The Chronciles of Vaahn - Playing Doctor

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#19 of Chronicles of Vaahn

Not for the first time, Jas found himself people watching. It was a habit he'd picked up by accident - as a Voluntaras in a school comprised mostly of Penitatas, he was usually playing spectator to all manner of disciplinary procedures, and so had organically grown fond of watching how people acted when they weren't baring all in front of their classmates. There weren't many Voluntaras in the school, and no Medicalos that Jas knew of either. From what he'd learned, both prior to Rejuvenation and during his current childhood, few Voluntaras wound up in a Penny school by accident. Most of them were here for a spot of 'tough love', their parents and carers believing that, by exposing them to the realities of Penny life on a daily basis, they would make sure to stay out of trouble in the future. Once lunch break he just happened to overhear an older Drakonian Voluntaras mention he was an Ex-Penny, and so came to the school to offer moral support. That was an idea Jas could certainly relate to. Today, any thoughts of school were far away. He was sat in the shade of a tree, having exhausted himself during a spirited football match, and once again he turned to people watching. His current day's spectating was quickly interrupted by a Penny girl he wasn't familiar with. She had blond hair done up in a style that clearly did not suit her, and was hovering behind Jas with a blue envelope in hand. "Hi," she said. "Err... hi? Sorry, who are you?" "I'm Kate," Kate replied. "Umm... this is for you. It's your birthday soon, right?" "Not for a long while," Jas answered. The girl bit her lower lip. "Oh! I... I must have mixed you up with someone else..." Feeling sorry for the girl, Jas accepted the envelope anyway. "This is really nice of you. I'll save it and open it on my birthday." Kate smiled, though her hands were down at her waist, toying with her shirt buttons. She kept pulling the fabric open and closed, revealing flashes of her stomach as though she was trying to help it breathe. "I... I sort of... I wanted to give you something. A present, I guess." Before Jas could react, the girl kissed him on the nose. He was left more than a little puzzled by the gesture. "Err..." he managed. "Jas is spoken for," a familiar voice called from behind him. Both Jas and Kate turned to see Vaahn approaching, grinning from ear to ear at something he found terribly amusing. "He is? Oh..." The girl looked crestfallen. Her hands dropped down to her sides and the giddy nerves that had filled her a moment ago died away. "Well... happy birthday anyway." As the girl departed once more, Jas was left to put up with Vaahn's Cheshire Cat impersonation. "What just happened?" "I just turned her down on your behalf," Vaahn replied in a tone of voice that grated on Jas' nerves. "Look, just what is so fu-" The pen dropped. "-nny.Oh!" Vaahn did his best to stifle a laugh. "What, did you think we were the only Rejuves to ever have feelings for someone else?" "No, of course not! I just... are Penny's allowed to have boyfriends, or girlfriends?" "No," Vaahn answered, "but they'll do it regardless. People need affection, Jas, and when you're a Penny your parents aren't always there for you. Hell, half the time they're the reason you need someone to hold you." A treacherous thought surfaced. "So... have you 'needed affection' from anyone?" "I've borrowed a shoulder to cry on once or twice, but that was all. I've turned down one or two offers in my time though." Jas tried to find Kate again, but she had fled out of sight. "So... what exactly did she want from me?" "Go ask her?" Vaahn suggested. "I don't mind. Besides, a woman's touch might do you some good." "I'm starting to think you need to be smacked more often," Jas answered back, using the tree to pull himself back to his feet. "Wait... you wouldn't have minded if I..." "'Played doctor?'" Vaahn offered, "Why should I? Your being with other people has never bothered me before." "I don't know whether to be touched or hurt," Jas answered with a chuckle. "Come on, we should find mom and dad."

