A Timelord's Beginnings: Terry's Adventure Part 5

Story by Arsen on SoFurry

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Arsen catches a glimpse at another Timelord before Terry and the Tiger make their way to an underwater research facility.

Arsen arched his back and let out a long groan before he turned to his side towards Terry who was sitting up and looking over the Tiger's form. "Oh hello there." Terry said as his eyes locked onto the Timelord's opened eyes. Arsen smirked a bit as he looked at the fox. "See something you like?" He asked before the fox reached over and traced the broad ridge along the base of the Tiger's cock tip. "This just looks so different from the ones I'm used to... But anyways... shall we get something to eat?" He said before he playfully gave the cock tip a firm squeeze which had Arsen rumbling softly. "Yeah, I've noticed... I really do like how it's shaped to be honest but yeah... let's get some food." Arsen picked up his sonic screwdriver and together, they went out of the door towards the food court.

Terry sat down before he looked at the selection of food they had but he wanted something simple. He flipped through the menu that was imbedded in the table's place setting before finding an assortment of fruits. Arsen flipped through the menu as well before finding pastries. It wasn't long before a young grey wolf walked out with a tray of their selected food. Terry's mind was elsewhere as he watched the sway of the wolf's tail, the light bouncing of his orbs and the gentle shift from side to side of the wolf's full sheath. Arsen cleared his throat to snap Terry from his trance as the waiter wolf started to put the plates down. "There we go, hope you enjoy your meal. Please feel free to summon me if you need anything else." Terry's eyes fell back down to the wolf's sheath as he thought of how it would be to bent over the table at the mercy of the wolf until a piece of bread was slapped him against the side of the face.

Arsen smirked. "Oi... I think you're hungry for something else." Terry blushed heavily as the waiter looked down at the fox with a bit of a smirk. "It's ok..." The wolf said as he reached down and pulled his sheath down, letting his cock swing out. "This is probably what he was looking at." The fox's eyes grew wider before he nodded as he wolf let his sheath spring back up, engulfing his pride as he turned his back to Terry. "Do enjoy the food." He winked at the fox before he took his leave. Arsen found a nice sweet pastry before he started to dig in. "I swear... seems like you're a changed fox." Terry furrowed his eyebrows as he started to pick through his fruit plate, finding some sweet berries that enjoyed. "I lived my life in books and fantasy... and we are in a pleasure resort after all." He said in his defense before Arsen nodded a bit. "I know... it's doing you some good I imagine."

Arsen and Terry talked for a bit, exploring what kind of worlds that were in the books that Terry read and the Timelord would tell him how close they were from planets that actually existed. Terry talked about wanting to visit a place that was under water... to see the different sea creatures swim about before Arsen told him of a few places just like that and they decided that it would be their next stop. After they were done with their meal, the wolf came out and cleared the plates before Terry looked up to the lupine and blushed a bit. "So... when's your break?" Arsen laughed heartily before he stood up and prepared to leave the pair. "Well, I'm a little over due for a break... as are a few of us." Terry looked around to see who the wolf was referring to before the wolf walked over to the counter and put up a small sign that read. "Will be back an hour." Arsen just shook his head as he waved to Terry before the wolf took a hold of Terry's waving paw and escorted him off.

