and soaking his fur in the molten cum. Mauler groaned softly. His eyes closed and he let himself succumb to his instincts.

He was a Canimorph now.

No longer a human.

Human ties and loyalties... He threw them aside when he willingly let Hamel change him. It was stupid to think that he could save some 'innocent' when in truth, no one was innocent. Chances were, Patrick was just a fucking slut. If he really wanted to fight and escape, he would've taken Buck's route and started being the fucker instead of the fucked.

His loyalties were to the Canimorphs now.

He pulled Buck to him as much as he could. Then he arched his back as one of Buck's legs slipped into his cock. It stung a little but having that warm liquid pumping in and out of his cock was like being in a constant state of orgasm. He wildly thrust into Buck, mind reeling with pleasure. Buck's other leg slipped nimbly towards his rear and gently pressed itself into him.

"Oh fuck!" he cried, breaking their kiss as Buck's form slid into his rear, filling him with a warm sensation that he had never felt before. "What - What are you...?"

"Relax, chief," Buck whispered softly. "I'm here for you."

Buck placed his paws over Mauler's nipples. Then, he slowly pressed one claw against the fleshy nub. Mauler's eyes widened as that same burst of pleasure exploded from his nipples, warmth spreading from his chest as Buck poured himself into his pecs.

"Oh - urgh - ah!"

He sucked in a lungful of air, sweat getting into his eyes as the pleasure became incredible!

"Oh fuck!"

Buck suddenly lunged at his lips, catching him in a joyful, lusty kiss. That kiss quickly turned into a ferocious coiling of liquid cum as Buck dove straight down into Mauler's throat. His body broke into five slivers, one down his throat, two to each of his nipples, another down his cock and the last up his ass.

Mauler arched his back howling in pleasure he felt Buck's form seep into every vein and artery, filling him in ways no one had ever filled him before. He rolled onto his stomach, sweating and rising to his paws and knees. He grunted deeply as all of Buck's form coiled inside of him. His muscles quivered like he was being massaged from the inside while his cock twitched, constantly on the edge of exploding while his balls churned with Buck's very essence.

"Fuck..." he groaned. "Fuck... You're... Buck... Oh f_uck!"_

Mauler doubled over as all the heat in his seemed to gather on his back. A big burst of that heat exploded outwards from his back like someone had punched him from the inside. He hopped slightly as his back muscles expanded, growing bigger and bigger.

"What... What was - urgh!"

Another burst. His spine felt like each vertebrae was on fire. Hot spikes were burning against his flesh, pressing up against his flesh and yearning for escape. All the while, his cock was writhing and begging for release. With each passing second, his cock seemed to draw closer and closer to his chest, rising up to just his nipple level.

"B - B - Buck... S - S - Stop -!"

The veins on his arms bulged and his biceps suddenly exploded, growing even bigger. He clutched his head and threw it back, letting out a roar of pleasure. His cock felt like it was about to explode but nor release came. Frustration boiled inside of him and he angrily seized his oversized member, rolling his paws over its thick, veined length over and over again.

"Get out!" he roared. "Get out!"

All the while, the burning pleasure on his back mounted. Thick spikes tore through his flesh and curled over his back, forming a hard, protective exoskeleton. The bones on his shoulders pushed past his muscles, forming impressive, white pauldrons that were connected to a ribbed cuirass that curled over his huge pecs but strangely keeping his nipples exposed.

Mauler had to fall onto his back as his knees grew similar bones, forming powerful shin guards that kept him well protected. His things remained exposed as did his cock but that was only natural for a Canimorph.

"Get -" he grunted. "Get out!" he roared.

His cock suddenly convulsed.

Mauler threw his head back, letting out an ear-splitting roar as cum exploded out of his cock like a hot, white fountain. It all came back down, showering him, soaking him completely. He fell back, his cock still painfully erect and pouring more and more cum onto his armoured chest. He swam in his own seed, relishing in the warming embrace and accepting - in fact, loving - what he had become.

Mauler lifted his paws and with a menacing - shing-shing - his wrist blades exploded out of their confines.

He one look at his 'third blade' and even he had to admit he made one sexy, Blade Alpha.

