#16 - In For A Penny, In For A Pound

Story by Lycanthromancer on SoFurry

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#16 of The Many Perversions of Romari Susi

Romari Susi is a dirty old wolf, the emperor of a mighty nation, and the joint-CEO of a massive worldwide corporation; he's well respected, and is closeted from the rest of the world, though it's a poorly kept secret at best. He shares his bed with his straight-laced secretary, co-CEO, and mate Neal, who is a flying fox (AKA, a fruit bat). Luckily for their domestic tranquility, Neal is rather open to his mate's wide-ranging romantic exploits.

Occasionally joining them in their adventures is the captain of their imperial guard, a raccoon named Taxas.




Captain of the Guard Taxas:"Is your insomnia really that bad, Neal?"

Imperial Assistant Neal: *Frantic* "Yes! Ever since giving His Excellency all of that fudge, I've been able to catch up on all of my paperwork in record time, but I haven't slept in days! The only reason I can think of is that I haven't had a single day of abstinence in over 20 years, and I need someone to...err...service me while he's indisposed. The laxative is taking considerably longer to work through his system than I'd anticipated; his physician says it looks like he'll be out for the rest of the month! I can't last that long!"

Taxas:"And why aren't you using your harems for this?"

Neal:"They're his harems, not mine. I can't go in there without his permission, and he's still miffed at me for pranking him. I could go in if I'm on official business, but since I've completed all of this month's paperwork, I can't fabricate any. I need you, Taxas! Please!"

Taxas:"Fine. But you only need me before bed, right? I'm the captain of the imperial guard, and I have a job to do."

Neal:"Well...no. I need you whenever he would have used me for his pleasure."

Taxas:"And how often is that?"

Neal:"Lately? No less than three times every hour."

Taxas:"Dear gods! I wouldn't be able to stand! I'd be useless for a week!"

Neal: "Please Taxas, I'm begging you!"

Taxas: *Sighs* "Fine, but I'll have to use all of my vacation and sick leave, and I'd need compensation for lost wages. How much extra does he pay you?"

Neal: *Whispers the amount*

Taxas: "Holy Bast on a catnip binge! That's more than three times what I make in a fortnight! Is that per month?"

Neal:"It's per hour."

Taxas:"Gods, that's the sexiest thing I've heard all year. When do we start?"

Neal:"Preferably now."

Taxas: "Excellent."


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