Putting Up a Fight - Chapter Two

Story by Salaav Onitrex on SoFurry

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#3 of Putting Up a Fight

Disclaimer: All Pokémon names, locations, prevalent world characters, gyms, etcetera, are copyright to Nintendo, Game Freak, and a lot of other people. Original characters, and specific storyline are of my own creation. If anyone wants to use them in their own work, feel free. Please don't take credit for their creation, though.

Author's Notes: It was weird writing this chapter. I almost always had good ideas, as well the desire to write. What I didn't always have was time. Still, when I did, my brain was all like, "You don't want to write," waving its hand in front of my face, like a Jedi. Whenever I was about to go write this chapter, something just told me not to. Following my Beta's advice, I didn't force myself, though. Sunday night I read a whole bunch of stories I had saved from SoFurry, knowing it would be down for a few days, and suddenly had the urge to write, without anything telling me not to. After a little bit of reading, I pulled up chapter two's progress. I started the night with three pages, and ended up finishing the eleven page chapter in the wee hours of Monday morning. Listening to The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary 'Special Orchestra CD' might have been a helping factor. Anyways, here is the next installment. I still don't see a definite end, but I also do not feel like I have enough conflict of interest to propel this story into a large series. I would like to see that happening, though, as writing this is a great escape from life. I mean, when I-SHUT UP KBAR, I TALK TOO MUCH!

Putting Up a Fight

Chapter Two

For the second day in a row, I woke up quite sore. My chest still hurt from the "fight" with the Blaziken two nights ago. My head ached, too.

Weird dream, I thought drowsily. Fighting and kissing a Lucario? I must have passed out once I got back from yesterday's walk!

It's only Saturday, I thought, rolling onto my side. I decided it would be best if I stayed in bed all day today. I still didn't completely understand why I had such a weird dream.

Why do I seem to feel sad that it was just a dream? I asked myself as I drifted off to sleep again. Oh well. Two more days of my weekend to relax with.

"Lu, Luc?" a voice whispered into my face.

A pried my eyes open suddenly, and caught my breath. In the small amount of light that streamed in from the curtains, two beautiful, ruby-red eyes locked their gaze with my own. They had a feminine charm to them.

Before I could move, I felt a muzzle suddenly thrust against my lips in a rough and eager kiss. I somehow managed to jump back from the Pokémon, falling out of bed in the process.

"Rio?" a playful voice above me asked. I heard a giggle, in my ears and in my mind. The mix of a purr and a growl combined with a sultry voice in my mind was quite an alluring sound.

You didn't seem so jumpy last night, I heard the same, sexy voice in my mind say. Laying on the ground, next to my bed, I suddenly remembered everything.

I had fought and injured a Lucario named Savaalia, whom I had then carried at least six miles to a Pokémon Center. After that, I had brought her home, served her dinner, and then invited her to stay for two weeks, while her leg healed. My face flushed a deep red as I recalled kissing her and "playing" with her last night.

Well, it was more of her kissing me, I thought. Lost in my embarrassment, I had failed to notice that Savaalia had scooted to the edge of the bed to look at me seductively. Once she realized I hadn't spotted her, she jumped off the bed. She landed right on top of me, once again sticking her chest spike against my body. She winced in pain as her cast-covered leg bumped into the ground, but didn't make any sound.

"Oof!" A pained gasp escaped my lips, allowing Savaalia to kiss me again, this time probing with her tongue. She seemed to be quite skilled at this. Even through the pain she was causing me, I began to lose myself, as her tongue found mine. Yesterday, her kisses had been rough, quick, and flirty. Today her kisses were still rough, but they were taken a little slower, as if each small movement was being considered before being acted out. She also didn't break the kiss when I draped my arms over her back, beginning to use my tongue, as well.

I was not nearly as skilled with my tongue as she was with hers, but I did my best to follow her lead. I slowly circled my tongue around hers, also tickling her sharp teeth. She seemed to think I was doing a good job, as her paws started to massage my chest where she had kicked me earlier, as if in apology. She moaned in my mind, growling softly.

Suddenly, she broke our kiss. Startled, I opened my eyes to look into hers.

"What's wrong?" I curiously asked. My fear of her made itself once again noticeable as I suddenly saw a predatory gleam in her eyes. Her head quickly ducked back down again, this time, her muzzle came to my neck.