"I created a monster." Arsen laughed softly to himself as he flipped his sonic screwdriver around his paw and between his fingers while walking back towards the "Dark" area. Once the Tiger crossed the threshold, he felt a pair of burning eyes upon him. There was something familiar about this sensation before he walked down the padded halls. As his eyes adjusted to the dark, he saw a pair of glowing red eyes off into the distance before the being rushed off. Arsen felt a mixture of emotions, fear, intrigue, confusion and anger. He took off after the figure but stumbled across the bunny he met before in the class. He looked up at Arsen before he threw his paw up as if to protect himself before he saw the Tiger's white furred hindpaws. "Please... help me..." He whimpered as the Timelord reached down and picked up the bunny boy. "He... wouldn't stop... I couldn't hold him off." The rabbit sobbed into Arsen's shoulder as the Tiger squeezed the rabbit to let him know he was safe now. "What did he do to you?" Arsen tried to get more information while he flipped open his sonic screwdriver to scan the lapine. "He... held me down after I refused him... He was furious... and..." Mr. Ronson ran up to see Arsen holding his rabbit sub and offered to take the bunny into his arms before Arsen transferred him to the bear. "He said... no one refuses him.... and he... he..." Arsen continued his scanning before he finished the rabbit's statement... "Raped you..." The lapine nodded before he clutched the course fur of the bear's neck. Mr. Ronson spoke up... shaken himself from what just happened. "This place is suppose to be a safe haven... We'll send security after him. Did you get a good look at him Val?"

Val described someone as tall as Arsen with dark fur and red markings with lion features. "He pointed something at the cameras and they sparked..." Arsen's ears perked up as everything seemed to line up that it was another Timelord. He pointed his sonic screwdriver at one of the terminals on the wall and immediately brought up the security footage. There he was... plain as day, a large black lion as he held down the rabbit and forced his thick cock into the small bunny's hole before he soniced the security cams with a broad smile on his face. Mr. Ronson shouted out... "What the FUCK is security!? How could they let this happen!?" Two large panthers rushed up to the scene, hearing the bear's shouts. "Sir, We're doing everything we can but every time we lock down the section he's in, he opens the doors as if they were never locked." Arsen narrowed his eyes as he rushed off to see if he could find the beast. Security wasn't that far behind the Tiger as he found a series of burnt locks leading back into the entrance to the hangar.

The final door had claw marks across it as if it was a call sign. Arsen kicked the door open to see the beast's back. The red marks caught his attention as they almost glowed in the available light. "STOP!" Arsen yelled before the Lion turned around with a broad grin. "Stop? Is that the best you can come up with?" The voice boomed across the hangar before the Lion rested his back against a blank metal box with the Seal of Gallifrey on it with four red claw marks across it. "You can't just show up and have your way with people and leave!" Arsen shouted back as security was quickly approaching. "Look... We need to talk... You're the first Timelord I've seen outside of m'self." The beast looked up with a grin. "I can do what I want... when I want... The universe is our playground!" Arsen growled as he shook his head. "We have laws!" The Lion roared back. "NO! Gallifrey is gone! Who can stop us now? No one! Think about that." The security rushed passed Arsen before they took aim and fired a three pronged hook with lines leading back to the gun. Electricity crackled around them as they sailed towards the Lion. Suddenly, the hooks slammed into a forcefield that projected around the Tardis and the Lion before the beast opened the doors and walked inside. "We'll meet again Timelord... Count on it." He laughed as the Tardis doors closed and started to fade from view.

The panthers looked back to Arsen who stood there shocked about what just happened. "We better report back to central..." They said as they walked passed Arsen who walked back out into the main area. His mind linked back to the Tardis to see if he could get more information on the Lion before it reported back with just the general information about the Lion built from images of the cameras before they were soniced on the station. He had hoped that there was some way of tracking him down but there wasn't enough time. Arsen brought up the Tardis's sensors to locate Terry who was in one of the private rooms. Eager to leave the station to see if he could catch some trace of the Lion Timelord, he soniced the door lock and walked in on Terry and four wolves.

One of the grey wolves was on the floor with Terry riding his cock and in front of him was a black wolf who had both paws on either side of the fox's head as he fucked his face. The sounds of hard sucking and slurping filled the room along side of the groans and moans from the wolves. There were two more wolves, one white and the other, a tan colour that were getting handjobs from the rather worked up vulpine. Arsen slouched in the door frame as he waited for the group to finish. The one that was under Terry, brought in his hindpaws and splayed his thighs wide so he could thrust up roughly into the bouncing fox's ass. The wolf that had Terry's muzzle in his paws kept thrusting back and forth as he rolled the fox's head around. Terry's paws didn't seem to miss a beat as he worked the cocks in his paws like a pro until one after one, the pack of wolves came. The three that were standing, stood closer together as Terry nuzzled into the collected balls before him while they rubbed their still cumming cocks over his muzzle, ears and hair. The one below him jack hammered his ass until cum came running out of the fox's well used hole.

