A Timelord's Beginnings: Terry's Adventure Part 4

Story by Arsen on SoFurry

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Arsen and Terry Visit Reminar, a pleasure moon, after dropping off the Dragon.

Arsen stumbled out of bed with a big yawn before he smoothed his fur down and headed to the bathroom where he took his time cleaning himself from ear to toe. The line of jets down the full length of the wall made sure that every last inch of the Tiger was free of soap. Once his shower was over, Arsen pressed a button next to the water controls and a steady stream of warm air flowed down from above and slowly dried the Tiger off. Once he was satisfied with his level of dryness, he walked back into the bedroom and selected a pair of distressed jean shorts that cut off above his knee and stuffed his sonic screwdriver in his back pocket. After buttoning the fly, he walked out of his room to see Terry sitting right next to the door. Arsen looked down at the fox who was clutching his knees against his chest before Terry looked up at the Timelord and said softly, "I'm sorry... I'm sure there are good reasons for the rules and laws... but it doesn't help soften the blow that, it could have been me and that would have been it."

The Tiger reached down and offered his paw to help the fox up on his feet before Arsen nodded in response. "I know. It was my first time witnessing it m'self... but I knew there was nothing that I could have done to bring them back." He said as the two walked down the hall together towards a room off to the right before they stepped inside. "What... are you going to do with the dragon?" Terry asked as they walked up to one of the food machines. Arsen slid his paw along the side of the machine before it produced his breakfast for him before he looked over Terry who copied the Tiger's motions and got a plate of food as well. "We're going to bring him back to his planet of course..." Arsen said as he brought his food to one of the tables before Terry looked at the Tiger curiously, "You mean he has a planet where, he was taken from? But how?" Terry turned his plate around as he looked at what the machine gave him, he tried to make out what each item was before he gave up and started to eat. It were the strips of, what was obviously a meat of some kind, that was a little fatty but crispy as well that Terry enjoyed the most.

"I don't really know to be honest... The dragon seemed to know I was a Timelord... so it's possible that our races might have crossed at some point in time." He said as he grabbed a floury biscuit off his plate and started to use it in conjunction with his fork to eat his meal. Terry watched Arsen for a moment and copied the Tiger's tactics before finding everything on the plate delicious, from the eggs, corned beef hash, but especially the bacon. "You don't think another Timelord took him from the planet do you?" Terry asked with his muzzle full of food before Arsen gave him a slight shrug... "All I'm sure of is we have a lock on his planet and we're traveling there now..." Terry slowly finished his meal shortly after Arsen before they took their plates back to the food machine and with a bright light, the plates disappeared.

The pair went down across the console room to another hallway as the Tardis started it landing sequence. "What's this room?" Terry looked around as he stood there in the pants he wore on the previous planet. "It's a room that displays various places on this planet so we know what to expect." Terry perked up as he looked up to the sky as it faded into view. He noticed two suns in a pink and yellow skyline before seeing trees that had broad leaves that were so big that he could hide behind them. There was a lot of different colored foliage from the plants before he hit the floor when he saw a dragon fly overhead. "It's ok Terry... they can't see us." Arsen laughed as the dragon flew overhead towards a herd of other dragons. "I think... this is where we'll release our friend." Terry slowly got up before he looked around a little more. "Think he still has family?" Terry asked as they exited the room and walked over towards the console. "Only one way to find out." He said as he flipped two levers up and with a soft hum from the console... the main doors opened up with the dragon they rescued appearing out of that same rainbow of light they saw before.

The other dragons turned to face the light before one of them spoke telepathically... "Dra'gra! You've returned! We thought you were lost out in space forever!" Terry held his head for a moment, the voices being projected inside of it via the Tardis was a little too much for the fox to bear before he heard what had happened as Dra'gra spoke. "I was traveling with another Timelord as we headed to a planet that had tales of beasts exactly like us... I just had to see this for my own eyes but there was a summons and my Timelord had to leave for an important reason. She said war had broken out and she was sorry that she couldn't return me home." Arsen narrowed his eyes before he looked to Terry while Dra'gra continued to explain. "She wanted to show me that there was more to the universe but... I couldn't get back here to tell you all of the sights I've seen or the wonders... I was stuck on Derabas and they thought me a monster. I couldn't find enough food to eat and they kept trying to hunt me down... I had no choice... but defend myself."

