The Silver Renomon Series Chapter 8

Story by wolf421 on SoFurry

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#11 of The Silver Renomon Series

Ok, here's chapter 8 in the series. As y'all know this is a work of fan fiction, I don't own or have any rights to the characters (Digimon) the t.v. series or movies etc. But the character names and most notably (Silver Renomon is my creation and may not be used without my permission) are copywrited by me. This is a story for adults, and not recommended for reading by those under 18 you have been warned. The last thing I need is some parent bringing a law suit for the (supposed problems) this story caused their kid.

And as usual this story involves adult situations, mature concepts and most assuredly sex and sexual situations, violence, cussing, cub... And some very descriptive story telling which may warp your mind, condemn your soul and cause excessive use of tissue for eye's and other body functions. Lol. :)

Oh and I have changed somethings that just didn't seem right, just a small change from the tv series and books in this chapter. (BTW: I'm not a purest so don't flame me for it. I've added a new digivolution method in this chapter for digimon. The way I see it a digimon may digivolve if they get mad enough.) Nuff said on to the story.

The Silver Renomon Series

Chapter 8

By Wolf421 & Lady Shandi

Meanwhile at Hypnos Command Center, Colorado Springs.

Chief St. John sat at his desk waiting for the vid-phone to connect with it's counterpart which was sitting on a small table in the oval office of the President of the United States. Of course since the last months breech of the firewall all encryption codes had been changed and changed again, nothing was left to chance. Finally the light on the vid-phone changed from red to green and the holographic screen came to life just above the chiefs desk.

"Madam President, Sorry to disturb you from the conference, But this couldn't wait till later." Said Chief St. John before she could say anything, his tone urgent.

"This better be good and not just another security brief about digimon invasion plans." The president said as she took a drink of coffee looking at him to continue.

"Unfortunately that's what this is about Madam President. We have a very serious problem. After review of the security logs from last months breech we have found that our original estimates were not even close to the actual number of digimon that got through."Said Chief St. John.

"So how many are we looking at? A few hundred more than your people thought?" Asked the President.

"I only wish it was that low, the numbers we are looking at are not in the hundreds but in the thousands. The logs show that Blake was bringing over three hundred digimon here a month for almost the last five years without our knowing about it. We're looking at roughly twenty thousand unregistered digimon somewhere in the world." Chief St. John replied.

The President sat her cup down and looked past the camera before speaking.

"Ted cancel the rest of my speech at the conference and get the joint Chiefs here now!" She said to an aide before turning back to the camera. "Chief St. John, can Hypnos handle the capture and containment of that many digimon at once?" Asked the President of the United States.

"No, we don't have the manpower nor the space to confine that many. The real problem is that we don't know where these digimon are at, or even if they are in this country." Replied chief St. John.

An aide stepped into the picture and leaned down and whispered something to the president.

"Chief St. John, the joint chiefs of staff will be here in thirty minutes, we'll continue this briefing then." Said the president before turning off the vid-phone not giving him a chance to say anymore.

Dropping the report on his desk Chief St. John looked up in time to see Drake standing outside the office door just about to knock and the waves for him to come on in.

"What is it now, Drake?" Asked the Chief.

"Stevens, just returned from C&C unit #2 with a viximon and is down in room 4 showing the viximon pictures of people. Like he is hoping that viximon is going to be able to identify who killed agent Thackry last month." Said Drake.

"Good, hope she does and Drake I have you in command because your the best at what you do with the computer systems, just like agent Stevens is out in the field with digimon. And if he tells me that a viximon saw agent Thackry's killer then I'm going to believe him. Anything else?" Replied the Chief, his voice colored by the tension he's under.

"Sorry chief, just thought you would want to know. And heres that report from the investigator from J.A.S.F. On everything they found in Blake's apartment and office." Drake said as he placed the report on the Chief's desk.

"Thanks, I'll need to read it before I brief the President and the joint chiefs in 30 minutes. And Drake, sorry didn't mean to pop off on you like that, just all the pressure getting to me. The Chief said as he picked up the report.

"Think nothing of it Chief, we all here know how it is. Everyones been pulling 60 hour weeks since this all started last month. And as soon as it's over I'm taking some of my vacation time you might think about taking one too. Anything else Chief? Asked Drake.

Looking up at the clock on the wall.

"Yeah, go tell Stevens if he finds out anything that I'm the first to know even if he has to interrupt my conference. I'll be in the conference room." Said the Chief picking up the other reports he would need to reference.

"I'll get you a fresh pot of coffee brought to the conference room, and then tell Stevens." Replied Drake as he opened the office door and walked out followed closely by the chief.

In room number 4..

The room has a long table in it and a couple of chairs. And painted a puke green which is said to keep most digimon calm.

"Alex, please tell Kassy here that I'm going to let her out of the cage if she promises not to attack me or try to escape." Said agent Stevens as he pulled the key to the cage from his pants pocket.

"You find mommy, I find bad man that hurt daddy." Said Kassy from the cage, startling agent Stevens, but bringing a smile to his face.

"So you can talk after all, that makes things easier." Said Stevens as he unlocked the cage and let Kassy out.

"I knew she could, it was just getting her to talk that was the hard part." Said Alex as he hoped up on the table, and is joined by Kassy after the cage is opened.

"Before we start, I'm going to get some food and water brought for our guest." Said agent Stevens as he picked up the phone and ordered some from the mess hall.

Minutes later the food is brought in by a guard.

Agent Stevens takes the tray from the guard and setting it on the table, uncovers the plate looks at what the mess hall sent.

"Not exactly what I was expecting but it will do." Agent Stevens said as he placed the plate in front of Kassy.

Agent Stevens and Alex watch as Kassy dives for the food and eats with vigor. As she eats Stevens places pictures of people and digimon on the other end of the table.

A short few minutes later Kassy is stuffed and waddles over to the end of the table that Stevens has placed all the pictures on.

"Kassy, what I want you to do is to look at each of the pictures and tell me which ones you know. Think you can do that? Asked agent Stevens.

Kassy nods and then starts looking at each picture. She studies each picture carefully until she sees one that she knows.

"Daddy and Mommy!" Kassy exclaims as she points to one of the pictures.

"Thats it, she's identified Agent Thackry as her father and Kithira as her dam. Can you point out any others you know Kassy." Asked Alex.

Picking up the picture of agent Thackry and Kithira and holding it up to the video camera.

"The viximon called Kassy has positively identified agent Thackry as her father and Kithira as her mother for the record." Said agent Stevens.

Minutes pass as Kassy looks over the remaining pictures, slowly she pushes each away that she doesn't know. Stopping at one picture a low growl escapes from her before speaking.

"This one with the man that hurt daddy, it followed the mons orders." She says as she shoves it towards Stevens.

Again holding the picture up to the video camera.

"A daemon, virus type identified as being at the scene possible partner of agent Thackry's killer." Said Stevens and then places it with the picture of agent Thackry and Kithira.

Kassy looks through the rest of the pictures before looking up at Stevens and Alex.

"Man not here, none of these look like the one that hurt daddy." Kassy said.

Pulling a picture from his pocket Stevens sets it in front of Kassy.

"How about this one?" He asks her.

Looking at the picture Kassy starts shaking with rage and starts glowing. As she starts remembering that day in the village.

Her memory..

"They are running, explosions all around, other digimon are running trying to escape the constant onslaught of nova blasts. Daddy is holding her and speaking as he is running. The sound of the nova blasts and digimon screaming makes it hard to hear him.

"We'll find mommy and get away, and everything will be ok." Daddy's voice scarred but firm.

Suddenly she's flying through the air and lands in a heap. Looking up she sees her daddy some thirty feet away laying face down on the path. And watches as he struggles to his feet, looking all around for signs of Kassy. A shape comes out of the clouds of smoke another man with a floating digimon by his side. She starts to scream for daddy but it's to late as the floating digimon shouts "Chaos Flare" the attack hits him in the back knocking him to the ground. Daddy screams in pain as he tries to get up.

The floating digimon pushes the man forward toward daddy.

"Finish Him my pet and you'll be rewarded beyond belief."

Daddy raises his head to look at his attackers.

"Blake! You sick bastard, I should have known you were behind this!" Daryl Thackry says through gritted teeth.

"What did you except after you had me thrown out of Hypnos. A card saying I forgive you for ruining the best thing that ever happened in my life! You stood against me ten years ago now it's time to pay for what you did then." He said as he drew out a long shinny stick, and with a scream jumped onto daddy's back and began stabbing him with it. Daddy screams repeatedly as the shinny stick enters his back until he stops moving. The man stands over daddy and licks the blood off the stick.

"Well done my pet, now lets find that troublesome Reamon partner of his and I'll load her data. And then the last of these tamers and their digimon will be out of our way." Said the floating digimon.

"Yes, master, I always love to watch you destroy another digimon." Said the man as they walked away into the clouds of smoke.

Minutes pass before she moves to where her Daddy is laying, and lays down next to him.