Furthermore, with Buck beside him...

"Buck...?" he began softly, peering into the pool of cum. "Buck...? Where are you?"

His heart began pumping hard and he immediately sat up.


Could it be that... That he absorbed Buck?

He looked at his paws.

Did he just...

"No..." he whispered. "No! BUCK!"

He felt someone squeeze his balls.

Spinning to his right -

... he found wet, salty lips meet his own.

Buck pulled away, grinning. The mischievous pirate poked his nose lightly. "Gotcha, chief."

Mauler couldn't help bug grin. "Fucker," he laughed and tackled the liquid Canimorph back to the ground. Surprisingly, he found that Buck could maintain his form like he was still solid. That was fine with him as he loved running his paws over those tight set of abs. He especially liked pressing his paw against Buck's pecs and feeling his...

... his mate's heartbeat.

"What's with the googly eyes, chief?" Buck asked, laughing softly. "You look like you've never had sex with a man before."

Grinning, Mauler hugged his mate, squeezing that tight ass. His other paw migrated over to Buck's crotch, squeezing the impressive cock there.

"Wouldn't exactly call you a 'man', Buck."

Buck returned a grin. "Yeah. You're just a monster, aren'tcha, Captain?"

Their lips met... and Mauler reconfirmed what he had learned in the past few hours.

Being a monster... it wasn't so bad.



His ears perked up and both he and Buck tore themselves from their passionate kiss. Their eyes travelled past one another... and to the figure standing not too far away from them.

"What a heart-warming little drama," Captain Blackstar chuckled, leaning against the wall. His left leg was blood and it looked like his right arm was in tatters. How he was still standing was a surprise. "Worthy of some drama, I'm sure. Two men finding love as monsters when they were enemies as humans."

Slowly, he lifted his gun, a red targeting laser levelled directly between Mauler's eyes.

"And now... it's the bad guy's turn to fuck someone over."



ISMMP Corona


Solder collapsed against his little hijacked control panel.

The self-destruct sequence had begun.

Now... Now it was just a matter of time.

He just... He just had to find a way of escaping.

The harrowing run back to the to the life support system had been stressful. He had watched as pirates were attacked by Canimorphs and turned into more of the beasts. There was even one type of Canimorph that latched onto humans and merged with them...

It sickened him.

But now...

He glanced back at the control panel.

It had taken a while but he had finally managed to rewire the controls and start the self-destruct sequence.

He checked his watch.

25 minutes on the dot.

That should be enough time to find some way to get out of this place.

The only problem was...


The infection was already spreading very fast and he guessed that the pirate's ship would soon be infected too. Still, it must have an escape pod...

"Okay... That's the ticket," he told himself.

It took about ten minutes to get to the hanger. He gave himself another ten to find some escape pods. That left five minutes before the pod could get out of blast range.

Enough time.

He grunted and pushed himself to his feet.

As he always did since he left Bivouac, he did a quick full-body check. Still pink and squishy.


Something dropped on his shoulder.

Glancing towards the culprit... he found a thick, slimy goo there... White goo.

"Oh fuck no..."

He immediately dove forward just as a -


A sharp, frustrated bark met his ears and he spun around, guns ready.

It was that same Canimorph that merged with its victims. Its lower half was merged together into one, gigantic, prehensile cock and it moved around just with thick, muscular arms. A long, cock emerged from between its lips, dripping its secretions.

"Think again, asshole."

He fired.

The creature was fast. It dodged away and crawled all over the Pack, zooming away from his fire.

Solder didn't waste time he just charged out of the room, bolting straight towards the hanger. All the while, he could hear the creature hissing and barking behind him. The barking soon multiplied and he didn't dare look behind him.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" he cried.

He turned a corner.


"Fuck!" he cried, lifting his gun.

Another gun met him

For a second, he was relieved to see another human face... even if it was a pirate's.

"Shit!" one of the pirates exclaimed. There was a large group of them. Five of the pirates stood arrayed around him.

The pirate held out a hand, one that Solder willingly accepted.

"You're human, right?" another pirate asked.

"Yeah..." Solder breathed. "You?"