The eldest dragon looked over to the Timelord before he asked... "I take it you won the war if you were able to come back and save Dra'gra?" Arsen looked up towards the sky before he shook his head. "No... the Last Great Time War left us without a Time and a Place to go back to and... as far as we know... is forever lost." The elder lowered his head sympathetically. "Well, we thank you Timelord... For bringing back our kin." Terry nudged Arsen to respond before he looked over to the group and smiled. "Well... he wasn't doing too well on his own so he needed a helping hand to come back home. But... if you'll excuse us, we'll leave you to the homecoming." Terry was almost thankful that they were leaving, he couldn't take the voices in his mind any further. "Of course Timelord... We wish you a safe journey!" The elder said before the group wish them farewell and the traveling pair walked into the Tardis.

Terry continued to rub his forehead. "That was unpleasant..." He said as Arsen chuckled softly. "It's something that takes a little getting use to I guess..." He said before the Tiger clasps his paws together. "I think a celebration is in order then!" Terry blinked as he followed the Tiger up the staircase and up to the console. "Celebration? Where?" The fox asked before Arsen slid monitor down and his fingers flew along the interface searching for something with a few parameters... "Give me a number... any number" Arsen said before Terry perked up and blurted out "Four!" Arsen flipped through page after page until he found the fourth selection. "Ah ha! This should be interesting indeed!" He Timelord quickly inputted the time and space coordinates before engaging the Time Rotor while Terry did his best to see where they were heading. "Come on... where are we going?!" The fox asked as he tried to push the Timelord to the side so he could see the display. The text was in Gallifreyian, lots of circles within circles but the picture had his attention. It looked like a moon that was circling around planet with other moons. "What's the name of this place?" Terry managed to ask before Arsen pointed to the text... "Says right here, Reminar, the Resort Moon of Rigel 9."

"Ooooo... A Resort Moon! What shall we wear this time?" Terry asked as he was about to head to the wardrobe room before Arsen grabbed the back of Terry's waistband. "You'll see when we get there... which is in... a few seconds." Arsen laughed as the two waited while the Tardis's Rotor spun down and the soft bell was heard. The two walked over to the Main Doors before they were greeted by a pure white room. Both Arsen and Terry walked out of the Tardis to a table that was in the middle of the room. Two trays materialized in the center of the table before a small hologram appeared above the trays. "Please remove all clothing and place into the receptacle before you. All contents will be returned to you at the end of your stay." The hologram said before Arsen took his sonic screwdriver out and stuck it into his mouth as he started to take off his shorts. Terry was a little more self conscious before he slowly undid the lace of his pants and stripped down as well. "You didn't tell me that we're going to be naked" He grumped before placed his pants into the tray, following Arsen's lead before the trays vanished before their eyes.

Two red circles appeared on the floor before the hologram moved to each circle. "Now please, step into the red circle, one person per circle for scanning." Terry furrowed his brows before he wrinkled his muzzle, "Scanning for what?" But once Arsen stepped into the circle, Terry gave up and stood in his circle. A moment later, the room darkened as a whirl of light spun around them. A solid green light moved from their eartips, down to the soles of their hindpaws before the red circles at their feet turned green. "Zero Diseases detected. Welcome to Reminar, we hope you enjoy your stay." The room went fully dark before the wall in front of them opened up into a massive domed area. Terry was captivated by the view as he slowly walked out into the open space in front of him. He looked through the clear dome to see Rigel 9, a beautiful blue and green planet that had a lot of water on it. Once the pair made it a couple of steps out into the main area, a hovering tram made its way over and stopped in front of them.

A young, fit husky stepped out of the driver's seat with a lanyard around his neck and a badge that read "Fredrick Bash - Reminar Staff". Terry blushed heavily as the only other thing the husky was wearing was a broad smile. "Welcome to Reminar! I'm, Fred Bash, as you can see on my name tag and I'm here to give you two a tour of our facility!" Terry's eyes looked over every last contour of Fred's body down to the plump sheath and orbs that rested smartly between the husky's thighs before he felt himself peaking out of his sheath. The fox did his best to cover himself with his tail as the husky continued on his speech. "As you're well aware of, this is a nude resort and without a question, the best damned place to be in the galaxies. So, if you two will hop into the tram. I'll start your tour!" Terry climbed into the tram shortly after Arsen did and sat down with his tail in his lap. The fox looked at Arsen and asked the Timelord... "Is... Fred, well... Tratarian like... me and Ralph?" Arsen laughed a bit before he said "No... but 150 years after the resources of Trataria were all but used up, Trataria built ships to reach out among the stars to find new places to inhabit. Rigel 9 was one of the more successful colonies."