Back in room number 4.

"Shit! She's going to digivolve." Alex says as he back flips off the table, agent Stevens backs away as the flash of white light fills the room. And as it fades a renamon is standing there.

Alarms sound as the power surge of the digivolution is picked up by the buildings internal sensors. In moments guards rush into the room weapons drawn.

"Hold it, lower your weapons and leave the room!" Agent Stevens Shouts to the guards as he places himself between the guards and Kassy.

"Sir, are you alright? Asked the guard in charge.

"I'm standing here breathing and my clothes aren't torn to shreds, so what do you think? Your interrupting my questioning of a guest of Hypnos, Now get out!" Said Stevens more than pissed.

"Yeah, leave and we won't have to turn her lose on you." Said Alex looking at the guards.

The lead guard hand signals the others out of the room.

"Ok, if you say so sir's. I'll be outside the door if needed." As he backs out the door and pulls it shut behind him.

Holding the picture up to the camera.

"We now have a positive match that Anton Blake was agent Thackry's killer, along with an unknown daemon that was present at the time." Said agent Stevens before turning back to face Kassy.

"I want to hurt him, like he hurt my daddy." Said Kassy in that no nonsense renamon voice that didn't take no for an answer as she jumped off the table.

"I wish we could, but the truth is we don't know where he is, if we knew that he would be in a cage like you were less than a hour ago." Alex said.

"Kassy, before you going running off to try and find Blake, how about we first try to find your mother Kithira. We know shes here in this world we just don't know where." Said Agent Stevens.

"I thought we were supposed to report to the chief before we do anything else." Said Alex.

"Yes, find my dam first." Kassy replied.

"Good point, lets report to the chief, and then we can figure out how to find Kithira afterwards." Stevens said as he headed for the phone by the door, and picked up the handset and dialed the chiefs office.

On the phone.

"Chief St. John's office." Answered Drake.

"Drake? Why are you in the chiefs office?" Asked Stevens.

"Oh, hey Stevens. Just watching the office and playing answering service for the chief again. If it's about the viximon the chief said for you to report to him in the conference room." Said Drake.

"Ok, is he talking to anyone I should be worried about offending?" Asked agent Stevens.

"Oh, naw, just the president and the joint chiefs." Said Drake as he hung up the phone laughing.

Agent Stevens looks at the phone a second before realizing that Drake hung up on him and was laughing.

"What's with the perplexed look on your face?" Asked Alex

"I can't believe that little shit Drake just hung up on me and was laughing about it." Replied Stevens as he hung the handset up.

"So now what?" Asked Alex.

"We go to the conference room and brief the chief and the president, and try not to piss anyone off, of course." Said Stevens as he knocked on the door for the guard.

The guard opens the door.

"Can I help you, Sir?" Asked the guard.

"Yes, escort us to the conference room. Alex, Kassy follow me." Said agent Stevens as he exited the room.

"Yes, Sir!" The guard fell in after they had exited the room.

Meanwhile in Eastern Idaho highway 90 state line.

"Ether I'm going color blind or the interior of this truck is starting to look good." Said Deb as she looked at the window.

"Well I could always pull over and you can switch out with Dax and ride back in the camper for awhile." Replied Devon as he changed lanes.

"And that would be a no thanks, it's way to crowded back there with our digimon and our gear." Said Deb in a are you out of your mind voice.

"Then don't complain about my truck, it's not like I had much of a choice buying it. Plus the price was right down my alley." Said Devon.

"Hello Montana." Said Lisa as they crossed the state line into Montana.

"How long do you think it will take us to get to Denver?" Asked Devon.

"Two days maybe three if this truck lasts that long." Said Lisa, smiling at her son.

"Oh, come on not you to mom. It's a lot better than what you all showed up at the cabin with if I remember right." Devon replied sticking out his tongue.

"We'll be at Billings by tonight if we can keep the pace, but before then I would suggest we swap out on drivers. Don't need one of us falling asleep behind the wheel." Said Deb.

"Well I've been driving since we left before dawn, and it's five minutes to ten, someone needs to drive for a while I need to stretch my legs and talk to a tree about my bladder problem." Replied Devon as he pulled the truck over to the side of the highway and put it in park.

"I'll drive when everyone is taken care of." Said Lisa as she opened her door and hopped out, but not before Devon was already behind a tree relieving his bladder.

"I'll let everyone in the back know whats going on." Said Achilles as he closed the door and headed back to the camper.

"Ah hell, Now I got to go to." Deb said as she climbed out and joined Lisa behind a bush that afforded enough cover for them to have some privacy as they relieved themselves.

At the back of the camper the rest of their troupe climb out and join the others. They take time to enjoy the nice mid morning air and walk around for a few minutes. Afterwards when the riding order is figured out they all climb back in the truck or camper and continue the trip.

Later in the day in the camper.

Kit snuggles with Devon in the small overhead bed. His arms wrapped around her from behind, his cock pressed against her tail hole. She looks over her right shoulder to see that Devon is asleep.

"Darn he would be asleep, and I have to watch Dax and Rayne in the other bed making love and I can't. This is torture to watch them, but it's so, so erotic is what Devon called it once. I wonder if I just press a little harder against him what will happen." Kithira thinks to herself, a little grin on her face.

Slowly she presses back and down against Devon's sheath covered cock and almost gasps out as the tip of his pre-lubed cock slips from the sheath and is pressed against her tail hole. The hot tip of his cock sends shudders through her body which intensify as she pushes harder against it and forces the tip to penetrate her tail hole. Slowly she presses his member until it's fully inside her knot and all. Slowly she works her muscles creating just enough movement for it to be enjoyable for her, as she continues to watch her friends make love on the other bed below her.

Below Kithira on the other bed.

"Do you think they are asleep?" Asked Dax looking at Rayne.

"I don't really care if they are or not." Replied Rayne as she gets up from the bed and begins taking off her armor and under clothes.

Dax watches as Rayne strips, his own hands removing his at the same time.

Kithira watches through half closed eyes, and thinks to herself how human Rayne looks like without her armor on. And is rewarded with the sight of Rayne's shapely figure and fair skin. As she watches Rayne bends over removing the last of her clothing giving Kithira an unobstructed view of Rayne's bare tail hole and pussy with a gold ring hanging out of it with a small chain attached to it. Kit almost yips as Devon's hands tighten around her and his cock slams forward into her and then withdraws only to be forced even deeper into her.

Looking up at Rayne and past her Dax sees Devon look over Kithira's shoulder as his hands tighten on Kit's waist and force her down on his cock.

"Let them watch." Thinks Dax as Rayne slowly climbs into the bed and straddles him.

"This is been way too long in coming, Beloved." Said Dax as he kisses her and his hands travel over her body.

"Oh my! I've missed you touching me like this." Rayne said as his touch ignited fires across her nerves where ever he touched her.

Carefully he licked her nips causing them to stand up and slowly draws each of them into his mouth inciting a gasp from her. He played with the rings that pierced her nips and pulled on the light gold chain attached to them that was connected to her clit piercing. She moaned as he pulled the chain, and runs her fingers through his hair, moving her hands down across his shoulders to his chest then begins kneading his chest muscles and lightly pinches his nips in response.

Their faces inch closer to each other, tongues extended until they touch and then their lips as they kiss. Their tongues entwined around each other searching and probing each others mouth, until they are forced to pull away to catch their breath. Not missing a beat Rayne lowers her hips until his cock is at her moist entrance and with a almost violent thrust she rams herself down on his upturned cock pushing her hips down until only the base is visible and gasps as his girth stretches her sex and rips away the one thing about her that she has protected for so long, her virginity. She shudders as unknown emotions course throughout her body, her pussy seams to gush with fluid even though his cock is stretching her to the limit.

"Did you just do what I think you did?" Dax asks in almost a whisper.

Rayne slowly raises her head and looks into his eyes before answering him.

"Yes, I did. I'm yours now and only yours, for now and forever. I've only dreamed of this and what it would be like." She said shuddering yet again as she slowly lifted her hips only to lower them again.

"But why here, why now?"Asked Dax as the feeling of her tight pussy caused his breath to catch in his throat.

"Because I'm no longer afraid of what the future might hold for us. Because of our friends, I watch them as happy as they are together without fear loving each other and mating for not only pleasure but for children. And I want to have your children someday soon." Answered Rayne as she continued to slowly ride him.

"Rayne, I've wanted this for along time to. But was afraid to ask you. The truth is I can't live without you, where you go I will follow." Stated Dax as he rolled her over onto her back and took control.

His hands find her breasts and start massaging them, he wraps his thumbs around the chain and ever so slowly starts pulling on it, which in turn pulls on the ring in her clit, causing her to gasp in pleasure with each thrust.

Up in the top bed.

