In the name of love

Story by Stallon_Becket on SoFurry

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#3 of In the Name of

In the Name of Love

Hew knocked on the door and waited for it to be answered, he nervously fidgeted not know what he would do. But he had to do something about it, he swallowed hard as he heard someone approaching the door.

The door opened and Alexzander stood there, wearing jeans and a t-shirt blinking at seeing such a surprise guest.

"Hey! Hew come on in" Alexzander said, the lapin looked very nervous

"You bastard..." Hew said and before Alexzander knew what was happening there was the barrel of a three-fifty seven magnum resting against his stomach.

Alexzander was caught completely off guard, but he was just glad that Hew hadn't shot him yet after a tense few seconds. He raised his hands up slowly and began to back up into the house; Hew advanced keeping that large revolver against the equine's belly.

"W-Whoa there now! Hew what are you doing?" Alexzander was now wide eyed, had Hew found out what he had done? had Tala told him about what had happened in the lab?

"Sit down!" Hew yelled, and Alexzander sat on the couch as Hew backed up gun still pointed at him.

"What the fuck is this all about?" Alexzander said fearing the worst of outcomes.

Hew reached behind to his back pocket and tossed a disk into Alexzander's lap, it was labeled 'June 12' that was the day he had commit his crime against Tala, and also the day when Tala had fallen in love with him.

'Oh shit...' Alexzander thought, this was not going well, now Hew was gripping the gun with both hands, but he lapin was shaky. The gun sights would dance on and off target, but Alexzander knew that, at the range Hew was, it would be difficult to miss.

"ok just calm down Hew... let me explain" Alexzander began, when a loud bang erupted, the barrel of the gun spewed fire forth and Alexzander froze. The bullet had gone right past his head missing him by mere inches. Hew looked surprised as well, but then his expression hardened.

Something in Alexzander's head told him to move, and he leapt up and back over the couch as Hew shook off his initial shock of firing and pulled the trigger again. The second bullet went over the couch and through the back window. But the third shot caught Alexzander in the shoulder, and he rolled to avoid the fourth.

Alexzander got to his feet, and made a mad dash for the back door. A shot rang out and Alexzander felt hot lead scorch and burn his back. A hollow point had tore through his left lung and came out of his chest in a spray of blood. For a moment Alexzander stood there, looking at the hole in his chest.

The shock was too much and Alexzander dropped to the ground with a gasp, as a pool of blood began to collect on the floor. He heard Hew walking towards him, the sound of empty shells falling to the ground as Hew began to reload the revolver. Alexzander felt the cold barrel of that gun against the back of his skull. The click of the hammer falling forward was followed by Alexzander's scream...

Alexzander trashed wildly and nearly threw Tala off the bed as he woke up with a loud yell, and in a cold sweat. Tala was startled at Alexzander's sudden outburst from his nightmare. It had jarred her awake and she looked to him, seeing his eyes wide with terror as he hyperventilated.

"Z-Zander? baby what's wrong?" the lapin inquired moving up close to him cautiously. Alexzander stroked down his muzzle with a hand, it had been a dream? To confirm it he looked down at his chest, and sure enough there was no hole.

"I... I just had a bad dream..." Alexzander felt Tala hug him and kiss him gently as his breathing slowed down. Alexzander gave a light sigh and gently hugged Tala back.

"What was it about?..." Tala inquired.

"It was about your brother, he came to kill me... b-because of what I did..." Tala placed two fingers upon Alexzander's lips.

"Ssshhh... Hew might be protective of me, but he'd never try to kill anyone... but turn you in to the police, yes..." Tala kissed Alexzander on the forehead lovingly.

"So tomorrow we'll tell him... we'll tell him what happened, I'll tell him that it was what I needed..." said Tala. Alexzander looked to her and nervously licked his lips.

"And how do you think he'll take it?" Tala's answer was only a shrug, but she held Alexzander's head to her breasts.

"We'll be fine..." Tala assured him.

The next day all assurances went out the window when they arrived at Hew's doorstep. Tala had never looked more nervous and Alexzander felt like there was some sort of life sucking creature crawling up his spine.

"Maybe this isn't such a good idea..." Alexzander said and looked to Tala for any signs of agreement. But before they Tala could even respond the door swung open and Hew stood there looking a bit startled.

"H-Hey you two... what are you doing here?" Hew's ears perked forward gently, but his weight also shifted showing that he was ready to back up, just in case of anything fishy that his once crazy sister might have planned.