Terry blinked for a moment as he thought aloud... "So... Ralph and everyone I know... are dead?" Arsen bounced his head a bit... "Well... Yes, as of right now, he's dead... but yet... still alive." Arsen fiddled a bit with his sonic screwdriver before Terry narrowed his eyes. "How... are they still alive if they are dead?" Arsen playfully bounced his sonic screwdriver off of Terry's nose before he cleared his throat. "With time travel... you have time streams. Each time stream still carries on along its own course. Now your time stream has been separated from Ralph's... So, in his stream, yes he's still alive. But in the stream we're in now, he's long gone." Terry tapped his chin a bit before asking... "So can we go back to when we first met?" Arsen shook his head a bit. "Well, we're not suppose to go back into someone's past and have the two different "yous" to put it simply, interact with each other... it would cause a paradox which... are not fun to deal with and sometimes can cause bad things to happen." Terry tried to wrap his head around the idea of running into himself before he frowned a bit. "So running into yourself is a bad idea... Is that why you also can't save someone who died?" Arsen nodded softly. "Rewriting history, going back into your own timestream, changing events is a bad thing in general, so yes... " The fox was a little more confused before Fred spoke up. "Ok folks! Sorry to interrupt your conversation but what we have coming up here is our hot springs waterfall. The water is a nice and steamy temp with minerals that will sooth any aching muscle. Drinks are served round the clock and there's always someone more than willing to give you a rub down here." Fred drove up along side of the large smooth boulders that lined the main pool area before he pointed at the waterfall itself. "Behind the waterfall is a network of caves with various "rooms" you can visit for a different kind of experience."

The fox blinked at that statement before he leaned forward... "What do you mean.. different kind of experience?" Fred looked back with a big grin. "That would spoil the fun now wouldn't it?" He said before he put the tram into drive and continued the tour. "Over here we have private rooms that you can lock once inside. Each room is sterilized, sanitized and scrubbed down between visits and are always available more intimate settings." Terry's imagine went into overdrive as to what exactly went on here before Fred spoke up again. "Over here is the Pillow Pit... A lot of... erm... "Group" activities happen here and if you're in the mood for something "Darker"... there is the leather rooms to the north of the facility for your more kinky desires." He laughed as he drove passed an area with a lot of tables and chairs. "This is where you can get food... waiters are on staff around the clock here in case you get hungry. To the right of that is the movie theater which shows movies for every type of desire you can think of... just walk right in, make your selection and who knows... maybe you'll find someone with the same tastes as you." Terry's ears became darker and darker red as he looked at Arsen who was taking in all the husky had to say. "The main thing is... you're here to rest, relax and release. The triple R's as we say." The husky let out a soft chuckle before he stopped and looked at the pair. "So! What did you have in mind to try first?"

Fred noticed Terry's deep blush before a sly grin came across the husky's face. "Ahhhhh... first timer eh?" Terry looked away and stammered... "Y..yes... but... I'm sure I can try to relax here." Fred laughed as he pulled up along side of the private rooms. "Then the best place for you to start... would be here. You can get a room to yourself, get acquainted and you're not far from the movies or the food." Terry climbed out of the tram before noticing Arsen was staying in. "You're going somewhere else?" Terry asked before Arsen gave nod. "I think I'm going to explore a little bit by m'self. We'll meet up before long. I promise." Terry wasn't sure what to do with himself before Fred started the tram again and off they went. "Great... just... what am I going to do now." The fox sighed as he walked up to one of the private rooms and slipped inside. A small keycard with a lanyard slipped out of the door's lock before he slipped it around his neck and walked into the room. He let his tail drop now that he was out of the husky's sight. Slowly, he made his way up to a bed and sat down on it... "At least the bed's comfortable." He chuffed before he noticed a row of buttons along the wall next to the bed. One of them had a question mark on it... he couldn't help himself before he touched it. "Welcome to the Private Rooms. Here you'll find all the amenities you require for your pleasurable stay here on Reminar. To activate solo mode for the bed, press the green button."