Kithira shudders under the assault of her mates cock in her tail hole and roving hands on her body. Devon's knot swells until the pressure is almost unbearable on her g-spot, sending waves and waves of pleasure throughout her body. The pleasure his cock in her tail hole is unreal, nothing she has experienced before compares to it, even all the matings over the digi-years have never brought this much intense pleasure. Her vision dims as her muscles start to spasm and without any warning she can no longer contain the howl of release as her orgasm washes over her.

In the lower bed.

Dax looks down at Rayne, and realizes just how much he is in love with her. Slowly his pace increases until his hips are almost a blur. Rayne is caught in the throws of another orgasm as her body takes on a mind of it's own and starts twitching as her peak is reached and pushed above and beyond what it has ever reached in the past. Sweat is pouring off of Dax as he hilts his cock inside of her, and then withdraws only to be rammed back inside her again and again. His nut sack slapping a rhythm against her butt is barely heard over their ragged gasps for breath and other exclamations.

"I Love You." She stutters out before throwing her head back as she screams out her orgasm a guttural yell of lust and pleasure. Her pussy muscles clamp down on him and then release only to clamp down again. Unable to hold back anymore Dax releases his seed in a massive blast as he slams his cock as deep as it will go and holds himself there as his balls pump their life making load deep into Rayne's waiting pussy. Slowly as his orgasm subsides he rolls them onto their sides and wraps his arms around her. And kisses her repeatedly until she wakes up from her mind shattering orgasm.

"I love you Rayne." Said Dax in a whisper, not expecting her to hear him.

A smile forms on her lips as she pulls him closer.

"That was much better than the anal we normally do. Can we do that again later?" She asks in a soft voice.

"Anytime you want, as long as it's not during a fight or in public." Replied Dax as Kithira starts howling out her own orgasm above them causing both of them to look up at Kithira and Devon startled then smirk knowingly at each other. Dax wraps his arms around Rayne holding her close and gently places his head on one of her breasts. Dax then quickly falls asleep, making Rayne giggle tenderly following him in blissful slumber soon after.

Back at Hypnos Command in Colorado Springs.

Agent Stevens walks down the hallway to the conference room at a steady pace. The guard almost having to run to keep up. Alex on his shoulder and Kassy following closely behind him.

Seeing them coming everyone moved out of their way. It didn't take long to arrive at the conference room, but at the doors to the conference room the guard there holds up a hand to stop his approach to the doors.

"Out of the way guard, I'm Agent Stevens, reporting as ordered by the chief." Stevens says not stopping.

"They're expecting you, go right in." Responds the guard opening the door for the trio.

Inside the conference room, the large screens are on behind the main table. The president along with the joint chiefs are sitting in a conference room in Washington, D.C. Much like the one here at Hypnos Command.

"Sorry, I'm late, chief." Stevens says as he takes a seat at the table.

"How did the questioning go?" The chief asks before seeing the renamon standing behind Stevens chair.

"Chief St. John who is this?!" the president demanded almost coming out of her seat.

"Madam president, a moment please, Agent Stevens has brought new information which we all need to hear." The chief said and under his breath so only Stevens would hear he added. "I hope it is?"

"Agent Stevens, please tell us what you have found out." Said the president.

"Before I begin, this young renamon standing behind me is Kassy, daughter of agent Kithira and agent Thackry's step daughter. And this one on my shoulder is agent Alex my digimon partner." Said agent Stevens.

"Now that the introductions are done will you please tell us what you have found out." Said one of the chiefs of staff.

"Over a month ago a small village in the digital world was attacked. In this village agent Thackry and his digimon partner Kithira were hiding from someone, Which we have found out from the logs on his computer was Anton Blake. I have confirmation that Anton Blake did in fact kill agent Thackry by testimony of his step daughter behind me. Also I do know that agent Kithira is alive and here in the real world. I found this out during my recent assignment here at command. Which was to go over gateway and firewall logs of the days during last months security breech." Stevens paused to let them fully comprehend all that he said.

"Are you sure of these charges your bringing against Anton Blake?" Asked one of the joint chiefs.

"Forgive me, but doesn't Anton Blake's own journal which was recovered from his computer at J.A.S.F. Office condemn him already? I'm just verifying the facts of the case against him." Answered Stevens.

"Anton Blake has so many charges against him a murder charge isn't going to make a difference."Said the president.

"Madam President, if I may point out, in the last year anti-human sentiment has been on the rise in the digital world because of people like Anton Blake. Due to his direct actions and in-direct ones, I personally know of 5 teams that we had in the digital world that are now dead, never to be seen by their families again, which I believe he was also responsible for. Furthermore right now we have a very powerful renamon who is a Hypnos agent out in the cold that needs to be brought in, and she more than likely thinks that we sanctioned the attacks and is thinking we betrayed her as well as her Partner period and perhaps the other teams as well. That and the fact that the J.A.S.F. got overzealous and destroyed the house she was last believed to be at. Which by the way was Agent Thackry's mothers and little brother's residence forcing them to go into hiding. And we know this because Lisa Thackry's bank and credit accounts have not been used in over a month. I don't think I need to remind you who Lisa Thackry is or was not to mention what she is capable of. She was one of the Digi-destined and helped start the new Hypnos program. As well as one of, if not the first to be an Agent along with her partner Cole which by now I have no doubt has digivolved permanently to a Taomon. And unfortunately it's common thought among the populace that Hypnos controls the J.A.S.F and those imbeciles digitized her house! She or Cole will not be trusting us at all anytime soon! I can only hypothesize that Kithira has chosen a new partner and that would most likely be Agent Thackry's little brother Devon. I was dispatched to that house to do a meet and greet thinking that it was just another new partnership between human and Digimon. I found out from one of the rather rude J.A.S.F. Agent's that there was a very powerful rogue digimon there that the people inside the house were supposedly aiding and abetting, hence the reason they thought that digitizing the house was necessary. Which was odd because they already searched the house and found it empty when I arrived and was told as much.

To top it off we had no such report of a rogue bio-emergence at that location on file at the Spokane office period. But we do have reports of a newly partnered digimon, specifically a renamon, bio-emerging there. It was a new partnership that had formed NOT a rogue bio-emergence as J.A.S.F. had claimed. And all evidence we have concerning the matter confirms this. So now we have a very pissed off retired Agent with a very powerful Taomon and according to J.A.S.F. records and Anton Blake's journal I have confirmation that it was indeed Agent Kithira that had Bio-emerged at the residence of her deceased partner and all information points to Devon and Agent Kithira being partners now. And although we have no confirmation on this, I would bet my pension that it's a safe assumption that they ARE partners. So now because of his mother's opinions and the death of his brother, which we would be fools to assume that he is not aware of, and Kithira's lack of trust more than likely thinking as I have previously stated, we betrayed her and Agent Daryl Thackry, Devon has the Most reason NOT to trust us.

And because of all these small and supposedly insignificant circumstances none of them with any sense will trust anyone from Hypnos. So now we come to the current issue. It's no bloody wonder they went to ground. Now for the an even bigger problem as if the ones we have already weren't enough, Kithira may be the only one that has answers to some of our questions." Said Stevens his tone of voice betraying his anger at being questioned by some r.e.m.f. (acronym for "Rear Echelon Mother Fucker") that didn't have a clue about whats really going on in the field.

The President and the joint chiefs were surprised by this field agents outburst but mutely considered everything he had said but none to happy about it.

"Agent Stevens! Show more respect! Your tone is unacceptable in present company." Said Chief St. John looking slightly pissed.

"I take it that some of the agents that died in the digital world were friends of yours, agent Stevens?" Asked the President.

"Yes, agent's Thackry and Kithira were one of my and Alex's instructors at the academy the year before we graduated." Replied Stevens.

"Ah, then this is in a way personal for you?" Asked the president.

"Yes and no, I want justice not only for agent Thackry but also for all the other agents that died because of Anton Blake." Stevens answered.

"Then how do you plan to bring agent Kithira in?" Asked the President.

"Let me think for a moment." Said Stevens.

"Well we could put out a alert to all agencies for her to be picked up and brought to Hypnos command."Suggested one of the joint chiefs.

"With all due respect! Are you an idiot? Send an armed squad after Kithira and all you'll do is piss her off to where she will not trust anyone but her partner and his immediate family period, besides she can kill an attacker quicker than a I could with a gun and two days advanced warning." Said Stevens in a mater of fact tone.

"Then what would be the best way to go about this?" Asked one of the aides to the president.

"The best way is for us to get her to come in is to just ask her. And let me finish before one of you speak. Put it out on all networks, tv and radio, she'll be watching them or who ever she is with will be and tell her." Said Stevens helpfully.

The President reached over and pushed a button and all sound transmitted was muted and all that could be seen was animated talking from the vid screen.

The chief reached over and covered the microphone, as he looked at Agent Stevens.

"You got balls, Stevens. Balls that clank loud and proud, I like that in an agent under my command." Said the Chief amused and removed his hand from the microphone.

A few minutes later the President reached over and pushed the mute button again and looked at Kassy.