"O-oh hello Hew!" Tala smiled nervously with a halfway sheepish grin.

"Well we..." Alexzander started but he found it had to finish what he was going to say.

"We came to say hello." Tala finished with a bit of shakiness in her voice. Hew squinted his eyes suspiciously at them, and took a step back.

Well if it was time to do anything about this situation Alexzander was not going to cower, he was going to go through whatever was to transpire, with courage.

"We've come to talk actually... I have to get something off my shoulders..." Alexzander said as he and Tala stepped through the door.

"Its called Stockholm syndrome... the victim sympathizes with the offender" Tala said nervously.

Hew sat there stunned at what he was just told. So that was how they met, Alexzander had been subjected to torture by his sister and he had forced himself on her.

Of course Hew had never thought that such an act of violation could change a person for the better. He sat there thinking about what he should do. He could go to the authorities about it, but it would mean that Tala would be arrested as well.

It was a sticky situation indeed, no wonder they didn't dare talk about it.

"So, now what do we do?" Tala nervously asked Hew as she sat next to Alexzander hugging his arm.

"Well... first off we never talk about it again..." Hew said standing up.

"Next I'll go get us something to drink..." Hew began walking to kitchen, but then the doorbell rang. Hew tilted his head to one side.

"I wasn't expecting anyone today..." He walked to the door and opened it. Suddenly Hew held his hands up and backed up, through the door came Vanessa holding a nine millimeter semi-automatic pistol pointed right at Hew.

"Ok nobody move, nobody gets hurt!" Vanessa growled as she motioned over to the couch for Hew to sit. Hew had no choice but to sit next to Alexzander. Vanessa carefully closed the door behind her without taking her eyes off the three of them on the couch.

The lock on the door clicked and Vanessa pointed the gun right at Tala. There was this desperate look in her face as the pistol could be seen shaking ever so slightly.

Alexzander knew Vanessa could be vicious, but he hardly thought of her as a killer.

"Now Vanessa..." Alexzander began, but then he found the barrel pointed at him.

"Shut up Alex, your just as guilty as she is!" the gun swung back to Tala. Hew was quite nervous, but sitting on the couch he could feel that tazer gun sitting in his back pocket, if he could just pull it out.

"Zander? Is that...?" Tala once more hugged Alexzander's arm tightly. That black furred she-wolf had determination blazing in her eyes.

"You shut up you... you..." Vanessa shook in furry. Suddenly a gunshot rang out and everyone froze in place. A hole was in the wall now, the bullet has whizzed by Tala's head just missing by inches.

Hew didn't hesitate and his hand smoothly gripped the tazer and pulled it out pointing it at the female in front of him, now stunned holding the smoking pistol.

Vanessa shook off her surprise and pointed the gun at Hew, but Hew didn't hesitate and pulled the trigger before she could. The tazer barbs caught Vanessa in the arm and immediately the gun was dropped the sound of the tazer clicking. That high voltage stunning Vanessa as Hew kicked the gun away from her.

Alexzander rushed over to Vanessa and carefully removed the barbs as she lay there twitching from the after shock.

With Hew's help they picked her up and carried her to the couch, and set her down. Tala went to get a first aid kit, soon Vanessa's arm was dressed and bandaged up as the stun gun's effects began to wear off.

"Vanessa! what were you thinking?!" Alexzander exclaimed as she sat up groggily. Hew had already taken the gun and hid it, as well as putting his stun gun away.

"I was... I was planning to save you from her... but... I overheard everything..." Vanessa's ears lay back in shame.

Alexzander sighed and looked towards Tala and Hew.

"Tala... Hew... this is Vanessa, my girlfriend at the time Tala was holding me prisoner." Alexzander looked towards Vanessa who just snorted. Just then there was pounding on the door and then demanding voices.

"Police open up!" All four of them looked at each other.

"Hew why don't you make sure Vanessa is comfortable while I go talk with the police..." Alexzander said and stood up going to the door.

As Alexzander explained to the police why the neighbors heard a gunshot, Hew looked to Vanessa who just stared at her own lap.

"So... you've know Alexzander for a long while?" Hew asked as Tala also went to the door for police questioning.

"We dated for a few months..." She answered bluntly. The police finally left, after Alexzander told them it was only the television that had been turned up too loud. They all sighed as the patrol cars drove off.

"Are you calmed down now?" Alexzander asked Vanessa who only huffed. Alexzander whispered to Tala and she nodded before both Alexzander and Tala stood up and left out the door leaving Hew and Vanessa alone.