Terry was helped up to his feet as they all crowded into the shower to clean off and dry. Terry stumbled out last as he looked up at Arsen with a worn out grin across his face. "Did you enjoy yourself?" Arsen asked before Terry slumped against the Tiger and nodded. "Yeah... You?" Arsen looked at the wolf pack as they left the room before he spoke. "There was an incident... Involving another Timelord. He... had his way with someone and left." Terry's eyes opened wide. "Another Timelord? Did you catch him?" Arsen shook his head. "I have a feeling that it won't be the last time I see him... But he needs to be stopped." He said before Terry nodded, not sure of what to say to that before he looked up. "I guess... it's time to go then?" Arsen gruffed before looking at the door. Terry walked over to the door before the Tiger followed behind. "I could live here you know..." The fox laughed before he looked at the place one last time. Together they walked back to the Tardis before they heard someone panting behind them. Fred barreled over to Terry and gave him a tight hug. "Was a pleasure having you visit. Please don't be strangers." He said as Terry grabbed the husky's arms and squeezed them against his chest, knowing it would be the last time he saw him. "We... won't." Terry managed to say before the husky slipped Terry a small disc. "Memories." He said before he slowly slinked off and headed back to work.

The vulpine looked at the disc which had a small button on the top of it. With a press, it played back the steamy moments that Terry had, much to the fox's embarrassment. He quickly pressed the button again and held it to his chest as Arsen smiled and ushered the fox into the Tardis. Terry leaned back against the main doors after they closed and sighed heavily. Arsen looked to the fox before he gruffed again. "Come on... you wanted to see a place under a sea." Terry huffed as he walked up to the console before he smiled weakly. "I did, didn't I?" He laughed as Arsen put in the coordinates. His heart was heavy, his first time with a guy and being kissed would stick with him forever, not to mention group sex. Once the rotor spun up, he made his way back into his room and grabbed a pair of black shorts before putting his disc onto one of the shelves. As he took a minute to collect his thoughts, Arsen walked back into his own room and found a simple leather cod piece that was listed under fetish wear. He packed himself into the leather piece which had a hole big enough for him to pull his thick pride and balls through before a leather pouch fitted over it and snapped in place. He looked into the mirror as he thought to himself about the BDSM class and finally about what the Lion Timelord said... "Gallifrey IS gone... No one left to enforce the laws..." Arsen looked deeper into the mirror, directly into his eyes before he said... "Except us..." His breath fogged up the mirror before he grabbed a pair of lace up leather pants chaps. The outside of the legs were visible through a crisscross of leather string that barely kept the piece together. He found a four panel lace up leather shirt that exposed the middle of his chest and back as well as his sides and slipped that on before making his way back out of the room and into the console room.

Terry surfaced a few minutes later before he stopped dead in his tracks, looking at the Tiger's clothing. "Whoa... that looks interesting to say the least." He laughed as he rubbed the side of his muzzle... admiring the view and the bulge that the Tiger now had with the cod piece/pouch up front. "Think you'll get away with that in public?" Terry snickered before Arsen puffed his chest a bit and took it as a challenge. "I will! Think I won't?" Terry held up his paws and laughed. "Knowing you, you will!" Arsen grinned from ear to ear. "Good..." The Tardis's rotor started to spin down again before the chime rang. Terry walked up to the doors, followed by the Tiger before the doors swung open. Just as they made it out the doors, they heard foot steps surrounding them and saw staffs pointed at them. "HALT! Identify yourselves!" Terry froze as Arsen held his paws up. "We're just visitors, we mean you no harm." Two guards ran up to Terry and Arsen. They were dressed from head to toe in a thin bluish green material that looked as if they were stretched on. They had masks that covered their faces and armour across the shoulders and down the left side of the chest made of a white plastic-like substance. Terry held absolutely still as they were searched for weapons before one of them found Arsen's sonic screwdriver... "What's this?" The guard asked before Arsen pointed it to his Tardis and put on a little show for them. "It's a remote for m'ship." The doors closed behind them before a soft chirp was heard. Satisfied the guards returned to their positions.