"This is my decision and I have conferred with the Joint Chiefs in this matter. Kassy, your step-father Agent Thackry was a very remarkable citizen of this country, and has served it unto death. We all understand and do feel for your loss as do all that knew him. Chief St. John under my authority as President of the United States, see to it that Kassy Thackry is given full citizenship with all the rights thereof. Also see to it that agent Stevens plan is put into motion today." Commanded the President.

"Thank you Madam President for your kindness. I don't know what to say other than with all due respect after my mommy comes gets me I request that you keep your solders out of our way, I don't want them to get hurt because they decided to get "gun-ho" and got in the way at the wrong time. Anton Blake will die, if not by my paw than by my mothers. Please forgive my rudeness but I am very upset and I forget my manners."Said Kassy with a myriad of emotions but the last being self admonishment.

The President smiled understandingly and nodded at Kassy. A few moments later an aid came over and whispered something seemingly urgent in her ear. She nodded abruptly and looked back at Chief St. John.

"I'm sorry something urgent has been brought to my attention and must be dealt with immediately. This meeting is over, ladies and gentleman, good day." Said the president as she got up from the table and walked out of camera range, the screen went blank shortly after.

"If you both would follow me to my office please?" asked St. John.

"Sure thing Chief." Replied Agent Stevens picking up his note pad, and following the chief out of the conference room, Kassy in tow.

"Boy, did you luck out. A citizenship means they can't send you back to the digital world unless you cause a lot of problems like going rogue and willingly turn into a virus type and kill a bunch of people. But I know you won't do that oh man you're lucky." Said Alex excitedly and obviously happy for Kassy but bouncing so much on his partner's shoulders that when Agent Stevens moved unexpectedly he almost did a nose dive to the floor. Good thing he has wings.

"HEY Mike! Warn a Mon when your gonna move like that! I almost made a mess on the floor. Me being the mess. It's bad enough I left a yellow puddle back there. Someone in housekeeping is going to be mad at me for that, opps." Said Alex as he landed back on Agent Stevens shoulder.

Kassy giggled at Alex's antics.

"Your first name is 'Mike'?" Asked Kassy in a softer more relaxed voice.

"Yes it is, But around here everyone just calls me by my last name, Stevens. But if you want to call me Mike your more than welcome to. It would be kind of refreshing actually to be called by my given name for a change." Replied Agent Stevens.

Moments later they are standing in Chief St. John's office as he filled out all the paper work to get Kassy her new citizenship papers.

"Well take all this paperwork down to the id office and they will handle it from there. And it may take awhile for them to get it all processed. And Kassy Thackry welcome to the United States of America as one of it's newest citizens. Now I have to get to work on that press release." Said Chief St. John with a smile, which caused both Agent Stevens and Alex to have to look at the Chief again to make sure they saw it.

On the way to the Id office.

"Did you see what I saw, the chief with a smile on his face. He never smiles at us, what gives?" Asked Alex.

"Yeah I saw it, and Alex, he was smiling at Kassy and not us." Replied Agent Stevens.

"Oh, bummer, and I thought we got on his good side for a change." Said Alex disappointed.

"Drake! In my office, now!" Bellowed the Chief form his office as they walked down the corridor to the id office.

"Poor Drake, he can never get a break, the poor guy." Said Alex shaking his head.

"That's why I like working in the field." Replied Agent Stevens as they turned down another corridor.

As they were talking Kassy decided that it was a good time to take a closer look at Mike. As they walked Kassy watched everything Mike did, every step every swing of an arm the tilt of his head. His fur on his head dark brown and tied at the back like a tail. She could see his muscles flex as he moved, and noted that he was sculpted, meaning not puny but not grossly over-muscular. Just right she decided. He was 6'3 and had no face fur that she could tell.

"Like daddy he must keep it shaved off." she thought to herself and continued to observe him.

His attractive deep golden brown eyes sparkled with a witty intelligence and a gentle compassion that for some reason she liked. His body was slender and well proportioned and looked capable of great feats of strength in a time of need. A strong back, arms and thighs belied his appearance.

" He's stronger than he looks, handsome too." Kassy surmised still thinking to herself.

He was wearing black baggy cargo pants and a black tight tee showing off his upper body rather well. Combat boots and his badges connected to a zip cord clip held his badges in view. As she continued to stare as that was what she was doing now, and practically drooling. Her nether regions began to throb with a very unfamiliar feeling. She grew moist at the thought of Mike touching her stomach or hugging her and she didn't understand why.

Alex Sniffed the air at the scent of an aroused female nearby and found the sweet scent coming from Kassy, he saw the was she was looking at him and her lust, arousal, and her blatant attraction we so obvious a blind man could see it, but she was so young and Alex knew she probably didn't know she was doing this, much less what was going on with her body. So he whispered in Mike's ear.

" Hey Mike, don't look now but I think Kassy has a crush on you and she is checking you out." whispered Alex.

Mike casually looked back at Kassy as he turned the corner and saw her staring at him with a lustful, hungry look for the briefest of moments as he walked around the corner. This surprised him so much that he almost walked past their destination.

" Well here we are. After you Kassy" he said holding the door open for her gallantly and blushing as she walked past. Her tail accidentally brushed against his groin as she walked past giving him an instant erection and made him look at her differently. She looked like a young mature female in this form, he could barely see the hint of her b cup almost a c cup if he were to guess, breast under her ruff and the graceful and highly arousing sway of her hips became hypnotizing. Causing him to groan with desire for her under his breath. Kassy's looks were different from any renamon he had ever seen. She was not the standard yellow but gold with black yin/yang symbols on her thighs and her gauntlets were black too. The yin/yang symbols on her gauntlets were gold and sapphire blue. Kassy's deep blue eyes stood out more because of her golden fur, reminding him of overly large sapphires set in her eye sockets for her eyes.

"She was unique that was certain and beautiful. Such a body belonged to a goddess." he thought to himself.

His shaft throbbing painfully as he realized he was staring now and blushed profusely and quickly handed over the necessary paperwork to the clerk. Ten minutes later Kassy got bored and began to get a better look at herself she noticed two large(to her) bumps where there used to be none on her chest and lifted her ruff and looked at Mike.

" Mike? What are these?" she asked naively as Mike stared at her again lust beginning to color his features,but her nose picked up her own scent.

She felt herself beginning to drip and immediately on instinct began to lick herself to clean herself up but it felt so good she didn't want to stop. Lick after lick, Kassy began to whimper especially when she licked the hard bump that had formed. She was making herself wetter so she continued to lick in an attempt to clean herself not understanding what was happening only knowing it felt good and was feeling better the more and more she licked.


Mike was watching all this with a fascinated mix of lust and embarrassment. He wasn't thinking straight. Right before he started to approach her the ID office staff decided to goto lunch. Leaving him, Alex and an obviously very horny Kassy licking herself off in front of him. This was almost too much.

"Hey, um Alex can you tell her to not do that here? I mean I don't feel comfortable enough to tell her." Said Mike in a whisper.

" Why? You got the same problem I do. Just sit back and play some pocket pool, enjoy yourself and the show. I am. Besides like normal everyone has gone to lunch it's not like anyone will know." Answered Alex.

Mike thought about it and decided that Alex was right. It would be good to relieve some pressure and just play pocket pool covertly as he watched Kassy pleasure herself. Knowing full well Kithira would kill him if he touched her daughter in any way she deemed inappropriate. He reached in to his pocket and was thankful for once that he kept neglecting the mend the hole in his left pocket. He shoved his cock through the hole then he wrapped his hand around his member and began to stroke himself. He watched her intently and enjoyed how her licks to her snatch were becoming more and more frenzied, she was now openly moaning. This only spurned him on and began moaning quietly to himself.

Mike rubbing his cock faster knowing it would be pointless to make it last. He heard Alex moan suddenly and knew he had blown. When he looked he saw Alex fisting his cock and blowing his load in the trash can. Mike looked back to Kassy and found she had put her tongue inside he virgin cunny as far as she could and was going back and forth from doing that and licking her clit.

"Oh god! It's been too long! I'm gonna cum." he murmured quietly to himself and quickly grabbed some Kleenex and a vision just before he came of him taking Kassy's virginity and filling her with his cum flashed in his lust filled mind and he blew. Softly grunting as jet after jet of thick seed exploded into the Kleenex. His head was thrown back in erotic ecstasy and he heard Kassy begin to whimper then howl. He open his eyes to see Kassy jetting cum from her virgin cunt, she was trembling and her face was covered. This set him off again cumming even harder now. His hips thrust involuntarily, his orgasm intensified.

"Oh god yes!" he tried to keep quiet but failed only marginally his vision going black.

Back to Kassy....

Kassy continued to lick herself and stuck her tongue inside the source of her juice. She found a barrier that hurt too much to push past it. So she put her tongue inside herself as deep as she could and rotated this and licking that hard spot. A few minutes later that feeling that had been growing exploded inside her. She couldn't breath, her body was shaking, but she felt so good she thought she was going to die. As she was coming down she heard a male moan "Oh god yes!"she opened her eyes and saw Mike shaking the same was she just did.