"Anyone who isn't gets shot," the first replied. "You're a marine."

"And you're a pirate," he answered. He shook his head. "Listen, I set up the self-destruct sequence. We've got about twenty minutes to get to your ship, get a lifeboat or something and get the fuck off this shithole!"

"Sounds good to me," another pirate exclaimed. "Fuck Blackstar!"

Solder grinned, glad to have company.


Something dropped behind them.

Before he could shout 'behind you', the farther pirate suddenly went rigid and let out an ear-splitting scream. That half-bodied Canimorph latched onto his back, twisted his head around and stuffed his cock-tongue deep down the pirate's throat. The pirate flailed, screaming all the way as the Canimorph madly humped him.

The other pirates flung around but Solder was the only one to distance himself from the group quick enough. More of those twisted Canimorphs dropped down from the ceiling and immediately caught the group, sticking their long, prehensile cocks up the pirates' asses and their cock-tongues stifling all screams.

Solder could only watch in horror as the pirates tried in desperation to pull the Canimorphs off them. Even as they did so, the Canimorph's fur began to merge with their flesh, eating away at the clothing. Their thighs ripped through their pants and their boots lay in shreds as clawed feet emerged. Their biceps erupted and at that point, they all stopped struggling.

They collapsed to their hands and knees, grunting and groaning as their cocks erupted from their pants, long, thick, pointed and complete with canine knots. Their faces melded with the Canimorph's. Cheeks joined as one, eyes closed in pleasure melted into the canine features of the Canimorph that quickly migrated to the neck area of the pirate. Fur crawled down every last inch of skin on their fur and each pirate took on different characteristics, each one a different Canimorph.

"Shit..." Solder whimpered, staggering back several steps. "Shit!"

He lifted his gun... and only found the feral gazes of the newly made Canimorphs greeting him.

He dared a check of his watch.

Seventeen minutes...


He was falling behind... If he didn't make it in time... he might as well just let himself get taken by these monsters and be turned into a cum-sucking, cock-loving, canine faggot!

"I..." he began softly.

"Don't give up!"


A sizzling blast of blue energies ripped through the small group of Canimorphs, instantly disintegrating them. Nothing was left of them... not even their feet.

Startled, Solder spun around.

An enormous, eight-foot tall, muscular Canimorph stood a few feet from him. One arm was deformed, fused with a massive, metallic gun.

It didn't take him long to realise who it was.

"Stay back, Biv!" Solder shouted, lifting his gun again. "I'll shoot you! I swear I will!"

Bivouac didn't hesitate and was suddenly in front of Solder, seizing his wrist in a massive paw. Solder whimpered and was forced to let go of his gun.

"After we get you off this hellhole," Bivouac answered, his muzzle forming a feral growl.

"Wh - What...?"

The jet-black Canimorph folded his ears back, almost begging Solder. "I'll get you to wherever you want to go, Solder. But when you get there and I can't go any further, I want you to shoot me." He poked his forehead. "Right here. Between the eyes."

"Wh - What... You can't ask me to -!"

"I can and I just did," Bivouac growled. "It's either that or I fuck you here and now. And trust me, most of me just wasn't to tear off your fucking shirt right now and run my tongue over your fucking beautiful abs."

The titan growled again, tearing his gaze away from Solder. "Just... Just promise me, Solder... One shot... It's all I ask."

"Can't you just regenerate?"

Bivouac gave him a cold smirk. "The body will regenerate. The mind won't. Shoot my brain and Bivouac dies. What'll be left is just a Canimorph. Let me die with the heart and soul of a human, Solder. Just that, please."

Solder's wrist was released. He fell to his knees... and slowly, he picked up his gun. As he straightened, he levelled it right between Bivouac's eyes, even pressing the barrel against the titan's flesh.

"One shot," he promised.

"Good," Bivouac answered with a firm nod. "Now come on. Where are we going?"

"To the pirate ship." Solder pointed down the hallway. "Find an escape pod and get the fuck off this place."

"Lead on, Lieutenant."

Solder cringed at the title but at the same time, he appreciated that Bivouac would use the term. He glanced over his shoulder and offered a weak smile.

"You really think my abs are beautiful?"