"We normally don't get visitors." Said one of the guards that had blue marks on the shoulder armor before the guard took off its mask. It was a mature orange female tiger. She took down the stretchy material that covered from her forehead, down to around her neck before she looked at Arsen a little more closely. "So you'll have to forgive our welcoming committee." She lifted an eyebrow as she walked around the Timelord before she stood in front of him. "Names?" She asked as she crossed her arms across her chest. "I'm known as Reaper and this here is my companion Terry." Terry looked at the female tiger curiously as she eyed Arsen. "Reaper... Interesting name. I'm Renna, Commander of this Research Facility, Deep 6." Terry perked up and looked around the dome shape of the room they were in before he spoke. "Six? So you mean there are others?"

Renna looked at the fox directly for the first time before she nodded. "Yes. We've explored space more than we've explored our own oceans here on Debaris. There is so much life and history here ." She said as she waved her paw and dismissed the security crew. "Are you a scientist? No... you can't be, not dressed like that..." She said as she noticed that the fox was wearing just a pair of shorts. "You must be part of the "Weekend Explorers" as we call them." She smirked as she started a tour of the facility. "We have the observation domes here. Domes 1 through 4." The trio walked down the central corridor which linked the entire station together. "Over here are the living quarters. Each pod is meant to house four people so, don't be shocked if you're bunking with a stranger or two. The showers are communal." Arsen looked around at the structure itself, admiring the work with the time period they were in while Terry was listening intently to Renna. "Over here is a small work out area, beyond the double doors is a large spa." Renna smirked as she looked back at Arsen after mentioning the spa before she looked forward and pointed out two sets of rooms. "Command is to the right, security is right across from that... and finally..." She walked backwards towards a large room behind her. "Our pride and joy!"

Renna hit a button on the wall which opened up a series of shutter doors. Behind her was a massive dome that held the water at bay while keeping the ground dry beneath her booted feet. "This is remnants of a old civilization here on Debaris. Access is restricted and you must be accompanied by one of the scientists at all times. We're doing our best to catalog everything we find here and restoring artifacts. So please... be careful here." Terry looked up through the dome and saw a massive sea creature swim by before he bounced up and down. "Look! Look at that!" Renna spun on her heels before she looked up and grinned. "Ahhhhh... that's one of the largest fish we have here on Debaris... if you listen carefully... you can hear it sing." Terry stood absolutely still and perked his ears up before a soft high pitch sound was heard. It had a eerie sound to it which made the fur on the back of Terry's neck stand up. "If you sit in one of the observation domes, you can pick up the sound of other songfish singing back to it. It can be very pretty at times."

Terry smiled before he tugged on Arsen's tail. "Can I go back to the observation room? Pleeeeeeeeease?" Renna laughed softly before she pointed down the long corridor. "Go right on ahead. We'll catch up with you at dinner which will be in about two hours." Arsen looked at Renna as she got the Tiger alone. "Been a while since I've seen someone of my species again." She laughed as she flicked her tail across Arsen's chest as she walked out of the excavation room. "Follow me." She said as the two made it down the hall in time to see Terry trotting down to the observation domes. "Well I wouldn't necessarily say I'm your species." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "If you're not... then you're close enough for me." Renna's gait became more feminine on the walk back through the main corridor as Arsen watched her curiously from behind... his eyes scanned her from head to booted hindpaws before it struck him that she was plantigrade. He was reminded of the humans but as she looked back at him... she smiled coyly. "So tell me... Your clothing, haven't seen anything like that before. Does it mean anything?" Arsen's eyes snapped back up to her eyes before he laughed for a moment. "Well, it's fetish-wear as it were and I was basically dared that I wouldn't wear it out in public." Arsen responded as he stroked the back of his ears. "Doesn't look like our idea of fetish-wear, as you put it, but different colonies have different tastes I suppose. I do like your... pouch up front. I can only imagine the contents with how well you fill it out."