For a few tense minutes Hew sat there looking at Vanessa, and Vanessa sat there just staring down.

"So would you like something to drink?" Hew finally offered.

"N-no thanks I'm leaving..." Vanessa said getting up and started for the door.

"You have allot to think about?" Hew said standing up, but immediately sat back down as Vanessa looked over her shoulder at him with a hostile glance.

"Don't try to put the moves on me Don Juan, because I put my moves on those who think I'm easy... including a front snap kick!" Vanessa's canines flashed and Hew held up his hands cautiously.

"Now don't take it the wrong way there, I'm not a bad guy I was just wondering if I could do anything to make you feel more comfortable about what just happened, I'll tell you right now I'm not that thrilled either to learn the truth." Hew nervously scuffed a foot on the carpet looking down.

Vanessa was indeed upset, but after all how did she expect Hew to react, he had learned that his sister's lover, was actually her torture victim and her rapist? Of course Hew was upset, who wouldn't be?

Vanessa now was stuck between staying here to talk with the lapin male, or just leaving and possibly doing something drastic she might later regret. She thought for a long hard while.

"You wouldn't happen to have some ice tea would you?" Vanessa finally said and Hew looked to her and slightly smiled before walking to the kitchen to get her a glass.

Hew returned to find Vanessa sitting on the couch watching him warily. He set down the glass on the table in front of her, yet kept his distance, giving the she-wolf her space.

"So does Alexzander usually force himself upon girls?" Hew inquired carefully.

Vanessa only sighed, but shook her head sipping the tea.

"No... he was always the strong, caring type. I... I just never thought it was in him to do that sort of act, of course now I've been proven wrong...that is why I dated him. He was handsome and confident to the point of stubbornness. He risked getting clawed by me asking for a date" Vanessa paused looking to Hew who had an inquisitive expression.

"Well no offense there, but you sound like you have a temper, and also a violence problem..." Hew scooted back a bit after that comment, when Vanessa's eyes met his.

Vanessa did squint her eyes at him darkly, but didn't move. Then she sipped her tea again.

"Well I guess it is true I have a temper, but it's not like it's all my fault..." Vanessa commented, nonchalantly.

"You can't change who you are right?" Hew injected and Vanessa nodded slightly in agreement.

"I can't see how such a violating act would change a person so..." Hew scratched his forehead lightly.

"Well..." Vanessa started up. "Alexzander does have quite a golden personality, I would think that he did it out of desperation, no matter how much I spurned Alex he always seemed to be patient with me..." Vanessa stared into her glass looking at her reflection.

"Sometimes I thought that he must have been an angel or saint, when so many other men would just hiss at me and call me a bitch, he just had that kind of gentlemanly way that all women, at some point, wished to have in a boyfriend..." Vanessa set the glass down.

"Well thank you for the tea, I think I'll go home and cry for a bit that might make me feel better..." Vanessa's tail curling down between her legs, she did feel quite in a terrible state.

"Ummm... well..." Hew began, and he looked up noticing that Vanessa's ears were perked his way. "If you ever need... someone to talk to and stuff... we are much in the same boat... you can come down and talk to me... not like it's going to be a date or anything..." Hew laughed nervously.

Vanessa had a confused expression, but nodded.

"I still feel odd about it, but it seems that Alex has found something good of sorts..." Vanessa said walking to the door and opening it.

"Maybe for them, in a crazy kind of world we live in it's what happens when two people fall in love?" Hew tilted his head looking to Vanessa standing in the doorway.

"Maybe..." Vanessa said as she walked out slowly and closed the door behind her.

On the way home Vanessa though about all that had transpired, she was very confused, angry, even sad, she just didn't know how to react to her feelings anymore. She pulled up into the parking stall at her apartment complex and got out of her car walking to the elevator.

She was about to press the button to go up to her apartment, but stopped, her finger on the button yet not pushing it. She stood there looking at her finger which rested on the button. She lowered her hand slowly and started walking back for her car.

Hew lay in bed looking up at the ceiling, his thoughts were quite a mix. On one hand he was still trying to cope with his sister's lover, and how Alexzander's ex-girlfriend had barged into his house with a gun. He tossed and turned, but sleep seemed to lose him to the rampant emotions in his head.

It seemed like hours even though it had only been a few minutes, Hew just felt the edge of consciousness fading out when suddenly a sound awakened him. The doorbell, Hew looked at his clock, and it shown that it was nearly ten at night. Who would show up this late at the door? he wondered.

