Rough Day

Story by coke on SoFurry

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Well, I've had this in my brain for a while but thought it might do a little good here in written form. Go easy on me, it's my first time and I know my writing style leaves something to be desired but any comments or constructive criticism is welcomed.

It was another hard day at the office, a full day of ID-10T and P.E.B.K.A.C. errors. I climb out of the truck and trudge towards the apartment. I open the door and walk inside; there he is lying on the couch as usual. I hear his rough voice as I close the door, "hard day babe?"

"Just the normal," I respond.

Even after three years it's still hard to get used to. Imagine my surprise when that breeder called me up asking if I wanted one of the puppies out of his latest litter. Said he had five black labs ready for a good home. I told him I'd take one of the males. He brought him over on a Saturday afternoon in the middle of spring. He was wrapped in a blanket like you would a newborn baby. I guess that should have been my first clue that he, Drake as I would come to call him, was different. A little black paw like hand reached out as he started to whimper, I took a quick glance at the scientist who was looking back at me as if everything was normal. Yeah normal, boy did I have my work cut out for me. Between working and trying to raise a creature that grew and matured at a rate of seven times that of a human, don't forget learning that fast as well it's amazing he turned out as well as he did.

Fast forward to the present day, lying on my couch is the most beautiful specimen I've ever seen; short black hair covering all of his body except for a white diamond on his chest, beautiful large brown eyes stare at me over a long black muzzle. At first as he grew up he took to wearing some of my old boxers and some of my other clothes, modified of course to accommodate his tail and unusually shaped legs and feet. Now that he's not growing as fast we go out and buy him his own clothes and have them tailored to fit.

That's how I found him now, Remote in hand laying sprawled out on the couch watching something on TV in nothing but his boxers. Most of his days were like that. Not being able to go outside during the day without me in the city (leash laws are such crap sometimes) he stays at home watching TV, learning what he can about the outside world through that little box or on the internet attending his online college courses waiting on me to come home or for the weekend when we can both get out of the house (he wears the leash as a bracelet allowing us to walk hand in hand and him not feel like he's my pet). I've tried several times to get the city to let him free during the day but all they see is a dog that walks on two legs, not the sentient being that shares the same feelings as you and I or that is in fact smarter than most people I know and deal with at work. He doesn't mind too much, he keeps the house cleaned and usually had dinner waiting on me, like any stay at home spouse would.

I slowly set down my bag while looking at him, his attention turning back to the TV, or so I thought. I turned to put my coat on the coat stand and that's when he pounced. Silent and quick he bounded across the living room floor to the front door wrapping his huge arms and paws around my body. I could feel hot breath steaming out of his muzzle onto the back of my neck as he slowly licked at it and up to my right ear.

"Let me help" he said in a low whisper as he rubbed his right hand across my chest, digging his claws in ever so slightly as his left undid my belt and made its way inside my pants. He wraps his hand around my quickly hardening member.

"Guess it was pretty hard," squeezing my cock. I lean back into his well-muscled chest as he continues working his hands across my front and nuzzling my neck relishing the feel of his strong body supporting me. I reach back and feel his well-defined ass through his boxers lavishing the feel of his tail as it swishes back and forth across the top of my hands.

He begins to work my shirt up over my head and finishes undoing my pants and letting them hit the floor. Stepping out of my clothes he quickly turns me around and our mouths meet; his lipless mouth opening slightly to allow my tongue to explore the inside of his muzzle. His hands rub up and down my spine as electricity courses through our bodies. Reluctantly he breaks our kiss and starts to lick at my jaw and neck. Slowly he slides down my torso playfully biting at each of my nipples in turn, never fully separating our bodies as he continues his trek downwards. The feeling of his fur brushing against my sensitive parts was excruciatingly pleasant as he ever so slowly kissed and licked his way down to my now fully hard, throbbing erection. He slowly licks up the shaft allowing his sandpaper like tongue to wrap around the entire thing. Slowly he works his way back down, taking my shaft into his mouth until his nose is nestled firmly in my pubes. Working back and forth, occasionally stopping to lick and wrap his tongue around it he brings me closer and closer to my climax always stopping just shy of it to let me cool down.