Arsen grinned as watched Renna stop and turn around. He looked her over once more and noticed the stretchy material over her chest had somewhat of the same effect, showing off in detail what was underneath. "Well your clothing would be considered fetish-wear on quite a number of places I've been." Renna turned towards the doors that lead into the workout room before she reached up and pulled the neck of her outfit open, stretching it easily over her shoulders and down to her waist after pulling each arm free. Her upper body was exposed quite simply as that as she looked back over her shoulder to Arsen. "Well, I'm going to take a soak in the hot tub in the back, you're welcome to follow me." The Timelord shook his head. "I'm going to hit the showers if you don't mind." Renna stopped for a moment before she frowned. She didn't let her disappointment show before she lift her paw up and waved. "Enjoy your shower then, we'll meet up again... I'm sure." Arsen felt that he definitely let her down but he already had too much on his mind to indulge himself.

The Tiger walked down the hall to get to the living quarters before he read the signs on the right side of the doors. Most of them had names filling up the four slots along each door until he got down towards the end with a few doors with only one or two names of them. Arsen pressed his finger on one of the signs, almost expecting a display to pop up but found that there was slat that slid out. He looked around to find a pen resting on top of the door's seal. He bit the cap of the pen before he tugged the pen free and wrote "Reaper" on the slat before slipping it back into the frame, recapping the pen and placed that on top of the door's seal. Arsen walked towards the door before he realized it didn't open for him. "They are that way to save power." A young male voice said behind him. "Oh! I guess that would make sense." Arsen said with a bit of a laugh as he pressed his paws on either side of the door and pushed both at the same time to see which would give before the door swung open. "There you go." The male said as he walked passed the Tiger. The figure took off his mask and placed it on the top rack of one of the beds before he peeled himself completely out of his armor, boots and finally his stretchy suit. He took a moment to shake his head before he ran his paw through the white fur of his mane. "Ugh... I fucking hate these uniforms. Could... could you do me a favor." The young white lion backed up towards the Tiger and pointed at a spot on his back with his tail... "Scratch that for me? It's been itching all fucking day."

Arsen couldn't help but chuckle at that before he unsheathed his claws and gently worked out the itch for the white lion. "Oooooo gods bless you my friend. Just a little higher... to the right." Arsen followed the lion's instructions as he couldn't help but enjoy the sensation of his soft white fur against his fingertips, the warmth of his body underneath the pelt... "Those uniforms must be uncomfortable and hot." Arsen said the feline before him started to comb his claws back through his mane before he looked back and laughed. "You civies have no idea. I'd rather walk around naked than have to deal with those. Thanks friend." The lion turned around, stark naked before he reached his arm out in greeting. "I'm Trellis!" Arsen reached out to grab Trellis's paw but Trellis grabbed the Tiger's forearm instead which Arsen quickly copied. "I'm Reaper..." Arsen said with a bit of a smirk. "That's rather a unique name... Like the old stories?" Arsen nodded as they let go of each others arm. "Yeah like in the old stories..." Trellis laughed and gave the Tiger a once over... "Well, I'm going to head into the showers... If you know what's good for you, you'll take one now before the next shift gets off. You'll be lucky to get a head there." Arsen blinked for a moment "Get... head?" Trellis held his paws up and laughed. "Nono... Shower head! As in the thing that sprays you with water?" Arsen couldn't help but to laugh as well before he started to unlace his shirt as Trellis put away his armor and shoved the uniform into a small bin by the door while he kept an eye on the Tiger's chest as more and more of the pattern was revealed.

