Ars Technica Digimonae 7: Fitting in Part 2

Story by Cel on SoFurry

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#7 of Ars Technica Digimonae

Volume VII - Dinner and a Movie

"You've been sleeping for two hours." Her paw stroked the top of his head. "Has anyone ever told you that you sleep extremely soundly?"

I don't sleep with other people very often," he said with a grin, stroking the underside of Luna's muzzle. "You're the only one that I've had the pleasure of doing that with."

"Are we going to get my 'dress'?"

"I almost forgot..." A soft, plaintive noise came from Luna's throat somewhere, almost a whine, which obliged him to return to softly rubbing underneath the chin of his mate. On impulse after a few minutes, she wasn't able to contain herself any longer, and he grabbed her muzzle and turned it upwards towards him, giving her a long, lengthy, loving and affectionate kiss. Luna was going to be his wife...he giggled at the thought, opening his eyes after the kiss to admire her figure once again.

Luna returned the braces that she always wore to her arms, then quickly left and returned with a piece of fruit before he was finished buttoning up his shirt and putting on his coat.

"Most people don't bring me apples from my kitchen, either."

In about a minute, he had finished the lunch that his mate had so graciously gotten for him, and they started out of the door. Ezra used the time to ask Luna a question that he had been wondering about almost since he met here.

Do you ever wonder what it would be like if you were a Digimon?"

"I love you, Ezra." She told him, squeezing his side gently.

As sappy and emotional as the thought sounded when it went through his mind, he knew that she'd be beautiful regardless of what the dress looked like on her...but what would everyone else think? He didn't really care what anyone else would think about their union, but he was still concerned for the safety of his fiancée. She was a Digimon, and the people that he would now be working for were in the business of bringing Digimon to their destruction. Dining and wining with the superiors and adjutants of something that killed things like her day in and day out would be a new experience for them. Combining that with the fact that Luna was still quite new in this world, the environment might be very ... positive.

brooding." he grinned. "I was just thinking about how this is going to work out for you, considering what the DDTC does."

"If anything happens, I will teleport us out and we will find something else to do. If we must go to the Digital World to be together, so be it. It is not something that I would wish to happen, but it is something I would accept."

"We wouldn't have this problem."

I don't understand how you've managed to survive as a species." She joked, prodding his side with a claw.

He gently but firmly returned the squeeze that she had given a few moments ago.

"I have no wish to spend it anywhere else," she smiled happily at him--happily maybe wasn't the word that anyone else would have used to described a sharp-toothed grin splitting the muzzle of a large, yellow humanoid fox, but to Ezra, it was nothing less than the very incarnation of beauty itself. Thus, he smiled back, resting his head against the lower part of Luna's shoulders.

"Shocking. And after that?"

You don't have any rituals when you take a mate?"

Ohhh..." he suddenly had an idea. "What happens with your mating rituals?"

When he had read The Golden Bough the previous year, he was just as surprised at such rituals in human history, but he found it stranger when it involved Digimon. He supposed that he found it strange because he had always perceived Digimon as logical creatures, being computer programs and everything.

I doubt that they would have any interest in--"

The oversized bracer scrunched underneath his grasp. "Who said I was weaker than you?" he pulled her wrist upward and spun her around to end up fully against his front. He found his head to be roughly in the vicinity of her breasts within the white tuft of fur on her chest.

He laughed with her until he was put down, then took ahold of her paw again in a much less martial, more loving manner.

But I don't really care what they think, to be entirely honest--I stopped doing that when I turned eighteen."

Not even they could dissuade me from that. I just have no wish to never see them again."

"Don't worry about that, I'm sure that we'll see them sooner or later."

They stick to the teachings and prophecies of their predecessors quite well."

"Ahh, you're just on time, come in." The voice of the tailor said from inside, beckoning him in. Ezra grinned, tightened the grip of his hand on Luna's paw and went in to retrieve her dress.

I left it in the changing room over there," a miniscule grin flashed across the face of the tailor, "but I guess she doesn't need to go into the changing room, seeing as ... she isn't wearing anything now."

That was just about the most embarrassing thing that she possibly could have said. Thankfully, it had been said at only just above a whisper, so the tailor must not have been able to hear it. He seemed to be busy getting Luna's dress out of the dressing room anyway--he was thankful for that.

"I always enjoy a challenge, so I'm not going to charge you by size or for any alterations that you might need to make it work."

As the tailor went behind his counter in the far corner of the room, Luna picked up the dress in its plastic case and stared at it for a few seconds, then looked back down at Ezra with a blank, slightly confused gaze.

He tried not to pay attention to what the fabrics looked like on her, instead preferring to wait and see how it would turn out once it was completely on her the way that it was meant to.

"I think I see now why humans are incapable of posing a challenge in combat. You wear far too many restrictive garments."

Besides, you'll be wearing much more than this at the wedding."

Ezra laughed and pulled down, getting the split in the back situated around her tail. There were three small black buttons there, presumably to keep Luna from displaying her fuzzy yellow and white butt to everyone by reattaching the dress to itself just below her tail. He buttoned it up, then put his hands on Luna's arms (her shoulders were too much work to get to, besides he didn't want to damage her dress or anything) and turned her around.