Hew got out of bed and made is way down to the door. He gazed through the door peep, and was surprised to see Vanessa standing outside. He undid the lock cautiously, just in case she had a gun or knife or something that she planned to use on him and cracked the door open.

"H-hello?" Hew cautiously said

"Hey there may I come in please? I've been waiting for a while..." Vanessa replied, he voice was not rough or angry sounding like before so Hew opened the door all the way.

"S-sure... how long have you been out here?" Hew tilted his head his ears laying back.

"Well... about an hour..." Vanessa rubbed her arms gently, the night air was quite cold. Hew let Vanessa walk in and closed the door behind her.

"Did you ring the bell or knock or anything before?" Hew asked

Vanessa shook her head and turned to him.

"No... I was just thinking..." she wrung her hands softly, looking down to them.

"Thinking what?" Hew sat down on the couch, rubbing his eyes a little from his semi-sleep.

"Well... about what we talked about." Vanessa sat down on the chair across from him.

Hew looked to her his ears perking forward. "I'm listening"

"Well what would you have done if you were in Alexzander's position?" Vanessa queried, of course she had thought of the same thing, what if she was in Alexzander's situation what would she have done?

"Well honestly I don't know, but I know to stay away from Tala when she has a needle..." Hew rubbed the back of his head.

"Do I make you nervous?" Vanessa asked bluntly.

"Um... yes..." Hew said a bit timidly.

"Do I frighten you?" Vanessa followed up.

"Well that gun sure did scare the pants off me!" Hew laughed nervously, but stopped seeing Vanessa staring at him.

"Uh... yes you do ma'am..." he said sheepishly.

"Am I attractive you?" Vanessa said slow and deliberately.

Hew gulped a bit. "Y-Yes very..." suddenly Hew found Vanessa nose to nose with him her yellow eyes unnervingly looking into his.

Hew's heart nearly jumped into his throat but he didn't flinch. Vanessa only gazed into his eyes. He could hear her heart beating, steady, strong, and unwavering. On the other hand he was sure she could hear his heat racing at a hundred miles per hour.

"You know... I use to pick on boys... like you back in school..." Vanessa hissed. Hew just nervously sat there not really knowing how to respond.

"However your different... you had some courage zapping me like that when I had a gun..." Vanessa seemed to growl a little as she spoke. Maybe sex and violence did go hand in hand.

Hew was about to comment when he felt her lips mash to his in a very rough kiss. At first he flailed a little with surprise, however he felt her tongue slip into his mouth; and he was inclined to return the gesture, their tongues swirling around together.

After they broke the kiss Hew was a bit dazed, yet Vanessa seemed to be a bit more invigorated her hands moving down to explore his body.

"You know I honestly have never been this attracted to a 'prey' species before, but I think that you'll be an exception..." Vanessa growled and suddenly tore open Hew's shirt. Hew almost leapt back with surprise, but merely twitched a bit with shock. His chest and belly now exposed to this feral femme.

It was happening a little too fast for Hew and he really wanted to slow down a bit he tried to place his hands on her shoulders to ask her to calm down. However, his hands instead fell on her breasts which made both of them pause.

At first when Vanessa looked down at the hands upon her breasts, Hew thought that she might have just up and left, maybe smacking him in the face for that as well. However she looked back into his eyes slowly and a devious grin came to her muzzle.

"Well, eager aren't we?" her voice now husky and deep. Hew removed his hands hastily.

"It... it was an accident...?" he said sheepishly. The only reply that came back was Vanessa straddling him and pulling off her shirt exposing her full dark furred breasts to him.

"Sure it was Casanova..." she licked her lips and pressed her bare chest to his as she kissed him again. Hew's mind was swimming, it was like cheating on a girlfriend or some kind of feeling of the sort, yet he could not stop his hands from moving on their own.

Vanessa gave a growl feeling Hew's hands move down to undo her jeans. She in turn nearly tore his boxers off. Hew just hand to wonder if this wolfess went commando all the time or did so just for today.

Vanessa reached down and felt over Hew's now throbbing erection and she grinned to him. "Trust me... ok?" she set a full grin of sharp gleaming white teeth at him.

"Ooo... kay..." Hew said watching her as she lowered her muzzle down towards his groin. In Hew's mind was only one though... oh please God, don't let her chew.

Vanessa opened her muzzle and her tongue lightly licked over the head of Hew's cock, the lapin let out a moan and his body trembled, yet he refrained from putting his hands on her head. Vanessa licked over it slowly looking up to Hew watching him tremble with the agony of pleasure.