"That's some amazing work there." Trellis chimed up as Arsen popped the pouch of his codpiece and freed himself. The lion's eyes fell to the Tiger's pride before Arsen bent forward to take off his pants. "Well... I'll meet you in there then... I'll return the favor." Arsen looked back to the door as it shut behind him. "Return the favor?" He thought to himself before he strolled down the hallway into the shower room. It was blue and black tiles that lined the walls, floors and ceiling with large shower heads jutting from the wall. The dials were digital and there were a few button presets on them with different degrees of hot marked very clearly on them. Trellis was in the middle of the long wall and already had soaked himself down. Arsen walked towards the shower head next to Trellis before he took a moment to find the right temperature. Trellis's head only came up Arsen's shoulder, ears and all, with the water jetting down on him, he had a strong athletic build which seemed to fit the lion. He too was plantigrade like Renna which Arsen did find a little odd but he didn't let it bother him in the slightest. After the two exchanged glances at each other, Arsen couldn't help but laugh and turned to face the lion fully. "Ok... get it out of your system."

Trellis smirked before he turned to face Arsen as well. "Yeah, you too." He said before he grabbed a small hose from the wall and pointed it directly at Arsen's chest and a stream of suds splattered against the striped pelt. "You little..." Arsen smirked as he grabbed the same hose on his shower set up and pointed it down over Trellis's head before he pressed the button and a jet of suds covered the lion's head, covering his face, his chest and front until he was almost indistinguishable from the suds and his white fur. "Nooo!" He shouted before he felt arms wrap around him and then the sense of falling before landing on something more forgiving than then floor. "OOOF!" Trellis shouted before the two wrestled on the tiled floor. "You big cheat!" The young lion's paws came out of the foamy mess before one grabbed the top of Arsen's muzzle and the other pressed against the Tiger's chest. Arsen's strong arms held the squirming feline as they rolled around on the floor, slipping across each other before the heap of suds pounced and Arsen's ear was subdued by the lion's mouth. "Ah ha!" He snarled playfully before Arsen twisted around and landed directly on top of the smaller feline. "Ah HA!" Arsen said louder before the pair heard laughter coming from the door.

Renna was leaning up against the back wall, watching the two at play but only Arsen was able to see as poor Trellis's face was covered with soap. "Who is it?" Arsen lifted his chest off of Trellis before the lion crawled on top of Arsen's back and tried to get the bigger beast into a headlock however he couldn't get his arms in the right position as Arsen said... "Renna". Trellis immediately stood up but did so in such a way that his momemtum was a little too much for the sudsy floor he was standing on. He managed to salute but was already falling down. "Ma'am!" He shouted before Arsen slid under the falling mass of soap and fur, letting him land on his chest. "Sorry... this was m'fault. "Arsen said before Renna walked up to the two, laughing. "I can see why you opted to shower instead... if I knew you were going to be this energetic... I would have given you both a run for your money." Trellis blushed heavily as the two were caught having a bit of fun but nothing made it worse than when Renna pointed the shower heads towards the two male felines, rinsing them off to see them both standing... rather proudly at attention as it were. "Well look at you two..." Renna said with a chuckle in her voice. Trellis didn't have to look at himself as he already knew what was going on downstairs for him but he did glance at Arsen's pride which was throbbing there in all its shealthless glory from their little bout of wrestling.

Both of them slowly got up... Arsen was unashamed of himself but it was obvious that Trellis wasn't expecting anyone else to come in. "Sorry Commander... Don't know what came over you." Renna shook her head before she stepped into the water of her shower head and soaked her naked form. "Don't worry so much Trellis... It's nice to know that our guest here is having fun." She gave Arsen a wink. "Even if it was without me." Arsen waited until Renna put her head under the water before he reached over and grabbed the hose, once Trellis saw what the Tiger was up to, he held his paws up and shook his head to warn him before it was too late... Renna was blasted with the suds. "Oh that's it..." The Commander grabbed her hose and sprayed it blindly across Arsen's chest and along Trellis's face before the lion gruffed. "Why the face?!" Arsen turned around to see Trellis was trying to find the water again before he felt something grab his tail... he pulled it in tight before felt the Commander press up against his back. "Got you now!" She yelled before Arsen wrapped a paw around Trellis's arm and pulled him in as well. "What the!? Hey!" He laughed before down went Trellis, followed by Arsen and then the Commander laying flat on the Tiger's back. The trio enjoyed grinding against each other and general groping in the guise of blind fun. Trellis had at one time had the Tiger on top of his back and felt the thickness and heat of Arsen's cock pressing hard between his rump cheeks. Renna got more than a good grope in as her paw graced the Tiger's cock more than once as she was pinned at one time on her back with both of Arsen's paws on her tits. She could have sworn that his lips were on a nipple at one time or another.