* * *

At that precise moment, the most important thing in Rebecca's world was Emily. Emily had been a somewhat controversial Christmas present; a plastic baby doll that was typically given to Kindern girls of a certain age. Becci had initially rejected the idea of the doll, but once she'd stopped pouting about being 'too mature' for such a thing, and had her bottom warmed once or twice for being too pouty for her own good, she'd eventually found a place for the doll in her life. Currently, that place was in her arms; little Emily had just woken up from her nap, and was hungry. Rebecca, being a dutiful mother, was eager to take care of that. "Becci! Your friends are here!" The door swung open and Becci looked up from her personal fantasy to find her father in the doorway, escorting Vaahn and Jas to her room. The three visitors took note of the girl's private play with mixed reactions, but her father quickly broke his stare and carried on as though nothing was wrong. "Your friends are here." He said again. "You three have fun. Jackie and Simon should be up soon." The two boys made themselves comfortable in amidst the circle of dolls and stuffed animals. Emily remained the focus of attention, however; the baby was still tucked up against Becci's chest, with the girl's T-shirt pulled up to ease the act of breast feeding. "Should we come back another time?" Jas asked a little too sweetly. "I was just playing!" The girl quickly recovered herself and thrust the doll away. Vaahn took it from her and sat it on his lap. "I didn't mean to upset you," Jas added, giving the girl a friendly smile. "There's nothing wrong with playing with dolls... or pretending they're real." Seeing some acceptance, Becci's face softened. "I'd really like one of my own someday. I applied to be a parent once, but I flunked the course. I guess I'll never have a real one..." Emily gave a sudden giggle. Vaahn bounced the doll again on his knee, and another giggle came forth from the doll's synthetic mouth. He seemed quite pleased with the discovery. "Hey, Vaahn... did you have any children?" The boy nodded. "Four sons and two daughters." Becci made a 'wow' shape with her mouth. "What was it like, raising a Kindern?" Vaahn tore his attention away from the doll and turned his eyes to the ceiling. "It's hard to explain." He said thoughtfully. "When Lokan was born I... I've seen a lot of things in my life, Becci. I've been hurt; shot, stabbed, bludgeoned and burned. I've fought in duels, battles and the occasional all-out war. I've seen things that normal people couldn't hope to cope with, and yet... and yet standing there watching Soua give birth to my first son was the most terrifying moment of my life." He let his gaze drift back to Emily, placing the doll in the crook of his arm and imagining it to be a Kyyreni newborn. "When they gave him to me to hold I was terrified I'd break him. I thought I'd hold him too tightly and he'd shatter like glass, or I wouldn't hold tightly enough and I'd drop him on the floor. Then he opened his eyes... those beautiful eyes... I could have looked into them forever..." For a moment, all three of the Rejuves were transported; they were sat by an open fireplace, with Vaahn reclining in an old leather chair, a baby boy in his arms. Jas remembered it well; he'd often come to the Noble in the twilight hours to find him half asleep, gently rocking the slumbering infant through the night, singing a song that he himself had learned in the cradle. He sang it now to Emily.

"Hush now child, close your eyes, You're father's watching over you. To chase all your bad dreams away, And keep you safe from monsters.

"And when you are older, I will still watch over you. By your bedside, sword in hand, To keep you safe from harm.

"And when you are older, You will have children of your own, And you will watch them, sword in hand, To keep them safe from harm.

"And when they are fully grown, They will have children of their own. They will watch as you watched them, Keeping them safe and sound.

"But do not dream of them, For they are many years away. For now, sleep my son, safe and sound. Here in your father's arms."

Vaahn closed his eyes and clung to the memory; locking it away somewhere no-one else could reach. With some reluctance he returned the doll to Rebecca, who gave him a heartfelt smile. She hadn't understood the words, but she'd caught their meaning clearly enough. "I am going to pass that parenting exam," she said. "As soon as I'm old enough, I'm becoming a licensed parent!" "I bet you'd make a great parent," Jas said, looking around as the door opened once again to reveal Simon and Jackie, with the latter carrying an impressive collection of books. "Game time!" Jackie announced as she made herself comfortable. "So, where were we?" "Up to our necks in trouble," Rebecca replied, reading over her character sheet. "I'm starting to think we should turn back." "Far too late for that," Jas answered, cracking his knuckles and adjusting his clothing. Simon, the Cleric, offered his own thoughts. "I'm pretty sure I could perform a Reality Shift if we backtrack to the Gate of Many Gates." "We don't go back," Vaahn said firmly, readying his beloved axe. "We press onward, and we get the job done like we always do. "Onwards then," Rebecca agreed, her doubts forgotten. She tossed a glass orb into the air and it hung in place, hovering ten feet ahead of her. A moment later it burst into life, glowing like a small son. "Gentlemen, for the Light!" "For the Light!" The other adventurers echoed the group's motto, and as one moved deeper into the maze that was the Underdark.

