For Better or For Worse chapter 7

Story by Takahiro Hamato on SoFurry

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#7 of For Better or For Worse Chapters

Well chapter 6 was a good success if I may say so myself. I'm super fucking pissed at Damon, how DARE he hurt little Red, my darling Anthro hunk! You will DIE Damon, I'll make sure to drive a sword straight through your EYE! You stupid black scaled gun carrying mother fu-......oh I'm sorry. I kinda went off for a sec. Dx Well here is chapter 7!!!!!!

Chapter 7 - Bound by Chains

Red's POV -

I couldn't see anything. Everything was dark, but I could hear some sort of clinking as I moved around. I was confused as to where I was. There was no other sound besides the strange clinking. I swallowed and moved my arms, but they were stopped immediately as I moved them. I tried to speak, but all that came out was a stutter.

"I see your awake...good."

My head snapped in the direction of the voice. I didn't know who it was, it was faint. But it sounded familiar.

"Don't even try to talk, you've been drugged. You'll just make yourself look like a fool."

I felt a sudden presence in front of me and a hand touching my jaw. I turned my head away from the soft touch, but I was forced to look forward. I suddenly felt a warm wet substance on my lips. It made me gasp, and that warm wet object went inside my mouth. I felt more than just that, I felt lips, the soft feel of scales. I was being kissed. I groaned loudly and jerked my head away, panting heavily. I felt a hand come to mess with what was blinding me, and then it was jerked away, revealing bright light and white surroundings. I gasped and shut my eyes tight, looking down as my eyes slowly focused, now staring at a pair of black combat boots and camouflage pants.

I slowly looked up, eyeing the muscular figure and rough dragon like features of the man who captured me.


He gave a small smirk and leaned closer.

"Oh don't be so shocked...You should have expected this from the start. You never trust a guy with a gun."

I glared at him, my anger beginning to boil. I writhed and growled, trying to escape from the chains but not succeeding.

"I should have known! I should have never allowed you to come! I was beginning to trust you!"

Damon chuckled and turned, walking up to a man in a lab coat. They were speaking but I couldn't hear what the words were. The man walked up to me, fear in his eyes as he held up a syringe. I growled and he jumped back, dropping the syringe but the contents did not spill or break. Damon walked up, pushing the man out of the way and grabbing the syringe, holding it like he would a knife.

"You're an idiot. He's restrained with metal links! He can't hurt you!"

He walked up to me and grinned.

"You'll tell me what they need know...."

I gasped in pain as I felt the syringe sink into my neck, then a red hot liquid flooding my body and then unbearable pain. My eyes widened and I screamed loudly, writhing in pain before everything became blurry and I felt darkness swallow me.

Chris's POV -

I slowly opened my eyes, my body felt like a thousand sandbags were on it. I glanced from left to right, for a second not actually realizing where I was. I felt the blankets around me, there soft embrace welcoming me like a long lost friend, making me just want to sleep more, to let myself go. But there was an uneasy and odd feeling I had. I glanced at the alarm clock that was on the nightstand beside me, it read 7:34. I sat up quickly, blinking rapidly. Red left at 2:56, when I laid down to rest. Had I been asleep that long? Was Red alright? He was probably with Damon, they were most likely in the living room just goofing off or chatting. I had to be sure.

I bolted from the bed, yanking on my pants that I had taken off before laying down and rushing down the stairs, almost falling as I did. When I came into the living room, my eyes scanned nothing but furniture. Nobody else besides me was in the living room. I looked in the kitchen, seeing nobody there as well. I licked my lips nervously, doing a spin around, scanning everything.

"Red, Damon!"

I heard nothing, not a whisper or a faint sound of somebody talking, only the deadly silence of the house, signaling that I was all alone. I quickly bolted out of the house, running into the large yard, looking around frantically, but still seeing nobody. I made my way through the woods, seeing the grass slightly flat in some areas, signaling that somebody had been walking here. I followed the path quickly, coming to a large clearing, a large rock in front of me. I blinked several times, my eyes finally adjusting to the rays of the bright sun, my vision falling upon an object that shined in the light. I walked over to it slowly, blood spatters surrounded it. I kneeled down silently, my eyes welling up with tears as I thought the worse, my hands going to gently pick up the pendant I had given Red, it's previous shiny, beautiful form now blood covered. My hands shook and my eyes were clouded with tears of sadness. I wanted to scream, waned to punch something as hard as I could but I knew it wouldn't solve anything.