"He must be having that good feeling too." Kassy thought to herself. And watched as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and passed out. She became alarmed at this and Alex had gone to sleep so he wasn't gonna be much help.

She looked at him carefully and was relieved to find that he had only gone to sleep. But the strong heady scent of his seed assaulted her senses. It was mind numbing she felt drawn to it as she had never smelt anything like it before. She pulled his hand out of his left pocket and found his engorged member covered in some thick gooey white stuff. And that white stuff was the source of the intoxicating smell. She tentatively reached her tongue out to taste it, but couldn't decide if she liked it or not. The tissue was dripping wet and had stuck to his hand as a result. She removed this and put it in the trash, quickly returning to Mike he still had that white stuff on him and as he had passed out she decided she had better clean him up too.

Her tongue wrapped around his member, guiding it into her mouth and with a gentle slurp he was clean. His pants were another matter. So she cleaned these too.

"He tasted really good but I'm still not sure about that white stuff." she finally decided mutely as she gave his cock another lick extended her tongue to lick all of his privates to clean him properly. After that was done she licked his hand clean and then his face of the sweat, he smelled so good. She had the sudden urge to do what she had seen her mommy and daddy do once and put his privates into hers but she had gotten in to trouble when she was caught watching and this sudden urge frightened her. She backed away and sat on the chair across from him staring and wondering what it would be like to do what her parents had done. When she asked about it later, they had told her that it was a way to show affection to the one you're mated with and know one else. And that it was how kits and digi-eggs were made. Kassy didn't realized just how she was looking at Mike but the look in his eyes when he stirred was the same look daddy gave mommy when they were showing affection or trying to make a digi- egg. Why did he look at her like that? Did he see her as a possible mate? And why did that thought make her want to show him affection. He then was blushing as he put his now softened shaft back into his pocket and righting himself. She smiled at him.

Back to Mike....

After a few moments he woke up realizing belatedly that he had actually passed out. He found the sperm soaked tissues gone and his cock was clean, and was sticking out of his pocket slightly. Blushing profusely he righted himself. And Kassy was watching him again with a smirk. She seemed a lot more relaxed but confused. As luck would have it he was saved from any awkward conversation as the staff returned from their lunch, fifteen minutes later the paperwork was filed and she has a Hypnos agent recruit badge and a citizen ID.

Out in the corridor afterwards.

"Kassy, look I know that right now you don't have anywhere to live, well I was thinking that maybe you could stay at my place until we find your dam." Said Agent Stevens somewhat blushing.

"Damn, I sound like a high school boy asking a girl on a date." Thought Agent Stevens after he had said it.

"That's sweet Mike. But I don't want to be a bother." replied Kassy somewhat reluctant to accept his offer. In truth she was afraid to. The things he made her feel, confused and frightened her, but also thrilled her. This just made her feel even more confused.

"Think nothing of it. I owe your mom this much, I have to keep you safe. With out her vote of confidence or training I would have washed out of the training academy. So don't worry about it, I'll even order in something special. Besides I'm sure Alex would like the company,* Mike blushed* so would I for that matter." Responded Mike uncharacteristically shy all the sudden.

" You're gonna order in!! YAY!!! No charcoal briquettes or bologna sandwiches for dinner tonight!!I want sushi or sukiyaki!" exclaimed Alex happily.

" My cooking isn't THAT bad Alex.. and Japanese, I was thinking of Pizza. But I could always order burgers if that's not good en-" Replied Mike somewhat offended but was interrupted by Alex.

"Pizza!!that's fine! That's fine, oohhh Pizza!! Pepperoni, extra extra extra extra cheese, sausage, mushrooms and pepperoni lots of pepperoni! Chocolate and cherries whipped cream, ooh foodgasm." said Alex joyously as his eyes rolled back into his head and fainted.

Mike knew this was coming and was able to catch Alex before he hit the floor and was giggling at his partner.

"Oh my! He's not dead is he?"Asked Kassy concerned.

"No, he always gets this way when I order pizza, Pizza is his favorite food. I just don't order it much because he turns into a glutton and stuffs himself sick. To make matters worse he eats so much he can't walk or fly for a week."Answered Mike.

"Oh ok, that makes sense, but what is pizza?" asked Kassy curiously.

Mike stared at her for a moment then smiled.

"Come on lets get you settled into my apartment shall we?" suggested Mike feeling oddly excited about the prospect of Kassy coming to live with him, even if it was only temporary.

Mike took Kassy to his car and put Alex in his auto pet bed that hung off the drivers seat. Kassy he put in the passenger seat and showed her how to buckle herself in. But in the process his hand inadvertently brushed the nip of her left breast causing her to take a sharp intake of breath and the hardening of her nips from the brief contact.

"Oh I'm sorry," Mike said blushing madly and checking to make sure her tail was out of the way and shut the door and walked around to the drivers side door silently marveling how soft her fur was and how quickly she had responded to his touch.

"Is Alex right? Does she have a crush on me? If so why me? Kithira is gonna kill me. I don't want to hurt her in anyway but what am I gonna do if she really does have a crush on me. Nah..I'm not good enough for her. She's just a friend. She is still too young and would never have feelings like that for me." Mike thought to himself as he reached the driver side door and opened it then got in.

Meanwhile at the same moment with Kassy.

"What just happened here?! Why did his touch on that spot affect me so much, I don't understand. And he still hasn't answered my question about what these are." Kassy mumbled quietly and frustrated staring at the two lumps on her chest with disgust or more frustration than anything. Mike opened the door and got in, soon after all of them were heading down the road to Mike's apartment.

Later that evening on the outskirts of Buffalo, WY.......

"There that hotel looks like our best bet, and they've got the vacancy light on." Said Dax as he pulled the truck off highway I-25 just south of the city.

"Are you sure, Dax? That place is on the expensive side this time of year, it is tourist season after all." Asked Deb from the back seat.

"Yeah, it is. That's why I picked this place, the rooms they probably have left are suites which we all can sleep in. Plus they offer a free breakfast which is better than some truck stop choke and puke any day. Besides some of them other slums I passed on the way here that had rooms available, it's a safe bet we would catch something from the sheets." Replied Dax, as he turned the truck into the parking lot and pulled the truck to a stop near the office.

"Eww, lice, flea's and who knows what else! No thanks, I'll trust your judgment." Said Cole shuddering with the thought.

"But how are we going to afford to pay for the room?" Asked Deb a worried tone in her voice.

"Now in all the time we've known each other have you ever known me to be without money?" Replied Dax as he opened the door and hoped out of the truck and walked over to the night window.

A few minutes later Dax returns to the truck and climbs in holding up two suite keys for Deb to see.

"How the hell did you swing two suites? Asked Deb.

"Easy, told the clerk how many there were of us and that we only needed it for the night. Well he had these reserved for a check in at 10 a.m. But hasn't heard from the party so he let me have them at a lower rate than normal under the table. Besides they have a door connecting the two suites together. Only problem is they don't have a wet bar, but on the upside they do have a jacuzzi in each one." Dax said smiling as he started the truck and backed it into the parking spot in front of the rooms.

"You coned him didn't you?" Asked Deb with a knowing look as he turned off the truck lights and shut off the motor.

"What does it matter? We have decent rooms for the night to sleep in and an actual jacuzzi bath to soak in. So stop your gripping at me and get the others out of the back." Said Dax as he climbed out of the truck grabbing his laptop bag from under the seat before closing the door and went to unlock the doors to the rooms.

"Oh, a jacuzzi bath, hey love remember the last time we were able to have one of them? Asked Achilles looking at Deb.

"Boy, do I. Thats when this happened." Replied Deb, blushing and rubbing her belly as she slides out the door.

Cole climbs out of the truck and reaches in and picks up a sleeping Lisa, who wakes up and looks at him and smiles.

"Where we at?" Asked Lisa, somewhat groggy.

"In some place called Buffalo at a hotel for the night." Said Cole as he carries her toward a open door which Dax is holding.

Devon climbs out of the camper and holds the door for Kithira and Rayne to get out before reaching in to toss out a couple of bags before closing it. He then turns toward Dax.

"Give me the keys and I'll make sure the truck is all locked up." He said as Dax walked over to pick up the bags.

"Here you go." Said Dax tossing the keys to Devon and then grabbing the bags and carrying them into the room.

Minutes later Devon comes in from locking the truck.

"Nice, real nice. How much did this place cost?" Devon asked, somewhat perturbed.

"Not as much as you think. I got these rooms on a special the under the table rate." Said Dax in an almost jovial tone as he removed his laptop from it's carrying bag and started setting it up on a small table.

Devon looked perplexed at Dax and then the others looking for an answer.

"In short he made a deal with the night manager." Replied Deb as she made a beeline for the bathroom, door almost slamming closed behind her.

"I think she had to go. Speaking of that.." Said Lisa, her voice trailing off as she made her way through the connecting door to the other suite. Almost running over Achilles in the process.