* * *

The next day, with Vaahn engaged in his martial arts competition, Jas found himself once more in Rebecca's room. The girl was hunched up against the wall, head down against her chest. She had the look of a child committed to a long term sulk, and didn't even look up when Jas entered. "Your parents said you're having a bad day." Now she looked at him. He didn't think she'd been crying, though it looked as though it may be an option. "I am," she said. "I just woke up and thought about how I'm going to have to spend another day on my own, and how I'm going to get spanked really hard later for no reason at all..." Jas very carefully did not point out there was a reason she was going to get spanked. Instead, he sat down beside her. Without comment, Becci shifted to rest her head on his shoulder. "It's hard sometimes. I try to be good, I really do, but even then it's tough. Being a Penny is no fun at all." "It isn't meant to be." "I know," Rebecca sighed. "I'm glad you're here, Jas. I've had no-one to talk to all day except my doll, and she can't comfort me the way a person can." He took the hint pretty well, wrapping an arm around his friend, who instantly returned it with a hug of her own. "You've always got your parents, you know?" "They're the ones who spank me," Becci countered. "Sometimes it's hard to feel close to them, especially with an unearned punishment hanging over my head."

Unsure of what to say, Jas chose to say nothing. Rebecca seemed content to hold and to be held, closing her eyes and letting her breathing sync with Jas'. "You and Vaahn... are you... together?" "Sort of," Jas answered. He'd never really discussed his relationship with Vaahn with any of his friends, and still felt unsure how to raise the subject. "He's lucky to have someone like you to care for him." A hand came to rest on Jas' lap. By accident or design, it was rather close to the crotch. Memories of a previous encounter floated up in his mind. "Becci... you're a really good friend-" "Can I ask you something?" She cut in, suddenly meeting his eye. "Sure, what is it?" Instinctively Jas leaned his head back a little, expecting an unsolicited kiss. Becci's free hand began drawing eights on her knee with a finger. "Can I- would you want to-" "I don't know if we should-" "-play doctor?" Becci blushed at the words, and Jas couldn't help but join her. "You're a good friend," he said again. "I would hate for anything to spoil that friendship." The girl nodded, returning her head to his shoulder. "Hugs are okay though, right?" "Hugs are always okay," Jas answered, feeling relieved that the situation had resolved itself. There was a knock at the door. It was a strange gesture to Jas, who would not expect a parent to do so before entering a child's bedroom. Becci hopped off the bed and greeted her mother when the door opened. "Honey, I'm sorry to do this, but-" "I know, it's time for my spanking." The sulk was back, and was only made worse when the girl was told to bring her hairbrush. "I'll be back soon, Jas."