My heart quickened its pace and my fear intensified as I felt her teeth suddenly grasp my neck lightly, right where my fright-inducing scar was.

"Savaalia, pl-!"

Trust me, she whispered with her mind. She brushed her paw against my cheek lovingly. These teeth can do more than harm you, Forrest, but I want your permission first.

I didn't fight her grasp, mainly because of fear, slightly out of curiosity. After a few minutes of her spike digging into my chest last night, I had actually begun to enjoy the sharp, stinging pain. I was willing to trust her, so I gave a single nod of my head.

Thank you, she said softly. I took a deep breath.

She nibbled my neck, gently at first. Her paws rubbed all over my body, not softly, as if she was petting me. She was giving me a rough, thorough massage. Even her tail, which was quite strong and nimble, was kneading the muscles of my right leg.

Her teeth were very sharp, and every few bites was a little harder, making my heart speed up for a moment. Through it all, I slowly lost my fear, as I was relaxed and aroused by her massage and nibbles.

Her paws moved to my arms, grasping them and placing them on the ground at my sides. As she began to massage them, her tail moved to my left leg and she slowly nibbled her way towards my chest.

By this time, I had lost all fear, and was in a state of euphoria. My body was feeling renewed from her massage and her biting drove me to become quite eager to continue last night's actions.

There! she declared, sitting back onto my lap. Feel better? Your aura was gray, showing me that you were physically and emotionally exhausted. You certainly look better now!

"That was really great," I sleepily replied, also sitting up. "I feel a lot better! I have to say, though, that you must seem to be driving your chest spike into my sternum."

Don't act like you don't like it!

"True. How about you? How's your leg feeling? Do you need any of those pain pills I bought for you last night? You know, the ones you didn't use."

I found something else to help quell my pain, didn't I? she teased, making me blush. I do think I need them now, however.

"Well, you'll need to eat something before you take them, so why don't we get up and I'll make us some breakfast?" I suggested. She smiled, putting her paws on my shoulders for support.

As she stood up awkwardly, I once again felt regret for being the one who had broken her leg. I stood up after her and looked down at her. I'm only about five feet six inches tall, but I noticed that I was at least a foot taller than her. She looked up into my eyes and placed her paws around my neck. I took the hint and lifted her up into my arms once more.

"Are you sure that you're only having me carry you because of your leg?" I asked her doubtfully. I walked out of my bedroom and over to the kitchen table. My cousin's apartment was quite small. There was one bedroom and one bathroom. The kitchen, dining room, and living room was pretty much a single small area.

Are you sure that you are only carrying me because of my leg? she playfully countered.

I laughed as I set her down softly on a chair. I started to stand up, but she held me close to her for a moment. Her head rested against my chest.

Thank you, again, she whispered. I truly appreciate your friendship.

I startled myself by giving her a tender kiss on the top of her head. Also surprised, she released me. I stood and looked down into her eyes, smiling.

"I'm glad that I met you," I said truthfully. "I just wish that it could have been under less hostile circumstances."

I agree! Savaalia said, smiling up into my face. So, what do you plan on serving for breakfast?

"I dunno. Let me see what we have, first" I replied, making my way over to the fridge. I mentally kicked myself for not going to the grocery store after work on Thursday. All that was in the fridge was two Chansey eggs I had bought on Monday, a few Oran berries, and some milk. At least the eggs were large, and didn't have to be cooked.

"Have you ever tasted a Chansey egg?" I asked Savaalia. She surprised me when she nodded enthusiastically.

They are one of my favorites, though I rarely ever get to have one! she said excitedly. I would have to ask her about that another time. Chansey don't normally give their eggs away to wild Pokémon. I also have never seen a wild Pokémon walk into a market to take care of its grocery list.

I pulled out the eggs and a carton of milk, putting them on the small countertop behind me. I pulled two plates and two glasses out of the cupboard. Pouring milk into the two glasses, I gave her one and set one down where I was going to sit, right across from her.

"Do you want your egg cut in half, in slices, or not at all?" I said as I used a knife to cut through the tough skin and soft flesh of one of the eggs. I always enjoyed eating Chansey eggs in thin slices, cut horizontally.

Can you cut mine into little chunks, please? she asked shyly. I like eating it like that.

"Sure," I said as I gave her a curious look. "No problem."