After the second time of him doing that I realize this isn't how he wants it and just as I suspected he abandon's my cock and begins to work his way back up my body until he's back looking at me in the eyes as he slowly works boxers off and lets them drop to the floor. He then begins to grind his crotch against me exciting me that much more, but I know that's not his plan either. I feel one of his hands leave my back and reach into his jacket hanging beside us. I see it disappear behind him for a second then return to his jacket pocket. I know what he wants at this point but figure I'll play along with his little 'game'. He grinds against me a few more times before slowly turning himself around and presenting his tight back and firm ass to me. He moves his tail over to one side and I see his hole lubed and waiting for me. I slowly work my hands down his back and around his waist as I move in closer to him. Leaving one hand around his waist I slowly guide my cock into him using my free hand. As I feel the head of my cock slip into his sphincter I place both hands on his hips and slowly pull him into me, relishing in the heat that washes over me. As I bottom out in him he leans back contorting his head and neck just enough to kiss me one more time.

"Fuck me." He says. Not wanting to disappoint I begin to work myself in and out of his hole, slowly building a rhythm and then quickening the pace. He knows I won't last long after the workout he gave my cock earlier but he likes it hard none the less. As my climax starts to build I pull him into me and start taking short strokes as I reach around in front of him and grab his sheathed sword. I slowly begin to stroke him as I pound into him. Not wanting to get him fully hard just yet I let go of him and turn my attention back to myself. As I feel the pressure surge through my body I grab hold of his hips and yank him into me.

"I'm cumming!" I moan as he's pressed up against my body. I reach up and rub his chest as I unload inside him. Coming down from my orgasm I slowly pull out. He turns around and wraps those paws around my waist, "feel any better?"

"Not yet," I reply as I lean in for another kiss.

I slowly work my way down his body. I don't stop to kiss his body like he did mine, but I do keep my face buried in his fur as I go down loving every smell and sensation as I do so. As I get to his sheath I slip my tongue into the opening and begin to massage his balls. I stroke his sheath with my hands. Soon I'm rewarded for my work as his red glistening cock worms its way out of his sheath. I take him into my mouth and work my way up and down his shaft as much like he does mine as I can. After a few minutes I abandon his cock and stand up wrapping my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist.

I kiss him and whisper into his perked up ears. He places a large hand on each of my ass cheeks and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist. He slowly carries me into the bedroom and lays me down on the bed. Lying there on my back he raises my legs up and spreads them. Starting at the bottoms of me feet he licks his way down my leg to my crotch. He licks my cock and under my balls, slowly working his way down to my waiting hole. He buries his muzzle into the crack of my ass and I feel that sandpaper like tongue wash over my hole. He then proceeds to eat me out for a while and rolling his tongue into a tube as he sticks it into me to slowly loosen me up for what's to come. He then lubes me up a little with the bottle from the headboard and I know I should probably hang on to something before the beast inside him is fully let lose. He works his muzzle back up to my neck and as he begins to nuzzle me there he thrusts into my with his animalistic and instinctual might. I'm now his and he knows it. Thrust after thrust he works his cock into me, I can feel it swelling and the beginnings of his knot forming at the entrance to my insides. I don't always let him tie with me because it tends to be a little painful but I decide to let him this time. After some grim determination on my part I feel his swelling knot work its way inside me. I squeeze after it does so he can't pull it back out. It grows bigger and bigger inside me and I feel his juices being pumped into me. He's panting, slight dribbles of saliva working their way down my neck. He rolls us over to where I'm lying on top of him. Slowly I sit up, feeling his cock slide around inside me. I spin around to where I'm sitting on his lap facing him, his cock buried deep inside me. I guess if he was a normal dog that would be the equivalent to him turning so we're butt to butt. I sit up on him for a few minutes watching him basking in his climax as he fills my insides with his puppy making seed. He smiles up at me and I know he thoroughly enjoys this time we spend together. After a little while I feel his knot begin to subside but it's not ready to come out yet, there's still at least another thirty minutes or so that we'll be tied together. He's now small enough though that I can move without hurting one, mainly me, or both of us. I slowly bend down, working my way to where I'm lying on his chest, and listen to his breathing and heartbeat. Somewhere in the midst of that I fall soundly asleep in my lover's arms and instead of waking me or moving me he just holds me there, still as could be, even when his cock slips out of me and cum rushes everywhere. After another few minutes I begin to stir and he slowly coaxes me awake.

"How do you feel now babe?" he asks.

"Much better...I love you." I reply.

"I love you too."