In her parent's bedroom, panties at her ankles, Becci stood waiting for punishment. Whilst her mother settled down, something prompted the girl to ask a question; one she knew she needed the answer to. "Mom, how would you feel about me 'playing doctor' with someone?" Natalie was caught off guard by her daughter's question. Very carefully, so that the girl would clearly see her actions, she put the brush on the bedside table, then pulled up her daughter's underwear and sat her on her lap. "Is there something I need to know about?" she asked. "N-no, but I was sort of... hoping..." "Ah," said Natalie knowingly. "You had your eye on Jas. Was it his idea?" "No, mom, it was mine." To Rebecca's surprise, Natalie actually smiled. "I'm glad you decided to talk to me about this rather than just go ahead with it behind my back. I can't say I'm thrilled with the idea, but I trust you, Becci." Then, without the spanking, the girl was sent back to her friend. "I'll check in on you in about half an hour, okay? You can have your spanking then. Play nice." It took Rebecca a few moments to come to terms with what had just happened. "How come she-" Jas couldn't finish because he had a mouth full of Rebecca. "It's your choice, Jas," she said when she broke for air. "If this is what you want... then we can do it. It doesn't have to mean anything if you don't want it to." It may have been his choice, but it was clear Becci had made her mind up. Even as he sat there, trying to come to terms with just what she was after, the girl had already let her underwear drop. "I... I... oh Vaahn is going to love this!" He dropped onto his knees on the floor, nodding to the bed. The Penny girl, trembling with excitement, sat down as instructed and let Jas part her legs. This was unfamiliar territory for the Aspatrian, and it put a nervous edge to his movements. He leaned in close, sniffing the girl's sex and taking in her intimate scent. He let his tongue flick out to sample her, and the sudden, ticklish contact made Becci flinch and giggle. He repeated the action, loving the way she squirmed and writhed because of him. "Undress," Jas ordered, losing his own T-shirt as he said it. Rebecca bared all as told, taking a moment to run her hands through Jas' chest fur whilst he removed his pants. Her fingers danced across his sheath, curious and eager to learn. Wordlessly, Jas placed his hands upon her chest and gently pushed her onto her back. Her hips rose to welcome him as his head slid back down her body, kissing her belly button and working down to her eagerly parted legs. Once again his tongue found her sex, but this time he gave her his full attention, seeking to pleasure, not to tease.

Rebecca gave a quiet, excited gasp as Jas began to pleasure her. The feeling of his warm, wet tongue against her most sensitive areas sent shivers up and down her spine. She shifted and twitched, moving her hips in time with his tongue to enhance her pleasure. It was intoxicating; her young body did not respond the way an adult's would, but her mind remembered how to interpret the sensations. Each time Jas' tongue glided over her nub it sent tingles through her whole body. He drove him on, begging for more with urgent, hungry whispers. His tongue moved faster, more forcefully, making the girl gasp and moan aloud. Her head was going blank. Rebecca arched her back and gave a breathless squeak as her whole body tensed. For an instant she was paralysed, unable to do anything but endure the overwhelming sensations coursing through her. The moment passed and she breathed again, her pleasure made all the more intense by Jas continuing to lick her throughout her climax. He showed no sign of stopping, apparently lost in the moment. She gripped his head tightly, fingers digging into his fur as she was brought to orgasm a second time. "Oh God!" Her cry was enough to break Jas' focus and he lifted his head. "Are you okay?" It took Becci a moment to reply, "Yes... I'm more than okay..." she sat up, giggling at the look on Jas' face as she leaned in to kiss him again. She could taste herself on his lips. "It's your turn now," she whispered, running her fingers down his fully-formed erection. The contact made the boy shiver with pleasure, her touch drawing a thick droplet of pre from the tip of his cock. She lapped it up, savouring the noises the boy made as she began to gently suck on the tip of his member. Her hands stroked across his balls and the base of his shaft, teasing and tormenting the boy. She began to slowly stroke him off, whilst at the same time taking in a little more of his cock into her mouth. Jas bit his lip to keep from moaning aloud as the warm waves of pure male lust washed over him. His entire being focused down to a few inches of sensitive skin, which Rebecca was so eagerly tending to. The feeling of her warm mouth around his cock, saliva dribbling to his sheath, became all that mattered in the world. "Becci... I'm gonna..." He had to fight the urge to hold her down as she lifted her head from his member, squeezing his hard, throbbing boyhood with her hand and rubbing the tip with her thumb. Another sharp squeeze pushed him over the edge and he came hard into her hand. "I should have got a towel or something," she said with a grin. The boy couldn't produce much seed due to his age, but it was enough to leave her hands sticky. Smiling at Jas' shy unease, she cleaned up using her shirt. "Did you have fun?" "That was the first time I did anything like that with a girl." The confession caught Rebecca off guard, but she hid it well. "Hope it was worth the wait." "It was," Jas answered, stealing a playful kiss. Rebecca gave him another for good measure and then, not bothering to dress, headed for the door. "My mom's probably stood outside... and I've got a spanking due."