"I wouldn't go in there.." Said Achilles his voice trailing off.

Seconds later..

"OH MY GOD!! What Died In Here!!" Shouted Lisa from the other bathroom.

All heads turn to look at Achilles.

"What? I had to go, and like each one of you don't fart, please. I did try to warn her." Said Achilles with an amused look on his face.

Everyone busts into laughter, as Deb comes out of the other bathroom.

Dax just shakes his head as the laptop screen comes to life.

"What did I miss?" Asked Deb after the laughter dies down.

"Oh, nothing really important. Just Lisa running face first into one of Achilles nuclear farts in the other bathroom. Guess we should have warned her not to enter a bathroom after Achilles, ever." Said Dax as he entered his password on the laptop, chuckling.

"Hey, yours don't smell like roses ether so don't go pointing fingers. I know." Replied Deb shuddering with the memory, as Lisa walked back into the room.

"All I want to know is, what crawled up who's ass and died? Next time spray some air freshener when you use the bathroom." Said Lisa holding her nose, and looking a little green.

Causing a renewed bout of laughter.

"Hey, everyone, I got access to the Hypnos network. Let's see whats going on." Said Dax as he switched to the latest news page.

"Today Hypnos welcomes it's newest academy recruit and citizen of the United States by order of the President.

Kassy Thackry step daughter of Agent Thackry (deceased, see report 123-5 for details) and Daughter of Agent Kithira (missing), was sworn in earlier today at Hypnos American Command Center in Colorado Springs. (shows video clip of Kassy Thackry, receiving a Hypnos recruit badge and birth certificate).

To all Agents, If anyone has information to the whereabouts of Agent Kithira please contact Agent Mike Stevens or Kassy Thackry at id# 12."

"What the hell is going on? Kassy, my daughter has evolved and is a Hypnos recruit.." Kithira said as she watched the video of Kassy being sworn in. Devon wraps his arm around Kit's waist.

"I thought your daughter was a small child, not a renamon?"Asked Devon.

"No she was a viximon the last time I saw her over a month ago. She's evolved that much is certain." Replied Kithira returning Devon's hug.

"I don't know, but thats not all the news." Said Dax pointing at the screen.

Another video clip.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and assorted digimon. I'm Chief St. John commander of Hypnos Command here in Colorado Spring. This press release is to be shown on all networks and aired on all radio broadcasts.

Today by the orders of our Madam President, I have been instructed to make this press release. No questions will be answered at this time, nor at the end of the release.

A little over one month ago there was a security breech on a massive scale not unlike the one almost 20 years ago when the digimon first appeared. It was during that event that Agent Thackry was as we have now learned was killed by Anton Blake who remains still at large. We now know that Agent Kithira Thackry is here in the U.S.A. and more than likely in hiding. Agent Kithira if you are watching this, please contact Agent Mike Stevens or your daughter at id# 12.

Also Agent Kithira Thackry, the staff here at Hypnos Command are not your enemies. Never have been and never will be, we, like you, are saddened by the loss of your partner, Agent Daryl Thackry and we are shocked by his murder at the hands of Anton Blake. Hypnos still needs your services now more than ever, a new threat approaches, which I will not elaborate on at this moment. Needless to Say Agent Kithira you may have the answers we need.

And on a more personal note. Kithira, from one parent to another. Contact your daughter Kassy, she needs you as much as you need her.

To retired Agent Lisa Thackry, at this moment your house is being rebuilt at the expense of J.A.S.F. Per orders of the President. The team was operating under orders of ex-commander Anton Blake of J.A.S.F when your house was destroyed. You and your son Devon may return there by the end of the month when the repairs are complete.

That is all." Said Chief St. John before stepping off the stage and ducking into a door.

Everyone stood in silence after the video clip ended, almost a minute passed before anyone said anything.

"St. John is the commander of Hypnos North American Command? I thought he retired years ago after he lost his partner." Said Lisa looking at Deb for confirmation.

Kithira pulls away from Devon and sits down on the couch. Tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

"Yeah, St. John has been commander for two almost three years now." replied Deb.

Devon at a loss walks over and sits down next to Kithira, and wraps an arm around her shoulders as her body starts shuddering as she begins to cry and buries her face into Devon's shoulder.

At the sound of her crying, everyone else in the room turns away from the laptop and looks at her and Devon on the couch.

Silently Lisa taps the others on the shoulder and motions for them to leave the room and let Kit and Devon have some time. Everyone quietly leaves the two alone, by relocating to the other suite, Dax taking the laptop with him and Lisa closes the door but leaves a crack to watch and listen to the couple.

"What's wrong love?" Asked Devon.

"I...can't..believe..that..he'' love..for..him.." Said Kithira between sobs.

"I know, we both miss him very much. Even mom and dad miss him. But now mate is not the time to mourn our loss. But we can't stand back now and do nothing, Our daughter needs us and her family now more than ever. Now there is a choice for us to make. Do we contact this Agent Stevens or not?" Asked Devon, licking Kits tears away.

Kithira shudders and nods, then takes a couple of deep breaths before speaking.

"If this is the Agent Micheal Stevens I know from the academy, we can trust him. He's a tamer with a patamon partner that's named Alex. And if I remember right Alex had a crush on me at the time." Kithira says blushing and scratching behind an ear.

"Do you think he still has a crush on you?" Asked Devon, curiously but amused.

"I hope not, but it would be away to identify them. With two simple questions. 'Do you have a male patamon and who did your patamon have a crush on at the academy?" Replied Kithira.

"Ok, we'll contact them in the morning after we leave here, now lets get some sleep. I don't know about you but that bed in the camper makes a rock look softer and ten times more comfortable." Said Devon standing up and holding his paw out for Kithira.

"A decent bed sounds wonderful, lead the way mate." Said Kithira taking the offered paw.

From the connecting door, Lisa watched as Devon led Kithira to one of the bedrooms, and closed the door. A silent tear ran down her cheek, which she quickly wiped away. Turning away from the door she was startled by Cole standing right behind her.

"It's unbecoming of you to listen in on their private conversation, mate." Said Cole looking at his mate, his arms crossed.

"I'm just worried about them thats all." Said Lisa looking up at Cole.

"As you should be, your Devon's mother after all. But he is an adult now and must make his own choices like the rest of us." Said Cole as he placed his paws on Lisa's waist.

"Hey, we're going to bed, see you all at breakfast." Said Lisa looking around Cole at the others, as she backed toward the door pulling Cole with her.

"See ya." Was Dax's reply not looking up from the laptop.

"Cool, Achilles and I are going to check out the jacuzzi before going to bed." Said Deb with a wicked little smile on her face that got Achilles attention.

"Oh, yeah the jacuzzi. I had forgot about that." Said Achilles as a knowing look crossed his features.

"I hope you just don't clog it up with your mane fur like you did the last time. That was a pain to explain to the hotel manager in Dallas." Replied Rayne, as Cole and Lisa closed the connecting door between suites.

Cole got a smirk on his face as Lisa led the way to their room. Something in her scent was different. Her scent alone was arousing him and felt the breeze of cold air on the tip of his cock arousing him further making him murr. It had been so long since they last made love and he had been faithful to her all these years. He needed her now. He couldn't wait any longer. He could tell she was aroused but knew that she would let responsibility over rule her own desires, he would have to make the first move. He chuckled and he picked her up surprising her, making her laugh as he carried her in to their room. He closed the door with a swipe of his tail and laid her on the bed, kissing her with heated passion as he began removing her clothes.

"Cole? Not that I'm objecting but, what's got-" Lisa began but Cole placed the back of one of his knuckles to her lips.

"Shh my love, no words this night. Only love and passion." replied Cole lustfully, his need of her blatant in his voice as he removed her bra, then gave her a hard lick across her breast and nipple causing her to gasp.

"Cole.." Lisa said breathlessly in response to his licks and wrapped her arms around his head running her fingers through his head fur encouraging him to continue. Her body shuddering in response.

"It's been so long..too long..Cole is right we need this. He's been back for over a month and the thought of making love didn't seem important or there always seemed to be time for it later, I was just satisfied to be back in his arms. Oh god the things he's doing to me. Licking, sucking and nipping my nipples, licking his way down my stomach, back up my thighs-" Lisa thought to herself then moaned loudly and became unable to think when Cole rammed his long 8 inch hot tongue into her cunt.

Cole's mind was lost in lust and the wanton scent of his mate. He wanted to taste her, no needed to taste her for a reason he didn't understand and as deeply as possible. He groaned as he rammed his tongue deeply inside her, licking her cervix and all over the inner walls of her pussy by rolling his tongue. His front teeth lightly pricking and rubbing her clit as he thrust his tongue in and out of her tight as a virgin cunt. This made Cole moan in anticipation of thrusting his now fully erect shaft inside her. It would feel like he was taking her virginity all over again, she was so tight. Cole groaned audibly with need. But he held back knowing that it had been so long that he would probably fill her with his seed within the first few thrusts. He was becoming drunk on the taste of her, tangy and slightly tart. He could taste that it was growing sweeter the closer he got her to cumming.

