The Wolf and His Prey Chapter 2

Story by Zack_Wolfe on SoFurry

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#9 of The Wolf and His Prey

-Author's Notes-

Sorry about last chapter being so short this one will be a little longer. Amy's look is based off of the guitarist Bou from the Japanese band An Cafe, although only her looks. I reserve no right to bou or an cafe in anyway. This is from Amy's POV.

Chapter 2: A New Day Means New Opportunites.

Amy had trouble sleeping after how busy yesterday was but hopefully today would be more laxed. Think about everything that happened, all of the homework there would be, all of the fun things going on, even the sexy boys in class.

One thing you should know is that Amy wasn't always Amy. She was and for all intent and purposes still is a Boy. About a year ago He realized that he didn't feel like 'One of the guys' he felt girly. He even looked girly. All he had to do was move, grow his hair out, and wear makeup. He wasn't gay but he felt better like this, he kept telling himself. He wore makeup and skirts, but not in public. Not even in front of his parents. After a while he started to look at pictures fo guys having sex with women, but rather than wanting to be the guy, he start wishing that he was the girl.After a while he had accepted he was gay. So he became Amy.

His parents were always arguing. Money, cheating, drinking it didn't matter. They would always argue. Eventually they got a divorce, he had to choose whether to live with his mom or dad. He knew that his father would never accept him so he moved with his mom.

Later his mother found out about what her son was doing. After that the public could now see Amy. Amy doesn't want a sex change just to live life like a woman. The hardest part was that Amy was sexy. It was always the Jock guys that liked her, but soon as they found out she was a guy they would ridiculed her. She could hide the man in her because she was always dressed for gym, never played sports, and never ever used the school bathrooms, so no one ever thought anything of it. She had some girl friends, but not very many. Eventuallly high school was over. She graduated, moved to a big town and went to college.

She woke up she was happy. Everything has been going good in her life. Her 19th was last week. She was in college now, no more assholes to judge her, no more criticizing teachers she finally felt free.

She slowly striped her clothes off looked at her sexy body, her tail, and to her surprise her morning wood. She got into the shower, scrubbed her body, and started to get dressed. She remembered the wolf from yesterday, "what was his name?" she thought. "Oh yeah..Zack, how could I forget?" she chuckled to herself. She chose black leggings, white panties and bra, a pink mini skirt, a white tank top, black high heels, and finally a pink hoodie. She put on mascara and red lip gloss. Her hair adorned with a red bow. She brushed her fur and then walked out the door. She was looking forward to Health class.

She walked through the door only two or three other students were in the classroom. She walked to a desk and sat down. Nearly five seconds later Zack walked through the door. He looked calm, smiling, and confident. "Hey, do you mind if I sit next to you?" He asked. "O-oh no not at all" I said nervously. I could tell I was blushing, my ears perked up as he started talking to me. "So what's a cute girl like you doing all alone?" he slyly said. With this question came a flood of emotions. "Does he like me?" "What if he doesn't?" "What if he hates me like everyone else?" I thought. "I guess I don't know anyone here." I said trying to cheer up and sound cute. "Well you know me." he said with a smile. "I guess I do don't I?" I chuckled.

Class seemed to just fly by. I just kept peeking glances at him. "He really is sexy" I kept thinking. He seems to be a nice guy. The instructor announced that class was over my tail swinging with happiness. I started to leave, Zack followed me out the door. As I walked outside it started pouring down rain. I was soaked by the cold rain, from head to tail. I started to walk towards my dorm a long ways away. "Uugh this is gong to suck" I said quietly. Zack saw me. "Hey Amy, you need a ride?" he asked. "That would be amazing" I said. "Well a sexy girl like you shouldn't have to walk in the rain" he said. My ears perked up, I was so happy. He actually thought I was sexy. We walked to a car. "You should probably get in." he chuckled. "Holy crap this is your car!?" I said shocked.

He started the car. As we drove, I felt myself getting hard. I put my purse over my lap quickly. "Something catch you eye?" he joked. "Sort of" I said under my breath. We arrived at the dorms. "Hey if you're not busy later, want to get dinner?" he asked. "Sure" I said. "I'll see you later" I said in the sexiest voice I could manage with a wink.