Thank you!

After I had cut up the eggs to our personal liking, I sat down at the table. I handed Savaalia her plate and a fork. She accepted both with a smile and no comment, only digging into her food as eagerly as the night before. She was done by the time I had finished my first bite. Upon consuming the Chansey egg I had given her, she turned her attention to the glass of milk.

Do you happen to have one of those little, bendy things used for drinking stuff? she asked politely.

I almost choked on the bit of egg I had just started chewing. Catching my breath, I got out of my seat and went to the kitchen. I opened a drawer and pulled out the small package containing the "bendy things." I also grabbed the bottle of pain pills that she needed.

"Yep," I said, giving her a puzzled look as I handed her the straw. I handed her two of the pills, as well.

Thank you, I heard as she placed the straw into her glass. She swallowed the medicine I offered her, and began to drink her milk.

It should have been obvious to me earlier that she wouldn't be able to drink from a glass. Most dining ware was designed for the human mouth, not the Pokémon muzzle. Still, one thought kept bugging me.

She's so hostile to people and seems to want to be completely apart from them, I thought. Why is it she seems so familiar with human actions, items, and food?

What are you staring at? Savaalia asked, bringing me back to reality. I noticed that she had finished her milk and was frowning at me.

"Sorry," I said, sitting down in my seat again. "I was just thinking about something."

What was so enthralling as to put you into a trance like that? she questioned, giving me a soft purr. I furrowed my brow, thinking of how to ask her.

I should probably ease my way into asking her, as it might be a touchy subject, I realized. I wouldn't want to make her angry or nervous.

"Where did you learn how to use a fork and straw?" I asked with simple curiosity in my voice. At least, I hoped it sounded like simple curiosity.

Why do you want to know, she asked, looking at me suspiciously.

"Oh, I just noticed that you know how to use a fork and had asked about a straw before even attempting to drink directly from the glass," I casually replied. "I've never heard of wild Pokémon knowing how to use human eating utensils without first being taught."

I've gotten around quite a bit, she replied, coldly and a little too quickly.

The way she said it pretty much ended any conversation at the table. I finished my egg and downed my milk faster than I normally eat, as the silence between us was a little uncomfortable.

I grabbed the two glasses and two plates on the table, taking them to the sink. I let a little water run on the plates and filled the glasses.

I can clean these later, I thought. Right now, there's other things to worry about.

I turned to go help Savaalia into the living room, but she had already used her good leg to hop over to the couch. She had her back turned to me, as she was looking out the window, towards the city.

I walked over to where she was sitting to join her, but she raised a paw up, as if to tell me to wait. She barely turned her head. I noticed that she had her eyes closed and her head was tilted down slightly.

Give me a moment, she ordered, replacing her paw on her lap. Her voice was stern, but respectfully so. I didn't say a word as I went to my room.

Laying down on my back, I gazed up at the ceiling. Nothing in the vague patterns of texture held my interest, so I closed my eyes.

If she's going to meditate, then I might as well, I thought, against the idea that no thoughts should enter one's mind while meditating. I'm interested in martial arts, just not the metaphysical thinking some people adopt.

After a few minutes of attempting to "clear my mind," and failing miserably, my mind eventually drifted to why Savaalia's mood had changed.

She was just as cuddly when we woke up as she was last night, I thought. Why is she suddenly so withdrawn.

I kept that mulling that thought over in my mind. As I lost track of time, I eventually fell asleep.

* * *

"Lu... Luc?" a voice asked softly, rousing me from my nap.

I glanced over in the direction I heard the voice. Savaalia was standing in the doorway of my room. Her eyes were cast down and she was holding herself against the door frame, leaning on her good leg.

Forrest, may I come in and speak with you? she asked, sounding a little humbled.

"Sure," I replied, sitting up to help her into my room. She allowed herself to lean on me, but wouldn't let me lift her up completely. I helped her to sit down on the bed, careful not to bump her injured leg.

For a moment, neither of us said a word. She sat on my bed, looking at the floor, while I stood, looking at her expectantly.

First, I want to apologize for last night, she finally spoke. She held up her paw to silence me as I began to counter her. I shouldn't have forced myself upon you like I did. It was wrong of me to act so rashly, without thinking about my actions.

Again, I attempted to tell her not to worry, and again, she silenced me.