Lisa was going out of her mind with what Cole was doing to her, she could feel herself going on a one way speeding freight train to her orgasm, feeling it building with each thrust of her mate's thick hot tongue inside her. Only now it wasn't enough she wanted, needed more.

"Cole fuck me please! I need to feel you ramming your cock inside me!" Lisa begged wantonly and without shame.

A growl of desire was heard right before Cole picked Lisa up roughly and turned her over to all fours. He mounted her quickly plunging his thick throbbing fuck pole deep into her cunt and penetrating her cervix, hilting himself inside her in the process.

"Oh damn! I was right! She feels as tight as she did the first time I took her." he thought as he growled his ardor.

After a few moments of letting her adjust, Cole began thrusting his massive cock inside her. Lisa screamed in both pain and pleasure, riding the waves of pleasure that overrode the pain. Lisa felt his knot growing and him begin to short stroke his cock inside her.

" He's gonna tie with me!" Lisa thought to herself needfully and she no longer could hold back this realization was so close to pushing her over the edge. She just needed a little more, and she would cum. She began moaning wantonly as his knot exploded inside her locking them together, right before she screamed.

"Oh my GOD! Yes! Cole, Tie me! Fill me! I'm gonna cum!" Bellowed Lisa not caring who heard.

This was too much for Cole. He groaned as he felt his seed coming. On instinct he bit down on Lisa's shoulder drawing blood and he hilted himself spraying jet after jet of cum directly into her womb. The overpowering emotions of pure orgasmic bliss and the true love they felt for each other overwhelmed both of them. Cole suddenly began to glow brightly and with a flash of blinding light Cole lost control and digivolved. When the light died Lisa was screaming even louder her orgasm intensified tenfold. Then she looked back and beheld Cole in his true form, a Taomon. The front of his robes rested over her hips and he was still thrusting lightly into her cunny. His cock grew in width and length when he digivolved and he was no longer hilted but he was still tied within her. She felt fluid leaking down her leg and felt a burning sensation that only added to the pleasure. They both collapsed onto the bed panting hard, trying to catch their breath. Cole was shuddering hard with each jet of sperm laden nut juice he filled her with and let Lisa's shoulder go and began licking the wound he had made with remorse.

"I'm sorry Beloved, I didn't mean to cause you harm." Cole said between pants and licks to her shoulder.

"It's alright Cole, I've always wanted you to do that. Don't worry about it. We always did get a bit rough when we made love anyway, but one thing though. Next time you're gonna digivolve while we are making love, warn me. That wonderful cock of your's is bigger in your Taomon form than your Renomon form. I think I tore a little. I know this because I feel like I am trying to lay another digi-egg." Lisa informed Cole and giggling playfully with her last sentence.

Cole looked at her and chuckled.

"I'm just glad I still fit, well barely anyway." Said Cole both loving and matter-of-factly.

At that moment a someone knocked on the door.

"Umm...Mom?Dad? I understand it's been awhile for you guys but can you keep it down? The people 3 rooms away and everyone in between, all around us called the manager complaining about the noise." Devon said through the door.

Lisa and Cole looked at each other and blushed vehemently.

"I- I uh, I hope you apologized." Said Lisa obviously embarrassed.

" Yeah I did, but the manager said if it happens again we are out. With all due respect, now that you two are finished Kit and I are going back to bed. And by the sounds coming from the rooms around us, you two started an orgy. " Devon replied walking away.

Cole became mortified and as a result lost what was left of his knot and hard-on. Lisa was wincing slightly as Cole pulled out of her. He then cleaned her up with his tongue making Lisa hiss in pain in the process. Cole sighed regretfully as he noted two tears in her vaginal walls before her vaginal walls contracted. One wasn't bad but the other was a 2nd degree, and it was bleeding a little bit. Luckily her bodies natural clamping down of her vaginal passage would stop a majority of the bleeding. It would be ok without stitches but it would have to be kept clean to prevent infection. He also knew she would be very sore for the next week or so. He picked her up and took her to the bathtub in the room and happily bathed her and himself after removing his robes. In less than 30 minutes however Lisa fell asleep in Cole's strong arms and the comforting warm water. Cole smiled and carried her out of the bath in one arm as he grabbed a towel to dry her with then a few minutes later with that task done her took her to their bed to find the comforter hosed. After removing it, he was relieved to find the sheets still usable. He put Lisa to bed and went back to the bathroom to dry himself off. Not long after exhaustion set in and he joined her. As he cuddled up to her carefully, he murred contentedly and sleep claimed him.

Earlier that same evening...

"Well here we are, apartment # 401, home sweet home." Said Agent Stevens as he slid his id card in the slot on the door.

A soft clink is heard as the lock disengages before Agent Stevens turns the knob and pushes open the door. As the door opens Alex dives off of Mikes shoulder and glides to the couch in the living room.

"Yeppie! Home before the "Wheel of Fortune" comes on." Said Alex turning on the tv set.

"After you Kassy, just follow Alex." Said Agent Stevens waving his hand for here to go in, and follows her closing the door behind him.

"This is your den where you stay when not at work?" Asked Kassy as she walked into the living room.

"Yes, Alex and I live here and now you do until we can find your mother." Said Agent Stevens as he walked in behind her.

"Nice figure, boy can she swish that tail. What am I thinking? She's way too young for me, besides I already have a partner." Thought Mike to himself as he watched her walk into the living room, not doing anything for the erection growing in his pants.

Kassy looks around the living room as Mike had called it. Nice and clean, a shelf of books on one wall with a screen in the middle of it that had Alex's undivided attention at the moment. A large white plush couch that Alex was laying on. A couple of reclining chairs and a small coffee table in front of the couch with a few books on it. And light blue color on the walls.

"Everything had a place in the room, nice and clean." Thought Kassy to herself.

"Why don't you sit down and relax, while I get the food ordered and get something for us to drink."Said Mike from the hallway door.

"Yeah, Kassy, sit down and watch tv with me."Said Alex, smiling.

"Ok, what is a tv?" Kassy asked Alex after sitting down on one of the chairs as Mike walked to the small kitchen.

"A tv is that screen on the wall with all the small people in it. Plus I can change the channel by pressing these numbers on this control box." Said Alex showing her how the control worked.

"Mommy and Daddy said there were things like this in this world." Said Kassy still a little nervous being in a new unfamiliar place.

In the Kitchen...

Mike puts on some water to boil for tea. And then quickly places the pizza order doubling the number he normally orders from five to ten. While the water is heating up for tea, he then does a quick once over the bathroom making sure everything is picked up and does the same for his and Alex's room. Then puts clean sheets on the bed in the second bedroom. His ex-room mate's room who just packed up one day without so much as 'hey I'm moving out or good bye' he just left, while Alex and Mike were at work. Seeing that there is not anything left to do, he returns to the kitchen just in time to make the tea.

Back in the living room.

"I'll be right back I have to goto the bathroom. This weeks 'Wheel of Fortune' is a re-run anyway so have fun flipping through the channels. Ooh I'm gonna be a while." said Alex flying off down the hallway to the bathroom.

Kassy picked up the remote and with intense curiosity began flipping through the channels. She came to stop on one channel when she got distracted by the noise she heard Mike making in the kitchen. A channel called 'Naughty Passion pay-per-view'. It was annoying having to keep pushing the 'ok' button so many times but the program title sounded interesting, 'Sex Ed 2'.

Kassy's eyes widened when she saw a young looking red Renamon siting on a bed and rubbing her breasts then the spot between her legs. A look of pleasure set on her face as she did this. So much so that Kassy mimicked did what she did and was surprised just how good it felt. Her curiosity encouraged, she began rubbing that place she licked earlier the same way the red renamon was on the screen and she gasped suddenly as a wave of good feelings hit. She continued this watching and rubbing oblivious to anything else at the moment. She learned what breasts, a cunny and masturbation was quickly by watching. As the movie progressed a human male came in and caught the red rubbing herself at a near frenzied state. The male groaned and seemed to like what she was doing. He got undressed and a large erection sprung free.

"Oh my! What, these things come in different sizes? What is he gonna do with that? He's gonna pee in his own face as strait up as it's standing." said Kassy out loud naively to herself but continued to watch.

Mike came into the living room quietly at that moment curious from hearing the sounds of sex from the tv and almost groaned out loud at the scene laid before him. Kassy with her legs spread watching a porn movie, her fingers rubbing her virgin honey pot and breasts. Looking so hot he almost forgot that she was off-limits. His own hard-on had gone down a little bit until he saw this and now it came back with a vengeance.

Kassy's ear twitched hearing Mike come in from the kitchen and smiled.

"Mike what is that? And do you get them?" Kassy asked nonchalantly and curious.

Mike blushed at this question and almost dropped the cups of tea he had made for them both. He had thought he came in quietly but apparently not.