Holding the pendant in my hand gently, I held it close to my chest, closing my eyes and silently hoping Red was alright. I knew what had happened, it was so obvious. Though I could have been wrong, but I just had a sort of gut feeling. Standing slowly, I looked around, and then made my way back to the house, getting dressed in a complete set of clothes. When I was completely dressed I went into the forest again, following the obvious footprint places within the grass. I knew where Damon would have gone, and I was determined to get Red back. As I made my way towards my assumed destination I clenched my fists, my blood beginning to boil as the thought of Red being beaten and hurt passed through my mind. I quickened my walk, breaking into a run and before I knew what happened. I was staring up at the facility, its grey walls and bland, emotionless structure describing how heartless it was, as well as its workers.

I swallowed hard as I stepped out from the cover of the forest, now making my way towards the main entrance. A set of double wide sliding glass doors that if you looked through you could see the workers inside acting as if what they were doing wasn't wrong, that what they did to the poor people they abducted was right. A single scientist, a small man with glasses spotted me, and was frozen in fear. I walked up to him, his eyes wide with fear as I grinned, showing my sharp teeth.

"Where is the red failure of a subject that was brought here not 5 hours ago?"

There was no response, only a high pitched scream as he ran away frantically. I sighed in annoyance and gave chase, running after him and catching up to his slow form quickly, grabbing the back of his lab coat and lifting him high into the air. There was no mercy for their test subjects, so I would give them no mercy. With one single and quick move my clawed hand was through his chest, my claws had pierced his back and went all the way through, causing blood to flow like a river. His body now limp I tossed him aside, my eyes set dangerously on the facility as I walked through the doors, alerting many of the scientists who scrambled, one hit the security alarm, I knew guards would be here soon.

The place became chaotic. Guards were soon coming at me. Though I easily knocked them aside or slammed them to the ground. It was so easy to get past these human guards, mostly due to the fact they were so alarmed they didn't think to draw their guns. A guard jumped onto my back, hitting me in the neck with his fist. His efforts were useless as I grabbed his head, yanking him off of me and pull him to in front of me, his face in front of mine as I grinned evilly. His eyes were filled with fear, and the halls were suddenly filled with a loud scream of pain overtop the alarm as I sank my teeth into his neck, ripping out his throat and swallowing the flesh that was still inside. I dropped the body to the ground and used my tail to knock back three guards that were charging be from behind. My superior strength gave me a slight advantage which I was glad to have as I made my way deeper and deeper into the facility.

More guards showed, but they all fell before me. Beaten and bruised or cut and torn, none of them would stop me. I kicked open a door, my eyes dead set on a guard who ran at me with a nightstick. I caught the weapon in mid swing and snapped it in two, then plunged my claws deep into the man's throat, making him choke and then fall limp in a quickly forming pool of blood. My claws dripped with blood, my arms and torso splattered in blood as I made my way through the soldiers, not giving up until I reached my goal.

Damon's POV -

My head jerked up from what I was reading as I heard the alarms begin to go off. I chuckled darkly, standing and putting a hand on my pistol that was secured within my holster.

"He's here....Just as I thought. Lover boy can't stay away too long."

I looked to the scientist who was drawing a sample of Red's blood.

"We should let the newest guy test out his skills."

The scientist nodded, this guy was smart. He had a sly look about him. He had long hair, piercing grey eyes and a smile that said creeper.

"Yes but, his body is still recovering from his recent awakening. He'll most likely only be up to 70% capability. But besides that, his so called 'fighters spirit' will most likely rule out these problems. When should I contact him?"

I grinned and walked over to red, caressing the unconscious Dragon's cheek.

", now would be good. If I know Chris he's probably already begun tearing into the guards..."

The scientist nodded and left the room. I resumed rubbing Red's cheek for a few moments before speaking to him, even though I knew he couldn't hear me.

"Your boyfriend has come to save you, though his efforts will be forgotten, because even if he does make it through the guards, he will die, and when you wake up to see his corpse before you. I'll explain."