I allowed my heat to control my decisions, and because of that, the person I have to thank for bringing me to help and giving me shelter was treated with disrespect. She paused for a moment and I realized that she had said "my heat."

No wonder she seemed so horny, I thought.

Second, I also apologize for my reaction to your question earlier, she continued, still avoiding my gaze. There is more to what I told you about simply "getting around." I am just not ready to speak about that part of my past with someone, yet. If you accept my apology, and give me some time, I might be willing to speak with you on that subject, just not yet.

"Savaalia," I said, hoping to have her finally look me in the eyes. When she didn't, I grew a little annoyed. "Please look at me."

At last, I caught her gaze, noticing her remorse in her eyes.

Why does she feel so guilty? I wondered.

"You don't need to apologize for any of that," I calmly stated. "I enjoyed last night, even your spike causing me pain was pleasurable. It was a little surprising, but definitely not unwanted."

She gave me a small smile, brightening up slightly, as she heard what I said.

"About this morning, it's okay. If you aren't willing to talk about something with me, that's fine. You can tell me that you don't want to talk about it. Your business is your business. Only share what you are comfortable with sharing. Don't feel like you have to tell me everything just because I invited you into my home."

She certainly looked a little relieved with what I was saying. That made me happy, as I didn't want to drive her to leave before she was healed.

Maybe I just want her to stay with me, I thought.

"Anything else?" I asked her, feeling somewhat relieved myself.

No, I just wanted to apologize for my actions, she said, grinning lightly.

"Alright, then. Was there anything specific that you wanted to do today? I need to go to the grocery store, if we want to eat anytime in the next few days."

I was hoping to at least check on my territory today, if you don't mind? she asked me.

"I don't have any plans for today, other than going to the market, so that shouldn't be a problem," I replied. "We can leave whenever you want."

Sounds great! she said, once again beaming, her gorgeous rubies sparkling with joy.

* * *

"I need to work out more," I said, setting Savaalia down next to the spot by lake where we had fought the previous day. "You aren't that heavy, but you aren't feather-light, by any stretch of the imagination."

I looked around, noticing that the majority of the daylight was already gone. Going to the store and then back to the house had taken two hours. Another hour had been spent putting away the groceries and simply lounging about the house, talking about simple things. Walking from my apartment to the clearing with the lake had taken about two hours.

I also didn't wake up that early, so not we will definitely be walking back home in the dark, I thought, rather glumly.

I could've carried you twice that distance, running, and would not need a break for at least another ten miles, so I do not want to hear complaining, came the teasing response I expected.

"Where is your..." I started to ask her, unsure if she lived in a cave, or if she had a den somewhere. "Do you want me to carry you?"

No. Thank you, though, she answered. I can manage just fine from here.

She started to walk away, using trees for support. She stopped and looked at the ground, as if deciding whether or not to change her mind. After a moment of thinking, she looked over her shoulder at me. I hadn't sat down or moved from where I was standing yet.

A_ctually, it might be better if you came with me. I don't want to have to walk all the way there and back alone, with an injured leg._

I walked over to where she was and moved to pick her up in my arms again. She stopped me, however, shaking her head.

I don't want to be treated like an infant. I am injured, but not helpless, she proudly stated.

"Okay, how about you lean on me a little, then?" I offered. She accepted, and we set off in the direction of the cave I had spotted yesterday.

I also do not think it is fair that I allowed myself into your bed, uninvited, without even offering to show you my home, she said.

It wasn't really a big deal to me, but she did have a point. Also, I was a little curious.

* * *

As I had guessed, we had entered the cave Savaalia had claimed as her own. We had been following a winding, rocky path, going deeper into the cave. There wasn't much of a descent, however, as the cave seemed to go into a hill.

There was also a fairly low ceiling, much to my discomfort. Savaalia, however, was not tall enough to need to duck her head the whole time. I was grateful that I wasn't claustrophobic. I did wish, however, that I hadn't listened to Savaalia when I grabbed my jacket.

It is not very cold today, she had told me. Agreeing with her, I decided to leave my jacket at home and just wear my long-sleeve t-shirt, instead. While it wasn't that cold outside, the cave was quite chilly. I shivered against Savaalia, for at least the tenth time in as many minutes.