"Solo mode... that sounds about right." He said to himself before he pressed the button. "Excellent, you've chosen solo mode. Please lay down on the bed with your arms down at your sides." The instructions said before Terry shrugged a bit and laid down. The bed rippled underneath him to fit his contours, which made him relax a little more... "This isn't so bad." He thought before he closed his eyes. Not shortly after, he felt something wrap around his wrists and ankles before it pulled his legs apart and his arms were lead up over his head. "Wait!! What?! What's going on!?!" He looked at what was around his wrists before he saw it was a metal segmented line that wrapped around each wrist firmly. He tugged against them but they didn't give at all. "To deactivate Solo Mode, please speak the safeword as described in the pamphlet." Terry looked own his chest before he saw a panel opening up at the base of the bed and a gel like substance took the form of a large canine shaft, pointed tip and a broad knot. "Safeword?! What fucking safeword!? There was no pamphlet!!" He panicked further before the tip of the clear gelled cock dripped with an equally as clear fluid. "Safeword not recognized... proceeding." Terry tried to close his thighs as the gel cock came closer and closer still, it wasn't until he felt the heat of it as it pressed against his clenched tailhole that he struggled harder. "No no no.... this can't be happening... Arsen!!! Damn you!!!" He cursed at the Timelord that wasn't there and then the stream of fluid jetted across his tightened pucker.

He bit his lip as he whimpered... not expecting this at all before the tip started to drill forward. "Uhhhhggg!!" He cried out as the tip gave a little but ultimately his ring was the one that gave the most. "Oowww... damn it..." He felt the shaft work within him, spreading his ring wider and wider over the tapering cock tip. More and more fluid started to pour within him to lube him further. He felt his own heartbeat as his ring pulsed around the gel cock. His chest swelled with each rough breath before the cock penetrated him further and the heat was felt radiating in his ass. His sheath started to swell up as his fox dick thickened within. "Safeword... safeword... fuck if I know... KITTENS! Puppies... fuck!" The bed's controls spoke out. "Incorrect." Terry's body betrayed him as his cock reached out from its furry confines and pulsed on his chest with the pounding beat of his heart. The gel cock reached further and further inside of the panicked fox until he felt it brush across his prostate... It was the first time anything had touched him that deeply and immediately his back arched and a moan rushed out of his muzzle. The heat of the gel dick soothed the pain that Terry felt from his first penetration and the lube helped it glide back and forth, teasing him over the swell that the middle of the shaft had.

Terry's walls tightly hugged the lubricated shaft as it started to slowly fuck him on the bed. Shots of pre from his own cock started to jet across his stomach as he bit his lip and watched the device piston between his thighs. Terry had thought that the first time he had sex... would have been with the Timelord himself but... he didn't really know what to expect from it... if there was going to be pain, or how to react to such a large member going within him. However, the bed... was a good indication of what to expect from that even if it wasn't a good approximation of the Timelord's pride. "Uhhhh yesssss..." He hissed out shamefully as the bed started to speed up the thrusting. He felt the broad knot finally getting closer and closer before it lightly kissed his stretched ring with each drilling thrust. His body tingled all over and the heat from the gel cock was felt up in his stomach as his toes splayed from sheer pleasure. The bed shifted a bit under him... angling his lower half higher than his head as the cock drilled down into him. His cock dangled above his head, drooling pre as the knot started to bump harder against his ring. He watched himself getting fucked before the knot became the focus of the thrusting. Each thrust pushed the knot a little deeper into him... pounding over and over again until he was at the widest part of the knot and then POP! "UHHHHHH FUCK!" The fox screamed out as he came the moment the knot was seated within him. The clear fluid jetted within him to simulate someone cumming with him before he froze and let the gel cock finish with him.

The bed flattened out and the gel cock turned into a small tube which was easily withdrawn from Terry's used tailhole which had the fox laying there used but still on his euphoric high. A pair of cleaning devices rolled out of the bed and cleaned the fox's lower half as well as his face and chest from his previous release. He couldn't help but squirm as his cock was touched by the cleaner but he laid there... grinning from ear to ear wanting more now. After he caught his breath and gathered his wits about him, he headed out of the room with the key still around his neck, and his tail proudly lifted behind him. The fox was on a mission now and he walked from the private room all the way to the hot springs waterfall. He found the passage behind the waterfall as their guide mentioned and he took the dry route instead of walking through the falls itself. With a mischievous grin, he walked along the wet stone and looked down the stone hallways to find open areas with stone areas to sit and lay on and various species occupying them. He watched a few guys having their fun and saw a small group having a foursome which turned him on even further... He couldn't help but walk around with his tail higher in the air and a bobbing erection until he saw someone who was by himself but he couldn't make out anything else in the room as it was too dark.