The expression on Luna's face was priceless--he wished he had brought a camera with him so he could record this moment somewhere. She had a precious 'save me, I'm drowning' almost bemused, pathetic look on her canine face--she obviously wasn't enjoying full-body clothing in the least. The tailor came out from behind the counter and looked Luna over.

"What do you think?" he asked Luna.

Ezra started walking out. He heard Luna's feet scruff against the floor as she turned around, but he didn't hear a single step follow the sound.

Why is that? You do not have the scent of ever being around a Digimon."

"I don't really know who or what you are, ma'am, if you don't take offense to my saying so. But that doesn't change the fact that you came here and needed a dress." He took a small bow, and Ezra couldn't help himself but smile and shake his head. That sounded almost identical to the answer that he had given Ezra when he had asked almost the same question when he first came in. Luna was starting to become more and more curious about how humans perceived her, or at least she seemed to be. That was certainly more preferable to having her sit at home all day even when he wasn't there. Who knows, maybe she would end up with the courage to do something without him? He'd find that a very sad moment if she lost that dependence on him, but it would be a happy one at the same time.

Ezra thanked the tailor again and started walking out, passing a woman who looked so happy that the only reason she could have been there was to try own a wedding gown, which made Ezra grin. They were going to have to get married soon If it was going to be required of him for work and, as a corollary, for the safety and security of Luna in this world.

"Ezra? Why are you just standing there?"

I was just thinking."

For the rest of us, it makes us feel good about ourselves to be able to afford going to places like that; I suspect that's why the Department is footing the bill for its employees: they don't want them depressed. I'm not sure how having a Digimon in their presence will affect that, but whatever."

you." Without warning, she slipped behind him, lifted him up, and teleported the two of them back to Ezra's home--specifically, his bedroom. She had even managed to do it without damaging her dress, which Ezra found quite impressive.

Now that she was wearing the uncomfortable garments of the humans, she couldn't wait to get them off of her body and onto the floor where they belonged. As much as she would have liked to tear the clothing away and toss it somewhere, she knew that for whatever reason, it meant a lot to Ezra, so she waited patiently for him to remove it. But he didn't.

He laughed.

She could feel Ezra's hands probing and exploring the part of her dress that made contact with her back, which had been inexplicably left bare by the thing. As soon as it slid off and onto the floor, his hands started probing and exploring again--this time, it was her body that was being probed and explored, and she found this to be a far more pleasurable sensation.

"Ezra..." she moaned again, the wetness between her legs growing by leaps and bounds as he continued to allow his hands to move around. Every instinct within her was lay down and spread her legs apart to give him open access to her fully lubricated and eagerly awaited tunnel, or to get onto her knees and bend down on all fours to give herself completely to him as she had before. Her instincts were to have sex, but she found that she was liking this almost as much.

The other placed itself squarely on the center of her stomach, caressing it gently. This was driving her crazy.

And others like you." He nibbled softly on her neck through the fur that merged between white and yellow there. Now she was positively dripping with fluids and desire, and was eager for him to continue. Before she could communicate her desires to her mate, the hand that was in between her legs started to rub her well-lubricated lips. A satisfied moan, accompanied by a purr that had intensified nearly from the moment he had touched her, issued forth from her chest and throat.

An empty feeling in her stomach surged upward to her mind: an empty feeling that could only be filled by the filling feeling of a number of inches of maleness pushing its way into her female receptacle. She wanted Ezra to make that feeling go away; she wanted him to make it go away and replace it with the feeling that came with sex: that mind-numbing, body-tensing, fantastic feeling as male moved against female...

Even though she was enjoying what he was doing to her, she wanted to reach that sexual peak that he had brought her to the time before, so she quickly lowered herself down, impaling herself up the upright fingers that were rubbing at her entrance. With two fingers now firmly inside of her, she moaned against and started providing her own movement and resistance where Ezra hadn't. The pleasurable sensations of his fingers rubbing tightly against her inner wall and the base of his hand rubbing against her hard, protruding clit provoked another load moan. She leaned forward, then pushed back, leaned forward, then repeated the motion. Inside of her, Ezra's fingers begin to move around, stimulating the throbbing insides with a double motion.

At that moment, she told herself that there would never be anything to compare with that moment. Then his thumb pressed against her clit, sending a wave of pleasure right behind the wave of pleasure that his fingers were bringing from that spot inside of her. She moaned loudly, almost falling to her knees and spilling out what juices were left in her in an explosion of pleasure right then, but the feeling subsided, only to be quickly renewed by a press against her clit, then again inside of her. Within seconds, she had reached a climax more severe than anything she had ever experience.

She felt something within her stomach and abdomen let go, and a rush of fluid jetted out onto Ezra's hands and clothes.

She began hunting for the 'spot' that Ezra was talking about. A claw brushed against it, and she felt that desire go up in intensity at least twelve times. She passed that claw over it again and again and again. Within a few seconds, she was laying on the bed with her eyes shut tightly, her legs drawn up and splayed outward, fingering herself violently. Her eyes shut even tighter in anticipation of the climax moment.

For those few moments, she felt the most incredible pleasure that could possibly be imagined, but her wrists were starting to become physically pained by the amount of work that she was putting them through, so she rested back to enjoy the feeling as it slowly left her body.