It was pitch black inside, just as I had suspected. Savaalia created some kind of blue energy around one of her paws and was lighting the path we followed. Not that she needed it, however. Her night vision was quite extraordinary, from all the bragging she did about "not needing a light source, like a simple human." The light she created was solely for my benefit.

After about half an hour of following the path, the tunnel opened up into a medium-sized room. The ceiling in here was also quite low. From the light Savaalia's paw was emitting, I was able to notice three things. The first was that there was no outlet. This tunnel led all the way to Savaalia's den with no turns or secondary escape routes. The second thing was that the only furnishing of any kind was a bed made of dried grass on the floor of the cave.

The final thing I noticed, I should have expected from Savaalia. While I had been looking around, she had positioned herself between me and the only exit. She had her trademark, confident smile on her face again. That smile said that she knew that she didn't need to worry about anything. That smile told the world that everything was going according to plan.

Her plan.

You look quite cold, she said seductively. It wasn't helpful that she was leaning on the cave wall, showing off her subtle, but beautiful curves.

After giving me a moment to take in her beauty, the light coming from her paw was extinguished, throwing the room into pitch darkness, once again. I heard a soft shuffling, as she awkwardly brought herself closer to me. Once again, I was struck with guilt, as I knew it was difficult for her to walk by herself with her leg I had injured.

That guilt was forgotten, as her breath washed over my face, only inches from hers. At the same time, she wrapped her arms around me and snuggled her body against mine. My heart began racing.

This time, I want to ask your permission first, she mentally whispered_. Will you please lie with me, Forrest?_

I couldn't bring myself to answer her, I was so nervous. I simply stood there. A beautiful Lucario, offering herself to me, was holding me as if I were the only thing keeping her alive, and I stood there.

"Rio... Lucario?" she asked me quietly. I looked down to where I expected her face to be and wasn't in the least surprised when I saw her eyes were now glowing blue again. Finally making up my mind, but still unable to speak, I answered her question by kissing her deeply and passionately.

This time, I startled her by initiating the kiss. She was quick to overcome her surprise, however, and started intertwining her tongue with my own. After a moment of enjoying the different shapes of each other's mouth, she broke contact.

My bed is almost as comfortable as yours, she suggested, nudging me in the direction I guessed to be the bed of dried grass. I trusted her sight and slowly made my way towards the grass, feeling low to the ground with my hands.

Once I found the bed, I laid down on my back and gazed around the room, looking for Savaalia. The bed of grass was softer than I had expected.

I guess she's not using her aura vision, anymore, I thought, as I was unable to locate her glowing blue eyes in the darkness.

"Luc. Lucario," I heard her say from right above me, as she straddled me. She lowered herself a little awkwardly, due to her broken leg, but was somehow able to manage. "Rio, Rio."

"What?" I asked, unsure of what she was saying. Her real voice was very sexy, but it left me wondering. She placed her paws on my chest and began fumbling with the buttons, trying to undo them.

"Rio! Rio!" she said, more urgently. Her paws didn't have the dexterity to undo small buttons, and she was becoming quite impatient. In her frustration, she apparently decided that the best plan of action would be to simply rip my shirt open, which she promptly did.

"Lu... Lucario!" she said happily, lightly brushing my bare chest with her paws.

I gasped as the chilled air met my bare skin and she giggled, in my mind and in my ears. It was cold, but I was quite certain that we were going to find some means of keeping ourselves warm tonight...

* * *

Author's Notes: Fancy meeting you here! Come here often? The end of the chapter, I mean. If you made it here, then I will reward you with another chapter. If you didn't, then you won't be reading this. Hope to start progress on chapter three soon, as I have more ideas that are fresh in my mind. Again, please tell me if I need to (or could) improve on anything here. I'm really glad that people enjoyed chapter one. I can only hope that this one was just as enjoyable, if not more so. At least enough to want to see what happens next. Also, yeah. I will accept requests for things to happen, as they may be great ideas for my story, but I am not making any guarantees that any or all requests will be used. I also do not want to include sexual acts in all chapters, as I feel it would deteriorate the story itself, so please don't ask me to write a porno. Or at least don't expect me to oblige if you do ask. On a last note, if the Author's Notes are too obnoxious and annoying, and should stop, let me know. I don't want that to be the reason for losing readers. Thanks to all of you who helped me, inspired me, or simply read chapter one.