Dolphin Family (part 3) - Binding of Friendship

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#3 of Dolphin Family

As Mara prepares to depart from her homeland, to head to less stormy shores, she has one last special moment with one of her dearest friends.

_ Dolphin Family - Binding of Friendship _

The seas became more unpredictable in the later times. The Earth was not pleased and her oceans showed that. One day they can be fine, straight like an aqueous ruler and as clear as a mirror of the sky. On another day, it can be jagged with grey-blue-green water, reflecting the depressing mood of the clouding sky, the waves being a rugged white like an irregular mountain range. And it was just as hard to navigate those treacherous seas as it was to navigate the Andes. Even for those under the raging surface.

The creatures of the ocean must also be wary of these days, for a single loss of attention can cause total separation from families, friends and mates. Imagination was not needed during the oceanic tantrum.

Yuri Brem, the Russian dolphin with an anxious heart and non-impulsive mind, was trying to keep himself calm with the rest of his family. His family included his Congolese mate, Mokula and his son and daughter, Darsu and Mara. Despite the widely acclaimed intelligence of the dolphins, fear always exists to those who know of it, and even to those who don't know of it in some form. Sometimes intelligence is a curse rather than a blessing, but in this situation, within the aquatic domain of the Atlantic Ocean while a demoniac storm strikes relentlessly above their heads like a sky-bound warmonger, it helped the dolphin family here.

It had all started so peacefully. It was only a week ago that Mara, the youngest of the family, had just passed through her rites of puberty and was now an adult dolphin. She had to mate with her father as part of the ritual. Not actually mated, but they nearly mated by accident. She was slightly grossed out at first but had actually enjoyed the experience. Her father Yuri, on the other fin, was not as willing, for he feared creating an emotional or psychological scar on his own daughter if he went too far with the mating ritual, for he could be impulsive during mating, more passionate than some other dolphins were.

But he was glad that the puberty rites were successful with no scars wherever. Mara even went on to try and mate with her father again four days later. He had no choice in the matter after sensing her sexually active pheromones which went crazy for a few days, crazy enough to send the whole dolphin population of Earth to come after her. It almost affected her brother Darsu even.

While on the subject of Darsu, he had also been confused over the subject of mating. He had passed through the puberty rites two years ago with his mother Mokula. That went very well. Probably too well, because Darsu and Mokula started becoming active together even afterwards. While this was not uncommon among the dolphin race due to their astounding sensitivity and open honesty, it was disconcerting of Darsu to develop practically half of an Oedipus Complex. To have a full Oedipus Complex, he had to hate his father, which he didn't.

He would never see his father as a rival for his mother's feelings. He loved them both too much. Besides, Mokula didn't mind the fact that her son was trying to make her happy and so, by the physical acts of love itself, bringing the two closer together. Not that they ever needed serious bonding in the first place.

What the Brem family were concerned of now, was their migration trip. They had been living near the area from county Sligo of Ireland, to the northern tip of the Portuguese coast. The seas had become more violent than usual, and there were disturbances of that area. Although the dolphins steered well clear of the bow-shaped undersides of the human ships, they had to keep moving for safety. They weren't in anymore danger than the next dolphin pod, but it was a precaution. And one that Mara never liked.

Mara had made friends so quickly with many animals. One example of friends was the puffin community on the southwest Irish coast, at the edge of the Brems' roaming grounds. One puffin she made friends with, an Irish-Icelandic called Sally, was very understanding despite her strangely hectic eyes, reflecting the panicky struggles of the puffin life. Mara went to chat to her one last time before migration, squeaking out with her Irish accent:

" after the mating rituals, I got really excited and I wanted to do it again, with anyone. My father was worried about it, saying I should restrain my, um whathecallit, 'sexual eagerness.'" The puffin was nodding very quickly, as all her mannerisms were hyper.

"He is right though Mara!" she said. "When you first get into this part of life, you have to hold yourself, calm your energy if possible."

"I know I know But I really loved it! The feeling, the exhilaration, the happiness that was shared between two creatures."

Mara's eyes sparkled and closed her eyes, savouring the memory.

"You may have had sex twice, dolphin," said Sally the puffin in a half-accusing tone, "but do not forget that not all of it is pleasurable. Some creatures can use your eagerness against you." Her remark got nothing more than a confused squeak from the dolphin.