He padded into the room to see the seated individual before he felt large warm paws along his hips, drawing him closer. Terry smiled softly to the warm reception before he reached out to feel along the figure's face until he felt a paw on the back of his neck and the individual pulled him into a kiss. He felt the canine teeth locking behind his as his lips were splayed open by the assaulting tongue. He nearly melted in the kiss as his tongue brushed back along the bristled tongue within his muzzle. Terry climbed into the figure's lap and reached for the person's shaft before he felt a nice plush sheath in his paw. He pressed his hips forward and positioned the sheath against his previously used and lubed hole and within seconds of the deep kiss, he felt the pointed tip of a canine's cock pressing against his wet flesh. The fox pushed himself further down the slowly hardening spire until the semi-erect cock was within him. Once Terry was in position, he felt the paws of the figure before him grabbed at his ass and kneaded into heavily.

While Terry was off having the time of his life, Arsen walked into "Dark" part of the resort and find a room with various bondage equipment from various time periods and cultures. There was a large black bear within the room and a private party. The bear had a solid build and was about a head shorter than Arsen which brought him around 7'5" tall and he did have a little extra weight around the stomach but it wasn't unattractive in the least. Arsen stood in the doorway and leaned against the frame as he heard the bear speak. "I can't stress this enough... always make sure that your sub/pet/slave/whatever knows that they are in a safe environment. Usage of things like quick releases, safewords, hand gestures if they are bound and gagged, will go a long way in instilling trust in you and ultimately your reputation as a Dom/Master/Whatever you choose your title to be." The bear looked up and waved the Tiger into the room. "Come on in! We were just getting started and have room for one more. I'm Mr. Ronson." Arsen perked up as he walked into the room, getting a few stares as he sat down at on of the chairs in the semicircle. "Well I appreciate it!" The Timelord said before the bear grinned and carried on with his class.

"BDSM is about giving and taking. A Dom gives energy, emotion and sensations to the Sub and the Sub takes that gift, privilege, honor, and in return gives himself back to the Dom. There are many variables to this equation but they all have a common theme. Dom gives and the Sub receives. Doesn't mean that you can't get something from your Sub if you're a Dom but the idea is if you want head from your Sub... you "give" your cock for the Sub to receive and it's a privilege. If you want to fuck your Sub, you "give" him your energy and pride as well as the honor of receiving your seed." Mr. Ronson said as he looked to the small crowd for understanding before he clapped his paws together and a small gathering of men came out. They were of different species and body builds but all quite pleasing to the eye. The guys lined up on either side of Mr. Ronson before the bear spoke. "Ok gentelmen... Pick one of my boys to be your training sub for the remainder of the class." It seemed that the crowd already had an idea of who they felt was attractive and rushed to find their first, or some cases, their second or third choice as Arsen waited patiently to see who was left.

A timid young rabbit who did his best to roll his shoulders back and present himself to the room, stood next to Mr. Ronson before Arsen held his paw out to bunny. The rabbit walked over and placed his paw into Arsen's before he slowly turned around to show off every inch of his nude body. "Do you approve Sir?" The rabbit said before Arsen rumbled softly in response. "That I do cutie." Mr. Ronson walked around the room as another Sub came out with a small trunk of toys to be used in the session. "As you might have noticed, there are many different style of toys for Masters to use on their Subs... each of them have a different function or set of positions to use to give you full access to your Sub and provide a safe, comfortable, or sometimes purposefully uncomfortable restraint of your Subs' limbs. Please, find something that interests you and I'll walk you through the next step." The ursine walked around the room, helping each guest put their Sub into restraints and various contraptions before insuring everyone was safe. With a grin, he pulled a flogger that was made with rubber falls and instructed everyone to do the same. "Now with flogging, just like sex, you build up to it. Hold out your arms." The bear commanded as everyone taking the class reached out with an arm and he would walk around, lightly swatting inside of the arm. "This is how it feels to start off... Go slow, go light and give the body time to adjust to the new stimuli before upping your tempo and upping your intensity." Mr. Ronson flicked his paw back to a wall which life sized hologram appeared of body devoid of fur. "What you're doing is allowing the body to move water to the area you're hitting. This water builds up a cushioning the muscles and tissues beneath. It also releases endorphins which allows you to push your Sub a little further. Ultimately, you want to be able to tell the limits of the body before you even come close to going too far and within I'd say, 30 minutes, the redness should go away and not a scratch should be left on your Sub. Accidents do happen from time to time so being able to attend to your Sub during these times will build up your reputation and trust levels." Arsen took the time to swat his arm a few times to get a feel for it first before Mr. Ronson held his paws up and offered another piece of advice. "Always go for large muscle groups instead of the smaller ones. The back is the best for flogging but you can go for flanks but remember, develop your technique so you don't cause the falls of the flogger to wrap around the body, this speeds up the falls and cause unintentional whipping."