She paused briefly "You'd better not surprise me..." again her teeth were a warning to him, but he nodded cooperatively.

Vanessa began licking again and then before Hew could protest she put his entire length in her muzzle. Hew though that he was about to become castrated, however her teeth did not find his flesh, but the head of his engorged member found the back of her throat which eager swallowed as her tongue seemed to wrap around his length.

Vanessa smiled inwardly as she heard him let out a long moan of pleasure. She sucked his throbbing tool, her tongue wildly lashing over it as she expertly controlled her gag reflex, her hands caressing his testicles.

Hew had never experienced anything like this before and he felt his seed beginning to rise in his shaft. "Nnuugh! G-going to cum!"

Vanessa wrapped her arms around Hew's waist and deep throated him as far as she could as his hot semen exploded from the tip of his penis. She greedily swallowed every drop and when his orgasm had subsided she pulled off him and licked her lips.

Hew was all to eager to return the favor as he kissed down her breasts, then her belly moving further down to her well groomed mound of pleasure. Now the prey would eat the predator.

Hew's tongue mashed to Vanessa's clitoris and she gave a snort of pleasure. He swirled his tongue around it wanting to hear her moan, and moan she did as her hands went to his head encouraging him towards greater effort.

Vanessa gasped feeling Hew's tongue dive into her depth and she let out a whimper as he licked all around in her. His right hand moved up to rub over her belly; his left moved under her buttocks to lift them up allowing him better access to her sexpot.

Vanessa arched her hips and bucked them slightly with each lick. Hew thumbed her clitoris gently making the sensation build in her. This foreplay was driving Vanessa up the wall, she had to fuck now! Weather Hew was done or not.

She pulled away from him and grinned moving up and nearly pushing him back first onto the couch, as she expected the male rabbit still had a raging hard on. She would put the myth, of rabbits doing it dozens of times fast, to the test.

Hew didn't know if he was terrified or highly aroused. She indeed was intimidating for a female, even more now as she moved up and began to straddle him. She positioned herself right over his cock letting the head of it rest against her soft swollen pussy lips.

With a grunt she let down her full weight upon his shaft and grunted feeling it penetrate deep into her womanhood. Her tight passage gripped around his member, and she reveled in the outcry of pleasure that came from Hew's mouth.

Hew watched as Vanessa began to gently swirl her hips around on him, her pelvis bucking as she grinned down at the sight of him buried deep in her. Vanessa then began to moan as she started to rut a bit faster increasing the pace.

Hew reached up cupping her bouncing breasts, in turn Vanessa placed her hands over his and moaned even more as she began to bounce upon him at a more frantic pace. Hew grunted as felt his man juices starting to well up once more.

"Vanessa...! I... I'm going to cum again!" Hew panted. Vanessa only smiled to him and flexed her lower body making her tightness around him increase. Then Hew was there, his second orgasm erupted forth spewing hot loads of cream into the she-wolf as Vanessa arched her back and let out a howl of pleasure.

For a moment they both were frozen shuddering in climax, then Vanessa softly lay upon Hew and growled lightly. They slept through the night, yet in the morning they knew they had much to talk about.


Four weeks had passed and everything had finally quieted down. Hew stood nervously at the door and straightened out his shirt.

After a few conversations it seemed Vanessa had warmed up quite a bit to Hew, and of course with the proper actions they had all decided to keep the incident with Tala and Alexzander a secret. Hew, of course had never dated a girl quite like Vanessa before.

It made him all the more jumpy, but then one could not be jumpy forever, especially not after the first night. The door opened and he was greeted by the sight of his sisters smiling, clad in a lovely blue dress.

"Hey there Hew! come on in we've been waiting for you!" Tala said merrily and escorted him in, Alexzander was of course sitting on the couch and sitting right next to him in a stunning red dress was Vanessa.

"H-hello there..." Hew smiled to Vanessa nervously and quickly remembered the flowers holding them out to her. Vanessa smirked slightly.

"Well that's very sweet of you, I wonder who has done that for me before?" Vanessa smelled the flower and glanced to Alexzander who only grinned lightly.

"So shall we kick this party off?" Vanessa said standing up along with Alexzander who gently pulled Tala close with a hand around her waist.

"Not a problem with me..." Hew said holding his hand out to Vanessa.

Vanessa took Hew's hand, and the four of them walked out to the cars to go their respective separate ways, in the crazy name of love.