"I don't know what you mean, but I'll take your word for it. You're my friend after all."

"Thanks Mara." replied the puffin. "So, you're migrating then?"

She didn't want to bring up the topic so soon, but the skies' darkening presence told her to hurry and say the goodbye that would eventually come.

"Yeah, I'm going away." replied Mara in contempt of the idea of migration. "I didn't want to, and I even argued with both mum and dad. I can't keep leaving friends behind. I had friends near the Sargasso sea and now friends here at Ireland. I don't want to leave friends behind, especially friends like you Sally."

The puffin flew closer to Mara as she spoke, inadvertently causing her to smell a faint trace of the dolphin's hormones.

Woah she is desperate, thought the puffin. Even I can sense it, and I'm not even the same species, or even under the sea!

But the puffin concentrated on what her friend said. She didn't want to see the dolphin leave either. They were both of similar age which was at least one generation gap or two between them. But they were friends, and had been so for a year.

"I will miss you, Mara." said Sally, shedding a slight tear from her eyes.

She moved closer to Mara on a rock at sea level. She could definitely smell the dolphin hormones now, and she didn't know why but she was getting turned on by the smell of the pheromones. Mara didn't notice this but moved her bottlenose closer to the puffin. Sally licked Mara, right on the nose, similar to what her father had done. Mara was a little stunned but the puffin replied:

"Sorry Mara, but it's, well... it''s...your hormones."

Mara was slightly puzzled by this but stayed and listened.

"You have been my friend for a year now, and I love you like any other friend. So...why are you so damn horny?!"

Mara didn't know whether to laugh or not, but instead for some reason, she licked the puffin's chest. She then developed the same wide-eyed expression that Sally had a few moments ago.

"I said I couldn't control them." she whispered to the puffin, almost in shame. "You look really good today for some reason."

She said this in a casual way. Sally was a little perturbed by Mara's apparent smile which became more evident on her features.

"So do you, Mara." said Sally. "You know, your hormones are driving me a little...eager for you."

Mara subconsciously understood and as their beaks came closer to each other, they were soon lost within their feelings. Sally's multicoloured puffin beak carefully came close to Mara's bottle-shaped beak. Their tongues snaked out slowly and interlocked as one single short twisting vine of pink. They kissed with their tongues, not caring about the sea or their difference of species.

They had never felt this way about each other before, but the power and exuberance of Mara's hormones took hold of their minds as pirates would conquer a ship's steering wheel. Their unconscious surprise of each other kissing and feeling for each other in this way all of a sudden had been quickly smothered by passion. After their deep attempted kissing, they moved from each other slightly. Sally, with a glimmer in her avian eyes, motioned her head over to a rocky cove within the cliff, under her colony, where water flowed through yet rising above a certain level. The puffin flew low and reached the cove, with the dolphin following.

The cove was not small or sparse, yet it wasn't cramped or spacious. You could see both walls of the naturally widened tunnel-like cave. The rocks had been smoothed over by aeons of seawater washing over them, a blanket of water for almost every day in the past 20 million years.

Mara swam through the tunnel, following Sally until she stopped and landed on quite a low ledge.

"Come up onto the rock Mara," she said in a half-seductive tone, "and I shall show you something between friends."

"But...I can't get beached onto a rock." replied Mara anxiously. "What if I get stuck?"

"See the lower slight slope of the rock, that's covered in water? Try that."

There was a connecting smoothed stony platform lower than the one Sally was on. It was submerged in 2 feet of water, enough for the dolphin to prevent beaching, which was usually fatal to a dolphin if too far to flail themselves back to the water. Mara Brem swam up across the stone, and the water still held her in its ever-softening clutch.

"Lie on your back." said the puffin.

Mara did so, being careful of her dorsal fin from scratching against the rocks. She then had her belly facing fully upwards. Sally stared at her friend's belly for the first time. A sleek whiteness that brightened the place, and there it was. The source of all that intoxicating scent of sexual eagerness, Mara's vaginal slit, pink and already starting to redden even. She was very eager, desperate for the feeling of sex.

"Wow, you really are horny!" said the puffin. Mara asked:

"What are you gonna do then?"

"I'm horny Mara, and so are you. I think this is the best thing to do right now."

"Wait, you mean...we're going to mate?!?!"

