For Love of Love 6: A Newcomer Approaches

Story by Cel on SoFurry

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#6 of For Love of Love

" anything else. Maybe she was just a picky eater. He didn't know.

















The one or two times a year that she had enough time to see her parents after returning from an assignment, she only got more and more proud of her. Those were the happiest times of her life. Looking out of her window at a small group of children being herded around by their parents, she wondered what her mother would think about her daughter having attained the same level that she had. Jean pictured her being proud. Very proud. Beaming, even. It had been quite a while since she had gotten such time to herself; maybe she would get some at the end of this assignment as a reward for success on her first assignment as a Mega. Unable to resist, the thoughts brought a small smile to her face.


Smiling to herself, she put her head down on the small pillow that sat at the head of her bed and closed her light blue eyes.

While the two tamers were off getting lunch, the Digimon were all grouped in front of what Oliver had called the 'television'. Actually, Lex and Angie were grouped in front of it--Jes was sitting on the far corner of the bed, as far from her mate as she could possibly be. Ever since she had dropped down to her Rookie level, she had been doing everything she could to stay away from Lex. If he knew anything about why, he wasn't showing it...but that bothered Angie. She didn't want Jes to not like Lex.

had Digimon'.




After about half a minute of that, they all disappeared for a moment into blackness. Her eyes widened, imagining that was some kind of powerful attack from an equally powerful Digimon. What appeared next confused her even more: constant images of food, accompanied by someone's voice discussing how good the food was. The Angewomon, now quite confused, looked at her mate to see if he had any more insight about this. He didn't.













She immediately felt blood rush to her face, so she didn't hesitate at all to turn her complete and undivided attention to the piece of half-eaten fried chicken. It didn't seem half as appealing to her as it had a few moments ago. She had this ... this something wrong with her that she could only compare to her time with Ned--and even then, it was only a small fraction of this. Jes didn't want to think about what that meant for her--she had no desire to go what she had to do when she lost Ned again. She had hidden for days from Jamie and his family, crying non-stop for days on end in a secluded place in a park near her tamer's house. What would happen when Oliver left to go back wherever he lived? There was no way for her to go with him, she wasn't his Digimon ... she was Jamie's, and however much she wanted a different tamer, there was nothing she could do about it. But she liked Oliver, and he liked her ... at least, he liked to have sex with her. The image of her running her tongue along the length of his dick immediately came to mind, followed by the image of his fingers sliding into her soaking wet pussy and thrusting wildly until she was brought to a yelping, body-tensing orgasm. As such images--the next one, a fictitious one that hadn't happened yet, featured him bending her down onto all fours and fucking her almost mercilessly--ran through her mind without any oversight from her conscious self. She could feel herself starting to grow wet with arousal in clear view of everyone else in the room.




" any of them; he wasn't even sure that she was capable of that emotion, really. It wasn't something that had ever crossed his mind, really.





" lucky that Jes was a self-centered, introverted recluse with her own agenda most of the time. He couldn't help but feel bad for her, though. Whether it was his failure as a tamer or simply his Digimon's personality, there was nothing he could do except let Jes be Jes.

Outside of the hotel, Jes was hiding in a tree in total concealment. There was a limit on how far away from her tamer she could be for how long, and during her time with Jamie, she had tested that limit, stretched it as far as she could, and gone beyond it. But no matter how hard she tried, she always ended up back with Jamie in a teleport initiated by his D-Ult that she could do nothing about. Once, she had even tried to destroy Jamie's digivice, the night that his brother had tried to come into her room and have sex with her. Obviously, it didn't work, or she wouldn't have been where she was standing now. A breath inhaled into Jes' lungs, then left in a sigh through her mouth. She had originally teleported much farther away--as far as she possibly could--but something had brought her back. That something wasn't Jamie's digivice, though, and it certainly wasn't Jamie himself.

The door to the hotel opened, and she quickly ducked her head down into the bush she was hiding behind, watching to see who it was between the green leaves. It was her ... 'companions', if they could be called that. They were going outside...that was great, just wonderful. They had no idea where she was--she had long since destroyed the component of Jamie's D-ult that was used to determine her location--and they were just going to leave and go in town shopping or something. Not that she cared one way or the other. She didn't care one bit if thought twice about her, but--

It suddenly occurred to her that Angie wasn't with them--not that it really mattered anyway, she would probably be in b ed after a passionate mating session with that reptilian moron.






" certainly wasn't bothered any by her absence. Jamie and Lex started walking down the sidewalk to a more populated area of the city, and Oliver walked back into the hotel, and presumably back to his room. Jes looked from one side to the other, trying to mentally sort out whether or not she should follow him back. If she did, then that would mean she was weak. If she didn't ... this might be her only chance to catch him alone ... unless Angie was still there. She sighed again at that realization, her ears twitching.








She wanted to have that again, that peace of mind and ability to sleep without having to cry herself into exhaustion. Even if it was only once again, she decided she wanted to hug him again. It didn't matter that it wouldn't last--she knew it wouldn't--but just once she wanted to have that again. Making absolutely sure that Angie wasn't somewhere nearby, she jumped back down from building to building, making her way back to Oliver's room; and Oliver himself. Opening the door as silently as she could, she saw the human laying on the bed holding a pillow against his body, doing the same thing that she herself did every night. With the knowledge that it was possibly her own absence that was responsible for this, she felt a pang of guilt.








" with him.




Over the next few seconds, she slid herself over the rest of the human's cock, emitting a loud and satisfied murring noise when her lips touched the base and could be driven down no further. Seeking further pleasure, she began thrusting her hips against him with a hard force. Her claws found their way into Oliver's skin, but he didn't seem to mind. Starting to pant heavily from the arousal derived from the punishment she was receiving between her legs, she hugged Oliver tightly against her front while he fucked her, sucking on his face hungrily.





"_ ever _will
















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