Natalie was, it turned out, right where her daughter had left her. By now she'd had almost two years experience of being a Penitatas, but today she felt especially weak-kneed. She couldn't look her mother in the eye; she had of course been bare in front of both parents, and indeed had been pant-less in front of others, but now it felt as though her crotch was the centre of attention. "Come on, sweetheart, let's get this over with," Natalie said in a kindly tone. She paused to take a towel and wipe down her daughter's crotch, an action that made Rebecca feel all the more self-conscious. She couldn't keep from trembling as she was put over her mother's knee, and braced herself for what she was convinced would be a spanking to remember. The whoosh of the brush through the air ended with a resounding crack against her right cheek. Rebecca's cry was more of shock than pain, but when her left cheek received the same immediately after that soon changed. Natalie used the hairbrush with casual ease, striking at the perfect angle, and with the exact amount of force, to redden the girl's entire backside as quickly as possible. This was no comfort to Rebecca of course; she was howling by the halfway point, with streaks of tears rolling down her face. "P-p-please sto-o-op!" The girl cried, clutching the bedsheets for comfort. "You know I can't do that," Natalie replied evenly, continuing to smack the girl's tender little bottom without any sign of slowing. After a good ten minutes of spanking she was lifted onto her knees and held gently as she cried out her pain. Natalie rubbed the child's back, making quiet, soothing noises, whilst Rebecca took to rubbing her aching rear. "I think it's time for your friend to head home," Natalie said. Rebecca merely nodded; it wasn't as if she was getting a say in it. "Then I think a quick bath and a nice long nap before tea."

* * *

Jas was given a lift home, and arrived just in time for Vaahn's return. There was a brief conversation, filled with frustration on the Penny's part, before he finally headed upstairs and into the bedroom. "How did it go?" Jas asked from his bunk. Vaahn huffed something unintelligible and lay down on his bed, where he scowled at the wall. "I messed up." "Why? What happened?" "I came in third," Vaahn growled. "I could have done better. I should have done better." Jas decided not to bother pressing it further; Vaahn would have heard it all from his parents already. He was younger than his rivals, and so at a noticeable disadvantage from the offset. Most people would have been happy with third, but when it came to fighting, Vaahn believed in victory or nothing. The two boys were silent for a few minutes, each focused on their own thoughts. Finally, because he felt he had to, Jas spoke up. "Becci and I had sex today." From below came the creak of a mattress as Vaahn shifted position. Then, slowly, Vaahn appeared on the bunk's ladder, peering curiously at Jas. "Go on," he prompted. "What?" "What did you do? I want details!" Jas blushed, feeling strangely uncomfortable. He blamed Vaahn's grin. "We just... 'Played Doctor'. Nothing serious, just... the sort of thing we do." The Kyyreni boy gave a dirty laugh and slid back down to ground level. "What did she taste like?" "I'm not telling you that!" Jas protested. "What do you take me for?" "Well, a man for a start; it's about time a girl came along and saved you from perpetual boyhood!" Jas resorted to attacking Vaahn with a pillow, "Oh give it a rest!" "Alright, no need to get upset. I'm happy just as long as you had fun." "I did," Jas answered, climbing down to join his friend. "I... I didn't really think I would, but it was... it felt..." Vaahn kissed him on the lips, ending his stumbling explanation. "Who you sleep with doesn't matter to me, so long as I'm the one you love." "You are," Jas answered, leaning in for a hug. "I know it probably doesn't make sense, but being with her made me realise how much I need you." "Nothing you say makes sense," Vaahn chuckled, "that's why I like you. That's why I need you." Jas pulled away from Vaahn's arms and glanced toward the still-open door. "Dinner will be ready soon, and then you should probably get a bath." "You're one to talk," The Kyyreni boy countered. "And after that... maybe I'll show you what Becci did for me." Vaahn ran a finger down Jas' cheek, "when did you become such a slut?" he asked playfully. "Must have got that from you," Jas countered, flicking the Penny boy's nose with a finger. "You always were a bad influence." "They're the best kind," Vaahn answered.