The puffin nodded.

"But you haven't got a penis or anything, so how can you...?"

"I can show you other ways to do this without the help of a male. So just relax and let me teach you..."

Mara, her curiosity constantly working in conjunction with her sexual excitement, surrendered herself, and awaited what would happen.

Oddly enough, Sally the puffin was not really a lesbian, but she could smell this enraging hormone, which just did not quit on the mating urge, no matter what your orientation was. But Sally had imagination, and she knew, or rather could guess, at how to pleasure another female. She hopped closer to Mara, right next to the slit which ached for relief. The puffin was going sexually insane with this smell. She had to do something. She moved her beak closer to the slit, and licked it.

Mara moaned slightly, as she felt the warm pink tongue of her year-long friend move around her sensitive spots.

"Oh...that feels good Sally," murmured the dolphin, "just like the way dad did it."

Sally continued her oral escapade, licking all around the vagina, as if trying to swallow the scent, and she did so as its form of juice. The liquid was a little spicy and warm, but tasted just like the way the smell would be in this form.

She then moved more closer to Mara, her head directly over the slit. The puffin plunged her tongue into the slit, which made her friend squeak in pleasure. Mara started to move her body slightly left and right in fits of urges. Sally didn't stop. She wanted to taste all of her friend, even though she was getting enough juice. She plunged her beak inside, and the dolphin squealed in utter joy. The puffin's tongue tasted every crevice of Mara's vaginal walls, extracting every possible source of her sex juice. Eventually Mara couldn't hold in any more, and spurted all over her Sally's face.

"Oh, my friend! My dear puffin friend!" squealed Mara breathlessly.

The puffin moved towards Mara's face, which lied next to the stone, and said in gasping tones:

"Lick my face Mara. Taste yourself."

Mara did so with no hesitation. She relished her taste and the puffin loved the soft wet strokes of that dolphin tongue, licking every inch of her beak. After fully cleaning up her face, the puffin said:

"It's not over yet, dolphin friend. Now...I want you to taste me."

Mara didn't care, she was on her sexual high. Sally turned around, revealing her avian vagina, nothing more than a thin feather-covered cloacal slit. It was hard to see but Mara found it, smelling her puffin friend's own sexual eagerness.

"Lick me now...and...t-taste another female for the first time."

Mara stroked her tongue casually over the slit, ruffling the feathers and causing the puffin to moan slightly. The dolphin only licked a few times then plunged her tongue into her friend.

"OH, MARA!" said Sally as she felt the second act of lesbian sex in her life.

She was enjoying it, her reasoning had left for the duration of the sex, and she didn't care. She even forgot about her struggling life in the colony. All she felt now was her friend Mara's tongue within her vagina, seeking for juice like a worm seeking moisture. After 20 minutes of oral stimulation, Sally climaxed, squirting her avian sex juice all over Mara's tongue. They calmed down afterwards. Mara laying in the water, her vaginal slit returning to white after being sated with her sexual appetite, and Sally lay on the rock nearby, equally sated, by a hunger that sprouted for only an hour.

"You're a good friend, Sally." said Mara in appreciation. "Thank you for helping me."

"It's okay Mara," replied the puffin, "it's okay. Everyone has that appetite for a while. I helped you release it a little bit, so try and restrain what's left of it, okay?"

Mara nodded, but the puffin had to speak out her honest words.

"I love you Mara."

The dolphin didn't care, for she knew that.

"I love you too...Sally."

Dolphin Family (part 4) - Blood Thicker Than Water

**_Dolphin Family - Blood Is Thicker Than Water_** The storm had raged for a long time now. It felt as if it were the end of the world, the sky dark and almost tingling with a sense of despair. The seas always restless, panicky...

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Dolphin Family (part 2) - Mother's Love

_ **Dolphin Family - A Mother's Love** _ The days passed by calmly, being in the midst of the summer. The waves flowed endlessly on, across the world, with their brethren, the sea. The moon gleamed down on the Atlantic Ocean and...

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Dolphin Family (part 1) - Bonds of Life

_ **Dolphin Family - Bonds of Life** _ _ **By Zack Gregson** _ In the calmness of a quiet current to the southwest of Ireland's coasts, there was a grey blur. Not silver, grey it was. As it came closer to the coast at county...

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