The three calmed down enough to manage to finish their shower without resorting into any further horseplay. "I haven't had this much fun since Officer's School." Renna said as she laughed to herself. Trellis perked up a bit, "Oh? You got into trouble in Officer School Commander?" Arsen laughed at the question before he stood out in the middle of the room and shook off before a towel was thrown over his head. "Use that... it's better than air drying." Renna said before she looked back to Trellis... "Of course I did... Just don't tell everyone else... they wouldn't respect me in the morning." She smirked before Trellis grabbed his own towel and dried himself off. "Oh I don't know... maybe they would respect you more if you weren't all bristlebritches all the time." He said with a playful tone before he heard a snap and then a sharp pain in his right butt cheek. "Hey!" He shouted before Renna shrugged and looked at the wall. "Maybe... but sometimes it's best to be a hardass... People can depend on you for making the hard decisions." Trellis looked down before he wrapped the towel around his waist, his voice mellowing out. "Like the great flood..." He said before Renna sighed heavily. "Yes... the great flood is a good example."

Arsen looked between them before he wrapped his towel around his waist and asked, "The great flood?" Renna was reluctant to relive the accounts before Trellis spoke up. "While in the excavation dome, one of the scientists was careless and thought he was far enough way from the dome before firing up a one of the sonic drills. The dome cracked and started to flood the room faster than we could react. We had to shut the room with the scientist crew inside. We worked as fast as we could, getting a team mobilized to repair it from the outside but..." Trellis trailed off a bit before Renna finished. "The room depressurized which led to a horrible end for the crew. The dome now has a liquid layer between the two duraglass domes... it's almost self repairing as if the liquid touches the air on the inside, it solidifies to make a temporary barrier so we can fix it without worrying about depressurization."

The three made it out into the hallway before the next wave of people poured from in from the main corridor. "Ah, we made it out in time for the rush... I'm going to head off and get some sleep before the next shift. Take care Reaper, Trellis." Trellis stood at attention and saluted before Renna returned the salute, dressed only in a towel as she headed off for the night. "Sleep sounds like a good idea... You coming Reaper?" Trellis asked before Arsen nodded. "I don't see why not..." With that, the pair walked back into the room to rest. Arsen took the bottom bunk and stretched out while Trellis took to his top bunk. "See you in a few." Trellis said as he hung his head upside from the bunk to wave at the Tiger. Arsen waved his paw before he turned to face the back wall and closed his eyes. "Yep... that you shall." He said with a bit of a yawn.

A Timelord's Beginnings: Terry's Adventure Part 6

Terry spent hours in the observation dome as he watched different creatures swim by the dome. He enjoyed the singing of the songfish which were amplified by the dome's speakers. At times, the little fox would pad up to the duraglass dome to try and...

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A Timelord's Beginnings: Terry's Adventure Part 4

Arsen stumbled out of bed with a big yawn before he smoothed his fur down and headed to the bathroom where he took his time cleaning himself from ear to toe. The line of jets down the full length of the wall made sure that every last inch of the Tiger...

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A Timelord's Beginnings: Terry's Adventure Part 3

The King sat down on his throne as his advisers came into the room. "The reason why I called the Mages was because I thought you all would have the knowledge and abilities to finish this beast off once and for all. All of our knights that we've sent...

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