It was obvious that some of the Subs were a little concerned with their "First Time Doms" but under the bear's watchful eye, they relaxed and gave into the lesson. The sounds of soft swishes filled the air as everyone practiced with their Subs. Arsen discovered if he kept his wrist level that the falls stuck together better, with a slight twist, the falls would open up to create a fan. "Excellent! Seems like you're a natural at this." Mr. Ronson said as he motioned everyone to look at Arsen. "Now... with the falls together, the feeling is similar to a punch as it thuds against the body. With the falls apart, it's similar to a slap. So keep that in mind." Arsen continued as everyone else went back to their partners. The Timelord's eyes were fixed on the bunny's face, watching him arch his back and squirm from time to time. Arsen started to get a good grasp of what Mr. Ronson was saying and the longer it went on, the more the rabbit seemed to enjoy it before the bear spoke up and asked everyone to release their Subs. "Thank you boys... now starting from the right to the left, tell everyone what you enjoy the most in BDSM."

"Orgasm Denial!" Was the first answer and "Group Sex/Gang Banging!" got a few claps from the class. "Sex Toys like inflatable butt plugs!" received a few nods before the list continued until the bunny was the only one left who hadn't said anything yet. He thought a moment before he blushed horribly... "Being a cuddle slut." A grin spread across Mr. Ronson's muzzle before he walked over to the rabbit and gave him a big hug before the boys left the room to cool down. "There are so many different ways you can have fun and that is the most important thing to remember... "Have fun" The moment is stops being fun... stop!" The room nodded in agreement before Mr. Ronson started to pack up for the day. "Well, that's all from me! Go out and enjoy... Live a little!" He smiled before the room started to clear except for a few stragglers that wanted to hook up after the class. Arsen walked out before he was intercepted by the rabbit who wrapped his arms around the Tiger's waist and hugged tightly. "Thank you Sir for not hurting me." Arsen blinked as stroked the bunny's ears back and chuckled. "Ah no problem, thanks for being my test subject." The Tiger said before the bunny boy giggled and took a step away from the Timelord. He waved softly and ran to catch up with the rest of the boys that were following Mr. Ronson out.

Terry's walls clenched tightly around the canine cock within him as he moved his hindpaws around the back of the figure's thighs and dug his toes in to hold him in place. He felt the jaws of the figure open up and wrap around his neck and that just made it all the hotter for him. The fox loved the feeling of the cock getting hard within him and reaching deeper before he started to piston his hips up and down the spire... "Fuck me... please." He managed to get out before he felt the figure's thigh tense up across the bottoms of his hindpaws and then a hard bucking motion. His arms wrapped around the back of the figure's head as he held on for the quick and hard rut, loving the feeling of his small cock riding against the stomach fur of the beast that was plowing him. The constant kneading of his ass while it was being pounded just had every inch of his body tingling hard. "Uhhh... Uhhhh yesssss... Don't hold back." He whimpered under his breath before he was quickly pinned down on the floor with his legs wrapped around the waist of the figure. The fox's body jerked back and forth on the stone floor as his paws roamed around the beast's back to find purchase. He felt the base of the canine's cock swelling bigger and bigger with each passing moment before it plunged into his depths and flared out rapidly, locking within fully.