I turned and went over to a small table, examining the files of Red's genetic structure, though I didn't understand much of it, it helped pass the time. I heard voices in the other room. The scientist had most likely woken up the new experiment and was giving him his orders. From what the man had told me, the experiment showed no signs of resistance, even allowed to help with the dead experiments. He wasn't shocked or anything of his new body. I heard the door open and saw the scientist walk through with the subject. He was tall, and menacing indeed. I grinned widely and walked over to Red, my hand on his cheek as I began to lose myself in thought of how these future events would play out.

Chris's POV -

I swung a guard into the wall, growling before spinning and punching another in the face, smashing his teeth and face in. I kicked open yet another door, looking around at an oddly cleared out laboratory. No computer stands or computers were in the center, no examining tables, no monitors, nothing. The only thing I saw was the door on the other side of the room, as if giving me a warning of some kind. I stepped into the room, looking around cautiously, blood dripped from my muzzle as I did, an eerie silence looming over me. The alarm had stopped, and the guards were now gone. I did a complete spin, my eyes darting left and right, then the door suddenly slammed shut, the small screen above the handle switching to LOCKED.

I spun to face the door, staring at it with wide eyes, my fists clenched as the door began to slowly open, making me take intake a breath, when the door was fully open, my eyes widened even more as Damon walked through, a small smile on his face. A loud growl ripped from my throat as I prepared to run at him.

"Where's Red!?"

He only chuckled and shook his head.

"As if it actually was of any importance Chris, you won't live, and your precious Red will see your corpse at his feet when he wakes up."

I blinked and growled again, my body was tense and rigid with anger.

"What do you mean...?"

When I finished my sentence another Anthro stepped into the room, his posture straight and strong. His body was muscled, he was indeed menacing, a formidable looking man. His scales were black and red. The red scales stretched from his bottom jaw all the way down his chest and stomach to go past his black pants and leather strapped boots. His eyes were a bright gold, piercingly serious and focused as they stared into my bright blue ones. He gave a small bow before becoming serious once more and stepping in front of Damon, who walked out of the room and shut the door, that door becoming locked soon after.

"Who are you...?" I said in a quiet voice, trying to remain calm.

"He gave a small smile and his right hand flicked to the Katana he held in his left, unsheathing it fluidly and quickly, twirling the bright silver blade and pointing it at me.

"My name is none of your concern."

I took a small step back and looked at the sword with wide eyes, it was indeed sharp.

"Please...I do not want to fight you...let me pass. I have to save my friend..."

He shook his head, his eyes never leaving mine.

"I cannot, you are to die by my blade intruder. You have taken out many human guards, all to gain something back which belongs to these people. To my understanding it was said that you were to be killed before, but escaped. I shall fulfill my mission and give your head to the people of this fortress in the hopes they shall forgive your sins..."

I blinked and took another step back, but stopped as the door opened and Damon stepped in, tossing a Katana the same as the other Anthro's to the ground in front of me. He closed the door and it locked again, once again leaving me alone with this scary Dragon.

"Pick up the sword, I shall not fight an unarmed opponent...but if you refuse to fight me, I shall simply have to go against my honor just once. I'll say it again, pick up the sword and prepare."

I opened my mouth to speak but his eyes told me he was dead serious on his threat. I kneeled down quickly, picking up the sword and drawing it, holding it tightly in my right hand. I didn't know how to use a weapon like this, but it was a little heavy, the blade was sharp and the handle and hand guard was decorated, but that didn't mean it wasn't meant for battle. I looked at the other, blinking before slowly taking what I thought was a good defensive stance. Even though I didn't know how to use this thing, I compared it to a stick, just swing and try to hit his neck or head. He gave me a small smile before twirling the sword in his hand again, letting it hang loosely in his hand as he stared at me.


I gave a quick nod and charged, left foot first. I had no idea what was about to happen, but I was going to do this, I was going to win. I had to get Red back, I had to save him.

Oh my gods!!!! His is too much to handle!!! -pulls out hair in anticipation! Come on Chris kick that new guy's ass!!!! If you all think hard on it you can tell who the new Dragon is. Well after much effort and many ideas, I have finished chapter 7!!!! Yes!!!!! Please review and vote. I love you all!!!