"Umm, it's called an erection and I uh, yeah I do. Every male does. It's a normal physical response to sexual arousal." replied Mike blushing an even deeper crimson, realizing that she had no idea what she was doing to him and that was an even bigger turn-on for him.

"Oh my what is he doing to her now? That looks like it's causing her pain." asked Kassy still curious.

Mike looked at the tv screen and saw the human male pushing his hard cock into the red renamon's cunny and saw a distinct splash of blood as he took her virginity before hilting himself inside her.

" He's mating with her, and it's her first time. Humans call the act sex. The first time for a female is always painful from my understanding, but look, she's starting to enjoy it now." said Mike his own arousal starting to color his tone, as he placed the cups of tea on the coffee table.

Kassy looked back at the screen and the look of pain was still there, but was fading as the male began to slowly pump his 'erection' in and out of the red renamon. Soon nothing but the look of pleasure was on her face and watching this cause Kassy to moan and begin renewing her efforts to rubbing herself. She groaned again and Mike now groaned audibly bringing Kassy's attention back to him. She saw him looking at her the same way the male in the movie did at the red when he caught her masturbating. She also noticed the crotch of his pants bobbing and it was obvious that he had an erection. His hand was in his left pocket like before and moving. Kassy's eyes flitted back and forth to the mating couple on the tv and Mike and the looks he was giving her, his erection still covered and in his pants. It looked to her that he was wanting to do to her the same thing that the male and the red were doing in the movie. It didn't take much to imagine this happening and it sent her over the edge. She clenched her jaw to keep from howling. Her cunny gushed her orgasmic fluid in an arcing stream that splashed on the couch with a soft splat.

Kassy was panting and looked back at Mike unknowingly giving him an inviting sultry look, the movie and the tea forgotten for the moment.

"Mike I can tell your masturbating, you don't have to hide it. I'd like to watch you do it, like you did with me. I don't mind." said Kassy breathlessly and succeeded in arousing him further.

"Are you sure Kassy?"Mike asked as he walked forward and sat on the couch facing her. His hand inadvertently landing in the puddle of cum she just shot. He moaned at this, noting it was still warm.

Kassy nodded smiling giving her assent. Mike smiled in return, leaned back, then opened the front of his pants and pulled out his thick 10 inch cock. He used the hand that had her cum on it to rub himself with, her eyes watching him intently. The feel of her cum on his iron hard pole felt better than he thought it would and he gasped with the sudden longing and he slowly began to fist his cock. He was feeling guilty knowing this was somehow wrong but he was too aroused to think clearly at the moment.

"Ooh yes, her cum is slicking up and down my cock, it's almost like I'm fucking her. Oh god I want to so badly, just ram my meat inside her, taking her virginity, and teach her everything about sex. Taking her hymen, taking her in her ass, ohh god yes she's rubbing her cunt again, spreading her virgin lips wide, MMMmm oh sweet, I can see all the way inside to her hymen. Too much, too much, I can hold it back! I- I'm gonna cum" Mike thought to himself as he fantasized mating with Kassy and moaning loudly as his climax washed over him. He shot, and shot hard. His cum exploded out of the head of his shaft in thick gooey gobs, the first jet landed on Kassy's breasts the second on her stomach, the third and fourth on her cunt and inside the lips. He was shaking uncontrollably in climatic bliss and seeing Kassy covered in his cum made him for the first time in his life experience a multiple orgasm, he shot again and again coating her even more, her licking her lips as he shot. As Mike's erection slowly died, the last shots of his cum dribbling down his hand, he looked at Kassy through lidded eyes and watched her begin to lick up his cum from her fur with an aroused gleam in her eyes. He continued to watch as he licked herself clean swallowing all of his load, making Mike groan again and his cock began to stiffen again, just as the doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of dinner.

" Oh shit the Pizza!" exclaimed Mike as he quickly but gingerly shoved his cock back in his pants, zipping up in a rush and catching a little hair on his nut sack in the process.

" OH FUCK! That hurt..." Mike said wincing as the doorbell ringed again.

Mike answered the door with tears brimming in his eyes, he took out the cash, paid for the food and carried the pizza to the table before Alex could pounce him to get to the food. He went back and shut the door.

A series of flushes could be heard from the bathroom.

"Oh come on! Go down already!" They heard Alex exclaim frustrated.

"Damn! Oh man! Hey Mike you better get in here and bring the plunger, I plugged up the toilet again! It's gonna overflow!" Alex warned both embarrassed and worried.

"Not again! That's the second time this week! What are you eating boulders?" Mike said annoyed as he ran back to the bathroom grabbing the plunger on the way. But when he entered the bathroom he gaged. "Damn! What the Fuck have you been eating! It wasn't anything I fed you. Uuhhggg! Air!! Need Air!!" as he went to flip on the exhaust fan only to find it not working.

"Damn Alex, you even broke the fan! Open a window! That's it no more sweets for you." Exclaimed Mike as he finally was able to get the source of the foul oder to go down the toilet. They both returned to find Kassy had gotten out some plates and had dished up some of the pizza at the table the rest was nowhere to be seen. Glasses of soda sat at each placement. And the movie was turned off by the time they got in the living room.

"Hey PIZZA! But where's the rest of it?" Asked Alex perplexed.

"In the kitchen, now shall we sit down to eat? This smells wonderful." Answered Kassy happily.

They all smiled, sat at the table and dug in. Kassy finding the pizza irresistibly good. Her eyes gleamed both content and affectionately at Mike and he returned the look. Alex noticed them both giggling at silly things and by the time they were finished eating she had fed him a slice of pizza and he had done the same.

"How come I got the feeling I missing something?" Alex asked somewhat confused.

They both just laughed in response.

"They are smiling and blushing at each other like those goofy teenagers that think they are in lo-...uh-uh-oh.. Are they falling for each other? If they have I wonder how long it will be before Mike figures out how he feels about her. Probably never, he will have to be told like usual, and Kassy. She is so young and naïve that she won't understand what she is feeling, only that she likes him a lot. Mike needs a strong mate, I know I can't be that for him. I'm not gay or even bi for that matter. She would be good for much as he would be for her. I will have to see about gently encouraging this without being obvious." thought Alex.

An hour later and the remains of their dinner was nothing but boxes and empty 2 liter soda bottles.

"Mike take me to my bed, I ate too much again. I need some pepto or some alka-seltzer something..anything." Begged Alex as he groaned in pain from overeating and indigestion.

"You did it again, I swear you do this everytime I order pizza. And you wonder why I don't order it that much." Mike said shaking his head as he picked up the patamon, who normally weighs 10 pounds but now felt like he gained 30 pounds in an hour eating pizza and drinking soda.

He took Alex to their bedroom and laid him on the bed then return a few minutes later with his dose of medicine. After giving it to him he left Alex on the bed to rest and closed the door. Mike went back to Kassy to find her sleeping on the non messy part of the couch, which wasn't a very big space. He smiled at her for a moment then sighed as he walked over to her and picked her up.

He then took her to the room he had made for her, put her in bed and tucked her in.

He went back to clean up the living room from dinner and headed to his own bed only to find his bedroom door locked.

"AH MAN!"muttered Mike slightly vexed at himself for not making sure the door wasn't locked to begin with before he closed it.

" Well hell, the couch is a mess and I'm gonna need a steam cleaner to clean it properly. Alex is in no condition to open the door, he can't even walk much less fly. So now what the hell am I gonna do. Normally I'd just get in the other bed but Kassy's using it. Oh well looks like another all-nighter. I'm gonna be thrashed for work tomorrow though. But hell it can't be helped." Mike thought to himself, as he walk back down the hallway.

"No!DADDY!" yelled Kassy obviously having a nightmare.

With in a few moment Mike was in there with her. He found her crying hard and his heart broke seeing her in this kind of pain. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her trying to comfort her and she turned and held him like he was her life line.

"Don't..don't alone p-please Mike? St-stay wi-with me." Kassy begged sobbing.

"'s gonna be alright, I'm here, I'll help you through this. I lost my father too when I was 8 years old, it wasn't easy for me then either. So I understand what your going through. Shhh...ok...ok..I'll stay. Don't worry, I'll be here. Try to go back to sleep." Said Mike comfortingly, but intending only to stay until she fell back to sleep. He laid down with her in his arms rocking her gently,caressing her cheek and head fur. Seeing her so vulnerable made him want to protect her from everything that could harm her. His heart went out to her. He covered them both as a reassurance for her that he wasn't going anywhere. However Mike only meant to close his eyes for a moment, but was soon asleep with Kassy his arms cuddling closely and she gave a contented sigh as she passed into peaceful slumber where no nightmares could touch her.

Here ends chapter 8

Author's note. My wife has asked me to help her with her series "My Life As A Kindred" and I will be ping ponging back and forth between her series and my own. I'm far from finished with the Silver Renomon Series and they way things are going...oh say another 5 to 11 chapters and I might be done with it.. So more yiff to cum in the future...pum