Terry panted heavily as he felt the jaws of the canine tighten further around his neck before a series of hard deliberate slams were punctuated by hot washes of cum along his walls. The fox came hard and fast seconds later as the two growled and snarled together. It was a long and drawn out climax but once the two was over, the beast on top of him collapsed, causing the fox to squeak unintentionally. "Oh! Sorry!" The voice said before Terry's ears focused on it. "Wait... Aren't... you... Fred?" There was a period of awkward silence before a soft chuckle came from the canine above him. "

Yeah... I was on break, hoping to catch some action before I went back on shift... And you?" Terry blushed deeply before pressed his face against Fred's shoulder. "I'm Terry, the fox that came in with the Tiger." They both laughed together before Fred spoke up again. "I thought you and the Tiger were a couple... didn't think I'd get the pleasure of fucking you in the dark." Terry snickered at that. "Nonono... We're just traveling together..." Fred arched his back and rolled his hips forward much to Terry's pleasure as he moaned out as the cock shifted within him. "Well... Looks like I'm not going to get on shift any time soon... not to mention..." He stopped for a moment before he grabbed one of Terry's ankles and wrestled him over to put the fox's chest on the floor. Being spun along a cock like that made the fox clench tightly around the length and shiver all over. "Uuhhhh god that felt strange." Terry felt Fred's paws grab his hips and pulled him up on his knees before he was on all fours before the husky... Fred continued, "I still have another round in me."

Terry groaned as he felt the husky behind him starting to rock his hips... even though the knot was still in him, it gave Fred a little room to move which was more than enough for the two canines to enjoy another hard rut together. After the two finished, they pair walked out of the caves together. Terry had a little trouble walking and his chest was messy with his own release. Just as they made it through the falls, Terry spotted Arsen with an amused grin across his face. "Not one word out of you..." Arsen opened his muzzle as if he was going to say something. "NO! Not one word!!" Terry huffed and crossed his arms across his chest before the husky swept the fox off his hindpaws and jumped into the water with Terry flailing away. "NO!!!!" His cries were interrupted by a splash of water before the two surfaced near Arsen... "First I was raped by a machine, had sex twice with our tram driver... and now soaked." Fred perked up... "Raped by a machine? You could have said the safeword..." Terry gave Fred a really dirty look... "I didn't know the damned safeword." Fred looked surprised before he shook his head. "It's in the pamphlet we give each member before they come here. It's "Stop"." Terry sunk into the water feeling really foolish that the one word he should have used... he didn't. "Shoot me now..."

Fred had to take his leave as he was suppose to be on the clock. Arsen and Terry walked over to the private rooms before Terry offered to share his room with the Tiger so they could dry off and get ready to get some food together. "Was a fun day..." Terry said as he looked over at Arsen who was drying off in the shower's sonic dryer. "Was enlightening as well." Arsen said as he smoothed down his fur and moved out of the way for the vulpine to step in. "What did you do Reaper?" Terry asked as he took his turn in the dryer. "Learned about BDSM... had a cute bunny boy as a test subject." The fox smirked a bit and nodded. "Does sound like fun. I wonder what we'll do tomorrow..." He trailed off thinking about what he could do now that he was out of his shell. Arsen laughed softly to himself as he looked at the large bed for a moment before laying down. Terry walked out of the shower's dryer and laid down next to the large feline. "I think we can get some food after a short nap... what do you say?" Arsen was already stifling a yawn before he nodded. "I think we can do that." He said as he closed his eyes before feeling the fox snuggling in close. "Good... cause I'm wiped out. Thanks... for bringing me here." The tiger reached around the fox and gave him a firm snug to his side before he gruffed. "You were in the wrong time and wrong place... which was the right time and right place for me." The two chuckled for a moment before a soft sigh later, the relaxed and took a nap.

A Timelord's Beginnings: Terry's Adventure Part 5

Arsen arched his back and let out a long groan before he turned to his side towards Terry who was sitting up and looking over the Tiger's form. "Oh hello there." Terry said as his eyes locked onto the Timelord's opened eyes. Arsen smirked a bit as he...

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A Timelord's Beginnings: Terry's Adventure Part 3

The King sat down on his throne as his advisers came into the room. "The reason why I called the Mages was because I thought you all would have the knowledge and abilities to finish this beast off once and for all. All of our knights that we've sent...

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A Timelord's Beginnings: Terry's Adventure Part 2

Terry's eyes were wide as could be as he looked out towards a small village of buildings no higher than two to three stories and made out of stone with thatching roofs. But nothing prepared him for what he was about to see. Both Arsen and Terry walked...

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